Пример #1
TEST_F(SyncTailTest, SyncApplyCommandThrowsException) {
    const BSONObj op = BSON("op"
                            << "c"
                            << "ns"
                            << "test.t");
    int applyCmdCalled = 0;
    SyncTail::ApplyOperationInLockFn applyOp = [&](OperationContext* txn,
                                                   Database* db,
                                                   const BSONObj& theOperation,
                                                   bool convertUpdateToUpsert,
                                                   stdx::function<void()>) {
        FAIL("applyOperation unexpectedly invoked.");
        return Status::OK();
    SyncTail::ApplyCommandInLockFn applyCmd = [&](OperationContext* txn,
                                                  const BSONObj& theOperation) {
        if (applyCmdCalled < 5) {
            throw WriteConflictException();
        return Status::OK();
    ASSERT_OK(SyncTail::syncApply(_txn.get(), op, false, applyOp, applyCmd, _incOps));
    ASSERT_EQUALS(5, applyCmdCalled);
    ASSERT_EQUALS(1U, _opsApplied);
SqliteStatement::SqliteStatement(const MobileSession& session, const std::string& sqlQuery) {
    // Increment the global instance count and assign this instance an id.
    _id = _nextID.addAndFetch(1);
    SQLITE_STMT_TRACE() << "Preparing: " << sqlQuery;
    int status = sqlite3_prepare_v2(
        session.getSession(), sqlQuery.c_str(), sqlQuery.length() + 1, &_stmt, NULL);
    if (status == SQLITE_BUSY) {
        SQLITE_STMT_TRACE() << "Throwing writeConflictException, "
                            << "SQLITE_BUSY while preparing: " << sqlQuery;
        throw WriteConflictException();
    } else if (status != SQLITE_OK) {
        SQLITE_STMT_TRACE() << "Error while preparing: " << sqlQuery;
        std::string errMsg = "sqlite3_prepare_v2 failed: ";
        errMsg += sqlite3_errstr(status);
        uasserted(ErrorCodes::UnknownError, errMsg);
void SqliteStatement::execQuery(MobileSession* session, const std::string& query) {
    LOG(MOBILE_TRACE_LEVEL) << "MobileSE: SQLite sqlite3_exec: " << query;

    char* errMsg = NULL;
    int status = sqlite3_exec(session->getSession(), query.c_str(), NULL, NULL, &errMsg);

    if (status == SQLITE_BUSY || status == SQLITE_LOCKED) {
        LOG(MOBILE_TRACE_LEVEL) << "MobileSE: " << (status == SQLITE_BUSY ? "Busy" : "Locked")
                                << " - Throwing WriteConflictException on sqlite3_exec: " << query;
        throw WriteConflictException();

    // The only return value from sqlite3_exec in a success case is SQLITE_OK.
    checkStatus(status, SQLITE_OK, "sqlite3_exec", errMsg);

    // When the error message is not NULL, it is allocated through sqlite3_malloc and must be freed
    // before exiting the method. If the error message is NULL, sqlite3_free is a no-op.
Пример #4
Status CachedPlanStage::pickBestPlan(PlanYieldPolicy* yieldPolicy) {
    // Adds the amount of time taken by pickBestPlan() to executionTimeMillis. There's lots of
    // execution work that happens here, so this is needed for the time accounting to
    // make sense.
    ScopedTimer timer(&_commonStats.executionTimeMillis);

    // If we work this many times during the trial period, then we will replan the
    // query from scratch.
    size_t maxWorksBeforeReplan =
        static_cast<size_t>(internalQueryCacheEvictionRatio * _decisionWorks);

    // The trial period ends without replanning if the cached plan produces this many results.
    size_t numResults = MultiPlanStage::getTrialPeriodNumToReturn(*_canonicalQuery);

    for (size_t i = 0; i < maxWorksBeforeReplan; ++i) {
        // Might need to yield between calls to work due to the timer elapsing.
        Status yieldStatus = tryYield(yieldPolicy);
        if (!yieldStatus.isOK()) {
            return yieldStatus;

        WorkingSetID id = WorkingSet::INVALID_ID;
        PlanStage::StageState state = child()->work(&id);

        if (PlanStage::ADVANCED == state) {
            // Save result for later.
            WorkingSetMember* member = _ws->get(id);
            // Ensure that the BSONObj underlying the WorkingSetMember is owned in case we yield.

