Пример #1
void    FCCmplxFlip( void ) {

// Flip 2 complex operands.

    cg_name     rp_1;
    cg_name     ip_1 = NULL;
    cg_name     rp_2;
    cg_name     ip_2 = NULL;

    rp_1 = XPop();
    if( !TypePointer( CGType( rp_1 ) ) ) {
        ip_1 = XPop();
    rp_2 = XPop();
    if( !TypePointer( CGType( rp_2 ) ) ) {
        ip_2 = XPop();
    if( !TypePointer( CGType( rp_1 ) ) ) {
        XPush( ip_1 );
    XPush( rp_1 );
    if( !TypePointer( CGType( rp_2 ) ) ) {
        XPush( ip_2 );
    XPush( rp_2 );
Пример #2
static void    XMulDivMix( int op, bool cmplx_scalar, uint_16 typ_info ) {

// Binary F-Code processor for mixed multiplication and division.

    cg_cmplx    z;
    cg_name     s;
    cg_type     s_typ;
    cg_type     z_typ;
    cg_name     s_1;
    cg_name     s_2;

    if( cmplx_scalar ) {
        z_typ = GetType1( typ_info );
        s_typ = GetType2( typ_info );
        XPopCmplx( &z, z_typ );
        s = XPopValue( s_typ );
    } else {
        s_typ = GetType1( typ_info );
        z_typ = GetType2( typ_info );
        s = XPopValue( s_typ );
        XPopCmplx( &z, z_typ );
    z_typ = ResCGType( s_typ, CmplxBaseType( z_typ ) );
    CloneCGName( s, &s_1, &s_2 );
    XPush( CGBinary( op, z.imagpart, s_1, z_typ ) );
    XPush( CGBinary( op, z.realpart, s_2, z_typ ) );
Пример #3
void    FCConjg( void ) {

    cg_cmplx    z;
    cg_type     typ;

    typ = GetType( GetU16() );
    XPopCmplx( &z, typ );
    XPush( CGUnary( O_UMINUS, z.imagpart, CmplxBaseType( typ ) ) );
    XPush( z.realpart );
Пример #4
void    SplitCmplx( cg_name cmplx_addr, cg_type typ ) {

// Split real and imaginary parts of complex number.

    cg_name     cmplx_1;
    cg_name     cmplx_2;

    typ = CmplxBaseType( typ );
    CloneCGName( cmplx_addr, &cmplx_1, &cmplx_2 );
    XPush( CGUnary( O_POINTS, ImagPtr( cmplx_1, typ ), typ ) );
    XPush( CGUnary( O_POINTS, cmplx_2, typ ) );
Пример #5
void    FCUMinusCmplx( void ) {

// Unary minus (-) F-Code processor for complex numbers.

    cg_cmplx    op;
    cg_type     typ;

    typ = GetType( GetU16() );
    XPopCmplx( &op, typ );
    typ = CmplxBaseType( typ );
    XPush( CGUnary( O_UMINUS, op.imagpart, typ ) );
    XPush( CGUnary( O_UMINUS, op.realpart, typ ) );
Пример #6
void    FCNot( void ) {

// Logical .NOT. F-Code processor.

    XPush( CGFlow( O_FLOW_NOT, GetTypedValue(), NULL ) );
Пример #7
void    PushComplex( sym_id sym ) {

// Push a complex number.

    XPush( SymAddr( sym ) );
Пример #8
void    FCCat( void ) {

// Do concatenation operation.

