Пример #1
static void SetupImpLib( void )
    const char  *fname;
    size_t      namelen;

    ImpLib.bufsize = 0;
    ImpLib.handle = NIL_FHANDLE;
    ImpLib.buffer = NULL;
    ImpLib.dllname = NULL;
    ImpLib.didone = false;
    if( FmtData.make_implib ) {
        _ChkAlloc( ImpLib.buffer, IMPLIB_BUFSIZE );
        if( FmtData.make_impfile ) {
            ImpLib.fname = ChkStrDup( FmtData.implibname );
            ImpLib.handle = QOpenRW( ImpLib.fname );
        } else {
            ImpLib.handle = OpenTempFile( &ImpLib.fname );
        /* GetBaseName results in the filename only   *
         * it trims both the path, and the extension */
        fname = GetBaseName( Root->outfile->fname, 0, &namelen );
        ImpLib.dlllen = namelen;
         * increase length to restore full extension if not OS2
         * sometimes the extension of the output name is important
        ImpLib.dlllen += strlen( fname + namelen );
        _ChkAlloc( ImpLib.dllname, ImpLib.dlllen );
        memcpy( ImpLib.dllname, fname, ImpLib.dlllen );
Пример #2
static void *OS2PagedRelocInit( offset size, int unitsize )
/* For some OS/2 formats we have to split up the structure off the grp_relocs
 * field up into small bits to ensure that we don't get structure allocations
 * > 64K. This is stored basically as a 2-d array */
    void **     mem;
    void **     start;
    offset      pageidx;
    offset      idxhigh;
    unsigned    idxlow;
    unsigned    allocsize;

    pageidx = OSF_PAGE_COUNT( size );
    idxhigh = OSF_RLIDX_HIGH( pageidx );
    _PermAlloc( mem, ( idxhigh + 1 ) * sizeof( void * ) );
    start = mem;
    allocsize = OSF_RLIDX_MAX * unitsize;
    while( idxhigh > 0 ) {
        _ChkAlloc( *mem, allocsize );
        memset( *mem, 0, allocsize );
    idxlow = OSF_RLIDX_LOW( pageidx );
    if( idxlow != 0 ) {
        allocsize = idxlow * unitsize;
        _ChkAlloc( *mem, allocsize );
        memset( *mem, 0, allocsize );
    return( start );
Пример #3
void InitModTable( void )
    CurrModThere = INITIAL_MOD_ALLOC;
    _ChkAlloc( ModTable, INITIAL_MOD_ALLOC * sizeof( mod_entry * ) );
    CurrModHandle = 0;
    _ChkAlloc( ArcBuffer, sizeof(arcdata)
                          + (INITIAL_ARC_ALLOC - 1) * sizeof(dist_arc));
Пример #4
static void * MakeArray( unsigned size )
    nodearray * nodes;

    _ChkAlloc( nodes, sizeof( nodearray ) );
    nodes->num = 0;
    nodes->elsize = size;
    nodes->arraymax = 0;
    size *= NODE_ARRAY_SIZE;
    _ChkAlloc( nodes->array[0], size );
    memset( nodes->array[0], 0, size );
    return( nodes );
Пример #5
static int ReadOMFDict( file_list *list, unsigned_8 *header, bool makedict )
    omf_dict_entry  *omf_dict;
    unsigned        reclength;

    header += sizeof( unsigned_8 );
    reclength = _ReadLittleEndian16UN( header ) + 3;
    if( makedict ) {
        if( list->u.dict == NULL ) {
            _ChkAlloc( list->u.dict, sizeof( dict_entry ) );
        omf_dict = &list->u.dict->o;
        omf_dict->cache = NULL;
        header += sizeof( unsigned_16 );
        omf_dict->start = _ReadLittleEndian32UN( header );
        header += sizeof( unsigned_32 );
        omf_dict->pages = _ReadLittleEndian16UN( header );
        header += sizeof( unsigned_16 );
        if( omf_dict->start == 0 || omf_dict->pages == 0 ) {
            BadLibrary( list );
            return( -1 );
        omf_dict->rec_length = reclength;
    return( reclength );
Пример #6
bool ProcCopyright( void )
    struct tm       *currtime;
    time_t          thetime;
    unsigned        year;
    char            *copy_year;

