Пример #1
double * xyz_to_llh( ellipsoid *el, double xyz[3], double llh[3] )
    double bsac,p,slt,clt,lt0,ln,lt,hgt;
    int it;
    ln = atan2( xyz[1], xyz[0] );
    p      = _hypot( xyz[0], xyz[1] );
    lt = atan2( el->a2*xyz[2], el->b2*p );
    it = 0;
        lt0    = lt;
        slt    = sin(lt);
        clt    = cos(lt);
        bsac   = _hypot( el->b*slt, el->a*clt );
        lt     = atan2( xyz[2]+slt*el->a2b2/bsac, p );
        if ( fabs(lt-lt0) < 1.0e-10 ) break;
    while( it++ < 10);

    hgt = p*clt+xyz[2]*slt - bsac;

    llh[CRD_LAT] = lt;
    llh[CRD_LON] = ln;
    llh[CRD_HGT] = hgt;
    return &llh[0];
Пример #2
void Hrtf::get_kemar_data(kemar_ptr & kemar_data, int & elev_n, const v3f &pos) {
	kemar_data = 0;
	elev_n = 0;
	if (pos.is0())

#ifdef _WINDOWS
       float len = (float)_hypot(pos.x, pos.y);
       float len = (float)hypot(pos.x, pos.y);

	int elev_gr = (int)(180 * atan2f(pos.z, len) / (float)M_PI);
	//LOG_DEBUG(("elev = %d (%g %g %g)", elev_gr, pos.x, pos.y, pos.z));

	for(size_t i = 0; i < KemarElevationCount; ++i)
		const kemar_elevation_data &elev = ::kemar_data[i];
		if (elev_gr < elev.elevation + KemarElevationStep / 2)
			//LOG_DEBUG(("used elevation %d", elev.elevation)); 
			kemar_data = elev.data;
			elev_n = elev.samples;
Пример #3
// hud_calculate_lock_start_pos() will determine where to draw the starting location of the lock
// indicator.  It does this by picking a location that is Lock_start_dist pixels away from the current
// target (in 2D).  This is accomplished by finding the endpoint of a line that passes through the 
// origin, and connects the target and lock indicator postion (and has a magnitude of Lock_start_dist)
void hud_calculate_lock_start_pos()
	double hypotenuse;
	double delta_y;
	double delta_x;
	double target_mag, target_x, target_y;

	delta_x = Player->current_target_sx - gr_screen.clip_center_x;
	delta_y = Player->current_target_sy - gr_screen.clip_center_y;

	if ( (delta_x == 0.0) && (delta_y == 0.0) ) {
		Players[Player_num].lock_indicator_start_x = fl2i(gr_screen.clip_center_x + Lock_start_dist);
		Players[Player_num].lock_indicator_start_y = fl2i(gr_screen.clip_center_y);

	hypotenuse = _hypot(delta_y, delta_x);

	if (hypotenuse >= Lock_start_dist) {
		Players[Player_num].lock_indicator_start_x = fl2i(gr_screen.clip_center_x);
		Players[Player_num].lock_indicator_start_y = fl2i(gr_screen.clip_center_y);

	target_mag = Lock_start_dist - hypotenuse;
	target_x = target_mag * (delta_x / hypotenuse);
	target_y = target_mag * (delta_y / hypotenuse);

	Players[Player_num].lock_indicator_start_x = fl2i(gr_screen.clip_center_x - target_x);
	Players[Player_num].lock_indicator_start_y = fl2i(gr_screen.clip_center_y - target_y);

	CLAMP(Players[Player_num].lock_indicator_start_x, gr_screen.clip_left, gr_screen.clip_right);
	CLAMP(Players[Player_num].lock_indicator_start_y, gr_screen.clip_top, gr_screen.clip_bottom);
Пример #4
void gnomic_geod( GnomicProjection *gp, double ce, double cn, double *lon, double *lat)

    double psi, u, a1, a2, a3, a4, root, dlam, csth, snth;

    ce -= gp->fe;
    cn -= gp->fn;

    if( ce == 0.0 && cn == 0.0 )
        *lat = gp->orglat;
        *lon = gp->orglon;


    if( ce == 0.0 )


    a1 = a4*a4;

    a2=gp->csolt*gp->csolt * (csth*csth * u*u  -  1.0);

    a3 = gp->snolt*gp->snolt*a1;

    a4 *= gp->snolt;

    u *= csth;


    if( cn > 0.0 )
        *lat = asin( a4 + root );
        *lat = asin( a4 - root );

    dlam = asin(u/cos(*lat));
    dlam += gp->orglon;
    while( dlam > PI ) dlam -= TWOPI;
    while( dlam < -PI ) dlam += TWOPI;

