Пример #1
void WXMPFiles_IncrementRefCount_1 ( XMPFilesRef xmpFilesRef )
	WXMP_Result * wResult = &voidResult;	// ! Needed to "fool" the EnterWrapper macro.
	XMP_ENTER_WRAPPER ( "WXMPFiles_IncrementRefCount_1" )
		XMPFiles * thiz = (XMPFiles*)xmpFilesRef;
		XMP_Assert ( thiz->clientRefs > 0 );
void XMP_ProgressTracker::WorkComplete ()

	if ( this->totalWork == 0.0 ) this->totalWork = 1.0;	// Force non-zero fraction done.
	this->workDone = this->totalWork;
	XMP_Assert ( this->workDone > 0.0 );	// Needed in NotifyClient for start/stop case.

	this->NotifyClient ( this->cbInfo.sendStartStop );
	this->workInProgress = false;

}	// XMP_ProgressTracker::WorkComplete
XMP_ProgressTracker::XMP_ProgressTracker ( const CallbackInfo & _cbInfo )

	if ( _cbInfo.clientProc == 0 ) return;
	XMP_Assert ( _cbInfo.wrapperProc != 0 );
	this->cbInfo = _cbInfo;
	if ( this->cbInfo.interval < 0.0 ) this->cbInfo.interval = 1.0;

}	// XMP_ProgressTracker::XMP_ProgressTracker
Пример #4
WXMPMeta_CTor_1 ( WXMP_Result * wResult )

		XMPMeta * xmpObj = new XMPMeta();
		XMP_Assert ( xmpObj->clientRefs == 1 );
		wResult->ptrResult = XMPMetaRef ( xmpObj );

Пример #5
WXMPMeta_CTor_1 ( WXMP_Result * wResult )
	XMP_ENTER_Static ( "WXMPMeta_CTor_1" )	// No lib object yet, use the static entry.

		XMPMeta * xmpObj = new XMPMeta();
		XMP_Assert ( xmpObj->clientRefs == 1 );
		wResult->ptrResult = XMPMetaRef ( xmpObj );

Пример #6
static void StartElementHandler ( void * userData, XMP_StringPtr name, XMP_StringPtr* attrs )
    XMP_Assert ( attrs != 0 );
    ExpatAdapter * thiz = (ExpatAdapter*)userData;

    size_t attrCount = 0;
    for ( XMP_StringPtr* a = attrs; *a != 0; ++a ) ++attrCount;
    if ( (attrCount & 1) != 0 )	XMP_Throw ( "Expat attribute info has odd length", kXMPErr_ExternalFailure );
    attrCount = attrCount/2;	// They are name/value pairs.

    #if XMP_DebugBuild & DumpXMLParseEvents
        if ( thiz->parseLog != 0 ) {
            PrintIndent ( thiz->parseLog, thiz->elemNesting );
            fprintf ( thiz->parseLog, "StartElement: %s, %d attrs", name, attrCount );
            for ( XMP_StringPtr* attr = attrs; *attr != 0; attr += 2 ) {
                XMP_StringPtr attrName = *attr;
                XMP_StringPtr attrValue = *(attr+1);
                fprintf ( thiz->parseLog, ", %s = \"%s\"", attrName, attrValue );
            fprintf ( thiz->parseLog, "\n" );

    XML_Node * parentNode = thiz->parseStack.back();
    XML_Node * elemNode   = new XML_Node ( parentNode, "", kElemNode );

    SetQualName ( name, elemNode );

    for ( XMP_StringPtr* attr = attrs; *attr != 0; attr += 2 ) {

        XMP_StringPtr attrName = *attr;
        XMP_StringPtr attrValue = *(attr+1);
        XML_Node * attrNode = new XML_Node ( elemNode, "", kAttrNode );

        SetQualName ( attrName, attrNode );
        attrNode->value = attrValue;
        if ( attrNode->name == "xml:lang" ) NormalizeLangValue ( &attrNode->value );
        elemNode->attrs.push_back ( attrNode );


    parentNode->content.push_back ( elemNode );
    thiz->parseStack.push_back ( elemNode );

    if ( elemNode->name == "rdf:RDF" ) {
        thiz->rootNode = elemNode;
    #if XMP_DebugBuild

