__private_extern__ Boolean
__setPrefsConfiguration(SCPreferencesRef	prefs,
			CFStringRef		path,
			CFDictionaryRef		config,
			Boolean			keepInactive)
	CFDictionaryRef		curConfig;
	CFMutableDictionaryRef	newConfig	= NULL;
	Boolean			ok;

	if ((config != NULL) && !isA_CFDictionary(config)) {
		return FALSE;

	curConfig = SCPreferencesPathGetValue(prefs, path);

	if (config != NULL) {
		newConfig = CFDictionaryCreateMutableCopy(NULL, 0, config);

	if (keepInactive) {
		if (config == NULL) {
			newConfig = CFDictionaryCreateMutable(NULL,

		if (isA_CFDictionary(curConfig) && CFDictionaryContainsKey(curConfig, kSCResvInactive)) {
			// if currently disabled
			CFDictionarySetValue(newConfig, kSCResvInactive, kCFBooleanTrue);
		} else {
			// if currently enabled
			CFDictionaryRemoveValue(newConfig, kSCResvInactive);

	// set new configuration
	if (_SC_CFEqual(curConfig, newConfig)) {
		// if no change
		if (newConfig != NULL) CFRelease(newConfig);
		ok = TRUE;
	} else if (newConfig != NULL) {
		// if new configuration (or we are preserving a disabled state)
		ok = SCPreferencesPathSetValue(prefs, path, newConfig);
	} else {
		ok = SCPreferencesPathRemoveValue(prefs, path);
		if (!ok && (SCError() == kSCStatusNoKey)) {
			ok = TRUE;

	return ok;
Пример #2
static SCBridgeInterfaceRef
copyAutoBridgeInterface(SCPreferencesRef prefs, CFStringRef bridgeName)
	SCBridgeInterfaceRef	bridge		= NULL;
	CFArrayRef		interfaces;

	// exclude Bridge [member] interfaces
	interfaces = SCBridgeInterfaceCopyAll(prefs);
	if (interfaces != NULL) {
		CFIndex		i;
		CFIndex		n;

		n = CFArrayGetCount(interfaces);
		for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
			SCBridgeInterfaceRef	interface;
			CFStringRef		name	= NULL;
			CFDictionaryRef		options;

			interface = CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(interfaces, i);
			options = SCBridgeInterfaceGetOptions(interface);
			if ((options != NULL) &&
							  (const void **)&name) &&
			    _SC_CFEqual(name, bridgeName)) {
				bridge = interface;


	if (bridge == NULL) {
		bridge = SCBridgeInterfaceCreate(prefs);
		if (bridge != NULL) {
			CFMutableDictionaryRef	newOptions;
			Boolean			ok;

			newOptions = CFDictionaryCreateMutable(NULL, 0,
			CFDictionarySetValue(newOptions, CFSTR("__AUTO__"), bridgeName);
			ok = SCBridgeInterfaceSetOptions(bridge, newOptions);
			if (!ok) {
				bridge = NULL;

	return bridge;
__private_extern__ Boolean
__setPrefsEnabled(SCPreferencesRef      prefs,
		  CFStringRef		path,
		  Boolean		enabled)
	CFDictionaryRef		curConfig;
	CFMutableDictionaryRef  newConfig       = NULL;
	Boolean			ok		= FALSE;

	// preserve current configuration
	curConfig = SCPreferencesPathGetValue(prefs, path);
	if (curConfig != NULL) {
		if (!isA_CFDictionary(curConfig)) {
			return FALSE;
		newConfig = CFDictionaryCreateMutableCopy(NULL, 0, curConfig);

		if (enabled) {
			// enable
			CFDictionaryRemoveValue(newConfig, kSCResvInactive);
		} else {
			// disable
			CFDictionarySetValue(newConfig, kSCResvInactive, kCFBooleanTrue);
	} else {
		if (!enabled) {
			// disable
			newConfig = CFDictionaryCreateMutable(NULL, 0, &kCFTypeDictionaryKeyCallBacks, &kCFTypeDictionaryValueCallBacks);
			CFDictionarySetValue(newConfig, kSCResvInactive, kCFBooleanTrue);

