Пример #1
void AsyncByteStream::InitAsyncHandler()
    if ( _asyncIOThread.joinable() )
        throw std::logic_error("The async IO thread already been started");
    _asyncIOThread = std::thread([&](){
        // atomically pull out the event flags here
        ThreadEvent t = _event.exchange(Wait);
        if ( t == Terminate )
        bool hasRead = false, hasWritten = false;
        uint8_t buf[4096];
        if ( (t & ReadSpaceAvailable) == ReadSpaceAvailable )
            std::lock_guard<RingBuffer> _(_ringbuf);
            size_type read = this->read_for_async(buf, _ringbuf.SpaceAvailable());
            if ( read != 0 )
                _ringbuf.WriteBytes(buf, read);
                hasRead = true;
        if ( (t & DataToWrite) == DataToWrite )
            std::lock_guard<RingBuffer> _(_ringbuf);
            size_type written = _ringbuf.ReadBytes(buf, _ringbuf.BytesAvailable());
            written = this->write_for_async(buf, written);
            if ( written != 0 )
                // only remove as much as actually went out
                hasWritten = true;
        if ( hasRead )
            _eventHandler(AsyncEvent::HasBytesAvailable, this);
        if ( hasWritten )
            _eventHandler(AsyncEvent::HasSpaceAvailable, this);
        std::unique_lock<std::mutex> __l(_condMutex);
        _threadSignal.wait(__l, [&](){ return _event != Wait; });
Пример #2
SolverUnconstrained<Data,Problem>::optimize( vector_type& x )

    // Controlling parameters
    // trust region radius
    value_type Delta = M_options.Delta_init;

    vector_type x_new ( x.size() );
    vector_type stot ( x.size() );
    value_type norm_Tgrad_fx = this->norm_Theta_x_grad_fx( x, Delta );
    value_type norm_s_til = 0;

    M_prob.copy_x0_to_x( x );

    // FIXME: if ( M_options.verbose() )
    //M_prob.print_complete( x );

    if ( M_solver_stats.collectStats() )
        M_solver_stats.push( norm_Tgrad_fx, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, Delta, 0, 0, 0 );

        int iter = 0;

        // Apply bound constrained Trust region algorithm
        while ( iter == 0 ||
                ( iter < M_options.max_TR_iter && norm_Tgrad_fx > M_options.TR_tol ) )
            int n_CGiter, n_restarts, n_indef,
                n_crosses_def, n_crosses_indef, n_truss_exit_def, n_truss_exit_indef;
            value_type _s_til_x_G_til_x_s_til, phi_til, rho, Delta_used = Delta;

            DVLOG(2) << "\n===================== iter = " << iter << " ===========================";
            //DVLOG(2) << "\nx = " << x << "\n";
            DVLOG(2) << "\n -> norm_Tgrad_fx = " << norm_Tgrad_fx;

            /** find an approximate stot for the step to make
             * solve :
             * Find \f$\tilde{s}^k   = \mathrm{arg}\mathrm{min}_{s \in R^n}{\tilde{\phi}^k : ||s|| < \Delta^k}\f$
            this->CGstep( x, Delta, stot, norm_s_til,
                          n_restarts, n_indef,
                          n_crosses_def, n_crosses_indef,
                          n_truss_exit_def, n_truss_exit_indef,
                          _s_til_x_G_til_x_s_til, phi_til );

            x_new = x + stot;

            f_type __fx_new;
            M_prob.evaluate( x_new, __fx_new, diff_order<0>() );
            f_type __fx;
            M_prob.evaluate( x, __fx, diff_order<0>() );

            // compute actual merit function reduction
            value_type ared_til = __fx_new.value( 0 ) - __fx.value( 0 ) + 0.5 * _s_til_x_G_til_x_s_til;

            rho = ared_til / phi_til;

            // Trust region radius calculation:
            if ( M_options.allow_Trust_radius_calculations )
                if ( rho <= 1e-8 )
                    Delta = M_options.rho_decrease * Delta;

                    x = x + stot;

                    if     ( rho > M_options.rho_big )
                        Delta = std::max( M_options.rho_increase_big*norm_s_til, Delta );

                    else if ( rho > M_options.rho_small )
                        Delta = std::max( M_options.rho_increase_small*norm_s_til, Delta );

                norm_Tgrad_fx = this->norm_Theta_x_grad_fx( x, Delta );

                x = x + stot;
                norm_Tgrad_fx = this->norm_Theta_x_grad_fx( x, Delta );


            if ( M_solver_stats.collectStats() )
                M_solver_stats.push( norm_Tgrad_fx,
                                      n_CGiter, n_restarts, n_indef,
                                      n_crosses_def, n_crosses_indef,
                                      n_truss_exit_def, n_truss_exit_indef,
                                      Delta_used, ared_til, phi_til, rho );

            if (  norm_Tgrad_fx > 1e-5 )
                M_prob.setAccuracy( std::min( 1e-1, norm_Tgrad_fx ) );

            DVLOG(2) << "norm_Tgrad_fx = " << norm_Tgrad_fx  << "\n";

    catch ( std::exception const& __ex )
        f_type __fx_new;
        M_prob.evaluate ( x, __fx_new, diff_order<2>() );

        if ( norm_inf( __fx_new.gradient( 0 ) ) > 1e-10 )
            throw __ex;

    vector_type __l( _E_n ), __u( _E_n );
    lambda_LS( x, __l, __u );

    if ( M_solver_stats.collectStats() )
        M_solver_stats.push( x, __l, __u );

    return true;