    *lon = dlam;
Пример #5
void main(void)
  double fResult;
  double a1, a2;

  a1 = 1.7e+308;
  a2 = 1.7e+308;

  fResult = _hypot(a1, a2);
  printf("_hypot(%e, %e) = %.4e\n", a1, a2, fResult);

  //A floating point reset causes the next calculation to pass.

  a1 = -9.6412221495223150e+002;
  a2 = -9.5463338659229547e+007;

  fResult = _hypot(a1, a2);
  printf("_hypot(%e, %e) = %.4e\n", a1, a2, fResult);
Пример #6
double hypot (double x, double y)
  int x_class = fpclassify (x);
  int y_class = fpclassify (y);

  if (x_class == FP_INFINITE || y_class == FP_INFINITE)
    return __FLT_HUGE_VAL;
  else if (x_class == FP_NAN || y_class == FP_NAN)
    return __FLT_NAN;

  return _hypot (x, y);
Пример #7
  printf("hypot(3, 4) =\t\t\t %25.17e\n", _hypot(3., 4.));
  printf("hypot(3*10^150, 4*10^150) =\t %25.17g\n", _hypot(3.e+150, 4.e+150));
  printf("hypot(3*10^306, 4*10^306) =\t %25.17g\n", _hypot(3.e+306, 4.e+306));
  printf("hypot(3*10^-320, 4*10^-320) =\t %25.17g\n",_hypot(3.e-320, 4.e-320));
  printf("hypot(0.7*DBL_MAX, 0.7*DBL_MAX) =%25.17g\n",_hypot(0.7*DBL_MAX, 0.7*DBL_MAX));
  printf("hypot(DBL_MAX, 1.0) =\t\t %25.17g\n", _hypot(DBL_MAX, 1.0));
  printf("hypot(1.0, DBL_MAX) =\t\t %25.17g\n", _hypot(1.0, DBL_MAX));
  printf("hypot(0.0, DBL_MAX) =\t\t %25.17g\n", _hypot(0.0, DBL_MAX));

  return 0;
Пример #8
bool INSTHYPOT::execute(void)
	bool result= false;
	VMREGTYPE val1,val2,sum= 0;
		&& machine.pop(val2))
		VMFLOAT f1= ffromi(val1);
		VMFLOAT f2= ffromi(val2);
		f1=(VMFLOAT) _hypot(f1,f2);
		sum= ifromf(f1);
		result= machine.push(sum);
	return result;
Пример #9
void HudGaugeRadarStd::plotBlip(blip *b, int *x, int *y)
	float zdist, rscale;
	vec3d *pos = &b->position;

	if (b->dist < pos->xyz.z) {
		rscale = 0.0f;
	} else {
		rscale = (float) acos(pos->xyz.z / b->dist) / PI;		//2.0f;	 

	zdist = fl_sqrt((pos->xyz.x * pos->xyz.x) + (pos->xyz.y * pos->xyz.y));

	float new_x_dist, clipped_x_dist;
	float new_y_dist, clipped_y_dist;

	if (zdist < 0.01f)
		new_x_dist = 0.0f;
		new_y_dist = 0.0f;
		new_x_dist = (pos->xyz.x / zdist) * rscale * (Radar_radius[0]/2.0f);
		new_y_dist = (pos->xyz.y / zdist) * rscale * (Radar_radius[1]/2.0f);

		// force new_x_dist and new_y_dist to be inside the radar

		float hypotenuse;
		float max_radius;

		hypotenuse = (float) _hypot(new_x_dist, new_y_dist);
		max_radius = i2fl(Radar_radius[0] - 5);

		if (hypotenuse >= max_radius)
			clipped_x_dist = max_radius * (new_x_dist / hypotenuse);
			clipped_y_dist = max_radius * (new_y_dist / hypotenuse);
			new_x_dist = clipped_x_dist;
			new_y_dist = clipped_y_dist;

