virtual void visit(const ConstElementPtr& e)
    QStringList refs;
    if (e->getTags().contains("REF1"))
      e->getTags().readValues("REF1", refs);


      if (refs.size() > 0)
        // Find the REF1 id's in REF2.
        // NOTE: this blindly assumes that there is only ONE value in the REF1 tag list
        RefToEidVisitor::RefToEid::const_iterator refId = _refSet.find(refs[0]);

        if (refId != _refSet.end())
          // Loop through the element Id's in REF2
          for (set<ElementId>::const_iterator eid = refId->second.begin(); eid != refId->second.end(); ++eid)
            // Loop through the Tags in REF1
            for (Tags::const_iterator tag1 = e->getTags().begin(); tag1 != e->getTags().end(); ++tag1 )
              QString kvp1 = OsmSchema::getInstance().toKvp(tag1.key(),tag1.value());

              // We are only looking at Enumerated tags
              if (OsmSchema::getInstance().getTagVertex(kvp1).valueType == hoot::Enumeration)
                // Get the value from the corresponding tag in REF2
                QString kvp2 = OsmSchema::getInstance().toKvp(tag1.key(), _map->getElement(*eid)->getTags()[tag1.key()]);

                // LOG_INFO("Got Tags:" + kvp1 + " " + kvp2);
            } // End for REF1 tag list

            // now loop through the REF2 tag list and fill in any missing tags.
            for (Tags::const_iterator tag2 = _map->getElement(*eid)->getTags().begin();
                 tag2 != _map->getElement(*eid)->getTags().end(); ++tag2 )
              QString kvp2 = OsmSchema::getInstance().toKvp(tag2.key(),tag2.value());

              // Skip the tags that are common
              if (e->getTags().contains(tag2.key())) continue;

              if (OsmSchema::getInstance().getTagVertex(kvp2).valueType == hoot::Enumeration)
                // "Missing" == "" tag value
                QString kvp1 = OsmSchema::getInstance().toKvp(tag2.key(),"");

                // LOG_INFO("Got Tags:" + kvp1 + " " + kvp2);

            } // End for REF2 tag list

            // now try matching up the "name" fields
            QString name1 = e->getTags()["name"];
            QString name2 = _map->getElement(*eid)->getTags()["name"];

            QString kvpNull = OsmSchema::getInstance().toKvp("name","<NULL>");
            QString kvpNonNull = OsmSchema::getInstance().toKvp("name","<NON NULL>");
            QString kvpSame = OsmSchema::getInstance().toKvp("name","<SIMILAR>");

            if (name1 == "")
              if (name2 == "")
            else if (name2 == "")
              // Check if the names match
              double nameScore = _calculateNameScore(e, _map->getElement(*eid));
              bool nameMatch = nameScore >= ConfigOptions().getPoiPolygonMatchNameThreshold();

              if (nameMatch)

          } // End for ref2 Element ID's

        } // End refId != End

      } // End refs > 0

    } // End contains "REF1"

  } // End Visit
Пример #2
PoiPolygonMatch::PoiPolygonMatch(const ConstOsmMapPtr& map, const ElementId& eid1,
                                 const ElementId& eid2, ConstMatchThresholdPtr threshold) :
  ConstElementPtr e1 = map->getElement(eid1);
  ConstElementPtr e2 = map->getElement(eid2);
  ConstElementPtr poi, poly;
  if (isPoiIsh(e1) && isBuildingIsh(e2))
    _poiEid = eid1;
    _polyEid = eid2;
    poi = e1;
    poly = e2;
  else if (isPoiIsh(e2) && isBuildingIsh(e1))
    _poiEid = eid2;
    _polyEid = eid1;
    poi = e2;
    poly = e1;
    throw IllegalArgumentException("Expected a POI & polygon, got: " + eid1.toString() + " " +

  shared_ptr<Geometry> gpoly = ElementConverter(map).convertToGeometry(poly);
  shared_ptr<Geometry> gpoi = ElementConverter(map).convertToGeometry(poi);

  bool typeMatch = _calculateTypeMatch(poi, poly);
  double nameScore = _calculateNameScore(poi, poly);
  bool nameMatch = nameScore >= ConfigOptions().getPoiPolygonMatchNameThreshold();
  double distance = gpoly->distance(gpoi.get());

  // calculate the 2 sigma for the distance between the two objects
  double sigma1 = e1->getCircularError() / 2.0;
  double sigma2 = e1->getCircularError() / 2.0;
  double ce = sqrt(sigma1 * sigma1 + sigma2 * sigma2) * 2;

  double reviewDistance = ConfigOptions().getPoiPolygonMatchReviewDistance() + ce;
  bool closeMatch = distance <= reviewDistance;

  int evidence = 0;
  evidence += typeMatch ? 1 : 0;
  evidence += nameMatch ? 1 : 0;
  evidence += distance == 0 ? 2 : 0;

  if (!closeMatch)
  else if (evidence >= 3)
  else if (evidence >= 1)