Пример #1
static void     CallInit( a_window *wnd )
    int                 row;
    call_window         *call = WndCall( wnd );
    traceback           *curr,*prev;
    call_chain          *chain;
    int                 i;

    UpdateTraceBack( &call->tb );
    curr = call->tb.curr;
    prev = call->tb.prev;
    WndNoSelect( wnd );
    if( curr->clean_size == 0 || curr->total_depth < prev->total_depth ) {
        WndRepaint( wnd );
    } else {
        row = curr->total_depth;
        if( prev->total_depth > row ) {
            row = prev->total_depth;
        while( --row >= curr->clean_size ) {
            WndRowDirty( wnd, row );
    call->max_sym_len = 0;
    chain = curr->chain;
    for( i = 0; i < curr->current_depth; ++i ) {
        if( chain[ i ].sym_len == 0 ) {
            chain[ i ].sym_len = WndExtentX( wnd, chain[ i ].symbol );
        if( chain[ i ].sym_len > call->max_sym_len ) {
            call->max_sym_len = chain[ i ].sym_len;
Пример #2
static void     BrkInit( a_window *wnd )
    gui_ord             length, max;
    break_window        *wndbreak;
    brkp                *bp;
    int                 count;

    wndbreak = WndBreak( wnd );
    max = 0;
    count = 0;
    for( bp = BrkList; bp != NULL; bp = bp->next ) {
        GetBPAddr( bp, TxtBuff );
        length = WndExtentX( wnd, TxtBuff );
        if( max < length )
            max = length;
    length = MaxGadgetLength + WndAvgCharX( wnd );
    length += length;
    wndbreak->addr_indent = length;

    length += max + 2 * WndMaxCharX( wnd );
    wndbreak->source_indent = length;

    if( wndbreak->toggled_break ) {
        wndbreak->toggled_break = false;
    WndNoSelect( wnd );
    WndRepaint( wnd );
Пример #3
static void CalcIndents( a_window *wnd )
    image_entry *img;
    gui_ord     max_image;
    gui_ord     max_symbol;
    gui_ord     curr;

    max_image = WndExtentX( wnd, LIT_DUI( Executable_File ) );
    max_symbol = WndExtentX( wnd, LIT_DUI( Debug_Information ) );
    for( img = DbgImageList; img != NULL; img = img->link ) {
        curr = WndExtentX( wnd, img->image_name );
        if( curr > max_image ) max_image = curr;
        curr = WndExtentX( wnd, ImgSymName( img, FALSE ) );
        if( curr > max_symbol ) max_symbol = curr;
    Indents[PIECE_SYMBOL] = max_image + 2*WndMaxCharX( wnd );
    Indents[PIECE_DIP] = Indents[PIECE_SYMBOL] + max_symbol + 4*WndMaxCharX( wnd );
Пример #4
static void CalcIndent( a_window *wnd )
    gui_ord     len,max;
    int         row,rows;

    rows = FuncNumRows( wnd );
    max = 0;
    for( row = 0; row < rows; ++row ) {
        FuncGetSourceName( wnd, row );
        len = WndExtentX( wnd, TxtBuff );
        if( len > max ) max = len;
    WndFunc( wnd )->max_name = max;
Пример #5
static void RepRefresh( a_window *wnd )
    event_record        *ev;
    gui_ord             extent, max_addr, max_cue;
    int                 count, row;

    if( EventList != NULL )
        WndMoveCurrent( wnd, RepNumRows( wnd ) - 1, 0 );
    max_addr = 0;
    max_cue = 0;
    count = 0;
    for( ev = EventList; ev != NULL; ev = ev->next ) {
        RepInitEv( ev );
        extent = WndExtentX( wnd, ev->addr_string );
        if( max_addr < extent )
            max_addr = extent;
        extent = WndExtentX( wnd, ev->cue );
        if( max_cue < extent )
            max_cue = extent;
    max_addr += WndMaxCharX( wnd );
    max_cue += WndMaxCharX( wnd );
    if( Indents[PIECE_SOURCE] != max_addr ||
        Indents[PIECE_COMMAND] != max_addr + max_cue ) {
        WndRepaint( wnd );
    } else {
        row = count;
        while( --row >= LastEventCount ) {
            WndRowDirty( wnd, row );
    LastEventCount = count;
    Indents[PIECE_ADDRESS] = 0;
    Indents[PIECE_SOURCE] = max_addr;
    Indents[PIECE_COMMAND] = max_addr + max_cue;
Пример #6
static void ModCalcIndent( a_window *wnd )
    gui_ord     extent,max_extent;
    int         i,size;
    mod_window  *mod = WndMod( wnd );