}	// StartElementHandler
void XMPFiles_IO::Truncate ( XMP_Int64 length )
    XMP_Assert ( this->fileRef != Host_IO::noFileRef );
    XMP_Assert ( this->currOffset == Host_IO::Offset ( this->fileRef ) );
    XMP_Assert ( this->currLength == Host_IO::Length ( this->fileRef ) );

    if ( this->readOnly )
        XMP_Throw ( "New_XMPFiles_IO, truncate not permitted on read only file", kXMPErr_FilePermission );

    XMP_Enforce ( length <= this->currLength );
    Host_IO::SetEOF ( this->fileRef, length );

    this->currLength = length;
    if ( this->currOffset > this->currLength ) this->currOffset = this->currLength;

    // ! Seek to the expected offset, some versions of Host_IO::SetEOF implicitly seek to EOF.
    Host_IO::Seek ( this->fileRef, this->currOffset, kXMP_SeekFromStart );
    XMP_Assert ( this->currOffset == Host_IO::Offset ( this->fileRef ) );
    XMP_FILESIO_END1 ( kXMPErrSev_FileFatal )

}	// XMPFiles_IO::Truncate
XMP_Uns32 XMPFiles_IO::Read ( void * buffer, XMP_Uns32 count, bool readAll /* = false */ )
    XMP_Assert ( this->fileRef != Host_IO::noFileRef );
    XMP_Assert ( this->currOffset == Host_IO::Offset ( this->fileRef ) );
    XMP_Assert ( this->currLength == Host_IO::Length ( this->fileRef ) );
    XMP_Assert ( this->currOffset <= this->currLength );

    if ( count > (this->currLength - this->currOffset) ) {
        if ( readAll ) XMP_Throw ( "XMPFiles_IO::Read, not enough data", kXMPErr_EnforceFailure );
        count = (XMP_Uns32) (this->currLength - this->currOffset);

    XMP_Uns32 amountRead = Host_IO::Read ( this->fileRef, buffer, count );
    XMP_Enforce ( amountRead == count );

    this->currOffset += amountRead;
    return amountRead;
    XMP_FILESIO_END1 ( kXMPErrSev_FileFatal )
    return 0;

}	// XMPFiles_IO::Read
Пример #9
bool XMP_NamespaceTable::Define ( XMP_StringPtr _uri, XMP_StringPtr _suggPrefix,
								  XMP_StringPtr * prefixPtr, XMP_StringLen * prefixLen )
	XMP_AutoLock tableLock ( &this->lock, kXMP_WriteLock );
	bool prefixMatches = false;
	XMP_Assert ( (_uri != 0) && (*_uri != 0) && (_suggPrefix != 0) && (*_suggPrefix != 0) );
	XMP_VarString	uri ( _uri );
	XMP_VarString	suggPrefix ( _suggPrefix );
	if ( suggPrefix[suggPrefix.size()-1] != ':' ) suggPrefix += ':';
	VerifySimpleXMLName ( _suggPrefix, _suggPrefix+suggPrefix.size()-1 );	// Exclude the colon.
	XMP_StringMapPos uriPos = this->uriToPrefixMap.find ( uri );
	if ( uriPos == this->uriToPrefixMap.end() ) {
		// The URI is not yet registered, make sure we use a unique prefix.
		XMP_VarString uniqPrefix ( suggPrefix );
		int  suffix = 0;
		char buffer [32];	// AUDIT: Plenty of room for the "_%d_" suffix.

		while ( true ) {
			if ( this->prefixToURIMap.find ( uniqPrefix ) == this->prefixToURIMap.end() ) break;
			snprintf ( buffer, sizeof(buffer), "_%d_:", suffix );	// AUDIT: Using sizeof for snprintf length is safe.
			uniqPrefix = suggPrefix;
			uniqPrefix.erase ( uniqPrefix.size()-1 );	// ! Remove the trailing ':'.
			uniqPrefix += buffer;
		// Add the new namespace to both maps.
		XMP_StringPair newNS ( uri, uniqPrefix );
		uriPos = this->uriToPrefixMap.insert ( this->uriToPrefixMap.end(), newNS );
		newNS.first.swap ( newNS.second );
		(void) this->prefixToURIMap.insert ( this->prefixToURIMap.end(), newNS );

