int ArchivePanel::pProcessKey( int nKey, DWORD dwControlState ) { if ( (nKey == VK_F7) && (dwControlState == 0) ) { TCHAR szFolderPath[MAX_PATH]; if ( Info.InputBox ( _M(MMakeFolderTitle), _M(MMakeFolderPrompt), NULL, NULL, szFolderPath, MAX_PATH, NULL, FIB_EXPANDENV|FIB_BUTTONS ) ) { bool bResult = MakeDirectory(szFolderPath); if ( bResult ) Update(); return FALSE; } } return FALSE; }
/* * 初始化缓存区,生成接口句柄 * skfd: 被初始化的接口句柄 * @return: 0: 成功 * -1: 初始化接口句柄失败 */ static int eapol_init(pcap_t **skfd) { pcap_if_t *alldevs, *d; char errbuf[PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE]; char ifbuff[8+IFNAMSIZ] = "rpcap://"; sendethii = (ethII_t*)sendbuff; sendeapol = (eapol_t*)((uchar*)sendethii+sizeof(ethII_t)); sendeap = (eap_t*)((uchar*)sendeapol+sizeof(eapol_t)); sendeapbody = (eapbody_t*)((uchar*)sendeap+sizeof(eap_t)); if (-1 == pcap_findalldevs(&alldevs, errbuf)) { _M("Get interface: %s\n", errbuf); return -1; } for (d = alldevs; NULL != d; d = d->next) if (0 == strcmp(ifname, d->name)) break; if (NULL == d) return -1; /* 获取mac */ LPADAPTER lpAdapter = PacketOpenAdapter(d->name); if (!lpAdapter || (lpAdapter->hFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)) return -1; PPACKET_OID_DATA oidData = malloc(ETH_ALEN + sizeof(PACKET_OID_DATA)); if (NULL == oidData) { PacketCloseAdapter(lpAdapter); return -1; } oidData->Oid = OID_802_3_CURRENT_ADDRESS; oidData->Length = ETH_ALEN; memset(oidData->Data, 0, ETH_ALEN); if (0 == PacketRequest(lpAdapter, FALSE, oidData)) { free(oidData); return -1; } memcpy(client_mac, oidData->Data, ETH_ALEN); PacketCloseAdapter(lpAdapter); _D("%s's MAC: %02X-%02X-%02X-%02X-%02X-%02X\n", ifname, client_mac[0],client_mac[1],client_mac[2], client_mac[3],client_mac[4],client_mac[5]); /* 获取网络接口句柄 */ strncat(ifbuff, ifname, IFNAMSIZ); if (NULL == (*skfd = pcap_open(d->name, MTU_MAX, PCAP_OPENFLAG_PROMISCUOUS, TIMEOUT*1000, NULL, errbuf))) { _M("Get interface handler:%s\n", errbuf); pcap_freealldevs(alldevs); return -1; } pcap_freealldevs(alldevs); return 0; }
int __stdcall Archive::OnQueryPassword (int nMode, ArchivePassword *pPassword) { if ( nMode == PASSWORD_RESET ) { if ( m_lpLastUsedPassword ) { free (m_lpLastUsedPassword); m_lpLastUsedPassword = NULL; } } if ( (nMode == PASSWORD_LIST) || (nMode == PASSWORD_FILE) ) { bool bResult = true; if ( !m_lpLastUsedPassword ) { m_lpLastUsedPassword = StrCreate (512); bResult = Info.InputBox ( (nMode == PASSWORD_LIST)?_M(MQueryPasswordFileList):_M(MQueryPasswordContents), _M(MQueryPasswordEnterPassword), NULL, NULL, m_lpLastUsedPassword, 512, NULL, 0 ); if ( !bResult ) { StrFree (m_lpLastUsedPassword); m_lpLastUsedPassword = NULL; } } if ( m_lpLastUsedPassword && bResult ) { strcpy (pPassword->lpBuffer, m_lpLastUsedPassword); return TRUE; } return FALSE; } return FALSE; }
