Пример #1
// Frees a block of memory...
void Z_Free(void *pvAddress)
	zoneHeader_t *pMemory = ((zoneHeader_t *)pvAddress) - 1;

	if (pMemory->eTag == TAG_STATIC)

	// check this error *before* barfing on bad magics...
	int& iAllocCount = mapAllocatedZones[pMemory];
	if (iAllocCount <= 0)
		Com_Error(ERR_FATAL, "Z_Free(): Block already-freed, or not allocated through Z_Malloc!");

	if (pMemory->iMagic != ZONE_MAGIC)
		Com_Error(ERR_FATAL, "Z_Free(): Corrupt zone header!");
	if (ZoneTailFromHeader(pMemory)->iMagic != ZONE_MAGIC)
		Com_Error(ERR_FATAL, "Z_Free(): Corrupt zone tail!");

Пример #2
void Z_Validate(void)
	if(!com_validateZone || !com_validateZone->integer)

	zoneHeader_t *pMemory = TheZone.Header.pNext;
	while (pMemory)
		// this won't happen here, but wtf?
		int& iAllocCount = mapAllocatedZones[pMemory];
		if (iAllocCount <= 0)
			Com_Error(ERR_FATAL, "Z_Validate(): Bad block allocation count!");

		if(pMemory->iMagic != ZONE_MAGIC)
			Com_Error(ERR_FATAL, "Z_Validate(): Corrupt zone header!");

		if (ZoneTailFromHeader(pMemory)->iMagic != ZONE_MAGIC)
			Com_Error(ERR_FATAL, "Z_Validate(): Corrupt zone tail!");
		pMemory = pMemory->pNext;
Пример #3
int Z_Validate(void)
	int ret=0;
	if(!com_validateZone || !com_validateZone->integer)
		return ret;

	zoneHeader_t *pMemory = TheZone.Header.pNext;
	while (pMemory)
		// this won't happen here, but wtf?
		int& iAllocCount = mapAllocatedZones[pMemory];
		if (iAllocCount <= 0)
			Com_Error(ERR_FATAL, "Z_Validate(): Bad block allocation count!");
			return ret;

		if(pMemory->iMagic != ZONE_MAGIC)
			Com_Error(ERR_FATAL, "Z_Validate(): Corrupt zone header!");
			return ret;

		// this block of code is intended to make sure all of the data is paged in
		if (pMemory->eTag != TAG_IMAGE_T 
			&& pMemory->eTag != TAG_MODEL_MD3 
			&& pMemory->eTag != TAG_MODEL_GLM 
			&& pMemory->eTag != TAG_MODEL_GLA )	//don't bother with disk caches as they've already been hit or will be thrown out next 
			unsigned char *memstart = (unsigned char *)pMemory;
			int totalSize = pMemory->iSize;
			while (totalSize > 4096)
				memstart += 4096;
				ret += (int)(*memstart); // this fools the optimizer
				totalSize -= 4096;

		if (ZoneTailFromHeader(pMemory)->iMagic != ZONE_MAGIC)
			Com_Error(ERR_FATAL, "Z_Validate(): Corrupt zone tail!");
			return ret;
		pMemory = pMemory->pNext;
	return ret;
Пример #4
// Frees a block of memory...
int Z_Free(void *pvAddress)
	if (!TheZone.Stats.iCount)
		//Com_Error(ERR_FATAL, "Z_Free(): Zone has been cleard already!");
		Com_Printf("Z_Free(%x): Zone has been cleard already!\n",pvAddress);
		return -1;

	zoneHeader_t *pMemory = ((zoneHeader_t *)pvAddress) - 1;

#if 1	//debugging double free
	if (pMemory->iMagic == 'FREE')
		Com_Error(ERR_FATAL, "Z_Free(%s): Block already-freed, or not allocated through Z_Malloc!",pvAddress);
		return -1;

	if (pMemory->eTag == TAG_STATIC)
		return 0;

	// check this error *before* barfing on bad magics...
	int& iAllocCount = mapAllocatedZones[pMemory];
	if (iAllocCount <= 0)
		Com_Error(ERR_FATAL, "Z_Free(): Block already-freed, or not allocated through Z_Malloc!");
		return -1;

	if (pMemory->iMagic != ZONE_MAGIC)
		Com_Error(ERR_FATAL, "Z_Free(): Corrupt zone header!");
		return -1;
	if (ZoneTailFromHeader(pMemory)->iMagic != ZONE_MAGIC)
		Com_Error(ERR_FATAL, "Z_Free(): Corrupt zone tail!");
		return -1;

	return Zone_FreeBlock(pMemory);
Пример #5
// Frees a block of memory...
void Z_Free(void *pvAddress)
	if (pvAddress == NULL)	// I've put this in as a safety measure because of some bits of #ifdef BSPC stuff	-Ste.
		//Com_Error(ERR_FATAL, "Z_Free(): NULL arg");

	zoneHeader_t *pMemory = ((zoneHeader_t *)pvAddress) - 1;

	if (pMemory->eTag == TAG_STATIC)

	// check this error *before* barfing on bad magics...
	int& iAllocCount = mapAllocatedZones[pMemory];
	if (iAllocCount <= 0)
		Com_Error(ERR_FATAL, "Z_Free(): Block already-freed, or not allocated through Z_Malloc!");

	if (pMemory->iMagic != ZONE_MAGIC)
		Com_Error(ERR_FATAL, "Z_Free(): Corrupt zone header!");
	if (ZoneTailFromHeader(pMemory)->iMagic != ZONE_MAGIC)
		Com_Error(ERR_FATAL, "Z_Free(): Corrupt zone tail!");

