int get_tk(HMODULE hMod) { /* * Try to fill Tk global vars with function pointers. Return 0 for no * functions found, 1 for all functions found, -1 for some but not all * functions found. */ FARPROC func = GetProcAddress(hMod, "Tk_PhotoPutBlock"); if (func == NULL) { /* Maybe not Tk module */ return 0; } if ((TK_PHOTO_GET_IMAGE = (Tk_PhotoGetImage_t) _dfunc(hMod, "Tk_PhotoGetImage")) == NULL) { return -1; }; if ((TK_FIND_PHOTO = (Tk_FindPhoto_t) _dfunc(hMod, "Tk_FindPhoto")) == NULL) { return -1; }; TK_LT_85 = GetProcAddress(hMod, "Tk_PhotoPutBlock_Panic") == NULL; /* Tk_PhotoPutBlock_Panic defined as of 8.5.0 */ if (TK_LT_85) { TK_PHOTO_PUT_BLOCK_84 = (Tk_PhotoPutBlock_84_t) func; return ((TK_PHOTO_SET_SIZE_84 = (Tk_PhotoSetSize_84_t) _dfunc(hMod, "Tk_PhotoSetSize")) == NULL) ? -1 : 1; } TK_PHOTO_PUT_BLOCK_85 = (Tk_PhotoPutBlock_85_t) func; return 1; }
ChangeSalary::ChangeSalary(Widget* p, unsigned int salary) : Window( p, Rect(), "" ), __INIT_IMPL(ChangeSalaryWindow) { setupUI( ":/gui/changesalary.gui"); setCenter( parent()->center() ); _dfunc()->newSalary = salary; ListBox* lbxTitles; GET_WIDGET_FROM_UI( lbxTitles ) if( lbxTitles ) { world::GovernorRanks ranks = world::EmpireHelper::ranks(); for( auto rank : ranks ) { std::string salaryStr = _( "##" + rank.rankName + "_salary##" ); ListBoxItem& item = lbxTitles->addItem( salaryStr + " " + utils::i2str( rank.salary ) ); item.setTag( rank.salary ); if( rank.salary == salary ) { lbxTitles->setSelected( lbxTitles->itemsCount() - 1 ); } } } INIT_WIDGET_FROM_UI( PushButton*, btnCancel ) INIT_WIDGET_FROM_UI( PushButton*, btnOk ) CONNECT( btnCancel, onClicked(), this, ChangeSalary::deleteLater ); CONNECT( btnOk, onClicked(), _dfunc().data(), Impl::setNewSalary ); CONNECT( btnOk, onClicked(), this, ChangeSalary::deleteLater ); CONNECT( lbxTitles, onItemSelected(), _dfunc().data(), Impl::resolveSalaryChange ); }
int _func_loader(void *lib) { /* * Fill global function pointers from dynamic lib. * Return 1 if any pointer is NULL, 0 otherwise. */ if ((TCL_CREATE_COMMAND = (Tcl_CreateCommand_t) _dfunc(lib, "Tcl_CreateCommand")) == NULL) { return 1; } if ((TCL_APPEND_RESULT = (Tcl_AppendResult_t) _dfunc(lib, "Tcl_AppendResult")) == NULL) { return 1; } if ((TK_PHOTO_GET_IMAGE = (Tk_PhotoGetImage_t) _dfunc(lib, "Tk_PhotoGetImage")) == NULL) { return 1; } if ((TK_FIND_PHOTO = (Tk_FindPhoto_t) _dfunc(lib, "Tk_FindPhoto")) == NULL) { return 1; } /* Tk_PhotoPutBlock_Panic defined as of 8.5.0 */ TK_LT_85 = (dlsym(lib, "Tk_PhotoPutBlock_Panic") == NULL); if (TK_LT_85) { return (((TK_PHOTO_PUT_BLOCK_84 = (Tk_PhotoPutBlock_84_t) _dfunc(lib, "Tk_PhotoPutBlock")) == NULL) || ((TK_PHOTO_SET_SIZE_84 = (Tk_PhotoSetSize_84_t) _dfunc(lib, "Tk_PhotoSetSize")) == NULL)); } return ((TK_PHOTO_PUT_BLOCK_85 = (Tk_PhotoPutBlock_85_t) _dfunc(lib, "Tk_PhotoPutBlock")) == NULL); }
