Пример #1
void paintLabel(AppInfo *app, Drawable draw, LabelInfo label)
   TextObject *t;
   Position x;
   Position y;
   int first = 1;

   if (!(label.fullText)) {
   XSetForeground(app->dpy, app->textGC, label.w.foreground);
   XSetBackground(app->dpy, app->textGC, label.w.background);
   XSetFont(app->dpy, app->textGC, label.font->fid);
   t = label.multiText;
   x = label.w.x;
   y = label.w.y + t->ascent;
   while (NULL != t) {
      if (!first) 
	 XSetFont(app->dpy, app->textGC, label.fixedFont->fid);
	 first = 0;
      if (t->text) {
	 XDrawString(app->dpy, draw, app->textGC, x, y, t->text,
      y += t->descent;
      t = t->next;
      if (t) {
	 y += t->ascent;
Пример #2
Файл: xfont.c Проект: knaka/src
main(int argc, char *argv[])
    Display        *display;
    int             screen;
    GC              gc;
    Window          window;
    XWMHints        hints;
    Atom            protocols;
    XEvent          event;
    unsigned long   mask;
    Font            xfont1, xfont2;

    display = XOpenDisplay("");
    screen = DefaultScreen(display);
    gc = DefaultGC(display, screen);

     * Font names are hard-coded.
    xfont1 = XLoadFont(display, "a14");
    xfont2 = XLoadFont(display, "k14");

    window = XCreateSimpleWindow(display, RootWindow(display, screen),
     0, 0, W_WIDTH, W_HEIGHT, 2,
     BlackPixel(display, screen), WhitePixel(display, screen));
    XStoreName(display, window, "XFontStruct demo");

    hints.flags = InputHint;
    hints.input = True;
    XSetWMHints(display, window, &hints);
    protocols = XInternAtom(display, "WM_DELETE_WINDOW", True);
    XSetWMProtocols(display, window, &protocols, 1);

    mask = ExposureMask;
    XSelectInput(display, window, mask);

    XMapWindow(display, window);

    for (;;) {
        XNextEvent(display, &event);
        if (XFilterEvent(&event, window) == True)
        switch (event.type) {
            case Expose: {
                XSetFont(display, gc, xfont1);
                XDrawString(display, window, gc, 10, 50, "abcdef", 6);
                XSetFont(display, gc, xfont2);
                /* JIS */
                XDrawString16(display, window, gc, 10, 80,
                 (XChar2b *) "\x24\x22\x24\x24", 4);
            default: {
Пример #3
static void caml_gr_get_font(char *fontname)
  XFontStruct * font = XLoadQueryFont(caml_gr_display, fontname);
  if (font == NULL) caml_gr_fail("cannot find font %s", fontname);
  if (caml_gr_font != NULL) XFreeFont(caml_gr_display, caml_gr_font);
  caml_gr_font = font;
  XSetFont(caml_gr_display, caml_gr_window.gc, caml_gr_font->fid);
  XSetFont(caml_gr_display, caml_gr_bstore.gc, caml_gr_font->fid);
Пример #4
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
int drawWinFlag(int c) {
  char msg[40];
  theFont = XLoadFont(theDisplay, FONT18 );
  XSetFont(theDisplay, theGC, theFont);
  sprintf(msg, "YOU WON. With only %d moves !!!", c);
  XDrawImageString(theDisplay, theWindow, theGC, 
      (wW-10*strlen(msg))/2, wH/2, msg, strlen(msg) );
  theFont    = XLoadFont(theDisplay, FONT10 );
  XSetFont(theDisplay, theGC, theFont);
  return c;
Пример #5
void SpecialTextInRect(t_x11 *x11, XFontStruct *font, Drawable win,
                       const char *s, int x, int y, int width, int height,
                       eXPos eX, eYPos eY)
    int          fw, fh, x0, y0;
    XFontStruct *f;

    if (font)
        XSetFont(x11->disp, x11->gc, font->fid);
        f = font;
        f = x11->font;