	*x = fl2i(position[0] + Radar_center_offsets[0] + new_x_dist);
	*y = fl2i(position[1] + Radar_center_offsets[1] - new_y_dist);
Пример #10
float complex  CLANG_PORT_DECL(csqrtf) (float complex Z)
  float complex Res;
  float r;
  float x = __real__ Z;
  float y = __imag__ Z;

  if (y == 0.0f)
      if (x < 0.0f)
 	  __real__ Res = 0.0f;
	  __imag__ Res = sqrtf (-x);
 	  __real__ Res = sqrtf (x);
	  __imag__ Res = 0.0f;

  else if (x == 0.0f)
      r = sqrtf(0.5f * fabsf (y));
      __real__ Res = r;
      __imag__ Res = y > 0 ? r : -r;

      float t = sqrtf (2 * (_hypot (__real__ Z, __imag__ Z) + fabsf (x)));
      float u = t / 2.0f;
      if ( x > 0.0f)
          __real__ Res = u;
          __imag__ Res = y / t;
	  __real__ Res = fabsf (y / t);
	  __imag__ Res = y < 0 ? -u : u;

  return Res;
void PaintClover(HWND hwnd,HRGN hRgnClip, int cxClient, int cyClient)
	double      fAngle, fRadius ;
	HDC hdc = BeginPaint (hwnd, &ps) ;

	SetViewportOrgEx (hdc, cxClient / 2, cyClient / 2, NULL) ;
	SelectClipRgn (hdc, hRgnClip) ;

	fRadius = _hypot (cxClient / 2.0, cyClient / 2.0) ;

	for (fAngle = 0.0 ; fAngle < TWOPI ; fAngle += TWOPI / 360)
		MoveToEx (hdc, 0, 0, NULL) ;
		LineTo (hdc, (int) ( fRadius * cos (fAngle) + 0.5),
			(int) (-fRadius * sin (fAngle) + 0.5)) ;
	EndPaint (hwnd, &ps) ;
Пример #12
// hud_calculate_lock_start_pos() will determine where to draw the starting location of the lock
// indicator.  It does this by picking a location that is Lock_start_dist pixels away from the current
// target (in 2D).  This is accomplished by finding the endpoint of a line that passes through the 
// origin, and connects the target and lock indicator postion (and has a magnitude of Lock_start_dist)
void hud_calculate_lock_start_pos()
	double hypotenuse;
	double delta_y;
	double delta_x;
	double target_mag, target_x, target_y;

	delta_x = Player->current_target_sx - SCREEN_CENTER_X;
	delta_y = Player->current_target_sy - SCREEN_CENTER_Y;

	if (!delta_x && !delta_y) {
		Players[Player_num].lock_indicator_start_x = fl2i(SCREEN_CENTER_X + Lock_start_dist);
		Players[Player_num].lock_indicator_start_y = fl2i(SCREEN_CENTER_Y);

	hypotenuse = _hypot(delta_y, delta_x);

	if (hypotenuse >= Lock_start_dist) {
		Players[Player_num].lock_indicator_start_x = fl2i(SCREEN_CENTER_X);
		Players[Player_num].lock_indicator_start_y = fl2i(SCREEN_CENTER_Y);

	target_mag = Lock_start_dist - hypotenuse;
	target_x = target_mag * (delta_x / hypotenuse);
	target_y = target_mag * (delta_y / hypotenuse);