	// set new configuration
	if (_SC_CFEqual(curConfig, newConfig)) {
		// if no change
		if (newConfig != NULL) CFRelease(newConfig);
		ok = TRUE;
	} else if (newConfig != NULL) {
		// if updated configuration (or we are establishing as disabled)
		ok = SCPreferencesPathSetValue(prefs, path, newConfig);
	} else {
		ok = SCPreferencesPathRemoveValue(prefs, path);
		if (!ok && (SCError() == kSCStatusNoKey)) {
			ok = TRUE;

	return ok;
Пример #4
static CFArrayRef
updateServices(CFArrayRef services, SCNetworkInterfaceRef interface)
	CFStringRef		bsdName;
	CFIndex			i;
	CFIndex			n;
	CFMutableArrayRef	newServices;

	if (services == NULL) {
		return NULL;

	bsdName = SCNetworkInterfaceGetBSDName(interface);

	newServices = CFArrayCreateMutable(NULL, 0, &kCFTypeArrayCallBacks);

	n = CFArrayGetCount(services);
	for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
		SCNetworkInterfaceRef		interface;
		CFStringRef			interfaceName;
		SCNetworkServiceRef		newService;
		SCNetworkServiceRef		service;
		CFStringRef			serviceID;
		SCNetworkServicePrivateRef	servicePrivate;

		service = CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(services, i);
		interface = SCNetworkServiceGetInterface(service);
		interfaceName = SCNetworkInterfaceGetBSDName(interface);
		if (!_SC_CFEqual(interfaceName, bsdName)) {
			// if not a match, retain
			CFArrayAppendValue(newServices, service);

		// if a match, update
		serviceID = SCNetworkServiceGetServiceID(service);
		servicePrivate = (SCNetworkServicePrivateRef)service;
		newService = SCNetworkServiceCopy(servicePrivate->prefs, serviceID);
		if (newService != NULL) {
			CFArrayAppendValue(newServices, newService);

	return newServices;
Пример #5
static void
update_pref(SCPreferencesRef prefs, CFStringRef key, CFTypeRef newVal, Boolean *changed)
	CFTypeRef	curVal;

	curVal = SCPreferencesGetValue(prefs, key);
	if (!_SC_CFEqual(curVal, newVal)) {
		if (newVal != NULL) {
			SCPreferencesSetValue(prefs, key, newVal);
		} else {
			SCPreferencesRemoveValue(prefs, key);

		*changed = TRUE;

Пример #6
load_PreferencesMonitor(CFBundleRef bundle, Boolean bundleVerbose)
	Boolean	initPrefs	= TRUE;

	if (bundleVerbose) {
		_verbose = TRUE;

	SCLog(_verbose, LOG_DEBUG, CFSTR("load() called"));
	SCLog(_verbose, LOG_DEBUG, CFSTR("  bundle ID = %@"), CFBundleGetIdentifier(bundle));

	/* open a SCDynamicStore session to allow cache updates */
	store = SCDynamicStoreCreate(NULL,
	if (store == NULL) {
		      CFSTR("SCDynamicStoreCreate() failed: %s"),
		goto error;

	/* open a SCPreferences session */
#ifndef	MAIN
	prefs = SCPreferencesCreate(NULL, CFSTR("PreferencesMonitor.bundle"), NULL);
#else	// !MAIN
	prefs = SCPreferencesCreate(NULL, CFSTR("PreferencesMonitor.bundle"), CFSTR("/tmp/preferences.plist"));
#endif	// !MAIN
	if (prefs != NULL) {
		Boolean		need_update = FALSE;
		CFStringRef	new_model;

		new_model = _SC_hw_model(FALSE);

		/* Need to regenerate the new configuration for new model */
		if (new_model != NULL) {
			CFStringRef	old_model;

			old_model = SCPreferencesGetValue(prefs, MODEL);
			if (old_model != NULL && !_SC_CFEqual(old_model, new_model)) {
				// if new hardware
				need_update = TRUE;

		if (need_update == FALSE) {
			SCNetworkSetRef current;

			current = SCNetworkSetCopyCurrent(prefs);
			if (current != NULL) {
				/* network configuration available, disable template creation */
				initPrefs = FALSE;
	} else {
		      CFSTR("SCPreferencesCreate() failed: %s"),
		goto error;

