Пример #1
// Name: RegisterRemoteTalker
// Desc: Registers a new remote talker
HRESULT CXHVVoiceManager::RegisterRemoteTalker( XUID xuidRemoteTalker )
    // XHV allows you to call RegisterRemoteTalker more than once with the
    // same XUID.  For convenience, we'll emulate that behavior
    if( SUCCEEDED( FindPlayerVoiceInfo( xuidRemoteTalker, NULL ) ) )
        return S_OK;

    // Verify we're within our limits
    assert( m_dwNumRemoteTalkers < m_dwMaxRemoteTalkers );

    // Register the remote talker with XHV
    HRESULT hr;
    hr = m_pXHVEngine->RegisterRemoteTalker( xuidRemoteTalker );
    if( FAILED( hr ) )
        return hr;

    // Set up a new PlayerVoiceInfo struct for the player
    PlayerVoiceInfo* pRemoteTalker = &m_pPlayerVoiceInfo[ m_dwNumRemoteTalkers ];
    pRemoteTalker->xuid = xuidRemoteTalker;
    for( DWORD i = 0; i < XGetPortCount(); i++ )
        pRemoteTalker->bMuted[ i ]          = FALSE;
        pRemoteTalker->bRemoteMuted[ i ]    = FALSE;
        pRemoteTalker->priority[ i ]        = XHV_PLAYBACK_PRIORITY_NEVER;


    return S_OK;
Пример #2
// Name: XBInput_CreateGamepads()
// Desc: Creates the gamepad devices
HRESULT XBInput_CreateGamepads( XBGAMEPAD** ppGamepads )
    // Get a mask of all currently available devices
    DWORD dwDeviceMask = XGetDevices( XDEVICE_TYPE_GAMEPAD );

    // Open the devices
    for( DWORD i=0; i < XGetPortCount(); i++ )
        ZeroMemory( &g_InputStates[i], sizeof(XINPUT_STATE) );
        ZeroMemory( &g_Gamepads[i], sizeof(XBGAMEPAD) );
        if( dwDeviceMask & (1<<i) ) 
            // Get a handle to the device
            g_Gamepads[i].hDevice = XInputOpen( XDEVICE_TYPE_GAMEPAD, i, 
                                                XDEVICE_NO_SLOT, NULL );

            // Store capabilities of the device
            XInputGetCapabilities( g_Gamepads[i].hDevice, &g_Gamepads[i].caps );

    // Created devices are kept global, but for those who prefer member
    // variables, they can get a pointer to the gamepads returned.
    if( ppGamepads )
        (*ppGamepads) = g_Gamepads;

    return S_OK;
Пример #3
void CXBoxMouse::Initialize(void *appData)
  m_dwMousePort = XGetDevices( XDEVICE_TYPE_DEBUG_MOUSE );

  // See if a mouse is attached and get a handle to it, if it is.
  for ( DWORD i = 0; i < XGetPortCount()*2; i++ )
    if ( ( m_hMouseDevice[i] == NULL ) && ( m_dwMousePort & anMouseBitmapTable[i] ) )
      // Get a handle to the device
      if (i < XGetPortCount())
        m_hMouseDevice[i] = XInputOpen( XDEVICE_TYPE_DEBUG_MOUSE, i,
                                        XDEVICE_NO_SLOT, NULL );
        m_hMouseDevice[i] = XInputOpen( XDEVICE_TYPE_DEBUG_MOUSE, i - XGetPortCount(),
                                        XDEVICE_BOTTOM_SLOT, NULL );
      CLog::Log(LOGINFO, "Found mouse on port %i", i);
Пример #4
// Name: XBInput_GetInput()
// Desc: Processes input from the gamepads
VOID XBInput_GetInput( XBGAMEPAD* pGamepads )
    if( NULL == pGamepads )
        pGamepads = g_Gamepads;

    // TCR 3-21 Controller Discovery
    // Get status about gamepad insertions and removals. Note that, in order to
    // not miss devices, we will check for removed device BEFORE checking for
    // insertions
    DWORD dwInsertions, dwRemovals;
    XGetDeviceChanges( XDEVICE_TYPE_GAMEPAD, &dwInsertions, &dwRemovals );