    if( !GetToken( SEP_EQUALS, TOK_INCLUDE_DOT ) && !GetToken( SEP_NO, TOK_INCLUDE_DOT ) ) {
        if( FmtData.u.nov.copyright != NULL ) {
            _LnkFree( FmtData.u.nov.copyright );  // assume second is correct.
        _ChkAlloc( FmtData.u.nov.copyright, DEFAULT_COPYRIGHT_LENGTH + 1 );
        copy_year = FmtData.u.nov.copyright + YEAR_OFFSET;
        thetime = time( NULL );
        currtime = localtime( &thetime );
        for( year = currtime->tm_year + 1900; year > 0; year /= 10 ) {
            *copy_year = '0' + (year % 10);
    } else {
        if( Token.len > MAX_COPYRIGHT_LENGTH ) {
            LnkMsg( LOC+LINE+WRN+MSG_VALUE_TOO_LARGE, "s", "copyright" );
        } else {
            if( FmtData.u.nov.copyright != NULL ) {
                _LnkFree( FmtData.u.nov.copyright );  // assume second is correct.
            FmtData.u.nov.copyright = tostring();
    return( true );
Пример #7
static void ImpProcSymbol( segnode *snode, orl_symbol_type type, char *name,
                           size_t namelen )
    if( type & ORL_SYM_TYPE_UNDEFINED ) {
        if( namelen > sizeof(CoffImportRefName) - 1 ) {
            namelen -= sizeof(CoffImportRefName) - 1;
            if( memicmp( name + namelen, CoffImportRefName,
                         sizeof(CoffImportRefName) - 1 ) == 0 ) {
                _ChkAlloc( ImpModName, namelen + 5 );
                memcpy( ImpModName, name, namelen );
                if( memicmp( CurrMod->name + strlen(CurrMod->name)
                             - 4, ".drv", 4 ) == 0 ) { //KLUDGE!!
                    memcpy( ImpModName + namelen, ".drv", 5 );
                } else {
                    memcpy( ImpModName + namelen, ".dll", 5 );
    } else if( snode != NULL && (snode->info & SEG_CODE) ) {
        if( FirstCodeSymName == NULL ) {
            FirstCodeSymName = name;
    } else {
        if( FirstDataSymName == NULL &&
                memcmp( name, ImportSymPrefix, PREFIX_LEN ) == 0 ) {
            FirstDataSymName = name + PREFIX_LEN;
Пример #8
static image_entry *DoCreateImage( const char *exe, const char *symfile )
    image_entry         *image;
    image_entry         **owner;
    size_t              len;

    len = ( exe == NULL ) ? 0 : strlen( exe );
    _ChkAlloc( image, sizeof( *image ) + len, LIT_ENG( ERR_NO_MEMORY_FOR_DEBUG ) );
    if( image == NULL )
        return( NULL );
    memset( image, 0, sizeof( *image ) );
    if( len != 0 )
        memcpy( image->image_name, exe, len + 1 );
    if( symfile != NULL ) {
        _Alloc( image->symfile_name, strlen( symfile ) + 1 );
        if( image->symfile_name == NULL ) {
            _Free( image );
            Error( ERR_NONE, LIT_ENG( ERR_NO_MEMORY_FOR_DEBUG ) );
            return( NULL );
        strcpy( image->symfile_name, symfile );
    image->mapper = MapAddrSystem;
    for( owner = &DbgImageList; *owner != NULL; owner = &(*owner)->link )
    *owner = image;
    return( image );
Пример #9
bool CacheOpen( file_list *list )
    infilelist  *file;
    unsigned    numblocks;
    char        **cache;

