Пример #1
_X_HIDDEN void
DRI_glXUseXFont(struct glx_context *CC, Font font, int first, int count, int listbase)
   Display *dpy;
   Window win;
   Pixmap pixmap;
   GC gc;
   XGCValues values;
   unsigned long valuemask;
   XFontStruct *fs;

   GLint swapbytes, lsbfirst, rowlength;
   GLint skiprows, skippixels, alignment;

   unsigned int max_width, max_height, max_bm_width, max_bm_height;
   GLubyte *bm;

   int i;

   dpy = CC->currentDpy;
   win = CC->currentDrawable;

   fs = XQueryFont(dpy, font);
   if (!fs) {
      __glXSetError(CC, GL_INVALID_VALUE);

   /* Allocate a bitmap that can fit all characters.  */
   max_width = fs->max_bounds.rbearing - fs->min_bounds.lbearing;
   max_height = fs->max_bounds.ascent + fs->max_bounds.descent;
   max_bm_width = (max_width + 7) / 8;
   max_bm_height = max_height;

   bm = (GLubyte *) Xmalloc((max_bm_width * max_bm_height) * sizeof(GLubyte));
   if (!bm) {
      XFreeFontInfo(NULL, fs, 1);
      __glXSetError(CC, GL_OUT_OF_MEMORY);

#if 0
   /* get the page info */
   pages = fs->max_char_or_byte2 - fs->min_char_or_byte2 + 1;
   firstchar = (fs->min_byte1 << 8) + fs->min_char_or_byte2;
   lastchar = (fs->max_byte1 << 8) + fs->max_char_or_byte2;
   rows = fs->max_byte1 - fs->min_byte1 + 1;
   unsigned int first_char, last_char, pages, rows;

   /* Save the current packing mode for bitmaps.  */
   glGetIntegerv(GL_UNPACK_SWAP_BYTES, &swapbytes);
   glGetIntegerv(GL_UNPACK_LSB_FIRST, &lsbfirst);
   glGetIntegerv(GL_UNPACK_ROW_LENGTH, &rowlength);
   glGetIntegerv(GL_UNPACK_SKIP_ROWS, &skiprows);
   glGetIntegerv(GL_UNPACK_SKIP_PIXELS, &skippixels);
   glGetIntegerv(GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT, &alignment);

   /* Enforce a standard packing mode which is compatible with
      fill_bitmap() from above.  This is actually the default mode,
      except for the (non)alignment.  */
   glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_ROW_LENGTH, 0);
   glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_SKIP_ROWS, 0);
   glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_SKIP_PIXELS, 0);
   glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT, 1);

   pixmap = XCreatePixmap(dpy, win, 10, 10, 1);
   values.foreground = BlackPixel(dpy, DefaultScreen(dpy));
   values.background = WhitePixel(dpy, DefaultScreen(dpy));
   values.font = fs->fid;
   valuemask = GCForeground | GCBackground | GCFont;
   gc = XCreateGC(dpy, pixmap, valuemask, &values);
   XFreePixmap(dpy, pixmap);

#ifdef DEBUG
   if (debug_xfonts)

   for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
      unsigned int width, height, bm_width, bm_height;
      GLfloat x0, y0, dx, dy;
      XCharStruct *ch;
      int x, y;
      unsigned int c = first + i;
      int list = listbase + i;
      int valid;

      /* check on index validity and get the bounds */
      ch = isvalid(fs, c);
      if (!ch) {
         ch = &fs->max_bounds;
         valid = 0;
      else {
         valid = 1;

#ifdef DEBUG
      if (debug_xfonts) {
         char s[7];
         sprintf(s, isprint(c) ? "%c> " : "\\%03o> ", c);
         dump_char_struct(ch, s);

      /* glBitmap()' parameters:
         straight from the glXUseXFont(3) manpage.  */
      width = ch->rbearing - ch->lbearing;
      height = ch->ascent + ch->descent;
      x0 = -ch->lbearing;
      y0 = ch->descent - 1;
      dx = ch->width;
      dy = 0;

      /* X11's starting point.  */
      x = -ch->lbearing;
      y = ch->ascent;

      /* Round the width to a multiple of eight.  We will use this also
         for the pixmap for capturing the X11 font.  This is slightly
         inefficient, but it makes the OpenGL part real easy.  */
      bm_width = (width + 7) / 8;
      bm_height = height;

      glNewList(list, GL_COMPILE);
      if (valid && (bm_width > 0) && (bm_height > 0)) {

         memset(bm, '\0', bm_width * bm_height);
         fill_bitmap(dpy, win, gc, bm_width, bm_height, x, y, c, bm);

         glBitmap(width, height, x0, y0, dx, dy, bm);
#ifdef DEBUG
         if (debug_xfonts) {
            printf("width/height = %u/%u\n", width, height);
            printf("bm_width/bm_height = %u/%u\n", bm_width, bm_height);
            dump_bitmap(bm_width, bm_height, bm);
      else {
         glBitmap(0, 0, 0.0, 0.0, dx, dy, NULL);

   XFreeFontInfo(NULL, fs, 1);
   XFreeGC(dpy, gc);

   /* Restore saved packing modes.  */
   glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_SWAP_BYTES, swapbytes);
   glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_LSB_FIRST, lsbfirst);
   glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_ROW_LENGTH, rowlength);
   glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_SKIP_ROWS, skiprows);
   glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_SKIP_PIXELS, skippixels);
   glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT, alignment);
Пример #2
static DFBResult
x11AllocateKey( CoreSurfacePool       *pool,
                void                  *pool_data,
                void                  *pool_local,
                CoreSurfaceBuffer     *buffer,
                const char            *key,
                u64                    handle,
                CoreSurfaceAllocation *allocation,
                void                  *alloc_data )
     CoreSurface       *surface;
     x11AllocationData *alloc = alloc_data;
     x11PoolLocalData  *local = pool_local;
     DFBX11            *x11   = local->x11;

     D_DEBUG_AT( X11_Surfaces, "%s( %s, 0x%08llx )\n", __FUNCTION__, key, (unsigned long long) handle );
     D_DEBUG_AT( X11_Surfaces, "  -> allocation: %s\n", ToString_CoreSurfaceAllocation( allocation ) );

     D_MAGIC_ASSERT( pool, CoreSurfacePool );
     D_MAGIC_ASSERT( buffer, CoreSurfaceBuffer );

     surface = buffer->surface;
     D_MAGIC_ASSERT( surface, CoreSurface );

     if (!strcmp( key, "Pixmap/X11" )) {
          D_DEBUG_AT( X11_Surfaces, "  -> Pixmap/X11\n" );

          alloc->type = X11_ALLOC_PIXMAP;
     else if (!strcmp( key, "Window/X11" )) {
          D_DEBUG_AT( X11_Surfaces, "  -> Window/X11\n" );

          alloc->type = X11_ALLOC_WINDOW;
     else {
          D_BUG( "unexpected key '%s'", key );
          return DFB_BUG;

     dfb_surface_calc_buffer_size( surface, 8, 8, &alloc->pitch, &allocation->size );

//     alloc->depth  = DefaultDepthOfScreen( x11->screenptr );
//     alloc->visual = DefaultVisualOfScreen( x11->screenptr );
     alloc->visual = x11->visuals[DFB_PIXELFORMAT_INDEX(buffer->format)];
     alloc->depth  = DFB_COLOR_BITS_PER_PIXEL( buffer->format ) + DFB_ALPHA_BITS_PER_PIXEL( buffer->format );

     if (alloc->depth == DefaultDepthOfScreen( x11->screenptr ))
          alloc->visual = DefaultVisualOfScreen( x11->screenptr );

     D_DEBUG_AT( X11_Surfaces, "  -> visual %p (id %lu), depth %d\n", alloc->visual, alloc->visual->visualid, alloc->depth );

     if (handle) {
          switch (alloc->type) {
               case X11_ALLOC_PIXMAP:
                    XLockDisplay( x11->display );

                    alloc->xid = (unsigned long) handle;
                    x11->Sync( x11 );
                    D_DEBUG_AT( X11_Surfaces, "  -> pixmap 0x%08lx\n", (long) alloc->xid );

                    XUnlockDisplay( x11->display );

                    D_INFO( "X11/Windows: Import Pixmap 0x%08lx\n", alloc->xid );

               case X11_ALLOC_WINDOW: {
                    XLockDisplay( x11->display );

                    alloc->window = (unsigned long) handle;
                    x11->Sync( x11 );
                    D_DEBUG_AT( X11_Surfaces, "  -> window 0x%08lx\n", (long) alloc->window );

                    XCompositeRedirectWindow( x11->display, alloc->window, CompositeRedirectManual );
                    x11->Sync( x11 );
                    D_DEBUG_AT( X11_Surfaces, "  -> redirected\n" );

                    alloc->xid = XCompositeNameWindowPixmap( x11->display, alloc->window );
//                    alloc->xid = alloc->window;
                    x11->Sync( x11 );
                    D_DEBUG_AT( X11_Surfaces, "  -> pixmap 0x%08lx\n", (long) alloc->xid );

                    XUnmapWindow( x11->display, alloc->window );
                    x11->Sync( x11 );
                    D_DEBUG_AT( X11_Surfaces, "  -> unmapped\n" );

                    XUnlockDisplay( x11->display );

                    D_INFO( "X11/Windows: Import Window 0x%08lx with Pixmap handle 0x%08lx\n", alloc->window, alloc->xid );

                    D_BUG( "unexpected allocation type %d\n", alloc->type );
                    return DFB_BUG;
     else {
//          alloc->type = X11_ALLOC_PIXMAP;

          switch (alloc->type) {
               case X11_ALLOC_PIXMAP:
                    XLockDisplay( x11->display );

                    x11->Sync( x11 );
                    D_DEBUG_AT( X11_Surfaces, "  -> creating pixmap...\n" );

                    alloc->xid = XCreatePixmap( x11->display, DefaultRootWindow(x11->display),
                                                allocation->config.size.w, allocation->config.size.h, alloc->depth );
                    x11->Sync( x11 );
                    XSync( x11->display, False );
                    D_DEBUG_AT( X11_Surfaces, "  -> pixmap 0x%08lx\n", (long) alloc->xid );

                    XUnlockDisplay( x11->display );

                    D_INFO( "X11/Windows: New Pixmap 0x%08lx\n", alloc->xid );

                    alloc->created = true;

               case X11_ALLOC_WINDOW: {
                    Window w = (Window) (long) buffer->surface->data;

                    XSetWindowAttributes attr;

                    attr.event_mask =
                         | ButtonReleaseMask
                         | PointerMotionMask
                         | KeyPressMask
                         | KeyReleaseMask
                         | ExposureMask
                         | StructureNotifyMask;

                    attr.background_pixmap = 0;

                    XLockDisplay( x11->display );

                    x11->Sync( x11 );
                    D_DEBUG_AT( X11_Surfaces, "  -> creating window...\n" );

                    alloc->window = w?:XCreateWindow( x11->display,
                                                   600, 200, allocation->config.size.w, allocation->config.size.h, 0,
                                                   alloc->depth, InputOutput,
                                                   alloc->visual, CWEventMask, &attr );
                    x11->Sync( x11 );
                    D_DEBUG_AT( X11_Surfaces, "  -> window 0x%08lx\n", (long) alloc->window );
                    buffer->surface->data = (void*) (long) alloc->window;

                    XMapRaised( x11->display, alloc->window );
                    x11->Sync( x11 );
                    D_DEBUG_AT( X11_Surfaces, "  -> raised\n" );

                    XCompositeRedirectWindow( x11->display, alloc->window, CompositeRedirectManual );
                    x11->Sync( x11 );
                    D_DEBUG_AT( X11_Surfaces, "  -> redirected\n" );

                    alloc->xid = XCompositeNameWindowPixmap( x11->display, alloc->window );
//                    alloc->xid = alloc->window;
                    x11->Sync( x11 );
                    D_DEBUG_AT( X11_Surfaces, "  -> pixmap 0x%08lx\n", (long) alloc->xid );

                    XUnmapWindow( x11->display, alloc->window );
                    x11->Sync( x11 );
                    D_DEBUG_AT( X11_Surfaces, "  -> unmapped\n" );

                    XUnlockDisplay( x11->display );

                    D_INFO( "X11/Windows: New Window 0x%08lx with Pixmap handle 0x%08lx\n", alloc->window, alloc->xid );

                    alloc->created = !w;

                    D_BUG( "unexpected allocation type %d\n", alloc->type );
                    return DFB_BUG;

     alloc->gc = XCreateGC( x11->display, alloc->xid, 0, NULL );

     allocation->offset = alloc->type;

     return DFB_OK;
Пример #3
Файл: bgs.c Проект: Gottox/bgs
/* draw background to root */
drawbg(void) {
	int i, w, h, nx, ny, nh, nw, tmp;
	double factor;
	Pixmap pm;
	Imlib_Image tmpimg, buffer;

	pm = XCreatePixmap(dpy, root, sw, sh,
			   DefaultDepth(dpy, DefaultScreen(dpy)));
	if(!(buffer = imlib_create_image(sw, sh)))
		die("Error: Cannot allocate buffer.\n");
	imlib_image_fill_rectangle(0, 0, sw, sh);
	for(i = 0; i < nmonitor; i++) {
		imlib_context_set_image(images[i % nimage]);
		w = imlib_image_get_width();
		h = imlib_image_get_height();
		if(!(tmpimg = imlib_clone_image()))
			die("Error: Cannot clone image.\n");
		if(rotate && ((monitors[i].w > monitors[i].h && w < h) ||
		   (monitors[i].w < monitors[i].h && w > h))) {
			tmp = w;
			w = h;
			h = tmp;
		switch(mode) {
		case ModeCenter:
			nw = (monitors[i].w - w) / 2;
			nh = (monitors[i].h - h) / 2;
			nx = monitors[i].x + (monitors[i].w - nw) / 2;
			ny = monitors[i].y + (monitors[i].h - nh) / 2;
		case ModeZoom:
			nw = monitors[i].w;
			nh = monitors[i].h;
			if(w > h && (w / h > (monitors[i].w / monitors[i].h))) {
				nx = monitors[i].x + (monitors[i].w - nw) / 2;
				ny = monitors[i].y + (int)ceil(h * nx / w) / 2;
			else {
				ny = monitors[i].y + (monitors[i].h - nh) / 2;
				nx = monitors[i].x + (int)ceil(w * ny / h) / 2;
		default: /* ModeScale */
			factor = MAX((double)w / monitors[i].w,
				     (double)h / monitors[i].h);
			nw = w / factor;
			nh = h / factor;
			nx = monitors[i].x + (monitors[i].w - nw) / 2;
			ny = monitors[i].y + (monitors[i].h - nh) / 2;
		imlib_blend_image_onto_image(tmpimg, 0, 0, 0, w, h,
					     nx, ny, nw, nh);
	imlib_render_image_on_drawable(0, 0);
	imlib_render_image_on_drawable(0, 0);
	XSetWindowBackgroundPixmap(dpy, root, pm);
	XFreePixmap(dpy, pm);
Пример #4
      Window w2;

      Display *dpy = XOpenDisplay(NIL);
      Screen *scr = DefaultScreenOfDisplay(dpy);

      // CreateWindow

      Window w = XCreateWindow(dpy, RootWindowOfScreen(scr), 10, 100, 200, 300, 0, CopyFromParent,
			       CopyFromParent, CopyFromParent,
			       0, NIL);

      XDestroyWindow(dpy, w);

      // CreateWindow with arguments

      XSetWindowAttributes swa;
      swa.background_pixel = WhitePixelOfScreen(scr);
      swa.bit_gravity = NorthWestGravity;
      swa.border_pixel = BlackPixelOfScreen(scr);
      swa.colormap = DefaultColormapOfScreen(scr);
      swa.cursor = None;
      swa.win_gravity = NorthGravity;

      w = XCreateWindow(dpy, RootWindowOfScreen(scr), 10, 100, 200, 300, 0, CopyFromParent,
			CopyFromParent, CopyFromParent,
			CWBackPixel | CWBitGravity | CWBorderPixel | CWColormap | CWCursor | CWWinGravity, 
      // CreateWindow with other arguments

      XDestroyWindow(dpy, w);

      Pixmap pixmap = XCreatePixmap(dpy, RootWindowOfScreen(scr), 45, 25, DefaultDepthOfScreen(scr));

      swa.background_pixmap = pixmap;
      swa.border_pixmap = pixmap;

      w = XCreateWindow(dpy, RootWindowOfScreen(scr), 10, 100, 200, 300, 0, CopyFromParent,
			CopyFromParent, CopyFromParent,
			CWBackPixmap | CWBorderPixmap,
      // ChangeWindowAttributes

      swa.backing_planes = 0x1;
      swa.backing_pixel = WhitePixelOfScreen(scr);
      swa.save_under = True;
      swa.event_mask = KeyPressMask | KeyReleaseMask;
      swa.do_not_propagate_mask = ButtonPressMask | Button4MotionMask;
      swa.override_redirect = False;
      XChangeWindowAttributes(dpy, w, CWBackingPlanes | CWBackingPixel | CWSaveUnder | CWEventMask
			      | CWDontPropagate | CWOverrideRedirect, &swa);

      // GetWindowAttributes

      XWindowAttributes wa;
      Status success = XGetWindowAttributes(dpy, w, &wa);

      // DestroyWindow (done)

      // DestroySubwindows

      w2 = XCreateWindow(dpy, w, 20, 30, 40, 50, 3, CopyFromParent, CopyFromParent, CopyFromParent, 0, NIL);
      XDestroySubwindows(dpy, w);

      // ChangeSaveSet

//        Display *dpy2 = XOpenDisplay(NIL);
//        assert(dpy2);
//        XAddToSaveSet(dpy2, w);
//        XCloseDisplay(dpy2);

      // ReparentWindow

      w2 = XCreateWindow(dpy, RootWindowOfScreen(scr), 20, 30, 40, 50, 3, 
			 CopyFromParent, CopyFromParent, CopyFromParent, 0, NIL);
      XReparentWindow(dpy, w2, w, 10, 5);

      // MapWindow

      XMapWindow(dpy, w);

      // MapSubwindows
      XMapSubwindows(dpy, w);

      // UnmapWindow
      XUnmapWindow(dpy, w);

      // UnmapSubwindows

      XMapWindow(dpy, w);
      XUnmapSubwindows(dpy, w2);
      XMapSubwindows(dpy, w);

      // ConfigureWindow

      Window w3 = XCreateWindow(dpy, w, 10, 50, 100, 10, 2,
			 CopyFromParent, CopyFromParent, CopyFromParent, 0, NIL);

      XMapWindow(dpy, w3);

      XWindowChanges wc;
      wc.x = -5;
      wc.y = -10;
      wc.width = 50;
      wc.height = 40;
      wc.border_width = 7;
      wc.sibling = w2;
      wc.stack_mode = Opposite;
      XConfigureWindow(dpy, w3, 
		       CWX | CWY | CWWidth | CWHeight | CWBorderWidth | CWSibling | CWStackMode, 

      // CirculateWindow

      XCirculateSubwindows(dpy, w, RaiseLowest);

      // GetGeometry

      Window root;
      int x, y;
      unsigned width, height, border_width, depth;
      XGetGeometry(dpy, w, &root, &x, &y, &width, &height, &border_width, &depth);

      // QueryTree

      Window parent;
      Window *children;
      unsigned nchildren;
      success = XQueryTree(dpy, w, &root, &parent, &children, &nchildren);

      // InternAtom

      Atom a = XInternAtom(dpy, "WM_PROTOCOLS", True);

      // GetAtomName

      char *string = XGetAtomName(dpy, XA_PRIMARY);

      // ChangeProperty

      XStoreName(dpy, w, "test window");

      // DeleteProperty

      XDeleteProperty(dpy, w, XA_WM_NAME);

      // GetProperty
      // TODO

      // ListProperties

      int num_prop;
      Atom *list = XListProperties(dpy, w, &num_prop);

      // SetSelectionOwner

      XSetSelectionOwner(dpy, XA_PRIMARY, w, 12000);
      XSetSelectionOwner(dpy, XA_SECONDARY, w, CurrentTime);

      // GetSelectionOwner

      Window wx = XGetSelectionOwner(dpy, XA_PRIMARY);

      // ConvertSelection

      XConvertSelection(dpy, XA_SECONDARY, XA_CURSOR, XA_POINT, w, CurrentTime);

      // SendEvent

      // GrabPointer

      std::cerr << "Grabbing" << std::endl;
      int res = XGrabPointer(dpy, w, False, Button5MotionMask | PointerMotionHintMask,
			     GrabModeSync, GrabModeAsync, w, None, CurrentTime);
      XSync(dpy, False);
//      sleep(5);