	Players[Player_num].lock_indicator_start_x = fl2i(SCREEN_CENTER_X - target_x);
	Players[Player_num].lock_indicator_start_y = fl2i(SCREEN_CENTER_Y - target_y);

	if (Players[Player_num].lock_indicator_start_x > gr_screen.clip_right)
		Players[Player_num].lock_indicator_start_x = gr_screen.clip_right;

	if (Players[Player_num].lock_indicator_start_y > gr_screen.clip_bottom)
		Players[Player_num].lock_indicator_start_y = gr_screen.clip_bottom;

	if (Players[Player_num].lock_indicator_start_x < gr_screen.clip_left)
		Players[Player_num].lock_indicator_start_x = gr_screen.clip_left;

	if (Players[Player_num].lock_indicator_start_y < gr_screen.clip_top)
		Players[Player_num].lock_indicator_start_y = gr_screen.clip_top;
Пример #13
void xXY_Brg_Rng(double X_1, double Y_1, double X_2, double Y_2, double *Bearing, double *Range)
  double  Rad_Bearing;
  double Rad_360 = (2 * PI);

  double y = (X_2 - X_1);
  double x = (Y_2 - Y_1);

  if (fabs(x)>0.00000001 && fabs(y)>0.00000001){
    Rad_Bearing = atan2(y, x);
  } else {
    Rad_Bearing = 0;

  if (Rad_Bearing < 0) {
    Rad_Bearing += Rad_360;
  *Bearing = (double)(RAD_TO_DEG * Rad_Bearing);
  *Range = (double) (_hypot((double) (X_2 - X_1), (double) (Y_2 - Y_1)));
Пример #14
// Convert an orientation matrix to a pitch/yaw/roll vector.  Based on what
// Freelancer does for the save game.
void Matrix_to_Vector( const Matrix& mat, Vector& vec )
  Vector x = { mat.data[0][0], mat.data[1][0], mat.data[2][0] };
  Vector y = { mat.data[0][1], mat.data[1][1], mat.data[2][1] };
  Vector z = { mat.data[0][2], mat.data[1][2], mat.data[2][2] };

  float h = (float)_hypot( x.x, x.y );
  if (h > 1/524288.0f)
    vec.x = degrees( atan2f(  y.z, z.z ) );
    vec.y = degrees( atan2f( -x.z, h   ) );
    vec.z = degrees( atan2f(  x.y, x.x ) );
    vec.x = degrees( atan2f( -z.y, y.y ) );
    vec.y = degrees( atan2f( -x.z, h   ) );
    vec.z = 0;
Пример #15
double * llh_to_xyz( ellipsoid *el, double llh[3], double xyz[3],
                     double *dEdLn, double *dNdLt )
    double bsac,p,clt,slt,cln,sln,hgt;
    clt  = cos(llh[CRD_LAT]);
    slt  = sin(llh[CRD_LAT]);
    cln  = cos(llh[CRD_LON]);
    sln  = sin(llh[CRD_LON]);
	hgt = llh[CRD_HGT];
    bsac = _hypot( el->b*slt, el->a*clt );
    p    = el->a2*clt/bsac + hgt*clt;
    xyz[0] = p*cln;
    xyz[1] = p*sln;
    xyz[2] = el->b2*slt/bsac + llh[CRD_HGT]*slt;

    if( dEdLn ) *dEdLn = p;
    if( dNdLt ) *dNdLt = (el->a2 * el->b2)/(bsac*bsac*bsac) + hgt;

    return &xyz[0];
Пример #16
// Convert an orientation matrix to a pitch/yaw/roll vector.  Based on what
// Freelancer does for the save game.
Vector MatrixToEuler(const Matrix& mat)
	Vector x = { mat.data[0][0], mat.data[1][0], mat.data[2][0] };
	Vector y = { mat.data[0][1], mat.data[1][1], mat.data[2][1] };
	Vector z = { mat.data[0][2], mat.data[1][2], mat.data[2][2] };

	Vector vec;
	float h = (float)_hypot( x.x, x.y );
	if (h > 1/524288.0f)
		vec.x = degrees( atan2f(  y.z, z.z ) );
		vec.y = degrees( atan2f( -x.z, h   ) );
		vec.z = degrees( atan2f(  x.y, x.x ) );
		vec.x = degrees( atan2f( -z.y, y.y ) );
		vec.y = degrees( atan2f( -x.z, h   ) );
		vec.z = 0;
	return vec;
Пример #17
inline float Distance(const POINT& p1, const POINT& p2)
	return float(_hypot(float(p1.x-p2.x), float(p1.y-p2.y)));
Пример #18
void radar_plot_object( object *objp )	
	vector	pos, tempv;
	float		dist, rscale, zdist, max_radar_dist;
	int		xpos, ypos, color=0;
	vector	*world_pos = &objp->pos;	
	float		awacs_level;

