Пример #1
 * @brief Normalizes all FSR scalar fluxes and Track boundary angular
 *        fluxes to the total fission source (times \f$ \nu \f$).
void CPUSolver::normalizeFluxes() {

  FP_PRECISION* nu_sigma_f;
  FP_PRECISION volume;
  FP_PRECISION tot_fission_source;
  FP_PRECISION norm_factor;

  /* Compute total fission source for each FSR, energy group */
  #pragma omp parallel for private(volume, nu_sigma_f) \
    reduction(+:tot_fission_source) schedule(guided)
  for (int r=0; r < _num_FSRs; r++) {

    /* Get pointers to important data structures */
    nu_sigma_f = _FSR_materials[r]->getNuSigmaF();
    volume = _FSR_volumes[r];

    for (int e=0; e < _num_groups; e++)
      _fission_sources(r,e) = nu_sigma_f[e] * _scalar_flux(r,e) * volume;

  /* Compute the total fission source */
  tot_fission_source = pairwise_sum<FP_PRECISION>(_fission_sources,

  /* Normalize scalar fluxes in each FSR */
  norm_factor = 1.0 / tot_fission_source;

  log_printf(DEBUG, "Tot. Fiss. Src = %f, Normalization factor = %f",
             tot_fission_source, norm_factor);

  #pragma omp parallel for schedule(guided)
  for (int r=0; r < _num_FSRs; r++) {
    for (int e=0; e < _num_groups; e++)
      _scalar_flux(r,e) *= norm_factor;

  /* Normalize angular boundary fluxes for each Track */
  #pragma omp parallel for schedule(guided)
  for (int i=0; i < _tot_num_tracks; i++) {
    for (int j=0; j < 2; j++) {
      for (int p=0; p < _num_polar; p++) {
        for (int e=0; e < _num_groups; e++) {
          _boundary_flux(i,j,p,e) *= norm_factor;

Пример #2
 * @brief Zero each Track's boundary fluxes for each energy group and polar
 *        angle in the "forward" and "reverse" directions.
void CPUSolver::zeroTrackFluxes() {

  #pragma omp parallel for schedule(guided)
  for (int t=0; t < _tot_num_tracks; t++) {
    for (int d=0; d < 2; d++) {
      for (int p=0; p < _num_polar; p++) {
        for (int e=0; e < _num_groups; e++) {
          _boundary_flux(t,d,p,e) = 0.0;

Пример #3
 * @brief Updates the boundary flux for a Track given boundary conditions.
 * @details For reflective boundary conditions, the outgoing boundary flux
 *          for the Track is given to the reflecting Track. For vacuum
 *          boundary conditions, the outgoing flux tallied as leakage.
 * @param track_id the ID number for the Track of interest
 * @param azim_index a pointer to the azimuthal angle index for this segment
 * @param direction the Track direction (forward - true, reverse - false)
 * @param track_flux a pointer to the Track's outgoing angular flux
void VectorizedSolver::transferBoundaryFlux(int track_id, int azim_index,
                                            bool direction,
                                            FP_PRECISION* track_flux) {
  int start;
  bool bc;
  FP_PRECISION* track_leakage;
  int track_out_id;

  /* Extract boundary conditions for this Track and the pointer to the
   * outgoing reflective Track, and index into the leakage array */

  /* For the "forward" direction */
  if (direction) {
    start = _tracks[track_id]->isReflOut() * _polar_times_groups;
    track_leakage = &_boundary_leakage(track_id,0);
    track_out_id = _tracks[track_id]->getTrackOut()->getUid();
    bc = _tracks[track_id]->getBCOut();

  /* For the "reverse" direction */
  else {
    start = _tracks[track_id]->isReflIn() * _polar_times_groups;
    track_leakage = &_boundary_leakage(track_id,_polar_times_groups);
    track_out_id = _tracks[track_id]->getTrackIn()->getUid();
    bc = _tracks[track_id]->getBCIn();

  FP_PRECISION* track_out_flux = &_boundary_flux(track_out_id,0,0,start);

  /* Loop over polar angles and energy groups */
  for (int p=0; p < _num_polar; p++) {

    /* Loop over each energy group vector length */
    for (int v=0; v < _num_vector_lengths; v++) {

      /* Loop over energy groups within this vector */
      #pragma simd vectorlength(VEC_LENGTH)
      for (int e=v*VEC_LENGTH; e < (v+1)*VEC_LENGTH; e++) {
        track_out_flux(p,e) = track_flux(p,e) * bc;
        track_leakage(p,e) = track_flux(p,e) *
                             _polar_weights(azim_index,p) * (!bc);
Пример #4
 * @brief Updates the boundary flux for a Track given boundary conditions.
 * @details For reflective boundary conditions, the outgoing boundary flux
 *          for the Track is given to the reflecting Track. For vacuum
 *          boundary conditions, the outgoing flux tallied as leakage.
 * @param track_id the ID number for the Track of interest
 * @param azim_index a pointer to the azimuthal angle index for this segment
 * @param direction the Track direction (forward - true, reverse - false)
 * @param track_flux a pointer to the Track's outgoing angular flux
void CPUSolver::transferBoundaryFlux(int track_id,
                                     int azim_index,
                                     bool direction,
                                     FP_PRECISION* track_flux) {
  int start;
  int bc;
  FP_PRECISION* track_leakage;
  int track_out_id;