      // UngrabPointer

      std::cerr << "Ungrabbing" << std::endl;
      XUngrabPointer(dpy, CurrentTime);

      // GrabButton

      XGrabButton(dpy, 3, ShiftMask | ControlMask, w, False, PointerMotionHintMask | Button2MotionMask, 
		  GrabModeAsync, GrabModeSync, None, None);
      XGrabButton(dpy, 2, AnyModifier, w, False, PointerMotionHintMask | Button2MotionMask, 
		  GrabModeAsync, GrabModeSync, None, None);
      // UngrabButton

      XUngrabButton(dpy, 2, LockMask, w);

      // ChangeActivePointerGrab

      XChangeActivePointerGrab(dpy, ButtonPressMask, None, CurrentTime);

      // GrabKeyboard

      XGrabKeyboard(dpy, w, True, GrabModeSync, GrabModeSync, 12000);

      // UngrabKeyboard

      XUngrabKeyboard(dpy, 13000);

      // GrabKey

      XGrabKey(dpy, XKeysymToKeycode(dpy, XK_Tab), ShiftMask | Mod3Mask, w, True, GrabModeSync,

      // UngrabKey

      XUngrabKey(dpy, AnyKey, AnyModifier, w);

      // AllowEvents

      XAllowEvents(dpy, AsyncPointer, 14000);

      // GrabServer


      // UngrabServer


      // QueryPointer

      Window child;
      int root_x, root_y, win_x, win_y;
      unsigned mask;
      Bool bres = XQueryPointer(dpy, w, &root, &child, &root_x, &root_y, &win_x, &win_y, &mask);

      // GetMotionEvents

      int nevents;
      XGetMotionEvents(dpy, w, 15000, 16000, &nevents);

      // TranslateCoordinates

      int dest_x, dest_y;

      XTranslateCoordinates(dpy, w, w2, 10, 20, &dest_x, &dest_y, &child);

      // WarpPointer

      XWarpPointer(dpy, w, w2, 0, 0, 100, 100, 20, 30);

      // SetInputFocus

      XSetInputFocus(dpy,w, RevertToPointerRoot, 17000);
      XSetInputFocus(dpy, PointerRoot, RevertToPointerRoot, 17000);

      // GetInputFocus

      Window focus;
      int revert_to;
      XGetInputFocus(dpy, &focus, &revert_to);

      // QueryKeymap

      char keys_return[32];
      XQueryKeymap(dpy, keys_return);

      // OpenFont

      Font fid = XLoadFont(dpy, "cursor");

      // CloseFont

      XUnloadFont(dpy, fid);

      // QueryFont

      XFontStruct *fs = XLoadQueryFont(dpy, "cursor");

      // QueryTextExtents

      int direction, font_ascent, font_descent;
      XCharStruct overall;
      XQueryTextExtents(dpy, fs -> fid, "toto", 4, &direction, &font_ascent, &font_descent, &overall);
      XQueryTextExtents(dpy, fs -> fid, "odd__length", 11, &direction, &font_ascent, &font_descent, &overall);

      XChar2b c2bs;
      c2bs.byte1 = '$';
      c2bs.byte2 = 'B';
      XQueryTextExtents16(dpy, fs -> fid, &c2bs, 1, &direction, &font_ascent, &font_descent, &overall);

      XQueryTextExtents(dpy, fs -> fid, longString, strlen(longString), &direction, &font_ascent, 
			&font_descent, &overall);

      // ListFonts

      int actual_count;
      char **fontList = XListFonts(dpy, "*", 100, &actual_count);
      XFree((char *)fontList);

      // ListFontsWithInfo

      int count;
      XFontStruct *info;
      char **names = XListFontsWithInfo(dpy, "*", 100, &count, &info);
      XFreeFontInfo(names, info, count);

      // SetFontPath
      // GetFontPath

      int npaths;
      char **charList = XGetFontPath(dpy, &npaths);

      char **charList2 = new char *[npaths + 1];
      memcpy(charList2, charList, npaths * sizeof(char *));
      charList2[npaths] = charList2[0];

      XSetFontPath(dpy, charList2, npaths + 1);
      XSetFontPath(dpy, charList, npaths); // Reset to some reasonnable value

      delete [] charList2;

      // CreatePixmap

      Pixmap pix2 = XCreatePixmap(dpy, w, 100, 200, DefaultDepthOfScreen(scr));

      // FreePixmap

      XFreePixmap(dpy, pix2);

      // CreateGC

      Pixmap bitmap = XCreateBitmapFromData(dpy, RootWindowOfScreen(scr), 
					    "\000\000\001\000\000\001\000\000\001\377\377\377", 3, 4);

      XGCValues gcv;
      gcv.function = GXand;
      gcv.plane_mask = 0x1;
      gcv.foreground = WhitePixelOfScreen(scr);
      gcv.background = BlackPixelOfScreen(scr);
      gcv.line_width = 2;
      gcv.line_style = LineDoubleDash;
      gcv.cap_style = CapProjecting;
      gcv.join_style = JoinRound;
      gcv.fill_style = FillStippled;
      gcv.fill_rule = EvenOddRule;
      gcv.arc_mode = ArcPieSlice;
      gcv.tile = pixmap;
      gcv.stipple = bitmap;
      gcv.ts_x_origin = 3;
      gcv.ts_y_origin = 4;
      gcv.font = fs -> fid;
      gcv.subwindow_mode = ClipByChildren;
      gcv.graphics_exposures = True;
      gcv.clip_x_origin = 5;
      gcv.clip_y_origin = 6;
      gcv.clip_mask = bitmap;
      gcv.dash_offset = 1;
      gcv.dashes = 0xc2;
      GC gc = XCreateGC(dpy, w, 
			  GCFunction | GCPlaneMask | GCForeground | GCBackground | GCLineWidth
			| GCLineStyle | GCCapStyle | GCJoinStyle | GCFillStyle | GCFillRule | GCTile
			| GCStipple | GCTileStipXOrigin | GCTileStipYOrigin | GCFont | GCSubwindowMode
			| GCGraphicsExposures | GCClipXOrigin | GCClipYOrigin | GCClipMask | GCDashOffset
			| GCDashList | GCArcMode,

      // ChangeGC

      gcv.function = GXandReverse;

      // Only a few of these should appear, since the values are cached on the client side by the Xlib.

      XChangeGC(dpy, gc, GCFunction | GCLineStyle | GCStipple | GCGraphicsExposures | GCDashList, &gcv);

      // CopyGC
      GC gc2 = XCreateGC(dpy, w, 0, NIL);
      XCopyGC(dpy, gc, GCFunction | GCLineStyle | GCStipple | GCGraphicsExposures | GCDashList, gc2);

      // SetDashes

      XSetDashes(dpy, gc, 3, "\001\377\001", 3);

      // SetClipRectangles

      XRectangle rectangles[] = { { 10, 20, 30, 40 }, { 100, 200, 5, 3 }, { -5, 1, 12, 24 } };
      XSetClipRectangles(dpy, gc, 12, 9, rectangles, SIZEOF(rectangles), Unsorted);

      // FreeGC

	    // done already

      // ClearArea

      XClearArea(dpy, w, 30, 10, 10, 100, False);

      // CopyArea

      XCopyArea(dpy, w, pixmap, gc, 0, 0, 100, 100, 10, 10);

      // CopyPlane

      // This won't work if the Screen doesn't have at least 3 planes
      XCopyPlane(dpy, pixmap, w, gc, 20, 10, 40, 30, 0, 0, 0x4);

      // PolyPoint

      XDrawPoint(dpy, w, gc, 1, 2);

      XPoint points[] = { { 3, 4 }, { 5, 6 } };
      XDrawPoints(dpy, w, gc, points, SIZEOF(points), CoordModeOrigin);

      // PolyLine

      XDrawLines(dpy, w, gc, points, SIZEOF(points), CoordModePrevious);

      // PolySegment

      XSegment segments[] = { { 7, 8, 9, 10 }, { 11, 12, 13, 14 }, { 15, 16, 17, 18 } };
      XDrawSegments(dpy, w, gc, segments, SIZEOF(segments));

      // PolyRectangle

      XDrawRectangles(dpy, w, gc, rectangles, SIZEOF(rectangles));

      // PolyArc

      XArc arcs[] = { { 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60 }, { -70, 80, 90, 100, 110, 120 }, 
		      { 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, -30 } };

      XDrawArcs(dpy, w, gc, arcs, SIZEOF(arcs));

      // FillPoly

      XFillPolygon(dpy, w, gc, points, SIZEOF(points), Convex, CoordModePrevious);

      // PolyFillRectangle
      XFillRectangles(dpy, w, gc, rectangles, SIZEOF(rectangles));

      // PolyFillArc
      XFillArcs(dpy, w, gc, arcs, SIZEOF(arcs));

      // PutImage
      // GetImage

      XImage *image = XGetImage(dpy, w, 10, 20, 40, 30, AllPlanes, ZPixmap);
      XPutImage(dpy, w, gc, image, 0, 0, 50, 60, 40, 30);
      XSync(dpy, False); // Make the next request starts at the beginning of a packet

      // PolyText8
      XTextItem textItems[3];
      textItems[0].chars = "toto";
      textItems[0].nchars = strlen(textItems[0].chars);
      textItems[0].delta = -3;
      textItems[0].font = fs->fid;
      textItems[1].chars = "titi";
      textItems[1].nchars = strlen(textItems[1].chars);
      textItems[1].delta = 3;
      textItems[1].font = None;
      textItems[2].chars = "tutu";
      textItems[2].nchars = strlen(textItems[2].chars);
      textItems[2].delta = 0;
      textItems[2].font = fs->fid;

      XDrawText(dpy, w, gc, 10, 10, textItems, 3);

      XTextItem textItems2[3];
      textItems2[0].chars = "totox";
      textItems2[0].nchars = strlen(textItems2[0].chars);
      textItems2[0].delta = -3;
      textItems2[0].font = fs->fid;
      textItems2[1].chars = "titi";
      textItems2[1].nchars = strlen(textItems2[1].chars);
      textItems2[1].delta = 3;
      textItems2[1].font = None;
      textItems2[2].chars = "tutu";
      textItems2[2].nchars = strlen(textItems2[2].chars);
      textItems2[2].delta = 0;
      textItems2[2].font = fs->fid;

      XDrawText(dpy, w, gc, 10, 10, textItems2, 3);

      // PolyText16

      XChar2b c2b2[] = { 0, 't', 0, 'x' };

      XTextItem16 items16[] = { { &c2bs, 1, -5, None }, { NULL, 0, 0, None }, { c2b2, 2, 0, fs -> fid } };
      XDrawText16(dpy, w, gc, 10, 0, items16, SIZEOF(items16));

      // ImageText8

      XDrawImageString(dpy, w, gc, 10, 10, "toto", 4);

      // ImageText16

      XDrawImageString16(dpy, w, gc, 10, 10, &c2bs, 1);
      XDrawImageString16(dpy, w, gc, 10, 20, c2b2, 2);

      // CreateColormap
      // Don't forget to tell the kids how it was when we had only 8 bits per pixel.

      Colormap colormap = XCreateColormap(dpy, w, DefaultVisualOfScreen(scr), None);

      // FreeColormap

      XFreeColormap(dpy, colormap);
      colormap = XCreateColormap(dpy, w, DefaultVisualOfScreen(scr), None);

      // CopyColormapAndFree

      Colormap colormap2 = XCopyColormapAndFree(dpy, colormap);

      // InstallColormap

      XInstallColormap(dpy, colormap2);

      // UninstallColormap

      XUninstallColormap(dpy, colormap2);

      // ListInstalledColormaps

      int num;
      Colormap *colormapList = XListInstalledColormaps(dpy, w, &num);

      // AllocColor

      XColor screen;
      screen.red = 0;
      screen.green = 32767;
      screen.blue = 65535;
      screen.flags = DoRed | DoGreen | DoBlue;
      success = XAllocColor(dpy, colormap, &screen);

      // AllocNamedColor

      XColor screen2, exact;
      success = XAllocNamedColor(dpy, colormap, "Wheat", &screen2, &exact);

      // AllocColorCells

      unsigned long plane_masks, pixels;
      success = XAllocColorCells(dpy, colormap, False, &plane_masks, 1, &pixels, 1);

      // AllocColorPlanes

      unsigned long rmask, gmask, bmask;
      success = XAllocColorPlanes(dpy, colormap, False, &pixels, 1, 0, 0, 0, &rmask, &gmask, &bmask);

      // FreeColors

      unsigned long pixels2[2] = { screen.pixel, screen2.pixel };
      XFreeColors(dpy, colormap, pixels2, 2, 0);

      // StoreColors

      success = XAllocColorCells(dpy, colormap, False, NIL, 0, pixels2, 2);

      // On many contemporary (that is, year 2000) video cards, you can't allocate read / write cells
      // I want my requests to be sent, however.
      if (!success) {

      XColor colors[2];
      colors[0] = screen;  colors[0].pixel = pixels2[0];
      colors[1] = screen2; colors[1].pixel = pixels2[1];
      XStoreColors(dpy, colormap, colors, 2);

      // StoreNamedColor

      XStoreNamedColor(dpy, colormap, "Wheat", colors[0].pixel, DoBlue);

      XSync(dpy, False);
      XSetErrorHandler(NIL); // Restore the default handler

      // QueryColors

      screen2.pixel = WhitePixelOfScreen(scr);
      XQueryColor(dpy, colormap, &screen2);

      // LookupColor

      success = XLookupColor(dpy, colormap, "DarkCyan", &exact, &screen);

      // CreateCursor

      Cursor cursor = XCreatePixmapCursor(dpy, pixmap, None, &exact, colors, 10, 10);

      // CreateGlyphCursor
      Cursor cursor2 = XCreateGlyphCursor(dpy, fs -> fid, fs -> fid, 'X', 0, &exact, colors);

      // FreeCursor
      XFreeCursor(dpy, cursor2);

      // RecolorCursor

      XRecolorCursor(dpy, cursor, colors, &exact);

      // QueryBestSize

      success = XQueryBestSize(dpy, CursorShape, RootWindowOfScreen(scr), 100, 20, &width, &height);

      // QueryExtension

      int major_opcode, first_event, first_error;
      XQueryExtension(dpy, "toto", &major_opcode, &first_event, &first_error);

      // ListExtensions

      int nextensions;
      char **extensionList = XListExtensions(dpy, &nextensions);
      for(char **p = extensionList; nextensions; nextensions--, p++) std::cout << *p << std::endl;

      // ChangeKeyboardMapping
      // GetKeyboardMapping

      int min_keycodes, max_keycodes;
      XDisplayKeycodes(dpy, &min_keycodes, &max_keycodes);

      int keysyms_per_keycode;
      KeySym *keysyms = XGetKeyboardMapping(dpy, min_keycodes, max_keycodes - min_keycodes + 1,
      XChangeKeyboardMapping(dpy, min_keycodes, keysyms_per_keycode, keysyms, 
			     max_keycodes - min_keycodes + 1);

      // ChangeKeyboardControl
      // GetKeyboardControl

      XKeyboardState keyboardState;
      XGetKeyboardControl(dpy, &keyboardState);

      XKeyboardControl keyboardValues;
      keyboardValues.key_click_percent = keyboardState.key_click_percent;
      keyboardValues.bell_percent = keyboardState.bell_percent;
      keyboardValues.bell_pitch = keyboardState.bell_pitch;
      keyboardValues.bell_duration = keyboardState.bell_duration;
      keyboardValues.led = 1;
      keyboardValues.led_mode = LedModeOn;
      keyboardValues.key = min_keycodes;
      keyboardValues.auto_repeat_mode = AutoRepeatModeDefault;
			       KBKeyClickPercent | KBBellPercent | KBBellPitch | KBBellDuration
			     | KBLed | KBLedMode | KBKey | KBAutoRepeatMode,

      // Bell

      XBell(dpy, 90);

      // ChangePointerControl
      // GetPointerControl

      int accel_numerator, accel_denominator, threshold;
      XGetPointerControl(dpy, &accel_numerator, &accel_denominator, &threshold);

      XChangePointerControl(dpy, True, True, accel_numerator, accel_denominator, threshold);

      // SetScreenSaver
      // GetScreenSaver

      int timeout, interval, prefer_blanking, allow_exposures;
      XGetScreenSaver(dpy, &timeout, &interval, &prefer_blanking, &allow_exposures);
      XSetScreenSaver(dpy, timeout, interval, prefer_blanking, allow_exposures);

      // ChangeHosts
      // ListHosts

      int nhosts;
      Bool state;
      XHostAddress *hostList = XListHosts(dpy, &nhosts, &state);

      XHostAddress host;
      host.family = FamilyInternet;
      host.length = 4;
      host.address = "\001\002\003\004";
      XAddHost(dpy, &host);

      // SetAccessControl

      XSetAccessControl(dpy, EnableAccess);

      // SetCloseDownMode

      XSetCloseDownMode(dpy, RetainTemporary);

      // KillClient

      XKillClient(dpy, AllTemporary);

      // RotateProperties

      Atom properties[] = { XInternAtom(dpy, "CUT_BUFFER0", False), 
			    XInternAtom(dpy, "CUT_BUFFER1", False),
			    XInternAtom(dpy, "CUT_BUFFER2", False) };
      XRotateWindowProperties(dpy, RootWindowOfScreen(scr), properties, SIZEOF(properties), -1);

      // ForceScreenSaver

      XForceScreenSaver(dpy, ScreenSaverReset);

      // SetPointerMapping
      // GetPointerMapping

      unsigned char map[64];
      int map_length = XGetPointerMapping(dpy, map, 64);
      XSetPointerMapping(dpy, map, map_length);

      // SetModifierMapping
      // GetModifierMapping

      XModifierKeymap *modmap = XGetModifierMapping(dpy);
      XSetModifierMapping(dpy, modmap);

      // NoOperation


      for(;;) {
	    XEvent e;
	    XNextEvent(dpy, &e);
	    std::cout << "Got an event of type " << e.type << std::endl;
Пример #5
void resize(unt w, unt h) {
    if(canvas) {
        XFreePixmap(disp, canvas);
Пример #6
static void *
whirlygig_init (Display *dpy, Window window)
  struct state *st = (struct state *) calloc (1, sizeof(*st));
  st->dpy = dpy;
  st->window = window;

  st->ncolors = NCOLORS;

    st->dbuf = get_boolean_resource (st->dpy, "doubleBuffer", "Boolean");

# ifdef HAVE_COCOA	/* Don't second-guess Quartz's double-buffering */
    st->dbuf = False;
# endif

    st->start_time = st->current_time;
    st->info = (struct info *)malloc(sizeof(struct info));

    st->screen = DefaultScreen(st->dpy);
    XGetWindowAttributes (st->dpy, st->window, &st->xgwa);
    if (st->dbuf)
        if (get_boolean_resource(st->dpy,"useDBE","Boolean"))
            st->dbeclear_p = get_boolean_resource (st->dpy, "useDBEClear",
            if (st->dbeclear_p)
              st->b = xdbe_get_backbuffer (st->dpy, st->window, XdbeBackground);
              st->b = xdbe_get_backbuffer (st->dpy, st->window, XdbeUndefined);
            st->backb = st->b;

	if (!st->b)
	    st->ba = XCreatePixmap (st->dpy, st->window, st->xgwa.width, st->xgwa.height,st->xgwa.depth);
	    st->b = st->ba;
	st->b = st->window;

    st->gcv.foreground = get_pixel_resource(st->dpy, st->xgwa.colormap, "foreground", "Foreground");
    st->fgc = XCreateGC (st->dpy, st->b, GCForeground, &st->gcv);
    st->gcv.foreground = get_pixel_resource(st->dpy, st->xgwa.colormap, "background", "Background");
    st->bgc = XCreateGC (st->dpy, st->b, GCForeground, &st->gcv);

#ifdef HAVE_COCOA  /* #### should turn off double-buffering instead */
    jwxyz_XSetAntiAliasing (dpy, st->fgc, False);
    jwxyz_XSetAntiAliasing (dpy, st->bgc, False);

      Bool writable_p = False;
    make_uniform_colormap (st->dpy, st->xgwa.visual, st->xgwa.colormap, st->colors, &st->ncolors, True, &writable_p, True);

    if (st->ba) XFillRectangle (st->dpy, st->ba, st->bgc, 0, 0, st->xgwa.width, st->xgwa.height);