    if( list == NULL )
        return( TRUE );
    file = list->file;
    if( file->flags & INSTAT_IOERR )
        return( FALSE );
    if( DoObjOpen( file ) ) {
        file->flags |= INSTAT_IN_USE;
    } else {
        file->flags |= INSTAT_IOERR;
        return( FALSE );
    if( file->len == 0 ) {
        file->len = QFileSize( file->handle );
        if( file->len == 0 ) {
            LnkMsg( ERR+MSG_BAD_OBJECT, "s", file->name );
            file->flags |= INSTAT_IOERR;
            return( FALSE );
    if( !(file->flags & INSTAT_SET_CACHE) ) {
        if( LinkFlags & CACHE_FLAG ) {
            file->flags |= INSTAT_FULL_CACHE;
        } else if( LinkFlags & NOCACHE_FLAG ) {
            file->flags |= INSTAT_PAGE_CACHE;
        } else {
            if( file->flags & INSTAT_LIBRARY ) {
                file->flags |= INSTAT_PAGE_CACHE;
            } else {
                file->flags |= INSTAT_FULL_CACHE;
    if( file->cache == NULL ) {
        if( file->flags & INSTAT_FULL_CACHE ) {
            _ChkAlloc( file->cache, file->len );
            if( file->currpos != 0 ) {
                QLSeek( file->handle, 0, SEEK_SET, file->name );
            QRead( file->handle, file->cache, file->len, file->name );
            file->currpos = file->len;
        } else {
            numblocks = NumCacheBlocks( file->len );
            _Pass1Alloc( file->cache, numblocks * sizeof( char * ) );
            cache = file->cache;
            while( numblocks > 0 ) {
                *cache = NULL;
    return( TRUE );
Пример #10
void CarveRestart( carve_t cv, unsigned num )
    unsigned    numblks;
    unsigned    remainder;
    unsigned    index;
    blk_t *     block;

    if( num == 0 ) return;
    numblks = (num + cv->elm_count - 1) / cv->elm_count;
    for( index = 0; index < numblks; index++ ) {
        newBlk( cv );
    _ChkAlloc( cv->blk_map, numblks * sizeof( blk_t * ) );
    index = numblks - 1;
    for( block = cv->blk_list; block != NULL; block = block->next ) {
        cv->blk_map[ index ] = block;
        index -= 1;
    remainder = num % cv->elm_count;
    if( remainder != 0 ) {
        MakeFreeList( cv, cv->blk_map[0], remainder * cv->elm_size );
    cv->insert = NULL;
Пример #11
void * CachePermRead( file_list *list, unsigned long pos, unsigned len )
    char *      buf;
    char *      result;

    buf = CacheRead( list, pos, len );
    if( list->file->flags & INSTAT_FULL_CACHE ) return buf;
    if( Multipage ) {
        _LnkReAlloc( result, buf, len );
        _ChkAlloc( TokBuff, TokSize );
        Multipage = FALSE;              // indicate that last read is permanent.
    } else {
        _ChkAlloc( result, len );
        memcpy( result, buf, len );
    return result;
Пример #12
char *ChkToString( void *mem, unsigned len )
    char        *str;

    _ChkAlloc( str, len + 1 );
    memcpy( str, mem, len );
    str[ len ] = '\0';
    return( str );
Пример #13
void NumberSections( void )
    if( ( FmtData.type & MK_OVERLAYS ) && FmtData.u.dos.distribute ) {
        _ChkAlloc( SectOvlTab, sizeof( section * ) * ( OvlNum + 1 ) );
        SectOvlTab[0] = Root;
    OvlNum = 1;
    WalkAllOvl( &NumASect );
Пример #14
static void AllocNewArray( nodearray *list )
    unsigned    size;

    size = list->elsize * NODE_ARRAY_SIZE;
    _ChkAlloc( list->array[list->arraymax], size );
    memset( list->array[list->arraymax], 0, size );
Пример #15
static stringblock * AllocNewBlock( stringtable *strtab )
    stringblock *blk;

    _ChkAlloc( blk, sizeof(stringblock) );
    blk->next = NULL;
    RingAppend( &strtab->data, blk );
    blk->size = 0;
    return blk;
Пример #16
char *ChkStrDup( char *str )
    size_t      len;
    char        *copy;

    len = strlen( str ) + 1;
    _ChkAlloc( copy, len  );
    memcpy( copy, str, len );
    return( copy );
Пример #17
f_handle OpenTempFile( char **fname )
    const char  *ptr;
    size_t      tlen;
    char        *tptr;
    f_handle    fhdl;