    XPush( Concat( GetU16(), XPop() ) );
Пример #9
static  void    Equivalent( cg_op op_code ) {

    cg_name     op1;
    cg_name     op2;
    unsigned_16 typ_info;
    cg_type     typ1;
    cg_type     typ2;

    typ_info = GetU16();
    typ1 = GetType1( typ_info );
    typ2 = GetType2( typ_info );
    op1 = XPopValue( typ1 );
    op2 = XPopValue( typ2 );
    typ1 = CGType( op1 );
    if( typ1 != TY_BOOLEAN ) {
        op1 = CGCompare( O_NE, op1, CGInteger( 0, typ1 ), typ1 );
    typ2 = CGType( op2 );
    if( typ2 != TY_BOOLEAN ) {
        op2 = CGCompare( O_NE, op2, CGInteger( 0, typ2 ), typ2 );
    XPush( CGCompare( op_code, op1, op2, TY_UINT_1 ) );
Пример #10
static  void    Index( sym_id arr, cg_name offset ) {

// Perform indexing operation.

    offset = CGBinary( O_TIMES, offset, ArrayEltSize( arr ), TY_INT_4 );
    XPush( SymIndex( arr, offset ) );
Пример #11
void    FCPushSCBLen( void ) {

// NULL "last" means we need the length from the SCB in the character*(*) case.
// See FCSubString().

    XPush( NULL );
Пример #12
static  void    StructIOItem( sym_id fd ) {

// Perform i/o of structure field.

    RTCODE      rtn;

    if( fd->fd.dim_ext == NULL ) {
        XPush( TmpVal( TmpStructPtr, TY_POINTER ) );
        if( fd->fd.typ == FT_CHAR ) {
            XPush( CGInteger( fd->fd.xt.size, TY_INTEGER ) );
        IORtnTable[ ParmType( fd->fd.typ, fd->fd.xt.size ) ]();
        CGTrash( CGAssign( TmpPtr( TmpStructPtr, TY_POINTER ),
                           CGBinary( O_PLUS,
                                     TmpVal( TmpStructPtr, TY_POINTER ),
                                     CGInteger( fd->fd.xt.size, TY_UINT_4 ),
                                     TY_POINTER ),
                           TY_POINTER ) );
    } else {
        if( IORtnTable == &OutRtn ) {
            rtn = RT_PRT_ARRAY;
        } else {
            rtn = RT_INP_ARRAY;
        if( fd->fd.typ == FT_CHAR ) {
            ChrArrayIO( rtn + 1, TmpVal( TmpStructPtr, TY_POINTER ),
                        CGInteger( fd->fd.dim_ext->num_elts, TY_INT_4 ),
                        CGInteger( fd->fd.xt.size, TY_INTEGER ) );
        } else {
            NumArrayIO( rtn, TmpVal( TmpStructPtr, TY_POINTER ),
                        CGInteger( fd->fd.dim_ext->num_elts, TY_INT_4 ),
                        ParmType( fd->fd.typ, fd->fd.xt.size ) );
        CGTrash( CGAssign( TmpPtr( TmpStructPtr, TY_POINTER ),
                           CGBinary( O_PLUS,
                                     TmpVal( TmpStructPtr, TY_POINTER ),
                                     CGInteger( fd->fd.xt.size *
                                                TY_UINT_4 ),
                                     TY_POINTER ),
                           TY_POINTER ) );
Пример #13
void    FCPushConst( void ) {

// Process PUSH_CONST F-Code.

    sym_id      sym;
    char        fmt_buff[CONVERSION_BUFFER+1];

    sym = GetPtr();
    switch( sym->cn.typ ) {
    case FT_INTEGER_1 :
    case FT_INTEGER_2 :
    case FT_INTEGER :
        XPush( IntegerConstant( &sym->cn.value, sym->cn.size ) );
    case FT_LOGICAL_1 :
    case FT_LOGICAL :
        XPush( CGInteger( sym->cn.value.logstar4, TY_UINT_1 ) );
    case FT_REAL :
        CnvS2S( &sym->cn.value.single, fmt_buff );
        XPush( CGFloat( fmt_buff, TY_SINGLE ) );
    case FT_DOUBLE :
        CnvD2S( &sym->cn.value.dble, fmt_buff );
        XPush( CGFloat( fmt_buff, TY_DOUBLE ) );
        CnvX2S( &sym->cn.value.extended, fmt_buff );
        XPush( CGFloat( fmt_buff, TY_LONGDOUBLE ) );
    case FT_COMPLEX :
        PushCmplxConst( sym );
    case FT_DCOMPLEX :
        PushCmplxConst( sym );
        PushCmplxConst( sym );
Пример #14
void    FCXCFlip( void ) {