	// don't process anything here.  Somehow, a jumpnode object caused this function
	// to get entered on server side.
	if( Game_mode & GM_STANDALONE_SERVER ){

	// multiplayer clients ingame joining should skip this function

	// get team-wide awacs level for the object if not ship
	int ship_is_visible = 0;
	if (objp->type == OBJ_SHIP) {
		if (Player_ship != NULL) {
			if (ship_is_visible_by_team(objp->instance, Player_ship->team)) {
				ship_is_visible = 1;

	// only check awacs level if ship is not visible by team
	awacs_level = 1.5f;
	if (Player_ship != NULL && !ship_is_visible) {
		awacs_level = awacs_get_level(objp, Player_ship);

	// if the awacs level is unviewable - bail
	if(awacs_level < 0.0f && !See_all){

	// Apply object type filters	
	switch ( objp->type ) {
	case OBJ_SHIP:
		// Place to cull ships, such as NavBuoys		
		// filter jump nodes here if required

	case OBJ_WEAPON: {
		// if not a bomb, return
		if ( !(Weapon_info[Weapons[objp->instance].weapon_info_index].wi_flags & WIF_BOMB) ) {

		// if bomb is on same team as player, return
		if ( (obj_team(objp) == Player_ship->team) && (Player_ship->team != TEAM_TRAITOR) ) {

		return;			// if any other kind of object, don't want to show on radar
	} // end switch

	// JAS -- new way of getting the rotated point that doesn't require this to be
	// in a g3_start_frame/end_frame block.
	vm_vec_rotate( &pos, &tempv, &Player_obj->orient );

	// Apply range filter
	dist = vm_vec_dist(world_pos, &Player_obj->pos);
	max_radar_dist = Radar_ranges[HUD_config.rp_dist];
	if ( dist > max_radar_dist ){

	if ( dist < pos.xyz.z ) {
		rscale = 0.0f;
	} else {
		rscale = (float) acos( pos.xyz.z/dist ) / 3.14159f;		//2.0f;

	zdist = fl_sqrt( (pos.xyz.x*pos.xyz.x)+(pos.xyz.y*pos.xyz.y) );

	float new_x_dist, clipped_x_dist;
	float new_y_dist, clipped_y_dist;

	if (zdist < 0.01f ) {
		new_x_dist = 0.0f;
		new_y_dist = 0.0f;
	else {
		new_x_dist = (pos.xyz.x/zdist) * rscale * radx;
		new_y_dist = (pos.xyz.y/zdist) * rscale * rady;

		// force new_x_dist and new_y_dist to be inside the radar

		float hypotenuse;
		float max_radius;

		hypotenuse = (float)_hypot(new_x_dist, new_y_dist);
		max_radius = i2fl(Radar_radius[gr_screen.res][0] - 5);

		if (hypotenuse >= (max_radius) ) {
			clipped_x_dist = max_radius * (new_x_dist / hypotenuse);
			clipped_y_dist = max_radius * (new_y_dist / hypotenuse);
			new_x_dist = clipped_x_dist;
			new_y_dist = clipped_y_dist;

	xpos = fl2i( Radar_center[gr_screen.res][0] + new_x_dist );
	ypos = fl2i( Radar_center[gr_screen.res][1] - new_y_dist );

	color = radar_blip_color(objp);

	// Determine the distance at which we will dim the radar blip
	if ( timestamp_elapsed(Radar_calc_dim_dist_timer) ) {
		Radar_dim_range = player_farthest_weapon_range();
		if ( Radar_dim_range <= 0 ) {

	blip	*b;
	int blip_dim=0;

	if ( dist > Radar_dim_range ) {

	if ( N_blips >= MAX_BLIPS ) {
		// out of blips, don't plot

	b = &Blips[N_blips];

	// flag the blip as a current target if it is
	if (OBJ_INDEX(objp) == Player_ai->target_objnum)	{
		b->flags |= BLIP_CURRENT_TARGET;
		blip_dim = 0;

	if ( blip_dim ) {
		list_append( &Blip_dim_list[color], b );
	} else {
		list_append( &Blip_bright_list[color], b );

	b->x = xpos;
	b->y = ypos;

