int main() { WriteVersion(); #ifdef __FreeBSD__ _malloc_options = "A"; #endif CConfig Config; CNetPoller poller; CDBManager DBManager; CClientManager ClientManager; PlayerHB player_hb; CGuildManager GuildManager; CPrivManager PrivManager; CMoneyLog MoneyLog; ItemAwardManager ItemAwardManager; marriage::CManager MarriageManager; CMonarch Monarch; CBlockCountry BlockCountry; CItemIDRangeManager ItemIDRangeManager; #ifdef __AUCTION__ AuctionManager auctionManager; #endif if (!Start()) return 1; GuildManager.Initialize(); MarriageManager.Initialize(); BlockCountry.Load(); ItemIDRangeManager.Build(); #ifdef __AUCTION__ AuctionManager::instance().Initialize(); #endif sys_log(0, "Metin2DBCacheServer Start\n"); CClientManager::instance().MainLoop(); signal_timer_disable(); DBManager.Quit(); int iCount; while (1) { iCount = 0; iCount += CDBManager::instance().CountReturnQuery(SQL_PLAYER); iCount += CDBManager::instance().CountAsyncQuery(SQL_PLAYER); if (iCount == 0) break; usleep(1000); sys_log(0, "WAITING_QUERY_COUNT %d", iCount); } return 1; }
int EXRFile::OpenOutputFile(const char* i_fileName) { m_file = fopen(i_fileName, "wb"); if (!m_file) { return IMF_ERROR_ERROR; } m_channelList = new ChannelList(*m_header->GetChannelList()); m_channelList->Sort(); m_header->GetAttribute("dataWindow", "box2i", (char*)&m_dataWindow[0]); m_header->GetAttribute("compression", "compression", (char*)&m_compression); int width = m_dataWindow[2] - m_dataWindow[0] + 1; size_t datasize = m_channelList->GetPixelSize() * width; if (m_compression == IMF_ZIP_COMPRESSION) { m_scanline_block = new ScanLineZipBlock( m_file, datasize, m_dataWindow[1]); } else { m_scanline_block = new ScanLineBlock( m_file, datasize, m_dataWindow[1]); } int height = m_dataWindow[3] - m_dataWindow[1] + 1; m_blocks = height / m_scanline_block->NumLinesInBlock(); m_blocks += height % m_scanline_block->NumLinesInBlock() > 0; m_offset_table = new uint64_t [m_blocks]; m_offset_table_counter = 0; WriteMagic(); WriteVersion(); WriteHeader(); WriteZerroOffsets(); return IMF_ERROR_NOERROR; }
/** \fn void InitVersion () \brief Initialises the version system. \author Paril \date 25/05/2010 **/ void InitVersion () { #if (VERSION_CHECKING != VC_NONE) ServerPrint ("Checking for new version...\n"); if (!CFile::Exists(VERSION_PATH)) { ServerPrint ("Version file non-existant, writing... "); WriteVersion (); ServerPrint ("done\n"); } else VerifyVersionFile (); CheckNewVersion (); #endif }
void VerifyVersionFile () { CFileBuffer Buffer (VERSION_PATH, true); CParser Parser (Buffer.GetBuffer<char> (), PSP_COMMENT_LINE); String prefix; Parser.ParseToken (PSF_ALLOW_NEWLINES, prefix); uint8 minor; uint16 major; uint32 build; Parser.ParseDataType<uint16> (PSF_ALLOW_NEWLINES, &major, 1); Parser.ParseDataType<uint8> (PSF_ALLOW_NEWLINES, &minor, 1); Parser.ParseDataType<uint32> (PSF_ALLOW_NEWLINES, &build, 1); if (CompareVersion (prefix.CString(), major, minor, build)) { ServerPrint ("Version file out of date; updating...\n"); WriteVersion (); } }
void TensorBoardFileWriter::Init() { time_t time = std::time(0); std::wstring filePath = GetNewFilePath(m_dir, time); msra::files::make_intermediate_dirs(filePath); m_file = fopenOrDie(ToString(filePath), "wb"); m_fileName = filePath; // Write the first record with the current version, and flush // right away so the file contents will be easily determined. WriteVersion(time); if (m_model) { WriteModel(); } Flush(); }