            if (_results.size() >= numResults) {
                // Once a plan returns enough results, stop working. Update cache with stats
                // from this run and return.
                return Status::OK();
        } else if (PlanStage::IS_EOF == state) {
            // Cached plan hit EOF quickly enough. No need to replan. Update cache with stats
            // from this run and return.
            return Status::OK();
        } else if (PlanStage::NEED_YIELD == state) {
            if (id == WorkingSet::INVALID_ID) {
                if (!yieldPolicy->allowedToYield()) {
                    throw WriteConflictException();
            } else {
                WorkingSetMember* member = _ws->get(id);
                // Transfer ownership of the fetcher and yield.

            if (yieldPolicy->allowedToYield()) {

            Status yieldStatus = tryYield(yieldPolicy);
            if (!yieldStatus.isOK()) {
                return yieldStatus;
        } else if (PlanStage::FAILURE == state) {
            // On failure, fall back to replanning the whole query. We neither evict the
            // existing cache entry nor cache the result of replanning.
            BSONObj statusObj;
            WorkingSetCommon::getStatusMemberObject(*_ws, id, &statusObj);

            LOG(1) << "Execution of cached plan failed, falling back to replan."
                   << " query: " << _canonicalQuery->toStringShort()
                   << " planSummary: " << Explain::getPlanSummary(child().get())
                   << " status: " << statusObj;

            const bool shouldCache = false;
            return replan(yieldPolicy, shouldCache);
        } else if (PlanStage::DEAD == state) {
            BSONObj statusObj;
            WorkingSetCommon::getStatusMemberObject(*_ws, id, &statusObj);

            LOG(1) << "Execution of cached plan failed: PlanStage died"
                   << ", query: " << _canonicalQuery->toStringShort()
                   << " planSummary: " << Explain::getPlanSummary(child().get())
                   << " status: " << statusObj;

            return WorkingSetCommon::getMemberObjectStatus(statusObj);
        } else {
            invariant(PlanStage::NEED_TIME == state);

    // If we're here, the trial period took more than 'maxWorksBeforeReplan' work cycles. This
    // plan is taking too long, so we replan from scratch.
    LOG(1) << "Execution of cached plan required " << maxWorksBeforeReplan
           << " works, but was originally cached with only " << _decisionWorks
           << " works. Evicting cache entry and replanning query: "
           << _canonicalQuery->toStringShort()
           << " plan summary before replan: " << Explain::getPlanSummary(child().get());

    const bool shouldCache = true;
    return replan(yieldPolicy, shouldCache);
Пример #5
// static
Status SyncTail::syncApply(OperationContext* txn,
                           const BSONObj& op,
                           bool convertUpdateToUpsert,
                           ApplyOperationInLockFn applyOperationInLock,
                           ApplyCommandInLockFn applyCommandInLock,
                           IncrementOpsAppliedStatsFn incrementOpsAppliedStats) {
    if (inShutdown()) {
        return Status::OK();

    // Count each log op application as a separate operation, for reporting purposes
    CurOp individualOp(txn);

    const char* ns = op.getStringField("ns");

    const char* opType = op["op"].valuestrsafe();

    bool isCommand(opType[0] == 'c');
    bool isNoOp(opType[0] == 'n');

    if ((*ns == '\0') || (*ns == '.')) {
        // this is ugly
        // this is often a no-op
        // but can't be 100% sure
        if (!isNoOp) {
            error() << "skipping bad op in oplog: " << op.toString();
        return Status::OK();

    if (isCommand) {
            // a command may need a global write lock. so we will conservatively go
            // ahead and grab one here. suboptimal. :-(
            Lock::GlobalWrite globalWriteLock(txn->lockState());

            // special case apply for commands to avoid implicit database creation
            Status status = applyCommandInLock(txn, op);
            return status;
        MONGO_WRITE_CONFLICT_RETRY_LOOP_END(txn, "syncApply_command", ns);

    auto applyOp = [&](Database* db) {
        // For non-initial-sync, we convert updates to upserts
        // to suppress errors when replaying oplog entries.
        DisableDocumentValidation validationDisabler(txn);

        Status status =
            applyOperationInLock(txn, db, op, convertUpdateToUpsert, incrementOpsAppliedStats);
        if (!status.isOK() && status.code() == ErrorCodes::WriteConflict) {
            throw WriteConflictException();
        return status;

    if (isNoOp || (opType[0] == 'i' && nsToCollectionSubstring(ns) == "system.indexes")) {
        auto opStr = isNoOp ? "syncApply_noop" : "syncApply_indexBuild";
            Lock::DBLock dbLock(txn->lockState(), nsToDatabaseSubstring(ns), MODE_X);
            OldClientContext ctx(txn, ns);
            return applyOp(ctx.db());
Пример #6
        static bool runImpl(OperationContext* txn,
                            const string& dbname,
                            const string& ns,
                            const BSONObj& query,
                            const BSONObj& fields,
                            const BSONObj& update,
                            const BSONObj& sort,
                            bool upsert,
                            bool returnNew,
                            bool remove ,
                            BSONObjBuilder& result,
                            string& errmsg) {

