Пример #1
// Approximate a blackbody illuminant based on CHAD information
cmsFloat64Number CHAD2Temp(const cmsMAT3* Chad)
    // Convert D50 across inverse CHAD to get the absolute white point
    cmsVEC3 d, s;
    cmsCIEXYZ Dest;
    cmsCIExyY DestChromaticity;
    cmsFloat64Number TempK;
    cmsMAT3 m1, m2;

    m1 = *Chad;
    if (!_cmsMAT3inverse(&m1, &m2)) return FALSE;

    s.n[VX] = cmsD50_XYZ() -> X;
    s.n[VY] = cmsD50_XYZ() -> Y;
    s.n[VZ] = cmsD50_XYZ() -> Z;

    _cmsMAT3eval(&d, &m2, &s);

    Dest.X = d.n[VX];
    Dest.Y = d.n[VY];
    Dest.Z = d.n[VZ];

    cmsXYZ2xyY(&DestChromaticity, &Dest);

    if (!cmsTempFromWhitePoint(&TempK, &DestChromaticity))
        return -1.0;

    return TempK;
Пример #2
cmsPipeline* BuildRGBOutputMatrixShaper(cmsHPROFILE hProfile)
    cmsPipeline* Lut;
    cmsToneCurve *Shapes[3], *InvShapes[3];
    cmsMAT3 Mat, Inv;
    int i, j;
    cmsContext ContextID = cmsGetProfileContextID(hProfile);

    if (!ReadICCMatrixRGB2XYZ(&Mat, hProfile))
        return NULL;

    if (!_cmsMAT3inverse(&Mat, &Inv))
        return NULL;

    // XYZ PCS in encoded in 1.15 format, and the matrix input should come in 0..0xffff range, so
    // we need to adjust the input by a << 1 to obtain a 1.16 fixed and then by a factor of
    // (0xffff/0x10000) to put data in 0..0xffff range. Total factor is (2.0*65535.0)/65536.0;

    for (i=0; i < 3; i++)
        for (j=0; j < 3; j++)
            Inv.v[i].n[j] *= OutpAdj;

    Shapes[0] = (cmsToneCurve *) cmsReadTag(hProfile, cmsSigRedTRCTag);
    Shapes[1] = (cmsToneCurve *) cmsReadTag(hProfile, cmsSigGreenTRCTag);
    Shapes[2] = (cmsToneCurve *) cmsReadTag(hProfile, cmsSigBlueTRCTag);

    if (!Shapes[0] || !Shapes[1] || !Shapes[2])
        return NULL;

    InvShapes[0] = cmsReverseToneCurve(Shapes[0]);
    InvShapes[1] = cmsReverseToneCurve(Shapes[1]);
    InvShapes[2] = cmsReverseToneCurve(Shapes[2]);

    if (!InvShapes[0] || !InvShapes[1] || !InvShapes[2]) {
        return NULL;

    Lut = cmsPipelineAlloc(ContextID, 3, 3);
    if (Lut != NULL) {

        // Note that it is certainly possible a single profile would have a LUT based
        // tag for output working in lab and a matrix-shaper for the fallback cases.
        // This is not allowed by the spec, but this code is tolerant to those cases
        if (cmsGetPCS(hProfile) == cmsSigLabData) {

             cmsPipelineInsertStage(Lut, cmsAT_END, _cmsStageAllocLab2XYZ(ContextID));

        cmsPipelineInsertStage(Lut, cmsAT_END, cmsStageAllocMatrix(ContextID, 3, 3, (cmsFloat64Number*) &Inv, NULL));
        cmsPipelineInsertStage(Lut, cmsAT_END, cmsStageAllocToneCurves(ContextID, 3, InvShapes));

    return Lut;
Пример #3
// Solve a system in the form Ax = b
cmsBool  CMSEXPORT _cmsMAT3solve(cmsVEC3* x, cmsMAT3* a, cmsVEC3* b)
    cmsMAT3 m, a_1;

    memmove(&m, a, sizeof(cmsMAT3));

    if (!_cmsMAT3inverse(&m, &a_1)) return FALSE;  // Singular matrix

    _cmsMAT3eval(x, &a_1, b);
    return TRUE;
Пример #4
cmsPipeline* BuildRGBOutputMatrixShaper(cmsHPROFILE hProfile)
    cmsPipeline* Lut;
    cmsToneCurve *Shapes[3], *InvShapes[3];
    cmsMAT3 Mat, Inv;
    int i, j;
    cmsContext ContextID = cmsGetProfileContextID(hProfile);

    if (!ReadICCMatrixRGB2XYZ(&Mat, hProfile))
        return NULL;

    if (!_cmsMAT3inverse(&Mat, &Inv))
        return NULL;

