Пример #1
 * wiredtiger_strerror --
 *	Return a string for any error value, non-thread-safe version.
const char *
wiredtiger_strerror(int error)
	static char buf[128];

	return (__wt_strerror(NULL, error, buf, sizeof(buf)));
Пример #2
 * __handler_failure --
 *	Report the failure of an application-configured event handler.
static void
__handler_failure(WT_SESSION_IMPL *session,
    int error, const char *which, bool error_handler_failed)
	WT_SESSION *wt_session;

	 * !!!
	 * Buffer placed at the end of the stack in case snprintf overflows.
	char s[256];

	(void)snprintf(s, sizeof(s),
	    "application %s event handler failed: %s",
	    which, __wt_strerror(session, error, NULL, 0));

	 * Use the error handler to report the failure, unless it was the error
	 * handler that failed.  If it was the error handler that failed, or a
	 * call to the error handler fails, use the default error handler.
	wt_session = (WT_SESSION *)session;
	handler = session->event_handler;
	if (!error_handler_failed &&
	    handler->handle_error != __handle_error_default &&
	    handler->handle_error(handler, wt_session, error, s) == 0)

	(void)__handle_error_default(NULL, wt_session, error, s);
Пример #3
 * __wt_strerror_r --
 *	Windows implementation of wiredtiger_strerror_r.
__wt_strerror_r(int error, char *buf, size_t buflen)
	DWORD lasterror;
	const char *p;

	/* Require at least 2 bytes, printable character and trailing nul. */
	if (buflen < 2)
		return (ENOMEM);

	 * Check for POSIX errors, Windows errors, then fallback to something
	 * generic.  Copy the string into the user's buffer, return success if
	 * anything printed.
	p = __wt_strerror(error);
	if (p != NULL && snprintf(buf, buflen, "%s", p) > 0)
		return (0);

	if (error < 0) {
		error = __wt_map_error_to_windows_error(error);

		lasterror = FormatMessageA(
			0, /* let system choose the correct LANGID */

		if (lasterror != 0)
			return (0);

		/* Fall through to the fallback error code */

	/* Fallback to a generic message, then guess it's a memory problem. */
	return (
	    snprintf(buf, buflen, "error return: %d", error) > 0 ? 0 : ENOMEM);
Пример #4
 * __wt_lsm_merge --
 *	Merge a set of chunks of an LSM tree.
__wt_lsm_merge(WT_SESSION_IMPL *session, WT_LSM_TREE *lsm_tree, u_int id)
	WT_BLOOM *bloom;
	WT_CURSOR *dest, *src;
	WT_ITEM key, value;
	WT_LSM_CHUNK *chunk;
	uint32_t generation;
	uint64_t insert_count, record_count;
	u_int dest_id, end_chunk, i, nchunks, start_chunk, start_id, verb;
	int tret;
	bool created_chunk, create_bloom, locked, in_sync;
	const char *cfg[3];
	const char *drop_cfg[] =
	    { WT_CONFIG_BASE(session, WT_SESSION_drop), "force", NULL };

	bloom = NULL;
	chunk = NULL;
	dest = src = NULL;
	start_id = 0;
	created_chunk = create_bloom = locked = in_sync = false;

	/* Fast path if it's obvious no merges could be done. */
	if (lsm_tree->nchunks < lsm_tree->merge_min &&
	    lsm_tree->merge_aggressiveness < WT_LSM_AGGRESSIVE_THRESHOLD)
		return (WT_NOTFOUND);

	 * Use the lsm_tree lock to read the chunks (so no switches occur), but
	 * avoid holding it while the merge is in progress: that may take a
	 * long time.
	WT_RET(__wt_lsm_tree_writelock(session, lsm_tree));
	locked = true;

	    lsm_tree, id, &start_chunk, &end_chunk, &record_count));
	nchunks = (end_chunk + 1) - start_chunk;

	WT_ASSERT(session, nchunks > 0);
	start_id = lsm_tree->chunk[start_chunk]->id;

	/* Find the merge generation. */
	for (generation = 0, i = 0; i < nchunks; i++)
		generation = WT_MAX(generation,
		    lsm_tree->chunk[start_chunk + i]->generation + 1);

	WT_ERR(__wt_lsm_tree_writeunlock(session, lsm_tree));
	locked = false;

	/* Allocate an ID for the merge. */
	dest_id = __wt_atomic_add32(&lsm_tree->last, 1);