        /* info is a structure holding all the random pieces of information I may want to 
           pass to my baby functions -- much of it I may never use, but it is nice to
           have around just in case I want it to make a funky function funkier */
/*    info->writable = get_boolean_resource (dpy, "cycle", "Boolean"); */
    st->info->xspeed = get_float_resource(st->dpy, "xspeed" , "Float");
    st->info->yspeed = get_float_resource(st->dpy, "yspeed" , "Float");
    st->info->xamplitude = get_float_resource(st->dpy, "xamplitude", "Float");
    st->info->yamplitude = get_float_resource(st->dpy, "yamplitude", "Float");
    st->info->offset_period = get_float_resource(st->dpy, "offset_period", "Float");
    st->info->whirlies = get_integer_resource(st->dpy, "whirlies", "Integer");
    st->info->nlines = get_integer_resource(st->dpy, "nlines", "Integer");
    st->info->half_width = st->xgwa.width / 2;
    st->info->half_height = st->xgwa.height / 2;
    st->info->speed = get_integer_resource(st->dpy, "speed" , "Integer");
    st->info->trail = get_boolean_resource(st->dpy, "trail", "Integer");
    st->info->color_modifier = get_integer_resource(st->dpy, "color_modifier", "Integer");
    st->info->xoffset = get_float_resource(st->dpy, "xoffset", "Float");
    st->info->yoffset = get_float_resource(st->dpy, "yoffset", "Float");
    st->xmode_str = get_string_resource(st->dpy, "xmode", "Mode");
    st->ymode_str = get_string_resource(st->dpy, "ymode", "Mode");
    st->wrap = get_boolean_resource(st->dpy, "wrap", "Boolean");
    st->modifier = 3000.0 + frand(1500.0);
    if (! st->xmode_str) st->xmode = spin_mode;
    else if (! strcmp (st->xmode_str, "spin")) st->xmode = spin_mode;
    else if (! strcmp (st->xmode_str, "funky")) st->xmode = funky_mode;
    else if (! strcmp (st->xmode_str, "circle")) st->xmode = circle_mode;
    else if (! strcmp (st->xmode_str, "linear")) st->xmode = linear_mode;
    else if (! strcmp (st->xmode_str, "test")) st->xmode = test_mode;
    else if (! strcmp (st->xmode_str, "fun")) st->xmode = fun_mode;
    else if (! strcmp (st->xmode_str, "innie")) st->xmode = innie_mode;
    else if (! strcmp (st->xmode_str, "lissajous")) st->xmode = lissajous_mode;
    else {
        st->xmode = random() % (int) lissajous_mode;
    if (! st->ymode_str) st->ymode = spin_mode;
    else if (! strcmp (st->ymode_str, "spin")) st->ymode = spin_mode;
    else if (! strcmp (st->ymode_str, "funky")) st->ymode = funky_mode;
    else if (! strcmp (st->ymode_str, "circle")) st->ymode = circle_mode;
    else if (! strcmp (st->ymode_str, "linear")) st->ymode = linear_mode;
    else if (! strcmp (st->ymode_str, "test")) st->ymode = test_mode;
    else if (! strcmp (st->ymode_str, "fun")) st->ymode = fun_mode;
    else if (! strcmp (st->ymode_str, "innie")) st->ymode = innie_mode;
    else if (! strcmp (st->ymode_str, "lissajous")) st->ymode = lissajous_mode;
    else {
        st->ymode = random() % (int) lissajous_mode;

    if (get_integer_resource(st->dpy, "start_time", "Integer") == -1)
        st->current_time = (unsigned long int)(random());
        st->current_time = get_integer_resource(st->dpy, "start_time", "Integer");
    if (st->info->whirlies == -1)
        st->info->whirlies = 1 + (random() % 15);
    if (st->info->nlines == -1)
        st->info->nlines = 1 + (random() % 5);
    if (st->info->color_modifier == -1)
        st->info->color_modifier = 1 + (random() % 25);
    if (get_boolean_resource(st->dpy, "explain", "Integer"))
      st->explaining = 1;
    st->current_color = 1 + (random() % NCOLORS);

  return st;
Пример #7
int video_set(PLOT *plot)
	struct videodata *plotdata = (struct videodata *)plot->plotdata;
	GROUP *group = plot->group;
	Display *dpy = XtDisplay(plot->plot_widget);
	Widget w = (Widget)plot->plot_widget;
	Dimension height, width;
	Window root_return;
	int x_return, y_return;
	unsigned int pixwidth, pixheight, border_width_return, depth_return;
	unsigned long long ntime;
	int haschanged = 0;

	** We do this here because the window must be realized to grab the mouse
	** it isn't realized during the call to video_open().
	if (plotdata->butgrabbed == FALSE)
		XGrabButton(dpy, AnyButton, AnyModifier, XtWindow(w), TRUE,
			ButtonPressMask | ButtonReleaseMask | Button2MotionMask,
			GrabModeAsync, GrabModeAsync, XtWindow(w),
			XCreateFontCursor(dpy, XC_crosshair));
		plotdata->butgrabbed = TRUE;

	** Retrieve the window size
	** The check here for height > 65000 is a workaround for a Motif bug.
	** When I select 2 files and draw a video for each, then the second one
	** gets a size of 65518 - which is presumably an error
	XtVaGetValues(w, XmNheight, &height, XmNwidth, &width, NULL);
	if ((height > 65000) || (height < 10))
		return SUCCESS;
	plot->width = width;
	plot->height = height;

	** If the window size has changed, we need to reallocate the
	** pixmap.
	XGetGeometry(dpy, plotdata->pixmap, &root_return, &x_return, &y_return,
		&pixwidth, &pixheight, &border_width_return, &depth_return);
	if ((pixheight != height) || (pixwidth != width))
		if (plotdata->pixmapalloced)
			XFreePixmap(dpy, plotdata->pixmap);
		plotdata->pixmap = XCreatePixmap(dpy, DefaultRootWindow(dpy), width, height, plot->depth);
		plotdata->pixmapalloced = TRUE;
	XFillRectangle(dpy, plotdata->pixmap, plotdata->inverse_GC, 0, 0, width, height);

	** Clear any marks
	plot->playmark = -1;
	plot->markx1 = -1;
	plot->markx2 = -1;

	** Load the desired frame
	if (plotdata->framenum != plotdata->loadedframenum)
		if (vid_read(group->vidfp, plotdata->framenum, plotdata->framedata, &ntime) != 0)
			fprintf(stderr, "Error reading frame #%d for file '%s'\n", plotdata->framenum, group->loadedfilename);
		plotdata->loadedframenum = plotdata->framenum;

	** Do the rendering to an off-screen pixmap, then copy to the window.
	if (haschanged)
		XPutImage(dpy, plotdata->pixmap, plotdata->drawing_GC, plotdata->image, 0, 0, 0, 0, width, height);
		XCopyArea(dpy, plotdata->pixmap, XtWindow(w), plotdata->drawing_GC, 0, 0, width, height, 0, 0);
	return SUCCESS;
Пример #8
static void *
compass_init (Display *dpy, Window window)
  struct state *st = (struct state *) calloc (1, sizeof(*st));
  XGCValues gcv;
  st->dpy = dpy;
  st->window = window;
  st->delay = get_integer_resource (st->dpy, "delay", "Integer");
  st->dbuf = get_boolean_resource (st->dpy, "doubleBuffer", "Boolean");

# ifdef HAVE_JWXYZ	/* Don't second-guess Quartz's double-buffering */
  st->dbuf = False;
# endif

  XGetWindowAttributes (st->dpy, st->window, &st->xgwa);
  st->size2 = MIN(st->xgwa.width, st->xgwa.height);

  if (st->xgwa.width > st->xgwa.height * 5 ||  /* goofy aspect ratio */
      st->xgwa.height > st->xgwa.width * 5)
    st->size2 = MAX(st->xgwa.width, st->xgwa.height);

    int max = 600;
    if (st->xgwa.width > 2560) max *= 2;  /* Retina displays */
    if (st->size2 > max) st->size2 = max;

  st->size = (st->size2 / 2) * 0.8;

  st->x = st->xgwa.width/2;
  st->y = st->xgwa.height/2;

  if (st->dbuf)
      st->b = st->backb = xdbe_get_backbuffer (st->dpy, st->window, XdbeUndefined);

      if (!st->b)
          st->x = st->size2/2;
          st->y = st->size2/2;
          st->ba = XCreatePixmap (st->dpy, st->window, st->size2, st->size2, st->xgwa.depth);
          st->bb = XCreatePixmap (st->dpy, st->window, st->size2, st->size2, st->xgwa.depth);
          st->b = st->ba;
      st->b = st->window;

  st->discs[0] = (struct disc *) calloc (1, sizeof (struct disc));
  st->discs[1] = (struct disc *) calloc (1, sizeof (struct disc));
  st->discs[2] = (struct disc *) calloc (1, sizeof (struct disc));
  st->discs[3] = 0;

  gcv.foreground = get_pixel_resource (st->dpy, st->xgwa.colormap,
                                       "foreground", "Foreground");
  gcv.line_width = MAX(2, (st->size/60));
  gcv.join_style = JoinBevel;
  st->discs[0]->draw = draw_ticks;
  st->discs[0]->gc = XCreateGC (st->dpy, st->b, GCForeground|GCLineWidth|GCJoinStyle,
  init_spin (st->discs[0]);

  gcv.foreground = get_pixel_resource (st->dpy, st->xgwa.colormap,
                                       "arrow2Foreground", "Foreground");
  gcv.line_width = MAX(4, (st->size / 30));
  st->discs[1]->draw = draw_thick_arrow;
  st->discs[1]->gc = XCreateGC (st->dpy, st->b, GCForeground|GCLineWidth, &gcv);
  init_spin (st->discs[1]);

  gcv.foreground = get_pixel_resource (st->dpy, st->xgwa.colormap,
                                       "arrow1Foreground", "Foreground");
  gcv.line_width = MAX(4, (st->size / 30));
  st->discs[2]->draw = draw_thin_arrow;
  st->discs[2]->gc = XCreateGC (st->dpy, st->b, GCForeground|GCLineWidth, &gcv);
  init_spin (st->discs[2]);

  gcv.foreground = get_pixel_resource (st->dpy, st->xgwa.colormap,
                                       "pointerForeground", "Foreground");
  st->ptr_gc = XCreateGC (st->dpy, st->b, GCForeground|GCLineWidth, &gcv);

  gcv.foreground = get_pixel_resource (st->dpy, st->xgwa.colormap,
                                       "background", "Background");
  st->erase_gc = XCreateGC (st->dpy, st->b, GCForeground, &gcv);

  if (st->ba) XFillRectangle (st->dpy, st->ba, st->erase_gc, 0, 0, st->size2, st->size2);
  if (st->bb) XFillRectangle (st->dpy, st->bb, st->erase_gc, 0, 0, st->size2, st->size2);

  return st;
Пример #9
void process_event(XEvent *xe)
   KeySym keysym;
   char keystring[4];

   switch (xe->type) {
      case KeyPress:
         keysym = XKeycodeToKeysym(dpy,xe->xkey.keycode,0);
         /* first, consider the raw keysyms, to catch a few combinations of keys with shift/alt */
         switch (keysym) {
            case XK_1: if (xe->xkey.state & ShiftMask) { key='!'; return; }
            case XK_2: if (xe->xkey.state & ShiftMask) { key='@'; return; }
            case XK_3: if (xe->xkey.state & ShiftMask) { key='#'; return; }
            case XK_4: if (xe->xkey.state & ShiftMask) { key='$'; return; }
            case XK_d: case XK_D: if (xe->xkey.state & Mod1Mask) { key=160; return; }
            case XK_m: case XK_M: if (xe->xkey.state & Mod1Mask) { key=178; return; }
            case XK_o: case XK_O: if (xe->xkey.state & Mod1Mask) { key=152; return; }
            case XK_p: case XK_P: if (xe->xkey.state & Mod1Mask) { key=153; return; }
            case XK_s: case XK_S: if (xe->xkey.state & Mod1Mask) { key=159; return; }
         /* for the rest, first process the keysym further, in which things like shift, ctrl and numlock are taken into account */
         if (XLookupString((XKeyEvent*)xe, keystring, 4, &keysym, NULL)!=0) {
            /* normal ASCII characters, and ctrl-codes, go here: */
         /* remaining keys (cursor, function, etc.) go here: */
         switch (keysym) {
            case XK_KP_Up:
            case XK_Up: key= (xe->xkey.state & ShiftMask) ? 184 : 200; return;
            case XK_KP_Down:
            case XK_Down: key= (xe->xkey.state & ShiftMask) ? 178 : 208; return;
            case XK_KP_Left:
            case XK_Left: key= (xe->xkey.state & ShiftMask) ? 180 : 203; return;
            case XK_KP_Right:
            case XK_Right: key= (xe->xkey.state & ShiftMask) ? 182 : 205; return;
            case XK_KP_Page_Up:
            case XK_Prior: key= 201;  /* page up ? */ return;
            case XK_KP_Page_Down:
            case XK_Next: key= 209;  /* page down ? */ return;
            case XK_F1: key= 187; return;
            case XK_F2: key= 188; return;
            case XK_F3: key= 189; return;
            case XK_F4: key= 190; return;
            case XK_F5: key= (xe->xkey.state & ShiftMask) ? 216 : 191; return;
            case XK_F6: key= 192; return;
            case XK_F10: key= 196; return;
            case XK_KP_Insert:
            case XK_Insert: key= 210; return;
            case XK_KP_Delete:
            case XK_Delete: key= 211; return;

      case ConfigureNotify: 
            XConfigureEvent *xrre=(XConfigureEvent*)xe;
            int ww,hh;
            if (ww>ScreenWidth) ww=ScreenWidth;
            if (hh>ScreenHeight) hh=ScreenHeight;
            // we notify the pascal code about the resize by sending a "virtual" keypress
            key=255;  // this constant is screenresize in the pascal code
            // need to update the background pixmap
            Pixmap oldpm=pm;
            pm=XCreatePixmap(dpy, RootWindow(dpy,scr),ScreenWidth,ScreenHeight,wa.depth);
            XFillRectangle(dpy, pm, gcfill, 0,0,ScreenWidth,ScreenHeight);
            XCopyArea(dpy, oldpm, pm, gc, 0, 0, ww, hh, 0, 0);
            XFreePixmap(dpy, oldpm);
Пример #10
ocpCursor::ocpCursor ( const wxString& cursorName, long type,
                       int hotSpotX, int hotSpotY ) : wxCursor ( wxCURSOR_CROSS )
    wxImage cImage;

    if ( !cImage.CanRead ( cursorName ) )

    cImage.LoadFile ( cursorName );

    int width = cImage.GetWidth();
    int height = cImage.GetHeight();

//    m_refData = new wxCursorRefData();

    //    Get some X parameters
    int xscreen = DefaultScreen ( ( Display* ) wxGlobalDisplay() );
    Window xroot = RootWindow ( ( Display* ) wxGlobalDisplay(), xscreen );
    Visual* xvisual = DefaultVisual ( ( Display* ) wxGlobalDisplay(), xscreen );

    M_CURSORDATA->m_display = wxGlobalDisplay();
    wxASSERT_MSG ( M_CURSORDATA->m_display, wxT ( "No display" ) );

    //    Make a pixmap
    Pixmap cpixmap = XCreatePixmap ( ( Display* ) wxGlobalDisplay(),
                                     xroot, width, height, 1 );

    //    Make an Ximage
    XImage *data_image = XCreateImage ( ( Display* ) wxGlobalDisplay(), xvisual,
                                        1, ZPixmap, 0, 0, width, height, 32, 0 );
    data_image->data = ( char* ) malloc ( data_image->bytes_per_line * data_image->height );

    int index = 0;
    int pixel = 0;
    unsigned char* data = cImage.GetData();

    // Create mask

    Pixmap cmask;
    unsigned char mr, mg, mb;

    if ( cImage.HasMask() )
        XImage *mask_image = XCreateImage ( ( Display* ) wxGlobalDisplay(), xvisual,
                                            1, ZPixmap, 0, 0, width, height, 32, 0 );
        mask_image->data = ( char* ) malloc ( mask_image->bytes_per_line * mask_image->height );

        cImage.GetOrFindMaskColour ( &mr, &mg, &mb );

        int rit = ( mr << 16 ) + ( mg << 8 ) + mb;
        for ( int y = 0; y < height; y++ )
            for ( int x = 0; x < width; x++ )
                int ri = ( int ) data[index++];
                ri += data[index++] << 8;
                ri += data[index++] << 16;

                 int ri = *(int *)(&data[index]);
                 ri &= 0x00ffffff;
                pixel = 1;
                if ( ri == rit )        // if data is mask value, mask pixel gets 0
                    pixel = 0;

                XPutPixel ( mask_image, x, y, pixel );


        cmask = XCreatePixmap ( ( Display* ) wxGlobalDisplay(), xroot, width, height, 1 );

        GC gc = XCreateGC ( ( Display* ) wxGlobalDisplay(), cmask, 0, NULL );
        XPutImage ( ( Display* ) wxGlobalDisplay(), cmask, gc, mask_image,
                    0, 0, 0, 0, width, height );

        XDestroyImage ( mask_image );
        XFreeGC ( ( Display* ) wxGlobalDisplay(), gc );


    //    Render the wxImage cImage onto the Ximage
    //    Simple black/white cursors only, please

    index = 0;

    for ( int y = 0; y < height; y++ )
        for ( int x = 0; x < width; x++ )
            int ri = ( int ) data[index++];
            ri += data[index++] << 8;
            ri += data[index++] << 16;

             int ri = *(int *)(&data[index]);
             ri &= 0x00ffffff;

            pixel = 0;
            if ( ri )
                pixel = 1;

            XPutPixel ( data_image, x, y, pixel );


    //    Put the Ximage into the pixmap

    GC gc = XCreateGC ( ( Display* ) wxGlobalDisplay(), cpixmap, 0, NULL );
    XPutImage ( ( Display* ) wxGlobalDisplay(), cpixmap, gc, data_image,
                0, 0, 0, 0, width, height );

    //    Free the Ximage stuff
    XDestroyImage ( data_image );
    XFreeGC ( ( Display* ) wxGlobalDisplay(), gc );

    //    Make a X cursor from the pixmap

    XColor fg, bg;
    fg.red = fg.blue = fg.green = 0xffff;
    bg.red = bg.blue = bg.green = 0;

    M_CURSORDATA->m_cursor = ( WXCursor ) XCreatePixmapCursor ( ( Display* ) wxGlobalDisplay(), cpixmap, cmask,
                             &fg, &bg, hotSpotX, hotSpotY );

Пример #11
void* iupdrvImageCreateImage(Ihandle *ih, const char* bgcolor, int make_inactive)
  int y, x, bpp, bgcolor_depend = 0,
      width = ih->currentwidth,
      height = ih->currentheight;
  unsigned char *imgdata = (unsigned char*)iupAttribGetStr(ih, "WID");
  Pixmap pixmap;
  unsigned char bg_r=0, bg_g=0, bg_b=0;
  GC gc;
  Pixel color2pixel[256];

  bpp = iupAttribGetInt(ih, "BPP");

  iupStrToRGB(bgcolor, &bg_r, &bg_g, &bg_b);

  if (bpp == 8)
    int i, colors_count = 0;
    iupColor colors[256];

    iupImageInitColorTable(ih, colors, &colors_count);

    for (i=0;i<colors_count;i++)
      if (colors[i].a == 0)
        colors[i].r = bg_r;
        colors[i].g = bg_g;
        colors[i].b = bg_b;
        colors[i].a = 255;
        bgcolor_depend = 1;

      if (make_inactive)
        iupImageColorMakeInactive(&(colors[i].r), &(colors[i].g), &(colors[i].b), bg_r, bg_g, bg_b);

      color2pixel[i] = iupmotColorGetPixel(colors[i].r, colors[i].g, colors[i].b);

  pixmap = XCreatePixmap(iupmot_display,
          width, height, iupdrvGetScreenDepth());
  if (!pixmap)
    return NULL;

  gc = XCreateGC(iupmot_display,pixmap,0,NULL);
  for (y=0;y<height;y++)
      unsigned long p;
      if (bpp == 8)
        p = color2pixel[imgdata[y*width+x]];
        int channels = (bpp==24)? 3: 4;
        unsigned char *pixel_data = imgdata + y*width*channels + x*channels;
        unsigned char r = *(pixel_data),
                      g = *(pixel_data+1),
                      b = *(pixel_data+2);

        if (bpp == 32)
          unsigned char a = *(pixel_data+3);
          if (a != 255)
            /* flat alpha */
            r = iupALPHABLEND(r, bg_r, a);
            g = iupALPHABLEND(g, bg_g, a);
            b = iupALPHABLEND(b, bg_b, a);
            bgcolor_depend = 1;

        if (make_inactive)
          iupImageColorMakeInactive(&r, &g, &b, bg_r, bg_g, bg_b);

        p = iupmotColorGetPixel(r, g, b);


  if (bgcolor_depend || make_inactive)
    iupAttribSet(ih, "_IUP_BGCOLOR_DEPEND", "1");

  return (void*)pixmap;
Пример #12
 * main application method
 * usage / command line arguments
 * xgravity [planet count] [calculation threads]
 * @param argc
 * @param argv
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
  pthread_t calcThreads[MAX_THREADS];
  pthread_barrier_t calcBarrier;
  pthread_mutex_t calcMutex = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;
  calcArgs calcThreadArgs;
  int threads; // number of calculation threads to run
  planet *planets[MAXCOUNT];
  planet *aPlanet;
  double minx, maxx, miny, maxy, cx, cy, massMax, massMin, timeFactor, forceMultiplier, radiusScale;
  int pi, count; // planet iterator
  long int zoomFactor; // zoom factor
  int centerID; // id of object to use for auto centering
  int radius; // radius in pixels

  double fg, td, dist; // temporary accelerating force and direction
  int shownum; // show stat numbers flag
  int showforce; // show force lines flag

  int winw, winh; // window dimensions

  Display *display;
  int screen;
  Window window;
  XEvent event;
  KeySym key;
  char text[255];
  Pixmap pixmap;
  GC gc;
  Colormap colormap;
  XGCValues values_return;
  XFontStruct *font_info;
  GContext gid;