            AutoGetOrCreateDb autoDb(txn, dbname, MODE_IX);
            Lock::CollectionLock collLock(txn->lockState(), ns, MODE_IX);
            Client::Context ctx(txn, ns, autoDb.getDb(), autoDb.justCreated());

            if (!repl::getGlobalReplicationCoordinator()->canAcceptWritesForDatabase(dbname)) {
                return appendCommandStatus(result, Status(ErrorCodes::NotMaster, str::stream()
                    << "Not primary while running findAndModify in " << ns));

            Collection* collection = ctx.db()->getCollection(ns);

            const WhereCallbackReal whereCallback(txn, StringData(ns));

            if ( !collection ) {
                if ( !upsert ) {
                    // no collectio and no upsert, so can't possible do anything
                    _appendHelper( result, BSONObj(), false, fields, whereCallback );
                    return true;
                // no collection, but upsert, so we want to create it
                // problem is we only have IX on db and collection :(
                // so we tell our caller who can do it
                errmsg = "no-collection";
                return false;

            Snapshotted<BSONObj> snapshotDoc;
            RecordId loc;
            bool found = false;
                CanonicalQuery* cq;
                const BSONObj projection;
                const long long skip = 0;
                const long long limit = -1; // 1 document requested; negative indicates hard limit.

                PlanExecutor* rawExec;

                scoped_ptr<PlanExecutor> exec(rawExec);

                PlanExecutor::ExecState state = exec->getNextSnapshotted(&snapshotDoc, &loc);
                if (PlanExecutor::ADVANCED == state) {
                    found = true;
                else if (PlanExecutor::FAILURE == state || PlanExecutor::DEAD == state) {
                    if (PlanExecutor::FAILURE == state &&
                        WorkingSetCommon::isValidStatusMemberObject(snapshotDoc.value())) {
                        const Status errorStatus =
                        uasserted(errorStatus.code(), errorStatus.reason());
                              str::stream() << "executor returned " << PlanExecutor::statestr(state)
                                            << " while finding document to update");
                else {
                    invariant(PlanExecutor::IS_EOF == state);

            WriteUnitOfWork wuow(txn);
            if (found) {
                // We found a doc, but it might not be associated with the active snapshot.
                // If the doc has changed or is no longer in the collection, we will throw a
                // write conflict exception and start again from the beginning.
                if (txn->recoveryUnit()->getSnapshotId() != snapshotDoc.snapshotId()) {
                    BSONObj oldObj = snapshotDoc.value();
                    if (!collection->findDoc(txn, loc, &snapshotDoc)) {
                        // Got deleted in the new snapshot.
                        throw WriteConflictException();

                    if (!oldObj.binaryEqual(snapshotDoc.value())) {
                        // Got updated in the new snapshot.
                        throw WriteConflictException();

                // If we get here without throwing, then we should have the copy of the doc from
                // the latest snapshot.
                invariant(txn->recoveryUnit()->getSnapshotId() == snapshotDoc.snapshotId());

            BSONObj doc = snapshotDoc.value();
            BSONObj queryModified = query;
            if (found && !doc["_id"].eoo() && !CanonicalQuery::isSimpleIdQuery(query)) {
                // we're going to re-write the query to be more efficient
                // we have to be a little careful because of positional operators
                // maybe we can pass this all through eventually, but right now isn't an easy way
                bool hasPositionalUpdate = false;
                    // if the update has a positional piece ($)
                    // then we need to pull all query parts in
                    // so here we check for $
                    // a little hacky
                    BSONObjIterator i( update );
                    while ( i.more() ) {
                        const BSONElement& elem = i.next();
                        if ( elem.fieldName()[0] != '$' || elem.type() != Object )

                        BSONObjIterator j( elem.Obj() );
                        while ( j.more() ) {
                            if ( str::contains( j.next().fieldName(), ".$" ) ) {
                                hasPositionalUpdate = true;

                BSONObjBuilder b(query.objsize() + 10);
                b.append( doc["_id"] );
                bool addedAtomic = false;

