Пример #1
bool CIKFoot::make_shift( Fmatrix &xm,const Fvector &cl_point, bool collide, const Fplane &p, const Fvector &pick_dir )const
	Fvector shift = pick_dir;

	//Fvector toe; ToePosition( toe ); xm.transform_tiny( toe );
	Fvector point;
	xm.transform_tiny( point, cl_point );
	float dot = p.n.dotproduct( shift );
	if( _abs( dot ) < min_dot )
		shift.add( Fvector( ).mul( p.n, min_dot - _abs( dot ) ) );
		dot = p.n.dotproduct( shift );
	VERIFY( !fis_zero( dot ) );
	float shift_m = ( -p.d - p.n.dotproduct( point ) )/dot;
	if(collide && shift_m > 0.f )
		return false;
	clamp( shift_m, -collide_dist, collide_dist );
	shift.mul( shift_m );
	xm.c.add( shift );
#if	0
	if(shift_m > 0.f)
		DBG_DrawLine( toe, Fvector().add( toe, shift ), D3DCOLOR_XRGB( 255, 255, 255 )  );
		DBG_ClosedCashedDraw( 1000 );
	return true;
Пример #2
Point::Point(int row, int column) : Axis(row, column), PointColor(Color::Empty)
	this->Row = row;
	this->Column = column;
	this->LeftOblique = row + column;
	this->RightOblique = (row > column) ? 14 + _abs(row - column) : 14 - _abs(row - column);
Пример #3
void CActor::IR_OnMouseMove(int dx, int dy)

		g_player_hud->tune	(Ivector().set(dx,dy,0));

	PIItem iitem = inventory().ActiveItem();
	if(iitem && iitem->cast_hud_item())

	if (Remote())		return;


	float LookFactor = GetLookFactor();

	CCameraBase* C	= cameras	[cam_active];
	float scale		= (C->f_fov/g_fov)*psMouseSens * psMouseSensScale/50.f  / LookFactor;
	if (dx){
		float d = float(dx)*scale;
		cam_Active()->Move((d<0)?kLEFT:kRIGHT, _abs(d));
	if (dy){
		float d = ((psMouseInvert.test(1))?-1:1)*float(dy)*scale*3.f/4.f;
		cam_Active()->Move((d>0)?kUP:kDOWN, _abs(d));
void CDestroyablePhysicsObject::Destroy()
	const CGameObject *who_object = smart_cast<const CGameObject*>(FatalHit().initiator());
	callback(GameObject::eDeath)(lua_game_object(),who_object  ? who_object : 0);
			//Fvector dir;dir.set(0,1,0);
		Fmatrix m;m.identity();

		Fvector hdir;hdir.set(CPHDestroyable::FatalHit().direction());

			do {
			} while(fsimilar(_abs(m.j.dotproduct(hdir)),1.f,EPS_L));
Пример #5
IC int	calcSphereSector(Fvector& dir)
	Fvector2			flat;

	// flatten
	flat.set			(dir.x,dir.z);
	flat.norm			();

	// analyze
	if (_abs(flat.x)>_abs(flat.y))	{
		// sector 0,7,3,4
		if (flat.x<0)	{
			// sector 3,4
			if (flat.y>0)	return 3;
			else			return 4;
		} else {
			// sector 0,7
			if (flat.y>0)	return 0;
			else			return 7;
	} else {
		// sector 1,2,6,5
		if (flat.x<0)	{
			// sector 2,5
			if (flat.y>0)	return 2;
			else			return 5;
		} else {
			// sector 1,6
			if (flat.y>0)	return 1;
			else			return 6;
Пример #6
void CWeaponShotEffector::Relax()
	float time_to_relax    = _abs(m_angle_vert) / m_cam_recoil.RelaxSpeed;
	float relax_speed_horz = ( fis_zero(time_to_relax) )? 0.0f : _abs(m_angle_horz) / time_to_relax;

	float dt = Device.fTimeDelta;

