Пример #1
 * Window and IFFT a FD waveform to TD, then window in TD.
 * Requires that the FD waveform be generated outside of f_min and f_max.
 * FD waveform is modified.
static int FDToTD(REAL8TimeSeries **signalTD, const COMPLEX16FrequencySeries *signalFD, const REAL8 totalMass, const REAL8 deltaT, const REAL8 f_min, const REAL8 f_max, const REAL8 f_min_wide, const REAL8 f_max_wide) {
	const LIGOTimeGPS gpstime_zero = {0, 0};
	const size_t nf = signalFD->data->length;
	const size_t nt = 2 * (nf - 1);

        /* Calculate the expected lengths of the FD and TD vectors from the
         * deltaF and deltaT passed in to this function */
        //const size_t exp_nt = (size_t) 1. / (signalFD->deltaF * deltaT);
        //const size_t exp_nf = (exp_nt / 2) + 1;

	const REAL8 windowLength = 20. * totalMass * LAL_MTSUN_SI / deltaT;
	const REAL8 winFLo = 0.2*f_min_wide + 0.8*f_min;
	/* frequency used for tapering, slightly less than f_min to minimize FFT artifacts
	 * equivalent to winFLo = f_min_wide + 0.8*(f_min - f_min_wide) */
	REAL8 winFHi = f_max_wide;
	COMPLEX16 *FDdata = signalFD->data->data;
	REAL8FFTPlan *revPlan;
	REAL8 *TDdata;
	size_t k;

	/* check inputs */
	if (f_min_wide >= f_min) XLAL_ERROR(XLAL_EDOM);

	/* apply the softening window function */
	if (winFHi > 0.5 / deltaT) winFHi = 0.5 / deltaT;
	for (k = nf;k--;) {
		const REAL8 f = k / (deltaT * nt);
		REAL8 softWin = PlanckTaper(f, f_min_wide, winFLo) * (1.0 - PlanckTaper(f, f_max, winFHi));
		FDdata[k] *= softWin;

	/* allocate output */
	*signalTD = XLALCreateREAL8TimeSeries("h", &gpstime_zero, 0.0, deltaT, &lalStrainUnit, nt);

	/* Inverse Fourier transform */
	revPlan = XLALCreateReverseREAL8FFTPlan(nt, 1);
	if (!revPlan) {
		*signalTD = NULL;
	XLALREAL8FreqTimeFFT(*signalTD, signalFD, revPlan);
	if (!(*signalTD)) XLAL_ERROR(XLAL_EFUNC);

	/* apply a linearly decreasing window at the end
	 * of the waveform in order to avoid edge effects. */
	if (windowLength > (*signalTD)->data->length) XLAL_ERROR(XLAL_ERANGE);
	TDdata = (*signalTD)->data->data;
	for (k = windowLength; k--;)
		TDdata[nt-k-1] *= k / windowLength;

Пример #2
/* creates a waveform in the time domain; the waveform might be generated in
 * the frequency-domain and transformed */
int create_td_waveform(REAL8TimeSeries ** h_plus, REAL8TimeSeries ** h_cross, struct params p)
    clock_t timer_start = 0;

    if (p.condition) {
        if (p.verbose) {
            fprintf(stderr, "generating waveform in time domain using XLALSimInspiralTD...\n");
            timer_start = clock();
        XLALSimInspiralTD(h_plus, h_cross, p.m1, p.m2, p.s1x, p.s1y, p.s1z, p.s2x, p.s2y, p.s2z, p.distance, p.inclination, p.phiRef, p.longAscNodes, p.eccentricity, p.meanPerAno, 1.0 / p.srate, p.f_min, p.fRef, p.params, p.approx);
        if (p.verbose)
            fprintf(stderr, "generation took %g seconds\n", (double)(clock() - timer_start) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC);
    } else if (p.domain == LAL_SIM_DOMAIN_TIME) {
        /* generate time domain waveform */
        if (p.verbose) {
            fprintf(stderr, "generating waveform in time domain using XLALSimInspiralChooseTDWaveform...\n");
            timer_start = clock();
        XLALSimInspiralChooseTDWaveform(h_plus, h_cross, p.m1, p.m2, p.s1x, p.s1y, p.s1z, p.s2x, p.s2y, p.s2z, p.distance, p.inclination, p.phiRef, p.longAscNodes, p.eccentricity, p.meanPerAno, 1.0 / p.srate, p.f_min, p.fRef, p.params, p.approx);
        if (p.verbose)
            fprintf(stderr, "generation took %g seconds\n", (double)(clock() - timer_start) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC);
    } else {
        COMPLEX16FrequencySeries *htilde_plus = NULL;
        COMPLEX16FrequencySeries *htilde_cross = NULL;
        REAL8FFTPlan *plan;
        double chirplen, deltaF;
        int chirplen_exp;

        /* determine required frequency resolution */
        /* length of the chirp in samples */
        chirplen = imr_time_bound(p.f_min, p.m1, p.m2, p.s1z, p.s2z) * p.srate;
        /* make chirplen next power of two */
        frexp(chirplen, &chirplen_exp);
        chirplen = ldexp(1.0, chirplen_exp);
        deltaF = p.srate / chirplen;
        if (p.verbose)
            fprintf(stderr, "using frequency resolution deltaF = %g Hz\n", deltaF);

        /* generate waveform in frequency domain */
        if (p.verbose) {
            fprintf(stderr, "generating waveform in frequency domain using XLALSimInspiralChooseFDWaveform...\n");
            timer_start = clock();
        XLALSimInspiralChooseFDWaveform(&htilde_plus, &htilde_cross, p.m1, p.m2, p.s1x, p.s1y, p.s1z, p.s2x, p.s2y, p.s2z, p.distance, p.inclination, p.phiRef, p.longAscNodes, p.eccentricity, p.meanPerAno, deltaF, p.f_min, 0.5 * p.srate, p.fRef, p.params, p.approx);
        if (p.verbose)
            fprintf(stderr, "generation took %g seconds\n", (double)(clock() - timer_start) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC);

        /* put the waveform in the time domain */
        if (p.verbose) {
            fprintf(stderr, "transforming waveform to time domain...\n");
            timer_start = clock();
        *h_plus = XLALCreateREAL8TimeSeries("h_plus", &htilde_plus->epoch, 0.0, 1.0 / p.srate, &lalStrainUnit, (size_t) chirplen);
        *h_cross = XLALCreateREAL8TimeSeries("h_cross", &htilde_cross->epoch, 0.0, 1.0 / p.srate, &lalStrainUnit, (size_t) chirplen);
        plan = XLALCreateReverseREAL8FFTPlan((size_t) chirplen, 0);
        XLALREAL8FreqTimeFFT(*h_cross, htilde_cross, plan);
        XLALREAL8FreqTimeFFT(*h_plus, htilde_plus, plan);
        if (p.verbose)
            fprintf(stderr, "transformation took %g seconds\n", (double)(clock() - timer_start) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC);

        /* clean up */

    return 0;