static int writeGenericSample(FILE_STREAM_T *pStreamIn, uint32_t sampleSize, void *pCbData, int chunk_idx, uint32_t sampleDurationHz) { CBDATA_WRITE_GENERIC_SAMPLE_T *pCbDataGeneric = NULL; unsigned int idxByteInSample = 0; unsigned int lenRead; int idxArena = 0; int rc = 0; if((pCbDataGeneric = (CBDATA_WRITE_GENERIC_SAMPLE_T *) pCbData) == NULL) { return -1; } while(idxByteInSample < sampleSize) { if((lenRead = sampleSize - idxByteInSample) > sizeof(pCbDataGeneric->arena) - idxArena) { lenRead = sizeof(pCbDataGeneric->arena) - idxArena; } if(ReadFileStream(pStreamIn, &pCbDataGeneric->arena[idxArena], lenRead) < 0) { return -1; } if((rc = WriteFileStream(pCbDataGeneric->pStreamOut, pCbDataGeneric->arena, lenRead + idxArena)) < 0) { return -1; } idxArena = 0; idxByteInSample += lenRead; } return rc; }
int flvsrv_cbWriteDataFile(void *pArg, const unsigned char *pData, unsigned int len) { int rc = 0; FLVSRV_CTXT_T *pFlvCtxt = (FLVSRV_CTXT_T *) pArg; //fprintf(stderr, "CB FLV RECORD len:%d\n", len); if(pFlvCtxt->recordFile.fp == FILEOPS_INVALID_FP) { if(capture_openOutputFile(&pFlvCtxt->recordFile, pFlvCtxt->overwriteFile, NULL) < 0) { // Do not call outfmt_removeCb since we're invoked from the cb thread //outfmt_removeCb(pFlvCtxt->pRecordOutFmt); pFlvCtxt->pRecordOutFmt->do_outfmt = 0; pFlvCtxt->pRecordOutFmt = NULL; return -1; } LOG(X_INFO("Created flv recording output file %s"), pFlvCtxt->recordFile.filename); } if((rc = WriteFileStream(&pFlvCtxt->recordFile, pData, len)) < 0) { LOG(X_ERROR("Failed to write flv %s %u bytes, total: %llu)"), (pFlvCtxt->writeErrDescr ? pFlvCtxt->writeErrDescr : ""), len, pFlvCtxt->totXmit); } else { pFlvCtxt->totXmit += len; } return rc; }
int mp4_cbReadDataNet(void *pArg, void *pData, unsigned int len) { int rc = 0; unsigned int cachedRdSz = 0; MP4_FILE_STREAM_T *pMp4Fs = (MP4_FILE_STREAM_T *) pArg; MP4_NET_STREAM_T *pNs = (MP4_NET_STREAM_T *) pMp4Fs->pCbData; CAP_HTTP_MP4_T *pCapHttpMp4 = pNs->pCapHttpMp4; //fprintf(stderr, "mp4_cbReadDataNet len:%d, mdat:%d, %llu/%llu\n", len, pCapHttpMp4->rcvState.readingMdat, pCapHttpMp4->rcvState.mdatIdx, pCapHttpMp4->rcvState.mdatSize); if(pCapHttpMp4->common.pCfg->running != 0 || g_proc_exit) { return -1; } // // Check pre-buffered content since reading of the HTTP headers may have eaten some of the actual content // if(pCapHttpMp4->common.pdata && pCapHttpMp4->common.datasz > pCapHttpMp4->common.dataoffset) { cachedRdSz = MIN(len, pCapHttpMp4->common.datasz - pCapHttpMp4->common.dataoffset); memcpy(pData, &pCapHttpMp4->common.pdata[pCapHttpMp4->common.dataoffset], cachedRdSz); //fprintf(stderr, "mp4_cbReadDataNet CACHED RD sz:%d, %d/%d\n", cachedRdSz, pCapHttpMp4->common.dataoffset, pCapHttpMp4->common.datasz); pCapHttpMp4->common.dataoffset += cachedRdSz; } if(len > cachedRdSz && (rc = netio_recvnb_exact(pNs->pNetSock, &((unsigned char *)pData)[cachedRdSz], len - cachedRdSz, pNs->rcvTmtMs)) != (len - cachedRdSz)) { if(rc == 0) { return rc; } return -1; } pMp4Fs->offset += len; //if(pMp4Fs->offset < 300000) // // Write the frame content to the (temporary) mp4 cached file // if((rc = WriteFileStream(&pCapHttpMp4->rcvState.fStream, pData, len)) < 0) { return rc; } //usleep(8000); //if(pCapHttpMp4->rcvState.readingMdat) { // pCapHttpMp4->rcvState.mdatIdx += len; //} //fprintf(stderr, "mp4_cbReadDataNet done reading len:%d, offset at: %llu, fd:%d\n", len, pMp4Fs->offset, pNs->pNeetsock->sock); //avc_dumpHex(stderr, pData, MIN(16, len), 1); return rc; }
int esds_cbWriteSample(FILE_STREAM_T *pStreamIn, uint32_t sampleSize, void *pCbData, int chunkIdx, uint32_t sampleDurationHz) { ESDS_CBDATA_WRITE_SAMPLE_T *pCbDataEsds = NULL; unsigned int idxByteInSample = 0; unsigned int lenRead; int idx= 0; int rc = 0; //fprintf(stderr, "esds_cbWriteSample chunkIdx:%d sampleSize:%d sampleDurationHz:%d\n", chunkIdx, sampleSize, sampleDurationHz); if((pCbDataEsds = (ESDS_CBDATA_WRITE_SAMPLE_T *) pCbData) == NULL) { return -1; } if((idx= aac_encodeADTSHdr(pCbDataEsds->bs.buf, pCbDataEsds->, &pCbDataEsds->decoderCfg, sampleSize)) < 0) { LOG(X_ERROR("Failed to create ADTS header for frame")); return -1; } while(idxByteInSample < sampleSize) { if((lenRead = sampleSize - idxByteInSample) > pCbDataEsds-> - idx) { lenRead = pCbDataEsds-> - idx; } if(ReadFileStream(pStreamIn, &pCbDataEsds->bs.buf[idx], lenRead) < 0) { return -1; } if((rc = WriteFileStream(pCbDataEsds->pStreamOut, pCbDataEsds->bs.buf, lenRead + idx)) < 0) { return -1; } idx= 0; idxByteInSample += lenRead; } return rc; }