	 * We only want to do the chunk loop if we're running with verbose,
	 * so we wrap these statements in the conditional.  Avoid the loop
	 * in the normal path.
	if (WT_VERBOSE_ISSET(session, WT_VERB_LSM)) {
		WT_ERR(__wt_verbose(session, WT_VERB_LSM,
		    "Merging %s chunks %u-%u into %u (%" PRIu64 " records)"
		    ", generation %" PRIu32,
		    start_chunk, end_chunk, dest_id, record_count, generation));
		for (verb = start_chunk; verb <= end_chunk; verb++)
			WT_ERR(__wt_verbose(session, WT_VERB_LSM,
			    "Merging %s: Chunk[%u] id %u, gen: %" PRIu32
			    ", size: %" PRIu64 ", records: %" PRIu64,
			    lsm_tree->name, verb, lsm_tree->chunk[verb]->id,

	WT_ERR(__wt_calloc_one(session, &chunk));
	created_chunk = true;
	chunk->id = dest_id;

	if (FLD_ISSET(lsm_tree->bloom, WT_LSM_BLOOM_MERGED) &&
	    (FLD_ISSET(lsm_tree->bloom, WT_LSM_BLOOM_OLDEST) ||
	    start_chunk > 0) && record_count > 0)
		create_bloom = true;

	 * Special setup for the merge cursor:
	 * first, reset to open the dependent cursors;
	 * then restrict the cursor to a specific number of chunks;
	 * then set MERGE so the cursor doesn't track updates to the tree.
	WT_ERR(__wt_open_cursor(session, lsm_tree->name, NULL, NULL, &src));
	WT_ERR(__wt_clsm_init_merge(src, start_chunk, start_id, nchunks));

	    ret = __wt_lsm_tree_setup_chunk(session, lsm_tree, chunk));
	if (create_bloom) {
		WT_ERR(__wt_lsm_tree_setup_bloom(session, lsm_tree, chunk));

		WT_ERR(__wt_bloom_create(session, chunk->bloom_uri,
		    record_count, lsm_tree->bloom_bit_count,
		    lsm_tree->bloom_hash_count, &bloom));

	/* Discard pages we read as soon as we're done with them. */

	cfg[0] = WT_CONFIG_BASE(session, WT_SESSION_open_cursor);
	cfg[1] = "bulk,raw,skip_sort_check";
	cfg[2] = NULL;
	WT_ERR(__wt_open_cursor(session, chunk->uri, NULL, cfg, &dest));

	for (insert_count = 0; (ret = src->next(src)) == 0; insert_count++) {
		if (insert_count % LSM_MERGE_CHECK_INTERVAL == 0) {
			if (!F_ISSET(lsm_tree, WT_LSM_TREE_ACTIVE))

			    lsm_rows_merged, LSM_MERGE_CHECK_INTERVAL);

		WT_ERR(src->get_key(src, &key));
		dest->set_key(dest, &key);
		WT_ERR(src->get_value(src, &value));
		dest->set_value(dest, &value);
		if (create_bloom)
			WT_ERR(__wt_bloom_insert(bloom, &key));

	    lsm_rows_merged, insert_count % LSM_MERGE_CHECK_INTERVAL);
	WT_ERR(__wt_verbose(session, WT_VERB_LSM,
	    "Bloom size for %" PRIu64 " has %" PRIu64 " items inserted.",
	    record_count, insert_count));

	 * Closing and syncing the files can take a while.  Set the
	 * merge_syncing field so that compact knows it is still in
	 * progress.
	(void)__wt_atomic_add32(&lsm_tree->merge_syncing, 1);
	in_sync = true;
	 * We've successfully created the new chunk.  Now install it.  We need
	 * to ensure that the NO_CACHE flag is cleared and the bloom filter
	 * is closed (even if a step fails), so track errors but don't return
	 * until we've cleaned up.
	src = dest = NULL;


	 * We're doing advisory reads to fault the new trees into cache.
	 * Don't block if the cache is full: our next unit of work may be to
	 * discard some trees to free space.

	if (create_bloom) {
		if (ret == 0)

		 * Read in a key to make sure the Bloom filters btree handle is
		 * open before it becomes visible to application threads.
		 * Otherwise application threads will stall while it is opened
		 * and internal pages are read into cache.
		if (ret == 0) {
			WT_TRET_NOTFOUND_OK(__wt_bloom_get(bloom, &key));

		bloom = NULL;