	if ( m_angle_horz >= 0.0f ) // h
		m_angle_horz -= relax_speed_horz * dt;
		m_angle_horz += relax_speed_horz * dt;

	if ( m_angle_vert >= 0.0f ) // v
		m_angle_vert -= m_cam_recoil.RelaxSpeed * dt;
		if ( m_angle_vert < 0.0f )			
			m_angle_vert = 0.0f; 
			m_actived	= false;	
		m_angle_vert += m_cam_recoil.RelaxSpeed * dt;
		if ( m_angle_vert > 0.0f )			
			m_angle_vert = 0.0f; 
			m_actived    = false;	
Пример #7
void	CSoundRender_TargetD::fill_parameters()

	// 1. Set 3D params (including mode)
		Fvector&			p_pos	= pEmitter->p_source.position;

		R_CHK(pControl->SetMinDistance	(pEmitter->p_source.min_distance,	DS3D_DEFERRED));
		R_CHK(pControl->SetMaxDistance	(pEmitter->p_source.max_distance,	DS3D_DEFERRED));
		R_CHK(pControl->SetPosition		(p_pos.x,p_pos.y,p_pos.z,			DS3D_DEFERRED));
	// 2. Set 2D params (volume, freq) + position(rewind)
		float	_volume				= pEmitter->smooth_volume;				clamp	(_volume,EPS_S,1.f);
		s32		hw_volume			= iFloor	(7000.f*logf(_volume)/5.f);	clamp	(hw_volume,DSBVOLUME_MIN,DSBVOLUME_MAX);
		if (_abs(hw_volume-cache_hw_volume)>50){
			cache_hw_volume			= hw_volume;

		float	_freq				= pEmitter->p_source.freq;
		s32		hw_freq				= iFloor	(_freq * float(wfx.nSamplesPerSec) + EPS);
		if (_abs(hw_freq-cache_hw_freq)>50)	{
			cache_hw_freq			= hw_freq;
			s32		hw_freq_set		= hw_freq;
			clamp	(hw_freq_set,s32(SoundRenderD->dsCaps.dwMinSecondarySampleRate),s32(SoundRenderD->dsCaps.dwMaxSecondarySampleRate));
			R_CHK	(pBuffer->SetFrequency	( hw_freq_set	));
Пример #8
void i_edge		( int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2)
    int dx	= _abs(x2 - x1);
    int dy	= _abs(y2 - y1);

    int sx = x2 >= x1 ? 1 : -1;
    int sy = y2 >= y1 ? 1 : -1;
    if ( dy <= dx ){
        int d  = ( dy << 1 ) - dx;
        int d1 = dy << 1;
        int d2 = ( dy - dx ) << 1;
        for  (int x = x1 + sx, y = y1, i = 1; i <= dx; i++, x += sx){
            if ( d > 0) { d += d2; y += sy; }
			else        d += d1;
        int d  = ( dx << 1 ) - dy;
        int d1 = dx << 1;
        int d2 = ( dx - dy ) << 1;
        for  (int x = x1, y = y1 + sy, i = 1; i <= dy; i++, y += sy ){
            if ( d > 0) { d += d2; x += sx; }
            else        d += d1;
Пример #9
bool CMonsterEnemyManager::is_faced(const CEntityAlive *object0, const CEntityAlive *object1)
	if (object0->Position().distance_to(object1->Position()) > object0->ffGetRange())
		return false;

	float			yaw1, pitch1, yaw2, pitch2, fYawFov, fPitchFov, fRange;
	Fvector			tPosition = object0->Position();

	yaw1			= object0->Orientation().yaw;
	pitch1			= object0->Orientation().pitch;
	fYawFov			= angle_normalize_signed(object0->ffGetFov()*PI/180.f);
	fRange			= object0->ffGetRange();