  // check for planet count in arguments
  if( argc > 1 ) {
    // first argument is planet count
    count = atoi(argv[1]);
    if( count > MAXCOUNT ) count = MAXCOUNT;
  else {
    count = COUNT;
  // check for thread count in arguments
  if( argc > 2 ) {
    // first argument is planet count
    threads = atoi(argv[2]);
    if ( threads < 1 )
      threads = THREAD_COUNT;
    else if ( threads > MAX_THREADS )
      threads = MAX_THREADS;
  else {
    threads = THREAD_COUNT;

  // set default control values
  timeFactor = 1; // calculation time factor in seconds
  zoomFactor = 4; // start zoomed out a bit
  forceMultiplier = 1e-8; // need a small multiplier to shrink force lines
  shownum = 0; // do not show numbers
  showforce = 0; // do not show force lines
  centerID = -1; // not centered on any planets
  winw = WINW;
  winh = WINH;
  cx = 0;
  cy = 0;

  // setup Xwindow
  display = XOpenDisplay(NULL);
  if( display == NULL) {
    printf("Cannot open display\n");

  screen = DefaultScreen(display);
  window = XCreateSimpleWindow(
    RootWindow(display, screen), 
    WhitePixel(display, screen), 
    BlackPixel(display, screen));
  XMapWindow(display, window);

  // show the window ID in case need to use for screen grab / cast
  printf("Window ID:%d\r\n", window);

  XSelectInput (display, window, KeyPressMask | StructureNotifyMask | ButtonPressMask);

  pixmap = XCreatePixmap(display, window, winw, winh, DefaultDepth(display, screen));

  colormap = DefaultColormap(display, 0);
  gc = XCreateGC(display, pixmap, 0, 0);

  // define color codes
  char *colorCodes[] = {
  // create colors for palette
  XColor drawColors[COLOR_COUNT];
  for(pi = 0; pi < COLOR_COUNT; pi++)
    XParseColor(display, colormap, colorCodes[pi], &drawColors[pi]);
    XAllocColor(display, colormap, &drawColors[pi]);
  gid = XGContextFromGC(gc);
  font_info = XQueryFont(display, gid);

  XSetForeground(display, gc, drawColors[COLOR_BACKGROUND].pixel);
  XFillRectangle(display, pixmap, gc, 0, 0, winw, winh);
  XCopyArea(display, pixmap, window, gc, 0, 0, winw, winh, 0, 0);

  // allocate memory for planet data
  for ( pi = 0; pi < count; pi++ ) {
    planets[pi] = (planet *) malloc(sizeof(planet));
  // initialize planets
  randomizePlanets(planets, count);

  // initialize the thread barrier to thread count plus main
  pthread_barrier_init(&calcBarrier, NULL, threads + 1);

  // collect thread arguments into struct
  calcThreadArgs.planetData = planets;
  calcThreadArgs.count = count;
  calcThreadArgs.calcBarrier = &calcBarrier;
  calcThreadArgs.calcMutex = &calcMutex;
  // initialize threads
  for(pi = 0; pi < threads; pi++)
    pthread_create(&calcThreads[pi], NULL, &calcWorker, &calcThreadArgs);
  // main application loop
  while(1) {

    // keyboard events
    if( XCheckMaskEvent(display, KeyPressMask, &event) && XLookupString(&event.xkey, text, 255, &key, 0)==1 ) {
      // quit
      if (text[0]=='q') {
      // toggle show force lines
      if( text[0] == 'f' ) {
        showforce += 1;
        if( showforce > 3 ) showforce = 0;
      // adjust force line multiplier dimension
      if( text[0] == 'd' ) forceMultiplier = forceMultiplier / 10;
      if( text[0] == 'D' ) forceMultiplier = forceMultiplier * 10;
      // toggle show stat numbers
      if( text[0] == 'o' ) {
        shownum += 1;
        if( shownum > 6 ) shownum = 0;
      // toggle calculation time factor in seconds
      else if( text[0] == 't' ) timeFactor = timeFactor / 10;
      else if( text[0] == 'T' ) timeFactor = timeFactor * 10;
      // zoom in
      else if( text[0] == 'z' ) {
        zoomFactor -= 1;
        if( zoomFactor < 1 ) zoomFactor = 1;
      else if( text[0] == 'Z' ) {
        zoomFactor = zoomFactor / 2;
        if( zoomFactor < 1 ) zoomFactor = 1;
      // zoom out
      else if( text[0] == 'x' ) zoomFactor += 1;
      else if( text[0] == 'X' ) zoomFactor = 2 * zoomFactor;
      // reset view to no zoom
      else if( text[0] == 'v' ) zoomFactor = 1;
      // reset center
      else if( text[0] == 'c' ) {
        cx = 0;
        cy = 0;
      // auto zoom to show all planets
      else if( text[0] == 'a' ) {
        minx = 0;
        maxx = 0;
        miny = 0;
        maxy = 0;
        // use planets to find minimum and maximum position values for zoom window
        for(pi = 0; pi < count; pi++) {
          if( planets[pi]->mass > 0 ) {
            if( planets[pi]->x < minx ) minx = planets[pi]->x - 500;
            if( planets[pi]->x > maxx ) maxx = planets[pi]->x + 500;
            if( planets[pi]->y < miny ) miny = planets[pi]->y - 500;
            if( planets[pi]->y > maxy ) maxy = planets[pi]->y + 500;
        // calculate zoom factor
        if( (maxx - minx) / (double)winw > (maxy - miny) / (double)winh ) zoomFactor = (long int)((maxx - minx) / (double)winw);
        else zoomFactor = (long int)((maxy - miny) / (double)winh) + 1;

        // fractional zoom not allowed
        if( zoomFactor < 1 ) zoomFactor = 1;

        // recenter view
        cx = (double)-1.0 * (minx + (maxx - minx) / (double)2.0);
        cy = (double)-1.0 * (miny + (maxy - miny) / (double)2.0);
      // re-randomize planets
      else if( text[0] == 'r' ) {
        randomizePlanets(planets, count);
      // wipe all planets
      else if( text[0] == 'w' ) {
        massMax = 0;
        massMin = DBL_MAX;
        clearPlanets(planets, count);
      else if( text[0] == 's' ) {
        // create a gravitation well
        createGravityWell(planets, count, cx, cy);
      else if( text[0] == 'b' ) {
        // create a binary gravitation well
        createBinaryWell(planets, count, cx, cy);
      else if( text[0] == 'h' ) {
        // create a heliocentric system
        createHeliocentricSystem(planets, count, cx, cy);
      else if( text[0] == 'g' ) {
        // create some geocentric nonsense
        createGeocentricSystem(planets, count, cx, cy);
      else if( text[0] == 'p' ) {
        // create Sol planetary system
        createPlanetarySystem(planets, count, cx, cy);
      else if( text[0] == 'm' ) {
        // create molniya orbit
        createMolniyaOrbit(planets, count, cx, cy);
    } // end of keyboard events

    // window config events
    if( XCheckMaskEvent(display, StructureNotifyMask, &event) && event.type == ConfigureNotify ) {
      if (event.xconfigure.window == window) {
        winw = event.xconfigure.width;
        winh = event.xconfigure.height;
        XFreePixmap(display, pixmap);

        pixmap = XCreatePixmap(display, window, winw, winh, DefaultDepth(display, screen));

    // mouse button events
    if( XCheckMaskEvent(display, ButtonPressMask, &event) ) {
      centerID = -1;

      // if clicked on planet then select as centerID for auto centering
      for(pi = 0; pi < count; pi++) {
        dist = sqrt(pow((cx + planets[pi]->x) / zoomFactor + (winw / 2) - event.xbutton.x, 2) + pow((cy + planets[pi]->y) / zoomFactor + (winh / 2) - event.xbutton.y, 2));
        if( dist < 4 ) {
          centerID = pi;

      // if not centered on a planet then recenter to click point
      if( centerID == -1 ) {
        cx += zoomFactor * (winw / 2 - event.xbutton.x);
        cy += zoomFactor * (winh / 2 - event.xbutton.y);
      // keep in mind that cx, cy is not the center coordinate, it is the direction to shift

    // set calculation state on for each planet that has mass
    for(pi = 0; pi < count; pi++)
      if ( planets[pi]->mass > 0 )
        planets[pi]->calc = 1;
    // wait for all threads to start calculations
    // wait for all threads to end calculations
    // move planets after calculations
    movePlanets(timeFactor, planets, count);
    // calculate collisions
    calculateCollisions(planets, count);
    massMax = getMassMax(planets, count);
    massMin = getMassMin(planets, count);
    // clear display
    XSetForeground(display, gc, drawColors[COLOR_BACKGROUND].pixel);
    XFillRectangle(display, pixmap, gc, 0, 0, winw, winh);

    // if following a planet then recenter display on the planet
    if( centerID > -1 ) {
      cx = -1 * planets[centerID]->x;
      cy = -1 * planets[centerID]->y;

    // set radius scale of kg per pixel
    radiusScale = (massMax - massMin) / (MAX_PIXEL_RADIUS - MIN_PIXEL_RADIUS);
    // draw each planet
    for(pi = 0; pi < count; pi++) {
      // if planet has mass and is within the display area then we draw
      if( planets[pi]->mass > 0 && 
          (cx + planets[pi]->x) / zoomFactor > -1 * (winw / 2) && (cx + planets[pi]->x) / zoomFactor < (winw / 2) && 
          (cy + planets[pi]->y) / zoomFactor > -1 * (winh / 2) && (cy + planets[pi]->y) / zoomFactor < (winh / 2) ) {
        // calculate radius relative to mass and other planets
        radius = (int)(planets[pi]->mass / radiusScale) + MIN_PIXEL_RADIUS;

        // determine color by flash or radius divisions
        if( planets[pi]->flash ) {
            XSetForeground(display, gc, drawColors[COLOR_FLASH].pixel);
            radius = radius * planets[pi]->flash;
            planets[pi]->flash -= 1;
        else if( radius > 16 ) {
          // size is color for a star
          XSetForeground(display, gc, drawColors[COLOR_STAR].pixel);
        else if( radius <= 16 && radius > 12 ) {
          // size is color of blue planet
          XSetForeground(display, gc, drawColors[COLOR_BLUE].pixel);
        else {
          // default color for smallest is green
          XSetForeground(display, gc, drawColors[COLOR_GREEN].pixel);

        // draw planet dot
        XFillArc(display, pixmap, gc, 
                 ((cx + planets[pi]->x) / zoomFactor + (winw / 2) - radius / 2), 
                 ((cy + planets[pi]->y) / zoomFactor + (winh / 2) - radius / 2), 
                 radius, radius, 0, 360 * 64);

        // draw black border
        XSetForeground(display, gc, drawColors[COLOR_BLACK].pixel);
        XDrawArc(display, pixmap, gc, 
                 ((cx + planets[pi]->x) / zoomFactor + (winw / 2) - radius / 2), 
                 ((cy + planets[pi]->y) / zoomFactor + (winh / 2) - radius / 2), 
                 radius, radius, 0, 360 * 64);

        // show force vectors
        if( showforce > 0 ) {
          switch( showforce ) {
            case 1:
              //draw gravitational force
              XSetForeground(display, gc, drawColors[COLOR_RED].pixel);
              XDrawLine(display, pixmap, gc, 
                 ((cx + planets[pi]->x) / zoomFactor + (winw / 2)),
                 ((cy + planets[pi]->y) / zoomFactor + (winh / 2)),
                 ((cx + planets[pi]->x + (planets[pi]->mass * planets[pi]->acceleration.accelerationX) * forceMultiplier) / zoomFactor + (winw / 2)),
                 ((cy + planets[pi]->y + (planets[pi]->mass * planets[pi]->acceleration.accelerationY) * forceMultiplier) / zoomFactor + (winh / 2)));

              XSetForeground(display, gc, drawColors[COLOR_BLUE].pixel);
              XDrawLine(display, pixmap, gc,
                 ((cx + planets[pi]->x) / zoomFactor + (winw / 2)),
                 ((cy + planets[pi]->y) / zoomFactor + (winh / 2)),
                 ((cx + planets[pi]->x + (planets[pi]->mass * planets[pi]->velocityX * forceMultiplier / 10)) / zoomFactor + (winw / 2)),
                 ((cy + planets[pi]->y + (planets[pi]->mass * planets[pi]->velocityY * forceMultiplier / 10)) / zoomFactor + (winh / 2)));


            case 2:
             //draw gravitational acceleration
              XSetForeground(display, gc, drawColors[COLOR_WHITE].pixel);
              XDrawLine(display, pixmap, gc,
                 ((cx + planets[pi]->x) / zoomFactor + (winw / 2)),
                 ((cy + planets[pi]->y) / zoomFactor + (winh / 2)),
                 ((cx + planets[pi]->x + (planets[pi]->acceleration.accelerationX) * forceMultiplier) / zoomFactor + (winw / 2)),
                 ((cy + planets[pi]->y + (planets[pi]->acceleration.accelerationY) * forceMultiplier) / zoomFactor + (winh / 2)));


        // show stat values
        if( shownum > 0 ) {
          // set text color
          XSetForeground(display, gc, drawColors[COLOR_WHITE].pixel);

          switch( shownum ) {
            // show planet id number
            case 1:
              sprintf(text, "ID:%d", pi);

            // show planet mass
            case 2:
              sprintf(text, "%2.2E kg", planets[pi]->mass);

            // show planet velocity
            case 3:
              fg = sqrt(pow(planets[pi]->velocityX, 2) + pow(planets[pi]->velocityY, 2));
              td = atan2(planets[pi]->velocityY, planets[pi]->velocityX);
              if( isinf(td) ) td = M_PI / 2;
              if( isnan(td) && (planets[pi]->velocityX - planets[pi]->velocityX) > 0 ) td = 0;
              if( isnan(td) && (planets[pi]->velocityX - planets[pi]->velocityX) < 0 ) td = M_PI;
              td = td * 180 / M_PI + 180;
              sprintf(text, "%2.2G m/s %3.0f degrees", fg, td);

            // show planet coordinates
            case 4:
              sprintf(text, "%G, %G", planets[pi]->x, planets[pi]->y);

            // show mass and velocity
            case 5:
              fg = sqrt(pow(planets[pi]->velocityX, 2) + pow(planets[pi]->velocityY, 2));
              td = atan2(planets[pi]->velocityY, planets[pi]->velocityX);
              if( isinf(td) ) td = M_PI / 2;
              if( isnan(td) && (planets[pi]->velocityX - planets[pi]->velocityX) > 0 ) td = 0;
              if( isnan(td) && (planets[pi]->velocityX - planets[pi]->velocityX) < 0 ) td = M_PI;
              td = td * 180 / M_PI + 180;
  //font_height = font_info->max_bounds.ascent +

              sprintf(text, "%2.2E kg", planets[pi]->mass);
              XDrawString(display, pixmap, gc, 
                          (cx + planets[pi]->x) / zoomFactor + (winw / 2), 
                          (cy + planets[pi]->y) / zoomFactor + (winh / 2) + 
                            font_info->max_bounds.ascent +
                          text, strlen(text));
              sprintf(text, "%2.2G m/s %3.0f degrees", fg, td);


            // show inertia and acting gravitational force
            case 6:
              fg = planets[pi]->mass * sqrt(pow(planets[pi]->velocityX, 2) + pow(planets[pi]->velocityY, 2));
              td = atan2(planets[pi]->velocityY, planets[pi]->velocityX);
              if( isinf(td) ) td = M_PI / 2;
              if( isnan(td) && (planets[pi]->velocityX - planets[pi]->velocityX) > 0 ) td = 0;
              if( isnan(td) && (planets[pi]->velocityX - planets[pi]->velocityX) < 0 ) td = M_PI;
              td = td * 180 / M_PI + 180;

              sprintf(text, "   P = %2.2G Ns %3.0f degrees", fg, td);
              XDrawString(display, pixmap, gc,
                          (cx + planets[pi]->x) / zoomFactor + (winw / 2),
                          (cy + planets[pi]->y) / zoomFactor + (winh / 2) +
                            font_info->max_bounds.ascent +
                          text, strlen(text));

              fg = planets[pi]->mass * sqrt(pow(planets[pi]->acceleration.accelerationX, 2) + pow(planets[pi]->acceleration.accelerationY, 2));
              td = atan2(planets[pi]->acceleration.accelerationY, planets[pi]->acceleration.accelerationX);
              if( isinf(td) ) td = M_PI / 2;
              if( isnan(td) && (planets[pi]->velocityX - planets[pi]->velocityX) > 0 ) td = 0;
              if( isnan(td) && (planets[pi]->velocityX - planets[pi]->velocityX) < 0 ) td = M_PI;
              td = td * 180 / M_PI + 180;
              sprintf(text, "   Fg = %2.2G N %3.0f degrees", fg, td);


          XDrawString(display, pixmap, gc, (cx + planets[pi]->x) / zoomFactor + (winw / 2), (cy + planets[pi]->y) / zoomFactor + (winh / 2), text, strlen(text));

    // apply drawn bitmap
    XCopyArea(display, pixmap, window, gc, 0, 0, winw, winh, 0, 0);



Пример #13
Файл: draw.c Проект: dylex/dzen
char *
parse_line(const char *line, int lnr, int align, int reverse, int nodraw) {
	/* bitmaps */
	unsigned int bm_w, bm_h;
	int bm_xh, bm_yh;
	/* rectangles, cirlcles*/
	int rectw, recth, rectx, recty;
	/* positioning */
	int n_posx, n_posy, set_posy=0;
	int px=0, py=0, opx=0;
	int i, next_pos=0, j=0, h=0, tw=0;
	/* buffer pos */
	const char *linep=NULL;
	/* fonts */
	int font_was_set=0;
	/* position */
	int pos_is_fixed = 0;
	/* block alignment */
	int block_align = -1;
	int block_width = -1;
	/* clickable area y tracking */
	int max_y=-1;

	/* temp buffers */
	char lbuf[MAX_LINE_LEN], *rbuf = NULL;

	/* parser state */
	int t=-1, nobg=0;
	char *tval=NULL;

	/* X stuff */
	long lastfg = dzen.norm[ColFG], lastbg = dzen.norm[ColBG];
	Fnt *cur_fnt = NULL;
#ifndef DZEN_XFT
	XGCValues gcv;
	Drawable pm=0, bm;
#ifdef DZEN_XPM
	int free_xpm_attrib = 0;
	Pixmap xpm_pm;
	XpmAttributes xpma;
	XpmColorSymbol xpms;

#ifdef DZEN_XFT
	XftDraw *xftd=NULL;
	XftColor xftc;
	char *xftcs;
	int xftcs_f=0;
	char *xftcs_bg;
	int xftcs_bgf=0;

	xftcs    = (char *)dzen.fg;
    xftcs_bg = (char *)dzen.bg;

	/* icon cache */
	int ip;

	/* parse line and return the text without control commands */
	if(nodraw) {
		rbuf = emalloc(MAX_LINE_LEN);
		rbuf[0] = '\0';
		if( (lnr + dzen.slave_win.first_line_vis) >= dzen.slave_win.tcnt)
			line = NULL;
			line = dzen.slave_win.tbuf[dzen.slave_win.first_line_vis+lnr];