	// Return the actual prefix and see if it matches the suggested prefix.
	if ( prefixPtr != 0 ) *prefixPtr = uriPos->second.c_str();
	if ( prefixLen != 0 ) *prefixLen = (XMP_StringLen)uriPos->second.size();
	prefixMatches = ( uriPos->second == suggPrefix );
	return prefixMatches;
}	// XMP_NamespaceTable::Define
void XMPFiles_IO::AbsorbTemp()
    XMP_Assert ( this->fileRef != Host_IO::noFileRef );

    XMPFiles_IO * temp = this->derivedTemp;
    if ( temp == 0 ) {
        XMP_Throw ( "XMPFiles_IO::AbsorbTemp, no temp to absorb", kXMPErr_InternalFailure );
    XMP_Assert ( temp->isTemp );


    Host_IO::SwapData ( this->filePath.c_str(), temp->filePath.c_str() );

    this->fileRef = Host_IO::Open ( this->filePath.c_str(), Host_IO::openReadWrite );
    this->currLength = Host_IO::Length ( this->fileRef );
    this->currOffset = 0;
    XMP_FILESIO_END1 ( kXMPErrSev_FileFatal )

}	// XMPFiles_IO::AbsorbTemp
Пример #11
	void XMP_HomeGrownLock::AcquireForRead()
		XMP_AutoMutex autoMutex ( &this->queueMutex );
		++this->readersWaiting;	// ! Does not need atomic increment, protected by queue mutex.
		while ( (this->beingWritten) || (this->writersWaiting > 0) ) {
			// Don't allow more readers if writers are waiting.
			WaitOnBasicQueue ( this->readerQueue, this->queueMutex );
		--this->readersWaiting;	// ! Does not need atomic decrement, protected by queue mutex.
		XMP_Assert ( ! this->beingWritten );
		++this->lockCount;	// ! Does not need atomic increment, protected by queue mutex.
Пример #12
	void XMP_HomeGrownLock::AcquireForWrite()
		XMP_AutoMutex autoMutex ( &this->queueMutex );
		++this->writersWaiting;	// ! Does not need atomic increment, protected by queue mutex.
		while ( this->lockCount > 0 ) {
			WaitOnBasicQueue ( this->writerQueue, this->queueMutex );
		--this->writersWaiting;	// ! Does not need atomic decrement, protected by queue mutex.
		XMP_Assert ( (! this->beingWritten) && (this->lockCount == 0) );
		++this->lockCount;	// ! Does not need atomic increment, protected by queue mutex.
		this->beingWritten = true;
Пример #13
	void XMP_HomeGrownLock::ReleaseFromWrite()
		XMP_AutoMutex autoMutex ( &this->queueMutex );
		XMP_Assert ( this->beingWritten && (this->lockCount == 1) );
		--this->lockCount;	// ! Does not need atomic decrement, protected by queue mutex.
		this->beingWritten = false;
		if ( this->writersWaiting > 0 ) {
			ReleaseOneBasicQueue ( this->writerQueue );
		} else if ( this->readersWaiting > 0 ) {
			ReleaseAllBasicQueue ( this->readerQueue );
Пример #14
void WXMPFiles_DecrementRefCount_1 ( XMPFilesRef xmpObjRef )
	WXMP_Result * wResult = &voidResult;	// ! Needed to "fool" the EnterWrapper macro.
	XMP_ENTER_ObjWrite ( XMPFiles, "WXMPFiles_DecrementRefCount_1" )
		XMP_Assert ( thiz->clientRefs > 0 );
		if ( thiz->clientRefs <= 0 ) {
			delete ( thiz );
Пример #15
MOOV_Manager::BoxRef MOOV_Manager::GetNthChild ( BoxRef parentRef, size_t childIndex, BoxInfo * info ) const
	XMP_Assert ( parentRef != 0 );
	const BoxNode & parent = *((BoxNode*)parentRef);
	if ( info != 0 ) memset ( info, 0, sizeof(BoxInfo) );
	if ( childIndex >= parent.children.size() ) return 0;

	const BoxNode & currNode = parent.children[childIndex];

	this->FillBoxInfo ( currNode, info );
	return &currNode;

}	// MOOV_Manager::GetNthChild
Пример #16
WXMPMeta_DecrementRefCount_1 ( XMPMetaRef xmpRef )
	WXMP_Result * wResult = &void_wResult;	// ! Needed to "fool" the EnterWrapper macro.
	XMP_ENTER_WRAPPER ( "WXMPMeta_DecrementRefCount_1" )