    ptr = GetEnvString( "WLINKTMP" );
    if( ptr == NULL )
        ptr = GetEnvString( "TMP" );
    if( ptr == NULL )
        ptr = GetEnvString( "TMPDIR" );
    if( ptr == NULL ) {
        _ChkAlloc( tptr, TEMPFNAME_SIZE );
        *fname = tptr;
    } else {
        tlen = strlen( ptr );
        _ChkAlloc( tptr, tlen + 1 + TEMPFNAME_SIZE );
        memcpy( tptr, ptr, tlen );
        *fname = tptr;
        tptr += tlen;
        if( !IS_PATH_SEP( tptr[-1] ) ) {
            *tptr++ = DIR_SEP;
    tptr = MakeTempName( tptr );
    tlen = 0;
    for( ;; ) {
        if( tlen >= 26 ) {
            LnkMsg( FTL+MSG_CANT_OPEN_SPILL, NULL );
        *tptr += 1;                     // change temp file extension
        fhdl = TempFileOpen( *fname );
        if( fhdl == NIL_FHANDLE )
        QClose( fhdl, *fname );
    return( QOpenRW( *fname ) );
Пример #18
static void SetHeaders( ElfHdr *hdr )
    memcpy( hdr->eh.e_ident, ELF_SIGNATURE, ELF_SIGNATURE_LEN );
    hdr->eh.e_ident[EI_CLASS] = ELFCLASS32;
#ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN__
    hdr->eh.e_ident[EI_DATA] = ELFDATA2MSB;
    hdr->eh.e_ident[EI_DATA] = ELFDATA2LSB;
    hdr->eh.e_ident[EI_VERSION] = EV_CURRENT;
    hdr->eh.e_ident[EI_OSABI] = FmtData.u.elf.abitype;
    hdr->eh.e_ident[EI_ABIVERSION] = FmtData.u.elf.abiversion;
    memset( &hdr->eh.e_ident[EI_PAD], 0, EI_NIDENT - EI_PAD );
    hdr->eh.e_type = ET_EXEC;
    if( LinkState & HAVE_PPC_CODE ) {
        hdr->eh.e_machine = EM_PPC;
    } else if( LinkState & HAVE_MIPS_CODE ) {
        hdr->eh.e_machine = EM_MIPS;
    } else if( LinkState & HAVE_X64_CODE ) {
        hdr->eh.e_machine = EM_X86_64;
    } else {
        hdr->eh.e_machine = EM_386;
    hdr->eh.e_version = EV_CURRENT;
    if( StartInfo.type == START_UNDEFED ) {
        hdr->eh.e_entry = 0;
    } else {
        hdr->eh.e_entry = FindLinearAddr2( &StartInfo.addr );
    hdr->eh.e_flags = 0;
    hdr->eh.e_ehsize = sizeof(Elf32_Ehdr);
    hdr->eh.e_phentsize = sizeof(Elf32_Phdr);
    hdr->eh.e_shentsize = sizeof(Elf32_Shdr);
    hdr->eh.e_phnum = NumGroups + 1;
    hdr->eh.e_phoff = sizeof(Elf32_Ehdr);
    hdr->ph_size = sizeof(Elf32_Phdr) * hdr->eh.e_phnum;
    _ChkAlloc( hdr->ph, hdr->ph_size );
    hdr->ph->p_type = PT_PHDR;
    hdr->ph->p_offset = sizeof(Elf32_Ehdr);
    hdr->ph->p_vaddr = sizeof(Elf32_Ehdr) + FmtData.base;
    hdr->ph->p_paddr = 0;
    hdr->ph->p_filesz = hdr->ph_size;
    hdr->ph->p_memsz = hdr->ph_size;
    hdr->ph->p_flags = PF_R | PF_X;
    hdr->ph->p_align = 0;
    InitStringTable( &hdr->secstrtab, FALSE );
    AddCharStringTable( &hdr->secstrtab, '\0' );
    InitSections( hdr );
    hdr->curr_off = hdr->eh.e_ehsize + hdr->ph_size;
    hdr->curr_off = ROUND_UP( hdr->curr_off, 0x100 );
    SeekLoad( hdr->curr_off );
Пример #19
void SymResolve( stack_entry *entry )
    item_mach   tmp;
    sym_handle  *sh;