	fYawFov			= angle_normalize_signed((_abs(fYawFov) + _abs(atanf(1.f/tPosition.distance_to(object1->Position()))))/2.f);
	fPitchFov		= angle_normalize_signed(fYawFov*1.f);
	tPosition.sub	(object1->Position());
	tPosition.mul	(-1);
	tPosition.getHP	(yaw2,pitch2);
	yaw1			= angle_normalize_signed(yaw1);
	pitch1			= angle_normalize_signed(pitch1);
	yaw2			= angle_normalize_signed(yaw2);
	pitch2			= angle_normalize_signed(pitch2);
	if ((angle_difference(yaw1,yaw2) <= fYawFov) && (angle_difference(pitch1,pitch2) <= fPitchFov))
		return		(true);
	return			(false);
Пример #10
Ivector	vpack			(Fvector src)
	Fvector			_v;
	int	bx			= fpack	(src.x);
	int by			= fpack	(src.y);
	int bz			= fpackZ(src.z);
	// dumb test
	float	e_best	= flt_max;
	int		r=bx,g=by,b=bz;
#ifdef DEBUG
	int		d=0;
	int		d=3;
	for (int x=_max(bx-d,0); x<=_min(bx+d,255); x++)
	for (int y=_max(by-d,0); y<=_min(by+d,255); y++)
	for (int z=_max(bz-d,0); z<=_min(bz+d,255); z++)
		_v				= vunpack(x,y,z);
		float	m		= _v.magnitude();
		float	me		= _abs(m-1.f);
		if	(me>0.03f)	continue;
		_v.div	(m);
		float	e		= _abs(src.dotproduct(_v)-1.f);
		if (e<e_best)	{
			e_best		= e;
	Ivector		ipck;
	ipck.set	(r,g,b);
	return		ipck;
Пример #11
void CAI_Rat::SelectAnimation(const Fvector& /**_view/**/, const Fvector& /**_move/**/, float /**speed/**/)
	IKinematicsAnimated	*tpVisualObject = smart_cast<IKinematicsAnimated*>(Visual());
	MotionID			tpGlobalAnimation;

	if (!g_Alive()) {
		for (int i=0 ;i<2; ++i) {
			if (m_tRatAnimations.tNormal.tGlobal.tpaDeath[i] == m_tpCurrentGlobalAnimation) {
				tpGlobalAnimation = m_tpCurrentGlobalAnimation;
		if (!tpGlobalAnimation) {
			if (m_tpCurrentGlobalAnimation == m_tRatAnimations.tNormal.tGlobal.tpaIdle[1])
				tpGlobalAnimation = m_tRatAnimations.tNormal.tGlobal.tpaDeath[0];
				tpGlobalAnimation = m_tRatAnimations.tNormal.tGlobal.tpaDeath[::Random.randI(0,2)];
	else {
		if (m_bFiring)
			tpGlobalAnimation = m_tRatAnimations.tNormal.tGlobal.tpaAttack[2];
			if (angle_difference(movement().m_body.target.yaw,movement().m_body.current.yaw) <= MIN_TURN_ANGLE)
				if (m_fSpeed < 0.2f) {
					if (m_bStanding)
						tpGlobalAnimation = m_tRatAnimations.tNormal.tGlobal.tpaIdle[1];
						tpGlobalAnimation = m_tRatAnimations.tNormal.tGlobal.tpaIdle[0];
					if (_abs(m_fSpeed - m_fAttackSpeed) < EPS_L)
						tpGlobalAnimation = m_tRatAnimations.tNormal.tGlobal.tRunAttack;
						if (_abs(m_fSpeed - m_fMaxSpeed) < EPS_L)
							tpGlobalAnimation = m_tRatAnimations.tNormal.tGlobal.tRun.fwd;
							tpGlobalAnimation = m_tRatAnimations.tNormal.tGlobal.tWalk.fwd;
			else {
				if (left_angle(-movement().m_body.target.yaw,-movement().m_body.current.yaw))
//					tpGlobalAnimation = m_tRatAnimations.tNormal.tGlobal.tpaIdle[0];
					tpGlobalAnimation = m_tRatAnimations.tNormal.tGlobal.tpTurnLeft;
//					tpGlobalAnimation = m_tRatAnimations.tNormal.tGlobal.tpaIdle[0];
					tpGlobalAnimation = m_tRatAnimations.tNormal.tGlobal.tpTurnRight;

	if (tpGlobalAnimation != m_tpCurrentGlobalAnimation)
		m_tpCurrentGlobalBlend = tpVisualObject->PlayCycle(m_tpCurrentGlobalAnimation = tpGlobalAnimation);