	/* parse line and render text */
	else {
		h = dzen.font.height;
		py = (dzen.line_height - h) / 2;
		xorig[LNR2WINDOW(lnr)] = 0;
		if(lnr != -1) {
			pm = XCreatePixmap(dzen.dpy, RootWindow(dzen.dpy, DefaultScreen(dzen.dpy)), dzen.slave_win.width,
					dzen.line_height, DefaultDepth(dzen.dpy, dzen.screen));
		else {
			pm = XCreatePixmap(dzen.dpy, RootWindow(dzen.dpy, DefaultScreen(dzen.dpy)), dzen.title_win.width,
					dzen.line_height, DefaultDepth(dzen.dpy, dzen.screen));

#ifdef DZEN_XFT
		xftd = XftDrawCreate(dzen.dpy, pm, DefaultVisual(dzen.dpy, dzen.screen), 
				DefaultColormap(dzen.dpy, dzen.screen));

		if(!reverse) {
			XSetForeground(dzen.dpy, dzen.tgc, dzen.norm[ColBG]);
#ifdef DZEN_XPM
			xpms.pixel = dzen.norm[ColBG];
#ifdef DZEN_XFT
			xftcs_bg = (char *)dzen.bg;
			xftcs_bgf = 0;
		else {
			XSetForeground(dzen.dpy, dzen.tgc, dzen.norm[ColFG]);
#ifdef DZEN_XPM
			xpms.pixel = dzen.norm[ColFG];
		XFillRectangle(dzen.dpy, pm, dzen.tgc, 0, 0, dzen.w, dzen.h);

		if(!reverse) {
			XSetForeground(dzen.dpy, dzen.tgc, dzen.norm[ColFG]);
		else {
			XSetForeground(dzen.dpy, dzen.tgc, dzen.norm[ColBG]);

#ifdef DZEN_XPM
		xpms.name = NULL;
		xpms.value = (char *)"none";

		xpma.colormap = DefaultColormap(dzen.dpy, dzen.screen);
		xpma.depth = DefaultDepth(dzen.dpy, dzen.screen);
		xpma.visual = DefaultVisual(dzen.dpy, dzen.screen);
		xpma.colorsymbols = &xpms;
		xpma.numsymbols = 1;
		xpma.valuemask = XpmColormap|XpmDepth|XpmVisual|XpmColorSymbols;

#ifndef DZEN_XFT 
			gcv.font = dzen.font.xfont->fid;
			XChangeGC(dzen.dpy, dzen.tgc, GCFont, &gcv);
		cur_fnt = &dzen.font;

		if( lnr != -1 && (lnr + dzen.slave_win.first_line_vis >= dzen.slave_win.tcnt)) {
			XCopyArea(dzen.dpy, pm, dzen.slave_win.drawable[lnr], dzen.gc,
					0, 0, px, dzen.line_height, xorig[LNR2WINDOW(lnr)], 0);
			XFreePixmap(dzen.dpy, pm);
			return NULL;

	linep = line;
	while(1) {
		if(*linep == ESC_CHAR || *linep == '\0') {
			lbuf[j] = '\0';

			/* clear _lock_x at EOL so final width is correct */

			if(nodraw) {
				strcat(rbuf, lbuf);
			else {
				if(t != -1 && tval) {
					switch(t) {
						case icon:
							if(MAX_ICON_CACHE && (ip=search_icon_cache(tval)) != -1) {
								int y;
								XCopyArea(dzen.dpy, icons[ip].p, pm, dzen.tgc,
										0, 0, icons[ip].w, icons[ip].h, px, y=(set_posy ? py :
										(dzen.line_height >= (signed)icons[ip].h ?
										(dzen.line_height - icons[ip].h)/2 : 0)));
								px += !pos_is_fixed ? icons[ip].w : 0;
								max_y = MAX(max_y, y+icons[ip].h);
							} else {
								int y;
								if(XReadBitmapFile(dzen.dpy, pm, tval, &bm_w,
											&bm_h, &bm, &bm_xh, &bm_yh) == BitmapSuccess
										&& (h/2 + px + (signed)bm_w < dzen.w)) {
									setcolor(&pm, px, bm_w, lastfg, lastbg, reverse, nobg);

									XCopyPlane(dzen.dpy, bm, pm, dzen.tgc,
											0, 0, bm_w, bm_h, px, y=(set_posy ? py :
											(dzen.line_height >= (int)bm_h ?
												(dzen.line_height - (int)bm_h)/2 : 0)), 1);
									XFreePixmap(dzen.dpy, bm);
									px += !pos_is_fixed ? bm_w : 0;
									max_y = MAX(max_y, y+bm_h);
#ifdef DZEN_XPM
								else if(XpmReadFileToPixmap(dzen.dpy, dzen.title_win.win, tval, &xpm_pm, NULL, &xpma) == XpmSuccess) {
									setcolor(&pm, px, xpma.width, lastfg, lastbg, reverse, nobg);

										cache_icon(tval, xpm_pm, xpma.width, xpma.height);

									XCopyArea(dzen.dpy, xpm_pm, pm, dzen.tgc,
											0, 0, xpma.width, xpma.height, px, y=(set_posy ? py :
											(dzen.line_height >= (int)xpma.height ?
												(dzen.line_height - (int)xpma.height)/2 : 0)));
									px += !pos_is_fixed ? xpma.width : 0;
									max_y = MAX(max_y, y+xpma.height);

									/* freed by cache_icon() */
									//XFreePixmap(dzen.dpy, xpm_pm);
									free_xpm_attrib = 1;

						case rect:
							get_rect_vals(tval, &rectw, &recth, &rectx, &recty);
							recth = recth > dzen.line_height ? dzen.line_height : recth;
								py += recty;
							recty =	recty == 0 ? (dzen.line_height - recth)/2 :
								(dzen.line_height - recth)/2 + recty;
							px += !pos_is_fixed ? rectx : 0;
							setcolor(&pm, px, rectw, lastfg, lastbg, reverse, nobg);

							XFillRectangle(dzen.dpy, pm, dzen.tgc, px,
									set_posy ? py :
									((int)recty < 0 ? dzen.line_height + recty : recty),
									rectw, recth);

							px += !pos_is_fixed ? rectw : 0;

						case recto:
							get_rect_vals(tval, &rectw, &recth, &rectx, &recty);
							if (!rectw) break;

							recth = recth > dzen.line_height ? dzen.line_height-2 : recth-1;
								py += recty;
							recty =	recty == 0 ? (dzen.line_height - recth)/2 :
								(dzen.line_height - recth)/2 + recty;
							px = (rectx == 0) ? px : rectx+px;
							/* prevent from stairs effect when rounding recty */
							if (!((dzen.line_height - recth) % 2)) recty--;
							setcolor(&pm, px, rectw, lastfg, lastbg, reverse, nobg);
							XDrawRectangle(dzen.dpy, pm, dzen.tgc, px,
									set_posy ? py :
									((int)recty<0 ? dzen.line_height + recty : recty), rectw-1, recth);
							px += !pos_is_fixed ? rectw : 0;

						case circle:
							rectx = get_circle_vals(tval, &rectw, &recth);
							setcolor(&pm, px, rectw, lastfg, lastbg, reverse, nobg);
							XFillArc(dzen.dpy, pm, dzen.tgc, px, set_posy ? py :(dzen.line_height - rectw)/2,
									rectw, rectw, 90*64, rectx>1?recth*64:64*360);
							px += !pos_is_fixed ? rectw : 0;

						case circleo:
							rectx = get_circle_vals(tval, &rectw, &recth);
							setcolor(&pm, px, rectw, lastfg, lastbg, reverse, nobg);
							XDrawArc(dzen.dpy, pm, dzen.tgc, px, set_posy ? py : (dzen.line_height - rectw)/2,
									rectw, rectw, 90*64, rectx>1?recth*64:64*360);
							px += !pos_is_fixed ? rectw : 0;

						case pos:
							if(tval[0]) {
								int r=0;
								r = get_pos_vals(tval, &n_posx, &n_posy);
								if( (r == 1 && !set_posy))
								else if (r == 5) {
									switch(n_posx) {
										case LOCK_X:
											pos_is_fixed = 1;
										case UNLOCK_X:
											pos_is_fixed = 0;
										case LEFT:
											px = 0;
										case RIGHT:
											px = dzen.w;
										case CENTER:
											px = dzen.w/2;
										case BOTTOM:
											set_posy = 1;
											py = dzen.line_height;
										case TOP:
											set_posy = 1;
											py = 0;
								} else

								if(r != 2)
									px = px+n_posx<0? 0 : px + n_posx;
								if(r != 1) 
									py += n_posy;
							} else {
								set_posy = 0;
								py = (dzen.line_height - dzen.font.height) / 2;

						case abspos:
							if(tval[0]) {
								int r=0;
								if( (r=get_pos_vals(tval, &n_posx, &n_posy)) == 1 && !set_posy)

								n_posx = n_posx < 0 ? n_posx*-1 : n_posx;
								if(r != 2)
									px = n_posx;
								if(r != 1)
									py = n_posy;
							} else {
								set_posy = 0;
								py = (dzen.line_height - dzen.font.height) / 2;

						case ibg:
							nobg = atoi(tval);

						case bg:
							lastbg = tval[0] ? (unsigned)getcolor(tval) : dzen.norm[ColBG];
#ifdef DZEN_XFT
							if(xftcs_bgf) free(xftcs_bg);				
							if(tval[0]) {
								xftcs_bg = estrdup(tval);
								xftcs_bgf = 1;
							} else {
								xftcs_bg = (char *)dzen.bg;
								xftcs_bgf = 0;


						case fg:
							lastfg = tval[0] ? (unsigned)getcolor(tval) : dzen.norm[ColFG];
							XSetForeground(dzen.dpy, dzen.tgc, lastfg);
#ifdef DZEN_XFT
							if(tval[0]) {
								xftcs = estrdup(tval);
								xftcs_f = 1;
							} else {
								xftcs = (char *)dzen.fg;
								xftcs_f = 0;

						case fn:
							if(tval[0]) {
#ifndef DZEN_XFT		
								if(!strncmp(tval, "dfnt", 4)) {
									cur_fnt = &(dzen.fnpl[atoi(tval+4)]);

									if(!cur_fnt->set) {
										gcv.font = cur_fnt->xfont->fid;
										XChangeGC(dzen.dpy, dzen.tgc, GCFont, &gcv);
							else {
								cur_fnt = &dzen.font;
#ifndef DZEN_XFT		
									gcv.font = cur_fnt->xfont->fid;
									XChangeGC(dzen.dpy, dzen.tgc, GCFont, &gcv);
							setfont(dzen.fnt ? dzen.fnt : FONT);
							py = set_posy ? py : (dzen.line_height - cur_fnt->height) / 2;
							font_was_set = 1;
						case ca:
							sens_w *w = &window_sens[LNR2WINDOW(lnr)];
							if(tval[0]) {
								click_a *area = &((*w).sens_areas[(*w).sens_areas_cnt]);
								if((*w).sens_areas_cnt < MAX_CLICKABLE_AREAS) {
									(*area).start_x = px;
									(*area).start_y = py;
									(*area).end_y = py;
									max_y = py;
									(*area).active = 0;
									if(lnr == -1) {
										(*area).win = dzen.title_win.win;
									} else {
										(*area).win = dzen.slave_win.line[lnr];
							} else {
									//find most recent unclosed area
									for(i = (*w).sens_areas_cnt - 1; i >= 0; i--)
									if(i >= 0 && i < MAX_CLICKABLE_AREAS) {
										(*w).sens_areas[i].end_x = px;
										(*w).sens_areas[i].end_y = max_y;
										(*w).sens_areas[i].active = 1;
						}	break;
						case ba:
								get_block_align_vals(tval, &block_align, &block_width);

				/* check if text is longer than window's width */
				tw = textnw(cur_fnt, lbuf, strlen(lbuf));
				while((((tw + px) > (dzen.w)) || (block_align!=-1 && tw>block_width)) && j>=0) {
					lbuf[--j] = '\0';
					tw = textnw(cur_fnt, lbuf, strlen(lbuf));
				opx = px;

				/* draw background for block */
				if(block_align!=-1 && !nobg) {
					setcolor(&pm, px, rectw, lastbg, lastbg, 0, nobg);
					XFillRectangle(dzen.dpy, pm, dzen.tgc, px, 0, block_width, dzen.line_height);

					px += (block_width - tw);
				else if(block_align==ALIGNCENTER)
					px += (block_width/2) - (tw/2);

					setcolor(&pm, px, tw, lastfg, lastbg, reverse, nobg);
#ifndef DZEN_XFT
					XmbDrawString(dzen.dpy, pm, cur_fnt->set,
							dzen.tgc, px, py + cur_fnt->ascent, lbuf, strlen(lbuf));
					XDrawString(dzen.dpy, pm, dzen.tgc, px, py+dzen.font.ascent, lbuf, strlen(lbuf));
				if(reverse) {
				XftColorAllocName(dzen.dpy, DefaultVisual(dzen.dpy, dzen.screen),
						DefaultColormap(dzen.dpy, dzen.screen),  xftcs_bg,  &xftc);
				} else {
				XftColorAllocName(dzen.dpy, DefaultVisual(dzen.dpy, dzen.screen),
						DefaultColormap(dzen.dpy, dzen.screen),  xftcs,  &xftc);

				XftDrawStringUtf8(xftd, &xftc, 
						cur_fnt->xftfont, px, py + dzen.font.xftfont->ascent, (const FcChar8 *)lbuf, strlen(lbuf));

				if(xftcs_f) {
					xftcs_f = 0;
				if(xftcs_bgf) {
					xftcs_bgf = 0;


				max_y = MAX(max_y, py+dzen.font.height);

				if(block_align==-1) {
					if(!pos_is_fixed || *linep =='\0')
						px += tw;
				} else {
						px = opx;
						px = opx+block_width;



			j=0; t=-1; tval=NULL;
			next_pos = get_token(linep, &t, &tval);
			linep += next_pos;

			/* ^^ escapes */
			if(next_pos == 0)
				lbuf[j++] = *linep++;
			lbuf[j++] = *linep;


	if(!nodraw) {
		/* expand/shrink dynamically */
		if(dzen.title_win.expand && lnr == -1){
			i = px;
			switch(dzen.title_win.expand) {
				case left:
					/* grow left end */
					otx = dzen.title_win.x_right_corner - i > dzen.title_win.x ?
						dzen.title_win.x_right_corner - i : dzen.title_win.x;
					XMoveResizeWindow(dzen.dpy, dzen.title_win.win, otx, dzen.title_win.y, px, dzen.line_height);
				case right:
					XResizeWindow(dzen.dpy, dzen.title_win.win, px, dzen.line_height);

		} else {
			if(align == ALIGNLEFT)
				xorig[LNR2WINDOW(lnr)] = 0;
			if(align == ALIGNCENTER) {
				xorig[LNR2WINDOW(lnr)] = (lnr != -1) ?
					(dzen.slave_win.width - px)/2 :
					(dzen.title_win.width - px)/2;
			else if(align == ALIGNRIGHT) {
				xorig[LNR2WINDOW(lnr)] = (lnr != -1) ?
					(dzen.slave_win.width - px) :
					(dzen.title_win.width - px);

		if(lnr != -1) {
			XCopyArea(dzen.dpy, pm, dzen.slave_win.drawable[lnr], dzen.gc,
                    0, 0, dzen.w, dzen.line_height, xorig[LNR2WINDOW(lnr)], 0);
		else {
			XCopyArea(dzen.dpy, pm, dzen.title_win.drawable, dzen.gc,
					0, 0, dzen.w, dzen.line_height, xorig[LNR2WINDOW(lnr)], 0);
		XFreePixmap(dzen.dpy, pm);

		/* reset font to default */
			setfont(dzen.fnt ? dzen.fnt : FONT);

#ifdef DZEN_XPM
		if(free_xpm_attrib) {
			XFreeColors(dzen.dpy, xpma.colormap, xpma.pixels, xpma.npixels, xpma.depth);

#ifdef DZEN_XFT

	return nodraw ? rbuf : NULL;
Пример #14
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
    int sockfd, oldsockfd, portno, n;
    socklen_t clilen;
    struct sockaddr_in serv_addr, cli_addr;
    struct hostent *server;
    pthread_t recv_thread;
    Colormap map;

    Display* display;
    int screen_num;
    Window win;
    unsigned int display_width, display_height;
    unsigned int width, height;
    char *display_name = getenv("DISPLAY");
    GC gc, his_gc, refresh_gc;

    if(argc == 2) { // We are server
        sending = 1;
        if(argc < 2) {
            fprintf(stderr,"ERROR, no port provided\n");
        oldsockfd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
        if(oldsockfd < 0) error("ERROR opening socket");
        bzero((char *) &serv_addr, sizeof(serv_addr));
        portno = atoi(argv[1]);
        serv_addr.sin_family = AF_INET;
        serv_addr.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY;
        serv_addr.sin_port = htons(portno);
        int on = 1;
        if(setsockopt(oldsockfd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, (char*)&on, sizeof(on)) < 0) error("ERROR on sockopt");
        if(bind(oldsockfd, (struct sockaddr *) &serv_addr, sizeof(serv_addr)) < 0) error("ERROR on binding");
        clilen = sizeof(cli_addr);
        sockfd = accept(oldsockfd, (struct sockaddr *) &cli_addr, &clilen);
        if (sockfd < 0) error("ERROR on accept");
    else if(argc == 3) { // We are client
        sending = 1;
        portno = atoi(argv[2]);
        sockfd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
        if (sockfd < 0) error("ERROR opening socket");
        server = gethostbyname(argv[1]);
        if(server == NULL) {
            fprintf(stderr,"ERROR, no such host\n");
        bzero((char *) &serv_addr, sizeof(serv_addr));
        serv_addr.sin_family = AF_INET;
        bcopy((char *)(server->h_addr), (char *)(&serv_addr.sin_addr.s_addr), server->h_length);
        serv_addr.sin_port = htons(portno);
        if (connect(sockfd,(struct sockaddr *) &serv_addr,sizeof(serv_addr)) < 0) error("ERROR connecting");
    else {
        server = 0;

    display = XOpenDisplay(display_name);
    if (display == NULL) {
        fprintf(stderr, "%s: cannot connect to X server '%s'\n", argv[0], display_name);

    screen_num = DefaultScreen(display);
    display_width = DisplayWidth(display, screen_num);
    display_height = DisplayHeight(display, screen_num);
    width = (display_width / 3);
    height = (display_height / 3);
    Atom wm_delete;
    win = create_simple_window(display, &wm_delete, width, height, 0, 0);

    XGCValues values;
    values.graphics_exposures = 0;
    gc = create_gc(display, win);
    his_gc = create_gc(display, win);
    refresh_gc = XCreateGC(display, win, GCGraphicsExposures, &values);

    XSetForeground(display, refresh_gc, WhitePixel(display, screen_num));
    XSetBackground(display, refresh_gc, WhitePixel(display, screen_num));

    map = DefaultColormap(display, 0);
    XParseColor(display, map, "#FFFFFF", &cols[0]);
    XAllocColor(display, map, &cols[0]);
    XParseColor(display, map, "#000000", &cols[1]);
    XAllocColor(display, map, &cols[1]);
    XParseColor(display, map, "#FF0000", &cols[2]);
    XAllocColor(display, map, &cols[2]);
    XParseColor(display, map, "#00FF00", &cols[3]);
    XAllocColor(display, map, &cols[3]);
    XParseColor(display, map, "#0000FF", &cols[4]);
    XAllocColor(display, map, &cols[4]);
    XParseColor(display, map, "#FFFF00", &cols[5]);
    XAllocColor(display, map, &cols[5]);
    XParseColor(display, map, "#FF00FF", &cols[6]);
    XAllocColor(display, map, &cols[6]);
    XParseColor(display, map, "#00FFFF", &cols[7]);
    XAllocColor(display, map, &cols[7]);
    XParseColor(display, map, "#999999", &cols[8]);
    XAllocColor(display, map, &cols[8]);
    XParseColor(display, map, "#666666", &cols[9]);
    XAllocColor(display, map, &cols[9]);

    set_title(display, win);

    back_buffer = XCreatePixmap(display, win, MAX_WIDTH, MAX_HEIGHT, DefaultDepth(display, screen_num));
    XFillRectangle(display, back_buffer, refresh_gc, 0, 0, MAX_WIDTH, MAX_HEIGHT);

    if(sending) {
        recv_info_t info;
        info.display = display;
        info.window = win;
        info.gc = gc;
        info.his_gc = his_gc;
        info.refresh_gc = refresh_gc;
        info.sockfd = sockfd;
        pthread_create(&recv_thread, NULL, recv_line, &info);