    if( entry->flags & SF_SYM ) {
        sh = entry->v.sh;
        entry->flags &= ~SF_FORM_MASK;
        if( SymLocation( sh, entry->lc, &entry->v.loc ) == DS_OK ) {
            entry->flags |= SF_LOCATION;
            if( entry->v.loc.e[0].type == LT_ADDR ) {
                entry->flags |= SF_IMP_ADDR;
            GetTrueEntry( entry );
        } else {
            if( entry->info.kind == TK_STRING ) {
                _ChkAlloc( entry->v.string.allocated, entry->info.size,
                            LIT( ERR_NO_MEMORY_FOR_EXPR ) );
                LocationCreate( &entry->v.string.loc, LT_INTERNAL,
                            entry->v.string.allocated );
                if( SymValue( sh, entry->lc, entry->v.string.allocated ) != DS_OK ) {
                    Error( ERR_NONE, LIT( ERR_NO_ACCESS ) );
            } else {
                if( SymValue( sh, entry->lc, &tmp ) != DS_OK ) {
                    Error( ERR_NONE, LIT( ERR_NO_ACCESS ) );
                FromItem( &tmp, entry );
        switch( entry->info.kind ) {
        case TK_CODE:
        case TK_ADDRESS:
            if( !(entry->flags & SF_LOCATION) ) {
                ExprSetAddrInfo( entry, FALSE );
        This was here before, but that messes up things like 'do x=0:0'
        where 'x' is a newly created debugger variable. I can't think
        of any reason why you'd want to do this. If it turns out that there
        is a reason, talk to me.
            } else {
                LocationToAddr( entry );
            entry->th = NULL;
Пример #20
static void *ORLRead( void *_list, size_t len )
    file_list   *list = _list;
    void        *result;
    readcache   *cache;

    result = CachePermRead( list, ORLFilePos + ORLPos, len );
    ORLPos += len;
    _ChkAlloc( cache, sizeof( readcache ) );
    cache->next = ReadCacheList;
    ReadCacheList = cache;
    cache->data = result;
    return( result );
Пример #21
static blk_t * newBlk( cv_t *cv )
    blk_t *     newblk;
    blk_t **    blklist;

    _ChkAlloc( newblk, sizeof( blk_t ) - 1 + cv->blk_size );
    for( blklist = &cv->blk_list; *blklist > newblk; ) {    // keep list sorted by memory address
        blklist = &(*blklist)->next;    // biggest first.
    newblk->next = *blklist;
    *blklist = newblk;
    cv->size_chg = TRUE;
    return newblk;
Пример #22
static void WriteQNXResource( void )
    unsigned long   len;
    lmf_record      rec;
    f_handle        file;
    lmf_resource    resource;
    void *          buf;

    if( FmtData.resource != NULL ) {
        rec.reserved = 0;
        rec.spare = 0;
        rec.rec_type = LMF_RESOURCE_REC;
        memset( &resource, 0, sizeof( lmf_resource ) );
        if( FmtData.res_name_only ) {
            file = QObjOpen( FmtData.resource );
            if( file == NIL_FHANDLE ) {
                PrintIOError( WRN+MSG_CANT_OPEN_NO_REASON, "s",
                                        FmtData.resource );
            len = QFileSize( file );
            if( len + sizeof(lmf_resource) > QNX_MAX_REC_SIZE ) {
                LnkMsg( WRN+MSG_RESOURCE_TOO_BIG, "s", FmtData.resource );
            _ChkAlloc( buf, len );
            rec.data_nbytes = len + sizeof( lmf_resource );
            WriteLoad( &rec, sizeof( lmf_record ) );
            WriteLoad( &resource, sizeof( lmf_resource ) );
            QRead( file, buf, len, FmtData.resource );
            WriteLoad( buf, len );
            _LnkFree( buf );
            QClose( file, FmtData.resource );
        } else {
            len = strlen( FmtData.resource );
            FmtData.resource[len] = '\n';
            rec.data_nbytes = len + sizeof( lmf_resource );
            WriteLoad( &rec, sizeof( lmf_record ) );
            WriteLoad( &resource, sizeof( lmf_resource ) );
            WriteLoad( FmtData.resource, len );
Пример #23
static bool ReadARDict( file_list *list, unsigned long *loc, bool makedict )
    ar_header       *ar_hdr;
    unsigned long   size;
    int             numdicts;