		XMPMeta * thiz = (XMPMeta*)xmpRef;
		XMP_Assert ( thiz->clientRefs > 0 );
		if ( thiz->clientRefs <= 0 ) delete ( thiz );

Пример #17
static void
RDF_NodeElementList ( XMP_Node * xmpParent, const XML_Node & xmlParent, bool isTopLevel )
    XMP_Assert ( isTopLevel );

    XML_cNodePos currChild = xmlParent.content.begin();	// *** Change these loops to the indexed pattern.
    XML_cNodePos endChild  = xmlParent.content.end();

    for ( ; currChild != endChild; ++currChild ) {
        if ( (*currChild)->IsWhitespaceNode() ) continue;
        RDF_NodeElement ( xmpParent, **currChild, isTopLevel );

}	// RDF_NodeElementList
Пример #18
MOOV_Manager::BoxRef MOOV_Manager::AddChildBox ( BoxRef parentRef, XMP_Uns32 childType, const void* dataPtr, XMP_Uns32 size , const XMP_Uns8 * idUUID )
	BoxNode * parent = (BoxNode*)parentRef;
	XMP_Assert ( parent != 0 );
	if( childType == ISOMedia::k_uuid && idUUID != 0)
		parent->children.push_back ( BoxNode ( 0, childType, 0, idUUID, 0 ) );
		parent->children.push_back ( BoxNode ( 0, childType, 0, 0 ) );
	BoxNode * newNode = &parent->children.back();
	this->SetBox ( newNode, dataPtr, size );
	return newNode;
}	// MOOV_Manager::AddChildBox
Пример #19
static void CreatorAtom_MakeValid ( CR8R_CreatorAtom * creator_atomP )
	// If already valid, no conversion is needed.
	if ( creator_atomP->magicLu == AdobeCreatorAtom_Magic ) return;

	Flip4 ( &creator_atomP->magicLu );
	Flip2 ( &creator_atomP->atom_vers_majorS );
	Flip2 ( &creator_atomP->atom_vers_minorS );

	Flip4 ( &creator_atomP->atom_sizeL );
	Flip4 ( &creator_atomP->creator_codeLu );
	Flip4 ( &creator_atomP->creator_eventLu );

	XMP_Assert ( creator_atomP->magicLu == AdobeCreatorAtom_Magic );
Пример #20
static inline bool GetDecimalUns32 ( const char * str, XMP_Uns32 * bin )
	XMP_Assert ( bin != 0 );
	if ( (str == 0) || (str[0] == 0) ) return false;
	*bin = 0;
	for ( size_t i = 0; str[i] != 0; ++i ) {
		char ch = str[i];
		if ( (ch < '0') || (ch > '9') ) return false;
		*bin = (*bin * 10) + (ch - '0');
	return true;

Пример #21
static std::string CharsToString ( const char* buffer, int maxBuffer )
	// convert possibly non-zero terminated char buffer to std::string
	std::string result;

	char bufferz[256];
	XMP_Assert ( maxBuffer < 256 );
	if ( maxBuffer >= 256 ) return result;

	memcpy ( bufferz, buffer, maxBuffer );
	bufferz[maxBuffer] = 0;

	result = bufferz;
	return result;

Пример #22
static void StripOutsideSpaces ( std::string * value )
	size_t length = value->size();
	size_t first, last;
	for ( first = 0; ((first < length) && ((*value)[first] == ' ')); ++first ) {}
	if ( first == length ) { value->erase(); return; }
	XMP_Assert ( (first < length) && ((*value)[first] != ' ') );
	for ( last = length-1; ((last > first) && ((*value)[last] == ' ')); --last ) {}
	if ( (first == 0) && (last == length-1) ) return;
	size_t newLen = last - first + 1;
	if ( newLen < length ) *value = value->substr ( first, newLen );
Пример #23
static void
RDF_NodeElementAttrs ( XMP_Node * xmpParent, const XML_Node & xmlNode, bool isTopLevel )
    XMP_OptionBits exclusiveAttrs = 0;	// Used to detect attributes that are mutually exclusive.

