Пример #1
bool Z3SolverImpl::internalRunSolver(
    const Query &query, const std::vector<const Array *> *objects,
    std::vector<std::vector<unsigned char> > *values, bool &hasSolution) {
  TimerStatIncrementer t(stats::queryTime);
  // TODO: Does making a new solver for each query have a performance
  // impact vs making one global solver and using push and pop?
  // TODO: is the "simple_solver" the right solver to use for
  // best performance?
  Z3_solver theSolver = Z3_mk_simple_solver(builder->ctx);
  Z3_solver_inc_ref(builder->ctx, theSolver);
  Z3_solver_set_params(builder->ctx, theSolver, solverParameters);


  for (ConstraintManager::const_iterator it = query.constraints.begin(),
                                         ie = query.constraints.end();
       it != ie; ++it) {
    Z3_solver_assert(builder->ctx, theSolver, builder->construct(*it));
  if (objects)

  Z3ASTHandle z3QueryExpr =
      Z3ASTHandle(builder->construct(query.expr), builder->ctx);

  // KLEE Queries are validity queries i.e.
  // ∀ X Constraints(X) → query(X)
  // but Z3 works in terms of satisfiability so instead we ask the
  // negation of the equivalent i.e.
  // ∃ X Constraints(X) ∧ ¬ query(X)
      builder->ctx, theSolver,
      Z3ASTHandle(Z3_mk_not(builder->ctx, z3QueryExpr), builder->ctx));

  ::Z3_lbool satisfiable = Z3_solver_check(builder->ctx, theSolver);
  runStatusCode = handleSolverResponse(theSolver, satisfiable, objects, values,

  Z3_solver_dec_ref(builder->ctx, theSolver);
  // Clear the builder's cache to prevent memory usage exploding.
  // By using ``autoClearConstructCache=false`` and clearning now
  // we allow Z3_ast expressions to be shared from an entire
  // ``Query`` rather than only sharing within a single call to
  // ``builder->construct()``.

  if (runStatusCode == SolverImpl::SOLVER_RUN_STATUS_SUCCESS_SOLVABLE ||
      runStatusCode == SolverImpl::SOLVER_RUN_STATUS_SUCCESS_UNSOLVABLE) {
    if (hasSolution) {
    } else {
    return true; // success
  return false; // failed
Пример #2
char *Z3SolverImpl::getConstraintLog(const Query &query) {
  std::vector<Z3ASTHandle> assumptions;
  // We use a different builder here because we don't want to interfere
  // with the solver's builder because it may change the solver builder's
  // cache.
  // NOTE: The builder does not set `z3LogInteractionFile` to avoid conflicting
  // with whatever the solver's builder is set to do.
  Z3Builder temp_builder(/*autoClearConstructCache=*/false,

  for (std::vector<ref<Expr> >::const_iterator it = query.constraints.begin(),
                                               ie = query.constraints.end();
       it != ie; ++it) {
  ::Z3_ast *assumptionsArray = NULL;
  int numAssumptions = query.constraints.size();
  if (numAssumptions) {
    assumptionsArray = (::Z3_ast *)malloc(sizeof(::Z3_ast) * numAssumptions);
    for (int index = 0; index < numAssumptions; ++index) {
      assumptionsArray[index] = (::Z3_ast)assumptions[index];

  // KLEE Queries are validity queries i.e.
  // ∀ X Constraints(X) → query(X)
  // but Z3 works in terms of satisfiability so instead we ask the
  // the negation of the equivalent i.e.
  // ∃ X Constraints(X) ∧ ¬ query(X)
  Z3ASTHandle formula = Z3ASTHandle(
      Z3_mk_not(temp_builder.ctx, temp_builder.construct(query.expr)),

  ::Z3_string result = Z3_benchmark_to_smtlib_string(
      /*name=*/"Emited by klee::Z3SolverImpl::getConstraintLog()",

  if (numAssumptions)

  // We need to trigger a dereference before the `temp_builder` gets destroyed.
  // We do this indirectly by emptying `assumptions` and assigning to
  // `formula`.
  formula = Z3ASTHandle(NULL, temp_builder.ctx);
  // Client is responsible for freeing the returned C-string
  return strdup(result);
Пример #3
bool Z3SolverImpl::validateZ3Model(::Z3_solver &theSolver, ::Z3_model &theModel) {
  bool success = true;
  ::Z3_ast_vector constraints =
      Z3_solver_get_assertions(builder->ctx, theSolver);
  Z3_ast_vector_inc_ref(builder->ctx, constraints);

  unsigned size = Z3_ast_vector_size(builder->ctx, constraints);

  for (unsigned index = 0; index < size; ++index) {
    Z3ASTHandle constraint = Z3ASTHandle(
        Z3_ast_vector_get(builder->ctx, constraints, index), builder->ctx);

    ::Z3_ast rawEvaluatedExpr;
    bool successfulEval =
        Z3_model_eval(builder->ctx, theModel, constraint,
                      /*model_completion=*/Z3_TRUE, &rawEvaluatedExpr);
    assert(successfulEval && "Failed to evaluate model");

    // Use handle to do ref-counting.
    Z3ASTHandle evaluatedExpr(rawEvaluatedExpr, builder->ctx);