    numdicts = 0;
    if( makedict ) {
        if( list->u.dict == NULL ) {
            _ChkAlloc( list->u.dict, sizeof( dict_entry ) );
    for( ;; ) {
        ar_hdr = CacheRead( list, *loc, sizeof( ar_header ) );
        size = GetARValue( ar_hdr->size, AR_SIZE_LEN );
        if( ar_hdr->name[0] == '/' && ar_hdr->name[1] == ' ' ) {
            *loc += sizeof( ar_header );
            if( makedict )
                ReadARDictData( list, loc, size, numdicts );
            *loc += MAKE_EVEN( size );
        } else if( ar_hdr->name[0] == '/' && ar_hdr->name[1] == '/' ) {
            *loc += sizeof( ar_header );
            ReadARStringTable( list, loc, size );
            *loc += MAKE_EVEN( size );
        } else {
            break;         // found an actual object file
    if( makedict ) {
        if( numdicts == 0 ) {
            Locator( list->file->name, NULL, 0 );
            LnkMsg( ERR+MSG_NO_DICT_FOUND, NULL );
            _LnkFree( list->u.dict );
            list->u.dict = NULL;
            return( FALSE );
        if( !(LinkFlags & CASE_FLAG) || numdicts == 1 ) {
            SortARDict( &list->u.dict->a );
    return( TRUE );
Пример #24
static void InitSections( ElfHdr *hdr)
    int         num;
    group_entry *group;

    num = 1;
    memset( &hdr->i, 0, sizeof hdr->i );
    hdr->i.secstr = num++;
    hdr->eh.e_shstrndx = hdr->i.secstr;
    hdr->i.grpbase = num;
    hdr->i.grpnum = NumGroups;
    if( FmtData.dgroupsplitseg != NULL ) {
        if( StackSegPtr != NULL ) {
    num += hdr->i.grpnum;
    hdr->i.relbase = num;
    for( group = Groups; group != NULL; group = group->next_group ) {
        if( group->g.grp_relocs != NULL ) {
    num += hdr->i.relnum;
    hdr->i.symtab = num++;
    hdr->i.symstr = num++;
    hdr->i.symhash = num++;
    if( INJECT_DEBUG ) {
        hdr->i.dbgnum = DwarfCountDebugSections();
    hdr->i.dbgbegin = num;
    num += hdr->i.dbgnum;
    num += FmtData.u.elf.extrasects;
    hdr->eh.e_shnum = num;
    hdr->sh_size = sizeof(Elf32_Shdr) * hdr->eh.e_shnum;
    _ChkAlloc( hdr->sh, hdr->sh_size );
    memset( hdr->sh, 0, hdr->sh_size );
    AddSecIdxName(hdr, hdr->i.symtab, ".symtab");
Пример #25
void SetPharFmt( void )
    Extension = E_PROTECT;
    LinkState &= ~MAKE_RELOCS;     // do not generate relocations.
    _ChkAlloc( FmtData.u.phar.params, sizeof( *FmtData.u.phar.params ) );
    FmtData.u.phar.mindata = 0;
    FmtData.u.phar.maxdata = 0xFFFFFFFF;
    FmtData.u.phar.breaksym = NULL;
    FmtData.u.phar.stub = NULL;
//  FmtData.u.phar.pack = false;
    FmtData.u.phar.params->minreal = 0;
    FmtData.u.phar.params->maxreal = 0;
    FmtData.u.phar.params->callbufs = 0;
    FmtData.u.phar.params->realbreak = 0;
    FmtData.u.phar.params->minibuf = 1;
    FmtData.u.phar.params->maxibuf = 4;
    FmtData.u.phar.params->nistack = 4;
    FmtData.u.phar.params->istksize = 1;
    FmtData.u.phar.params->extender_flags = 0;
    FmtData.u.phar.params->unpriv = 0;
Пример #26
carve_t CarveCreate( unsigned elm_size, unsigned blk_size )
    cv_t *      cv;