// Flip scalar and complex operands.

    cg_name     rp;
    cg_name     ip = NULL;
    cg_name     scalar;

    scalar = XPop();
    rp = XPop();
    if( !TypePointer( CGType( rp ) ) ) {
        ip = XPop();
    XPush( scalar );
    if( !TypePointer( CGType( rp ) ) ) {
        XPush( ip );
    XPush( rp );
Пример #15
void    FCCXFlip( void ) {

// Flip complex and scalar operands.

    cg_name     rp;
    cg_name     ip = NULL;
    cg_name     scalar;

    rp = XPop();
    if( !TypePointer( CGType( rp ) ) ) {
        ip = XPop();
    scalar = XPop();
    if( !TypePointer( CGType( rp ) ) ) {
        XPush( ip );
    XPush( rp );
    XPush( scalar );
Пример #16
void    FCMakeSCB( void ) {

    cg_name     len;
    cg_name     ptr;

    ptr = XPop();
    len = XPop();
    XPush( ptr );
    MakeSCB( GetPtr(), len );
Пример #17
void    FCChar1Move( void ) {

// Perform single character assignment.

    cg_type     typ;
    cg_name     dest;

    typ = GetType( GetU16() );
    dest = XPop();
    XPush( CGLVAssign( SCBPointer( dest ), GetChOp( typ ), typ ) );
Пример #18
static  void    XCmplx( int op ) {

// Binary operator F-Code processor for complex addition and subtraction.

    uint_16     typ_info;
    int         typ1;
    int         typ2;
    cg_cmplx    x;
    cg_cmplx    y;

    typ_info = GetU16();
    typ1 = GetType1( typ_info );
    typ2 = GetType2( typ_info );
    XPopCmplx( &x, typ1 );
    XPopCmplx( &y, typ2 );
    typ1 = CmplxBaseType( typ1 );
    typ2 = CmplxBaseType( typ2 );
    XPush( CGBinary( op, x.imagpart, y.imagpart, ResCGType( typ1, typ2 ) ) );
    XPush( CGBinary( op, x.realpart, y.realpart, ResCGType( typ1, typ2 ) ) );
Пример #19
void    FCPushLit( void ) {

// Process PUSH_LIT F-Code.

    sym_id      sym;

    sym = GetPtr();
    if( sym->lt.flags & (LT_SCB_REQUIRED | LT_SCB_TMP_REFERENCE) ) {
        XPush( CGBackName( ConstBack( sym ), TY_CHAR ) );
Пример #20
void            Cmplx2Scalar( void ) {

// Convert complex to scalar.

    cg_name     opn;

    opn = XPop();
    if( !TypePointer( CGType( opn ) ) ) {
        CGTrash( XPop() );
    XPush( opn );
Пример #21
static void    InLineMulCC( uint_16 typ_info ) {

// Do complex multiplication in-line.
// (c,d) * (a,b).

    cg_name     d_1;
    cg_name     d_2;
    cg_name     c_1;
    cg_name     c_2;
    cg_name     b_1;
    cg_name     b_2;
    cg_name     a_1;
    cg_name     a_2;
    cg_type     typ1;
    cg_type     typ2;
    cg_cmplx    x;
    cg_cmplx    y;