SEXP Rhpc_number_of_worker(SEXP cl) { MPI_Comm comm; SEXP num; int procs; if(TYPEOF(cl)!=EXTPTRSXP){ error("it's not MPI_Comm external pointer\n"); } comm = SXP2COMM(cl); if(finalize){ warning("Rhpc were already finalized."); return(R_NilValue); } if(!initialize){ warning("Rhpc not initialized."); return(R_NilValue); } PROTECT(num=allocVector(INTSXP,1)); _M(MPI_Comm_size(comm, &procs)); INTEGER(num)[0]=procs-1; UNPROTECT(1); return(num); }
PrintObject::PrintObject(PrintInterface * ptr, const CharString & t) { TRACE_OUT_E(ActiveObject_PrintObject::engine, _M("created")); target = ptr; text = t; }
void mnuCommandLinesAndParams(ArchiveManagerConfig* pCfg) { Array<ArchiveFormat*> formats; pManager->GetFormats(formats); FarMenu menu(_M(MCommandLinesAndParamsArchiveFormat)); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < formats.count(); i++) { ArchiveFormat* pFormat = formats[i]; if ( pFormat->QueryCapability(AFF_SUPPORT_DEFAULT_COMMANDS) ) menu.Add(pFormat->GetName(), 0, (void*)pFormat); } while ( true ) { int nResult = menu.Run(); if ( nResult != -1 ) { ArchiveFormat* pFormat = (ArchiveFormat*)menu.GetData(nResult); dlgCommandLinesAndParams(pCfg, pFormat); } else break; } }
//some parts of the following two functions are copied from prp2obj int PlasmaImport::DoImport(const TCHAR *name,ImpInterface *i,Interface *gi, BOOL suppressPrompts) { plResManager rm; plPageInfo *page; char* msg; //Reading the Page try { page = rm.ReadPage(name); } catch (const std::exception &e) { msg = const_cast<char*>(e.what()); gi->PushPrompt(_M(msg)); return 0; } catch (...) { gi->PushPrompt(_M("Unkown Error during Import (1)")); return 0; } //Extract the Object size_t objCount = 0; try { std::vector<plKey> objList = rm.getKeys(page->getLocation(), kSceneObject); for (size_t j = 0; j < objList.size(); j++) { plSceneObject* obj = plSceneObject::Convert(rm.getObject(objList[j])); if (obj->getDrawInterface().Exists()) if(IImportObject(obj, i)) objCount++; } } catch (...) { gi->PushPrompt(_M("Unknown Error during Import (2)")); return 0; } sprintf(msg, "Successfully imported %u objects", (unsigned int)objCount); gi->PushPrompt(_M(msg)); delete msg; return 1; }
int ArchivePanel::OnQueryPassword(int nMode, PasswordStruct* pPassword) { if ( nMode == PASSWORD_RESET ) { m_bPasswordSet = false; m_strPassword = NULL; return TRUE; } bool bResult = true; if ( !m_bPasswordSet ) { TCHAR *buffer = m_strPassword.GetBuffer(512); bResult = Info.InputBox ( (nMode == PASSWORD_LIST)?_M(MQueryPasswordFileList):_M(MQueryPasswordContents), _M(MQueryPasswordEnterPassword), NULL, NULL, buffer, 512, NULL, 0 ); m_strPassword.ReleaseBuffer(); if ( !bResult ) { m_strPassword = NULL; m_bPasswordSet = false; } else m_bPasswordSet = true; } if ( m_bPasswordSet && bResult ) { _tcscpy (pPassword->lpBuffer, m_strPassword); return TRUE; } return FALSE; }