    fw = XTextWidth(f, s, strlen(s));
    fh = XTextHeight(f);
    switch (eX)
        case eXLeft:
            x0 = x;
        case eXRight:
            x0 = x+width-fw;
        case eXCenter:
            x0 = x+(width-fw)/2;
    switch (eY)
        case eYTop:
            y0 = y+f->ascent;
        case eYBottom:
            y0 = y+height-f->descent;
        case eYCenter:
            y0 = y+(height-fh)/2+f->ascent;
    XDrawString(x11->disp, win, x11->gc, x0, y0, s, strlen(s));
    if (font)
        XSetFont(x11->disp, x11->gc, x11->font->fid);
Пример #6
void Initialize()

    disp = XOpenDisplay(NULL); // open $DISPLAY
    win = XCreateSimpleWindow(disp,						// ディスプレイ
				DefaultRootWindow(disp),			// 親ウィンドウ
				0, 0,						// (x, y)
				640, 480,					// 幅・高さ
				0,						// border width
				0,						// border color
				WhitePixel(disp, DefaultScreen(disp)));		// background color
    XMapWindow(disp, win);

    /* ウィンドウに関連付けられたグラフィックコンテキストを作る */
    gc = XCreateGC(disp, win, 0, NULL);
    XSetForeground(disp, gc,
		   BlackPixel(disp, DefaultScreen(disp)));

    // 暴露イベントとキー押下イベントを受け取る。
    XSelectInput(disp, win, ExposureMask | KeyPressMask);

    font = XLoadQueryFont(disp, FONT);
    XSetFont(disp, gc, (font)->fid);

    Colormap colormap;
    colormap = DefaultColormap(disp, 0);

    XParseColor(disp, colormap, "#00AA00", &Color.green);
    XAllocColor(disp, colormap, &Color.green);

    XParseColor(disp, colormap, "gray50", &Color.gray50);
    XAllocColor(disp, colormap, &Color.gray50);

    XParseColor(disp, colormap, "gray80", &Color.gray80);
    XAllocColor(disp, colormap, &Color.gray80);

    XParseColor(disp, colormap, "cyan3", &Color.skyblue);
    XAllocColor(disp, colormap, &Color.skyblue);

    control_gc = XCreateGC(disp, win, 0, NULL);
    XSetFont(disp, control_gc, (font)->fid);
    XSetForeground(disp, control_gc, Color.skyblue.pixel);

    margin_gc = XCreateGC(disp, win, 0, NULL);
    XSetForeground(disp, margin_gc, Color.gray80.pixel);

    cursor_gc = XCreateGC(disp, win, 0, NULL);
    XSetForeground(disp, cursor_gc, Color.green.pixel);
Пример #7
//Display functions.
void display_init (void) {
	if (_D==NULL) {
		fprintf(stderr, "Could not open display.\n");
	white_pixel=WhitePixel(_D, _S);
	black_pixel=BlackPixel(_D, _S);
	_W=XCreateSimpleWindow(_D, RootWindow(_D, _S), 100, 100, W_Width, W_Height, 1, black_pixel, white_pixel);
	XSelectInput(_D, _W, ExposureMask|KeyPressMask);
	XMapWindow(_D, _W);
	if ((font_info=XLoadQueryFont(_D, "9x15"))==NULL) {
		fprintf(stderr, "Could not open 9x15 font.\n");
	_gc=XCreateGC(_D, _W, 0, &_V);
	XSetFont(_D, _gc, font_info->fid);
	XSetBackground(_D, _gc, white_pixel);
	_CM = DefaultColormap(_D, _S);
	if (!XAllocNamedColor(_D, _CM, "red", &red, &red) || !XAllocNamedColor(_D, _CM, "blue", &blue, &blue)) {
		fprintf(stderr, "Failed to allocated color.\n");
		exit(EXIT_FAILURE);		//Maybe add support for grayscale displays.
Пример #8
        void WPsfnt(int fntnum)

/*      Set active font.
 *      In: fntnum = Font number.
 *      (C)2007-11-10 J.Kjellander