    typ1 = GetType1( typ_info );
    typ2 = GetType2( typ_info );
    XPopCmplx( &x, typ1 );
    XPopCmplx( &y, typ2 );
    typ1 = CmplxBaseType( typ1 );
    typ2 = CmplxBaseType( typ2 );
    CloneCGName( x.realpart, &a_1, &a_2 );
    CloneCGName( x.imagpart, &b_1, &b_2 );
    CloneCGName( y.realpart, &c_1, &c_2 );
    CloneCGName( y.imagpart, &d_1, &d_2 );
    typ1 = ResCGType( typ1, typ2 );
    XPush( CGBinary( O_PLUS,
                     CGBinary( O_TIMES, a_1, d_1, typ1 ),
                     CGBinary( O_TIMES, b_1, c_1, typ1 ),
                     typ1 ) );
    XPush( CGBinary( O_MINUS,
                     CGBinary( O_TIMES, a_2, c_2, typ1 ),
                     CGBinary( O_TIMES, b_2, d_2, typ1 ),
                     typ1 ) );
Пример #22
void    MakeSCB( sym_id scb, cg_name len ) {

// Make an SCB.

    CGTrash( CGAssign( SCBLenAddr( CGFEName( scb, TY_CHAR ) ), len, TY_INTEGER ) );
    // assumption is that the pointer in the SCB is the first field in
    // the SCB so that when we push the cg_name returned by CGAssign()
    // it is a pointer to the SCB
    XPush( CGLVAssign( SCBPtrAddr( CGFEName( scb, TY_CHAR ) ), XPop(), TY_POINTER ) );
// Don't do it the following way:
//    CGTrash( CGAssign( SCBPtrAddr( CGFEName( scb, TY_CHAR ) ), XPop(), TY_POINTER ) );
//    XPush( CGFEName( scb, TY_CHAR ) );
Пример #23
void    FCPush( void ) {

// Process PUSH F-Code.

    sym_id      sym;

    sym = GetPtr();
    if( TypeCmplx( sym->ns.typ ) ) {
        PushComplex( sym );
    } else {
        XPush( SymAddr( sym ) );
Пример #24
void    FCImag( void ) {

    cg_name     opn;
    cg_type     typ;

    typ = CmplxBaseType( GetType( GetU16() ) );
    opn = XPop();
    if( TypePointer( CGType( opn ) ) ) {
        XPush( CGUnary( O_POINTS, ImagPtr( opn, typ ), typ ) );
    } else {
        CGTrash( opn );
Пример #25
static void    XMixed( int op, bool cmplx_scalar ) {

// Binary F-Code processor for cmplx-scalar addition & subtraction.
// cx   - true if complex OP scalar, false if scalar OP complex.

    cg_cmplx    z;
    cg_name     x;
    uint_16     typ_info;
    cg_type     z_typ;
    cg_type     x_typ;

    typ_info = GetU16();
    if( cmplx_scalar ) {
        z_typ = GetType1( typ_info );
        x_typ = GetType2( typ_info );
        XPopCmplx( &z, z_typ );
        x = XPopValue( x_typ );
    } else {
        x_typ = GetType1( typ_info );
        z_typ = GetType2( typ_info );
        x = XPopValue( x_typ );
        XPopCmplx( &z, z_typ );
    z_typ = CmplxBaseType( z_typ );
    if( cmplx_scalar ) {
        XPush( z.imagpart );
        XPush( CGBinary( op, z.realpart, x, ResCGType( z_typ, x_typ ) ) );
    } else {
        if( op == O_MINUS ) {
            XPush( CGUnary( O_UMINUS, z.imagpart, z_typ ) );
        } else {
            XPush( z.imagpart );
        XPush( CGBinary( op, x, z.realpart, ResCGType( x_typ, z_typ ) ) );
Пример #26
void    FCAllocated( void ) {

// Generate code for ALLOCATED intrinsic function.

    uint                type;
    cg_name             fl;

    type = GetU16();
    fl = XPop();

    if( type & ALLOC_STRING ) {
        fl = CGUnary( O_POINTS, fl, T_POINTER );
    XPush( CGCompare( O_NE, fl, CGInteger( 0, T_POINTER ), T_POINTER ) );
Пример #27
static  void    CCCmp( cg_op op, cg_name a, cg_name b, cg_name c, cg_name d ) {