    size = ModListNumRows( ModList( mod ) );
    max_extent = 0;
    for( i = 0; i < size; ++i ) {
        ModListName( ModList( mod ), i, TxtBuff );
        extent = WndExtentX( wnd, TxtBuff );
        if( extent > max_extent ) max_extent = extent;
    mod->max_modlen = max_extent + WndMidCharX( wnd );
    WndNoSelect( wnd );
    WndRepaint( wnd );
Пример #7
STATIC bool aboutGetLine( a_window * wnd, wnd_row row, int piece,
                          wnd_line_piece * line )
//    gui_coord           size;

    if( piece != 0 || !aboutOn ) return( P_FALSE );
    if( row >= AboutSize ) {
        /* the following code fragment was ripped from the debugger */
        /* Something like this can be done for the splash page?? */
//        if( row > AboutSize || !GUIIsGUI() ) return( P_FALSE );
//    WndSetGadgetLine( wnd, line, GADGET_SPLASH, MaxGadgetLength );
//        WndGetGadgetSize( GADGET_SPLASH, &size );
//        line->indent = ( WndWidth( wnd ) - size.x ) / 2;
//        return( P_TRUE );
        return( P_FALSE );
    line->text = AboutMessage[ row ];
    line->indent = ( WndWidth( wnd ) - WndExtentX( wnd, line->text ) ) / 2;
    return( P_TRUE );
Пример #8
STATIC bool sampleProcOverview( a_window * wnd, int row, int piece,
                                             wnd_line_piece * line )
    sio_data *      curr_sio;
    clicks_t        tick_count;
    clicks_t        total_ticks;
    char *          text;

    if( piece >= PIECE_LAST ) {
        return( false );
    curr_sio = WndExtra( wnd );
    row += STATUS_ROW + 1;
    text = LIT( Empty_Str );
    tick_count = 0;
    if( row <= curr_sio->level_open ) {
        if( row == 0 ) {
            text = curr_sio->samp_file_name;
            tick_count = curr_sio->total_samples;
        } else if( row == 1 ) {
            text = curr_sio->curr_image->name;
            tick_count = curr_sio->curr_image->agg_count;
        } else if( row == 2 ) {
            text = curr_sio->curr_mod->name;
            tick_count = curr_sio->curr_mod->agg_count;
        } else if( row == 3 ) {
            text = curr_sio->curr_file->name;
            tick_count = curr_sio->curr_file->agg_count;
        } else if( row == 4 ) {
            text = curr_sio->curr_rtn->name;
            tick_count = curr_sio->curr_rtn->tick_count;
    if( piece == PIECE_MOUSE_CATCHER ) {
        line->indent = 0;
        line->tabstop = false;
        line->master_tabstop = true;
        line->attr = WPA_PLAIN;
        line->text = LIT( Empty_Str );
        if( row <= curr_sio->level_open ) {
            line->extent = BAR_TAIL_POINT;
    } else if( piece == PIECE_BAR ) {
        line->indent = BAR_TAIL_POINT;
        if( curr_sio->total_samples == 0 ) {
            curr_sio->total_samples = 1;
        total_ticks = curr_sio->total_samples;
        line->attr = WPA_PLAIN;
        line->tabstop = false;
        line->master_tabstop = true;
        if( row > curr_sio->level_open ) {
            line->text = LIT( Empty_Str );
        } else {
            line->draw_bar = true;
            barData.bar_style = GUI_BAR_SHADOW;
            barData.bar_colour = WPA_ABS_BAR;
            barData.bar_group = false;
            barData.bar_selected = false;
            tick_count *= BAR_TAIL_POINT - (WndMaxCharX( wnd ) / 2);
            line->extent = tick_count / total_ticks;
            if( line->extent == 0 && tick_count != 0 ) {
                line->extent = 1;
            line->indent -= line->extent;
            line->text = (char *)&barData;
    } else if( piece == PIECE_SEPARATOR ) {
        indentPiece = SEPARATOR_POINT;
        line->indent = indentPiece;
        line->vertical_line = true;
        line->text = LIT( Empty_Str );
        line->attr = WPA_PLAIN;
        line->tabstop = false;
        line->master_tabstop = true;
    } else if( piece == PIECE_HOOK ) {
        if( row > curr_sio->level_open ) {
            return( false );
        line->tabstop = false;
        line->master_tabstop = true;
        line->text = LIT( Empty_Str );
        if( row == 0 ) {
            indentPiece += WndMaxCharX( wnd );
        } else {
            indentPiece += (row*2 - 1) * WndMaxCharX( wnd );
            line->indent = indentPiece;
            indentPiece += 2 * WndMaxCharX( wnd );
            line->draw_hook = true;
            line->attr = WPA_PLAIN;
    } else if( piece == PIECE_NAME_TITLE ) {
        line->indent = indentPiece;
        nameBuff = ProfRealloc( nameBuff, strlen( overviewHeaders[row] ) + 1 );
        strcpy( nameBuff, overviewHeaders[row] );
        line->text = nameBuff;
        line->tabstop = false;
        line->master_tabstop = true;
        if( curr_sio->level_open == row ) {
            line->attr = WPA_OVERVIEW_NAME;
        } else {
            line->attr = WPA_PLAIN;
        indentPiece += WndExtentX( wnd, nameBuff );
    } else {
        line->indent = indentPiece;
        nameBuff = ProfRealloc( nameBuff, strlen( text ) + 1 );
        strcpy( nameBuff, text );
        line->text = nameBuff;
        line->tabstop = false;
        line->master_tabstop = true;
        if( curr_sio->level_open == row ) {
            line->attr = WPA_OVERVIEW_NAME;
        } else {
            line->attr = WPA_PLAIN;
    return( true );
Пример #9
STATIC bool sampleProcStatus( a_window *wnd, int row, int piece,
                                           wnd_line_piece *line )
    sio_data        *curr_sio;
    clicks_t        abs_count;
    clicks_t        rel_count;
    gui_ord         point_adjust;