    // XYZ PCS in encoded in 1.15 format, and the matrix input should come in 0..0xffff range, so
    // we need to adjust the input by a << 1 to obtain a 1.16 fixed and then by a factor of 
    // (0xffff/0x10000) to put data in 0..0xffff range. Total factor is (2.0*65535.0)/65536.0;

    for (i=0; i < 3; i++)
        for (j=0; j < 3; j++)
            Inv.v[i].n[j] *= OutpAdj;

    Shapes[0] = (cmsToneCurve *) cmsReadTag(hProfile, cmsSigRedTRCTag);        
    Shapes[1] = (cmsToneCurve *) cmsReadTag(hProfile, cmsSigGreenTRCTag);
    Shapes[2] = (cmsToneCurve *) cmsReadTag(hProfile, cmsSigBlueTRCTag);

    if (!Shapes[0] || !Shapes[1] || !Shapes[2])
        return NULL;

    InvShapes[0] = cmsReverseToneCurve(Shapes[0]);
    InvShapes[1] = cmsReverseToneCurve(Shapes[1]);
    InvShapes[2] = cmsReverseToneCurve(Shapes[2]);

    if (!InvShapes[0] || !InvShapes[1] || !InvShapes[2]) {      
        return NULL;

    Lut = cmsPipelineAlloc(ContextID, 3, 3);
    if (Lut != NULL) {

        cmsPipelineInsertStage(Lut, cmsAT_END, cmsStageAllocMatrix(ContextID, 3, 3, (cmsFloat64Number*) &Inv, NULL));
        cmsStage* mpe = cmsStageAllocToneCurves(ContextID, 3, InvShapes);
        if (mpe)
          cmsPipelineInsertStage(Lut, cmsAT_END, mpe);
        else  {
          Lut = NULL;

    return Lut;
Пример #5
// Build a White point, primary chromas transfer matrix from RGB to CIE XYZ
// This is just an approximation, I am not handling all the non-linear
// aspects of the RGB to XYZ process, and assumming that the gamma correction
// has transitive property in the transformation chain.
// the alghoritm:
//            - First I build the absolute conversion matrix using
//              primaries in XYZ. This matrix is next inverted
//            - Then I eval the source white point across this matrix
//              obtaining the coeficients of the transformation
//            - Then, I apply these coeficients to the original matrix
cmsBool _cmsBuildRGB2XYZtransferMatrix(cmsMAT3* r, const cmsCIExyY* WhitePt, const cmsCIExyYTRIPLE* Primrs)
    cmsVEC3 WhitePoint, Coef;
    cmsMAT3 Result, Primaries;
    cmsFloat64Number xn, yn;
    cmsFloat64Number xr, yr;
    cmsFloat64Number xg, yg;
    cmsFloat64Number xb, yb;

    xn = WhitePt -> x;
    yn = WhitePt -> y;
    xr = Primrs -> Red.x;
    yr = Primrs -> Red.y;
    xg = Primrs -> Green.x;
    yg = Primrs -> Green.y;
    xb = Primrs -> Blue.x;
    yb = Primrs -> Blue.y;

    // Build Primaries matrix
    _cmsVEC3init(&Primaries.v[0], xr,        xg,         xb);
    _cmsVEC3init(&Primaries.v[1], yr,        yg,         yb);
    _cmsVEC3init(&Primaries.v[2], (1-xr-yr), (1-xg-yg),  (1-xb-yb));

    // Result = Primaries ^ (-1) inverse matrix
    if (!_cmsMAT3inverse(&Primaries, &Result))
        return FALSE;

    _cmsVEC3init(&WhitePoint, xn/yn, 1.0, (1.0-xn-yn)/yn);

    // Across inverse primaries ...
    _cmsMAT3eval(&Coef, &Result, &WhitePoint);

    // Give us the Coefs, then I build transformation matrix
    _cmsVEC3init(&r -> v[0], Coef.n[VX]*xr,          Coef.n[VY]*xg,          Coef.n[VZ]*xb);
    _cmsVEC3init(&r -> v[1], Coef.n[VX]*yr,          Coef.n[VY]*yg,          Coef.n[VZ]*yb);
    _cmsVEC3init(&r -> v[2], Coef.n[VX]*(1.0-xr-yr), Coef.n[VY]*(1.0-xg-yg), Coef.n[VZ]*(1.0-xb-yb));

    return _cmsAdaptMatrixToD50(r, WhitePt);

Пример #6
cmsBool ComputeChromaticAdaptation(cmsMAT3* Conversion,
                                const cmsCIEXYZ* SourceWhitePoint,
                                const cmsCIEXYZ* DestWhitePoint,
                                const cmsMAT3* Chad)


    cmsMAT3 Chad_Inv;
    cmsVEC3 ConeSourceXYZ, ConeSourceRGB;
    cmsVEC3 ConeDestXYZ, ConeDestRGB;
    cmsMAT3 Cone, Tmp;

