Пример #1
/* This function return value of env variable that placed into static buffer.
 * !!! The same static buffer is used for subsequent calls. !!!
 * This was done to aviod dynamic allocation for few calls.
 * Actually we need this function only four times.
static const char* __itt_get_env_var(const char* name)
#define MAX_ENV_VALUE_SIZE 4086
    static char  env_buff[MAX_ENV_VALUE_SIZE];
    static char* env_value = (char*)env_buff;

    if (name != NULL)
        size_t max_len = MAX_ENV_VALUE_SIZE - (size_t)(env_value - env_buff);
        DWORD rc = GetEnvironmentVariableA(name, env_value, (DWORD)max_len);
        if (rc >= max_len)
            __itt_report_error(__itt_error_env_too_long, name, (size_t)rc - 1, (size_t)(max_len - 1));
        else if (rc > 0)
            const char* ret = (const char*)env_value;
            env_value += rc + 1;
            return ret;
            /* If environment variable is empty, GetEnvirornmentVariables()
             * returns zero (number of characters (not including terminating null),
             * and GetLastError() returns ERROR_SUCCESS. */
            DWORD err = GetLastError();
            if (err == ERROR_SUCCESS)
                return env_value;

            if (err != ERROR_ENVVAR_NOT_FOUND)
                __itt_report_error(__itt_error_cant_read_env, name, (int)err);
        char* env = getenv(name);
        if (env != NULL)
            size_t len = __itt_fstrnlen(env, MAX_ENV_VALUE_SIZE);
            size_t max_len = MAX_ENV_VALUE_SIZE - (size_t)(env_value - env_buff);
            if (len < max_len)
                const char* ret = (const char*)env_value;
                __itt_fstrcpyn(env_value, max_len, env, len + 1);
                env_value += len + 1;
                return ret;
            } else
                __itt_report_error(__itt_error_env_too_long, name, (size_t)len, (size_t)(max_len - 1));
    return NULL;
Пример #2
static __itt_group_id __itt_get_groups(void)
    register int i;
    __itt_group_id res = __itt_group_none;
    const char* var_name  = "INTEL_ITTNOTIFY_GROUPS";
    const char* group_str = __itt_get_env_var(var_name);

    if (group_str != NULL)
        int len;
        char gr[255];
        const char* chunk;
        while ((group_str = __itt_fsplit(group_str, ",; ", &chunk, &len)) != NULL)
            __itt_fstrcpyn(gr, chunk, sizeof(gr));

            gr[min(len, sizeof(gr) - 1)] = 0;

            for (i = 0; group_list[i].name != NULL; i++)
                if (!__itt_fstrcmp(gr, group_list[i].name))
                    res = (__itt_group_id)(res | group_list[i].id);
        /* TODO: !!! Workaround for bug with warning for unknown group !!!
         * Should be fixed in new initialization scheme.
         * Now the following groups should be set always. */
        for (i = 0; group_list[i].id != __itt_group_none; i++)
            if (group_list[i].id != __itt_group_all &&
                group_list[i].id > __itt_group_splitter_min &&
                group_list[i].id < __itt_group_splitter_max)
                res = (__itt_group_id)(res | group_list[i].id);
        return res;
        for (i = 0; group_alias[i].env_var != NULL; i++)
            if (__itt_get_env_var(group_alias[i].env_var) != NULL)
                return group_alias[i].groups;

    return res;