                BSONObjIterator i(query);
                while ( i.more() ) {
                    const BSONElement& elem = i.next();

                    if ( str::equals( "_id" , elem.fieldName() ) ) {
                        // we already do _id
                    if ( ! hasPositionalUpdate ) {
                        // if there is a dotted field, accept we may need more query parts
                    if ( ! addedAtomic ) {
                        b.appendBool( "$atomic" , true );
                        addedAtomic = true;

                    b.append( elem );

                queryModified = b.obj();

            if ( remove ) {
                _appendHelper(result, doc, found, fields, whereCallback);
                if ( found ) {
                    deleteObjects(txn, ctx.db(), ns, queryModified, PlanExecutor::YIELD_MANUAL,
                                  true, true);
                    BSONObjBuilder le( result.subobjStart( "lastErrorObject" ) );
                    le.appendNumber( "n" , 1 );
            else {
                // update
                if ( ! found && ! upsert ) {
                    // didn't have it, and am not upserting
                    _appendHelper(result, doc, found, fields, whereCallback);
                else {
                    // we found it or we're updating
                    if ( ! returnNew ) {
                        _appendHelper(result, doc, found, fields, whereCallback);
                    const NamespaceString requestNs(ns);
                    UpdateRequest request(requestNs);



                    // TODO(greg) We need to send if we are ignoring
                    // the shard version below, but for now no
                    UpdateLifecycleImpl updateLifecycle(false, requestNs);
                    UpdateResult res = mongo::update(txn,

                    if (!found && res.existing) {
                        // No match was found during the read part of this find and modify, which
                        // means that we're here doing an upsert. But the update also told us that
                        // we modified an *already existing* document. This probably means that
                        // the query reported EOF based on an out-of-date snapshot. This should be
                        // a rare event, so we handle it by throwing a write conflict.
                        throw WriteConflictException();

                    if ( !collection ) {
                        // collection created by an upsert
                        collection = ctx.db()->getCollection(ns);

                    LOG(3) << "update result: "  << res ;
                    if (returnNew) {
                        _appendHelper(result, res.newObj, true, fields, whereCallback);

                    BSONObjBuilder le( result.subobjStart( "lastErrorObject" ) );
                    le.appendBool( "updatedExisting" , res.existing );
                    le.appendNumber( "n" , res.numMatched );
                    if ( !res.upserted.isEmpty() ) {
                        le.append( res.upserted[kUpsertedFieldName] );

            // Committing the WUOW can close the current snapshot. Until this happens, the
            // snapshot id should not have changed.
            if (found) {
                invariant(txn->recoveryUnit()->getSnapshotId() == snapshotDoc.snapshotId());

            return true;
Пример #7
Status CachedPlanStage::pickBestPlan(PlanYieldPolicy* yieldPolicy) {
    // Adds the amount of time taken by pickBestPlan() to executionTimeMillis. There's lots of
    // execution work that happens here, so this is needed for the time accounting to
    // make sense.
    ScopedTimer timer(getClock(), &_commonStats.executionTimeMillis);

    // During plan selection, the list of indices we are using to plan must remain stable, so the
    // query will die during yield recovery if any index has been dropped. However, once plan
    // selection completes successfully, we no longer need all indices to stick around. The selected
    // plan should safely die on yield recovery if it is using the dropped index.
    // Dismiss the requirement that no indices can be dropped when this method returns.
    ON_BLOCK_EXIT([this] { releaseAllIndicesRequirement(); });

    // If we work this many times during the trial period, then we will replan the
    // query from scratch.
    size_t maxWorksBeforeReplan =
        static_cast<size_t>(internalQueryCacheEvictionRatio * _decisionWorks);

    // The trial period ends without replanning if the cached plan produces this many results.
    size_t numResults = MultiPlanStage::getTrialPeriodNumToReturn(*_canonicalQuery);

    for (size_t i = 0; i < maxWorksBeforeReplan; ++i) {
        // Might need to yield between calls to work due to the timer elapsing.
        Status yieldStatus = tryYield(yieldPolicy);
        if (!yieldStatus.isOK()) {
            return yieldStatus;

        WorkingSetID id = WorkingSet::INVALID_ID;
        PlanStage::StageState state = child()->work(&id);

        if (PlanStage::ADVANCED == state) {
            // Save result for later.
            WorkingSetMember* member = _ws->get(id);
            // Ensure that the BSONObj underlying the WorkingSetMember is owned in case we yield.