	// see if blip should be drawn distorted
	if (objp->type == OBJ_SHIP) {
		// ships specifically hidden from sensors
		if ( Ships[objp->instance].flags & SF_HIDDEN_FROM_SENSORS ) {
			b->flags |= BLIP_DRAW_DISTORTED;

		// determine if its AWACS distorted
		if ( awacs_level < 1.0f ){
			b->flags |= BLIP_DRAW_DISTORTED;

Пример #19
 static inline double hypot(double x, double y) throw()
 { return _hypot(x, y); }
Пример #20
double hypot(double x, double y)
	return _hypot(x, y);
Пример #21
CPolarCoordinate::CPolarCoordinate(const CPoint2d& rectangularCoordinate)
   m_r     = _hypot(rectangularCoordinate.x,rectangularCoordinate.y);
   m_theta = atan2(rectangularCoordinate.y,rectangularCoordinate.x);
Пример #22
// hud_calculate_lock_position()  will determine where on the screen to draw the lock 
// indicator, and will determine when a lock has occurred.  If the lock indicator is not
// on the screen yet, hud_calculate_lock_start_pos() is called to pick a starting location
void hud_calculate_lock_position(float frametime)
	ship_weapon *swp;
	weapon_info	*wip;

	static float pixels_moved_while_locking;
	static float pixels_moved_while_degrading;
	static int Need_new_start_pos = 0;

	static double accumulated_x_pixels, accumulated_y_pixels;
	double int_portion;

	static float last_dist_to_target;
	static int catching_up;

	static int maintain_lock_count = 0;

	static float catch_up_distance = 0.0f;

	double hypotenuse, delta_x, delta_y;

	swp = &Player_ship->weapons;
	wip = &Weapon_info[swp->secondary_bank_weapons[swp->current_secondary_bank]];

	if (Player->target_in_lock_cone) {
		if (!Players[Player_num].lock_indicator_visible) {
			last_dist_to_target = 0.0f;

			Players[Player_num].lock_indicator_x = Players[Player_num].lock_indicator_start_x;
			Players[Player_num].lock_indicator_y = Players[Player_num].lock_indicator_start_y;
			Players[Player_num].lock_indicator_visible = 1;

			Players[Player_num].lock_time_to_target = i2fl(wip->min_lock_time);
			catching_up = 0;

		Need_new_start_pos = 1;

		if (Player_ai->current_target_is_locked) {
			Players[Player_num].lock_indicator_x = Player->current_target_sx;
			Players[Player_num].lock_indicator_y = Player->current_target_sy;

		delta_x = Players[Player_num].lock_indicator_x - Player->current_target_sx;
		delta_y = Players[Player_num].lock_indicator_y - Player->current_target_sy;

		if (!delta_y && !delta_x) {
			hypotenuse = 0.0f;
		else {
			hypotenuse = _hypot(delta_y, delta_x);

		Players[Player_num].lock_dist_to_target = (float)hypotenuse;

		if (last_dist_to_target == 0) {
			last_dist_to_target = Players[Player_num].lock_dist_to_target;

		//nprintf(("Alan","dist to target: %.2f\n",Players[Player_num].lock_dist_to_target));
		//nprintf(("Alan","last to target: %.2f\n\n",last_dist_to_target));

		if (catching_up) {
			//nprintf(("Alan","IN CATCH UP MODE  catch_up_dist is %.2f\n",catch_up_distance));	
			if ( Players[Player_num].lock_dist_to_target < catch_up_distance )
				catching_up = 0;
		else {
			//nprintf(("Alan","IN NORMAL MODE\n"));
			if ( (Players[Player_num].lock_dist_to_target - last_dist_to_target) > 2.0f ) {
				catching_up = 1;
				catch_up_distance = last_dist_to_target + wip->catchup_pixel_penalty;

		last_dist_to_target = Players[Player_num].lock_dist_to_target;

		if (!catching_up) {
			Players[Player_num].lock_time_to_target -= frametime;
			if (Players[Player_num].lock_time_to_target < 0.0f)
				Players[Player_num].lock_time_to_target = 0.0f;