#ifdef DEBUG
	if (psAI_Flags.is(aiAnimation)) {
		IKinematicsAnimated	*skeleton_animated = smart_cast<IKinematicsAnimated*>(Visual());
		Msg					("%6d %s animation : %s (%f,%f)",Device.dwTimeGlobal,"Global",skeleton_animated->LL_MotionDefName_dbg(m_tpCurrentGlobalAnimation),movement().m_body.current.yaw,movement().m_body.target.yaw);
Пример #12
void CDrawUtilities::DrawAABB(const Fvector& p0, const Fvector& p1, u32 clr_s, u32 clr_w, BOOL bSolid, BOOL bWire)
    Fmatrix			R;
	Fvector	C; C.set((p1.x+p0.x)*0.5f,(p1.y+p0.y)*0.5f,(p1.z+p0.z)*0.5f);
    R.scale			(_abs(p1.x-p0.x),_abs(p1.y-p0.y),_abs(p1.z-p0.z));
	DrawIdentBox	(bSolid,bWire,clr_s,clr_w);
Пример #13
extern void my_convert_tz(sqlite3_context * context, 
                          int               argc, 
                          sqlite3_value  ** argv) {
        KSU_TM_T    time_str;
        KSU_TM_T   *bdp; 
        KSU_TIME_T  clock;
        int         tzlen;
        int         from_tz_hour;
        int         from_tz_minute;
        int         to_tz_hour;
        int         to_tz_minute;
        char       *q;
        char        date[DATE_LEN];
        int         secdiff;
        _ksu_null_if_null_param(argc, argv);
        if (my_is_datetime((const char *)sqlite3_value_text(argv[0]),
                             &clock, (char)0)) {
          q = (char *)sqlite3_value_text(argv[1]);
          tzlen = strlen(q);
          if ((tzlen != TZ_LEN)
              || (sscanf(q, "%d:%d",
                            &from_tz_hour, &from_tz_minute) != 2)) {
            ksu_err_msg(context, KSU_ERR_INV_TZ_FORMAT, "convert_tz");
          if (from_tz_hour < 0) {
            from_tz_minute = -1 * _abs(from_tz_minute);
          q = (char *)sqlite3_value_text(argv[2]);
          tzlen = strlen(q);
          if ((tzlen != TZ_LEN) 
              ||(sscanf(q, "%d:%d", &to_tz_hour, &to_tz_minute) != 2)) {
            ksu_err_msg(context, KSU_ERR_INV_TZ_FORMAT, "convert_tz");
          if (to_tz_hour < 0) {
            to_tz_minute = -1 * _abs(to_tz_minute);
          secdiff = (to_tz_hour - from_tz_hour) * 3600
                    + (to_tz_minute - from_tz_minute) * 60;
          clock = ksu_add_secs(clock, secdiff);
          bdp = ksu_localtime(clock, &time_str);
          if (bdp) {
            sprintf(date, "%4d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d",
                          (int)(1 + bdp->mon),
                          (int)bdp->mday, (int)bdp->hour,
                          (int)bdp->min, (int)bdp->sec);
            sqlite3_result_text(context, date, -1, SQLITE_TRANSIENT);
          } else {
        } else {
Пример #14
Fraction Fraction::frac_abs()
	Fraction tmp;
    tmp.l = _abs(l);
    tmp.u = _abs(u);
	tmp.lg_u = lg_u;
    tmp.lg_l = lg_l;
    return tmp;
Пример #15
Fraction Fraction::upload(int64 upper, int64 lower)
	u = upper;
	l = lower;
	lg_u = log10((double)_abs(u));
	lg_l = log10((double)_abs(l));
	is_sharp = true;
	return *this;
Пример #16
// Returns determinant of a, and b=a inverse.
// If matrix is singular, returns 0 and leaves trash in b.
// Uses Gaussian elimination with partial pivoting.
double internal_invert(double *_a, double *_b, const int N)
    unsigned int i, j=0, k;
    double max, t, det, pivot;