/** * * @author OLiver */ bool Savegame::Save(BinaryFile& file) { // Versionszeug schreiben WriteVersion(file, 8, SAVE_SIGNATURE, SAVE_VERSION); // Timestamp der Aufzeichnung unser_time_t tmpTime = libendian::ConvertEndianess<false>::fromNative(save_time); file.WriteRawData(&tmpTime, 8); // Mapname file.WriteShortString(map_name); // Anzahl Spieler file.WriteUnsignedChar(GetPlayerCount()); // Größe der Spielerdaten (später ausfüllen) unsigned players_size = 0; unsigned players_pos = file.Tell(); file.WriteUnsignedInt(players_size); // Spielerdaten WritePlayerData(file); // Wieder zurückspringen und Größe des Spielerblocks eintragen unsigned new_pos = file.Tell(); file.Seek(players_pos, SEEK_SET); file.WriteUnsignedInt(new_pos - players_pos - 4); file.Seek(new_pos, SEEK_SET); // GGS WriteGGS(file); // Start-GF file.WriteUnsignedInt(start_gf); // Serialisiertes Spielzeug reinschreiben sgd.WriteToFile(file); return true; }
void MeshSaverImplv1_0::Save(OutputStreamPtr& out, AssetSaver& saver) { try { MeshTemplate* mesh = static_cast<MeshTemplate*>( saver.GetRequestPtr()->GetStreamedObject()); WriteVersion(out); ChunkOutputStream stream(out); WriteMeshHeader(mesh, stream); WriteBoundsInfo(mesh->GetBounds(), stream); MeshBuffer* buffer = mesh->GetSharedMeshBuffer(); MaterialTemplatePtr material = mesh->GetSharedMaterial(); if (buffer) { WriteVertexData(buffer, stream); WriteIndexData(buffer, stream); } if (material) { WriteMaterialData(material, stream); } uint32 numPrim = mesh->GetNumPrimitiveGroups(); for (uint32 i = 0; i < numPrim; ++i) { OutputSerializer& ser = stream.BeginChunk(MCID_SUBMESH_DATA); WriteSubMeshData(mesh, mesh->GetPrimitive(i), stream); stream.EndChunk(); } } catch (const GracefulErrorExcept& e) { saver.GetRequestPtr()->SetCompleted(false); NEX_THROW(e); } saver.GetRequestPtr()->SetCompleted(true); }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { #ifdef DEBUG_ALLOC DebugAllocator::StaticSetUp(); #endif ilInit(); // DevIL Initialize WriteVersion(); SECTREE_MANAGER sectree_manager; CHARACTER_MANAGER char_manager; ITEM_MANAGER item_manager; CShopManager shop_manager; CMobManager mob_manager; CMotionManager motion_manager; CPartyManager party_manager; CSkillManager skill_manager; CPVPManager pvp_manager; LZOManager lzo_manager; DBManager db_manager; AccountDB account_db; LogManager log_manager; MessengerManager messenger_manager; P2P_MANAGER p2p_manager; CGuildManager guild_manager; CGuildMarkManager mark_manager; CDungeonManager dungeon_manager; CRefineManager refine_manager; CBanwordManager banword_manager; CPrivManager priv_manager; CWarMapManager war_map_manager; building::CManager building_manager; CTargetManager target_manager; marriage::CManager marriage_manager; marriage::WeddingManager wedding_manager; CItemAddonManager item_addon_manager; CArenaManager arena_manager; COXEventManager OXEvent_manager; CMonarch Monarch; CHorseNameManager horsename_manager; DESC_MANAGER desc_manager; TrafficProfiler trafficProfiler; CTableBySkill SkillPowerByLevel; CPolymorphUtils polymorph_utils; CProfiler profiler; CBattleArena ba; SpamManager spam_mgr; CThreeWayWar threeway_war; CDragonLairManager dl_manager; CSpeedServerManager SSManager; DSManager dsManager; #ifdef __AUCTION__ AuctionManager auctionManager; #endif if (!start(argc, argv)) { CleanUpForEarlyExit(); return 0; } quest::CQuestManager quest_manager; if (!quest_manager.Initialize()) { CleanUpForEarlyExit(); return 0; } MessengerManager::instance().Initialize(); CGuildManager::instance().Initialize(); fishing::Initialize(); OXEvent_manager.Initialize(); if (speed_server) CSpeedServerManager::instance().Initialize(); Cube_init(); Blend_Item_init(); ani_init(); PanamaLoad(); if ( g_bTrafficProfileOn ) TrafficProfiler::instance().Initialize( TRAFFIC_PROFILE_FLUSH_CYCLE, "ProfileLog" ); // Client PackageCrypt //TODO : make it config const std::string strPackageCryptInfoDir = "package/"; if( !desc_manager.LoadClientPackageCryptInfo( strPackageCryptInfoDir.c_str() ) ) { sys_err("Failed to Load ClientPackageCryptInfo File(%s)", strPackageCryptInfoDir.c_str()); } #if defined (__FreeBSD__) && defined(__FILEMONITOR__) PFN_FileChangeListener pPackageNotifyFunc = &(DESC_MANAGER::NotifyClientPackageFileChanged); //FileMonitorFreeBSD::Instance().AddWatch( strPackageCryptInfoName, pPackageNotifyFunc ); #endif while (idle()); sys_log(0, "<shutdown> Starting..."); g_bShutdown = true; g_bNoMoreClient = true; if (g_bAuthServer) { int iLimit = DBManager::instance().CountQuery() / 50; int i = 0; do { DWORD dwCount = DBManager::instance().CountQuery(); sys_log(0, "Queries %u", dwCount); if (dwCount == 0) break; usleep(500000); if (++i >= iLimit) if (dwCount == DBManager::instance().CountQuery()) break; } while (1); } sys_log(0, "<shutdown> Destroying CArenaManager..."); arena_manager.Destroy(); sys_log(0, "<shutdown> Destroying COXEventManager..."); OXEvent_manager.Destroy(); sys_log(0, "<shutdown> Disabling signal timer..."); signal_timer_disable(); sys_log(0, "<shutdown> Shutting down CHARACTER_MANAGER..."); char_manager.GracefulShutdown(); sys_log(0, "<shutdown> Shutting down ITEM_MANAGER..."); item_manager.GracefulShutdown(); sys_log(0, "<shutdown> Flushing db_clientdesc..."); db_clientdesc->FlushOutput(); sys_log(0, "<shutdown> Flushing p2p_manager..."); p2p_manager.FlushOutput(); sys_log(0, "<shutdown> Destroying CShopManager..."); shop_manager.Destroy(); sys_log(0, "<shutdown> Destroying CHARACTER_MANAGER..."); char_manager.Destroy(); sys_log(0, "<shutdown> Destroying ITEM_MANAGER..."); item_manager.Destroy(); sys_log(0, "<shutdown> Destroying DESC_MANAGER..."); desc_manager.Destroy(); sys_log(0, "<shutdown> Destroying quest::CQuestManager..."); quest_manager.Destroy(); sys_log(0, "<shutdown> Destroying building::CManager..."); building_manager.Destroy(); sys_log(0, "<shutdown> Flushing TrafficProfiler..."); trafficProfiler.Flush(); destroy(); #ifdef DEBUG_ALLOC DebugAllocator::StaticTearDown(); #endif return 1; }
/** * * @author OLiver */ bool Replay::WriteHeader(const std::string& filename) { // Datei öffnen if(!file.Open(filename.c_str(),OFM_WRITE)) return false; Replay::filename = filename; // Versionszeug schreiben WriteVersion(file,6,REPLAY_SIGNATURE,REPLAY_VERSION); // Timestamp der Aufzeichnung (TODO: Little/Big Endian unterscheidung) file.WriteRawData(&save_time,8); /// NWF-Länge file.WriteUnsignedShort(nwf_length); /// Zufallsgeneratorinitialisierung file.WriteUnsignedInt(random_init); /// Pathfinding-Results hier drin? file.WriteUnsignedChar(pathfinding_results ? 1 : 0); // Position merken für End-GF last_gf_file_pos = file.Tell(); /// End-GF (erstmal nur 0, wird dann im Spiel immer geupdatet) file.WriteUnsignedInt(last_gf); // Anzahl Spieler file.WriteUnsignedChar(player_count); // Spielerdaten WritePlayerData(file); // GGS WriteGGS(file); // Map-Type file.WriteUnsignedShort(static_cast<unsigned short>(map_type)); switch(map_type) { default: break; case MAPTYPE_OLDMAP: { // Map-Daten file.WriteUnsignedInt(map_length); file.WriteUnsignedInt(map_zip_length); file.WriteRawData(map_data,map_zip_length); } break; case MAPTYPE_SAVEGAME: { // Savegame speichern if(!savegame->Save(file)) return false; } break; } // Mapname file.WriteShortString(map_name); // bei ungerader 4er position aufrunden //while(file.Tell() % 4) // file.WriteSignedChar(0); // Alles sofort reinschreiben file.Flush(); gf_file_pos = 0; // Create File for pathfinding results if(pathfinding_results) pf_file.Open((filename + "_res").c_str(),OFM_WRITE); return true; }