// Complex/Complex compare.

    cg_type     res_type;
    cg_op       flow_op;

    res_type = ResCGType( CGType( a ), CGType( c ) );
    if( op == O_EQ ) {
       flow_op = O_FLOW_AND;
    } else {
       flow_op = O_FLOW_OR;
    XPush( CGFlow( flow_op, CGCompare( op, a, c, res_type ),
                            CGCompare( op, b, d, res_type ) ) );
Пример #28
static  void    XLogic( int op_code ) {

// Logical operator F-Code processor.

    cg_name     op1;
    cg_name     op2;
    unsigned_16 typ_info;
    cg_type     typ1;
    cg_type     typ2;

    typ_info = GetU16();
    typ1 = GetType1( typ_info );
    typ2 = GetType2( typ_info );
    op1 = XPopValue( typ1 );
    op2 = XPopValue( typ2 );
    XPush( CGFlow( op_code, op1, op2 ) );
Пример #29
void    FCCharNMove( void ) {

// Perform N character assignment of non optimal lengths.

    int         src_len;
    int         dst_len;
    cg_name     dst;
    cg_name     dst2;
    call_handle call;
    bool        equal = FALSE;

    src_len = GetInt();
    dst_len = GetInt();
    if( src_len < dst_len ) {
        call = InitInlineCall( INLINE_STRBLAST_NE );
    } else {
        src_len = dst_len;
        equal = TRUE;
        call = InitInlineCall( INLINE_STRBLAST_EQ );
    dst = XPop();
    CloneCGName( dst, &dst, &dst2 );

    if( OZOpts & OZOPT_O_SPACE || !equal ) {
        CGAddParm( call, CGInteger( src_len, TY_INTEGER ), TY_INTEGER );
    } else {
        // Special but common case, so we optimize it.
        CGAddParm( call, CGInteger( src_len & TAIL_MASK, TY_INTEGER ),
                        TY_INTEGER );
        CGAddParm( call, CGInteger( src_len >> TAIL_SHIFT, TY_INTEGER ),
                        TY_INTEGER );

    CGAddParm( call, SCBPointer( XPop() ), TY_LOCAL_POINTER );
    if( !equal ) {
        CGAddParm( call, CGInteger( dst_len - src_len, TY_INTEGER ), TY_INTEGER );
    CGAddParm( call, SCBPointer( dst ), TY_LOCAL_POINTER );
    XPush( CGBinary( O_COMMA, CGCall( call ), dst2, TY_LOCAL_POINTER ) );
Пример #30
void            PushCmplxConst( sym_id sym ) {

// Push a complex constant.

    char        fmt_buff[80];

    if( sym->u.cn.typ == FT_COMPLEX ) {
        CnvS2S( &sym->u.cn.value.scomplex.imagpart, fmt_buff );
        XPush( CGFloat( fmt_buff, TY_SINGLE ) );
        CnvS2S( &sym->u.cn.value.scomplex.realpart, fmt_buff );
        XPush( CGFloat( fmt_buff, TY_SINGLE ) );
    } else if( sym->u.cn.typ == FT_DCOMPLEX ) {
        CnvD2S( &sym->u.cn.value.dcomplex.imagpart, fmt_buff );
        XPush( CGFloat( fmt_buff, TY_DOUBLE ) );
        CnvD2S( &sym->u.cn.value.dcomplex.realpart, fmt_buff );
        XPush( CGFloat( fmt_buff, TY_DOUBLE ) );
    } else {
        CnvX2S( &sym->u.cn.value.xcomplex.imagpart, fmt_buff );
        XPush( CGFloat( fmt_buff, TY_LONGDOUBLE ) );
        CnvX2S( &sym->u.cn.value.xcomplex.realpart, fmt_buff );
        XPush( CGFloat( fmt_buff, TY_LONGDOUBLE ) );