    /*---------- forward elimination ----------*/

    for (i=0; i<(unsigned int)N; i++)                 /* put identity matrix in B */
        for (j=0; j<(unsigned int)N; j++)
            B(i, j) = (double)(i==j);

    det = 1.0;
    for (i=0; i<(unsigned int)N; i++) {               /* eliminate in column i, below diag */
        max = -1.;
        for (k=i; k<(unsigned int)N; k++)             /* find pivot for column i */
            if (_abs(A(k, i)) > max) {
                max = _abs(A(k, i));
                j = k;
        if (max<=0.) return 0.;         /* if no nonzero pivot, PUNT */
        if (j!=i) {                     /* swap rows i and j */
            for (k=i; k<(unsigned int)N; k++)
                SWAP(A(i, k), A(j, k), t);
            for (k=0; k<(unsigned int)N; k++)
                SWAP(B(i, k), B(j, k), t);
            det = -det;
        pivot = A(i, i);
        det *= pivot;
        for (k=i+1; k<(unsigned int)N; k++)           /* only do elems to right of pivot */
            A(i, k) /= pivot;
        for (k=0; k<(unsigned int)N; k++)
            B(i, k) /= pivot;
        /* we know that A(i, i) will be set to 1, so don't bother to do it */

        for (j=i+1; j<(unsigned int)N; j++) {         /* eliminate in rows below i */
            t = A(j, i);                /* we're gonna zero this guy */
            for (k=i+1; k<(unsigned int)N; k++)       /* subtract scaled row i from row j */
                A(j, k) -= A(i, k)*t;   /* (ignore k<=i, we know they're 0) */
            for (k=0; k<(unsigned int)N; k++)
                B(j, k) -= B(i, k)*t;

    /*---------- backward elimination ----------*/

    for (i=N-1; i>0; i--) {             /* eliminate in column i, above diag */
        for (j=0; j<i; j++) {           /* eliminate in rows above i */
            t = A(j, i);                /* we're gonna zero this guy */
            for (k=0; k<(unsigned int)N; k++)         /* subtract scaled row i from row j */
                B(j, k) -= B(i, k)*t;

    return det;
Пример #17
int sin_q15(int theta) {
  if ( theta == 0 || _abs(theta) == 180 || _abs(theta) == 360)
    return 0;

  int sin_result,dummy;


  return sin_result;
Пример #18
Fraction::Fraction(int64 upper, int64 lower) : u(upper), lg_u(log10((double)_abs(u))), is_sharp(true)
    if(lower != 0)
        l = lower;
		lg_l = log10((double)_abs(l));
        throw (char *) "Exception: divide on zero in fraction number.";
Пример #19
void CWeaponShotEffector::Initialize(float max_angle, float relax_speed, float max_angle_horz, float step_angle_horz, float angle_frac)
	fRelaxSpeed				= _abs(relax_speed);
	fAngleVertMax			= _abs(max_angle);
	fAngleVertFrac			= _abs(angle_frac);
	fAngleHorzMax			= max_angle_horz;
	fAngleHorzStep			= step_angle_horz;

Пример #20
template<typename T> inline T moveValueTowards(T val, T target, T incr)
	incr = _abs(incr);
	T delta = _abs(target-val);
	if(val<target) val += incr;
	else if(val>target) val -= incr;
	T newDelta = _abs(target-val);
	if(newDelta >= delta)
		val = target;
	return val;
Пример #21
void CPHMovementControl::SetPathDir( const Fvector& v)
	_vPathDir = v;

	if(_abs(_vPathDir.x)>1000 || _abs(_vPathDir.y)>1000 || _abs(_vPathDir.z)>1000)
		Log					("_vPathDir",	_vPathDir );
	VERIFY2				( _abs(_vPathDir.x)<1000," incorrect SetPathDir ");