    // Loop through all gamepads
    for( DWORD i=0; i < XGetPortCount(); i++ )
        // Handle removed devices.
        pGamepads[i].bRemoved = ( dwRemovals & (1<<i) ) ? TRUE : FALSE;
        if( pGamepads[i].bRemoved )
            // if the controller was removed after XGetDeviceChanges but before
            // XInputOpen, the device handle will be NULL
            if( pGamepads[i].hDevice )
                XInputClose( pGamepads[i].hDevice );
            pGamepads[i].hDevice = NULL;
            pGamepads[i].Feedback.Rumble.wLeftMotorSpeed  = 0;
            pGamepads[i].Feedback.Rumble.wRightMotorSpeed = 0;

        // Handle inserted devices
        pGamepads[i].bInserted = ( dwInsertions & (1<<i) ) ? TRUE : FALSE;
        if( pGamepads[i].bInserted ) 
            // TCR 1-14 Device Types
            pGamepads[i].hDevice = XInputOpen( XDEVICE_TYPE_GAMEPAD, i, 
                                               XDEVICE_NO_SLOT, NULL );

            // if the controller is removed after XGetDeviceChanges but before
            // XInputOpen, the device handle will be NULL
            if( pGamepads[i].hDevice )
                XInputGetCapabilities( pGamepads[i].hDevice, &pGamepads[i].caps );

        // If we have a valid device, poll it's state and track button changes
        if( pGamepads[i].hDevice )
            // Read the input state
            XInputGetState( pGamepads[i].hDevice, &g_InputStates[i] );

            // Copy gamepad to local structure
            memcpy( &pGamepads[i], &g_InputStates[i].Gamepad, sizeof(XINPUT_GAMEPAD) );

            // Put Xbox device input for the gamepad into our custom format
            FLOAT fX1 = (pGamepads[i].sThumbLX+0.5f)/32767.5f;
            pGamepads[i].fX1 = ( fX1 >= 0.0f ? 1.0f : -1.0f ) *
                               max( 0.0f, (fabsf(fX1)-XBINPUT_DEADZONE)/(1.0f-XBINPUT_DEADZONE) );

            FLOAT fY1 = (pGamepads[i].sThumbLY+0.5f)/32767.5f;
            pGamepads[i].fY1 = ( fY1 >= 0.0f ? 1.0f : -1.0f ) *
                               max( 0.0f, (fabsf(fY1)-XBINPUT_DEADZONE)/(1.0f-XBINPUT_DEADZONE) );

            FLOAT fX2 = (pGamepads[i].sThumbRX+0.5f)/32767.5f;
            pGamepads[i].fX2 = ( fX2 >= 0.0f ? 1.0f : -1.0f ) *
                               max( 0.0f, (fabsf(fX2)-XBINPUT_DEADZONE)/(1.0f-XBINPUT_DEADZONE) );

            FLOAT fY2 = (pGamepads[i].sThumbRY+0.5f)/32767.5f;
            pGamepads[i].fY2 = ( fY2 >= 0.0f ? 1.0f : -1.0f ) *
                               max( 0.0f, (fabsf(fY2)-XBINPUT_DEADZONE)/(1.0f-XBINPUT_DEADZONE) );

            // Get the boolean buttons that have been pressed since the last
            // call. Each button is represented by one bit.
            pGamepads[i].wPressedButtons = ( pGamepads[i].wLastButtons ^ pGamepads[i].wButtons ) & pGamepads[i].wButtons;
            pGamepads[i].wLastButtons    = pGamepads[i].wButtons;

