Пример #1
static CFStringRef __CFArrayCopyDescription(CFTypeRef cf) {
    CFArrayRef array = (CFArrayRef)cf;
    CFMutableStringRef result;
    const CFArrayCallBacks *cb;
    CFAllocatorRef allocator;
    CFIndex idx, cnt;
    cnt = __CFArrayGetCount(array);
    allocator = CFGetAllocator(array);
    result = CFStringCreateMutable(allocator, 0);
    switch (__CFArrayGetType(array)) {
    case __kCFArrayImmutable:
	CFStringAppendFormat(result, NULL, CFSTR("<CFArray %p [%p]>{type = immutable, count = %lu, values = (%s"), cf, allocator, (unsigned long)cnt, cnt ? "\n" : "");
    case __kCFArrayDeque:
	CFStringAppendFormat(result, NULL, CFSTR("<CFArray %p [%p]>{type = mutable-small, count = %lu, values = (%s"), cf, allocator, (unsigned long)cnt, cnt ? "\n" : "");
    cb = __CFArrayGetCallBacks(array);
    for (idx = 0; idx < cnt; idx++) {
	CFStringRef desc = NULL;
	const void *val = __CFArrayGetBucketAtIndex(array, idx)->_item;
	if (NULL != cb->copyDescription) {
	    desc = (CFStringRef)INVOKE_CALLBACK1(cb->copyDescription, val);
	if (NULL != desc) {
	    CFStringAppendFormat(result, NULL, CFSTR("\t%lu : %@\n"), (unsigned long)idx, desc);
	} else {
	    CFStringAppendFormat(result, NULL, CFSTR("\t%lu : <%p>\n"), (unsigned long)idx, val);
    CFStringAppend(result, CFSTR(")}"));
    return result;
void CFArraySetValueAtIndex(CFMutableArrayRef array, CFIndex idx, const void *value) {
    CF_OBJC_FUNCDISPATCHV(__kCFArrayTypeID, void, (NSMutableArray *)array, setObject:(id)value atIndex:(NSUInteger)idx);
    __CFGenericValidateType(array, __kCFArrayTypeID);
    CFAssert1(__CFArrayGetType(array) != __kCFArrayImmutable, __kCFLogAssertion, "%s(): array is immutable", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__);
    CFAssert2(0 <= idx && idx <= __CFArrayGetCount(array), __kCFLogAssertion, "%s(): index (%d) out of bounds", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, idx);
    if (idx == __CFArrayGetCount(array)) {
	_CFArrayReplaceValues(array, CFRangeMake(idx, 0), &value, 1);
    } else {
	const void *old_value;
	const CFArrayCallBacks *cb = __CFArrayGetCallBacks(array);
	CFAllocatorRef allocator = __CFGetAllocator(array);
	struct __CFArrayBucket *bucket = __CFArrayGetBucketAtIndex(array, idx);
	if (NULL != cb->retain && !hasBeenFinalized(array)) {
	    value = (void *)INVOKE_CALLBACK2(cb->retain, allocator, value);
	old_value = bucket->_item;
	__CFAssignWithWriteBarrier((void **)&bucket->_item, (void *)value); // GC: handles deque/CFStorage cases.
	if (NULL != cb->release && !hasBeenFinalized(array)) {
	    INVOKE_CALLBACK2(cb->release, allocator, old_value);
const void *CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(CFArrayRef array, CFIndex idx) {
    CF_OBJC_FUNCDISPATCHV(__kCFArrayTypeID, const void *, (NSArray *)array, objectAtIndex:idx);
    __CFGenericValidateType(array, __kCFArrayTypeID);
    CFAssert2(0 <= idx && idx < __CFArrayGetCount(array), __kCFLogAssertion, "%s(): index (%d) out of bounds", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, idx);
    return __CFArrayGetBucketAtIndex(array, idx)->_item;
// NB: AddressBook on the Phone is a fragile flower, so this function cannot do anything
// that causes the values to be retained or released.
void CFArrayExchangeValuesAtIndices(CFMutableArrayRef array, CFIndex idx1, CFIndex idx2) {
    const void *tmp;
    struct __CFArrayBucket *bucket1, *bucket2;
    CF_OBJC_FUNCDISPATCHV(__kCFArrayTypeID, void, (NSMutableArray *)array, exchangeObjectAtIndex:(NSUInteger)idx1 withObjectAtIndex:(NSUInteger)idx2);
    __CFGenericValidateType(array, __kCFArrayTypeID);
    CFAssert2(0 <= idx1 && idx1 < __CFArrayGetCount(array), __kCFLogAssertion, "%s(): index #1 (%d) out of bounds", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, idx1);
    CFAssert2(0 <= idx2 && idx2 < __CFArrayGetCount(array), __kCFLogAssertion, "%s(): index #2 (%d) out of bounds", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, idx2);
    CFAssert1(__CFArrayGetType(array) != __kCFArrayImmutable, __kCFLogAssertion, "%s(): array is immutable", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__);
    bucket1 = __CFArrayGetBucketAtIndex(array, idx1);
    bucket2 = __CFArrayGetBucketAtIndex(array, idx2);
    tmp = bucket1->_item;
    // XXX these aren't needed.
    __CFAssignWithWriteBarrier((void **)&bucket1->_item, (void *)bucket2->_item);
    __CFAssignWithWriteBarrier((void **)&bucket2->_item, (void *)tmp);
Пример #5
static Boolean __CFArrayEqual(CFTypeRef cf1, CFTypeRef cf2) {
    CFArrayRef array1 = (CFArrayRef)cf1;
    CFArrayRef array2 = (CFArrayRef)cf2;
    const CFArrayCallBacks *cb1, *cb2;
    CFIndex idx, cnt;
    if (array1 == array2) return true;
    cnt = __CFArrayGetCount(array1);
    if (cnt != __CFArrayGetCount(array2)) return false;
    cb1 = __CFArrayGetCallBacks(array1);
    cb2 = __CFArrayGetCallBacks(array2);
    if (cb1->equal != cb2->equal) return false;
    if (0 == cnt) return true;	/* after function comparison! */
    for (idx = 0; idx < cnt; idx++) {
	const void *val1 = __CFArrayGetBucketAtIndex(array1, idx)->_item;
	const void *val2 = __CFArrayGetBucketAtIndex(array2, idx)->_item;
	if (val1 != val2) {
	    if (NULL == cb1->equal) return false;
	    if (!INVOKE_CALLBACK2(cb1->equal, val1, val2)) return false;
    return true;
// This is for use by NSCFArray; it avoids ObjC dispatch, and checks for out of bounds
const void *_CFArrayCheckAndGetValueAtIndex(CFArrayRef array, CFIndex idx) {
    if (0 <= idx && idx < __CFArrayGetCount(array)) return __CFArrayGetBucketAtIndex(array, idx)->_item;
    return (void *)(-1);