Пример #22
void	CActor::cam_Lookout	( const Fmatrix &xform, float camera_height )
		if (!fis_zero(r_torso_tgt_roll))
			float w,h;
			float c				= viewport_near(w,h); w/=2.f;h/=2.f;
			float alpha			= r_torso_tgt_roll/2.f;
			float radius		= camera_height*0.5f;
			// init valid angle
			float valid_angle	= alpha;
			Fvector				bc,bd;
			Fmatrix33			mat;
			get_cam_oob( bc, bd, mat, xform, r_torso, alpha, radius, c );

			xrXRC				xrc			;
			xrc.box_options		(0)			;
			xrc.box_query		(Level().ObjectSpace.GetStaticModel(), bc, bd)		;
			u32 tri_count		= xrc.r_count();

			//if (tri_count)		
				float da		= 0.f;
				BOOL bIntersect	= FALSE;
				Fvector	ext		= {w,h,VIEWPORT_NEAR/2};
				Fvector				pt;
				calc_gl_point	( pt, xform, radius, alpha );
				if ( test_point( pt, mat, ext, this  ) )
					da			= PI/1000.f;
					if (!fis_zero(r_torso.roll))
						da		*= r_torso.roll/_abs(r_torso.roll);
					for (float angle=0.f; _abs(angle)<_abs(alpha); angle+=da)
						Fvector				pt;
						calc_gl_point( pt, xform, radius, angle );
						if (test_point( pt, mat,ext, this )) 
							{ bIntersect=TRUE; break; } 
					valid_angle	= bIntersect?angle:alpha;
			r_torso.roll		= valid_angle*2.f;
			r_torso_tgt_roll	= r_torso.roll;
			r_torso_tgt_roll = 0.f;
			r_torso.roll = 0.f;
Пример #23
// Vista+ only
BOOL apiSetConsoleFontSize(HANDLE hOutput, int inSizeY, int inSizeX, const wchar_t *asFontName)
	HMODULE hKernel = GetModuleHandle(L"kernel32.dll");

	if (!hKernel)
		return FALSE;


	//typedef BOOL (WINAPI *PSetCurrentConsoleFontEx)(HANDLE /*hConsoleOutput*/, BOOL /*bMaximumWindow*/, MY_CONSOLE_FONT_INFOEX* /*lpConsoleCurrentFontEx*/);
	PSetCurrentConsoleFontEx SetCurrentConsoleFontEx = (PSetCurrentConsoleFontEx)
	        GetProcAddress(hKernel, "SetCurrentConsoleFontEx");

	//typedef BOOL (WINAPI *PGetCurrentConsoleFontEx)(HANDLE /*hConsoleOutput*/, BOOL /*bMaximumWindow*/, MY_CONSOLE_FONT_INFOEX* /*lpConsoleCurrentFontEx*/);
	PGetCurrentConsoleFontEx GetCurrentConsoleFontEx = (PGetCurrentConsoleFontEx)
	        GetProcAddress(hKernel, "GetCurrentConsoleFontEx");

	if (SetCurrentConsoleFontEx)  // We have Vista
		MY_CONSOLE_FONT_INFOEX cfi = {sizeof(cfi)};
		//GetCurrentConsoleFontEx(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE), FALSE, &cfi);
		cfi.dwFontSize.X = inSizeX;
		cfi.dwFontSize.Y = inSizeY;
		lstrcpynW(cfi.FaceName, asFontName ? asFontName : L"Lucida Console", countof(cfi.FaceName));

		lbRc = SetCurrentConsoleFontEx(hConOut, FALSE, &cfi);