GeometricObjectTutorialParams() : ParamBlockDescUtil( 0, _M("GeometricObjectTutorialParameters"), IDS_PARAMS, GeometricObjectTutorialClassDesc::GetInstance(), 0, 0, IDD_PANEL, IDS_TITLE, NULL) { // Adds a float parameter, with a spinner UI AddFloatSpinnerParam(GeometricObjectTutorial::SIZE_PARAM_ID, _M("Size"), IDS_FLOAT_PARAM, 0.0f, 1000.0f, 0.0f, IDC_PARAM_EDIT, IDC_PARAM_SPIN); // Prevent further changes to the parameter block descriptor SetFinished(); }
bool dlgFilterOneFormat(ArchiveFilterEntry* pFE) { bool bResult = false; FarDialog D(-1, -1, 50, 17); D.DoubleBox(3, 1, 46, 15, _T("Add filter")); //0 int Y = 2; D.Text(5, Y, _T("Action:")); //1 D.ComboBox(15, Y++, 20, NULL); //2 D.SetFlags(DIF_DROPDOWNLIST); D.Separator(Y++); //3 D.Text(5, Y, _T("Name:")); //4 D.Edit(15, Y++, 20, pFE->GetName()); //5 D.Text(5, Y, _T("Mask:")); //6 D.Edit(15, Y++, 20, pFE->GetMask()); //7 D.Separator(Y++); //8 D.Text(5, Y, _T("Module:")); //9 D.ComboBox(5+8, Y++, 30, NULL, 0); //10 D.SetFlags(DIF_DROPDOWNLIST); D.Text(5, Y, _T("Plugin:")); //11 D.ComboBox(5+8, Y++, 30, NULL, 0); //12 D.SetFlags(DIF_DROPDOWNLIST); D.Text(5, Y, _T("Format:")); //13 D.ComboBox(5+8, Y++, 30, NULL, 0); //14 D.SetFlags(DIF_DROPDOWNLIST); D.Separator(Y++); //15 D.CheckBox(5, Y++, pFE->IsEnabled(), _T("Enabled")); //16 D.CheckBox(5, Y++, pFE->IsContinueProcessing(), _T("Continue processing")); //17 D.Separator(Y++); //18 D.Button (-1, Y, _T("Add")); //19 D.DefaultButton (); D.Button (-1, Y, _M(MSG_cmn_B_CANCEL)); //20 if ( D.Run(hndFilterOneFormat, (void*)pFE) == D.FirstButton() ) { pFE->SetEnabled(D.GetResultCheck(ID_FOF_ENABLED)); pFE->SetContinueProcessing(D.GetResultCheck(ID_FOF_CONTINUEPROCESSING)); bResult = true; } return bResult; }
void SMBrushSculpt::EndStroke(const SMHit &hit) { if (m_stroking) theHold.Accept(_M("AIF Sculpt")); m_actrestore = NULL; m_stroking = FALSE; m_SM->m_epoly->LocalDataChanged(PART_GEOM); }
void AscentAP::SetLaunchAzimuth (double azimuth) { launch_azimuth = azimuth; // current launch location in local planet frame VECTOR3 pos, equ, dir, nml, ne, nd; double lng, lat, rad; double slng, clng, slat, clat; double saz = sin(azimuth), caz = cos(azimuth); OBJHANDLE hRef = vessel->GetGravityRef(); vessel->GetGlobalPos(pos); oapiGlobalToLocal (hRef, &pos, &equ); oapiLocalToEqu (hRef, equ, &lng, &lat, &rad); slng = sin(lng), clng = cos(lng), slat = sin(lat), clat = cos(lat); normalise(equ); // unit radius vector // launch direction in local planet frame dir = _V(-clng*slat*caz - slng*saz, clat*caz, -slng*slat*caz + clng*saz); // normal of orbital plane in local planet frame nml = crossp(dir, equ); // normal of equator plane in local planet frame ne = _V(0,1,0); // direction of ascending node nd = unit (crossp(nml, ne)); // orbit inclination = acos(dotp(nml, ne)); // longitude of ascending node tgt.lan = atan2(nd.z, nd.x); // rotation matrix from equator plane to target orbit plane double sinc = sin(, cinc = cos(; double slan = sin(tgt.lan), clan = cos(tgt.lan); MATRIX3 R1 = _M(1,0,0, 0,cinc,sinc, 0,-sinc,cinc); MATRIX3 R2 = _M(clan,0,-slan, 0,1,0, slan,0,clan); tgt.R = mul(R2,R1); }