    elm_size = ROUND_UP( elm_size, sizeof( int ) );
    if( elm_size < sizeof( free_t ) ) {
        elm_size = sizeof( free_t );
    _ChkAlloc( cv, sizeof( *cv ) );
    cv->elm_size = elm_size;
    cv->blk_size = blk_size;
    cv->elm_count = cv->blk_size / cv->elm_size;
    cv->blk_top = cv->elm_count * elm_size;
    cv->blk_count = 0;
    cv->blk_list = NULL;
    cv->free_list = NULL;
    cv->blk_map = NULL;
    cv->size_chg = FALSE;
    DbgAssert( cv->elm_size >= 2 * sizeof(void *) );
    DbgAssert( cv->elm_count != 0 );
    DbgVerify( cv->blk_top < 0x10000, "carve: size * #/block > 64k" );
    return( cv );
Пример #27
void InitSym( void )
    _ChkAlloc( GlobalSymPtrs, GLOBAL_TABALLOC );
    _ChkAlloc( StaticSymPtrs, STATIC_TABALLOC );
Пример #28
void *CacheRead( file_list *list, unsigned long pos, unsigned len )
/* read len bytes out of the cache. */
    unsigned        bufnum;
    unsigned        startnum;
    unsigned        offset;
    unsigned        amtread;
    char            *result;
    char            **cache;
    unsigned long   newpos;
    infilelist      *file;

    if( list->file->flags & INSTAT_FULL_CACHE ) {
        if( pos + len > list->file->len )
            return( NULL );
        return( (char *)list->file->cache + pos );
    Multipage = FALSE;
    file = list->file;
    offset = pos % CACHE_PAGE_SIZE;
    amtread = CACHE_PAGE_SIZE - offset;
    startnum = pos / CACHE_PAGE_SIZE;
    bufnum = startnum;
    cache = file->cache;
    for( ;; ) {
        if( cache[ bufnum ] == NULL ) {   // make sure page is in.
            _ChkAlloc( cache[ bufnum ], CACHE_PAGE_SIZE );
            newpos = (unsigned long)bufnum * CACHE_PAGE_SIZE;
            if( file->currpos != newpos ) {
                QSeek( file->handle, newpos, file->name );
            file->currpos = newpos + CACHE_PAGE_SIZE;
            QRead( file->handle, cache[ bufnum ], CACHE_PAGE_SIZE, file->name );
        if( amtread >= len )
        amtread += CACHE_PAGE_SIZE;     // it spans pages.
        Multipage = TRUE;
    if( !Multipage ) {
        result = cache[ startnum ] + offset;
    } else {
        if( len > TokSize ) {
            TokSize = ROUND_UP( len, SECTOR_SIZE );
            _LnkReAlloc( TokBuff, TokBuff, TokSize );
        amtread = CACHE_PAGE_SIZE - offset;
        memcpy( TokBuff, cache[ startnum ] + offset, amtread );
        len -= amtread;
        result = TokBuff + amtread;
        for( ;; ) {
            if( len <= CACHE_PAGE_SIZE ) {
                memcpy( result, cache[ startnum ], len );
            } else {
                memcpy( result, cache[ startnum ], CACHE_PAGE_SIZE );
                len -= CACHE_PAGE_SIZE;
                result += CACHE_PAGE_SIZE;
        result = TokBuff;
    return( result );
Пример #29
static void SortARDict( ar_dict_entry *ar_dict )
    index_type      *index_tab;
    index_type      ix;
    index_type      ix_next;
    index_type      ix1;
    char            *symb_save;
    unsigned_32     offset_save;
    ar_dict_entry   d;

    if( ar_dict->num_entries < 2 )

    d = *ar_dict;
    // store the dictionary pointer into memory so we can fetch ar_dict in ARCompI
    d_symbtab = d.symbtab;

    // Create an index table that we will sort to match the
    // case-insensitive sort order that we want for our symbol names.
    _ChkAlloc( index_tab, sizeof( index_type ) * d.num_entries );
    for( ix = 0; ix < d.num_entries; ix++ ) {
        index_tab[ix] = ix;
    // Sort the index table using the corresponding symbol names
    // to determine the sort order (see ARCompI() for more info).
    if( LinkFlags & CASE_FLAG ) {
        qsort( index_tab, d.num_entries, sizeof( index_type ), ARComp );
    } else {
        qsort( index_tab, d.num_entries, sizeof( index_type ), ARCompI );