    if( piece >= PIECE_HEADER_LAST ) {
        return( false );
    curr_sio = WndExtra( wnd );
    if( piece == PIECE_MOUSE_CATCHER ) {
        line->indent = 0;
        line->tabstop = false;
        line->attr = WPA_PLAIN;
        line->text = LIT( Empty_Str );
        abs_count = curr_sio->abs_count;
        rel_count = curr_sio->rel_count;
        sprintf( relData, "%ld.%ld%%", rel_count/10, rel_count-((rel_count/10)*10) );
        sprintf( absData, "%ld.%ld%%", abs_count/10, abs_count-((abs_count/10)*10) );
        if( WPPixelTruncWidth( WndMaxCharX( wnd ) / 2 ) == 0 ) {
            point_adjust = WndMaxCharX( wnd ) / 2;
        } else {
            point_adjust = 0;
        absPctStatusIndent = BAR_TAIL_POINT - WndExtentX( wnd, absData )
                           - point_adjust;
        indentPiece = BAR_TAIL_POINT - WndExtentX( wnd, "199.9%" )
                    - (2 * WndExtentX( wnd, " " )) - point_adjust;
        relPctStatusIndent = indentPiece - WndExtentX( wnd, relData );
        indentPiece -= WndExtentX( wnd, "199.9%" );
        if( GUIIsGUI() ) {
            indentPiece -= WndExtentX( wnd, LIT( Rel_Header ) )
                         + WndExtentX( wnd, LIT( Abs_Header ) );
            relPctStatusIndent -= WndExtentX( wnd, LIT( Abs_Header ) );
            line->extent = indentPiece;
    } else if( piece == PIECE_REL_HEADER ) {
        line->indent = indentPiece;
        if( GUIIsGUI() ) {
            line->text = LIT( Rel_Header );
        } else {
            line->text = LIT( Empty_Str );
        line->tabstop = false;
        if( relGraphBar ) {
            line->attr = WPA_REL_BAR;
        } else {
            line->attr = WPA_PLAIN_INACTIVE;
    } else if( piece == PIECE_REL_PERCENT ) {
        line->text = relData;
        line->indent = relPctStatusIndent;
        line->tabstop = false;
        if( curr_sio->rel_on_screen ) {
            line->attr = WPA_REL_BAR;
        } else {
            line->attr = WPA_PLAIN_INACTIVE;
    } else if( piece == PIECE_ABS_HEADER ) {
        indentPiece = BAR_TAIL_POINT - WndExtentX( wnd, "199.9%" );
        if( GUIIsGUI() ) {
            line->text = LIT( Abs_Header );
            indentPiece -= WndExtentX( wnd, LIT( Abs_Header ) );
        } else {
            line->text = LIT( Empty_Str );
        line->indent = indentPiece;
        line->tabstop = false;
        if( curr_sio->abs_on_screen ) {
            line->attr = WPA_ABS_BAR;
        } else {
            line->attr = WPA_PLAIN_INACTIVE;
    } else if( piece == PIECE_ABS_PERCENT ) {
        line->text = absData;
        line->indent = absPctStatusIndent;
        line->tabstop = false;
        if( curr_sio->abs_on_screen ) {
            line->attr = WPA_ABS_BAR;
        } else {
            line->attr = WPA_PLAIN_INACTIVE;
    } else if( piece == PIECE_PERCENT_SEPARATOR ) {
        if( !GUIIsGUI() ) {
            line->vertical_line = true;
        line->indent = SEPARATOR_POINT;
        line->text = LIT( Empty_Str );
        line->attr = WPA_PLAIN;
        line->tabstop = false;
    } else if( piece == PIECE_DETAIL_TITLE ) {
        line->indent = SEPARATOR_POINT + WndMaxCharX( wnd );
        curr_sio = WndExtra( wnd );
        if( curr_sio->level_open == LEVEL_ROUTINE ) {
            sprintf( lineData, "%s: %.5d", statusHeaders[curr_sio->level_open], curr_sio->curr_display_row+1 );
            line->text = lineData;
        } else {
            line->text = statusHeaders[curr_sio->level_open];
        line->tabstop = false;
        line->attr = WPA_PLAIN;
    return( true );
Пример #10
static bool RegResize( a_window *wnd )
    reg_window          *reg = WndReg( wnd );
    gui_ord             space;
    int                 old_up;
    int                 i,j;
    reg_display_piece   disp;
    gui_ord             max_extent;
    gui_ord             max_descript;
    a_reg_info          *info;
    gui_ord             indent;
    gui_ord             value,descript;
    char                *p;
    unsigned            len;