    XML_cNodePos currAttr = xmlNode.attrs.begin();
    XML_cNodePos endAttr  = xmlNode.attrs.end();

    for ( ; currAttr != endAttr; ++currAttr ) {

        RDFTermKind attrTerm = GetRDFTermKind ( (*currAttr)->name );

        switch ( attrTerm ) {

            case kRDFTerm_ID     :
            case kRDFTerm_nodeID :
            case kRDFTerm_about  :

                if ( exclusiveAttrs & kExclusiveAttrMask ) XMP_Throw ( "Mutally exclusive about, ID, nodeID attributes", kXMPErr_BadRDF );
                exclusiveAttrs |= (1 << attrTerm);

                if ( isTopLevel && (attrTerm == kRDFTerm_about) ) {
                    // This is the rdf:about attribute on a top level node. Set the XMP tree name if
                    // it doesn't have a name yet. Make sure this name matches the XMP tree name.
                    XMP_Assert ( xmpParent->parent == 0 );	// Must be the tree root node.
                    if ( xmpParent->name.empty() ) {
                        xmpParent->name = (*currAttr)->value;
                    } else if ( ! (*currAttr)->value.empty() ) {
                        if ( xmpParent->name != (*currAttr)->value ) XMP_Throw ( "Mismatched top level rdf:about values", kXMPErr_BadXMP );


            case kRDFTerm_Other :
                AddChildNode ( xmpParent, **currAttr, (*currAttr)->value.c_str(), isTopLevel );

            default :
                XMP_Throw ( "Invalid nodeElement attribute", kXMPErr_BadRDF );



}	// RDF_NodeElementAttrs
Пример #24
static void ProjectLinkAtom_MakeValid ( Embed_ProjectLinkAtom * link_atomP )
	// If already valid, no conversion is needed.
	if ( link_atomP->magicLu == PR_PROJECT_LINK_MAGIC ) return;

	// do the header
	Flip4 ( &link_atomP->magicLu );
	Flip4 ( &link_atomP->atom_sizeL );
	Flip2 ( &link_atomP->atom_vers_apiS );
	Flip2 ( &link_atomP->atom_vers_codeS );

	// do the FSSpec data
	Flip2 ( &link_atomP->fullPath.vRefNum );
	Flip4 ( &link_atomP->fullPath.parID );

	XMP_Assert ( link_atomP->magicLu == PR_PROJECT_LINK_MAGIC );
Пример #25
/* class static */ void
XMPUtils::AppendProperties ( const XMPMeta & source,
							 XMPMeta *		 dest,
							 XMP_OptionBits	 options )
	XMP_Assert ( dest != 0 );	// ! Enforced by wrapper.

	const bool doAll	   = ((options & kXMPUtil_DoAllProperties) != 0);
	const bool replaceOld  = ((options & kXMPUtil_ReplaceOldValues) != 0);
	const bool deleteEmpty = ((options & kXMPUtil_DeleteEmptyValues) != 0);

	for ( size_t schemaNum = 0, schemaLim = source.tree.children.size(); schemaNum != schemaLim; ++schemaNum ) {

		const XMP_Node * sourceSchema = source.tree.children[schemaNum];

		// Make sure we have a destination schema node. Remember if it is newly created.
		XMP_Node * destSchema = FindSchemaNode ( &dest->tree, sourceSchema->name.c_str(), kXMP_ExistingOnly );
		const bool newDestSchema = (destSchema == 0);
		if ( newDestSchema ) {
			destSchema = new XMP_Node ( &dest->tree, sourceSchema->name, sourceSchema->value, kXMP_SchemaNode );
			dest->tree.children.push_back ( destSchema );

		// Process the source schema's children. Do this backwards in case deleteEmpty is set.
		for ( long propNum = ((long)sourceSchema->children.size() - 1); propNum >= 0; --propNum ) {
			const XMP_Node * sourceProp = sourceSchema->children[propNum];
			if ( doAll || IsExternalProperty ( sourceSchema->name, sourceProp->name ) ) {
				AppendSubtree ( sourceProp, destSchema, replaceOld, deleteEmpty );
// ***				RemoveMultiValueInfo ( dest, sourceSchema->name.c_str(), sourceProp->name.c_str() );
		if ( destSchema->children.empty() ) {
			if ( newDestSchema ) {
				delete ( destSchema );
			} else if ( deleteEmpty ) {
				DeleteEmptySchema ( destSchema );