		// Store for further comparison
		if (lbRc)
			MY_CONSOLE_FONT_INFOEX cfiSet = {sizeof(cfiSet)};
			if (GetCurrentConsoleFontEx && GetCurrentConsoleFontEx(hConOut, FALSE, &cfiSet))
				// Win10 can't set "Lucida Console 3x5" and we get "4x6"
				_ASSERTE(_abs(cfiSet.dwFontSize.X-cfi.dwFontSize.X)<=1 && _abs(cfiSet.dwFontSize.Y-cfi.dwFontSize.Y)<=1);
				g_LastSetConsoleFont = cfiSet;
				DEBUGTEST(DWORD dwErr = GetLastError());
				_ASSERTE(FALSE && "apiGetConsoleScreenBufferInfoEx failed");
				g_LastSetConsoleFont = cfi;

	return lbRc;
Пример #24
void Point::smart()
    int64 local_gcd = gcd(_abs(s), gcd(_abs(x), _abs(y)));
    x /= local_gcd;
    y /= local_gcd;
    s /= local_gcd;
    if(s < 0)
        x = -x;
        y = -y;
        s = -s;
Пример #25
void CSpectator::IR_OnMouseMove(int dx, int dy)
	if (Remote())	return;
	CCameraBase* C	= cameras	[cam_active];
	float scale		= (C->f_fov/g_fov)*psMouseSens * psMouseSensScale/50.f;
	if (dx){
		float d = float(dx)*scale;
		cameras[cam_active]->Move((d<0)?kLEFT:kRIGHT, _abs(d));
	if (dy){
		float d = ((psMouseInvert.test(1))?-1:1)*float(dy)*scale*3.f/4.f;
		cameras[cam_active]->Move((d>0)?kUP:kDOWN, _abs(d));
Пример #26
void bonesBone::Turn(u32 dt)
	float PI_DIV_2m		= 8 * PI_DIV_6 / 3;		
	float PIm			= PI_DIV_2m * 2;

	float cur_speed = params.r_speed * _cos(PI_DIV_2m - PIm * _abs(params.target_yaw - params.cur_yaw) / params.dist_yaw);

	float dy;
	dy =  cur_speed * dt / 1000;  // учитываем милисек и радианную меры

	if (_abs(params.target_yaw - params.cur_yaw) < dy) params.cur_yaw = params.target_yaw;
	else params.cur_yaw += ((params.target_yaw > params.cur_yaw) ? dy : -dy);

bool CControlAnimationBase::accel_chain_get(float cur_speed, EMotionAnim target_anim, EMotionAnim &new_anim, float &a_speed)
	VERIFY2(_abs(cur_speed)<1000, "CControlAnimationBase cur_speed too big");

	VELOCITY_CHAIN_VEC_IT B = m_accel.chain.begin(), I;
	VELOCITY_CHAIN_VEC_IT E = m_accel.chain.end();

	// пройти по всем Chain-векторам
	for (I = B; I != E; I++) {
		SEQ_VECTOR_IT	IT_B		= I->begin(), IT;
		SEQ_VECTOR_IT	IT_E		= I->end();
		SEQ_VECTOR_IT	best_anim	= IT_E;
		SVelocityParam	*best_param	= 0;

		bool		  found		= false;

		// Пройти по текущему вектору
		for (IT = IT_B; IT != IT_E; IT++) {

			SAnimItem			*item_it = m_anim_storage[*IT];
			SVelocityParam		*param	= &item_it->velocity;
			float				from	= param->velocity.linear * param->min_factor;
			float				to		= param->velocity.linear * param->max_factor;

			if ( ((from <= cur_speed+EPS_L) && (cur_speed <= to + EPS_L))	|| 
				((cur_speed < from) && (IT == I->begin()))					|| 
				((cur_speed + EPS_L >= to) &&	(IT+1 == I->end())) ) {
					best_anim	= IT;
					best_param	= &item_it->velocity;

				if ((*IT) == target_anim) found = true;
				if (found && best_param) break;

		if (!found) continue;

