bool FDataTableExporterJSON::WriteStructEntry(const void* InRowData, const UProperty* InProperty, const void* InPropertyData)
	const FString Identifier = DataTableUtils::GetPropertyExportName(InProperty, DTExportFlags);

	if (const UNumericProperty *NumProp = Cast<const UNumericProperty>(InProperty))
		if (NumProp->IsEnum())
			const FString PropertyValue = DataTableUtils::GetPropertyValueAsString(InProperty, (uint8*)InRowData, DTExportFlags);
			JsonWriter->WriteValue(Identifier, PropertyValue);
		else if (NumProp->IsInteger())
			const int64 PropertyValue = NumProp->GetSignedIntPropertyValue(InPropertyData);
			JsonWriter->WriteValue(Identifier, PropertyValue);
			const double PropertyValue = NumProp->GetFloatingPointPropertyValue(InPropertyData);
			JsonWriter->WriteValue(Identifier, PropertyValue);
	else if (const UBoolProperty* BoolProp = Cast<const UBoolProperty>(InProperty))
		const bool PropertyValue = BoolProp->GetPropertyValue(InPropertyData);
		JsonWriter->WriteValue(Identifier, PropertyValue);
	else if (const UArrayProperty* ArrayProp = Cast<const UArrayProperty>(InProperty))

		FScriptArrayHelper ArrayHelper(ArrayProp, InPropertyData);
		for (int32 ArrayEntryIndex = 0; ArrayEntryIndex < ArrayHelper.Num(); ++ArrayEntryIndex)
			const void* ArrayEntryData = ArrayHelper.GetRawPtr(ArrayEntryIndex);
			WriteArrayEntry(ArrayProp->Inner, ArrayEntryData);

	else if (const UStructProperty* StructProp = Cast<const UStructProperty>(InProperty))
		if (!!(DTExportFlags & EDataTableExportFlags::UseJsonObjectsForStructs))
			WriteStruct(StructProp->Struct, InPropertyData);
			const FString PropertyValue = DataTableUtils::GetPropertyValueAsString(InProperty, (uint8*)InRowData, DTExportFlags);
			JsonWriter->WriteValue(Identifier, PropertyValue);
		const FString PropertyValue = DataTableUtils::GetPropertyValueAsString(InProperty, (uint8*)InRowData, DTExportFlags);
		JsonWriter->WriteValue(Identifier, PropertyValue);

	return true;
Пример #2
int main (int argc, char ** argv)
    struct MainLevel demo =
	(BYTE)0x88,       0xFF,
	(WORD)0x8844,     0xFF77,
	(LONG)0x88442211, 0xFF773311,
	1.5, 1.75,
	{ (BYTE)0x88, (LONG)0x88442211 },
	/* ... */
    BYTE b = (BYTE)0x88;
    WORD w = (WORD)0x8844;
    LONG l = (LONG)0x88442211;
    FLOAT f = 1.5;
    DOUBLE d = 1.75;
    STRPTR s = "Hallo";
    struct Level1 l1 =
	(BYTE)0x88, (LONG)0x88442211
    BPTR fh;
    struct MainLevel * readback;

    demo.ml_BytePtr = &b;
    demo.ml_WordPtr = &w;
    demo.ml_LongPtr = &l;
    demo.ml_FloatPtr = &f;
    demo.ml_DoublePtr = &d;
    demo.ml_StringPtr = &s;
    demo.ml_Level1Ptr = &l1;

    fh = Open ("writestruct.dat", MODE_NEWFILE);

    if (!fh)
	PrintFault (IoErr(), "Can't open file\n");
	return 10;

	This writes the following data stream:

	    0000 88			    ml_Byte
	    0001 ff			    ml_Ubyte
	    0002 88 44			    ml_Word
	    0004 ff 77			    ml_UWord
	    0006 88 44 22 11		    ml_Long
	    000a ff 77 33 11		    ml_ULong
	    000e 3f c0 00 00		    ml_Float
	    0012 3f fc 00 00 00 00 00 00    ml_Double
	    001a 01:48 61 6c 6c 6f 00	    ml_String
	    0021 88			    ml_Level1.l1_Byte
	    0022 88 44 22 11		    ml_Level1.l1_Long
	    0026 01:88			    ml_BytePtr
	    0028 01:88 44		    ml_WordPtr
	    002b 01:88 44 22 11 	    ml_LongPtr
	    0030 01:3f c0 00 00 	    ml_FloatPtr
	    0035 01:3f fc 00 00 00 00 00 00 ml_DoublePtr
	    003e 01:01:48 61 6c 6c 6f 00    ml_StringPtr - Note two 01 !
	    0046 01:88 88 44 22 11	    ml_Level1Ptr

    if (!WriteStruct (&dsh, &demo, fh, MainDesc))
	PrintFault (IoErr(), "Failed to write to file\n");

    if (!Close (fh))
	PrintFault (IoErr(), "Failed to close file\n");

    /* Read the structure back */
    fh = Open ("writestruct.dat", MODE_OLDFILE);

    if (!fh)
	PrintFault (IoErr(), "Can't open file for reading\n");
	return 10;

    if (!ReadStruct (&dsh, (APTR *)&readback, fh, MainDesc))
	PrintFault (IoErr(), "Failed to read from file\n");
	UBYTE * ptr;
	int t;

	ptr = (UBYTE *)readback;
	t = 0;

	kprintf ("readback = %p\n", readback);

	kprintf ("%02X (88) %02X (FF)\n"
	    , (UBYTE)readback->ml_Byte
	    , readback->ml_UByte
	kprintf ("%04X (8844) %04X (FF77)\n"
	    , (UWORD)readback->ml_Word
	    , readback->ml_UWord
	kprintf ("%08lX (88442211) %08lX (FF773311)\n"
	    , readback->ml_Long
	    , readback->ml_ULong
	kprintf ("%08lX (3FC00000) %08lX:%08lX (3FFC0000:00000000)\n"
	    , *(ULONG *)&readback->ml_Float
	    , ((ULONG *)&readback->ml_Double)[1]
	    , ((ULONG *)&readback->ml_Double)[0]
	kprintf ("%s (Hallo)\n"
	    , readback->ml_String
	kprintf ("{ %02X %08X } ({ 88 88442211 })\n"
	    , (UBYTE)readback->ml_Level1.l1_Byte
	    , readback->ml_Level1.l1_Long
	kprintf ("%02X (88)\n"
	    , (UBYTE)*readback->ml_BytePtr
	kprintf ("%04X (8844)\n"
	    , (UWORD)*readback->ml_WordPtr
	kprintf ("%08lX (88442211)\n"
	    , *readback->ml_LongPtr
	kprintf ("%08lX (3FC00000) %08lX:%08lX (3FFC0000:00000000)\n"
	    , *(ULONG *)readback->ml_FloatPtr
	    , ((ULONG *)readback->ml_DoublePtr)[1]
	    , ((ULONG *)readback->ml_DoublePtr)[0]
	kprintf ("%s (Hallo)\n"
	    , *readback->ml_StringPtr
	kprintf ("{ %02X %08X } ({ 88 88442211 })\n"
	    , (UBYTE)readback->ml_Level1Ptr->l1_Byte
	    , readback->ml_Level1Ptr->l1_Long

	FreeStruct (readback, MainDesc);

    if (!Close (fh))
	PrintFault (IoErr(), "Failed to close file after reading\n");

    return 0;
} /* main */