Пример #1
void Zoltan_quicksort_pointer_dec_double (
    int *sorted, double* val, int start, int end
    int  equal, smaller;

    if (start < end) {
        quickpart_pointer_dec_double (sorted, val, start, end, &equal, &smaller);
        Zoltan_quicksort_pointer_dec_double (sorted, val, start,   equal-1);
        Zoltan_quicksort_pointer_dec_double (sorted, val, smaller, end);
Пример #2
/* Sort in increasing order by first calling the decreasing sort,
   then reverse the order in linear time. */
void Zoltan_quicksort_pointer_inc_double (
    int *sorted, double* val, int start, int end
    int i, j;
    double temp;

    /* sort in decreasing order */
    Zoltan_quicksort_pointer_dec_double(sorted, val, start, end);
    /* reverse order */
    for (i=start, j=end; i<j; i++, j--) {
        temp = sorted[i];
        sorted[i] = sorted[j];
        sorted[j] = temp;
Пример #3
int Zoltan_LocalHSFC_Order(
			   ZZ *zz,               /* Zoltan structure */
			   int num_obj,          /* Number of (local) objects to order. */
			   ZOLTAN_ID_PTR gids,   /* List of global ids (local to this proc) */
			                         /* The application must allocate enough space */
			   ZOLTAN_ID_PTR lids,   /* List of local ids (local to this proc) */
			                         /* The application must allocate enough space */
			   int *rank,            /* rank[i] is the rank of gids[i] */
			   int *iperm,
			   ZOOS *order_opt       /* Ordering options, parsed by Zoltan_Order */

  static char *yo = "Zoltan_LocalHSFC_Order";

  int n, ierr=ZOLTAN_OK;

  double (*fhsfc)(ZZ*, double*);  /* space filling curve function */

  int wgt_dim=0; 
  float *obj_wgts=0;
  int *parts=0;

  int numGeomDims=0;
  double *geomArray=0;

  /* Variables for bounding box */
  double *minValInDim;
  double *maxValInDim;
  double *widthDim;

  double *hsfcKey=0;
  int *coordIndx=0;

  /* Counters */
  int objNum;
  int dimNum;

  int offset=0;

  int myrank;


  /* If for some reason order_opt is NULL, allocate a new ZOOS here. */
  /* This should really never happen. */
  if (!order_opt)
    order_opt = (ZOOS *) ZOLTAN_MALLOC(sizeof(ZOOS));

  /* local HSFC only computes the rank vector */
  order_opt->return_args = RETURN_RANK; 

  /* Check that num_obj equals the number of objects on this proc. */
  /* This constraint may be removed in the future. */
  n = zz->Get_Num_Obj(zz->Get_Num_Obj_Data, &ierr);
  if ((ierr!= ZOLTAN_OK) && (ierr!= ZOLTAN_WARN))
    ZOLTAN_PRINT_ERROR(zz->Proc, yo, "Get_Num_Obj returned error.");
  if (n != num_obj)
    /* Currently this is a fatal error. */
    ZOLTAN_PRINT_ERROR(zz->Proc, yo, "Input num_obj does not equal the number of objects.");

  /* Get lists of objects                                           */
  ierr = Zoltan_Get_Obj_List(zz, &n, &gids, &lids, wgt_dim, &obj_wgts, &parts);
  if ((ierr!= ZOLTAN_OK) && (ierr!= ZOLTAN_WARN))
      ZOLTAN_PRINT_ERROR(zz->Proc, yo, "Get_Obj_List returned error.");

  /* Get geometry for objects*/
  ierr = Zoltan_Get_Coordinates(zz, n, gids, lids, &numGeomDims,
  if (ierr != 0)
      ZOLTAN_PRINT_ERROR(zz->Proc, yo, "Zoltan_Get_Coordinates returned error.");

  /* Place coords in bounding box                                   */
  minValInDim =  (double *) malloc(numGeomDims * sizeof (double));
  maxValInDim =  (double *) malloc(numGeomDims * sizeof (double));
  widthDim =  (double *) malloc(numGeomDims * sizeof (double));

  for(dimNum=0; dimNum<numGeomDims; dimNum++)
    minValInDim[dimNum] = HUGE_VAL;
    maxValInDim[dimNum] = -HUGE_VAL;

  /* Determine min, max, and width for each dimension          */
  for (objNum=0; objNum<n; objNum++)
    for(dimNum=0; dimNum<numGeomDims; dimNum++)
      if (geomArray[objNum * numGeomDims + dimNum] < minValInDim[dimNum])
        minValInDim[dimNum] = geomArray[objNum * numGeomDims + dimNum];
      if (geomArray[objNum * numGeomDims + dimNum] > maxValInDim[dimNum])
        maxValInDim[dimNum] = geomArray[objNum * numGeomDims + dimNum];

  for(dimNum=0; dimNum<numGeomDims; dimNum++)
    widthDim[dimNum] = maxValInDim[dimNum] - minValInDim[dimNum]; 

  /* Rescale values to fit in bounding box                     */
  for (objNum=0; objNum<n; objNum++)
    for(dimNum=0; dimNum<numGeomDims; dimNum++)
      geomArray[objNum * numGeomDims + dimNum] -= minValInDim[dimNum];
      geomArray[objNum * numGeomDims + dimNum] /= widthDim[dimNum];

  free(minValInDim); minValInDim=0;
  free(maxValInDim); maxValInDim=0;
  free(widthDim); widthDim=0;

  /* Specify which HSFC function to use (based on dim) */
  if (numGeomDims==1)
    fhsfc = Zoltan_HSFC_InvHilbert1d;
  else if (numGeomDims==2)
    fhsfc = Zoltan_HSFC_InvHilbert2d;
  else if (numGeomDims==3)
    fhsfc = Zoltan_HSFC_InvHilbert3d;
  else /* this error should have been previously caught */
      ZOLTAN_PRINT_ERROR(zz->Proc, yo, "Geometry should be of dimension 1, 2, or 3.");

  /* Generate hsfc keys and indices to be sorted                    */
  hsfcKey = (double *) malloc(n * sizeof (double));
  coordIndx = (int *) malloc(n *sizeof(int));
  for (objNum=0; objNum<n; objNum++)
    hsfcKey[objNum] = fhsfc(zz, &(geomArray[objNum * numGeomDims]) );
    coordIndx[objNum] = objNum;

  /* Sort indices based on keys                                     */
  Zoltan_quicksort_pointer_dec_double (coordIndx, hsfcKey, 0, n-1);

  /* get ranks                                                      */

  /* Determine offsets                                  */
  MPI_Scan(&n, &offset, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_SUM, zz->Communicator);
  offset -= n; /* MPI_Scan is inclusive, so subtract off local size */

  for(objNum=0; objNum<n; objNum++)
    /*MMW temporary hack to make Cedric's interface give me want I need */
    /*rank[coordIndx[objNum]] = objNum + offset; */
    rank[objNum] = coordIndx[objNum] + offset; 


  /* iperm is to be deprecated so not calculated*/



  return (ZOLTAN_OK);