void Dot11ATxApp(const Config& config) { SampleBufferSize = _M(2); SampleBuffer = SoraUAllocBuffer(SampleBufferSize); printf("tx buffer: %08x\n", SampleBuffer); printf("tx buffer size: %08x\n", SampleBufferSize); if (SampleBuffer == NULL) return; PreparePacket(config, (PVOID)SampleBuffer, (ULONG)SampleBufferSize); HRESULT hr; do { //Generate Signal hr = BB11ATxFrameMod(&TxVector, &Packet); printf("GenSignal return %08x\n", hr); printf("Signal bytes = %d\n", Packet.Reserved3); /*{ PCOMPLEX8 pSampleBuffer = (PCOMPLEX8)SampleBuffer; for (i = 0; i < Packet.Reserved3; i++) printf("(%5d, %5d)\t", pSampleBuffer[i].re, pSampleBuffer[i].im); printf("\n"); }*/ hr = SoraURadioTransferEx(TARGET_RADIO, SampleBuffer, Packet.Reserved3, &TxID); printf("transfer, hr=%08x, id=%d\n", hr, TxID); FAILED_BREAK(hr); Monitor monitor; TxContext ctx(config, monitor); HANDLE hTxThread = AllocStartThread(DoDot11ATx, &ctx); if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && hTxThread) { printf("\n\nPress any key to exit the program\n"); time_t start = time(NULL); while(!_kbhit()) { if (config.Interval() != 0 && difftime(time(NULL), start) >= config.Interval()) break; } StopFreeThread(hTxThread); hr = SoraURadioTxFree(TARGET_RADIO, TxID); printf("tx free return %08x\n", hr); } } while (FALSE); SoraUReleaseBuffer((PVOID)SampleBuffer); printf("unmap tx buffer ret: %08x\n", hr); printf("Tx out.\n"); }
void ToolBarFrame::Create(HWND toolbarHWND) { //create our window if need be if (toolbarHWND) { mToolBarWindow = toolbarHWND; } else { if (mPopup) { mPopUpWindow = CreateWindow(_M("ToolBarFrameWindow"),,WS_POPUP|WS_BORDER | WS_VISIBLE, mX, mY, mW, mH, mParentWindow,NULL,mhInstance,NULL); mDummyWindow = CreateWindow(_M("ToolBarFrameWindow"),_M("DummyWindow"),WS_CHILD | WS_BORDER | WS_VISIBLE, mX, mY, mW, mH, mParentWindow,NULL,mhInstance,NULL); GetCOREInterface()->RegisterDlgWnd ( mPopUpWindow ); } //set up toolbar if (mPopup) mToolBarWindow = CreateWindow(CUSTTOOLBARWINDOWCLASS,NULL,WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | WS_CLIPSIBLINGS, 0, 0, mW, mH,mPopUpWindow,NULL,mhInstance,NULL); else mToolBarWindow = CreateWindow(CUSTTOOLBARWINDOWCLASS,NULL,WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | WS_CLIPSIBLINGS , 0, 0, mW, mH,mParentWindow,NULL,mhInstance,NULL); } mToolBar = GetICustToolbar(mToolBarWindow); mToolBar->SetBottomBorder(FALSE); mToolBar->SetTopBorder(FALSE); //set the type of tool bar mToolBar->SetNumRows(1); mToolBar->SetImage(mImages); ShowWindow(mToolBarWindow,SW_SHOW); }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { int fd; uint8_t *full_map; char path[] = "tmp/testrand.txt"; _( fd=open(path,O_RDWR|O_NONBLOCK|O_CREAT|O_APPEND, S_IRUSR|S_IWUSR|S_IRGRP|S_IWGRP)) _abort(); //_( fstat(fd, &filestat) ) _raise(-1); //curr_size = filestat.st_size; //mfd->map_size = max(curr_size, pagesize()); _M( full_map = mmap(NULL, pagesize() << 1, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED, fd,0)) _abort(); printf("%x | %x\n", full_map[0], full_map[pagesize()]); #ifdef __LINUX__ _M( full_map = mremap(full_map, pagesize() << 1, pagesize() * 3, MREMAP_MAYMOVE)) _abort(); #else #error mremap not yet implemented on mac (TODO) #endif printf("%x | %x | %x\n", full_map[0], full_map[pagesize()], full_map[pagesize() << 1]); return 0; }
extern int eap_daemon(char const *ifname) { pcap_t *skfd; setifname((char*)ifname); if (0 != eapol_init(&skfd)) return -1; char pid_file[EXE_PATH_MAX]; if (0 != getexedir(pid_file)) { _M("[KPALV] get currently path error!\n"); return -1; } int rest = EXE_PATH_MAX-strlen(pid_file); strncat(pid_file, "", rest); _D("pid_file: %s\n", pid_file); FILE *kpalvfd = fopen(pid_file, "r+"); if (NULL == kpalvfd) { _M("[KPALV] No process pidfile. %s: %s\n", pid_file, strerror(errno)); kpalvfd = fopen(pid_file, "w+"); /* 不存在,创建 */ if (NULL == kpalvfd) { _M("[KPALV] Detect pid file eror(%s)! quit!\n", strerror(errno)); return -1; } } #define pid_t DWORD pid_t oldpid; fseek(kpalvfd, 0L, SEEK_SET); if ((1 == fscanf(kpalvfd, "%lu", (unsigned long*)&oldpid)) && (oldpid != (pid_t)-1)) { _D("oldkpalv pid: %lu\n", oldpid); HANDLE hp = OpenProcess(PROCESS_TERMINATE, 0, oldpid); TerminateProcess(hp, 0); } /* 在可执行程序所在目录下写入自己(keep alive)pid */ pid_t curpid = GetCurrentProcessId(); _D("kpalv curpid: %lu\n", curpid); /* 使用ansi c的方式使pid_file里的内容被截断为0 */ if (NULL == (kpalvfd = freopen(pid_file, "w+", kpalvfd))) _M("[KPALV:WARN] truncat pidfile '%s': %s\n", pid_file, strerror(errno)); fprintf(kpalvfd, "%lu", curpid); fflush(kpalvfd); if (0 == eap_keep_alive(skfd)) { _M("[KPALV] Server maybe not need keep alive paket.\n"); _M("[KPALV] Now, keep alive process quit!\n"); } if (NULL == (kpalvfd = freopen(pid_file, "w+", kpalvfd))) _M("[KPALV:WARN] truncat pidfile '%s': %s\n", pid_file, strerror(errno)); fprintf(kpalvfd, "0"); /* 写入0表示已经离开 */ fflush(kpalvfd); fclose(kpalvfd); pcap_close(skfd); return 0; }
int eaplogoff(void) { pcap_t *skfd; int state; int i; _M("[0] Initilize interface...\n"); if (0 != eapol_init(&skfd)) return -1; _M("[1] Requset logoff...\n"); for (i = 0; i < TRY_TIMES; ++i) { eapol_logoff(skfd); state = filte_success(skfd); if (-2 == state) { _M("[2] Logoff!\n"); return 0; } _M(" [1] %dth Try Requset logoff...\n", i+1); } _M("[ERROR] Not server in range. or You were logoff.\n"); pcap_close(skfd); return -1; }