CDB::CDB(const char* pszFile, const char* pszMode, bool fTxn) : pdb(NULL) { int ret; if (pszFile == NULL) return; bool fCreate = strchr(pszMode, 'c'); bool fReadOnly = (!strchr(pszMode, '+') && !strchr(pszMode, 'w')); unsigned int nFlags = DB_THREAD; if (fCreate) nFlags |= DB_CREATE; else if (fReadOnly) nFlags |= DB_RDONLY; if (!fReadOnly || fTxn) nFlags |= DB_AUTO_COMMIT; CRITICAL_BLOCK(cs_db) { if (!fDbEnvInit) { string strAppDir = GetAppDir(); string strLogDir = strAppDir + "\\database"; _mkdir(strLogDir.c_str()); printf(" strAppDir=%s\n", strAppDir.c_str()); dbenv.set_lg_dir(strLogDir.c_str()); dbenv.set_lg_max(10000000); dbenv.set_lk_max_locks(10000); dbenv.set_lk_max_objects(10000); dbenv.set_errfile(fopen("db.log", "a")); /// debug ///dbenv.log_set_config(DB_LOG_AUTO_REMOVE, 1); /// causes corruption ret =, DB_CREATE | DB_INIT_LOCK | DB_INIT_LOG | DB_INIT_MPOOL | DB_INIT_TXN | DB_THREAD | DB_PRIVATE | DB_RECOVER, 0); if (ret > 0) throw runtime_error(strprintf("CDB() : error %d opening database environment\n", ret)); fDbEnvInit = true; } strFile = pszFile; ++mapFileUseCount[strFile]; } pdb = new Db(&dbenv, 0); ret = pdb->open(NULL, // Txn pointer pszFile, // Filename "main", // Logical db name DB_BTREE, // Database type nFlags, // Flags 0); if (ret > 0) { delete pdb; pdb = NULL; CRITICAL_BLOCK(cs_db) --mapFileUseCount[strFile]; strFile = ""; throw runtime_error(strprintf("CDB() : can't open database file %s, error %d\n", pszFile, ret)); } if (fCreate && !Exists(string("version"))) WriteVersion(VERSION); RandAddSeed(); }
PictSelection::PictSelection (istream& from, State* state) : (nil) { ReadPictGS(from, state); ReadChildren(from, state); valid = from.good(); } // ReadChildren loops determining which kind of Selection follows and // creating it until it reads "end" which means all of the children // have been created. void PictSelection::ReadChildren (istream& from, State* state) { while (from.good()) { Skip(from); Selection* child = nil; from >> buf; if (strcmp(buf, "BSpl") == 0) { child = new BSplineSelection(from, state); } else if (strcmp(buf, "Circ") == 0) { child = new CircleSelection(from, state); } else if (strcmp(buf, "CBSpl") == 0) { child = new ClosedBSplineSelection(from, state); } else if (strcmp(buf, "Elli") == 0) { child = new EllipseSelection(from, state); } else if (strcmp(buf, "Line") == 0) { child = new LineSelection(from, state); } else if (strcmp(buf, "MLine") == 0) { child = new MultiLineSelection(from, state); } else if (strcmp(buf, "Pict") == 0) { child = new PictSelection(from, state); } else if (strcmp(buf, "Poly") == 0) { child = new PolygonSelection(from, state); } else if (strcmp(buf, "Rect") == 0) { child = new RectSelection(from, state); } else if (strcmp(buf, "Text") == 0) { child = new TextSelection(from, state); } else if (strcmp(buf, "eop") == 0) { break; } else { fprintf(stderr, "unknown Selection %s, skipping\n", buf); continue; } if (from.good()) { Append(child); } else { delete child; } } } // WritePicture writes the picture's data and Postscript code to print // it wrapped in Postscript comments that minimally conform to version // 1.0 of Adobe Systems's structuring conventions for Postscript. The // picture must remove itself from its parent if it has a parent to // prevent the parent's transformation from affecting the picture's // calculation of its bounding box. void PictSelection::WritePicture (ostream& to, boolean verbose) { Picture* parent = (Picture*) Parent(); if (parent != nil) { parent->SetCurrent(this); parent->Remove(this); } ScaleToPostscriptCoords(); if (verbose) { WriteComments(to); WritePrologue(to); WriteVersion(to); WriteGridSpacing(to); WriteDrawing(to); WriteTrailer(to); } else { WriteVersion(to); WriteGridSpacing(to); WriteDrawing(to); } ScaleToScreenCoords(); if (parent != nil) { parent->InsertBeforeCur(this); } }