}	// AppendProperties
Пример #26
	bool PutChunk ( LFA_FileRef inFileRef, RiffState & inOutRiffState, long riffType, long tagID, const char * inBuffer, UInt32 inBufferSize )
		UInt32 len;
		UInt64 pos;
		atag tag;
		// Make sure we're writting an even number of bytes. Required by the RIFF specification.
		XMP_Assert ( (inBufferSize & 1) == 0 );
		try {

			bool found = FindChunk ( inOutRiffState, tagID, 0, 0, NULL, &len, &pos );
			if ( found ) {

				if ( len == inBufferSize ) {
					LFA_Seek ( inFileRef, pos, SEEK_SET );
					LFA_Write ( inFileRef, inBuffer, inBufferSize );
					return true;
				pos -= 8;
				tag.id = MakeUns32LE ( ckidPremierePadding );
				LFA_Seek ( inFileRef, pos, SEEK_SET );
				LFA_Write ( inFileRef, &tag, 4 );
				if ( len > inBufferSize ) {
					pos += 8;
					AddTag ( inOutRiffState, ckidPremierePadding, len, pos, 0, 0, 0 );


		} catch ( ... ) {

			// If a write fails, it throws, so we return false
			return false;

		bool ok = MakeChunk ( inFileRef, inOutRiffState, riffType, (inBufferSize + 8) );
		if ( ! ok ) return false;
		return WriteChunk ( inFileRef, tagID, inBuffer, inBufferSize );
Пример #27
bool GIF_CheckFormat ( XMP_FileFormat format,
					   XMP_StringPtr  filePath,
                       XMP_IO*        fileRef,
                       XMPFiles *     parent )
	IgnoreParam(format); IgnoreParam(filePath); IgnoreParam(parent);
	XMP_Assert ( format == kXMP_GIFFile );

	if ( fileRef->Length() < GIF_89_Header_LEN ) return false;
	XMP_Uns8 buffer[ GIF_89_Header_LEN ];

	fileRef->Read( buffer, GIF_89_Header_LEN );
	if ( !CheckBytes( buffer, GIF_89_Header_DATA, GIF_89_Header_LEN ) ) return false;

	return true;

}	// GIF_CheckFormat
Пример #28
	: bigEndian(false), nativeEndian(false),
	  GetUns16(0), GetUns32(0), GetFloat(0), GetDouble(0),
	  PutUns16(0), PutUns32(0), PutFloat(0), PutDouble(0)

	if ( sFirstCTor ) {
		sFirstCTor = false;
		#if XMP_DebugBuild
			for ( int ifd = 0; ifd < kTIFF_KnownIFDCount; ++ifd ) {	// Make sure the known tag arrays are sorted.
				for ( const XMP_Uns16* idPtr = sKnownTags[ifd]; *idPtr != 0xFFFF; ++idPtr ) {
					XMP_Assert ( *idPtr < *(idPtr+1) );
}	// TIFF_Manager::TIFF_Manager
Пример #29
bool XMP_NamespaceTable::GetPrefix ( XMP_StringPtr _uri, XMP_StringPtr * prefixPtr, XMP_StringLen * prefixLen ) const
	XMP_AutoLock tableLock ( &this->lock, kXMP_ReadLock );
	bool found = false;
	XMP_Assert ( (_uri != 0) && (*_uri != 0) );

	XMP_VarString uri ( _uri );
	XMP_cStringMapPos uriPos = this->uriToPrefixMap.find ( uri );

	if ( uriPos != this->uriToPrefixMap.end() ) {
		if ( prefixPtr != 0 ) *prefixPtr = uriPos->second.c_str();
		if ( prefixLen != 0 ) *prefixLen = (XMP_StringLen)uriPos->second.size();
		found = true;
	return found;
}	// XMP_NamespaceTable::GetPrefix
Пример #30
bool ASF_CheckFormat ( XMP_FileFormat format,
					   XMP_StringPtr  filePath,
                       XMP_IO*    fileRef,
                       XMPFiles *     parent )

	IgnoreParam(format); IgnoreParam(fileRef); IgnoreParam(parent);
	XMP_Assert ( format == kXMP_WMAVFile );

	if ( fileRef->Length() < guidLen ) return false;
	GUID guid;

	fileRef->Read ( &guid, guidLen );
	if ( ! IsEqualGUID ( ASF_Header_Object, guid ) ) return false;

	return true;

}	// ASF_CheckFormat