    Tmp = *Chad;
    if (!_cmsMAT3inverse(&Tmp, &Chad_Inv)) return FALSE;

    _cmsVEC3init(&ConeSourceXYZ, SourceWhitePoint -> X,
                             SourceWhitePoint -> Y,
                             SourceWhitePoint -> Z);

    _cmsVEC3init(&ConeDestXYZ,   DestWhitePoint -> X,
                             DestWhitePoint -> Y,
                             DestWhitePoint -> Z);

    _cmsMAT3eval(&ConeSourceRGB, Chad, &ConeSourceXYZ);
    _cmsMAT3eval(&ConeDestRGB,   Chad, &ConeDestXYZ);

    // Build matrix
    _cmsVEC3init(&Cone.v[0], ConeDestRGB.n[0]/ConeSourceRGB.n[0],    0.0,  0.0);
    _cmsVEC3init(&Cone.v[1], 0.0,   ConeDestRGB.n[1]/ConeSourceRGB.n[1],   0.0);
    _cmsVEC3init(&Cone.v[2], 0.0,   0.0,   ConeDestRGB.n[2]/ConeSourceRGB.n[2]);

    // Normalize
    _cmsMAT3per(&Tmp, &Cone, Chad);
    _cmsMAT3per(Conversion, &Chad_Inv, &Tmp);

    return TRUE;
Пример #7
// Join scalings to obtain relative input to absolute and then to relative output.
// Result is stored in a 3x3 matrix
cmsBool  ComputeAbsoluteIntent(cmsFloat64Number AdaptationState,
                               const cmsCIEXYZ* WhitePointIn,
                               const cmsMAT3* ChromaticAdaptationMatrixIn,
                               const cmsCIEXYZ* WhitePointOut,
                               const cmsMAT3* ChromaticAdaptationMatrixOut,
                               cmsMAT3* m)
    cmsMAT3 Scale, m1, m2, m3, m4;

    // Adaptation state
    if (AdaptationState == 1.0) {

        // Observer is fully adapted. Keep chromatic adaptation.
        // That is the standard V4 behaviour
        _cmsVEC3init(&m->v[0], WhitePointIn->X / WhitePointOut->X, 0, 0);
        _cmsVEC3init(&m->v[1], 0, WhitePointIn->Y / WhitePointOut->Y, 0);
        _cmsVEC3init(&m->v[2], 0, 0, WhitePointIn->Z / WhitePointOut->Z);

    else  {

        // Incomplete adaptation. This is an advanced feature.
        _cmsVEC3init(&Scale.v[0], WhitePointIn->X / WhitePointOut->X, 0, 0);
        _cmsVEC3init(&Scale.v[1], 0,  WhitePointIn->Y / WhitePointOut->Y, 0);
        _cmsVEC3init(&Scale.v[2], 0, 0,  WhitePointIn->Z / WhitePointOut->Z);

        if (AdaptationState == 0.0) {

            m1 = *ChromaticAdaptationMatrixOut;
            _cmsMAT3per(&m2, &m1, &Scale);
            // m2 holds CHAD from output white to D50 times abs. col. scaling

            // Observer is not adapted, undo the chromatic adaptation
            _cmsMAT3per(m, &m2, ChromaticAdaptationMatrixOut);

            m3 = *ChromaticAdaptationMatrixIn;
            if (!_cmsMAT3inverse(&m3, &m4)) return FALSE;
            _cmsMAT3per(m, &m2, &m4);

        } else {

            cmsMAT3 MixedCHAD;
            cmsFloat64Number TempSrc, TempDest, Temp;

            m1 = *ChromaticAdaptationMatrixIn;
            if (!_cmsMAT3inverse(&m1, &m2)) return FALSE;
            _cmsMAT3per(&m3, &m2, &Scale);
            // m3 holds CHAD from input white to D50 times abs. col. scaling

            TempSrc  = CHAD2Temp(ChromaticAdaptationMatrixIn);
            TempDest = CHAD2Temp(ChromaticAdaptationMatrixOut);

            if (TempSrc < 0.0 || TempDest < 0.0) return FALSE; // Something went wrong

            if (_cmsMAT3isIdentity(&Scale) && fabs(TempSrc - TempDest) < 0.01) {

                return TRUE;

            Temp = (1.0 - AdaptationState) * TempDest + AdaptationState * TempSrc;

            // Get a CHAD from whatever output temperature to D50. This replaces output CHAD
            Temp2CHAD(&MixedCHAD, Temp);

            _cmsMAT3per(m, &m3, &MixedCHAD);

    return TRUE;