	 * Open a handle on the new chunk before application threads attempt
	 * to access it, opening it pre-loads internal pages into the file
	 * system cache.
	cfg[1] = "checkpoint=" WT_CHECKPOINT;
	WT_ERR(__wt_open_cursor(session, chunk->uri, NULL, cfg, &dest));
	dest = NULL;
	(void)__wt_atomic_sub32(&lsm_tree->merge_syncing, 1);
	in_sync = false;

	WT_ERR(__wt_lsm_tree_set_chunk_size(session, chunk));
	WT_ERR(__wt_lsm_tree_writelock(session, lsm_tree));
	locked = true;

	 * Check whether we raced with another merge, and adjust the chunk
	 * array offset as necessary.
	if (start_chunk >= lsm_tree->nchunks ||
	    lsm_tree->chunk[start_chunk]->id != start_id)
		for (start_chunk = 0;
		    start_chunk < lsm_tree->nchunks;
			if (lsm_tree->chunk[start_chunk]->id == start_id)

	 * It is safe to error out here - since the update can only fail
	 * prior to making updates to the tree.
	    session, lsm_tree, start_chunk, nchunks, chunk));

	if (create_bloom)
	chunk->count = insert_count;
	chunk->generation = generation;

	 * We have no current way of continuing if the metadata update fails,
	 * so we will panic in that case.  Put some effort into cleaning up
	 * after ourselves here - so things have a chance of shutting down.
	 * Any errors that happened after the tree was locked are
	 * fatal - we can't guarantee the state of the tree.
	if ((ret = __wt_lsm_meta_write(session, lsm_tree)) != 0)
		WT_PANIC_ERR(session, ret, "Failed finalizing LSM merge");


	/* Update the throttling while holding the tree lock. */
	__wt_lsm_tree_throttle(session, lsm_tree, true);

	/* Schedule a pass to discard old chunks */
	    session, WT_LSM_WORK_DROP, 0, lsm_tree));

err:	if (locked)
		WT_TRET(__wt_lsm_tree_writeunlock(session, lsm_tree));
	if (in_sync)
		(void)__wt_atomic_sub32(&lsm_tree->merge_syncing, 1);
	if (src != NULL)
	if (dest != NULL)
	if (bloom != NULL)
	if (ret != 0 && created_chunk) {
		/* Drop the newly-created files on error. */
		if (chunk->uri != NULL) {
			WT_WITH_SCHEMA_LOCK(session, tret =
			    __wt_schema_drop(session, chunk->uri, drop_cfg));
		if (create_bloom && chunk->bloom_uri != NULL) {
			    tret = __wt_schema_drop(
			    session, chunk->bloom_uri, drop_cfg));
		__wt_free(session, chunk->bloom_uri);
		__wt_free(session, chunk->uri);
		__wt_free(session, chunk);

		if (ret == EINTR)
			WT_TRET(__wt_verbose(session, WT_VERB_LSM,
			    "Merge aborted due to close"));
			WT_TRET(__wt_verbose(session, WT_VERB_LSM,
			    "Merge failed with %s",
			   __wt_strerror(session, ret, NULL, 0)));
	return (ret);
Пример #5
Файл: err.c Проект: GYGit/mongo
 * __wt_eventv --
 * 	Report a message to an event handler.
__wt_eventv(WT_SESSION_IMPL *session, bool msg_event, int error,
    const char *file_name, int line_number, const char *fmt, va_list ap)
	WT_SESSION *wt_session;
	struct timespec ts;
	size_t len, remain, wlen;
	int prefix_cnt;
	const char *err, *prefix;
	char *end, *p, tid[128];

	 * We're using a stack buffer because we want error messages no matter
	 * what, and allocating a WT_ITEM, or the memory it needs, might fail.
	 * !!!
	 * Buffer placed at the end of the stack in case snprintf overflows.
	char s[2048];