***If not already active, look up the font in
***fnttab and activate it.
    if ( fntnum != actfnt )
      actfnt = fntnum;
      actxfs = fnttab[fntnum].xfs;
***The end.
Пример #9
void drawTitle(Display *display, Drawable window, GC gc, const char *title, XWindowAttributes attr){
	int titleWillFit = !!title;
	int twidth;

	if (titleWillFit) {
		// Set up text
		if (!font) {
			font = XLoadQueryFont(display, TITLEBAR_FONTNAME);
			if (!font) {
				fprintf(stderr, "unable to load preferred font: " TITLEBAR_FONTNAME " using fixed");
				font = XLoadQueryFont(display, "fixed");
		XSetFont(display, gc, font->fid);
		twidth = XTextWidth(font, title, (int)strlen(title));

		if (attr.width < (twidth + 42 + (2 * TITLEBAR_TEXT_MARGIN))) {

		// White out under Title
		XSetForeground(display, gc, white);
		XFillRectangle(display, window, gc,
					   ((attr.width - twidth)/ 2) - TITLEBAR_TEXT_MARGIN,
					   twidth + (2 * TITLEBAR_TEXT_MARGIN),
		// Draw title
		XSetForeground(display, gc, black);
		XSetBackground(display, gc, white);
		XDrawString(display, window, gc, ((attr.width - twidth)/ 2), TITLEBAR_TEXT_OFFSET, title, (int)strlen(title));
Пример #10
// Reset all values
void PlotArea::plot_reset(const char *)
    if (!XtIsRealized(area))
	win = 0;

    win = XtWindow(area);

    // Set scaling factor between internal driver & window geometry
    Dimension area_width, area_height;
		  XmNwidth, &area_width, 
		  XmNheight, &area_height, 
    xscale = (double)area_width  / 4096.0;
    yscale = (double)area_height / 4096.0;

    // Reset center
    cx = 0;
    cy = 0;

    // Reset line type
    type = LineSolid;

    // Create new GC
    if (gc != 0)
	XFreeGC(dpy, gc);
    gc = XCreateGC(dpy, win, 0, (XGCValues *)0);
    XSetFont(dpy, gc, font->fid);
Пример #11
void GraphicWindow::open(Display* d, Window w)
   display = d;
   win = w;
   screen_num = DefaultScreen(display);

   XGCValues xgc_values;  // ignored
   xgc = XCreateGC(display, win, 0, &xgc_values);

   //   specify black foreground since default window background is
   //   white and default foreground is undefined.
   XSetForeground(display, xgc, BlackPixel(display, screen_num));

   // set line attributes.  This class only uses rounded styles.
   XSetLineAttributes(display, xgc, 2 /* pen thickness */, LineSolid,
         CapRound, JoinRound);

   // set up the font - uses only 14pt bold Courier
   _fontinfo_ptr = XLoadQueryFont(display, SYS_FONT_NAME);
   if (_fontinfo_ptr == NULL)
   {   cerr << "Unable to initialize font: " << SYS_FONT_NAME << endl;
   XSetFont(display, xgc, _fontinfo_ptr->fid);

   // sets the rop mode, using Copy for the user prompts
   XSetFunction(display, xgc, GXcopy /*0x3 COPY*/);

   _ppm = XCreatePixmap(display, win, DEF_WIDTH, DEF_HEIGHT, 
      DefaultDepth(display, screen_num));

Пример #12
do_draw_technical(EX_Drawable dr, GC gc,
                  int a, int b, int c, int d, int bl, int br, int bt, int bb)
    if (!font)
        font = XLoadFont(disp, "-*-helvetica-medium-r-*-*-10-*-*-*-*-*-*-*");
    XSetFont(disp, gc, font);

    if (c < 3)
        c = 3;
    if (d < 3)
        d = 3;

    draw_h_arrow(dr, gc, a + bl, a + bl + c - 1, b + bt + d - 16);
    draw_h_arrow(dr, gc, 0, a - 1, b + bt + (d / 2));
    draw_h_arrow(dr, gc, a + c + bl + br, WinGetW(VROOT) - 1, b + bt + (d / 2));
    draw_v_arrow(dr, gc, b + bt, b + bt + d - 1, a + bl + 16);
    draw_v_arrow(dr, gc, 0, b - 1, a + bl + (c / 2));
    draw_v_arrow(dr, gc, b + d + bt + bb, WinGetH(VROOT) - 1, a + bl + (c / 2));