    XSelectInput(display, win, ExposureMask | KeyPressMask | ButtonPressMask | Button1MotionMask | StructureNotifyMask);
    XEvent an_event;
    while(1) {
        XNextEvent(display, &an_event);
        switch(an_event.type) {
        case ClientMessage:
            if(an_event.xclient.data.l[0] == wm_delete) quitme(display, gc, his_gc, refresh_gc, sockfd, 0);
        case Expose:
            handle_expose(display, refresh_gc, (XExposeEvent*)&an_event.xexpose);
        case ConfigureNotify:
            width = an_event.xconfigure.width;
            height = an_event.xconfigure.height;
        case ButtonPress:
            handle_button_down(display, gc, (XButtonEvent*)&an_event.xbutton, width, height);
        case MotionNotify:
            handle_drag(display, gc, (XButtonEvent*)&an_event.xbutton, width, height, sockfd);
        case KeyPress:
            handle_key(display, win, gc, his_gc, refresh_gc, map, (XKeyEvent*)&an_event.xkey, sockfd);
    quitme(display, gc, his_gc, refresh_gc, sockfd, 0);
Пример #15
ppb_graphics3d_create(PP_Instance instance, PP_Resource share_context, const int32_t attrib_list[])
    struct pp_instance_s *pp_i = tables_get_pp_instance(instance);
    if (!pp_i) {
        trace_error("%s, bad instance\n", __func__);
        return 0;

    PP_Resource context = pp_resource_allocate(PP_RESOURCE_GRAPHICS3D, pp_i);
    struct pp_graphics3d_s *g3d = pp_resource_acquire(context, PP_RESOURCE_GRAPHICS3D);
    if (!g3d) {
        trace_error("%s, can't create context\n", __func__);
        return 0;

    int attrib_len = 0;
    while (attrib_list[attrib_len] != PP_GRAPHICS3DATTRIB_NONE) {
        attrib_len += 2;
    attrib_len ++;

    EGLint *egl_attribute_list = calloc(attrib_len + 3 * 2, sizeof(EGLint));
    int done = 0, k1 = 0, k2 = 0;
    egl_attribute_list[k2++] = EGL_SURFACE_TYPE;
    egl_attribute_list[k2++] = EGL_PIXMAP_BIT | EGL_WINDOW_BIT;
    egl_attribute_list[k2++] = EGL_RENDERABLE_TYPE;
    egl_attribute_list[k2++] = EGL_OPENGL_ES2_BIT;

    while (!done) {
        switch (attrib_list[k1]) {
            g3d->height = attrib_list[k1 + 1];
            k1 += 2;
            g3d->width = attrib_list[k1 + 1];
            k1 += 2;
            // TODO: save these values
            k1 += 2;
            egl_attribute_list[k2++] = EGL_NONE;
            done = 1;
            egl_attribute_list[k2++] = EGL_ALPHA_SIZE;
            egl_attribute_list[k2++] = attrib_list[k1 + 1];
            k1 += 2;
            egl_attribute_list[k2++] = EGL_BLUE_SIZE;
            egl_attribute_list[k2++] = attrib_list[k1 + 1];
            k1 += 2;
            egl_attribute_list[k2++] = EGL_GREEN_SIZE;
            egl_attribute_list[k2++] = attrib_list[k1 + 1];
            k1 += 2;
            egl_attribute_list[k2++] = EGL_RED_SIZE;
            egl_attribute_list[k2++] = attrib_list[k1 + 1];
            k1 += 2;
            egl_attribute_list[k2++] = EGL_DEPTH_SIZE;
            egl_attribute_list[k2++] = attrib_list[k1 + 1];
            k1 += 2;
            egl_attribute_list[k2++] = EGL_STENCIL_SIZE;
            egl_attribute_list[k2++] = attrib_list[k1 + 1];
            k1 += 2;
            egl_attribute_list[k2++] = EGL_SAMPLES;
            egl_attribute_list[k2++] = attrib_list[k1 + 1];
            k1 += 2;
            egl_attribute_list[k2++] = EGL_SAMPLE_BUFFERS;
            egl_attribute_list[k2++] = attrib_list[k1 + 1];
            k1 += 2;
            // skip unknown attribute
            trace_error("%s, unknown attribute 0x%x\n", __func__, attrib_list[k1]);
            k1 += 1;

    int nconfigs = 0;
    EGLBoolean ret = eglChooseConfig(display.egl, egl_attribute_list,
                                     &g3d->egl_config, 1, &nconfigs);
    if (!ret) {
        trace_error("%s, eglChooseConfig returned FALSE\n", __func__);
        goto err;

    if (nconfigs != 1) {
        trace_error("%s, eglChooseConfig returned %d configs, expected 1\n", __func__, nconfigs);
        goto err;

    // TODO: support shared_context
    EGLint ctxattr[] = { EGL_CONTEXT_CLIENT_VERSION, 2, EGL_NONE };
    g3d->glc = eglCreateContext(display.egl, g3d->egl_config, EGL_NO_CONTEXT, ctxattr);
    if (g3d->glc == EGL_NO_CONTEXT) {
        trace_error("%s, eglCreateContext returned EGL_NO_CONTEXT\n", __func__);
        goto err;

    g3d->pixmap = XCreatePixmap(display.x, DefaultRootWindow(display.x), g3d->width, g3d->height,
                                DefaultDepth(display.x, 0));
    g3d->egl_surf = eglCreatePixmapSurface(display.egl, g3d->egl_config, g3d->pixmap, NULL);
    if (g3d->egl_surf == EGL_NO_SURFACE) {
        trace_error("%s, failed to create EGL pixmap surface\n", __func__);
        goto err;

    ret = eglMakeCurrent(display.egl, g3d->egl_surf, g3d->egl_surf, g3d->glc);
    if (!ret) {
        trace_error("%s, eglMakeCurrent failed\n", __func__);
        goto err;

    // clear surface
    glClearColor(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);

    if (pp_i->is_transparent) {
        // create texture for plugin content
        glGenTextures(1, &g3d->tex_front);
        glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, g3d->tex_front);
        glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S, GL_REPEAT);
        glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T, GL_REPEAT);

        if (create_presentation_egl_context(g3d) != 0) {
            trace_error("%s, can't create EGL context for transparency processing\n", __func__);
            goto err;

    eglMakeCurrent(display.egl, EGL_NO_SURFACE, EGL_NO_SURFACE, EGL_NO_CONTEXT);

    g3d->sub_maps = g_hash_table_new(g_direct_hash, g_direct_equal);

    return context;
    return 0;
Пример #16
void init_x(void)
   XGCValues xgcv;
   XFontStruct *fontinfo;
   int i;

   if (dpy==NULL) {
      fprintf(stderr,"Could not open display; is the DISPLAY variable set correctly?\n");

   width=900; height=600;

   // create our window
   w=XCreateWindow(dpy,RootWindow(dpy,scr),-1,-1, width, height, 0, CopyFromParent, InputOutput, CopyFromParent, 0, NULL);

   // create a background pixmap, that we're actually going to use for everything, because then the xserver takes care of redrawing the window when it is uncovered
   pm=XCreatePixmap(dpy, RootWindow(dpy,scr),wa.width,wa.height,wa.depth);

   // tell the window manager that we don't want to be resized to less than 640x480 (the old VGA resolution)
   XSizeHints* win_size_hints = XAllocSizeHints();
   win_size_hints->flags = PMinSize;
   win_size_hints->min_width = 640;
   win_size_hints->min_height = 480;
   XSetWMNormalHints(dpy, w, win_size_hints);

   // allocate 16 memory places to temporarily store pieces of the drawing
   for (i=0;i<16;i++) boxes[i]=XCreatePixmap(dpy, RootWindow(dpy,scr),32,32,wa.depth);

   // create several graphics contexts
   gc = XCreateGC(dpy, w, GCForeground|GCBackground|GCFunction, &xgcv);
   XSetLineAttributes(dpy, gc, 1, LineSolid, CapRound, JoinRound);

   gcclear = XCreateGC(dpy, w, GCForeground|GCBackground|GCFunction, &xgcv);

   gcpixel = XCreateGC(dpy, w, 0, &xgcv);

   gctext = XCreateGC(dpy, w, GCForeground|GCBackground|GCFunction, &xgcv);

   gcfill = XCreateGC(dpy, w, GCForeground|GCBackground|GCFunction, &xgcv);
   XSetLineAttributes(dpy, gcfill, 1000, LineSolid, CapRound, JoinRound);    // very thick line, see FloodFill() for explanation

   // clear the screen
   XFillRectangle(dpy, pm, gcfill, 0,0,ScreenWidth,ScreenHeight);

   // load an 8x13 font; the VGA font on which the partitioning of the screen is based is an 8x14 font

   // allocate a set of colours corresponding to those of the VGA mode originally used by puff


Пример #17
 * Creates a Pixmap and GLXPixmap with tex_data as the contents.
static GLXPixmap
create_pixmap(GLenum format)
	static const int rgb_fb_config_attribs[] = {
	static const int rgba_fb_config_attribs[] = {
	static const int rgb_pixmap_attribs[] =	{
	static const int rgba_pixmap_attribs[] =	{
	static const int *fb_config_attribs, *pixmap_attribs;
	GLXFBConfig *fb_configs;
	GLXFBConfig fb_config;
	int n_fb_configs;
	Pixmap pixmap;
	GLXPixmap glx_pixmap;
	XVisualInfo *vis;
	XRenderPictFormat *render_format;
	Picture picture;

	if (format == GL_RGBA) {
		fb_config_attribs = rgba_fb_config_attribs;
		pixmap_attribs = rgba_pixmap_attribs;
		render_format = XRenderFindStandardFormat(dpy,
	} else {
		fb_config_attribs = rgb_fb_config_attribs;
		pixmap_attribs = rgb_pixmap_attribs;
		render_format = XRenderFindStandardFormat(dpy,

	fb_configs = glXChooseFBConfig(dpy, DefaultScreen(dpy),

	if (fb_configs == NULL || n_fb_configs < 1) {
		fprintf(stderr, "No %s TFP FB config found\n",
			format == GL_RGBA ? "RGBA" : "RGB");
		return None;
	fb_config = fb_configs[n_fb_configs - 1];

	pixmap = XCreatePixmap(dpy, RootWindow(dpy, DefaultScreen(dpy)),
			       2, 2, render_format->depth);
	picture = XRenderCreatePicture(dpy, pixmap, render_format, 0, NULL);

	glx_pixmap = glXCreatePixmap(dpy, fb_config, pixmap, pixmap_attribs);

	vis = glXGetVisualFromFBConfig(dpy, fb_config);

	set_pixel(dpy, picture, 0, 0, tex_data[0]);
	set_pixel(dpy, picture, 1, 0, tex_data[1]);
	set_pixel(dpy, picture, 0, 1, tex_data[2]);
	set_pixel(dpy, picture, 1, 1, tex_data[3]);


	return glx_pixmap;
 * Create a pbuffer.
 * This function is used to implement \c glXCreatePbuffer and
 * \c glXCreateGLXPbufferSGIX.
 * \note
 * This function dynamically determines whether to use the SGIX_pbuffer
 * version of the protocol or the GLX 1.3 version of the protocol.
static GLXDrawable
CreatePbuffer(Display * dpy, struct glx_config *config,
              unsigned int width, unsigned int height,
              const int *attrib_list, GLboolean size_in_attribs)
   struct glx_display *priv = __glXInitialize(dpy);
   GLXDrawable id = 0;
   CARD32 *data;
   CARD8 opcode;
   unsigned int i;
   Pixmap pixmap;
   GLboolean glx_1_3 = GL_FALSE;

   i = 0;
   if (attrib_list) {
      while (attrib_list[i * 2])

   opcode = __glXSetupForCommand(dpy);
   if (!opcode)
      return None;

   id = XAllocID(dpy);

   if ((priv->majorVersion > 1) || (priv->minorVersion >= 3)) {
      xGLXCreatePbufferReq *req;
      unsigned int extra = (size_in_attribs) ? 0 : 2;

      glx_1_3 = GL_TRUE;

      GetReqExtra(GLXCreatePbuffer, (8 * (i + extra)), req);
      data = (CARD32 *) (req + 1);

      req->reqType = opcode;
      req->glxCode = X_GLXCreatePbuffer;
      req->screen = config->screen;
      req->fbconfig = config->fbconfigID;
      req->pbuffer = id;
      req->numAttribs = i + extra;

      if (!size_in_attribs) {
         data[(2 * i) + 0] = GLX_PBUFFER_WIDTH;
         data[(2 * i) + 1] = width;
         data[(2 * i) + 2] = GLX_PBUFFER_HEIGHT;
         data[(2 * i) + 3] = height;
         data += 4;
   else {
      xGLXVendorPrivateReq *vpreq;

      GetReqExtra(GLXVendorPrivate, 20 + (8 * i), vpreq);
      data = (CARD32 *) (vpreq + 1);

      vpreq->reqType = opcode;
      vpreq->glxCode = X_GLXVendorPrivate;
      vpreq->vendorCode = X_GLXvop_CreateGLXPbufferSGIX;

      data[0] = config->screen;
      data[1] = config->fbconfigID;
      data[2] = id;
      data[3] = width;
      data[4] = height;
      data += 5;

   (void) memcpy(data, attrib_list, sizeof(CARD32) * 2 * i);


   pixmap = XCreatePixmap(dpy, RootWindow(dpy, config->screen),
			  width, height, config->rgbBits);

   if (!CreateDRIDrawable(dpy, config, pixmap, id, attrib_list, i)) {
      CARD32 o = glx_1_3 ? X_GLXDestroyPbuffer : X_GLXvop_DestroyGLXPbufferSGIX;
      XFreePixmap(dpy, pixmap);
      protocolDestroyDrawable(dpy, id, o);
      id = None;

   return id;
Пример #19
int video_open(PLOT *plot)
	struct videodata *plotdata;
	Display *dpy;
	Screen *scr;
	Widget w, mw, m0, m1, m2, m3;
	int status = SUCCESS;
	Dimension width, height;
	int depth;
    XGCValues values;
	unsigned long foreground, background;
	XmString xmstr, xmstr1;
	Arg args[10];
	int n;

	plot->plotdata = (void *)calloc(1, sizeof(struct videodata));
	plotdata = (struct videodata *)plot->plotdata;
	plotdata->image = (XImage *)calloc(sizeof(XImage), 1);
	plotdata->framedata = NULL;
	plotdata->width = 0;
	plotdata->height = 0;
	plotdata->ncomps = 0;
	plotdata->microsecs_per_frame = 0;
	plotdata->colormap = defaults.colormap;
	plotdata->framenum = 0;
	plotdata->loadedframenum = -1;

	plot->plot_widget = XtVaCreateManagedWidget("video", xmDrawingAreaWidgetClass, plot->panel->panel_container,
		XmNheight, defaults.video_height,
		XmNwidth, defaults.width,
		XmNmarginHeight, 0,
		XmNmarginWidth, 0,
	XtAddCallback(plot->plot_widget, XmNexposeCallback, video_expose_callback, (XtPointer)plot);
	XtAddCallback(plot->plot_widget, XmNresizeCallback, video_resize_callback, (XtPointer)plot);

	w = (Widget)plot->plot_widget;
	dpy = XtDisplay(w);
	scr = XtScreen(w);

		XmNheight, &height,
		XmNwidth, &width,
		XmNdepth, &depth,
		XmNforeground, &foreground,
		XmNbackground, &background,

	** Get the font;  also, calculate the margins for the axes (this depends on the font size!).
	** Store these margins for use later (we might start off without axes, and turn them on later.
	plot->ticklblfont = XmFontListCopy(_XmGetDefaultFontList(w, XmLABEL_FONTLIST));
	plot->minoffx = 6 + XmStringWidth(plot->ticklblfont, xmstr = XmStringCreateSimple("-32768")); XmStringFree(xmstr);
	plot->minoffx2 = 0;
	plot->minoffy = 0;
	plot->minoffy2 = 6 + XmStringHeight(plot->ticklblfont, xmstr = XmStringCreateSimple("1")); XmStringFree(xmstr);

	plot->offx = 0;
	plot->offy = 0;
	plot->offx2 = 0;
	plot->offy2 = 0;
	plot->width = width;
	plot->height = height;
	plot->depth = depth;

	** Allocate our colors.  We use the XCC code that is:
	** Copyright 1994,1995 John L. Cwikla
	** This allows us to work on any visual, etc.   The danger is that
	** we may not get the exact colors we ask for... meaning that things
	** may not really be as we see them.  This is unfortunate, but the
	** alternative is to not run at all (the old code crashed).  So...
	plotdata->ncolors = MIN(SONO_DEFAULT_MAX_COLORS, MIN(XDisplayCells(dpy, XDefaultScreen(dpy)), MAXCOLORS - RESERVED_COLORS));
	plotdata->xcc = XCCCreate(dpy, DefaultVisual(dpy, DefaultScreen(dpy)), TRUE, TRUE, XA_RGB_GRAY_MAP, &(plotdata->cmap));
	if (XCCGetNumColors(plotdata->xcc) < plotdata->ncolors)
		plotdata->ncolors = XCCGetNumColors(plotdata->xcc);
		printf("Warning.  Using only %d colors.\n", plotdata->ncolors);
	(*((colormap[plotdata->colormap]).cmap))(dpy, plotdata->ncolors, plotdata->colors, NULL);

	** Create the Graphics contexts.
	** drawing_GC is for the picture itself.  inverse_GC is for erasing.  mark_GC is for the subregion marks.
	values.font = getFontStruct(plot->ticklblfont)->fid;
	values.function = GXcopy;
	values.plane_mask = AllPlanes;
	values.foreground = foreground;
	values.background = background;
	plotdata->drawing_GC = XtGetGC(w, GCFunction | GCPlaneMask | GCForeground | GCBackground | GCFont, &values);
	values.foreground = background;
	values.background = background;
	plotdata->inverse_GC = XtGetGC(w, GCForeground | GCBackground, &values);
	values.function = GXxor;
	values.plane_mask = foreground ^ background;
	values.foreground = 0xffffffff;
	values.background = 0x0;
	values.line_style = LineSolid;
	plotdata->mark_GC = XtGetGC(w, GCFunction | GCPlaneMask | GCForeground | GCBackground | GCLineStyle, &values);

	plotdata->pixmap = XCreatePixmap(dpy, DefaultRootWindow(dpy), width, height, depth);
	plotdata->pixmapalloced = TRUE;
	XFillRectangle(dpy, plotdata->pixmap, plotdata->inverse_GC, 0, 0, width, height);

	** Create the popup menu
	n = 0;
	XtSetArg(args[n], XmNmenuPost, "<Btn3Down>"); n++;
	mw = plot->plot_popupmenu_widget = XmCreatePopupMenu(w, "popupmenu", args, n);

	m0 = XtVaCreateManagedWidget("m0", xmLabelGadgetClass, mw,
		XmNlabelString, xmstr1 = XmStringCreateSimple("Options"),

	m1 = XtVaCreateManagedWidget("m1", xmSeparatorGadgetClass, mw,

	CreateMenuButton(m2, mw, "save", "Save", "Save");
	CreateMenuButton(m3, mw, "print", "Print EPS", "Print EPS");

	** Register an event handler
	XtAddEventHandler(w, KeyReleaseMask | ButtonPressMask | ButtonReleaseMask | Button1MotionMask | Button2MotionMask,
		FALSE, (XtEventHandler) video_event_handler, (XtPointer)plot);

	plot->plot_display = video_display;
	plot->plot_set = video_set;
	plot->plot_close = video_close;
	plot->plot_print = video_print;

	plot->plot_playmarker = NULL;
	plot->plot_showvideoframe = video_showvideoframe;
	plot->plot_clearmarks = NULL;
	plot->plot_drawstartmark = NULL;
	plot->plot_drawstopmark = NULL;
	plot->plot_conv_pixel_to_time = NULL;

	plot->plot_save = video_save;

	plot->plot_event_handler = video_event_handler;
	plot->plot_play = video_play;

	plotdata->butgrabbed = FALSE;
	plot->playmark = -1;
	plot->markx1 = -1;
	plot->markx2 = -1;

	plot->group->needpcm = 1;

	return status;
Пример #20
void OS_X11::initialize(const VideoMode& p_desired,int p_video_driver,int p_audio_driver) {



	if (get_render_thread_mode()==RENDER_SEPARATE_THREAD) {
	x11_display = XOpenDisplay(NULL);
	char * modifiers = XSetLocaleModifiers ("@im=none");
	ERR_FAIL_COND( modifiers == NULL );
	xim = XOpenIM (x11_display, NULL, NULL, NULL);

	if (xim == NULL) {
		WARN_PRINT("XOpenIM failed");
	} else {
		::XIMStyles *xim_styles=NULL;
		char *imvalret=NULL;
		imvalret = XGetIMValues(xim, XNQueryInputStyle, &xim_styles, NULL);
		if (imvalret != NULL || xim_styles == NULL) {
			fprintf (stderr, "Input method doesn't support any styles\n");
		if (xim_styles) {
			xim_style = 0;
			for (int i=0;i<xim_styles->count_styles;i++) {
				if (xim_styles->supported_styles[i] ==
				    (XIMPreeditNothing | XIMStatusNothing)) {
					    xim_style = xim_styles->supported_styles[i];
			XFree (xim_styles);

	char* windowid = getenv("GODOT_WINDOWID");
	if (windowid) {

		//freopen("/home/punto/stdout", "w", stdout);
		//reopen("/home/punto/stderr", "w", stderr);
		x11_window = atol(windowid);