BerkeleyBatch::BerkeleyBatch(BerkeleyDatabase& database, const char* pszMode, bool fFlushOnCloseIn) : pdb(nullptr), activeTxn(nullptr) { fReadOnly = (!strchr(pszMode, '+') && !strchr(pszMode, 'w')); fFlushOnClose = fFlushOnCloseIn; env = database.env; if (database.IsDummy()) { return; } const std::string &strFilename = database.strFile; bool fCreate = strchr(pszMode, 'c') != nullptr; unsigned int nFlags = DB_THREAD; if (fCreate) nFlags |= DB_CREATE; { LOCK(cs_db); if (!env->Open(false /* retry */)) throw std::runtime_error("BerkeleyBatch: Failed to open database environment."); pdb = env->mapDb[strFilename]; if (pdb == nullptr) { int ret; std::unique_ptr<Db> pdb_temp = MakeUnique<Db>(env->dbenv.get(), 0); bool fMockDb = env->IsMock(); if (fMockDb) { DbMpoolFile* mpf = pdb_temp->get_mpf(); ret = mpf->set_flags(DB_MPOOL_NOFILE, 1); if (ret != 0) { throw std::runtime_error(strprintf("BerkeleyBatch: Failed to configure for no temp file backing for database %s", strFilename)); } } ret = pdb_temp->open(nullptr, // Txn pointer fMockDb ? nullptr : strFilename.c_str(), // Filename fMockDb ? strFilename.c_str() : "main", // Logical db name DB_BTREE, // Database type nFlags, // Flags 0); if (ret != 0) { throw std::runtime_error(strprintf("BerkeleyBatch: Error %d, can't open database %s", ret, strFilename)); } // Call CheckUniqueFileid on the containing BDB environment to // avoid BDB data consistency bugs that happen when different data // files in the same environment have the same fileid. // // Also call CheckUniqueFileid on all the other g_dbenvs to prevent // bitcoin from opening the same data file through another // environment when the file is referenced through equivalent but // not obviously identical symlinked or hard linked or bind mounted // paths. In the future a more relaxed check for equal inode and // device ids could be done instead, which would allow opening // different backup copies of a wallet at the same time. Maybe even // more ideally, an exclusive lock for accessing the database could // be implemented, so no equality checks are needed at all. (Newer // versions of BDB have an set_lk_exclusive method for this // purpose, but the older version we use does not.) for (const auto& env : g_dbenvs) { CheckUniqueFileid(env.second, strFilename, *pdb_temp, this->env->m_fileids[strFilename]); } pdb = pdb_temp.release(); env->mapDb[strFilename] = pdb; if (fCreate && !Exists(std::string("version"))) { bool fTmp = fReadOnly; fReadOnly = false; WriteVersion(CLIENT_VERSION); fReadOnly = fTmp; } } ++env->mapFileUseCount[strFilename]; strFile = strFilename; } }
int EXRFile::OpenOutputFile(const char* i_fileName) { m_file = fopen(i_fileName, "wb"); if (!m_file) { return IMF_ERROR_ERROR; } m_channelList = new ChannelList(*m_header->GetChannelList()); m_channelList->Sort(); m_header->GetAttribute("dataWindow", "box2i", (char*)&m_dataWindow[0]); m_header->GetAttribute("compression", "compression", (char*)&m_compression); /* TODO: Get and use length of the attribute */ char type[256]; const char* deepscanline = "deepscanline"; m_header->GetAttribute("type", "string", type); if (strncmp(type, deepscanline, strlen(deepscanline)) == 0) { m_dataType = IMF_DEEPSCANLINE; } else { m_dataType = IMF_SCANLINEIMAGE; } int width = m_dataWindow[2] - m_dataWindow[0] + 1; size_t datasize = m_channelList->GetPixelSize() * width; if( m_dataType == IMF_DEEPSCANLINE ) { if (m_compression == IMF_ZIPS_COMPRESSION) { m_scanline_block = new ScanLineDeepZipSBlock( m_file, width * sizeof(m_fb_sampleCount[0]), m_channelList->GetPixelSize(), m_dataWindow[1]); } else { m_scanline_block = new ScanLineDeepBlock( m_file, width * sizeof(m_fb_sampleCount[0]), m_channelList->GetPixelSize(), m_dataWindow[1]); } } else switch( m_compression ) { case IMF_ZIP_COMPRESSION: m_scanline_block = new ScanLineZipBlock( m_file, datasize, m_dataWindow[1], ScanLineZipBlock::kDefaultBlockSize); break; case IMF_ZIPS_COMPRESSION: m_scanline_block = new ScanLineZipBlock( m_file, datasize, m_dataWindow[1], 1); break; default: m_scanline_block = new ScanLineBlock( m_file, datasize, m_dataWindow[1]); } int height = m_dataWindow[3] - m_dataWindow[1] + 1; m_blocks = height / m_scanline_block->NumLinesInBlock(); m_blocks += height % m_scanline_block->NumLinesInBlock() > 0; m_offset_table = new uint64_t [m_blocks]; // Initialize table to 0, so that valgrind doesn't complain about writing it out to file before we initialize it for( int i = 0; i < m_blocks; i++ ) m_offset_table[i] = 0; m_offset_table_counter = 0; WriteMagic(); WriteVersion(); WriteHeader(); WriteZerroOffsets(); return IMF_ERROR_NOERROR; }
CDB::CDB(const std::string &strFilename, const char *pszMode, bool fFlushOnCloseIn) : pdb(NULL), activeTxn(NULL) { int ret; fReadOnly = (!strchr(pszMode, '+') && !strchr(pszMode, 'w')); fFlushOnClose = fFlushOnCloseIn; if (strFilename.empty()) return; bool fCreate = strchr(pszMode, 'c') != NULL; unsigned int nFlags = DB_THREAD; if (fCreate) nFlags |= DB_CREATE; { LOCK(bitdb.cs_db); if (!bitdb.Open(GetDataDir())) throw std::runtime_error("CDB: Failed to open database environment."); strFile = strFilename; ++bitdb.mapFileUseCount[strFile]; pdb = bitdb.mapDb[strFile]; if (pdb == NULL) { pdb = new Db(bitdb.dbenv, 0); bool fMockDb = bitdb.IsMock(); if (fMockDb) { DbMpoolFile *mpf = pdb->get_mpf(); ret = mpf->set_flags(DB_MPOOL_NOFILE, 1); if (ret != 0) throw std::runtime_error( strprintf("CDB: Failed to configure for no temp file backing for database %s", strFile)); } ret = pdb->open(NULL, // Txn pointer fMockDb ? NULL : strFile.c_str(), // Filename fMockDb ? strFile.c_str() : "main", // Logical db name DB_BTREE, // Database type nFlags, // Flags 0); if (ret != 0) { delete pdb; pdb = NULL; --bitdb.mapFileUseCount[strFile]; strFile = ""; throw std::runtime_error(strprintf("CDB: Error %d, can't open database %s", ret, strFile)); } if (fCreate && !Exists(std::string("version"))) { bool fTmp = fReadOnly; fReadOnly = false; WriteVersion(CLIENT_VERSION); fReadOnly = fTmp; } bitdb.mapDb[strFile] = pdb; } } }
CDB::CDB(const char* pszFile, const char* pszMode) : pdb(NULL) { int ret; if (pszFile == NULL) return; fReadOnly = (!strchr(pszMode, '+') && !strchr(pszMode, 'w')); bool fCreate = strchr(pszMode, 'c'); unsigned int nFlags = DB_THREAD; if (fCreate) nFlags |= DB_CREATE; CRITICAL_BLOCK(cs_db) { if (!fDbEnvInit) { if (fShutdown) return; string strDataDir = GetDataDir(); string strLogDir = strDataDir + "/database"; filesystem::create_directory(strLogDir.c_str()); string strErrorFile = strDataDir + "/db.log"; printf(" strLogDir=%s strErrorFile=%s\n", strLogDir.c_str(), strErrorFile.c_str()); dbenv.set_lg_dir(strLogDir.c_str()); dbenv.set_lg_max(10000000); #if !(TARGET_OS_IPHONE || TARGET_IPHONE_SIMULATOR) dbenv.set_lk_max_locks(10000); dbenv.set_lk_max_objects(10000); #endif dbenv.set_errfile(fopen(strErrorFile.c_str(), "a")); /// debug dbenv.set_flags(DB_AUTO_COMMIT, 1); ret =, DB_CREATE | #if !