Пример #1
static int
jlog_logio_cleanse(noit_log_stream_t ls) {
    jlog_asynch_ctx *actx;
    jlog_ctx *log;
    DIR *d;
    struct dirent *de, *entry;
    int cnt = 0;
    char path[PATH_MAX], current_log[9];
    int size = 0;

    actx = (jlog_asynch_ctx *)ls->op_ctx;
    if(!actx) return -1;
    log = actx->log;
    if(!log) return -1;
    if(jlog_lspath_to_fspath(ls, path, sizeof(path), NULL) <= 0) return -1;
    d = opendir(path);
    snprintf(current_log, sizeof(current_log), "%08x", log->current_log);

#ifdef _PC_NAME_MAX
    size = pathconf(path, _PC_NAME_MAX);
    if(size < 0) size = PATH_MAX + 128;
    size = MIN(size, PATH_MAX + 128);
    de = alloca(size);

    if(!d) return -1;
    while(portable_readdir_r(d, de, &entry) == 0 && entry != NULL) {
        u_int32_t logid;
        /* the current log file isn't a deletion target. period. */
        if(is_datafile(entry->d_name, &logid) &&
                strcmp(current_log, entry->d_name)) {
            int rv;
            struct stat st;
            char fullfile[PATH_MAX];
            char fullidx[PATH_MAX];

            snprintf(fullfile, sizeof(fullfile), "%s/%s", path, entry->d_name);
            snprintf(fullidx, sizeof(fullidx), "%s/%s" INDEX_EXT,
                     path, entry->d_name);
            /* coverity[fs_check_call] */
            while((rv = stat(fullfile, &st)) != 0 && errno == EINTR);
            if(rv == 0) {
                int readers;
                readers = __jlog_pending_readers(log, logid);
                if(readers == 0) {
                    /* coverity[toctou] */
    return cnt;
Пример #2
static int __jlog_set_checkpoint(jlog_ctx *ctx, const char *s, const jlog_id *id)
  jlog_file *f;
  int rv = -1;
  jlog_id old_id;
  u_int32_t log;

  if(ctx->subscriber_name && !strcmp(ctx->subscriber_name, s)) {
    if(!ctx->checkpoint) {
      ctx->checkpoint = __jlog_open_named_checkpoint(ctx, s, 0);
    f = ctx->checkpoint;
  } else
    f = __jlog_open_named_checkpoint(ctx, s, 0);

  if(!f) return -1;
  if (!jlog_file_lock(f))
    goto failset;

  if (jlog_file_size(f) == 0) {
    /* we're setting it for the first time, no segments were pending on it */
    old_id.log = id->log;
  } else {
    if (!jlog_file_pread(f, &old_id, sizeof(old_id), 0))
      goto failset;
  if (!jlog_file_pwrite(f, id, sizeof(*id), 0))
    goto failset;
  if (ctx->safety == JLOG_SAFE) {
  rv = 0;

  for (log = old_id.log; log < id->log; log++) {
    if (__jlog_pending_readers(ctx, log) == 0) {
      __jlog_unlink_datafile(ctx, log);

  if (f && f != ctx->checkpoint) jlog_file_close(f);
  return rv;
Пример #3
static int
process_jlog(const char *file, const char *sub)
  jlog_ctx *log = jlog_new(file);

  if (add_subscriber) {
    if (jlog_ctx_add_subscriber(log, add_subscriber, JLOG_BEGIN)) {
      fprintf(stderr, "Could not add subscriber '%s': %s\n", add_subscriber,
    } else {
      OUT("Added subscriber '%s'\n", add_subscriber);

  if (remove_subscriber) {
    if (jlog_ctx_remove_subscriber(log, remove_subscriber) <= 0) {
      fprintf(stderr, "Could not erase subscriber '%s': %s\n",
              remove_subscriber, jlog_ctx_err_string(log));
    } else {
      OUT("Erased subscriber '%s'\n", remove_subscriber);

  if (!sub) {
    if (jlog_ctx_open_writer(log)) {
      fprintf(stderr, "error opening '%s'\n", file);
      return 0;
  } else {
    if (jlog_ctx_open_reader(log, sub)) {
      fprintf(stderr, "error opening '%s'\n", file);
      return 0;

  if (show_progress) {
    char buff[20], buff2[20], buff3[20];
    jlog_id id, id2, id3;

    jlog_get_checkpoint(log, sub, &id);

    if (jlog_ctx_last_log_id(log, &id3)) {
      fprintf(stderr, "jlog_error: %s\n", jlog_ctx_err_string(log));
      fprintf(stderr, "error calling jlog_ctx_last_log_id\n");

    jlog_snprint_logid(buff, sizeof(buff), &id);
    jlog_snprint_logid(buff3, sizeof(buff3), &id3);
        "  Perspective of the '%s' subscriber\n"
        "    current checkpoint: %s\n"
        "    Last write: %s\n", sub, buff, buff3);

    if (jlog_ctx_read_interval(log, &id, &id2) < 0) {
      fprintf(stderr, "jlog_error: %s\n", jlog_ctx_err_string(log));

    jlog_snprint_logid(buff, sizeof(buff), &id);
    jlog_snprint_logid(buff2, sizeof(buff2), &id2);
    OUT("    next interval: [%s, %s]\n"
        "--------------------\n\n", buff, buff2);

  if (show_subscribers) {
    char **list;
    int i;

    jlog_ctx_list_subscribers(log, &list);

    for (i = 0; list[i]; i++) {
      char buff[20];
      jlog_id id;

      jlog_get_checkpoint(log, list[i], &id);
      jlog_snprint_logid(buff, sizeof(buff), &id);
      OUT("\t%32s @ %s\n", list[i], buff);

    jlog_ctx_list_subscribers_dispose(log, list);

  if (show_files) {
    struct dirent *de;
    DIR *dir;

    dir = opendir(file);

    if (!dir) {
      fprintf(stderr, "error opening '%s'\n", file);
      return 0;

    while ((de = readdir(dir)) != NULL) {
      uint32_t logid;

      if (is_datafile(de->d_name, &logid)) {
        char fullfile[MAXPATHLEN];
        char fullidx[MAXPATHLEN];
        struct stat sb;
        int readers;

        snprintf(fullfile, sizeof(fullfile), "%s/%s", file, de->d_name);
        snprintf(fullidx, sizeof(fullidx), "%s/%s" INDEX_EXT, file, de->d_name);

        if (stat(fullfile, &sb)) {
          OUT("\t%8s [error stat(2)ing file: %s\n", de->d_name, strerror(errno));
        } else {
          readers = __jlog_pending_readers(log, logid);

          OUT("\t%8s [%ju bytes] %d pending readers\n", de->d_name, sb.st_size, readers);

          if (show_index_info) {
            if (stat(fullidx, &sb)) {
              OUT("\t\t idx: none\n");
            } else {
              uint32_t marker;
              int closed;

              if (jlog_idx_details(log, logid, &marker, &closed)) {
                OUT("\t\t idx: error\n");
              } else {
                OUT("\t\t idx: %u messages (%08x), %s\n", marker, marker, closed ? "closed" : "open");
          if (analyze_datafiles) {
            analyze_datafile(log, logid);

          if (readers == 0 && cleanup) {