Пример #6
void *Z_Malloc(int iSize, memtag_t eTag, qboolean bZeroit)
	gbMemFreeupOccured = qfalse;

	if (iSize == 0)
		zoneHeader_t *pMemory = (zoneHeader_t *) &gZeroMalloc;
		return &pMemory[1];

	// Add in tracking info and round to a longword...  (ignore longword aligning now we're not using contiguous blocks)
//	int iRealSize = (iSize + sizeof(zoneHeader_t) + sizeof(zoneTail_t) + 3) & 0xfffffffc;
	int iRealSize = (iSize + sizeof(zoneHeader_t) + sizeof(zoneTail_t));

	// Allocate a chunk...
	zoneHeader_t *pMemory = NULL;
	while (pMemory == NULL)
		#ifdef _WIN32
		if (gbMemFreeupOccured)
			Sleep(100);	// sleep for 1/10 of a second, so Windows has a chance to shuffle mem to de-swiss-cheese it

		pMemory = (zoneHeader_t *) malloc ( iRealSize );
		if (!pMemory)
			// new bit, if we fail to malloc memory, try dumping some of the cached stuff that's non-vital and try again...

			// ditch the BSP cache...
			if (CM_DeleteCachedMap(qfalse))
				gbMemFreeupOccured = qtrue;
				continue;		// we've just ditched a whole load of memory, so try again with the malloc

			// ditch any sounds not used on this level...
			extern qboolean SND_RegisterAudio_LevelLoadEnd(qboolean bDeleteEverythingNotUsedThisLevel);
			if (SND_RegisterAudio_LevelLoadEnd(qtrue))
				gbMemFreeupOccured = qtrue;
				continue;		// we've dropped at least one sound, so try again with the malloc

			// ditch any image_t's (and associated GL texture mem) not used on this level...
			extern qboolean RE_RegisterImages_LevelLoadEnd(void);
			if (RE_RegisterImages_LevelLoadEnd())
				gbMemFreeupOccured = qtrue;
				continue;		// we've dropped at least one image, so try again with the malloc

			// ditch the model-binaries cache...  (must be getting desperate here!)
			extern qboolean RE_RegisterModels_LevelLoadEnd(qboolean bDeleteEverythingNotUsedThisLevel);
			if (RE_RegisterModels_LevelLoadEnd(qtrue))
				gbMemFreeupOccured = qtrue;

			// as a last panic measure, dump all the audio memory, but not if we're in the audio loader 
			//	(which is annoying, but I'm not sure how to ensure we're not dumping any memory needed by the sound
			//	currently being loaded if that was the case)...
			// note that this keeps querying until it's freed up as many bytes as the requested size, but freeing
			//	several small blocks might not mean that one larger one is satisfiable after freeup, however that'll
			//	just make it go round again and try for freeing up another bunch of blocks until the total is satisfied 
			//	again (though this will have freed twice the requested amount in that case), so it'll either work 
			//	eventually or not free up enough and drop through to the final ERR_DROP. No worries...
			extern qboolean gbInsideLoadSound;			
			extern int SND_FreeOldestSound(void);	// I had to add a void-arg version of this because of link issues, sigh
			if (!gbInsideLoadSound)
				int iBytesFreed = SND_FreeOldestSound();
				if (iBytesFreed)
					int iTheseBytesFreed = 0;
					while ( (iTheseBytesFreed = SND_FreeOldestSound()) != 0)
						iBytesFreed += iTheseBytesFreed;
						if (iBytesFreed >= iRealSize)
							break;	// early opt-out since we've managed to recover enough (mem-contiguity issues aside)
					gbMemFreeupOccured = qtrue;

			// sigh, dunno what else to try, I guess we'll have to give up and report this as an out-of-mem error...
			// findlabel:  "recovermem"

			Com_Printf(S_COLOR_RED"Z_Malloc(): Failed to alloc %d bytes (TAG_%s) !!!!!\n", iSize, psTagStrings[eTag]);
			Com_Error(ERR_FATAL,"(Repeat): Z_Malloc(): Failed to alloc %d bytes (TAG_%s) !!!!!\n", iSize, psTagStrings[eTag]);
			return NULL;

	extern char *Filename_WithoutPath(const char *psFilename);

	Q_strncpyz(pMemory->sSrcFileBaseName, Filename_WithoutPath(psFile), sizeof(pMemory->sSrcFileBaseName));
	pMemory->iSrcFileLineNum	= iLine;	
	pMemory->sOptionalLabel[0]	= '\0';
	pMemory->iSnapshotNumber	= giZoneSnaphotNum;

	// Link in
	pMemory->iMagic	= ZONE_MAGIC;
	pMemory->eTag	= eTag;
	pMemory->iSize	= iSize;	
	pMemory->pNext  = TheZone.Header.pNext;
	TheZone.Header.pNext = pMemory;
	if (pMemory->pNext)
		pMemory->pNext->pPrev = pMemory;
	pMemory->pPrev = &TheZone.Header;
	// add tail...
	ZoneTailFromHeader(pMemory)->iMagic = ZONE_MAGIC;

	// Update stats...
	TheZone.Stats.iCurrent += iSize;
	TheZone.Stats.iSizesPerTag	[eTag] += iSize;
	TheZone.Stats.iCountsPerTag	[eTag]++;	

	if (TheZone.Stats.iCurrent > TheZone.Stats.iPeak)
		TheZone.Stats.iPeak	= TheZone.Stats.iCurrent;

	Z_Validate();	// check for corruption

	void *pvReturnMem = &pMemory[1];
	if (bZeroit) {
		memset(pvReturnMem, 0, iSize);
	return pvReturnMem;