int handle_event(zloop_t *loop, zsock_t *reader, void *args) { // initialization ubx_block_t *b = (ubx_block_t *) args; struct zmq_receiver_info *inf = (struct zmq_receiver_info*) b->private_data; printf("zmq_receiver: data available.\n"); zframe_t *frame = zframe_recv (reader); // print out frame data zframe_print (frame, NULL); // move to step function? ubx_type_t* type = ubx_type_get(b->ni, "unsigned char"); ubx_data_t msg; = (void *)zframe_data(frame); msg.len = zframe_size(frame); msg.type = type; //hexdump((unsigned char *), msg.len, 16); __port_write(inf->ports.zmq_in, &msg); /* Inform potential observers ? */ // clean up temporary frame object zframe_destroy (&frame); return 1; }
/* step */ void sherpa_msg_step(ubx_block_t *b) { struct sherpa_msg_info *inf = (struct sherpa_msg_info*) b->private_data; // std::cout << "sherpa_msg: Processing a port update" << std::endl; /* Read data from port */ ubx_port_t* port = inf->ports.msg_in; assert(port != 0); ubx_data_t msg; checktype(port->block->ni, port->in_type, "unsigned char", port->name, 1); msg.type = port->in_type; msg.len = inf->buffer_length; = inf->buffer; // std::cout << "sherpa_msg: Reading from port" << std::endl; int read_bytes = __port_read(port, &msg); if (read_bytes <= 0) { // std::cout << "sherpa_msg: No data recieved from port" << std::endl; return; } std::cout << "sherpa_msg: read bytes = " << read_bytes << std::endl; /* Either decode or encode message */ /* Write result back t0 port */ ubx_type_t* type = ubx_type_get(b->ni, "unsigned char"); ubx_data_t result_msg; // = (void *)zframe_data(frame); // result_msg.len = zframe_size(frame); result_msg.type = type; //hexdump((unsigned char *), result_msg.len, 16); __port_write(inf->ports.msg_out, &result_msg); }
void* recieverThread(void* arg) { ubx_block_t *b = (ubx_block_t *) arg; struct zmq_reciever_info *inf = (struct zmq_reciever_info*) b->private_data; std::cout << " recieverThread started." << std::endl; /* Receiver loop */ while(true) { zmq::message_t update; inf->subscriber->recv(&update); std::cout << "zmq_reciever: Recieved " << update.size() << " bytes from ?" << std::endl; if (update.size() < 1) { std::cout << "recv()" << std::endl; break; } // move to step function? ubx_type_t* type = ubx_type_get(b->ni, "unsigned char"); ubx_data_t msg; = (void *); msg.len = update.size(); msg.type = type; //hexdump((unsigned char *), msg.len, 16); __port_write(inf->ports.zmq_in, &msg); /* Inform potential observers ? */ } /* Clean up */ return 0; }
static void zyre_bridge_actor (zsock_t *pipe, void *args) { // initialization ubx_block_t *b = (ubx_block_t *) args; struct zyre_bridge_info *inf = (struct zyre_bridge_info*) b->private_data; printf("[zyre_bridge]: actor started.\n"); // send signal on pipe socket to acknowledge initialization zsock_signal (pipe, 0); bool terminated = false; zpoller_t *poller = zpoller_new (pipe, zyre_socket (inf->node), NULL); while (!terminated) { void *which = zpoller_wait (poller, -1); // handle msgs from main thread if (which == pipe) { zmsg_t *msg = zmsg_recv (which); if (!msg) break; // Interrupted // only react to TERM signal char *command = zmsg_popstr (msg); if (streq (command, "$TERM")) terminated = true; else { puts ("Invalid pipe message to actor"); } free (command); zmsg_destroy (&msg); } else // handle msgs from zyre network if (which == zyre_socket (inf->node)) { zmsg_t *msg = zmsg_recv (which); if (!msg) { printf("[zyre_bridge]: interrupted!\n"); } char *event = zmsg_popstr (msg); char *peer = zmsg_popstr (msg); char *name = zmsg_popstr (msg); if (streq (event, "ENTER")) printf ("[zyre_bridge]: %s has entered\n", name); else if (streq (event, "EXIT")) printf ("[zyre_bridge]: %s has exited\n", name); else if (streq (event, "SHOUT")) { printf ("[zyre_bridge]: SHOUT received from %s.