Пример #1
unsigned ReqFile_open( void )
    HANDLE                  h;
    file_open_req           *acc;
    file_open_ret           *ret;
    void                    *buff;
    unsigned                mode;
    static unsigned const   mapAcc[] = { 0, 1, 2 };

    acc = GetInPtr( 0 );
    buff = GetInPtr( sizeof( *acc ) );

    ret = GetOutPtr( 0 );

     * GetMagicalFileHandle checks if a file name is of a special syntax.
     * We generate magical file names for all DLL's when they load,
     * since NT only gives a file handle to the DLL, not a file name.
     * We fake up a name, and remember the handle.  When the debugger
     * asks to open up a fake name, we reuse the handle
    h = GetMagicalFileHandle( buff );
    ret->err = 0;
    if( h == NULL ) {
         * these __GetNT... routines are in the C library.  they turn
         * DOS style access and share bits into NT style ones
        extern void __GetNTAccessAttr( int rwmode, LPDWORD desired_access,
                                        LPDWORD attr );
        extern void __GetNTShareAttr( int share, LPDWORD share_mode );
        DWORD   share_mode;
        DWORD   desired_access;
        DWORD   attr;
        DWORD   create_disp;

        mode = mapAcc[ ( 0x3 & acc->mode ) - 1];
        __GetNTAccessAttr( mode & 0x7, &desired_access, &attr );
        __GetNTShareAttr( mode & 0x70, &share_mode );
        if( acc->mode & TF_CREATE ) {
            create_disp = CREATE_ALWAYS;
        } else {
            create_disp = OPEN_EXISTING;
        h = CreateFile( ( LPTSTR ) buff, desired_access, share_mode, 0,
                    create_disp, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL );
        if( h == ( HANDLE ) - 1 ) {
            ret->err = GetLastError();
            h = 0;

    ret->handle = ( DWORD ) h;
    return( sizeof( *ret ) );
Пример #2
_WCRTLINK unsigned _dos_open( const char *name, unsigned mode, int *posix_handle )
    HANDLE      handle;
    unsigned    rwmode;
    DWORD       share_mode;
    DWORD       desired_access, os_attr;
    unsigned    iomode_flags;
    int         hid;

    // First try to get the required slot.
    // No point in creating a file only to not use it.  JBS 99/11/01
    hid = __allocPOSIXHandle( DUMMY_HANDLE );
    if( hid == -1 ) {
        return( __set_errno_dos_reterr( ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY ) );

    rwmode = mode & OPENMODE_ACCESS_MASK;

    __GetNTAccessAttr( rwmode, &desired_access, &os_attr );
                      &share_mode );
    handle = CreateFile( (LPTSTR) name, desired_access, share_mode, 0,
                        OPEN_EXISTING, os_attr, NULL );
    if( handle == (HANDLE)-1 ) {
        __freePOSIXHandle( hid );
        return( __set_errno_nt_reterr() );
    // Now use the slot we got.
    __setOSHandle( hid, handle );   // JBS 99/11/01

    *posix_handle = hid;
    iomode_flags = 0;
    if( rwmode == O_RDWR )
        iomode_flags = _READ | _WRITE;
    if( rwmode == O_RDONLY )
        iomode_flags = _READ;
    if( rwmode == O_WRONLY )
        iomode_flags = _WRITE;
    __SetIOMode( hid, iomode_flags );
    return( 0 );