	 * !!!
	 * This function MUST handle a NULL WT_SESSION_IMPL handle.
	 * Without a session, we don't have event handlers or prefixes for the
	 * error message.  Write the error to stderr and call it a day.  (It's
	 * almost impossible for that to happen given how early we allocate the
	 * first session, but if the allocation of the first session fails, for
	 * example, we can end up here without a session.)
	if (session == NULL) {
		if (fprintf(stderr,
		    "WiredTiger Error%s%s: ",
		    error == 0 ? "" : ": ",
		    error == 0 ? "" :
		    __wt_strerror(session, error, NULL, 0)) < 0)
			ret = EIO;
		if (vfprintf(stderr, fmt, ap) < 0)
			ret = EIO;
		if (fprintf(stderr, "\n") < 0)
			ret = EIO;
		if (fflush(stderr) != 0)
			ret = EIO;
		return (ret);

	p = s;
	end = s + sizeof(s);

	 * We have several prefixes for the error message: a timestamp and the
	 * process and thread ids, the database error prefix, the data-source's
	 * name, and the session's name.  Write them as a comma-separate list,
	 * followed by a colon.
	prefix_cnt = 0;
	if (__wt_epoch(session, &ts) == 0) {
		__wt_thread_id(tid, sizeof(tid));
		remain = WT_PTRDIFF(end, p);
		wlen = (size_t)snprintf(p, remain,
		    "[%" PRIuMAX ":%" PRIuMAX "][%s]",
		    (uintmax_t)ts.tv_nsec / WT_THOUSAND, tid);
		p = wlen >= remain ? end : p + wlen;
		prefix_cnt = 1;
	if ((prefix = S2C(session)->error_prefix) != NULL) {
		remain = WT_PTRDIFF(end, p);
		wlen = (size_t)snprintf(p, remain,
		    "%s%s", prefix_cnt == 0 ? "" : ", ", prefix);
		p = wlen >= remain ? end : p + wlen;
		prefix_cnt = 1;
	prefix = session->dhandle == NULL ? NULL : session->dhandle->name;
	if (prefix != NULL) {
		remain = WT_PTRDIFF(end, p);
		wlen = (size_t)snprintf(p, remain,
		    "%s%s", prefix_cnt == 0 ? "" : ", ", prefix);
		p = wlen >= remain ? end : p + wlen;
		prefix_cnt = 1;
	if ((prefix = session->name) != NULL) {
		remain = WT_PTRDIFF(end, p);
		wlen = (size_t)snprintf(p, remain,
		    "%s%s", prefix_cnt == 0 ? "" : ", ", prefix);
		p = wlen >= remain ? end : p + wlen;
		prefix_cnt = 1;
	if (prefix_cnt != 0) {
		remain = WT_PTRDIFF(end, p);
		wlen = (size_t)snprintf(p, remain, ": ");
		p = wlen >= remain ? end : p + wlen;

	if (file_name != NULL) {
		remain = WT_PTRDIFF(end, p);
		wlen = (size_t)
		    snprintf(p, remain, "%s, %d: ", file_name, line_number);
		p = wlen >= remain ? end : p + wlen;

	remain = WT_PTRDIFF(end, p);
	wlen = (size_t)vsnprintf(p, remain, fmt, ap);
	p = wlen >= remain ? end : p + wlen;

	if (error != 0) {
		 * When the engine calls __wt_err on error, it often outputs an
		 * error message including the string associated with the error
		 * it's returning.  We could change the calls to call __wt_errx,
		 * but it's simpler to not append an error string if all we are
		 * doing is duplicating an existing error string.
		 * Use strcmp to compare: both strings are nul-terminated, and
		 * we don't want to run past the end of the buffer.
		err = __wt_strerror(session, error, NULL, 0);
		len = strlen(err);
		if (WT_PTRDIFF(p, s) < len || strcmp(p - len, err) != 0) {
			remain = WT_PTRDIFF(end, p);
			(void)snprintf(p, remain, ": %s", err);

	 * If a handler fails, return the error status: if we're in the process
	 * of handling an error, any return value we provide will be ignored by
	 * our caller, our caller presumably already has an error value it will
	 * be returning.
	 * If an application-specified or default informational message handler
	 * fails, complain using the application-specified or default error
	 * handler.
	 * If an application-specified error message handler fails, complain
	 * using the default error handler.  If the default error handler fails,
	 * there's nothing to do.
	wt_session = (WT_SESSION *)session;
	handler = session->event_handler;
	if (msg_event) {
		ret = handler->handle_message(handler, wt_session, s);
		if (ret != 0)
			__handler_failure(session, ret, "message", false);
	} else {
		ret = handler->handle_error(handler, wt_session, error, s);
		if (ret != 0 && handler->handle_error != __handle_error_default)
			__handler_failure(session, ret, "error", true);

	return (ret);