    old_up = reg->up;
    reg->up = 1;

    RegFindData( reg->kind, &reg->data );
    reg->count = 0;
    while( GetDisplayPiece( &disp, reg, DbgRegs, reg->count ) ) {

    WndFree( reg->info );
    reg->info = WndMustAlloc( reg->count * sizeof( *reg->info ) );
    space = WndAvgCharX( wnd );

    max_extent = 0;
    max_descript = 0;
    for( i = 0; i < reg->count; ++i ) {
        GetDisplayPiece( &disp, reg, DbgRegs, i );
        if( disp.max_value == 0 && disp.reginfo != NULL ) {
            disp.max_value = GetMADMaxFormatWidth( disp.disp_type );
        info = &reg->info[i];
        info->max_value = disp.max_value;
        info->info = disp.reginfo;
        if( disp.max_descript > strlen( disp.descript ) ) {
            info->max_descript = space + disp.max_descript * WndAvgCharX( wnd );
        } else {
            info->max_descript = space + WndExtentX( wnd, disp.descript );
        info->max_extent = space + disp.max_value * WndAvgCharX( wnd );
        info->standout = false;
        if( max_extent < info->max_extent ) {
            max_extent = info->max_extent;
        if( max_descript < info->max_descript ) {
            max_descript = info->max_descript;

    reg->up = MADRegSetDisplayGrouping( reg->data );
    if( reg->up == 0 ) {
        reg->up = WndWidth( wnd ) / ( max_extent + max_descript );
        if( reg->up < 1 )
            reg->up = 1;
        if( reg->up > reg->count ) {
            reg->up = reg->count;
    reg->rows = ( reg->count + reg->up - 1 ) / reg->up;

    // calculate the indents

    WndFree( reg->indents );
    reg->indents = WndMustAlloc( reg->count * sizeof( *reg->indents ) );

    // For each column
    for( i = 0; i < reg->up; ++i ) {
        reg->indents[i].descript = 0;
        reg->indents[i].value = 0;
        // Calc max widths for column
        for( j = i; j < reg->count; j += reg->up ) {
            if( reg->indents[i].value < reg->info[j].max_extent ) {
                reg->indents[i].value = reg->info[j].max_extent;
            if( reg->indents[i].descript < reg->info[j].max_descript ) {
                reg->indents[i].descript = reg->info[j].max_descript;
    // Calc indents for each column
    indent = 0;
    value = 0;
    descript = 0;
    // For each column
    for( i = 0; i < reg->up; ++i ) {
        value = reg->indents[i].value;
        descript = reg->indents[i].descript;
        reg->indents[i].descript = indent;
        reg->indents[i].value = indent + descript;
        indent += value + descript;
#if ( defined( __GUI__ ) && defined( __OS2__ ) )
        // OS/2 PM GUI needs more space between columns
        indent += space;
    // Copy indents to all registers by column
    for( i = reg->up; i < reg->count; ++i ) {
        reg->indents[i] = reg->indents[i % reg->up];

    if( reg->up != old_up ) {
        WndScrollAbs( wnd, 0 );
        WndNoCurrent( wnd );

    p = TxtBuff + MADCliString( MADRegSetName( reg->data ), TxtBuff, TXT_LEN );
    *p++ = ' ';
    *p++ = '(';
    len = MADRegSetLevel( reg->data, p, TXT_LEN - ( p - TxtBuff ) );
    if( len == 0 ) {
        p -= 2;
    } else {
        p += len;
        *p++ = ')';
    *p++ = NULLCHAR;
    WndSetTitle( wnd, TxtBuff );

    return( true );