		R_ASSERT2(best_param,"probably incompatible speed ranges");
		// calc anim_speed
		new_anim	= *best_anim;
		float tmp	= GetAnimSpeed(new_anim);
		VERIFY2(_abs(tmp)<1000, "CControlAnimationBase GetAnimSpeed returns too big speed");
		a_speed		=  tmp * cur_speed / best_param->velocity.linear;
		VERIFY2(_abs(a_speed)<1000, "CControlAnimationBase a_speed too big");
		return true;
	return false;
Пример #28
// Solve nxn system Ax=b.
// Leaves solution x in b, and destroys original A and b vectors.
// Return value is determinant of A.
// If system is singular, returns 0 and leaves trash in b
// Uses Gaussian elimination with partial pivoting.
double internal_solve(double *_a, double *b, const int N)
    int i, j=0, k;
    double max, t, det, sum, pivot;

    /*---------- forward elimination ----------*/

    det = 1.0;
    for (i=0; i<N; i++) {		/* eliminate in column i */
	max = -1.0;
	for (k=i; k<N; k++)		/* find pivot for column i */
	    if (_abs(A(k, i)) > max) {
		max = _abs(A(k, i));
		j = k;
	if (max<=0.) return 0.0;	/* if no nonzero pivot, PUNT */
	if (j!=i) {			/* swap rows i and j */
	    for (k=i; k<N; k++)
		SWAP(A(i, k), A(j, k), t);
	    det = -det;
	    SWAP(b[i], b[j], t);	/* swap elements of column vector */
	pivot = A(i, i);
	det *= pivot;
	for (k=i+1; k<N; k++)		/* only do elems to right of pivot */
	    A(i, k) /= pivot;

	/* we know that A(i, i) will be set to 1, so don't bother to do it */
	b[i] /= pivot;
	for (j=i+1; j<N; j++) {		/* eliminate in rows below i */
	    t = A(j, i);		/* we're gonna zero this guy */
	    for (k=i+1; k<N; k++)	/* subtract scaled row i from row j */
		A(j, k) -= A(i, k)*t;	/* (ignore k<=i, we know they're 0) */
	    b[j] -= b[i]*t;

    /*---------- back substitution ----------*/

    for (i=N-1; i>=0; i--) {		/* solve for x[i] (put it in b[i]) */
	sum = b[i];
	for (k=i+1; k<N; k++)		/* really A(i, k)*x[k] */
	    sum -= A(i, k)*b[k];
	b[i] = sum;

    return det;
Пример #29
void CWeaponStatMgun::Load(LPCSTR section)
	inheritedShooting::Load	(section);

	m_sounds.LoadSound(section,"snd_shoot", "sndShot", false, SOUND_TYPE_WEAPON_SHOOTING);
	m_Ammo->Load(pSettings->r_string(section, "ammo_class"), 0);
	camMaxAngle			= pSettings->r_float		(section,"cam_max_angle"	); 
	camMaxAngle			= _abs( deg2rad				(camMaxAngle) );
	camRelaxSpeed		= pSettings->r_float		(section,"cam_relax_speed"	); 
	camRelaxSpeed		= _abs( deg2rad				(camRelaxSpeed) );

	VERIFY( !fis_zero(camMaxAngle) );
	VERIFY( !fis_zero(camRelaxSpeed) );
Пример #30
float	CIKLimbsController::StaticObjectShift			( const SCalculateData cd[max_size] )
		const float current_shift = _object_shift.shift();

		u16 cnt = 0; float shift_up =0;
		const u16 sz =(u16)_bone_chains.size();
		for(u16 j = 0; sz > j; ++j )
			if( cd[j].state.foot_step )
				float s_up = cd[j].cl_shift.y + current_shift;
				if( 0.f < s_up )
					shift_up += s_up;
		if( 0 < cnt )
				shift_up /= cnt;
		float shift_down = LegLengthShiftLimit( current_shift, cd );
		float shift = 0;
		if( shift_down > 0.f )
			shift = -shift_down;
		else if( -shift_down < shift_up )
			shift = -shift_down;
			shift = shift_up;
		VERIFY( _valid( shift ) );
		_object_shift.set_taget( shift , _abs( current_shift - shift ) / static_shift_object_speed );
		return shift;