int get_tk(HMODULE hMod) { // Try to fill Tk global vars with function pointers. Return 0 for no // functions found, 1 for all functions found, -1 for some but not all // functions found. TK_MAIN_WINDOW = (Tk_MainWindow_t) GetProcAddress(hMod, "Tk_MainWindow"); if (TK_MAIN_WINDOW == NULL) { // Maybe not Tk module return 0; } return ( // -1 if any remaining symbols are NULL ((TK_FIND_PHOTO = (Tk_FindPhoto_t) _dfunc(hMod, "Tk_FindPhoto")) == NULL) || ((TK_PHOTO_PUT_BLOCK_NO_COMPOSITE = (Tk_PhotoPutBlock_NoComposite_t) _dfunc(hMod, "Tk_PhotoPutBlock_NoComposite")) == NULL) || ((TK_PHOTO_BLANK = (Tk_PhotoBlank_t) _dfunc(hMod, "Tk_PhotoBlank")) == NULL)) ? -1 : 1; }
int get_tcl(HMODULE hMod) { // Try to fill TCL global vars with function pointers. Return 0 for no // functions found, 1 for all functions found, -1 for some but not all // functions found. TCL_CREATE_COMMAND = (Tcl_CreateCommand_t) GetProcAddress(hMod, "Tcl_CreateCommand"); if (TCL_CREATE_COMMAND == NULL) { // Maybe not TCL module return 0; } TCL_APPEND_RESULT = (Tcl_AppendResult_t) _dfunc(hMod, "Tcl_AppendResult"); return (TCL_APPEND_RESULT == NULL) ? -1 : 1; }
int get_tcl(HMODULE hMod) { /* * Try to fill Tcl global vars with function pointers. Return 0 for no * functions found, 1 for all functions found, -1 for some but not all * functions found. */ if ((TCL_CREATE_COMMAND = (Tcl_CreateCommand_t) GetProcAddress(hMod, "Tcl_CreateCommand")) == NULL) { return 0; /* Maybe not Tcl module */ } return ((TCL_APPEND_RESULT = (Tcl_AppendResult_t) _dfunc(hMod, "Tcl_AppendResult")) == NULL) ? -1 : 1; }
int _func_loader(void *lib) { // Fill global function pointers from dynamic lib. // Return 1 if any pointer is NULL, 0 otherwise. return ( ((TCL_CREATE_COMMAND = (Tcl_CreateCommand_t) _dfunc(lib, "Tcl_CreateCommand")) == NULL) || ((TCL_APPEND_RESULT = (Tcl_AppendResult_t) _dfunc(lib, "Tcl_AppendResult")) == NULL) || ((TK_MAIN_WINDOW = (Tk_MainWindow_t) _dfunc(lib, "Tk_MainWindow")) == NULL) || ((TK_FIND_PHOTO = (Tk_FindPhoto_t) _dfunc(lib, "Tk_FindPhoto")) == NULL) || ((TK_PHOTO_PUT_BLOCK_NO_COMPOSITE = (Tk_PhotoPutBlock_NoComposite_t) _dfunc(lib, "Tk_PhotoPutBlock_NoComposite")) == NULL) || ((TK_PHOTO_BLANK = (Tk_PhotoBlank_t) _dfunc(lib, "Tk_PhotoBlank")) == NULL)); }
bool Animation::atEnd() const { return _dfunc()->index == (int)( _pictures.size()-1 ); }
Signal1<int>& ChangeSalary::onChangeSalary(){ return _dfunc()->onChangeSalarySignal; }