(TARGET_OS_IPHONE || TARGET_IPHONE_SIMULATOR) DB_INIT_LOCK | #endif DB_INIT_LOG | DB_INIT_MPOOL | DB_INIT_TXN | DB_THREAD | DB_RECOVER, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR); if (ret > 0) throw runtime_error(strprintf("CDB() : error %d opening database environment", ret)); fDbEnvInit = true; } strFile = pszFile; ++mapFileUseCount[strFile]; pdb = mapDb[strFile]; if (pdb == NULL) { pdb = new Db(&dbenv, 0); ret = pdb->open(NULL, // Txn pointer pszFile, // Filename "main", // Logical db name DB_BTREE, // Database type nFlags, // Flags 0); if (ret > 0) { delete pdb; pdb = NULL; CRITICAL_BLOCK(cs_db) --mapFileUseCount[strFile]; strFile = ""; throw runtime_error(strprintf("CDB() : can't open database file %s, error %d", pszFile, ret)); } if (fCreate && !Exists(string("version"))) { bool fTmp = fReadOnly; fReadOnly = false; WriteVersion(VERSION); fReadOnly = fTmp; } mapDb[strFile] = pdb; } } }
CDB::CDB(const char* pszFile, const char* pszMode) : pdb(NULL) { int ret; if (pszFile == NULL) return; fReadOnly = (!strchr(pszMode, '+') && !strchr(pszMode, 'w')); bool fCreate = strchr(pszMode, 'c'); unsigned int nFlags = DB_THREAD; if (fCreate) nFlags |= DB_CREATE; CRITICAL_BLOCK(cs_db) { if (!dbLock) { if (fShutdown) return; string strDataDir = GetDataDir(); string strLogDir = strDataDir + "/database"; filesystem::create_directory(strLogDir.c_str()); string strErrorFile = strDataDir + "/db.log"; printf(" strLogDir=%s strErrorFile=%s\n", strLogDir.c_str(), strErrorFile.c_str()); // if strErrorFile exists and is locked, exception: another Bitcoin must // be using this DataDir: if (boost::filesystem::exists(strErrorFile)) { dbLock = new boost::interprocess::file_lock(strErrorFile.c_str()); bool locked = dbLock->try_lock(); if (!locked) throw runtime_error(_("Cannot lock db.log, is bitcoin already running?\n")); } dbenv.set_lg_dir(strLogDir.c_str()); dbenv.set_lg_max(10000000); dbenv.set_lk_max_locks(10000); dbenv.set_lk_max_objects(10000); dbenv.set_errfile(fopen(strErrorFile.c_str(), "a")); /// debug dbenv.set_flags(DB_AUTO_COMMIT, 1); ret =, DB_CREATE | DB_INIT_LOCK | DB_INIT_LOG | DB_INIT_MPOOL | DB_INIT_TXN | DB_THREAD | DB_PRIVATE | DB_RECOVER, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR); if (ret > 0) throw runtime_error(strprintf("CDB() : error %d opening database environment\n", ret)); if (!dbLock) { dbLock = new boost::interprocess::file_lock(strErrorFile.c_str()); dbLock->lock(); } } strFile = pszFile; ++mapFileUseCount[strFile]; pdb = mapDb[strFile]; if (pdb == NULL) { pdb = new Db(&dbenv, 0); ret = pdb->open(NULL, // Txn pointer pszFile, // Filename "main", // Logical db name DB_BTREE, // Database type nFlags, // Flags 0); if (ret > 0) { delete pdb; pdb = NULL; CRITICAL_BLOCK(cs_db) --mapFileUseCount[strFile]; strFile = ""; throw runtime_error(strprintf("CDB() : can't open database file %s, error %d\n", pszFile, ret)); } if (fCreate && !Exists(string("version"))) { bool fTmp = fReadOnly; fReadOnly = false; WriteVersion(VERSION); fReadOnly = fTmp; } mapDb[strFile] = pdb; } } }
// ----- M A I N --------------------------------------------------------------- int main(int argc, char** argv) { SetWorldSilent(true); // No STDOUT output from cpptraj routines. std::string topname, crdname, title, bres, pqr, sybyltype, writeconect; std::string aatm(" pdbatom"), ter_opt(" terbyres"), box(" sg \"P 1\""); TrajectoryFile::TrajFormatType fmt = TrajectoryFile::PDBFILE; bool ctr_origin = false; bool useExtendedInfo = false; int res_offset = 0; int debug = 0; int numSoloArgs = 0; for (int i = 1; i < argc; ++i) { std::string arg( argv[i] ); if (arg == "-p" && i+1 != argc && topname.empty()) // Topology topname = std::string( argv[++i] ); else if (arg == "-c" && i+1 != argc && crdname.empty()) // Coords crdname = std::string( argv[++i] ); else if (arg == "-tit" && i+1 != argc && title.empty()) // Title title = " title " + std::string( argv[++i] ); else if (arg == "-offset" && i+1 != argc) // Residue # offset res_offset = convertToInteger( argv[++i] ); else if ((arg == "-d" || arg == "--debug") && i+1 != argc) // Debug level debug = convertToInteger( argv[++i] ); else if (arg == "-h" || arg == "--help") { // Help Help(argv[0], true); return 0; } else if (arg == "-v" || arg == "--version") { // Version info WriteVersion(); return 0; } else if (arg == "-aatm") // Amber atom names, include extra pts aatm.assign(" include_ep"); else if (arg == "-sybyl") // Amber atom types to SYBYL sybyltype.assign(" sybyltype"); else if (arg == "-conect") // Write CONECT records from bond info writeconect.assign(" conect"); else if (arg == "-ep") // PDB atom names, include extra pts aatm.append(" include_ep"); else if (arg == "-bres") // PDB residue names bres.assign(" pdbres"); else if (arg == "-ext") // Use extended PDB info from Topology useExtendedInfo = true; else if (arg == "-ctr") // Center on origin ctr_origin = true; else if (arg == "-noter") // No TER cards ter_opt.assign(" noter"); else if (arg == "-nobox") // No CRYST1 record box.assign(" nobox"); else if (arg == "-pqr") { // Charge/Radii in occ/bfactor cols pqr.assign(" dumpq"); ++numSoloArgs; } else if (arg == "-mol2") { // output as mol2 fmt = TrajectoryFile::MOL2FILE; ++numSoloArgs; } else if (Unsupported(arg)) { mprinterr("Error: Option '%s' is not yet supported.\n\n", arg.c_str()); return 1; } else { mprinterr("Error: Unrecognized option '%s'\n", arg.c_str()); Help(argv[0], false); return 1; } } if (debug > 0) WriteVersion(); // Check command line for errors. if (topname.empty()) topname.assign("prmtop"); if (debug > 0 && crdname.empty()) mprinterr("| Reading Amber restart from STDIN\n"); if (numSoloArgs > 1) { mprinterr("Error: Only one alternate output format option may be specified (found %i)\n", numSoloArgs); Help(argv[0], true); return 1; } if (!sybyltype.empty() && fmt != TrajectoryFile::MOL2FILE) { mprinterr("Warning: -sybyl is only valid for MOL2 file output.\n"); sybyltype.clear(); } if (debug > 0) { mprinterr("Warning: debug is %i; debug info will be written to STDOUT.\n", debug); SetWorldSilent(false); } // Topology ParmFile pfile; Topology parm; if (pfile.ReadTopology(parm, topname, debug)) { if (topname == "prmtop") Help(argv[0], false); return 1; } if (!useExtendedInfo) parm.ResetPDBinfo(); if (res_offset != 0) for (int r = 0; r < parm.Nres(); r++) parm.SetRes(r).SetOriginalNum( parm.Res(r).OriginalResNum() + res_offset ); ArgList trajArgs; // Input coords Frame TrajFrame; CoordinateInfo cInfo; if (!crdname.empty()) { Trajin_Single trajin; if (trajin.SetupTrajRead(crdname, trajArgs, &parm)) return 1; cInfo = trajin.TrajCoordInfo(); TrajFrame.SetupFrameV(parm.Atoms(), cInfo); trajin.BeginTraj(); if (trajin.ReadTrajFrame(0, TrajFrame)) return 1; trajin.EndTraj(); } else { // Assume Amber restart from STDIN // Check that input is from a redirect. if ( isatty(fileno(stdin)) ) { mprinterr("Error: No coordinates specified with '-c' and no STDIN '<'.\n"); return 1; } Traj_AmberRestart restartIn; restartIn.SetDebug( debug ); //restartIn.processReadArgs( trajArgs ); int total_frames = restartIn.setupTrajin("", &parm); if (total_frames < 1) return 1; cInfo = restartIn.CoordInfo(); TrajFrame.SetupFrameV(parm.Atoms(), cInfo); if (restartIn.openTrajin()) return 1; if (restartIn.readFrame(0, TrajFrame)) return 1; restartIn.closeTraj(); } if (ctr_origin) TrajFrame.CenterOnOrigin(false); // Output coords Trajout_Single trajout; trajArgs.SetList( aatm + bres + pqr + title + ter_opt + box + sybyltype + writeconect, " " ); if ( trajout.PrepareStdoutTrajWrite(trajArgs, &parm, cInfo, 1, fmt) ) return 1; trajout.WriteSingle(0, TrajFrame); trajout.EndTraj(); return 0; }