            if (_results.size() >= numResults) {
                // Once a plan returns enough results, stop working. Update cache with stats
                // from this run and return.
                return Status::OK();
        } else if (PlanStage::IS_EOF == state) {
            // Cached plan hit EOF quickly enough. No need to replan. Update cache with stats
            // from this run and return.
            return Status::OK();
        } else if (PlanStage::NEED_YIELD == state) {
            invariant(id == WorkingSet::INVALID_ID);
            if (!yieldPolicy->canAutoYield()) {
                throw WriteConflictException();

            if (yieldPolicy->canAutoYield()) {

            Status yieldStatus = tryYield(yieldPolicy);
            if (!yieldStatus.isOK()) {
                return yieldStatus;
        } else if (PlanStage::FAILURE == state) {
            // On failure, fall back to replanning the whole query. We neither evict the
            // existing cache entry nor cache the result of replanning.
            BSONObj statusObj;
            WorkingSetCommon::getStatusMemberObject(*_ws, id, &statusObj);

            LOG(1) << "Execution of cached plan failed, falling back to replan."
                   << " query: " << redact(_canonicalQuery->toStringShort())
                   << " planSummary: " << Explain::getPlanSummary(child().get())
                   << " status: " << redact(statusObj);

            const bool shouldCache = false;
            return replan(yieldPolicy, shouldCache);
        } else {
            invariant(PlanStage::NEED_TIME == state);

    // If we're here, the trial period took more than 'maxWorksBeforeReplan' work cycles. This
    // plan is taking too long, so we replan from scratch.
    LOG(1) << "Execution of cached plan required " << maxWorksBeforeReplan
           << " works, but was originally cached with only " << _decisionWorks
           << " works. Evicting cache entry and replanning query: "
           << redact(_canonicalQuery->toStringShort())
           << " plan summary before replan: " << Explain::getPlanSummary(child().get());

    const bool shouldCache = true;
    return replan(yieldPolicy, shouldCache);
Пример #8
void updateSessionEntry(OperationContext* opCtx, const UpdateRequest& updateRequest) {
    // Current code only supports replacement update.

    AutoGetCollection autoColl(opCtx, NamespaceString::kSessionTransactionsTableNamespace, MODE_IX);

            str::stream() << "Unable to persist transaction state because the session transaction "
                             "collection is missing. This indicates that the "
                          << NamespaceString::kSessionTransactionsTableNamespace.ns()
                          << " collection has been manually deleted.",

    WriteUnitOfWork wuow(opCtx);

    auto collection = autoColl.getCollection();
    auto idIndex = collection->getIndexCatalog()->findIdIndex(opCtx);

            str::stream() << "Failed to fetch _id index for "
                          << NamespaceString::kSessionTransactionsTableNamespace.ns(),

    auto indexAccess = collection->getIndexCatalog()->getIndex(idIndex);
    // Since we are looking up a key inside the _id index, create a key object consisting of only
    // the _id field.
    auto idToFetch = updateRequest.getQuery().firstElement();
    auto toUpdateIdDoc = idToFetch.wrap();
    dassert(idToFetch.fieldNameStringData() == "_id"_sd);
    auto recordId = indexAccess->findSingle(opCtx, toUpdateIdDoc);
    auto startingSnapshotId = opCtx->recoveryUnit()->getSnapshotId();

    if (recordId.isNull()) {
        // Upsert case.
        auto status = collection->insertDocument(
            opCtx, InsertStatement(updateRequest.getUpdates()), nullptr, true, false);

        if (status == ErrorCodes::DuplicateKey) {
            throw WriteConflictException();


    auto originalRecordData = collection->getRecordStore()->dataFor(opCtx, recordId);
    auto originalDoc = originalRecordData.toBson();

    invariant(collection->getDefaultCollator() == nullptr);
    boost::intrusive_ptr<ExpressionContext> expCtx(new ExpressionContext(opCtx, nullptr));

    auto matcher = fassertStatusOK(
        40673, MatchExpressionParser::parse(updateRequest.getQuery(), std::move(expCtx)));
    if (!matcher->matchesBSON(originalDoc)) {
        // Document no longer match what we expect so throw WCE to make the caller re-examine.
        throw WriteConflictException();

    OplogUpdateEntryArgs args;
    args.nss = NamespaceString::kSessionTransactionsTableNamespace;
    args.uuid = collection->uuid();
    args.update = updateRequest.getUpdates();
    args.criteria = toUpdateIdDoc;
    args.fromMigrate = false;

                               Snapshotted<BSONObj>(startingSnapshotId, originalDoc),
                               true,   // enforceQuota
                               false,  // indexesAffected = false because _id is the only index
