Пример #1
bool NnlsHals(const MatrixType<T>& A,
              DenseMatrix<T>& W, 
              DenseMatrix<T>& H,
              const T tol,
              const bool verbose,
              const unsigned int max_iter)
    unsigned int n = A.Width();
    unsigned int k = W.Width();

    if (static_cast<unsigned int>(W.Height()) != static_cast<unsigned int>(A.Height()))
        throw std::logic_error("NnlsHals: W and A must have identical height");
    if (static_cast<unsigned int>(H.Width()) != static_cast<unsigned int>(A.Width()))
        throw std::logic_error("NnlsHals: H and A must have identical width");
    if (H.Height() != W.Width())
        throw std::logic_error("NnlsHals: non-conformant W and H");

    DenseMatrix<T> WtW(k, k), WtA(k, n), WtWH_r(1, n), gradH(k, n);

    if (verbose)
        std::cout << "\nRunning NNLS solver..." << std::endl;
    // compute W'W and W'A for the normal equations
    Gemm(TRANSPOSE, NORMAL, T(1.0), W, W, T(0.0), WtW);
    Gemm(TRANSPOSE, NORMAL, T(1.0), W, A, T(0.0), WtA);

    bool success = false;

    T pg0 = T(0), pg;
    for (unsigned int i=0; i<max_iter; ++i)
        // compute the new matrix H
        UpdateH_Hals(H, WtWH_r, WtW, WtA);
        // compute gradH = WtW*H - WtA
        Gemm(NORMAL, NORMAL, T(1.0), WtW, H, T(0.0), gradH);
        Axpy( T(-1.0), WtA, gradH);

        // compute progress metric
        if (0 == i)
            pg0 = ProjectedGradientNorm(gradH, H);
            if (verbose)
                ReportProgress(i+1, T(1.0));
            pg = ProjectedGradientNorm(gradH, H);

        if (verbose)
            ReportProgress(i+1, pg/pg0);
        // check progress vs. desired tolerance
        if (pg < tol * pg0)
            success = true;
            NormalizeAndScale<T>(W, H);

    if (!success)
        std::cerr << "NNLS solver reached iteration limit." << std::endl;
    return success;
Пример #2
mat nnls_solver_with_missing(const mat & A, const mat & W, const mat & W1, const mat & H2, const umat & mask, 
	const double & eta, const double & beta, int max_iter, double rel_tol, int n_threads)
	// A = [W, W1, W2] [H, H1, H2]^T.
	// Where A may have missing values
	// Note that here in the input W = [W, W2]
	// compute x = [H, H1]^T given W, W2
	// A0 = W2*H2 is empty when H2 is empty (no partial info in H)
	// Return: x = [H, H1]

	int n = A.n_rows, m = A.n_cols;
	int k = W.n_cols - H2.n_cols;
	int kW = W1.n_cols;
	int nH = k+kW;

	mat x(nH, m, fill::zeros);

	if (n_threads < 0) n_threads = 0;
	bool is_masked = !mask.empty();

	#pragma omp parallel for num_threads(n_threads) schedule(dynamic)
	for (int j = 0; j < m; j++)
		// break if all entries of col_j are masked
		if (is_masked && arma::all(mask.col(j))) 
		uvec non_missing = find_finite(A.col(j));
		mat WtW(nH, nH); // WtW
		update_WtW(WtW, W.rows(non_missing), W1.rows(non_missing), H2);
		if (beta > 0) WtW += beta;
		if (eta > 0) WtW.diag() += eta;

		mat mu(nH, 1); // -WtA
		uvec jv(1);
		jv(0) = j;
		//non_missing.t().print("non_missing = ");
		//std::cout << "1.1" << std::endl;
		if (H2.empty())
			update_WtA(mu, W.rows(non_missing), W1.rows(non_missing), H2, A.submat(non_missing, jv));
			update_WtA(mu, W.rows(non_missing), W1.rows(non_missing), H2.rows(j, j), A.submat(non_missing, jv));
		//std::cout << "1.5" << std::endl;

		vec x0(nH);
		double tmp;
		int i = 0;
		double err1, err2 = 9999;
		do {
			x0 = x.col(j);
			err1 = err2;
			err2 = 0;
			for (int l = 0; l < nH; l++)
				if (is_masked && mask(l,j) > 0) continue;
				tmp = x(l,j) - mu(l,0) / WtW(l,l);
				if (tmp < 0) tmp = 0;
				if (tmp != x(l,j))
					mu.col(0) += (tmp - x(l,j)) * WtW.col(l);
				x(l,j) = tmp;
				tmp = std::abs(x(l,j) - x0(l));
				if (tmp > err2) err2 = tmp;
		} while(++i < max_iter && std::abs(err1 - err2) / (err1 + 1e-9) > rel_tol);
	return x;