Пример #1
ST_HIDDEN void _st_epoll_pollset_del(struct pollfd *pds, int npds)
    struct epoll_event ev;
    struct pollfd *pd;
    struct pollfd *epd = pds + npds;
    int old_events, events, op;

     * It's more or less OK if deleting fails because a descriptor
     * will either be closed or deleted in dispatch function after
     * it fires.
    for (pd = pds; pd < epd; pd++) {
        old_events = _ST_EPOLL_EVENTS(pd->fd);

        if (pd->events & POLLIN) {
        if (pd->events & POLLOUT) {
        if (pd->events & POLLPRI) {

        events = _ST_EPOLL_EVENTS(pd->fd);
         * The _ST_EPOLL_REVENTS check below is needed so we can use
         * this function inside dispatch(). Outside of dispatch()
         * _ST_EPOLL_REVENTS is always zero for all descriptors.
        if (events != old_events && _ST_EPOLL_REVENTS(pd->fd) == 0) {
            op = events ? EPOLL_CTL_MOD : EPOLL_CTL_DEL;
            ev.events = events;
            ev.data.fd = pd->fd;
            if (epoll_ctl(_st_epoll_data->epfd, op, pd->fd, &ev) == 0 && op == EPOLL_CTL_DEL) {
Пример #2
ST_HIDDEN void _st_epoll_dispatch(void)
    st_utime_t min_timeout;
    _st_clist_t *q;
    _st_pollq_t *pq;
    struct pollfd *pds, *epds;
    struct epoll_event ev;
    int timeout, nfd, i, osfd, notify;
    int events, op;
    short revents;

    if (_ST_SLEEPQ == NULL) {
        timeout = -1;
    } else {
        min_timeout = (_ST_SLEEPQ->due <= _ST_LAST_CLOCK) ? 0 :
            (_ST_SLEEPQ->due - _ST_LAST_CLOCK);
        timeout = (int) (min_timeout / 1000);

    if (_st_epoll_data->pid != getpid()) {
        /* We probably forked, reinitialize epoll set */
        _st_epoll_data->epfd = epoll_create(_st_epoll_data->fd_hint);
        if (_st_epoll_data->epfd < 0) {
            /* There is nothing we can do here, will retry later */
        fcntl(_st_epoll_data->epfd, F_SETFD, FD_CLOEXEC);
        _st_epoll_data->pid = getpid();

        /* Put all descriptors on ioq into new epoll set */
        memset(_st_epoll_data->fd_data, 0,
               _st_epoll_data->fd_data_size * sizeof(_epoll_fd_data_t));
        _st_epoll_data->evtlist_cnt = 0;
        for (q = _ST_IOQ.next; q != &_ST_IOQ; q = q->next) {
            pq = _ST_POLLQUEUE_PTR(q);
            _st_epoll_pollset_add(pq->pds, pq->npds);

    /* Check for I/O operations */
    nfd = epoll_wait(_st_epoll_data->epfd, _st_epoll_data->evtlist,
                     _st_epoll_data->evtlist_size, timeout);

    if (nfd > 0) {
        for (i = 0; i < nfd; i++) {
            osfd = _st_epoll_data->evtlist[i].data.fd;
            _ST_EPOLL_REVENTS(osfd) = _st_epoll_data->evtlist[i].events;
            if (_ST_EPOLL_REVENTS(osfd) & (EPOLLERR | EPOLLHUP)) {
                /* Also set I/O bits on error */
                _ST_EPOLL_REVENTS(osfd) |= _ST_EPOLL_EVENTS(osfd);

        for (q = _ST_IOQ.next; q != &_ST_IOQ; q = q->next) {
            pq = _ST_POLLQUEUE_PTR(q);
            notify = 0;
            epds = pq->pds + pq->npds;

            for (pds = pq->pds; pds < epds; pds++) {
                if (_ST_EPOLL_REVENTS(pds->fd) == 0) {
                    pds->revents = 0;
                osfd = pds->fd;
                events = pds->events;
                revents = 0;
                if ((events & POLLIN) && (_ST_EPOLL_REVENTS(osfd) & EPOLLIN))
                    revents |= POLLIN;
                if ((events & POLLOUT) && (_ST_EPOLL_REVENTS(osfd) & EPOLLOUT))
                    revents |= POLLOUT;
                if ((events & POLLPRI) && (_ST_EPOLL_REVENTS(osfd) & EPOLLPRI))
                    revents |= POLLPRI;
                if (_ST_EPOLL_REVENTS(osfd) & EPOLLERR)
                    revents |= POLLERR;
                if (_ST_EPOLL_REVENTS(osfd) & EPOLLHUP)
                    revents |= POLLHUP;

                pds->revents = revents;
                if (revents) {
                    notify = 1;
            if (notify) {
                pq->on_ioq = 0;
                 * Here we will only delete/modify descriptors that
                 * didn't fire (see comments in _st_epoll_pollset_del()).
                _st_epoll_pollset_del(pq->pds, pq->npds);

                if (pq->thread->flags & _ST_FL_ON_SLEEPQ)
                pq->thread->state = _ST_ST_RUNNABLE;