  /* Extract boundary conditions for this Track and the pointer to the
   * outgoing reflective Track, and index into the leakage array */

  /* For the "forward" direction */
  if (direction) {
    start = _tracks[track_id]->isReflOut() * _polar_times_groups;
    bc = (int)_tracks[track_id]->getBCOut();
    track_leakage = &_boundary_leakage(track_id,0);
    track_out_id = _tracks[track_id]->getTrackOut()->getUid();

  /* For the "reverse" direction */
  else {
    start = _tracks[track_id]->isReflIn() * _polar_times_groups;
    bc = (int)_tracks[track_id]->getBCIn();
    track_leakage = &_boundary_leakage(track_id,_polar_times_groups);
    track_out_id = _tracks[track_id]->getTrackIn()->getUid();

  FP_PRECISION* track_out_flux = &_boundary_flux(track_out_id,0,0,start);

  /* Loop over polar angles and energy groups */
  for (int e=0; e < _num_groups; e++) {
    for (int p=0; p < _num_polar; p++) {
      track_out_flux(p,e) = track_flux(p,e) * bc;
      track_leakage(p,e) = track_flux(p,e) *
                            _polar_weights(azim_index,p) * (!bc);
Пример #5
 * @brief Updates the boundary flux for a Track given boundary conditions.
 * @details For reflective and periodic boundary conditions, the outgoing
 *          boundary flux for the Track is given to the corresponding reflecting
 *          or periodic Track. For vacuum boundary conditions, the outgoing flux
 *          is tallied as leakage.
 * @param track_id the ID number for the Track of interest
 * @param azim_index a pointer to the azimuthal angle index for this segment
 * @param direction the Track direction (forward - true, reverse - false)
 * @param track_flux a pointer to the Track's outgoing angular flux
void VectorizedSolver::transferBoundaryFlux(int track_id, int azim_index,
                                            bool direction,
                                            FP_PRECISION* track_flux) {
  int start;
  bool transfer_flux;
  int track_out_id;

  /* For the "forward" direction */
  if (direction) {
    start = _tracks[track_id]->isNextOut() * _polar_times_groups;
    transfer_flux = _tracks[track_id]->getTransferFluxOut();
    track_out_id = _tracks[track_id]->getTrackOut()->getUid();

  /* For the "reverse" direction */
  else {
    start = _tracks[track_id]->isNextIn() * _polar_times_groups;
    transfer_flux = _tracks[track_id]->getTransferFluxIn();
    track_out_id = _tracks[track_id]->getTrackIn()->getUid();

  FP_PRECISION* track_out_flux = &_boundary_flux(track_out_id,0,0,start);

  /* Loop over polar angles and energy groups */
  for (int p=0; p < _num_polar; p++) {

    /* Loop over each energy group vector length */
    for (int v=0; v < _num_vector_lengths; v++) {

      /* Loop over energy groups within this vector */
#pragma simd vectorlength(VEC_LENGTH)
      for (int e=v*VEC_LENGTH; e < (v+1)*VEC_LENGTH; e++)
        track_out_flux(p,e) = track_flux(p,e) * transfer_flux;
Пример #6
 * @brief This method performs one transport sweep of all azimuthal angles,
 *        Tracks, Track segments, polar angles and energy groups.
 * @details The method integrates the flux along each Track and updates the
 *          boundary fluxes for the corresponding output Track, while updating
 *          the scalar flux in each flat source region.
void CPUSolver::transportSweep() {

  int tid;
  int min_track, max_track;
  Track* curr_track;
  int azim_index;
  int num_segments;
  segment* curr_segment;
  segment* segments;
  FP_PRECISION* track_flux;

  log_printf(DEBUG, "Transport sweep with %d OpenMP threads", _num_threads);

  /* Initialize flux in each FSr to zero */

  if (_cmfd->getMesh()->getCmfdOn())

  /* Loop over azimuthal angle halfspaces */
  for (int i=0; i < 2; i++) {

    /* Compute the minimum and maximum Track IDs corresponding to
     * this azimuthal angular halfspace */
    min_track = i * (_tot_num_tracks / 2);
    max_track = (i + 1) * (_tot_num_tracks / 2);

    /* Loop over each thread within this azimuthal angle halfspace */
    #pragma omp parallel for private(curr_track, azim_index, num_segments, \
      curr_segment, segments, track_flux, tid) schedule(guided)
    for (int track_id=min_track; track_id < max_track; track_id++) {

      tid = omp_get_thread_num();

      /* Initialize local pointers to important data structures */
      curr_track = _tracks[track_id];
      azim_index = curr_track->getAzimAngleIndex();
      num_segments = curr_track->getNumSegments();
      segments = curr_track->getSegments();
      track_flux = &_boundary_flux(track_id,0,0,0);

      /* Loop over each Track segment in forward direction */
      for (int s=0; s < num_segments; s++) {
        curr_segment = &segments[s];
        scalarFluxTally(curr_segment, azim_index, track_flux,

      /* Transfer boundary angular flux to outgoing Track */
      transferBoundaryFlux(track_id, azim_index, true, track_flux);

      /* Loop over each Track segment in reverse direction */
      track_flux += _polar_times_groups;

      for (int s=num_segments-1; s > -1; s--) {
        curr_segment = &segments[s];
        scalarFluxTally(curr_segment, azim_index, track_flux,

      /* Transfer boundary angular flux to outgoing Track */
      transferBoundaryFlux(track_id, azim_index, false, track_flux);
