Пример #1
static void
setup_reload_pipe (DBusLoop *loop)
  DBusError error;
  DBusWatch *watch;

  dbus_error_init (&error);

  if (!_dbus_socketpair (&reload_pipe[0], &reload_pipe[1],
                         TRUE, &error))
      _dbus_warn ("Unable to create reload pipe: %s\n",
      dbus_error_free (&error);
      exit (1);

  watch = _dbus_watch_new (_dbus_socket_get_pollable (reload_pipe[RELOAD_READ_END]),
                           DBUS_WATCH_READABLE, TRUE,
                           handle_reload_watch, NULL, NULL);

  if (watch == NULL)
      _dbus_warn ("Unable to create reload watch: %s\n",
      dbus_error_free (&error);
      exit (1);

  if (!_dbus_loop_add_watch (loop, watch))
      _dbus_warn ("Unable to add reload watch to main loop: %s\n",
      dbus_error_free (&error);
      exit (1);

Пример #2
 * Creates a new transport for the given socket file descriptor.  The file
 * descriptor must be nonblocking (use _dbus_set_fd_nonblocking() to
 * make it so). This function is shared by various transports that
 * boil down to a full duplex file descriptor.
 * @param fd the file descriptor.
 * @param server_guid non-#NULL if this transport is on the server side of a connection
 * @param address the transport's address
 * @returns the new transport, or #NULL if no memory.
_dbus_transport_new_for_socket (DBusSocket        fd,
                                const DBusString *server_guid,
                                const DBusString *address)
  DBusTransportSocket *socket_transport;
  socket_transport = dbus_new0 (DBusTransportSocket, 1);
  if (socket_transport == NULL)
    return NULL;

  if (!_dbus_string_init (&socket_transport->encoded_outgoing))
    goto failed_0;

  if (!_dbus_string_init (&socket_transport->encoded_incoming))
    goto failed_1;
  socket_transport->write_watch = _dbus_watch_new (_dbus_socket_get_pollable (fd),
                                                 NULL, NULL, NULL);
  if (socket_transport->write_watch == NULL)
    goto failed_2;
  socket_transport->read_watch = _dbus_watch_new (_dbus_socket_get_pollable (fd),
                                                NULL, NULL, NULL);
  if (socket_transport->read_watch == NULL)
    goto failed_3;

  if (!_dbus_transport_init_base (&socket_transport->base,
                                  server_guid, address))
    goto failed_4;

  _dbus_auth_set_unix_fd_possible(socket_transport->base.auth, _dbus_socket_can_pass_unix_fd(fd));

  socket_transport->fd = fd;
  socket_transport->message_bytes_written = 0;
  /* These values should probably be tunable or something. */     
  socket_transport->max_bytes_read_per_iteration = 2048;
  socket_transport->max_bytes_written_per_iteration = 2048;
  return (DBusTransport*) socket_transport;

  _dbus_watch_invalidate (socket_transport->read_watch);
  _dbus_watch_unref (socket_transport->read_watch);
  _dbus_watch_invalidate (socket_transport->write_watch);
  _dbus_watch_unref (socket_transport->write_watch);
  _dbus_string_free (&socket_transport->encoded_incoming);
  _dbus_string_free (&socket_transport->encoded_outgoing);
  dbus_free (socket_transport);
  return NULL;
Пример #3
 * @todo We need to have a way to wake up the select sleep if
 * a new iteration request comes in with a flag (read/write) that
 * we're not currently serving. Otherwise a call that just reads
 * could block a write call forever (if there are no incoming
 * messages).
static  void
socket_do_iteration (DBusTransport *transport,
                   unsigned int   flags,
                   int            timeout_milliseconds)
  DBusTransportSocket *socket_transport = (DBusTransportSocket*) transport;
  DBusPollFD poll_fd;
  int poll_res;
  int poll_timeout;

  _dbus_verbose (" iteration flags = %s%s timeout = %d read_watch = %p write_watch = %p fd = %" DBUS_SOCKET_FORMAT "\n",
                 flags & DBUS_ITERATION_DO_READING ? "read" : "",
                 flags & DBUS_ITERATION_DO_WRITING ? "write" : "",
                 _dbus_socket_printable (socket_transport->fd));
  /* the passed in DO_READING/DO_WRITING flags indicate whether to
   * read/write messages, but regardless of those we may need to block
   * for reading/writing to do auth.  But if we do reading for auth,
   * we don't want to read any messages yet if not given DO_READING.