    // Reorder the function name table (a vector of pointers to
    // symbol names) and the offset table (a vector of 16-bit offsets
    // into the file position table) (see ReadARDict() for info).
    for( ix = 0; ix < d.num_entries; ++ix ) {
        // If this entry hasn't been corrected
        // then move out the entry that is present
        // so that we can correct it.
        if( ix != index_tab[ix] ) {
            symb_save = d.symbtab[ix];
            if( d.offsettab == NULL ) {
                offset_save = d.filepostab[ix];
            } else {
                offset_save = d.offsettab[ix];
            // Correct all the entries in this sequence
            for( ix1 = ix; (ix_next = index_tab[ix1]) != ix; ix1 = ix_next ) {
                d.symbtab[ix1] = d.symbtab[ix_next];
                if( d.offsettab == NULL ) {
                    d.filepostab[ix1] = d.filepostab[ix_next];
                } else {
                    d.offsettab[ix1] = d.offsettab[ix_next];
                index_tab[ix1] = ix1;
            // Update this final entry in the sequence from the
            // values we set aside.
            d.symbtab[ix1] = symb_save;
            if( d.offsettab == NULL ) {
                d.filepostab[ix1] = offset_save;
            } else {
                d.offsettab[ix1] = offset_save;
            index_tab[ix1] = ix1;
    _LnkFree( index_tab );
Пример #30
static void ReadARDictData( file_list *list, unsigned long *loc, unsigned size, int numdicts )
    ar_dict_entry   *dict;
    char            *data;
    unsigned_32     num;
    unsigned_32     index;

    /* a dictionary in an AR archive commonly starts with a header marked with '/ '.

    Be careful, more AR formats exists, GNU, BSD and COFF. Each handle dictionaries
    a little bit different way.

    GNU (Linux) and BSD AR archives commonly have only one dictionary which is of the form:

    (all numbers in *big* endian format)
    unsigned_32: number of entries (num)
    num unsigned_32's: offset within AR file of the object file that the symbol name belongs too.
    num zero terminated strings: the symbols themselves (unsorted).

    COFF AR archieves however use two dictionaries.
    First one is the same as for GNU and BSD, but WLINK uses second one, more efficient dictionary:

    (all numbers in *little* endian format)
    unsigned_32: number of files in object
    nfiles unsigned_32's: offsets of the files within the archive
    unsigned_32: number of entries (num)
    num unsigned_16's: the file number that the symbol belongs to
    num zero terminated strings: the symbols themselves (sorted case-sensitively).

    however WLINK needs to be able to parse both kinds.
    (dict->offsettab == NULL) means that we only know about an unsorted dictionary and
    it will be sorted later.

    dict = &list->u.dict->a;
    data = CachePermRead( list, *loc, size );
    if( numdicts == 1 ) {
        num = _ReadBigEndian32UN( data ); /* number of symbols */
        data += sizeof( unsigned_32 );
        dict->filepostab = (unsigned_32 *)data;
        for( index = 0; index < num; index++ ) {
            dict->filepostab[index] = _ReadBigEndian32UN( data );
            data += sizeof( unsigned_32 );
        dict->num_entries = num;
        dict->offsettab = NULL;
        dict->symbtab = NULL;
        if( num > 0 ) {
            _ChkAlloc( dict->symbtab, sizeof( char * ) * num );
    } else /* if( numdicts == 2 ) */ {
        num = _ReadLittleEndian32UN( data );    /* number of files */
        data += sizeof( unsigned_32 );
        dict->filepostab = (unsigned_32 *)data; /* first file off */
        for( index = 0; index < num; index++ ) {
            dict->filepostab[index] = _ReadLittleEndian32UN( data );
            data += sizeof( unsigned_32 );
        num = _ReadLittleEndian32UN( data );    /* number of symbols */
        data += sizeof( unsigned_32 );
        dict->offsettab = (unsigned_16 *)data;  /* first offset */
        for( index = 0; index < num; index++ ) {
            dict->offsettab[index] = _ReadLittleEndian16UN( data );
            data += sizeof( unsigned_16 );
        dict->num_entries = num;
        if( num > 0 && dict->symbtab == NULL ) {
            _ChkAlloc( dict->symbtab, sizeof( char * ) * num );
    for( index = 0; index < num; index++ ) {
        dict->symbtab[index] = data;
        data += strlen( data ) + 1;