	 * register for change notifications.
	if (!SCPreferencesSetCallback(prefs, updateConfiguration, NULL)) {
		      CFSTR("SCPreferencesSetCallBack() failed: %s"),
		goto error;

	if (!SCPreferencesScheduleWithRunLoop(prefs, CFRunLoopGetCurrent(), kCFRunLoopDefaultMode)) {
		      CFSTR("SCPreferencesScheduleWithRunLoop() failed: %s"),
		goto error;

	 * if no preferences, initialize with a template (now or
	 * when IOKit has quiesced).
	if (initPrefs) {
		watchQuietCallback(store, NULL, NULL);


    error :

	if (store != NULL)	CFRelease(store);
	if (prefs != NULL)	CFRelease(prefs);

Пример #7
static Boolean
	CFBundleRef     bundle;
	SCNetworkSetRef	current		= NULL;
	CFStringRef	new_model;
	Boolean		ok		= FALSE;
	int		sc_status	= kSCStatusFailed;
	SCNetworkSetRef	set		= NULL;
	CFStringRef	setName		= NULL;
	Boolean		updated		= FALSE;

	while (TRUE) {
		ok = SCPreferencesLock(prefs, TRUE);
		if (ok) {

		sc_status = SCError();
		if (sc_status == kSCStatusStale) {
		} else {
			      CFSTR("Could not acquire network configuration lock: %s"),
			return FALSE;

	/* Ensure that the preferences has the new model */
	new_model = _SC_hw_model(FALSE);

	/* Need to regenerate the new configuration for new model */
	if (new_model != NULL) {
		CFStringRef	old_model;

		old_model = SCPreferencesGetValue(prefs, MODEL);
		if ((old_model != NULL) && !_SC_CFEqual(old_model, new_model)) {
			CFIndex		count;
			CFIndex		index;
			CFArrayRef	keys;

			keys = SCPreferencesCopyKeyList(prefs);
			count = (keys != NULL) ? CFArrayGetCount(keys) : 0;
			// if new hardware
			for (index = 0; index < count; index++) {
				CFStringRef		existing_key;

				existing_key = CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(keys, index);
				if (isA_CFString(existing_key) != NULL) {
					CFStringRef		new_key;
					CFPropertyListRef	value;

					/* If it already contains a Model
					   or if it already contains a MODEL:KEY key skip it*/
					if (CFEqual(existing_key, MODEL)
					    || CFStringFind(existing_key, CFSTR(":"), 0).location
					    != kCFNotFound) {

					value = SCPreferencesGetValue(prefs, existing_key);

					/* Create a new key as OLD_MODEL:OLD_KEY */
					new_key = CFStringCreateWithFormat(NULL, NULL, CFSTR("%@:%@"),
									   old_model, existing_key);
					SCPreferencesSetValue(prefs, new_key, value);
					if (!CFEqual(existing_key, kSCPrefSystem)) {
						/* preserve existing host names */
						SCPreferencesRemoveValue(prefs, existing_key);

			if (keys != NULL) {
		/* Set the new model */
		SCPreferencesSetValue(prefs, MODEL, new_model);

	current = SCNetworkSetCopyCurrent(prefs);
	if (current != NULL) {
		set = current;

	if (set == NULL) {
		set = SCNetworkSetCreate(prefs);
		if (set == NULL) {
			ok = FALSE;
			sc_status = SCError();
			goto done;

		bundle = _SC_CFBundleGet();
		if (bundle != NULL) {
			setName = CFBundleCopyLocalizedString(bundle,

		ok = SCNetworkSetSetName(set, (setName != NULL) ? setName : CFSTR("Automatic"));
		if (!ok) {
			sc_status = SCError();
			goto done;

		ok = SCNetworkSetSetCurrent(set);
		if (!ok) {
			sc_status = SCError();
			goto done;

	ok = SCNetworkSetEstablishDefaultConfiguration(set);
	if (!ok) {
		sc_status = SCError();
		goto done;

    done :

	if (ok) {
		ok = SCPreferencesCommitChanges(prefs);
		if (ok) {
			SCLog(TRUE, LOG_NOTICE, CFSTR("New network configuration saved"));
			updated = TRUE;
		} else {
			sc_status = SCError();
			if (sc_status == EROFS) {
				/* a read-only fileysstem is OK */
				ok = TRUE;

				/* ... but we don't want to synchronize */
				rofs = TRUE;

