Пример #1
int  _IsolateMinorE(graphP theGraph)
isolatorContextP IC = &theGraph->IC;

/* Minor E1: Isolate a K3,3 homeomorph */

     if (IC->z != IC->w)
         return _IsolateMinorE1(theGraph);

/* Minor E2: Isolate a K3,3 homeomorph */

     if (IC->uz > MAX(IC->ux, IC->uy))
         return _IsolateMinorE2(theGraph);

/* Minor E3: Isolate a K3,3 homeomorph */

     if (IC->uz < MAX(IC->ux, IC->uy) && IC->ux != IC->uy)
         return _IsolateMinorE3(theGraph);

/* Minor E4: Isolate a K3,3 homeomorph */

     else if (IC->x != IC->px || IC->y != IC->py)
         return _IsolateMinorE4(theGraph);

/* Minor E: Isolate a K5 homeomorph */

     if (_MarkPathAlongBicompExtFace(theGraph, IC->r, IC->r) != OK ||
         theGraph->functions.fpMarkDFSPath(theGraph, MIN3(IC->ux, IC->uy, IC->uz), IC->r) != OK ||
         _MarkDFSPathsToDescendants(theGraph) != OK ||
         _JoinBicomps(theGraph) != OK ||
         _AddAndMarkUnembeddedEdges(theGraph) != OK)
         return NOTOK;

     return OK;
Пример #2
int  _IsolateMinorE4(graphP theGraph)
isolatorContextP IC = &theGraph->IC;

     if (IC->px != IC->x)
         if (_MarkPathAlongBicompExtFace(theGraph, IC->r, IC->w) != OK ||
             _MarkPathAlongBicompExtFace(theGraph, IC->py, IC->r) != OK)
             return NOTOK;
         if (_MarkPathAlongBicompExtFace(theGraph, IC->r, IC->px) != OK ||
             _MarkPathAlongBicompExtFace(theGraph, IC->w, IC->r) != OK)
             return NOTOK;

     if (theGraph->functions.fpMarkDFSPath(theGraph, MIN3(IC->ux, IC->uy, IC->uz),
                                    MAX3(IC->ux, IC->uy, IC->uz)) != OK ||
         _MarkDFSPathsToDescendants(theGraph) != OK ||
         _JoinBicomps(theGraph) != OK ||
         _AddAndMarkUnembeddedEdges(theGraph) != OK)
         return NOTOK;

     theGraph->IC.minorType |= MINORTYPE_E4;
     return OK;
Пример #3
int  _IsolateMinorC(graphP theGraph)
isolatorContextP IC = &theGraph->IC;

     if (theGraph->G[IC->px].type == VERTEX_HIGH_RXW)
     int highY = theGraph->G[IC->py].type == VERTEX_HIGH_RYW
                 ? IC->py : IC->y;
         if (_MarkPathAlongBicompExtFace(theGraph, IC->r, highY) != OK)
             return NOTOK;
         if (_MarkPathAlongBicompExtFace(theGraph, IC->x, IC->r) != OK)
             return NOTOK;

     if (_MarkDFSPathsToDescendants(theGraph) != OK ||
         theGraph->functions.fpMarkDFSPath(theGraph, MIN(IC->ux, IC->uy), IC->r) != OK ||
         _JoinBicomps(theGraph) != OK ||
         _AddAndMarkUnembeddedEdges(theGraph) != OK)
         return NOTOK;

     return OK;
Пример #4
int  _IsolateMinorE4(graphP theGraph)
    isolatorContextP IC = &theGraph->IC;

    if (IC->px != IC->x)
        if (_MarkPathAlongBicompExtFace(theGraph, IC->r, IC->w) != OK ||
                _MarkPathAlongBicompExtFace(theGraph, IC->py, IC->r) != OK)
            return NOTOK;
        if (_MarkPathAlongBicompExtFace(theGraph, IC->r, IC->px) != OK ||
                _MarkPathAlongBicompExtFace(theGraph, IC->w, IC->r) != OK)
            return NOTOK;

    // Note: The x-y path is already marked, due to identifying E as the type of non-planarity minor
    if (theGraph->functions.fpMarkDFSPath(theGraph, MIN3(IC->ux, IC->uy, IC->uz),
                                          MAX3(IC->ux, IC->uy, IC->uz)) != OK ||
            _MarkDFSPathsToDescendants(theGraph) != OK ||
            _JoinBicomps(theGraph) != OK ||
            _AddAndMarkUnembeddedEdges(theGraph) != OK)
        return NOTOK;

    theGraph->IC.minorType |= MINORTYPE_E4;
    return OK;
Пример #5
int  _IsolateMinorC(graphP theGraph)
    isolatorContextP IC = &theGraph->IC;

    if (gp_GetVertexObstructionType(theGraph, IC->px) == VERTEX_OBSTRUCTIONTYPE_HIGH_RXW)
        int highY = gp_GetVertexObstructionType(theGraph, IC->py) == VERTEX_OBSTRUCTIONTYPE_HIGH_RYW
                    ? IC->py : IC->y;
        if (_MarkPathAlongBicompExtFace(theGraph, IC->r, highY) != OK)
            return NOTOK;
        if (_MarkPathAlongBicompExtFace(theGraph, IC->x, IC->r) != OK)
            return NOTOK;

    // Note: The x-y path is already marked, due to identifying the type of non-planarity minor
    if (_MarkDFSPathsToDescendants(theGraph) != OK ||
            theGraph->functions.fpMarkDFSPath(theGraph, MIN(IC->ux, IC->uy), IC->r) != OK ||
            _JoinBicomps(theGraph) != OK ||
            _AddAndMarkUnembeddedEdges(theGraph) != OK)
        return NOTOK;

    return OK;
Пример #6
int  _IsolateMinorD(graphP theGraph)
isolatorContextP IC = &theGraph->IC;

     if (_MarkPathAlongBicompExtFace(theGraph, IC->x, IC->y) != OK ||
         theGraph->functions.fpMarkDFSPath(theGraph, MIN(IC->ux, IC->uy), IC->r) != OK ||
         _MarkDFSPathsToDescendants(theGraph) != OK ||
         _JoinBicomps(theGraph) != OK ||
         _AddAndMarkUnembeddedEdges(theGraph) != OK)
         return NOTOK;

     return OK;
Пример #7
int  _IsolateMinorD(graphP theGraph)
    isolatorContextP IC = &theGraph->IC;

    // Note: The x-y and v-z paths are already marked, due to identifying the type of non-planarity minor
    if (_MarkPathAlongBicompExtFace(theGraph, IC->x, IC->y) != OK ||
            theGraph->functions.fpMarkDFSPath(theGraph, MIN(IC->ux, IC->uy), IC->r) != OK ||
            _MarkDFSPathsToDescendants(theGraph) != OK ||
            _JoinBicomps(theGraph) != OK ||
            _AddAndMarkUnembeddedEdges(theGraph) != OK)
        return NOTOK;

    return OK;