Пример #1
void ZClipboard::Clear()

	if (!fTuple.Empty())
		fTuple = ZTuple();
		fLastKnownScrapCount = ::InfoScrap()->scrapCount;

#elif ZCONFIG(OS, Carbon) || ZCONFIG(OS, MacOSX)

	if (!fTuple.Empty())
		fTuple = ZTuple();

#elif ZCONFIG(OS, Win32)



	ZDebugLogf(0, ("ZClipboard::Empty(), Unsupported platform"));

Пример #2
void ZMessageLooperImpStd::DispatchMessageImp(const ZMessage& inMessage)
	ZDebugLogf(0, ("ZMessageLooperImpStd::DispatchMessageImp called"));
Пример #3
ZTuple ZClipboard::Get()

	SInt16 currentScrapCount = ::InfoScrap()->scrapCount;
	if (fLastKnownScrapCount != currentScrapCount)
		fLastKnownScrapCount = currentScrapCount;

		fTuple = ZTuple();
		// Walk through all the registered types and suck any data that might be on the clipboard into our tuple

		size_t theCount = ZDragClipManager::sGet()->Count();
		for (size_t x = 0; x < theCount; ++x)
			string currentMIME = ZDragClipManager::sGet()->At(x);
			bool isString;
			ScrapFlavorType theScrapFlavorType;
			if (ZDragClipManager::sGet()->LookupMIME(currentMIME, theScrapFlavorType, isString))
				SInt32 theOffset = 0;
				SInt32 theLength = ::GetScrap(nil, theScrapFlavorType, &theOffset);
				if (theLength >= 0)
					// Creates a zero-length handle, rather than a NULL handle
					ZHandle theHandle(0);
					theLength = ::GetScrap(theHandle.GetMacHandle(), theScrapFlavorType, &theOffset);
					// AG 99-01-07. For the moment we're ignoring the value of theOffset, which indicates the order in which
					// different data items were written to the desk scrap, and hence their preference level.
					if (theHandle.GetSize() == theLength)
						ZHandle::Ref theRef(theHandle);
						if (isString)
							fTuple.SetString(currentMIME, string(reinterpret_cast<char*>(theRef.GetData()), theRef.GetSize()));
							fTuple.SetRaw(currentMIME, theRef.GetData(), theRef.GetSize());
	return fTuple;

#elif ZCONFIG(OS, Carbon) || ZCONFIG(OS, MacOSX)

	ScrapRef currentScrapRef;
	if (fLastKnownScrapRef != currentScrapRef)
		fLastKnownScrapRef = currentScrapRef;

		fTuple = ZTuple();
		// Walk through all the registered types and suck any data that might be on the clipboard into our tuple
		size_t theCount = ZDragClipManager::sGet()->Count();
		for (size_t x = 0; x < theCount; ++x)
			string currentMIME = ZDragClipManager::sGet()->At(x);
			bool isString;
			ScrapFlavorType flavorType;
			if (ZDragClipManager::sGet()->LookupMIME(currentMIME, flavorType, isString))
				ScrapFlavorFlags flavorFlags;
				if (noErr == ::GetScrapFlavorFlags(currentScrapRef, flavorType, &flavorFlags))
					Size availByteCount = 0;
					OSStatus status = ::GetScrapFlavorSize(currentScrapRef, flavorType, &availByteCount);
					if ((status == noErr) && (availByteCount >= 0))
						vector<uint8> buffer(availByteCount);
						Size actualByteCount = availByteCount;
						status = ::GetScrapFlavorData(currentScrapRef, flavorType, &actualByteCount, &buffer[0]);
						if (actualByteCount == availByteCount)
							if (isString)
								fTuple.SetString(currentMIME, string(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&buffer[0]), availByteCount));
								fTuple.SetRaw(currentMIME, &buffer[0], availByteCount);
	return fTuple;

#elif ZCONFIG(OS, Win32)

	return sWin32_Get();


	ZDebugLogf(0, ("ZClipboard::Get(), Unsupported platform"));
	return ZTuple();

Пример #4
void ZClipboard::Set(const ZTuple& iTuple)

	fTuple = iTuple;
	// Push registered types out to the desk scrap
	for (ZTuple::const_iterator i = fTuple.begin(); i != fTuple.end(); ++i)
		string propertyName = fTuple.NameOf(i);
		ScrapFlavorType theScrapFlavorType;
		bool isString;
		if (ZDragClipManager::sGet()->LookupMIME(propertyName, theScrapFlavorType, isString))
			ZType propertyType = fTuple.TypeOf(i);
			if (isString && propertyType == eZType_String)
				string theString = fTuple.GetString(propertyName);
				if (theString.size())
					::PutScrap(theString.size(), theScrapFlavorType, theString.data());
					::PutScrap(0, theScrapFlavorType, nil);
			else if (!isString && propertyType == eZType_Raw)
				size_t rawSize;
				const void* rawAddress;
				bool okay = fTuple.GetRawAttributes(propertyName, &rawAddress, &rawSize);
				ZAssertStop(1, okay);
				::PutScrap(rawSize, theScrapFlavorType, rawAddress);
	fLastKnownScrapCount = ::InfoScrap()->scrapCount;

#elif ZCONFIG(OS, Carbon) || ZCONFIG(OS, MacOSX)

	fTuple = iTuple;
	ScrapRef currentScrapRef;
	// Push registered types out to the desk scrap
	for (ZTuple::const_iterator i = fTuple.begin(); i != fTuple.end(); ++i)
		string propertyName = fTuple.NameOf(i);
		ScrapFlavorType flavorType;
		bool isString;
		if (ZDragClipManager::sGet()->LookupMIME(propertyName, flavorType, isString))
			ZType propertyType = fTuple.TypeOf(i);
			if (isString && propertyType == eZType_String)
				string theString = fTuple.GetString(propertyName);
				if (theString.size())
					::PutScrapFlavor(currentScrapRef, flavorType, kScrapFlavorMaskNone, theString.size(), theString.data());
					::PutScrapFlavor(currentScrapRef, flavorType, kScrapFlavorMaskNone, 0, nil);
			else if (!isString && propertyType == eZType_Raw)
				size_t rawSize;
				const void* rawAddress;
				bool okay = fTuple.GetRawAttributes(propertyName, &rawAddress, &rawSize);
				ZAssertStop(1, okay);
				::PutScrapFlavor(currentScrapRef, flavorType, kScrapFlavorMaskNone, rawSize, rawAddress);

#elif ZCONFIG(OS, Win32)



	ZDebugLogf(0, ("ZClipboard::Put(), Unsupported platform"));