		/* apply (committed or temporary/read-only) changes */
		(void) SCPreferencesApplyChanges(prefs);
	} else if ((current == NULL) && (set != NULL)) {
		(void) SCNetworkSetRemove(set);

	if (!ok) {
		      CFSTR("Could not establish network configuration: %s"),

	if (setName != NULL) CFRelease(setName);
	if (set != NULL) CFRelease(set);
	return updated;
_SCBondInterfaceUpdateConfiguration(SCPreferencesRef prefs)
	CFArrayRef			active		= NULL;
	CFArrayRef			config		= NULL;
	CFIndex				i;
	CFIndex				nActive;
	CFIndex				nConfig;
	Boolean				ok		= TRUE;
	int				s		= -1;

	if (prefs == NULL) {
		return FALSE;

	/* configured Bonds */
	config  = SCBondInterfaceCopyAll(prefs);
	nConfig = (config != NULL) ? CFArrayGetCount(config) : 0;

	/* active Bonds */
	active  = _SCBondInterfaceCopyActive();
	nActive = (active != NULL) ? CFArrayGetCount(active) : 0;

	 * remove any no-longer-configured bond interfaces and
	 * any devices associated with a bond that are no longer
	 * associated with a bond.
	for (i = 0; i < nActive; i++) {
		SCBondInterfaceRef	a_bond;
		CFStringRef		a_bond_if;
		CFIndex			j;
		Boolean			found	= FALSE;

		a_bond    = CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(active, i);
		a_bond_if = SCNetworkInterfaceGetBSDName(a_bond);

		for (j = 0; j < nConfig; j++) {
			SCBondInterfaceRef	c_bond;
			CFStringRef		c_bond_if;

			c_bond    = CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(config, j);
			c_bond_if = SCNetworkInterfaceGetBSDName(c_bond);

			if (CFEqual(a_bond_if, c_bond_if)) {
				CFIndex		a;
				CFArrayRef	a_bond_interfaces;
				CFIndex		a_count;
				CFArrayRef	c_bond_interfaces;
				CFIndex		c_count;

				c_bond_interfaces = SCBondInterfaceGetMemberInterfaces(c_bond);
				c_count           = (c_bond_interfaces != NULL) ? CFArrayGetCount(c_bond_interfaces) : 0;

				a_bond_interfaces = SCBondInterfaceGetMemberInterfaces(a_bond);
				a_count           = (a_bond_interfaces != NULL) ? CFArrayGetCount(a_bond_interfaces) : 0;

				for (a = 0; a < a_count; a++) {
					SCNetworkInterfaceRef	a_interface;
					CFStringRef		a_interface_if;

					a_interface = CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(a_bond_interfaces, a);
					if ((c_count == 0) ||
								  CFRangeMake(0, c_count),
								  a_interface)) {
						 * if this device is no longer part
						 * of the bond.
						if (s == -1) {
							s = inet_dgram_socket();
							if (s == -1) {
								ok = FALSE;
								goto done;

						a_interface_if = SCNetworkInterfaceGetBSDName(a_interface);
						if (!__bond_remove_interface(s, a_bond_if, a_interface_if)) {
							ok = FALSE;

				found = TRUE;

		if (!found) {
			 * if this interface is no longer configured
			if (s == -1) {
				s = inet_dgram_socket();
				if (s == -1) {
					ok = FALSE;
					goto done;

			if (!__destroyInterface(s, a_bond_if)) {
				ok = FALSE;

	 * add any newly-configured bond interfaces and add any
	 * devices that should now be associated with the bond.
	for (i = 0; i < nConfig; i++) {
		CFNumberRef		c_bond_mode;
		SCBondInterfaceRef	c_bond;
		CFArrayRef		c_bond_interfaces;
		CFStringRef		c_bond_if;
		CFIndex			c_count;
		Boolean			found		= FALSE;
		CFIndex			j;

		c_bond            = CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(config, i);
		c_bond_if         = SCNetworkInterfaceGetBSDName(c_bond);
		c_bond_interfaces = SCBondInterfaceGetMemberInterfaces(c_bond);
		c_bond_mode       = SCBondInterfaceGetMode(c_bond);
		c_count           = (c_bond_interfaces != NULL) ? CFArrayGetCount(c_bond_interfaces) : 0;

		for (j = 0; j < nActive; j++) {
			SCBondInterfaceRef	a_bond;
			CFArrayRef		a_bond_interfaces;
			CFNumberRef		a_bond_mode;
			CFStringRef		a_bond_if;
			CFIndex			a_count;

