SCErr meth_b_query(World *inWorld, int inSize, char *inData, ReplyAddress *inReply) { sc_msg_iter msg(inSize, inData); small_scpacket packet; int numbufs = msg.remain() >> 2; packet.adds("/b_info"); packet.maketags(numbufs * 4 + 1); packet.addtag(','); while (msg.remain()) { int bufindex = msg.geti(); SndBuf* buf = World_GetBuf(inWorld, bufindex); packet.addtag('i'); packet.addtag('i'); packet.addtag('i'); packet.addtag('f'); packet.addi(bufindex); packet.addi(buf->frames); packet.addi(buf->channels); packet.addf(buf->samplerate); } if (packet.size()) { CallSequencedCommand(SendReplyCmd, inWorld, packet.size(),, inReply); } return kSCErr_None; }
bool BufGenCmd::Stage3() { SndBuf* buf = World_GetBuf(mWorld, mBufIndex); *buf = mSndBuf; mWorld->mSndBufUpdates[mBufIndex].writes ++ ; return true; }
SCErr meth_b_fill(World *inWorld, int inSize, char *inData, ReplyAddress* /*inReply*/) { sc_msg_iter msg(inSize, inData); int bufindex = msg.geti(); SndBuf* buf = World_GetBuf(inWorld, bufindex); if (!buf) return kSCErr_Failed; float *data = buf->data; int numSamples = buf->samples; while (msg.remain() >= 12) { int32 start = msg.geti(); int32 n = msg.geti(); float32 value = msg.getf(); int32 end = start+n-1; if (end < 0 || start >= numSamples) continue; start = sc_clip(start, 0, numSamples-1); end = sc_clip(end, 0, numSamples-1); for (int i=start; i<=end; ++i) data[i] = value; } return kSCErr_None; }
bool BufAllocCmd::Stage3() { SndBuf* buf = World_GetBuf(mWorld, mBufIndex); *buf = mSndBuf; mWorld->mSndBufUpdates[mBufIndex].writes ++ ; SEND_COMPLETION_MSG; return true; }
SCErr meth_b_getn(World *inWorld, int inSize, char *inData, ReplyAddress* inReply) { sc_msg_iter msg(inSize, inData); int bufindex = msg.geti(); SndBuf* buf = World_GetBuf(inWorld, bufindex); if (!buf) return kSCErr_Failed; float *data = buf->data; int32 maxIndex = buf->samples; // figure out how many tags to allocate int numcontrols = 0; int numheads = msg.remain() >> 3; while (msg.remain()) { msg.geti(); // skip start int32 n = msg.geti(); numcontrols += n; } big_scpacket packet; packet.adds("/b_setn"); packet.maketags(numheads * 2 + numcontrols + 2); packet.addtag(','); // start over at beginning of message msg.init(inSize, inData); msg.geti(); // skip buf index packet.addtag('i'); packet.addi(bufindex); while (msg.remain()) { int32 start = msg.geti(); int32 n = msg.geti(); int32 end = start+n-1; if (start < 0 || end >= maxIndex || start > end) return kSCErr_IndexOutOfRange; packet.addtag('i'); packet.addtag('i'); packet.addi(start); packet.addi(n); for (int i=start; i<=end; ++i) { packet.addtag('f'); packet.addf(data[i]); } } if (packet.size()) { CallSequencedCommand(SendReplyCmd, inWorld, packet.size(),, inReply); } return kSCErr_None; }
bool BufReadChannelCmd::Stage3() { SndBuf* buf = World_GetBuf(mWorld, mBufIndex); buf->samplerate = mSampleRate; if (mLeaveFileOpen) buf->mask = buf->mask1 = -1; mWorld->mSndBufUpdates[mBufIndex].writes ++ ; SEND_COMPLETION_MSG; return true; }
bool BufFreeCmd::Stage3() { SndBuf *buf = World_GetBuf(mWorld, mBufIndex); SndBuf_Init(buf); mWorld->mSndBufUpdates[mBufIndex].writes ++ ; SEND_COMPLETION_MSG; return true; }
SCErr meth_b_set(World *inWorld, int inSize, char *inData, ReplyAddress* /*inReply*/) { sc_msg_iter msg(inSize, inData); int bufindex = msg.geti(); SndBuf* buf = World_GetBuf(inWorld, bufindex); if (!buf) return kSCErr_Failed; float *data = buf->data; uint32 numSamples = buf->samples; while (msg.remain() >= 8) { uint32 sampleIndex = msg.geti(); float32 value = msg.getf(); if (sampleIndex < numSamples) { data[sampleIndex] = value; } else return kSCErr_IndexOutOfRange; } return kSCErr_None; }
SCErr meth_b_get(World *inWorld, int inSize, char *inData, ReplyAddress* inReply) { sc_msg_iter msg(inSize, inData); int bufindex = msg.geti(); SndBuf* buf = World_GetBuf(inWorld, bufindex); if (!buf) return kSCErr_Failed; float *data = buf->data; uint32 maxIndex = buf->samples; int numheads = msg.remain() >> 2; big_scpacket packet; packet.adds("/b_set"); packet.maketags(numheads * 2 + 2); packet.addtag(','); packet.addtag('i'); packet.addi(bufindex); while (msg.remain() >= 4) { uint32 index = msg.geti(); if (index >= maxIndex) return kSCErr_IndexOutOfRange; packet.addtag('i'); packet.addtag('f'); packet.addi(index); packet.addf(data[index]); } if (packet.size()) { CallSequencedCommand(SendReplyCmd, inWorld, packet.size(),, inReply); } return kSCErr_None; }