        for (i = 0; i < nfd; i++) {
            /* Delete/modify descriptors that fired */
            osfd = _st_epoll_data->evtlist[i].data.fd;
            _ST_EPOLL_REVENTS(osfd) = 0;
            events = _ST_EPOLL_EVENTS(osfd);
            op = events ? EPOLL_CTL_MOD : EPOLL_CTL_DEL;
            ev.events = events;
            ev.data.fd = osfd;
            if (epoll_ctl(_st_epoll_data->epfd, op, osfd, &ev) == 0 &&
                op == EPOLL_CTL_DEL) {
Пример #3
// epoll 事件分发
ST_HIDDEN void _st_epoll_dispatch(void)
    st_utime_t min_timeout;
    _st_clist_t *q;
    _st_pollq_t *pq;
    struct pollfd *pds, *epds;
    struct epoll_event ev;
    int timeout, nfd, i, osfd, notify;
    int events, op;
    short revents;

    if (_ST_SLEEPQ == NULL) {
        timeout = -1;
    } else {
        // 获取最早睡眠的线程还要睡多久(用于epoll超时)
        min_timeout = (_ST_SLEEPQ->due <= _ST_LAST_CLOCK) ? 0 :
            (_ST_SLEEPQ->due - _ST_LAST_CLOCK);
        timeout = (int) (min_timeout / 1000);

    // fork 出的子进程,则重新获取 epoll fd
    if (_st_epoll_data->pid != getpid()) {
        /* We probably forked, reinitialize epoll set */
        _st_epoll_data->epfd = epoll_create(_st_epoll_data->fd_hint);
        if (_st_epoll_data->epfd < 0) {
            /* There is nothing we can do here, will retry later */
        // exec 调用时关闭
        fcntl(_st_epoll_data->epfd, F_SETFD, FD_CLOEXEC);
        _st_epoll_data->pid = getpid();

        /* Put all descriptors on ioq into new epoll set */
        memset(_st_epoll_data->fd_data, 0,
               _st_epoll_data->fd_data_size * sizeof(_epoll_fd_data_t));
        _st_epoll_data->evtlist_cnt = 0;
        // 将 io 队列的 net fd 都加入事件系统
        for (q = _ST_IOQ.next; q != &_ST_IOQ; q = q->next) {
            pq = _ST_POLLQUEUE_PTR(q);
            _st_epoll_pollset_add(pq->pds, pq->npds);

    /* Check for I/O operations */
    nfd = epoll_wait(_st_epoll_data->epfd, _st_epoll_data->evtlist,
                     _st_epoll_data->evtlist_size, timeout);

    if (nfd > 0) {
        for (i = 0; i < nfd; i++) {
            osfd = _st_epoll_data->evtlist[i].data.fd;
            _ST_EPOLL_REVENTS(osfd) = _st_epoll_data->evtlist[i].events;
            if (_ST_EPOLL_REVENTS(osfd) & (EPOLLERR | EPOLLHUP)) {
                /* Also set I/O bits on error */
                _ST_EPOLL_REVENTS(osfd) |= _ST_EPOLL_EVENTS(osfd);

        // ####
        // 依次从 io 队列取出每个线程等待 io 的 pollfd,pq 是一个线程中加入的所有文件描述符
        for (q = _ST_IOQ.next; q != &_ST_IOQ; q = q->next) {
            pq = _ST_POLLQUEUE_PTR(q);
            notify = 0;
            epds = pq->pds + pq->npds;

            // 遍历每个线程 pollfd ,获取对应的事件,然后从 io 队列中移除;如果 pollfd 上
            // 有事件发生,则将其从 io 队列移除,没有事件的继续在 io 队列等待
            for (pds = pq->pds; pds < epds; pds++) {
                if (_ST_EPOLL_REVENTS(pds->fd) == 0) {
                    pds->revents = 0;
                osfd = pds->fd;
                events = pds->events;
                revents = 0;
                if ((events & POLLIN) && (_ST_EPOLL_REVENTS(osfd) & EPOLLIN))
                    revents |= POLLIN;
                if ((events & POLLOUT) && (_ST_EPOLL_REVENTS(osfd) & EPOLLOUT))
                    revents |= POLLOUT;
                if ((events & POLLPRI) && (_ST_EPOLL_REVENTS(osfd) & EPOLLPRI))
                    revents |= POLLPRI;
                if (_ST_EPOLL_REVENTS(osfd) & EPOLLERR)
                    revents |= POLLERR;
                if (_ST_EPOLL_REVENTS(osfd) & EPOLLHUP)
                    revents |= POLLHUP;

                pds->revents = revents;
                // 判断是不是有事件发生
                if (revents) {
                    notify = 1;
            if (notify) {
                // 将有时间发生的描述符从 io 队列移除
                pq->on_ioq = 0;
                 * Here we will only delete/modify descriptors that
                 * didn't fire (see comments in _st_epoll_pollset_del()).
                // 将当前线程已处理完事件的文件描述符从事件系统中移除
                _st_epoll_pollset_del(pq->pds, pq->npds);

                // 如果当前线程处于睡眠则从睡眠队列移除,然后将当前线程加入运行队列
                if (pq->thread->flags & _ST_FL_ON_SLEEPQ)
                pq->thread->state = _ST_ST_RUNNABLE;

        // 修改剩下还有等待事件的描述符
        for (i = 0; i < nfd; i++) {
            /* Delete/modify descriptors that fired */
            osfd = _st_epoll_data->evtlist[i].data.fd;
            _ST_EPOLL_REVENTS(osfd) = 0;
            events = _ST_EPOLL_EVENTS(osfd);
            op = events ? EPOLL_CTL_MOD : EPOLL_CTL_DEL;
            ev.events = events;
            ev.data.fd = osfd;
            if (epoll_ctl(_st_epoll_data->epfd, op, osfd, &ev) == 0 &&
                op == EPOLL_CTL_DEL) {