			a_bond            = CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(active, j);
			a_bond_if         = SCNetworkInterfaceGetBSDName(a_bond);
			a_bond_interfaces = SCBondInterfaceGetMemberInterfaces(a_bond);
			a_bond_mode		  = SCBondInterfaceGetMode(a_bond);
			a_count           = (a_bond_interfaces != NULL) ? CFArrayGetCount(a_bond_interfaces) : 0;

			if (CFEqual(c_bond_if, a_bond_if)) {
				CFIndex	c;
				Boolean	if_list_change = FALSE;
				Boolean mode_change = FALSE;

				found = TRUE;

				if (!_SC_CFEqual(a_bond_mode, c_bond_mode)) {
					mode_change = TRUE;

				if (!_SC_CFEqual(c_bond_interfaces, a_bond_interfaces)) {
					if_list_change = TRUE;
				if (!mode_change && !if_list_change) {
					break;	// if no change
				if (s == -1) {
					s = inet_dgram_socket();
					if (s == -1) {
						ok = FALSE;
						goto done;
				if (mode_change) {
					__bond_set_mode(s, a_bond_if, c_bond_mode);
				if (!if_list_change) {
					break; // no if list changes

				 * ensure that the first device of the bond matches, if
				 * not then we remove all current devices and add them
				 * back in the preferred order.
				if ((c_count > 0) &&
				    (a_count > 0) &&
				    !CFEqual(CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(c_bond_interfaces, 0),
					     CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(a_bond_interfaces, 0))) {
					CFIndex	a;

					for (a = 0; a < a_count; a++) {
						SCNetworkInterfaceRef	a_interface;
						CFStringRef		a_interface_if;

						a_interface = CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(a_bond_interfaces, a);
						if (!CFArrayContainsValue(c_bond_interfaces,
									 CFRangeMake(0, c_count),
									 a_interface)) {
							continue;	// if already removed

						a_interface_if = SCNetworkInterfaceGetBSDName(a_interface);
						if (!__bond_remove_interface(s, a_bond_if, a_interface_if)) {
							ok = FALSE;

					a_count = 0;	// all active devices have been removed

				 * add any devices which are not currently associated
				 * with the bond interface.
				for (c = 0; c < c_count; c++) {
					SCNetworkInterfaceRef		c_interface;
					SCNetworkInterfacePrivateRef	c_interfacePrivate;
					CFStringRef			c_interface_if;

					c_interface = CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(c_bond_interfaces, c);
					if ((a_count == 0) ||
								  CFRangeMake(0, a_count),
								  c_interface)) {
						 * check if this member interface can be added to a bond.
						c_interfacePrivate = (SCNetworkInterfacePrivateRef)c_interface;
						if (!c_interfacePrivate->supportsBond) {
							// if member not supported

						 * if this member interface is not currently part of the bond.
						c_interface_if = SCNetworkInterfaceGetBSDName(c_interface);
						if (!__bond_add_interface(s, c_bond_if, c_interface_if)) {
							// if member could not be added
							ok = FALSE;


		if (!found) {
			CFIndex	c;

			if (s == -1) {
				s = inet_dgram_socket();
				if (s == -1) {
					ok = FALSE;
					goto done;

			 * establish the new bond interface.
			if (!__createInterface(s, c_bond_if)) {
				ok = FALSE;

			/* set the mode */
			__bond_set_mode(s, c_bond_if, c_bond_mode);

			 * add the member interfaces
			for (c = 0; c < c_count; c++) {
				SCNetworkInterfaceRef		c_interface;
				SCNetworkInterfacePrivateRef	c_interfacePrivate;
				CFStringRef			c_interface_if;

				c_interface = CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(c_bond_interfaces, c);
				c_interfacePrivate = (SCNetworkInterfacePrivateRef)c_interface;
				if (!c_interfacePrivate->supportsBond) {
					// if member not supported

				c_interface_if = SCNetworkInterfaceGetBSDName(c_interface);
				if (!__bond_add_interface(s, c_bond_if, c_interface_if)) {
					// if member could not be added
					ok = FALSE;


    done :

	if (active != NULL)	CFRelease(active);
	if (config != NULL)	CFRelease(config);
	if (s != -1)		(void) close(s);

	return ok;