    XDrawLine(disp, dr, gc, a, 0, a, WinGetH(VROOT));
    XDrawLine(disp, dr, gc, a + c + bl + br - 1, 0,
              a + c + bl + br - 1, WinGetH(VROOT));
    XDrawLine(disp, dr, gc, 0, b, WinGetW(VROOT), b);
    XDrawLine(disp, dr, gc, 0, b + d + bt + bb - 1,
              WinGetW(VROOT), b + d + bt + bb - 1);

    XDrawRectangle(disp, dr, gc, a + bl + 1, b + bt + 1, c - 3, d - 3);
Пример #13
Window CreateButtonWindow(char *label, int x, int y, int gravity, int *width) {
    static GC textgc = NULL, cleargc = NULL;
    int w = XTextWidth(font, label, strlen(label)) + 4;
    int h = font->ascent + font->descent + 4;
    if (width) *width = w;
    Pixmap pixmap = XCreatePixmap(dpy, toplevel, w, h,
				  DefaultDepth(dpy, screen));
    if (textgc == NULL) {
	textgc = XCreateGC(dpy, toplevel, 0, NULL);
	XSetForeground(dpy, textgc, GetColor("black",
					     BlackPixel(dpy, screen)));
	XSetFont(dpy, textgc, font->fid);
	cleargc = XCreateGC(dpy, toplevel, 0, NULL);
	XSetForeground(dpy, cleargc,  backpixel);
    XFillRectangle(dpy, pixmap, cleargc, 0, 0, w, h);
    XDrawString(dpy, pixmap, textgc, 2, 2 + font->ascent,
		label, strlen(label));

    XSetWindowAttributes attributes;
    long valuemask = CWEventMask | CWBackPixmap | CWWinGravity;
    attributes.event_mask = ButtonPressMask;
    attributes.background_pixmap = pixmap;
    attributes.win_gravity = gravity;
    Window window = XCreateWindow(dpy, toplevel, x, y,
				  w, h, 1, (int) CopyFromParent,
				  InputOutput, (Visual *) CopyFromParent,
				  valuemask, &attributes);
    XMapWindow(dpy, window);
    return window;
Пример #14
void draw_score_line(PANE_TYPE which_pane, int line, int value)
    char text[7];
    int y, y1;
	if (value < 0)
	    sprintf(text, "%6s", " ");
	    sprintf(text, "%6d", value);
    y = ScoreLineY[line];
	y1 = y - FixedFontAscent;

	if (ConsFont == 0)
	{ 	PANE  pane = all_panes[which_pane];

		XSetFont(disp, gc, FontId[FT_FIXED]);
	    XSetForeground(disp, gc, cm_pixels[border_colour]);
	    XDrawImageString (disp, pane, gc, ScoreValueX, y, text, 6);	
	    fill_parallelogramm(which_pane, ScoreValueX, y1,
		      FixedFontWidth*6, 0, 0, FontHeight[FT_FIXED],
		      bkgr_colour, bkgr_colour, ST_NO_STIPPLE);
	    show_shadow_text(which_pane, FT_FIXED,
		      text, ScoreValueX, y1, 1, 1, 0, 0,
		      border_colour, bkgr_colour, ST_NO_STIPPLE);

    flush_pane(which_pane, ScoreValueX, y1,
	           FixedFontWidth*6, FixedFontAscent+FixedFontDescent);         
Пример #15
void DrawCharacters(Page *page)
    size_t start = page->start;
    size_t i;
    for (i = start; i < page->end; i++) {
        short x = character_positions[i].x;
        short y = character_positions[i].y;

        if (IsPrint(text[i])) {
            XChar2b font_code;
            XFontStruct *font = SelectFont(text[i], &font_code);
            GC gc = XCreateGC(disp, back_buffer, 0, NULL);
            XCopyGC(disp, default_gc, GCForeground | GCBackground, gc);
            XSetFont(disp, gc, font->fid);
            XDrawString16(disp, back_buffer, gc,
                          x, y + (font->ascent - default_font->ascent), &font_code, 1);
            XFreeGC(disp, gc);
        } else {
            if (EqAscii2b(text[i], '\n')) {
                XChar2b symbol = { .byte1 = 0x21, .byte2 = 0xb2 };
                XDrawString16(disp, back_buffer, control_gc,
                              x, y,
                              &symbol, 1);
            } else if (EqAscii2b(text[i], '\t')) {
            } else {
                goto draw;
Пример #16
drawText(Display *d, int screen, Window *w, GC *gc, const char *str) {
    XFontStruct *font;
    XColor textColor;
    char **list;
    int textWidth, textHeight, textX, textY, returnNo;

    list = XListFonts(d, "-*-*-bold-r-normal--*-*-100-100-c-*-*", 200, &returnNo);
    if (returnNo) {
        static int fontIndex = rand() % returnNo;
        font = XLoadQueryFont(d, *(list + fontIndex));

    if (!font)
        return -1;