		XWindowAttributes xwa;

		current_videomode.width = xwa.width;
		current_videomode.height = xwa.height;

	// maybe contextgl wants to be in charge of creating the window
	//print_line("def videomode "+itos(current_videomode.width)+","+itos(current_videomode.height));
#if defined(OPENGL_ENABLED) || defined(LEGACYGL_ENABLED)
	context_gl = memnew( ContextGL_X11( x11_display, x11_window,current_videomode, false ) );

	if (p_video_driver == 0) {
		rasterizer = memnew( RasterizerGLES2 );
	} else {
		rasterizer = memnew( RasterizerGLES1 );

	visual_server = memnew( VisualServerRaster(rasterizer) );

	if (get_render_thread_mode()!=RENDER_THREAD_UNSAFE) {

		visual_server =memnew(VisualServerWrapMT(visual_server,get_render_thread_mode()==RENDER_SEPARATE_THREAD));


	if (AudioDriverManagerSW::get_driver(p_audio_driver)->init()!=OK) {

		ERR_PRINT("Initializing audio failed.");

	sample_manager = memnew( SampleManagerMallocSW );
	audio_server = memnew( AudioServerSW(sample_manager) );
	spatial_sound_server = memnew( SpatialSoundServerSW );
	spatial_sound_2d_server = memnew( SpatialSound2DServerSW );


	XSetWindowAttributes new_attr;

	new_attr.event_mask=KeyPressMask | KeyReleaseMask | ButtonPressMask |
			   ButtonReleaseMask | EnterWindowMask |
			   LeaveWindowMask | PointerMotionMask |
			   Button1MotionMask |
			   Button2MotionMask | Button3MotionMask |
			   Button4MotionMask | Button5MotionMask |
			   ButtonMotionMask | KeymapStateMask |
			   ExposureMask | VisibilityChangeMask |
			   StructureNotifyMask |
			   SubstructureNotifyMask | SubstructureRedirectMask |
			   FocusChangeMask | PropertyChangeMask |
			   ColormapChangeMask | OwnerGrabButtonMask;

	XChangeWindowAttributes(x11_display, x11_window,CWEventMask,&new_attr);
	wm_delete = XInternAtom(x11_display, "WM_DELETE_WINDOW", true);	
	XSetWMProtocols(x11_display, x11_window, &wm_delete, 1);

	if (xim && xim_style) {
		xic = XCreateIC (xim,XNInputStyle, xim_style,XNClientWindow,x11_window,XNFocusWindow, x11_window, (char*)NULL);
	} else {
		WARN_PRINT("XCreateIC couldn't create xic");


	cursor_size = XcursorGetDefaultSize(x11_display);
	cursor_theme = XcursorGetTheme(x11_display);

	if (!cursor_theme) {
		print_line("not found theme");

	for(int i=0;i<CURSOR_MAX;i++) {



	if (cursor_theme) {
		//print_line("cursor theme: "+String(cursor_theme));
		for(int i=0;i<CURSOR_MAX;i++) {

			static const char *cursor_file[]={

			XcursorImage *img = XcursorLibraryLoadImage(cursor_file[i],cursor_theme,cursor_size);
			if (img) {
				//print_line("found cursor: "+String(cursor_file[i])+" id "+itos(cursors[i]));
			} else {
				if (OS::is_stdout_verbose())
					print_line("failed cursor: "+String(cursor_file[i]));


		Pixmap cursormask;
		 XGCValues xgc;
		 GC gc;
		 XColor col;
		 Cursor cursor;

		 cursormask = XCreatePixmap(x11_display, RootWindow(x11_display,DefaultScreen(x11_display)), 1, 1, 1);
		 xgc.function = GXclear;
		 gc = XCreateGC(x11_display, cursormask, GCFunction, &xgc);
		XFillRectangle(x11_display, cursormask, gc, 0, 0, 1, 1);
		col.pixel = 0;
		col.red = 0;
		col.flags = 4;
		cursor = XCreatePixmapCursor(x11_display,
			      cursormask, cursormask,
			      &col, &col, 0, 0);
		 XFreePixmap(x11_display, cursormask);
		 XFreeGC(x11_display, gc);

		 if (cursor == None)


	physics_server = memnew( PhysicsServerSW );
	physics_2d_server = memnew( Physics2DServerSW );

	input = memnew( InputDefault );



	net_wm_icon = XInternAtom(x11_display, "_NET_WM_ICON", False);

	//printf("got map notify\n");
Пример #21
void XImlib2Background::SetMultiImage(Imlib_Image image)
      Pixmap pmap = None, mask = None;
      GC gc;
      XGCValues gcv;
      XColor xcolor;
      int w, h, x, y, widthOfScreen, heightOfScreen, screen, depth;
      char *bgcolor = NULL;
      Colormap colormap;
      Display* display;
      Window rootWindow;
      string mode;
      DesktopConfig * dConfig =
		    dynamic_cast<DesktopConfig *>(config);
      XDesktopContainer * xContainer =
                    dynamic_cast<XDesktopContainer *>(container);
      display = xContainer->getDisplay();
      rootWindow = xContainer->getRootWindow();	
      screen = DefaultScreen(display);
      depth =  DefaultDepth(display, screen);
      colormap = DefaultColormap(display, screen);
      widthOfScreen = xContainer->widthOfScreen();
      heightOfScreen = xContainer->heightOfScreen();
      mode = dConfig->getModeBackground();
      pixmap = XCreatePixmap(display, rootWindow , widthOfScreen, heightOfScreen, depth);
      string color = dConfig->getColorBackground();
      if(color != "None"){
      	gcv.foreground = gcv.background = BlackPixel(display, screen);
      	bgcolor = (char*)dConfig->getColorBackground().c_str();
      	if (bgcolor && XParseColor(display, colormap , bgcolor, &xcolor) && XAllocColor(display,  colormap, &xcolor)) {
	      gcv.foreground = gcv.background = xcolor.pixel;
      gc = XCreateGC(display, pixmap, (GCForeground | GCBackground), &gcv);
		if (mode == "SCALE") {
			w = widthOfScreen;
			h = heightOfScreen;
		} else if (mode == "MIRROR") {
			w = imlib_image_get_width() * 2;
			h = imlib_image_get_height() * 2;
		} else if (mode == "FIT") {
			double x_ratio, y_ratio;
			x_ratio = ((double) widthOfScreen) / ((double)  imlib_image_get_width());
			y_ratio = ((double) heightOfScreen) / ((double) imlib_image_get_height());
			if (x_ratio > y_ratio) {
				x_ratio = y_ratio;
			w = (int) (imlib_image_get_width() * x_ratio);
			h = (int) (imlib_image_get_height() * x_ratio);
		} else {
			w = imlib_image_get_width();
			h = imlib_image_get_height();
		if (mode == "SCALE") {
			XFillRectangle(display, pixmap, gc, 0, 0, w, h);
		if (mode == "CENTER" || mode == "FIT") {
			XFillRectangle(display, pixmap, gc, 0, 0, widthOfScreen, heightOfScreen);
			x = (widthOfScreen - w) >> 1;
			y = (heightOfScreen - h) >> 1;
		} else {
Пример #22
void xsplot ( int *iret )
 * xsplot								*
 *									*
 * This subroutine increases the pixmap pointer by 1 and creates the  	*
 * next pixmap if the incr_pxmCnt is set to TRUE (the default).		*
 *									*
 * xsplot  ( iret )							*
 *									*
 * Input parameters:							*
 *			None						*
 *									*
 * Output parameters:							*
 *	*iret		int		Return code			*
 *					 G_NORMAL = Normal return	*
 *					 G_NMAXFR = Too many frames	*
 **									*
 * Log:									*
 * C. Lin/EAI	         7/94	Multi-window & Multi-pixmap		*
 * C. Lin/EAI	         8/94	Added call to XCLEAR			*
 * C. Lin/EAI	         6/97	Use pixmap size,  use cwin		*
 * S. Jacobs/NCEP	12/98	Fixed cast of NULL for LINUX		*
 * E. Safford/GSC	02/99	use incr_pxmCnt to control pxm advance  *
 * S. Law/GSC		10/99	added loop changes in gemwindow		*
 * E. Safford/GSC	12/99	update for new xwcmn.h			*
 * S. Law/GSC		01/00	changed curpxm to an array		*
 * S. Law/GSC		08/00	cwin->pixmaps -> cwin->pxms[lp]		*
 * E. Safford/GSC	08/00	fix npxms increment error		*
    int		ipxm, xwdth, xhght, xdpth, lp, ier;
    Window_str	*cwin;
    winloop_t	*cloop;

    *iret = G_NORMAL;

    if ( gemwindow[current_window].npxms < MAX_PIXMAP ) {

        cwin	= &(gemwindow[current_window]);
        lp	= cwin->curr_loop;
        cloop	= &(cwin->loop[lp]);
        ipxm	= cwin->curpxm[lp];

        if (!cwin->nmap2 && cwin->incr_pxmCnt) {
             *  advance the curpxm index
            ipxm = cwin->curpxm[lp];

        xwdth = cloop->pxm_wdth;
        xhght = cloop->pxm_hght;
        xdpth = cwin->depth;

        if (cwin->pxms[lp][ipxm] == (Pixmap) NULL) {
            cwin->pxms[lp][ipxm] = XCreatePixmap(gemdisplay, root, xwdth,
                                                 xhght, xdpth);
            xclrpxm( &ipxm, &ier);


        if (cwin->nmap2 || cwin->incr_pxmCnt) {

    else {
         * number of pixmaps exceeds maximum
        *iret = G_NMAXFR;

Пример #23
	JXDisplay*		display,
	JXColormap*		colormap,
	Drawable		source,
	const JRect&	origRect
	JXImageX(display, colormap);

	JRect rect = origRect;
	Window rootWindow;
	int x,y;
	unsigned int w,h, bw, depth;
	XGetGeometry(*itsDisplay, source, &rootWindow, &x, &y, &w, &h, &bw, &depth);

	itsDepth = depth;
	if (rect.IsEmpty())
		rect = GetBounds();

	itsPixmap = XCreatePixmap(*itsDisplay, itsDisplay->GetRootWindow(),
							  GetWidth(), GetHeight(), itsDepth);
	assert( itsPixmap != None );

	if (itsDepth != itsDisplay->GetDepth())
		itsGC = new JXGC(itsDisplay, itsColormap, itsPixmap);
		assert( itsGC != NULL );

	(GetGC())->CopyPixels(source, rect.left, rect.top,
						  rect.width(), rect.height(), itsPixmap, 0,0);

	// register the colors that are used in the drawable

	const JBoolean needRegister =
		JConvertToBoolean( itsDepth > 1 && !itsColormap->AllColorsPreallocated() );

	if (needRegister && itsColormap->GetVisualClass() == DirectColor)
		// With DirectColor, there could be just as many colors as pixels,
		// so we actually waste time (and memory!) by building a list of
		// X pixel values before converting them to JColorIndices.


		const JCoordinate w = GetWidth();
		const JCoordinate h = GetHeight();
		for (JCoordinate y=0; y<=h; y++)
			for (JCoordinate x=0; x<=w; x++)
				JColorIndex color;
				const unsigned long xPixel = XGetPixel(itsImage, x,y);
				itsColormap->AllocateStaticColor(xPixel, &color);
				RegisterColor(color, kJFalse);
	else if (needRegister)	// using PseudoColor => small # of X pixels
		// By building a list of unique X pixel values and then converting
		// each once, we reduce O(W H (alloc)) to O(W H) + O(P (alloc)),
		// where W=width, H=height, P=# of distinct pixels in Drawable.
		// Typically, W*H is much larger than P.  Alloc usually requires
		// a server call.

		JIndex i;

		// build boolean array telling which X pixel values are used


		const JSize maxColorCount = itsColormap->GetMaxColorCount();
		char* pixelUsed = new char [ maxColorCount ];
		assert( pixelUsed != NULL );
		for (i=0; i<maxColorCount; i++)
			pixelUsed[i] = 0;

		const JCoordinate w = GetWidth();
		const JCoordinate h = GetHeight();
		for (JCoordinate y=0; y<=h; y++)
			for (JCoordinate x=0; x<=w; x++)
				const unsigned long xPixel = XGetPixel(itsImage, x,y);
				assert( xPixel < maxColorCount );
				pixelUsed [ xPixel ] = 1;

		// register each X pixel value that is used

		JColorIndex color;
		for (i=0; i<maxColorCount; i++)
			if (pixelUsed[i])
				itsColormap->AllocateStaticColor(i, &color);
				RegisterColor(color, kJFalse);

		delete [] pixelUsed;
Пример #24
static void setbrushstyle (wmfAPI* API,wmfDC* dc)
{	wmf_x_t* ddata = WMF_X_GetData (API);

	wmfBMP* bmp = 0;

	wmfRGB pixel;

	wmfBrush* brush = 0;

	int opacity;
	int fill_style;

	U16 i;
	U16 j;

	XGCValues values;

	brush = WMF_DC_BRUSH (dc);

	values.function = Our_XROPfunction[WMF_DC_ROP (dc) - 1];

	if (values.function == GXinvert)
	{	values.function = GXxor;
		values.foreground = ddata->black;
	{	values.foreground = get_color (API,WMF_BRUSH_COLOR (brush));

	values.background = get_color (API,WMF_DC_BACKGROUND (dc));

	switch (WMF_BRUSH_STYLE (brush))
	{	/* TODO: these arrays are convenient but how SEG-safe are they? */
		if (ddata->hatch != None) XFreePixmap (ddata->display,ddata->hatch);
		ddata->hatch = XCreateBitmapFromData (ddata->display,ddata->root,
		                                      HatchBrushes[WMF_BRUSH_HATCH (brush)],8,8);
		fill_style = ((WMF_DC_OPAQUE (dc)) ? FillOpaqueStippled : FillStippled);
		XSetStipple (ddata->display,ddata->gc,ddata->hatch);

		setdefaultstyle (API);

		bmp = WMF_BRUSH_BITMAP (brush);

		if (ddata->brush != None)
		{	XFreePixmap (ddata->display,ddata->brush);
			ddata->brush = None;
		if (bmp->data == 0)
		{	fill_style = FillSolid;
		ddata->brush = XCreatePixmap (ddata->display,ddata->root,
		if (ddata->brush == None)
		{	fill_style = FillSolid;

		for (j = 0; j < bmp->height; j++)
		{	for (i = 0; i < bmp->width; i++)
			{	opacity = wmf_ipa_bmp_color (API,bmp,&pixel,i,j);

				XSetForeground (ddata->display,ddata->gc,get_color (API,&pixel));

				XDrawPoint (ddata->display,ddata->brush,ddata->gc,i,j);

		XSetTile (ddata->display,ddata->gc,ddata->brush);
		fill_style = FillTiled;

	case BS_NULL:
	case BS_SOLID:
		fill_style = FillSolid;

	XSetFillStyle (ddata->display,ddata->gc,fill_style);

	switch (WMF_DC_POLYFILL (dc))
		values.fill_rule = EvenOddRule;

	case WINDING:
		values.fill_rule = WindingRule;

		values.fill_rule = EvenOddRule;

	XChangeGC (ddata->display,ddata->gc,GCFunction|GCForeground|GCBackground|GCFillRule,&values);
Пример #25
static Bool
GradientLoader(XawParams *params, Screen *screen, Colormap colormap, int depth,
               Pixmap *pixmap_return, Pixmap *mask_return,
               Dimension *width_return, Dimension *height_return)
    double ired, igreen, iblue, red, green, blue;
    XColor start, end, color;
    XGCValues values;
    GC gc;
    double i, inc, x, y, xend, yend;
    Pixmap pixmap;
    XawArgVal *argval;
    int orientation, dimension, steps;
    char *value;

    if (XmuCompareISOLatin1(params->name, "vertical") == 0)
        orientation = VERTICAL;
    else if (XmuCompareISOLatin1(params->name, "horizontal") == 0)
        orientation = HORIZONTAL;
        return (False);

    if ((argval = XawFindArgVal(params, "dimension")) != NULL
            && argval->value)
        dimension = atoi(argval->value);
        if (dimension <= 0)
            return (False);
        dimension = 50;

    if ((argval = XawFindArgVal(params, "steps")) != NULL
            && argval->value)
        steps = atoi(argval->value);
        if (steps <= 0)
            return (False);
        steps = dimension;

    steps = XawMin(steps, dimension);

    value = NULL;
    if ((argval = XawFindArgVal(params, "start")) != NULL)
        value = argval->value;
    if (value && !XAllocNamedColor(DisplayOfScreen(screen), colormap, value,
                                   &start, &color))
        return (False);
    else if (!value)
        start.pixel = WhitePixelOfScreen(screen);
        XQueryColor(DisplayOfScreen(screen), colormap, &start);
    value = NULL;
    if ((argval = XawFindArgVal(params, "end")) != NULL)
        value = argval->value;
    if (value && !XAllocNamedColor(DisplayOfScreen(screen), colormap, value,
                                   &end, &color))
        return (False);
    else if (!value)
        end.pixel = BlackPixelOfScreen(screen);
        XQueryColor(DisplayOfScreen(screen), colormap, &end);

    if ((pixmap = XCreatePixmap(DisplayOfScreen(screen),
                                orientation == VERTICAL ? 1 : dimension,
                                orientation == VERTICAL ? dimension : 1, depth))
            == 0)
        return (False);

    ired   = (double)(end.red   - start.red)   / (double)steps;
    igreen = (double)(end.green - start.green) / (double)steps;
    iblue  = (double)(end.blue  - start.blue)  / (double)steps;

    red   = color.red   = start.red;
    green = color.green = start.green;
    blue  = color.blue  = start.blue;

    inc = (double)dimension / (double)steps;

    gc = XCreateGC(DisplayOfScreen(screen), pixmap, 0, &values);

    x = y = 0.0;
    if (orientation == VERTICAL)
        xend = 1;
        yend = 0;
        xend = 0;
        yend = 1;

    color.flags = DoRed | DoGreen | DoBlue;

    XSetForeground(DisplayOfScreen(screen), gc, start.pixel);
    for (i = 0.0; i < dimension; i += inc)
        if ((int)color.red != (int)red || (int)color.green != (int)green
                || (int)color.blue != (int)blue)
            XFillRectangle(DisplayOfScreen(screen), pixmap, gc, (int)x, (int)y,
                           (unsigned int)xend, (unsigned int)yend);
            color.red   = (unsigned short)red;
            color.green = (unsigned short)green;
            color.blue  = (unsigned short)blue;
            if (!XAllocColor(DisplayOfScreen(screen), colormap, &color))
                XFreePixmap(DisplayOfScreen(screen), pixmap);
                return (False);
            XSetForeground(DisplayOfScreen(screen), gc, color.pixel);
            if (orientation == VERTICAL)
                y = yend;
                x = xend;
        red   += ired;
        green += igreen;
        blue  += iblue;
        if (orientation == VERTICAL)
            yend += inc;
            xend += inc;
    XFillRectangle(DisplayOfScreen(screen), pixmap, gc, (int)x, (int)y,
                   (unsigned int)xend, (unsigned int)yend);

    *pixmap_return = pixmap;
    *mask_return = None;
    *width_return = orientation == VERTICAL ? 1 : dimension;
    *height_return = orientation == VERTICAL ? dimension : 1;