void ToolBarFrame::Init() { mParentWindow = NULL; mToolBarWindow = NULL; mPopUpWindow = NULL; mDummyWindow = NULL; mToolBar = NULL; mOwner = 0; mX = 0; mY = 0; mW = 0; mH = 0; mLocation = kFloat; mLoaded = false; mCenter = false; mImages = NULL; static BOOL registered = FALSE; if (!registered && mhInstance) { registered = TRUE; WNDCLASS wc; = 0; wc.hInstance = mhInstance; wc.hIcon = NULL; wc.hCursor = NULL; wc.hbrBackground = NULL; wc.lpszMenuName = NULL; wc.cbClsExtra = 0; wc.cbWndExtra = 0; wc.lpfnWndProc = PopUpToolbarProc; wc.lpszClassName = _M("ToolBarFrameWindow"); RegisterClass(&wc); } HBITMAP hBitmap, hMask; mImages = ImageList_Create(16, 15, TRUE, 4, 0); hBitmap = LoadBitmap(mhInstance,MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDB_UNWRAP_TRANSFORM)); hMask = LoadBitmap(mhInstance,MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDB_UNWRAP_TRANSFORM_MASK)); ImageList_Add(mImages,hBitmap,hMask); DeleteObject(hBitmap); DeleteObject(hMask); }
void NaboPairAssignment::setModel(double** model, int size) { if(_nns) { delete _nns; _nns = NULL; } _model = model; _M.resize(_dimension, size); for(int i=0; i<size; i++) for(int j=0; j<_dimension; j++) { _M(j, i) = (float)model[i][j]; } _nns = NNSearchF::createKDTreeLinearHeap(_M); }
static int Dot11BTxInit() { SampleBufferSize = _M(2); SampleBuffer = SoraUAllocBuffer(SampleBufferSize); printf("[dot11b:tx] tx buffer: %08x\n", SampleBuffer); printf("[dot11b:tx] tx buffer size: %08x\n", SampleBufferSize); if (SampleBuffer == NULL) return -1; HRESULT hr; if (SampleBufferSize < BB11B_MAX_SYMBOL_LENGTH) { printf("[dot11b:tx] Buffer size not enough.\n"); return -1; } return 0; }
EllipseObject::EllipseObject() : SimpleSpline() { myParentNumRefs = SimpleSpline::NumRefs(); // The ellipse does not have any more reference than its parent, // since the only parameter hosted by ellipse is overriding the parents myNumRefs = 0; pblock = NULL; myParamBlock = NULL; // Build the interpolations parameter block in SimpleSpline ReadyInterpParameterBlock(); ellipseObjDesc.MakeAutoParamBlocks(this); DbgAssert(myParamBlock && _M("Fail to Create Parameter Block")); // Set class value myParamBlock->SetValue(PB_OUTLINE, 0, msBuild_outline); }
SEXP Rhpc_mpi_finalize(void) { int cmd[CMDLINESZ]; if(finalize){ warning("Rhpc were already finalized."); return(R_NilValue); } if(!initialize){ warning("Rhpc not initialized."); return(R_NilValue); } SET_CMD(cmd, CMD_NAME_ENDL, SUBCMD_NORMAL, 0, 0); _M(MPI_Bcast(cmd, CMDLINESZ, MPI_INT, 0, RHPC_Comm)); MPI_Finalize(); finalize =1; Rhpc_set_options( -1, -1, MPI_COMM_NULL); return(R_NilValue); }
void TestGradient::mulVM02() { Variable x; Array<const ExprNode> _row1(x,ExprConstant::new_scalar(1)); Array<const ExprNode> _row2(ExprConstant::new_scalar(0),x); const ExprVector& row1=ExprVector::new_(_row1,true); const ExprVector& row2=ExprVector::new_(_row2,true); Array<const ExprNode> _M(row1,row2); const ExprVector& M=ExprVector::new_(_M,false); Array<const ExprNode> _v(x,-x); const ExprVector& v=ExprVector::new_(_v,true); Function f(x,v*M); IntervalVector box(1,Interval(3.0)); IntervalMatrix J=f.jacobian(box); check(J[0][0],Interval(6)); check(J[1][0],Interval(-5)); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(J[0][0].is_superset(Interval(6))); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(J[1][0].is_superset(Interval(-5))); }