    XParseColor(d, DefaultColormap(d, screen), text, &textColor);
    XAllocColor(d, DefaultColormap(d, screen), &textColor);
    XSetForeground(d, *gc, textColor.pixel);
    XSetBackground(d, *gc, WhitePixel(d, screen));
    XSetFont(d, *gc, font->fid);

    textWidth = XTextWidth(font, str, strlen(str));
    textHeight = font->ascent + font->descent;
    textX = (windowWidth - textWidth) / 2;
    textY = ((windowHeight - rectHeight) / 2 - textHeight) / 2 + textHeight / 2;

    XDrawImageString(d, *w, *gc, textX, textY, str, strlen(str));
    return 0;
Пример #17
int main(int argc, char * argv[])
    GC gc;
    XFontStruct* font;
    XGCValues values;
    Display* dpy = InitDisplay();
        return EXIT_FAILURE;

    Window win = InitWindow(dpy, argc, argv);
        return EXIT_FAILURE;

    //  ListFontNames(dpy);
    if(!(font = XLoadQueryFont(dpy, "-misc-fixed-bold-r-normal--18-120-100-100-c-90-iso10646-1")))
        fprintf(stderr, "%s: cannot open 9x15 font.\n", argv[0]);
        return EXIT_FAILURE;
    gc = XCreateGC(dpy, win, 0, &values);

    XSetFont(dpy, gc, font->fid);
    XSetForeground(dpy, gc, BlackPixel(dpy, DefaultScreen(dpy)));
    XMapWindow(dpy, win);
    //XFlush(dpy);//force message sending
    MsgLoop(dpy, win, gc, font);
    XFreeFont(dpy, font);
    XFreeGC(dpy, gc);
    return EXIT_SUCCESS;
Пример #18
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void CanvasMotion(Widget w, XtPointer client, XmDrawingAreaCallbackStruct *evt)
  XMotionEvent  *xm = (XMotionEvent *)evt;

  dpy	= mainPlot[0].dpy;
  win	= XtWindow(mainPlot[0].canvas);
  gc	= mainPlot[0].gc;

/* The color that works ok on Solaris doesn't work so good under Linux.
 * This should eventually be put in some defaults file along with colors.
 * Similar code is in zoom.c.
#ifdef SVR4
  XSetForeground(dpy, gc, GetColor(2));
  XSetForeground(dpy, gc, GetColor(3));
  XSetFont(dpy, gc, mainPlot[0].fontInfo[4]->fid);
  XSetFunction(dpy, gc, GXxor);

  switch (PlotType)
    case TIME_SERIES:
      TrackTimeSeries(xm->x, xm->y);

    case XY_PLOT:
      TrackXY(xm->x, xm->y);

  XSetFunction(dpy, gc, GXcopy);

Пример #19
void draw_score_board(PANE_TYPE which_pane)
    int i, y;
    const char *string;

    PANE  pane = all_panes[which_pane];
	XSetForeground(disp, gc, cm_pixels[bkgr_colour]);
    XFillRectangle(disp, pane, gc, ScoreX-5, ScoreY-5, ScoreWidth+10, ScoreHeight+10);         
    XSetForeground(disp, gc, cm_pixels[score_colour]);
    XDrawRectangle(disp, pane, gc, ScoreX-5, ScoreY-5, ScoreWidth+10, ScoreHeight+10);         
    XDrawRectangle(disp, pane, gc, ScoreX-3, ScoreY-3, ScoreWidth+6, ScoreHeight+6);         
	if (ConsFont == 0) 
	{  XSetBackground(disp, gc, cm_pixels[bkgr_colour]);
	   XSetFont(disp, gc, FontId[FT_FIXED]);