    XFreeGC(DisplayOfScreen(screen), gc);

    return (True);
Пример #26
static int capture(char *dev_name, int x_res, int y_res, int n_frames,
		   char *out_dir)
	struct v4l2_format		fmt;
	struct v4l2_buffer		buf;
	struct v4l2_requestbuffers	req;
	enum v4l2_buf_type		type;
	fd_set				fds;
	struct timeval			tv;
	int				r, fd = -1;
	unsigned int			i, j, n_buffers;
	struct buffer			*buffers;
	Display				*dpy;
	Window				win;
	int				num_textures = 1;
	GLuint				texture_id[num_textures];
	Window				root;
	XVisualInfo			*vi;
	XSetWindowAttributes		swa;
	GLXContext			glc;
	GLint				att[] = {

	dpy = XOpenDisplay(NULL);
	if (!dpy) {
		printf("tcannot open display.\n");

	root = DefaultRootWindow(dpy);

	vi = glXChooseVisual(dpy, 0, att);
	if (!vi) {
		printf("no appropriate visual found.\n");
	swa.event_mask = ExposureMask | KeyPressMask;
	swa.colormap   = XCreateColormap(dpy, root, vi->visual, AllocNone);

	fd = v4l2_open(dev_name, O_RDWR | O_NONBLOCK, 0);
	if (fd < 0) {
		perror("Cannot open device");

	fmt.fmt.pix.width       = x_res;
	fmt.fmt.pix.height      = y_res;
	fmt.fmt.pix.pixelformat = V4L2_PIX_FMT_RGB24;
	fmt.fmt.pix.field       = V4L2_FIELD_INTERLACED;
	xioctl(fd, VIDIOC_S_FMT, &fmt);
	if ((fmt.fmt.pix.width != x_res) || (fmt.fmt.pix.height != y_res))
		printf("Warning: driver is sending image at %dx%d\n",
			fmt.fmt.pix.width, fmt.fmt.pix.height);

	printf("Fourcc format: %c%c%c%c\n",
		fmt.fmt.pix.pixelformat & 0xff,
		(fmt.fmt.pix.pixelformat >> 8) &0xff,
		(fmt.fmt.pix.pixelformat >> 16) &0xff,
		(fmt.fmt.pix.pixelformat >> 24) &0xff);

	win = XCreateWindow(dpy, root, 0, 0,
			    fmt.fmt.pix.width, fmt.fmt.pix.height, 0, vi->depth,
			    InputOutput, vi->visual, CWEventMask  | CWColormap,
	XMapWindow(dpy, win);
	XStoreName(dpy, win, dev_name);

	glc = glXCreateContext(dpy, vi, NULL, GL_TRUE);
	if (glc == NULL) {
		printf("\n\tcannot create gl context\n\n");

	glXMakeCurrent(dpy, win, glc);

	XCreatePixmap(dpy, root,
		      fmt.fmt.pix.width, fmt.fmt.pix.height,

	glGenTextures(1, texture_id);
	for (j = 0; j < num_textures; j++) {
		glActiveTexture(GL_TEXTURE0 + j);
		glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, texture_id[j]);

	req.count = 2;
	req.memory = V4L2_MEMORY_MMAP;
	xioctl(fd, VIDIOC_REQBUFS, &req);

	buffers = calloc(req.count, sizeof(*buffers));
	for (n_buffers = 0; n_buffers < req.count; ++n_buffers) {

		buf.type        = V4L2_BUF_TYPE_VIDEO_CAPTURE;
		buf.memory      = V4L2_MEMORY_MMAP;
		buf.index       = n_buffers;

		xioctl(fd, VIDIOC_QUERYBUF, &buf);

		buffers[n_buffers].length = buf.length;
		buffers[n_buffers].start = v4l2_mmap(NULL, buf.length,
			      fd, buf.m.offset);

		if (MAP_FAILED == buffers[n_buffers].start) {

	for (i = 0; i < n_buffers; ++i) {
		buf.memory = V4L2_MEMORY_MMAP;
		buf.index = i;
		xioctl(fd, VIDIOC_QBUF, &buf);

	xioctl(fd, VIDIOC_STREAMON, &type);
	i = 0;

	while (i < n_frames || n_frames <= 0) {
		/* Request new buffer */
		if (i)
			xioctl(fd, VIDIOC_QBUF, &buf);

		do {
			FD_SET(fd, &fds);

			/* Timeout. */
			tv.tv_sec = 2;
			tv.tv_usec = 0;

			r = select(fd + 1, &fds, NULL, NULL, &tv);
		} while ((r == -1 && (errno = EINTR)));
		if (r == -1) {
			return errno;

		buf.memory = V4L2_MEMORY_MMAP;
		xioctl(fd, VIDIOC_DQBUF, &buf);

		 * Display the image via GL - for RGB, only one texture is enough
		for (j = 0; j < num_textures; j++) {
			glActiveTexture(GL_TEXTURE0 + j);
			glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, texture_id[j]);
			glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_RGB,
				fmt.fmt.pix.width, fmt.fmt.pix.height, 0,
				((char *)buffers[buf.index].start) + j);
		Redraw(dpy, win);


	xioctl(fd, VIDIOC_STREAMOFF, &type);
	for (i = 0; i < n_buffers; ++i)
		v4l2_munmap(buffers[i].start, buffers[i].length);

	return 0;
Пример #27
const GrGLInterface* SkNativeGLContext::createGLContext() {
    fDisplay = XOpenDisplay(0);

    if (!fDisplay) {
        SkDebugf("Failed to open X display.\n");
        return NULL;

    // Get a matching FB config
    static int visual_attribs[] = {
        GLX_X_RENDERABLE    , True,

    int glx_major, glx_minor;

    // FBConfigs were added in GLX version 1.3.
    if (!glXQueryVersion(fDisplay, &glx_major, &glx_minor) ||
            ( (glx_major == 1) && (glx_minor < 3) ) || (glx_major < 1))
        SkDebugf("Invalid GLX version.");
        return NULL;

    //SkDebugf("Getting matching framebuffer configs.\n");
    int fbcount;
    GLXFBConfig *fbc = glXChooseFBConfig(fDisplay, DefaultScreen(fDisplay),
                                          visual_attribs, &fbcount);
    if (!fbc) {
        SkDebugf("Failed to retrieve a framebuffer config.\n");
        return NULL;
    //SkDebugf("Found %d matching FB configs.\n", fbcount);

    // Pick the FB config/visual with the most samples per pixel
    //SkDebugf("Getting XVisualInfos.\n");
    int best_fbc = -1, worst_fbc = -1, best_num_samp = -1, worst_num_samp = 999;

    int i;
    for (i = 0; i < fbcount; ++i) {
        XVisualInfo *vi = glXGetVisualFromFBConfig(fDisplay, fbc[i]);
        if (vi) {
            int samp_buf, samples;
            glXGetFBConfigAttrib(fDisplay, fbc[i], GLX_SAMPLE_BUFFERS, &samp_buf);
            glXGetFBConfigAttrib(fDisplay, fbc[i], GLX_SAMPLES, &samples);

            //SkDebugf("  Matching fbconfig %d, visual ID 0x%2x: SAMPLE_BUFFERS = %d,"
            //       " SAMPLES = %d\n",
            //        i, (unsigned int)vi->visualid, samp_buf, samples);

            if (best_fbc < 0 || (samp_buf && samples > best_num_samp))
                best_fbc = i, best_num_samp = samples;
            if (worst_fbc < 0 || !samp_buf || samples < worst_num_samp)
                worst_fbc = i, worst_num_samp = samples;

    GLXFBConfig bestFbc = fbc[best_fbc];

    // Be sure to free the FBConfig list allocated by glXChooseFBConfig()

    // Get a visual
    XVisualInfo *vi = glXGetVisualFromFBConfig(fDisplay, bestFbc);
    //SkDebugf("Chosen visual ID = 0x%x\n", (unsigned int)vi->visualid);

    fPixmap = XCreatePixmap(fDisplay, RootWindow(fDisplay, vi->screen), 10, 10, vi->depth);

    if (!fPixmap) {
        SkDebugf("Failed to create pixmap.\n");
        return NULL;

    fGlxPixmap = glXCreateGLXPixmap(fDisplay, vi, fPixmap);

    // Done with the visual info data

    // Create the context

    // Install an X error handler so the application won't exit if GL 3.0
    // context allocation fails.
    // Note this error handler is global.
    // All display connections in all threads of a process use the same
    // error handler, so be sure to guard against other threads issuing
    // X commands while this code is running.
    ctxErrorOccurred = false;
    int (*oldHandler)(Display*, XErrorEvent*) =

    // Get the default screen's GLX extension list
    const char *glxExts = glXQueryExtensionsString(
        fDisplay, DefaultScreen(fDisplay)
    // Check for the GLX_ARB_create_context extension string and the function.
    // If either is not present, use GLX 1.3 context creation method.
    if (!gluCheckExtension(
          reinterpret_cast<const GLubyte*>("GLX_ARB_create_context")
          , reinterpret_cast<const GLubyte*>(glxExts)))
        //SkDebugf("GLX_ARB_create_context not found."
        //       " Using old-style GLX context.\n");
        fContext = glXCreateNewContext(fDisplay, bestFbc, GLX_RGBA_TYPE, 0, True);

    } else {
        //SkDebugf("Creating context.\n");

            (PFNGLXCREATECONTEXTATTRIBSARBPROC) glXGetProcAddressARB((GrGLubyte*)"glXCreateContextAttribsARB");
        int context_attribs[] = {
        fContext = glXCreateContextAttribsARB(
            fDisplay, bestFbc, 0, True, context_attribs

        // Sync to ensure any errors generated are processed.
        XSync(fDisplay, False);
        if (!ctxErrorOccurred && fContext) {
           //SkDebugf( "Created GL 3.0 context.\n" );
        } else {
            // Couldn't create GL 3.0 context.
            // Fall back to old-style 2.x context.
            // When a context version below 3.0 is requested,
            // implementations will return the newest context version compatible
            // with OpenGL versions less than version 3.0.

            context_attribs[1] = 1;
            context_attribs[3] = 0;

            ctxErrorOccurred = false;

            //SkDebugf("Failed to create GL 3.0 context."
            //       " Using old-style GLX context.\n");
            fContext = glXCreateContextAttribsARB(
                fDisplay, bestFbc, 0, True, context_attribs

    // Sync to ensure any errors generated are processed.
    XSync(fDisplay, False);

    // Restore the original error handler

    if (ctxErrorOccurred || !fContext) {
        SkDebugf("Failed to create an OpenGL context.\n");
        return NULL;

    // Verify that context is a direct context
    if (!glXIsDirect(fDisplay, fContext)) {
        //SkDebugf("Indirect GLX rendering context obtained.\n");
    } else {
        //SkDebugf("Direct GLX rendering context obtained.\n");

    //SkDebugf("Making context current.\n");
    if (!glXMakeCurrent(fDisplay, fGlxPixmap, fContext)) {
      SkDebugf("Could not set the context.\n");
        return NULL;

    const GrGLInterface* interface = GrGLCreateNativeInterface();
    if (!interface) {
        SkDebugf("Failed to create gl interface");
        return NULL;
    return interface;
Пример #28
/* Returns an XImage structure containing the string rendered in the font.
   This XImage will be 32 bits per pixel, 8 each per R, G, and B, with the
   extra byte set to 0xFF.

   Foregroune and background are GL-style color specifiers: 4 floats from
XImage *
text_to_ximage (Screen *screen, Visual *visual,
                const char *font,
                const char *text_lines,
                GLfloat *texture_fg,
                GLfloat *texture_bg)
  Display *dpy = DisplayOfScreen (screen);
  int width, height;
  XFontStruct *f;
  Pixmap bitmap;

  f = XLoadQueryFont(dpy, font);
  if (!f)
      f = XLoadQueryFont(dpy, "fixed");
      if (f)
        fprintf (stderr, "%s: unable to load font \"%s\"; using \"fixed\".\n",
                 progname, font);
          fprintf (stderr, "%s: unable to load fonts \"%s\" or \"fixed\"!\n",
                   progname, font);
          exit (1);

  /* Parse the text, and render it to `bitmap'
    char *text, *text2, *line, *token;
    int lines;
    XCharStruct overall;
    XGCValues gcv;
    GC gc;

    int margin = 2;
    int fg = 1;
    int bg = 0;
    int xoff, yoff;

    text  = strdup (text_lines);
    while (*text &&
           (text[strlen(text)-1] == '\r' ||
            text[strlen(text)-1] == '\n'))
      text[strlen(text)-1] = 0;

    text2 = strdup (text);

    memset(&overall, 0, sizeof(overall));
    token = text;
    lines = 0;
    while ((line = strtok (token, "\r\n")))
        XCharStruct o2;
        int ascent, descent, direction;
        token = 0;
        XTextExtents (f, line, strlen(line),
                      &direction, &ascent, &descent, &o2);
        overall.lbearing = MAX(overall.lbearing, o2.lbearing);
        overall.rbearing = MAX(overall.rbearing, o2.rbearing);
    free (text);
    text = 0;

    width = overall.lbearing + overall.rbearing + margin + margin + 1;
    height = ((f->ascent + f->descent) * lines) + margin + margin;

    /* GL texture sizes must be powers of two. */
      int w2 = to_pow2(width);
      int h2 = to_pow2(height);
      xoff = (w2 - width)  / 2;
      yoff = (h2 - height) / 2;
      width  = w2;
      height = h2;

    bitmap = XCreatePixmap(dpy, RootWindowOfScreen (screen), width, height, 1);

    gcv.font = f->fid;
    gcv.foreground = bg;
    gc = XCreateGC (dpy, bitmap, (GCFont | GCForeground), &gcv);
    XFillRectangle(dpy, bitmap, gc, 0, 0, width, height);
    XSetForeground(dpy, gc, fg);

    token = text2;
    lines = 0;
    while ((line = strtok(token, "\r\n")))
        XCharStruct o2;
        int ascent, descent, direction;
        token = 0;

        XTextExtents(f, line, strlen(line),
                     &direction, &ascent, &descent, &o2);
        XDrawString(dpy, bitmap, gc,
                    overall.lbearing + margin + xoff,
                    ((f->ascent * (lines + 1)) +
                     (f->descent * lines) +
                     margin +
                    line, strlen(line));

    XUnloadFont(dpy, f->fid);
    XFree((XPointer) f);
    XFreeGC(dpy, gc);

  /* Convert the server-side Pixmap to a client-side GL-ordered XImage.
    XImage *ximage1, *ximage2;
    unsigned long fg, bg;
    int x, y;

    ximage1 = XGetImage (dpy, bitmap, 0, 0, width, height, ~0L, ZPixmap);
    XFreePixmap(dpy, bitmap);
    ximage2 = XCreateImage (dpy, visual, 32, ZPixmap, 0, 0,
                            width, height, 32, 0);

    ximage2->data = (char *) malloc (height * ximage2->bytes_per_line);

    /* Translate the 1-bit image to a deep image:
       first figure out what the colors are.
      int rpos, gpos, bpos, apos;  /* bitfield positions */

      /* Note that unlike X, which is endianness-agnostic (since any XImage
         can have its own specific bit ordering, with the server reversing
         things as necessary) OpenGL pretends everything is client-side, so
         we need to pack things in the right order for the client machine.
#if 0
    /* #### Cherub says that the little-endian case must be taken on MacOSX,
            or else the colors/alpha are the wrong way around.  How can
            that be the case?
      if (bigendian())
        rpos = 24, gpos = 16, bpos =  8, apos =  0;
        rpos =  0, gpos =  8, bpos = 16, apos = 24;

      fg = (((unsigned long) (texture_fg[0] * 255.0) << rpos) |
            ((unsigned long) (texture_fg[1] * 255.0) << gpos) |
            ((unsigned long) (texture_fg[2] * 255.0) << bpos) |
            ((unsigned long) (texture_fg[3] * 255.0) << apos));
      bg = (((unsigned long) (texture_bg[0] * 255.0) << rpos) |
            ((unsigned long) (texture_bg[1] * 255.0) << gpos) |
            ((unsigned long) (texture_bg[2] * 255.0) << bpos) |
            ((unsigned long) (texture_bg[3] * 255.0) << apos));

    for (y = 0; y < height; y++)
	int y2 = (height-1-y); /* Texture maps are upside down. */
	for (x = 0; x < width; x++)
          XPutPixel (ximage2, x, y, 
                     XGetPixel (ximage1, x, y2) ? fg : bg);

    XDestroyImage (ximage1);

#if 0
    for (y = 0; y < height; y++)
	int y2 = (height-1-y); /* Texture maps are upside down. */
	for (x = 0; x < width; x++)
          fputc ((XGetPixel (ximage2, x, y2) == fg ? '#' : ' '), stdout);
        fputc ('\n', stdout);
    fputc ('\n', stdout);
#endif /* 0 */

    return ximage2;
/* Return true if an error occurred. */
apple_glx_pbuffer_create(Display * dpy, GLXFBConfig config,
                         int width, int height, int *errorcode,
                         GLXPbuffer * result)
   struct apple_glx_drawable *d;
   struct apple_glx_pbuffer *pbuf = NULL;
   CGLError err;
   Window root;
   int screen;
   Pixmap xid;
   struct glx_config *modes = (struct glx_config *) config;

   root = DefaultRootWindow(dpy);
   screen = DefaultScreen(dpy);

    * This pixmap is only used for a persistent XID.
    * The XC-MISC extension cleans up XIDs and reuses them transparently,
    * so we need to retain a server-side reference.
   xid = XCreatePixmap(dpy, root, (unsigned int) 1,
                       (unsigned int) 1, DefaultDepth(dpy, screen));

   if (None == xid) {
      *errorcode = BadAlloc;
      return true;

   if (apple_glx_drawable_create(dpy, screen, xid, &d, &callbacks)) {
      *errorcode = BadAlloc;
      return true;

   /* The lock is held in d from create onward. */
   pbuf = &d->types.pbuffer;

   pbuf->xid = xid;
   pbuf->width = width;
   pbuf->height = height;

   err = apple_cgl.create_pbuffer(width, height, GL_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_EXT,
                                  (modes->alphaBits > 0) ? GL_RGBA : GL_RGB,
                                  0, &pbuf->buffer_obj);

   if (kCGLNoError != err) {
      *errorcode = BadMatch;
      return true;

   pbuf->fbconfigID = modes->fbconfigID;

   pbuf->event_mask = 0;

   *result = pbuf->xid;


   return false;
Пример #30
 * TextLayer::render
 * Renders some text without a background, without automatically
 * binding the text pixmap to a texture (since we need to bind it later)
TextLayer::render ()
    int             twidth, theight;
    Pixmap          pixmap = None;

    GROUP_SCREEN (screen);

    if (!HAS_TOP_WIN (mGroup))

    /* Maximum text width is the tab bar width */
    twidth = mGroup->mTabBar->mRegion.boundingRect ().width ();
    theight = mGroup->mTabBar->mRegion.boundingRect ().height ();

    if (mGroup->mTabBar->mTextSlot &&
        mGroup->mTabBar->mTextSlot->mWindow && gTextAvailable)
	CompText::Attrib  textAttrib;

	textAttrib.family = "Sans";
	textAttrib.size   = gs->optionGetTabbarFontSize ();

	/* Bold text, ellipsize if there is not enough room and do not
	 * automatically bind pixmap to texture */
	textAttrib.flags = CompText::StyleBold | CompText::Ellipsized |

	textAttrib.color[0] = gs->optionGetTabbarFontColorRed ();
	textAttrib.color[1] = gs->optionGetTabbarFontColorGreen ();
	textAttrib.color[2] = gs->optionGetTabbarFontColorBlue ();
	textAttrib.color[3] = gs->optionGetTabbarFontColorAlpha ();

	textAttrib.maxWidth = twidth;
	textAttrib.maxHeight = theight;

	/* Render title of the top window */
	if (gs->mText.renderWindowTitle (
		             mGroup->mTabBar->mTextSlot->mWindow->id (),
						     false, textAttrib))
	    pixmap = gs->mText.getPixmap ();
	    twidth = gs->mText.getWidth ();
	    theight = gs->mText.getHeight ();

    if (!pixmap)
	/* getting the pixmap failed, so create an empty one */
	pixmap = XCreatePixmap (screen->dpy (), screen->root (), twidth,
							   theight, 32);

	if (pixmap)
	    XGCValues gcv;
	    GC        gc;

	    gcv.foreground = 0x00000000;
	    gcv.plane_mask = 0xffffffff;

	    gc = XCreateGC (screen->dpy (), pixmap, GCForeground, &gcv);
	    XFillRectangle (screen->dpy (), pixmap, gc, 0, 0, twidth,
	    XFreeGC (screen->dpy (), gc);

    setWidth  (twidth);
    setHeight (theight);

    if (pixmap)
	mTexture.clear ();
	mPixmap = pixmap;
	/* Text layer's texture is bound here, this can be re used
	 * in TextureLayer::paint
	mTexture = GLTexture::bindPixmapToTexture (mPixmap,
						   width (), height (),