Пример #1
  * @brief  Handles RNG interrupt request.
  * @note   In the case of a clock error, the RNG is no more able to generate 
  *         random numbers because the PLL48CLK clock is not correct. User has 
  *         to check that the clock controller is correctly configured to provide
  *         the RNG clock and clear the CEIS bit using __HAL_RNG_CLEAR_IT(). 
  *         The clock error has no impact on the previously generated 
  *         random numbers, and the RNG_DR register contents can be used.
  * @note   In the case of a seed error, the generation of random numbers is 
  *         interrupted as long as the SECS bit is '1'. If a number is 
  *         available in the RNG_DR register, it must not be used because it may 
  *         not have enough entropy. In this case, it is recommended to clear the 
  *         SEIS bit using __HAL_RNG_CLEAR_IT(), then disable and enable 
  *         the RNG peripheral to reinitialize and restart the RNG.
  * @note   User-written HAL_RNG_ErrorCallback() API is called once whether SEIS
  *         or CEIS are set.  
  * @param  hrng: pointer to a RNG_HandleTypeDef structure that contains
  *                the configuration information for RNG.
  * @retval None

void HAL_RNG_IRQHandler(RNG_HandleTypeDef *hrng)
  /* RNG clock error interrupt occurred */
  if((__HAL_RNG_GET_IT(hrng, RNG_IT_CEI) != RESET) ||  (__HAL_RNG_GET_IT(hrng, RNG_IT_SEI) != RESET))
    /* Change RNG peripheral state */
    hrng->State = HAL_RNG_STATE_ERROR;
    /* Clear the clock error flag */
  /* Check RNG data ready interrupt occurred */    
  if(__HAL_RNG_GET_IT(hrng, RNG_IT_DRDY) != RESET)
    /* Generate random number once, so disable the IT */
    /* Get the 32bit Random number (DRDY flag automatically cleared) */ 
    hrng->RandomNumber = hrng->Instance->DR;
    if(hrng->State != HAL_RNG_STATE_ERROR)
      /* Change RNG peripheral state */
      hrng->State = HAL_RNG_STATE_READY; 
      /* Data Ready callback */ 
      HAL_RNG_ReadyDataCallback(hrng, hrng->RandomNumber);
Пример #2
  * @brief  Handles RNG interrupt request.
  * @note   In the case of a clock error, the RNG is no more able to generate
  *         random numbers because the PLL48CLK clock is not correct. User has
  *         to check that the clock controller is correctly configured to provide
  *         the RNG clock and clear the CEIS bit using __HAL_RNG_CLEAR_IT().
  *         The clock error has no impact on the previously generated
  *         random numbers, and the RNG_DR register contents can be used.
  * @note   In the case of a seed error, the generation of random numbers is
  *         interrupted as long as the SECS bit is '1'. If a number is
  *         available in the RNG_DR register, it must not be used because it may
  *         not have enough entropy. In this case, it is recommended to clear the
  *         SEIS bit using __HAL_RNG_CLEAR_IT(), then disable and enable
  *         the RNG peripheral to reinitialize and restart the RNG.
  * @note   User-written HAL_RNG_ErrorCallback() API is called once whether SEIS
  *         or CEIS are set.
  * @param  hrng pointer to a RNG_HandleTypeDef structure that contains
  *                the configuration information for RNG.
  * @retval None

void HAL_RNG_IRQHandler(RNG_HandleTypeDef *hrng)
  uint32_t rngclockerror = 0U;

  /* RNG clock error interrupt occurred */
  if (__HAL_RNG_GET_IT(hrng, RNG_IT_CEI) != RESET)
    rngclockerror = 1U;
  else if (__HAL_RNG_GET_IT(hrng, RNG_IT_SEI) != RESET)
    rngclockerror = 1U;
    /* Nothing to do */

  if (rngclockerror == 1U)
    /* Change RNG peripheral state */
    hrng->State = HAL_RNG_STATE_ERROR;

    /* Call registered Error callback */
    /* Call legacy weak Error callback */

    /* Clear the clock error flag */

  /* Check RNG data ready interrupt occurred */
  if (__HAL_RNG_GET_IT(hrng, RNG_IT_DRDY) != RESET)
    /* Generate random number once, so disable the IT */

    /* Get the 32bit Random number (DRDY flag automatically cleared) */
    hrng->RandomNumber = hrng->Instance->DR;

    if (hrng->State != HAL_RNG_STATE_ERROR)
      /* Change RNG peripheral state */
      hrng->State = HAL_RNG_STATE_READY;
      /* Process Unlocked */

      /* Call registered Data Ready callback */
      hrng->ReadyDataCallback(hrng, hrng->RandomNumber);
      /* Call legacy weak Data Ready callback */
      HAL_RNG_ReadyDataCallback(hrng, hrng->RandomNumber);