    for (i=0; i< ScoreLines; i++)
	  string = ScoreLineText[i];
	  y = ScoreLineY[i];

	  if (ConsFont == 0)
		XDrawImageString (disp, pane, gc, ScoreLineX, y, 
			string, strlen(string));	
  		show_shadow_text(which_pane, FT_FIXED,
  		  string, ScoreLineX, y-FixedFontAscent, 1, 1, 0, 0,
	      score_colour, bkgr_colour, ST_NO_STIPPLE);
	flush_pane(which_pane, ScoreX-5, ScoreY-5, ScoreWidth+10, ScoreHeight+10);         
Пример #20
void MpLabel::SetFont (const XFontStruct* newfont)
    // defaults to fixed font (an uniformly spaced font)
    font = (newfont == NULL) ? Mp.theFont : newfont;
    XSetFont(Mp.theDisplay, TextGC, font->fid);
Пример #21
void pullclick(DSPOBJ *dspobj, XButtonEvent *ev)
	PULLDOWN *pulldown = dspobj->extend;
	if (!pulldown->sub) {
		DSPOBJ *sub;
		int ww;
		pulldown->gtitems(dspobj, &pulldown->items, &pulldown->nitems);
		pulldown->w = 0;
		for (ww = 0; ww != pulldown->nitems; ww++) {
			int w =
			    XTextWidth(bfs, pulldown->items[ww],
				       strlen(pulldown->items[ww])) + bwidth;
			if (w > pulldown->w)
				pulldown->w = w;
		sub =
		    dspopen(dspobj->in, dspobj->x, dspobj->y + pulldown->h + 2,
			    pulldown->w, pulldown->h * pulldown->nitems + 1);
		pulldown->sub = sub;
		XSetWindowBackground(dsp, sub->win, hred.pixel);
		sub->extend = pulldown;
		sub->show = subshow;
		sub->leave = subremove;
		pulldown->which = -1;
		XSetFont(dsp, sub->gc, bigfont);
Пример #22
static void force_setfontsize (int pointsize) {

/* Valid point sizes are between 1 and MAX_FONT_SIZE */

 if (pointsize < 1) 
    pointsize = 1;
 else if (pointsize > MAX_FONT_SIZE) 
    pointsize = MAX_FONT_SIZE;

 currentfontsize = pointsize;

 if (disp_type == SCREEN) {
    if (!font_is_loaded[pointsize]) {
       load_font (pointsize);
       font_is_loaded[pointsize] = 1;
    XSetFont(display, gc, font_info[pointsize]->fid); 
 else {
   /* PostScript:  set up font and centering function */

    fprintf(ps,"%d setfontsize\n",pointsize);
Пример #23
DSPOBJ *mkpulldown(
    DSPOBJ *in,
    int x, int y,
    char *name,
    void (*gtitems)(DSPOBJ *dspobj, char ***items, int *nitems),
    void (*select)(DSPOBJ *dspobj, int n)
) {
	int width = XTextWidth(bfs, name, strlen(name)) + bwidth;
	int ww;
	DSPOBJ *dspobj = dspopen(in, x, y, width, bheight + 1);
	PULLDOWN *pulldown = calloc(1, sizeof(PULLDOWN));
	XSetFont(dsp, dspobj->gc, bigfont);
	XSetWindowBackground(dsp, dspobj->win, hred.pixel);
	dspobj->extend = pulldown;
	dspobj->show = pullshow;
	dspobj->press = pullclick;
	dspobj->release = pullunclick;
	dspobj->move = pullmove;
	dspobj->close = rmpulldown;
	pulldown->name = name;
	pulldown->y = bascent;
	pulldown->x = bwidth / 2;
	pulldown->h = bheight;
	pulldown->w = 0;
	pulldown->sub = 0;
	pulldown->select = select;
	pulldown->gtitems = gtitems;
	return dspobj;
Пример #24
initGraphics( int argc, char *argv[] )
    XSetWindowAttributes myWindowAttributes;
    int myDepth; 
    XGCValues myGCValues;
    unsigned long myWindowMask; 

    myDisplay = XOpenDisplay( "" );
    if (myDisplay == NULL)
	exit (0);