            // Get the analog buttons that have been pressed or released since
            // the last call.
            for( DWORD b=0; b<8; b++ )
                // Turn the 8-bit polled value into a boolean value
                BOOL bPressed = ( pGamepads[i].bAnalogButtons[b] > XINPUT_GAMEPAD_MAX_CROSSTALK );

                if( bPressed )
                    pGamepads[i].bPressedAnalogButtons[b] = !pGamepads[i].bLastAnalogButtons[b];
                    pGamepads[i].bPressedAnalogButtons[b] = FALSE;
                // Store the current state for the next time
                pGamepads[i].bLastAnalogButtons[b] = bPressed;
Пример #5
bool CXBoxMouse::Update(MouseState &state)
  // Check if mouse or mice were removed or attached.
  // We'll get the handle(s) next frame in the above code.
  DWORD dwNumInsertions, dwNumRemovals;
  if ( XGetDeviceChanges( XDEVICE_TYPE_DEBUG_MOUSE, &dwNumInsertions,
                          &dwNumRemovals ) )
    // Loop through all ports and remove any mice that have been unplugged
    for ( DWORD i = 0; i < XGetPortCount()*2; i++ )
      if ( ( dwNumRemovals & anMouseBitmapTable[i]) && ( m_hMouseDevice[i] != NULL ) )
        XInputClose( m_hMouseDevice[i] );
        m_hMouseDevice[i] = NULL;
        CLog::Log(LOGINFO, "Mouse removed from port %i", i);

    // Set the bits for all of the mice plugged in.
    // We get the handles on the next pass through.
    m_dwMousePort = dwNumInsertions;
    for ( DWORD i = 0; i < XGetPortCount()*2; i++ )
      if ( ( m_hMouseDevice[i] == NULL ) && ( m_dwMousePort & anMouseBitmapTable[i] ) )
        // Get a handle to the device
        if (i < XGetPortCount())
          m_hMouseDevice[i] = XInputOpen( XDEVICE_TYPE_DEBUG_MOUSE, i,
                                          XDEVICE_NO_SLOT, NULL );
          m_hMouseDevice[i] = XInputOpen( XDEVICE_TYPE_DEBUG_MOUSE, i - XGetPortCount(),
                                          XDEVICE_BOTTOM_SLOT, NULL );
        CLog::Log(LOGINFO, "Mouse inserted on port %i", i);

  // Poll the mouse.
  DWORD bMouseMoved = 0;
  for ( DWORD i = 0; i < XGetPortCount()*2; i++ )
    if ( m_hMouseDevice[i] )
      XInputGetState( m_hMouseDevice[i], &m_MouseState[i] );

    if ( m_dwLastMousePacket[i] != m_MouseState[i].dwPacketNumber )
      bMouseMoved |= anMouseBitmapTable[i];
      m_dwLastMousePacket[i] = m_MouseState[i].dwPacketNumber;

  // Check if we have an update...
  if (bMouseMoved)
    // Yes - update our current state
    for ( DWORD i = 0; i < XGetPortCount()*2; i++ )
      if ( bMouseMoved & anMouseBitmapTable[i] )
        m_CurrentState = m_MouseState[i];
    state.dx = m_CurrentState.DebugMouse.cMickeysX;
    state.dy = m_CurrentState.DebugMouse.cMickeysY;
    state.x += state.dx;
    state.y += state.dy;
    state.dz = m_CurrentState.DebugMouse.cWheel;

    state.button[MOUSE_LEFT_BUTTON] = (m_CurrentState.DebugMouse.bButtons & XINPUT_DEBUG_MOUSE_LEFT_BUTTON) != 0;
    state.button[MOUSE_RIGHT_BUTTON] = (m_CurrentState.DebugMouse.bButtons & XINPUT_DEBUG_MOUSE_RIGHT_BUTTON) != 0;
    state.button[MOUSE_MIDDLE_BUTTON] = (m_CurrentState.DebugMouse.bButtons & XINPUT_DEBUG_MOUSE_MIDDLE_BUTTON) != 0;
    state.button[MOUSE_EXTRA_BUTTON1] = (m_CurrentState.DebugMouse.bButtons & XINPUT_DEBUG_MOUSE_XBUTTON1) != 0;
    state.button[MOUSE_EXTRA_BUTTON2] = (m_CurrentState.DebugMouse.bButtons & XINPUT_DEBUG_MOUSE_XBUTTON2) != 0;
    return true;
  return false;