\n", name); char *group = zmsg_popstr (msg); char *message = zmsg_popstr (msg); // load JSON msg json_t *m; json_error_t error; m= json_loads(message,0,&error); if(!m) { printf("Error parsing JSON payload! line %d: %s\n", error.line, error.text); json_decref(m); return; } printf("%s\n",message); if (json_object_get(m, "type")) { std::string type = json_dumps(json_object_get(m, "type"), JSON_ENCODE_ANY); type = type.substr(1, type.size()-2); // get rid of " characters printf("type: %s\n",json_dumps(json_object_get(m, "type"), JSON_ENCODE_ANY)); for (int i=0; i < inf->input_type_list.size();i++) { //if (json_string_value(json_object_get(m, "type")) == inf->input_type_list[i]){ //printf("type list, type : %s, %s \n", inf->input_type_list[i].c_str(), type.c_str()); if (inf->input_type_list[i].compare(type) == 0) { ubx_type_t* type = ubx_type_get(b->ni, "unsigned char"); ubx_data_t ubx_msg; = (void *)json_dumps(json_object_get(m, "payload"), JSON_ENCODE_ANY); printf("message: %s\n",json_dumps(json_object_get(m, "payload"), JSON_ENCODE_ANY)); ubx_msg.len = strlen(json_dumps(json_object_get(m, "payload"), JSON_ENCODE_ANY)); ubx_msg.type = type; __port_write(inf->ports.zyre_in, &ubx_msg); } } } else { printf("Error parsing JSON string! Does not conform to msg model.\n"); } free (group); free (message); } else if (streq (event, "WHISPER")){ char *message = zmsg_popstr (msg); printf ("%s: WHISPER \n%s\n", name, message); free (message); } else if (streq (event, "EVASIVE")) printf ("[zyre_bridge]: %s is being evasive\n", name); free (event); free (peer); free (name); zmsg_destroy (&msg); } } zpoller_destroy (&poller); //TODO: make parametrizable zclock_sleep (100); }
// .split main task // We have a single task that implements the worker side of the // Paranoid Pirate Protocol (PPP). The interesting parts here are // the heartbeating, which lets the worker detect if the queue has // died, and vice versa: static void ppworker_actor(zsock_t *pipe, void *args) { ubx_block_t *b = (ubx_block_t *) args; struct czmq_ppworker_info *inf = (struct czmq_ppworker_info*) b->private_data; zsock_t *worker = s_worker_socket (); // If liveness hits zero, queue is considered disconnected size_t liveness = HEARTBEAT_LIVENESS; size_t interval = INTERVAL_INIT; // Send out heartbeats at regular intervals uint64_t heartbeat_at = zclock_time () + HEARTBEAT_INTERVAL; srandom ((unsigned) time (NULL)); printf("ppworker: actor started.\n"); // send signal on pipe socket to acknowledge initialisation zsock_signal (pipe, 0); while (true) { zmq_pollitem_t items [] = { { zsock_resolve(worker), 0, ZMQ_POLLIN, 0 } }; int rc = zmq_poll (items, 1, HEARTBEAT_INTERVAL * ZMQ_POLL_MSEC); if (rc == -1) break; // Interrupted if (items [0].revents & ZMQ_POLLIN) { // Get message // - 3-part envelope + content -> request // - 1-part HEARTBEAT -> heartbeat zmsg_t *msg = zmsg_recv (worker); if (!msg) break; // Interrupted if (zmsg_size (msg) == 3) { printf ("I: normal reply\n"); byte *buffer; size_t buffer_size = zmsg_encode (msg, &buffer); ubx_type_t* type = ubx_type_get(b->ni, "unsigned char"); ubx_data_t umsg; = (void *)buffer; umsg.len = buffer_size; umsg.type = type; __port_write(inf->ports.zmq_in, &umsg); zmsg_send (&msg, worker); liveness = HEARTBEAT_LIVENESS; sleep (1); // Do some heavy work if (zsys_interrupted) break; } else // .split handle heartbeats // When we get a heartbeat message from the queue, it means the // queue was (recently) alive, so we must reset our liveness // indicator: if (zmsg_size (msg) == 1) { zframe_t *frame = zmsg_first (msg); if (memcmp (zframe_data (frame), PPP_HEARTBEAT, 1) == 0) liveness = HEARTBEAT_LIVENESS; else { printf ("E: invalid message\n"); zmsg_dump (msg); } zmsg_destroy (&msg); } else { printf ("E: invalid message\n"); zmsg_dump (msg); } interval = INTERVAL_INIT; } else // .split detecting a dead queue // If the queue hasn't sent us heartbeats in a while, destroy the // socket and reconnect. This is the simplest most brutal way of // discarding any messages we might have sent in the meantime: if (--liveness == 0) { printf ("W: heartbeat failure, can't reach queue\n"); printf ("W: reconnecting in %zd msec...\n", interval); zclock_sleep (interval); if (interval < INTERVAL_MAX) interval *= 2; zsock_destroy(&worker); worker = s_worker_socket (); liveness = HEARTBEAT_LIVENESS; } // Send heartbeat to queue if it's time if (zclock_time () > heartbeat_at) { heartbeat_at = zclock_time () + HEARTBEAT_INTERVAL; printf ("I: worker heartbeat\n"); zframe_t *frame = zframe_new (PPP_HEARTBEAT, 1); zframe_send (&frame, worker, 0); } } }