    myScreen = DefaultScreen (myDisplay);
    myDepth = DefaultDepth (myDisplay, myScreen);

    if ( parseArgs( argc, argv ) )

    myWindowAttributes.border_pixel = 
	BlackPixel (myDisplay, myScreen);
    myWindowAttributes.background_pixel = 
	getColor( myDisplay, 252, 234, 212 );
    myWindowAttributes.override_redirect = 0;

    myWindowMask = CWBackPixel | CWBorderPixel | CWOverrideRedirect;
    myWindow = XCreateWindow (myDisplay, 
			      RootWindow (myDisplay, myScreen), 
			      window_width, window_height, 
			      BORDER_WIDTH, myDepth, InputOutput, 
			      CopyFromParent, myWindowMask, 

    myGC = XCreateGC (myDisplay, myWindow, (unsigned long) 0, &myGCValues);
    if (myGC == 0)
	XDestroyWindow(myDisplay, myScreen);
	exit (0);

    myFont = XLoadQueryFont (myDisplay, "9x15");
    if (myFont == (XFontStruct *)NULL)
        fprintf(stderr,"Cannot get font:9x15.\n");
        myFont = NULL;
	XSetFont (myDisplay, myGC, myFont->fid);

    XSetForeground (myDisplay, myGC, BlackPixel( myDisplay, myScreen ) );
    XMapWindow (myDisplay, myWindow);
    XLowerWindow( myDisplay, myWindow );
    XFlush( myDisplay );
Пример #25
Файл: font.c Проект: dct/xvnkb
void VKCreateFontDialog()
    static char *max_fnt_string = "Alt Control Shift ISO_Left_Tab";
    int i, j, fh, fa, fw;

#ifdef USE_XFT
    XGlyphInfo fi;
    fw = 2 * vk_font->max_advance_width;
    XftTextExtentsUtf8(display, vk_font,
                       max_fnt_string, strlen(max_fnt_string), &fi);
    XRectangle fi;
    fw = 2 * vk_font->perchar['W'].width;
                   max_fnt_string, strlen(max_fnt_string), 0, &fi);
    fnt.width = (fi.width<300 ? 300 : fi.width+fw);

    fa = vk_text_ascent;
    fh = vk_text_height;
    fnt.ty = (fa + 5) + fh + 4;
    VKFontControlInit(20, 2 * (fh + 4) + 6, fnt.width - 20, fh+4);
    fnt.ly = 0;//fnt.name.y + fnt.name.h + fh/2;

    for( i=0; i<2; i++ ) {
        VKButtonControl *b = fb_actions[i];
#ifdef USE_XFT
        XftTextExtentsUtf8(display, vk_font, "Cancel", 6, &fi);
        XmbTextExtents(vk_fontset, "Cancel", 6, 0, &fi);
        fw = fi.width;
        b[0].w = b[1].w = fw + 24;
        b[0].x = (fnt.width - 2 * b[0].w - 24) / 2;
        b[1].x = fnt.width - b[0].x - b[0].w;

        for( j=0; j<2; j++ ) {
            b[j].y = fnt.ly + fh/2;
            b[j].h = fh + 4;

    fnt.height = fb_actions[0][0].y + fh + 4 + fh/2;
    fnt.window = XCreateWindow(display, root,
                               0, 0, fnt.width, fnt.height,
                               0, DefaultDepth(display, screen),
                               InputOutput, visual,
                               vk_attribmask, &vk_attrib);
    XSelectInput(display, fnt.window, MAIN_EVENT_MASKS);
    XDefineCursor(display, fnt.window, vk_cursor);