    Z3SortHandle sort =
        Z3SortHandle(Z3_get_sort(builder->ctx, evaluatedExpr), builder->ctx);
    assert(Z3_get_sort_kind(builder->ctx, sort) == Z3_BOOL_SORT &&
           "Evaluated expression has wrong sort");

    Z3_lbool evaluatedValue =
        Z3_get_bool_value(builder->ctx, evaluatedExpr);
    if (evaluatedValue != Z3_L_TRUE) {
      llvm::errs() << "Validating model failed:\n"
                   << "The expression:\n";
      llvm::errs() << "evaluated to \n";
      llvm::errs() << "But should be true\n";
      success = false;

  if (!success) {
    llvm::errs() << "Solver state:\n" << Z3_solver_to_string(builder->ctx, theSolver) << "\n";
    llvm::errs() << "Model:\n" << Z3_model_to_string(builder->ctx, theModel) << "\n";

  Z3_ast_vector_dec_ref(builder->ctx, constraints);
  return success;
Пример #4
char *Z3SolverImpl::getConstraintLog(const Query &query) {
  std::vector<Z3ASTHandle> assumptions;
  for (std::vector<ref<Expr> >::const_iterator it = query.constraints.begin(),
                                               ie = query.constraints.end();
       it != ie; ++it) {
  ::Z3_ast *assumptionsArray = NULL;
  int numAssumptions = query.constraints.size();
  if (numAssumptions) {
    assumptionsArray = (::Z3_ast *)malloc(sizeof(::Z3_ast) * numAssumptions);
    for (int index = 0; index < numAssumptions; ++index) {
      assumptionsArray[index] = (::Z3_ast)assumptions[index];

  // KLEE Queries are validity queries i.e.
  // ∀ X Constraints(X) → query(X)
  // but Z3 works in terms of satisfiability so instead we ask the
  // the negation of the equivalent i.e.
  // ∃ X Constraints(X) ∧ ¬ query(X)
  Z3ASTHandle formula = Z3ASTHandle(
      Z3_mk_not(builder->ctx, builder->construct(query.expr)), builder->ctx);

  ::Z3_string result = Z3_benchmark_to_smtlib_string(
      /*name=*/"Emited by klee::Z3SolverImpl::getConstraintLog()",

  if (numAssumptions)
  // Client is responsible for freeing the returned C-string
  return strdup(result);
Пример #5
bool Z3SolverImpl::internalRunSolver(
    const Query &query, const std::vector<const Array *> *objects,
    std::vector<std::vector<unsigned char> > *values, bool &hasSolution) {

  TimerStatIncrementer t(stats::queryTime);
  // NOTE: Z3 will switch to using a slower solver internally if push/pop are
  // used so for now it is likely that creating a new solver each time is the
  // right way to go until Z3 changes its behaviour.
  // TODO: Investigate using a custom tactic as described in
  // https://github.com/klee/klee/issues/653
  Z3_solver theSolver = Z3_mk_solver(builder->ctx);
  Z3_solver_inc_ref(builder->ctx, theSolver);
  Z3_solver_set_params(builder->ctx, theSolver, solverParameters);


  for (ConstraintManager::const_iterator it = query.constraints.begin(),
                                         ie = query.constraints.end();
       it != ie; ++it) {
    Z3_solver_assert(builder->ctx, theSolver, builder->construct(*it));
  if (objects)

  Z3ASTHandle z3QueryExpr =
      Z3ASTHandle(builder->construct(query.expr), builder->ctx);

  // KLEE Queries are validity queries i.e.
  // ∀ X Constraints(X) → query(X)
  // but Z3 works in terms of satisfiability so instead we ask the
  // negation of the equivalent i.e.
  // ∃ X Constraints(X) ∧ ¬ query(X)
      builder->ctx, theSolver,
      Z3ASTHandle(Z3_mk_not(builder->ctx, z3QueryExpr), builder->ctx));

  if (dumpedQueriesFile) {
    *dumpedQueriesFile << "; start Z3 query\n";
    *dumpedQueriesFile << Z3_solver_to_string(builder->ctx, theSolver);
    *dumpedQueriesFile << "(check-sat)\n";
    *dumpedQueriesFile << "(reset)\n";
    *dumpedQueriesFile << "; end Z3 query\n\n";

  ::Z3_lbool satisfiable = Z3_solver_check(builder->ctx, theSolver);
  runStatusCode = handleSolverResponse(theSolver, satisfiable, objects, values,

  Z3_solver_dec_ref(builder->ctx, theSolver);
  // Clear the builder's cache to prevent memory usage exploding.
  // By using ``autoClearConstructCache=false`` and clearning now
  // we allow Z3_ast expressions to be shared from an entire
  // ``Query`` rather than only sharing within a single call to
  // ``builder->construct()``.

  if (runStatusCode == SolverImpl::SOLVER_RUN_STATUS_SUCCESS_SOLVABLE ||
      runStatusCode == SolverImpl::SOLVER_RUN_STATUS_SUCCESS_UNSOLVABLE) {
    if (hasSolution) {
    } else {
    return true; // success
  return false; // failed