void ViewportLoader::LoadEffect(ClassDesc * pd) { ReferenceTarget * newEffect; ReferenceTarget * oldEffect; if (theHold.Holding()) { oldEffect = effect; // theHold.Suspend(); if(pd == NULL){ newEffect = NULL; } else{ newEffect = (ReferenceTarget *)pd->Create(FALSE); DbgAssert(newEffect && _M("Plug-in instance creation failed. Possible cause: deferred plug-in failed to load.")); if(!newEffect) { // maybe deferred ClassDesc * def = FindandLoadDeferedEffect(pd); if(def) { newEffect = (ReferenceTarget *)def->Create(FALSE); } } } // theHold.Resume(); if (theHold.Holding()) theHold.Put(new AddEffectRestore(this,oldEffect,newEffect)); SwapEffect(newEffect); } }
/* 保持在线,实现心跳逻辑 */ static int eap_keep_alive(pcap_t *skfd) { int status; time_t stime, etime; stime = time((time_t*)NULL); //for (; difftime(time((time_t*)NULL), stime) <= EAP_KPALV_TIMEOUT; ) { for (;;) { status = filte_req_identity(skfd); if (0 == status) { etime = time((time_t*)NULL); _D("dtime: %fs\n", difftime(etime, stime)); if (difftime(etime, stime) <= 10) { stime = time((time_t*)NULL); continue; } stime = time((time_t*)NULL); _M("%s: [KPALV] get a request-identity\n", format_time()); eap_res_identity(skfd); } status = -1; } return 0; }
/* * 过滤得到eap-request-md5clg包 * @return: 0: 成功获取 * -1: 超时 * -2: 服务器中止登录,用户名不存在 */ static int filte_req_md5clg(pcap_t *skfd) { int stime = time((time_t*)NULL); struct pcap_pkthdr *pkt_hd; const uchar *recvbuff; int timeout; for (; time((time_t*)NULL)-stime <= TIMEOUT;) { timeout = pcap_next_ex(skfd, &pkt_hd, &recvbuff); if (0 >= timeout) return -1; FORMAT_RECVPKT(recvbuff); /* 是request且是eap-request-md5clg */ if (recvethii->type == htons(ETHII_8021X) && mac_equal(recvethii->dst_mac, client_mac) && recveapol->type == EAPOL_PACKET ) { if (recveap->code == EAP_CODE_REQ && recveap->type == EAP_TYPE_MD5) { #ifdef DEBUG _M("id: %d\n", sendeap->id); _M("md5: "); for (int i = 0; i < recveapbody->md5size; ++i) _M("%.2x", recveapbody->md5value[i]); _M("\n"); _M("ex-md5: "); for (int i = 0; i < ntohs(recveap->len) - recveapbody->md5size - 2; ++i) _M("%.2x", recveapbody->md5exdata[i]); _M("\n"); #endif return 0; } else if (recveap->id == sendeap->id && recveap->code == EAP_CODE_FAIL) { _D("id: %d fail.\n", sendeap->id); return -2; } } } return -1; }
const MCHAR* TemplateGlobalUtilityClassDesc::ClassName() { TODO("Replace with your own localized plug-in name"); return _M("Template Global Utility"); }
const MCHAR* Category() { return _M(""); }
const MCHAR* TemplateFileImporterClassDesc::ClassName() { TODO("Replace with your own localized plug-in name"); return _M("Template File Importer"); }
virtual const MCHAR* InternalName() { return _M("Texmaps"); }