    fnt.gc = XCreateGC(display, fnt.window, 0, 0);
#ifndef USE_XFT
    XSetFont(display, fnt.gc, vk_font->fid);
    VKRegisterEvent(fnt.window, VKFontProcess);
    DUMP("create done\n");
Пример #26
void GameOverLayer::drawGameOverScreen() {
    GC gc = xInfo->gc[0];
    XFontStruct *font = XLoadQueryFont(xInfo->display, "12x24");
    XSetFont(xInfo->display, gc, font->fid);
    XDrawImageString(xInfo->display, xInfo->pixmap, gc, crashMsgX, crashMsgY, crashMsg.c_str(), (int)crashMsg.length());
    XDrawImageString(xInfo->display, xInfo->pixmap, gc, restartMsgX, restartMsgY, restartMsg.c_str(), (int)restartMsg.length());
Пример #27
void sg_outText(int x, int y, int color, char*  s)
  if (!xw_graphic){XSetFont(display,gc,bgi_font->fid);xw_graphic=1;} 
Пример #28
void Fl_Device::rtl_draw(const char *str, int n, float x, float y) {
    if (font_gc != fl_gc) {
        font_gc = fl_gc;
        XSetFont(fl_display, fl_gc, ((XFontStruct*)fl_xfont())->fid);
Пример #29
 * Standard Text
static errr Infofnt_text_std(int x, int y, cptr str, int len)
	int i;

	/*** Do a brief info analysis ***/

	/* Do nothing if the string is null */
	if (!str || !*str) return (-1);

	/* Get the length of the string */
	if (len < 0) len = strlen(str);

	/*** Decide where to place the string, vertically ***/

	/* Ignore Vertical Justifications */
	y = (y * Infofnt->hgt) + Infofnt->asc + Infowin->oy;

	/*** Decide where to place the string, horizontally ***/

	/* Line up with x at left edge of column 'x' */
	x = (x * Infofnt->wid) + Infowin->ox;

	/*** Actually draw 'str' onto the infowin ***/

	/* Be sure the correct font is ready */
	XSetFont(Metadpy->dpy, Infoclr->gc, Infofnt->info->fid);

	/*** Handle the fake mono we can enforce on fonts ***/

	/* Monotize the font */
	if (Infofnt->mono)
		/* Do each character */
		for (i = 0; i < len; ++i)
			/* Note that the Infoclr is set up to contain the Infofnt */
			XDrawImageString(Metadpy->dpy, Infowin->win, Infoclr->gc,
			                 x + i * Infofnt->wid + Infofnt->off, y, str + i, 1);

	/* Assume monoospaced font */
		/* Note that the Infoclr is set up to contain the Infofnt */
		XDrawImageString(Metadpy->dpy, Infowin->win, Infoclr->gc,
		                 x, y, str, len);

	/* Success */
	return (0);
Пример #30
void Fl_Device::transformed_draw(const char *str, int n, float x, float y)
    if (font_gc != fl_gc) {
        font_gc = fl_gc;
        XSetFont(fl_display, fl_gc, current_font->fid);

    int X = int(floor(x+.5f));
    int Y = int(floor(y+.5f));

    char glyph[2];       // byte1 and byte2 value of the UTF-8 char
    XChar2b buf[128];    // drawing buffer
    int pos = 0;         // position in buffer
    int  ulen;           // byte length of the UTF-8 char
    unsigned int ucs;    // Unicode value of the UTF-8 char
    unsigned int no_spc; // Spacing char equivalent of a non-spacing char

    while(n > 0) {

        if(pos>120) {
            XDrawString16(fl_display, fl_window, fl_gc, X, Y, buf, pos);
            X += XTextWidth16(current_font, buf, pos);
            pos = 0;

        ulen = fl_fast_utf2ucs((unsigned char*)str, n, &ucs);
        if (ulen < 1) ulen = 1;
        no_spc = fl_nonspacing(ucs);
        if(no_spc) ucs = no_spc;

        if(fl_ucs2fontmap(glyph, ucs, fl_fontsize->encoding_num) < 0) {
            // the char is not valid in this encoding
            fl_ucs2fontmap(glyph, '?', fl_fontsize->encoding_num);

        if(no_spc) {
            XDrawString16(fl_display, fl_window, fl_gc, X, Y, buf, pos);
            X += XTextWidth16(current_font, buf, pos);
            pos = 0;
            (*buf).byte1 = glyph[1];
            (*buf).byte2 = glyph[0];
            X -= XTextWidth16(current_font, buf, 1);
        } else {
            (*(buf + pos)).byte1 = glyph[1];
            (*(buf + pos)).byte2 = glyph[0];

        str += ulen;
        XDrawString16(fl_display, fl_window, fl_gc, X, Y, buf, pos);
    XDrawString(fl_display, fl_window, fl_gc, X, Y, str, n);