  poll_fd.fd = _dbus_socket_get_pollable (socket_transport->fd);
  poll_fd.events = 0;
  if (_dbus_transport_try_to_authenticate (transport))
      /* This is kind of a hack; if we have stuff to write, then try
       * to avoid the poll. This is probably about a 5% speedup on an
       * echo client/server.
       * If both reading and writing were requested, we want to avoid this
       * since it could have funky effects:
       *   - both ends spinning waiting for the other one to read
       *     data so they can finish writing
       *   - prioritizing all writing ahead of reading
      if ((flags & DBUS_ITERATION_DO_WRITING) &&
          !transport->disconnected &&
          _dbus_connection_has_messages_to_send_unlocked (transport->connection))
          do_writing (transport);

          if (transport->disconnected ||
              !_dbus_connection_has_messages_to_send_unlocked (transport->connection))
            goto out;

      /* If we get here, we decided to do the poll() after all */
      _dbus_assert (socket_transport->read_watch);
      if (flags & DBUS_ITERATION_DO_READING)
	poll_fd.events |= _DBUS_POLLIN;

      _dbus_assert (socket_transport->write_watch);
      if (flags & DBUS_ITERATION_DO_WRITING)
        poll_fd.events |= _DBUS_POLLOUT;
      DBusAuthState auth_state;
      auth_state = _dbus_auth_do_work (transport->auth);

      if (transport->receive_credentials_pending ||
          auth_state == DBUS_AUTH_STATE_WAITING_FOR_INPUT)
	poll_fd.events |= _DBUS_POLLIN;

      if (transport->send_credentials_pending ||
          auth_state == DBUS_AUTH_STATE_HAVE_BYTES_TO_SEND)
	poll_fd.events |= _DBUS_POLLOUT;

  if (poll_fd.events)
      int saved_errno;

      if (flags & DBUS_ITERATION_BLOCK)
	poll_timeout = timeout_milliseconds;
	poll_timeout = 0;

      /* For blocking selects we drop the connection lock here
       * to avoid blocking out connection access during a potentially
       * indefinite blocking call. The io path is still protected
       * by the io_path_cond condvar, so we won't reenter this.
      if (flags & DBUS_ITERATION_BLOCK)
          _dbus_verbose ("unlock pre poll\n");
          _dbus_connection_unlock (transport->connection);
      poll_res = _dbus_poll (&poll_fd, 1, poll_timeout);
      saved_errno = _dbus_save_socket_errno ();

      if (poll_res < 0 && _dbus_get_is_errno_eintr (saved_errno))
	goto again;

      if (flags & DBUS_ITERATION_BLOCK)
          _dbus_verbose ("lock post poll\n");
          _dbus_connection_lock (transport->connection);
      if (poll_res >= 0)
          if (poll_res == 0)
            poll_fd.revents = 0; /* some concern that posix does not guarantee this;
                                  * valgrind flags it as an error. though it probably
                                  * is guaranteed on linux at least.
          if (poll_fd.revents & _DBUS_POLLERR)
            do_io_error (transport);
              dbus_bool_t need_read = (poll_fd.revents & _DBUS_POLLIN) > 0;
              dbus_bool_t need_write = (poll_fd.revents & _DBUS_POLLOUT) > 0;
	      dbus_bool_t authentication_completed;

              _dbus_verbose ("in iteration, need_read=%d need_write=%d\n",
                             need_read, need_write);
              do_authentication (transport, need_read, need_write,

	      /* See comment in socket_handle_watch. */
	      if (authentication_completed)
                goto out;
              if (need_read && (flags & DBUS_ITERATION_DO_READING))
                do_reading (transport);
              if (need_write && (flags & DBUS_ITERATION_DO_WRITING))
                do_writing (transport);
          _dbus_verbose ("Error from _dbus_poll(): %s\n",
                         _dbus_strerror (saved_errno));

  /* We need to install the write watch only if we did not
   * successfully write everything. Note we need to be careful that we
   * don't call check_write_watch *before* do_writing, since it's
   * inefficient to add the write watch, and we can avoid it most of
   * the time since we can write immediately.
   * However, we MUST always call check_write_watch(); DBusConnection code
   * relies on the fact that running an iteration will notice that
   * messages are pending.
  check_write_watch (transport);

  _dbus_verbose (" ... leaving do_iteration()\n");