		float lock_pixels_per_sec;
		if (Players[Player_num].lock_time_to_target > 0) {
			lock_pixels_per_sec = Players[Player_num].lock_dist_to_target / Players[Player_num].lock_time_to_target;
		} else {
			lock_pixels_per_sec = i2fl(wip->lock_pixels_per_sec);

		if (lock_pixels_per_sec > wip->lock_pixels_per_sec) {
			lock_pixels_per_sec = i2fl(wip->lock_pixels_per_sec);
		if (catching_up) {
			pixels_moved_while_locking = wip->catchup_pixels_per_sec * frametime;
		} else {
			pixels_moved_while_locking = lock_pixels_per_sec * frametime;
		if (delta_x != 0) {
			accumulated_x_pixels += pixels_moved_while_locking * delta_x/hypotenuse; 

		if (delta_y != 0) {
			accumulated_y_pixels += pixels_moved_while_locking * delta_y/hypotenuse; 

		if (fl_abs(accumulated_x_pixels) > 1.0f) {
			modf(accumulated_x_pixels, &int_portion);

			Players[Player_num].lock_indicator_x -= (int)int_portion;

			if ( fl_abs(Players[Player_num].lock_indicator_x - Player->current_target_sx) < fl_abs(int_portion) )
				Players[Player_num].lock_indicator_x = Player->current_target_sx;

			accumulated_x_pixels -= int_portion;

		if (fl_abs(accumulated_y_pixels) > 1.0f) {
			modf(accumulated_y_pixels, &int_portion);

			Players[Player_num].lock_indicator_y -= (int)int_portion;

			if ( fl_abs(Players[Player_num].lock_indicator_y - Player->current_target_sy) < fl_abs(int_portion) )
				Players[Player_num].lock_indicator_y = Player->current_target_sy;

			accumulated_y_pixels -= int_portion;

		if ( Missile_track_loop == -1 ) {	
			Missile_track_loop = snd_play_looping( &Snds[SND_MISSILE_TRACKING], 0.0f , -1, -1);

		if (!Players[Player_num].lock_time_to_target) {
			if ( (Players[Player_num].lock_indicator_x == Player->current_target_sx) && (Players[Player_num].lock_indicator_y == Player->current_target_sy) ) {
				if (maintain_lock_count++ > 1) {
					Player_ai->current_target_is_locked = 1;
			} else {
				maintain_lock_count = 0;

	} else {

		if ( Missile_track_loop > -1 )	{
			snd_chg_loop_status(Missile_track_loop, 0);
			Missile_track_loop = -1;

		Player_ai->current_target_is_locked = 0;

		if (!Players[Player_num].lock_indicator_visible) {

		catching_up = 0;
		last_dist_to_target = 0.0f;

		if (Need_new_start_pos) {
			Need_new_start_pos = 0;
			accumulated_x_pixels = 0.0f;
			accumulated_y_pixels = 0.0f;

		delta_x = Players[Player_num].lock_indicator_x - Players[Player_num].lock_indicator_start_x;
		delta_y = Players[Player_num].lock_indicator_y - Players[Player_num].lock_indicator_start_y;

		if (!delta_y && !delta_x) {
			hypotenuse = 0.0f;
		else {
			hypotenuse = _hypot(delta_y, delta_x);

		Players[Player_num].lock_time_to_target += frametime;

		if (Players[Player_num].lock_time_to_target > wip->min_lock_time)
			Players[Player_num].lock_time_to_target = i2fl(wip->min_lock_time);

		pixels_moved_while_degrading = 2.0f * wip->lock_pixels_per_sec * frametime;

		if (delta_x != 0)
			accumulated_x_pixels += pixels_moved_while_degrading * delta_x/hypotenuse; 

		if (delta_y != 0)
			accumulated_y_pixels += pixels_moved_while_degrading * delta_y/hypotenuse; 

		if (fl_abs(accumulated_x_pixels) > 1.0f) {
			modf(accumulated_x_pixels, &int_portion);

			Players[Player_num].lock_indicator_x -= (int)int_portion;

			if ( fl_abs(Players[Player_num].lock_indicator_x - Players[Player_num].lock_indicator_start_x) < fl_abs(int_portion) )
				Players[Player_num].lock_indicator_x = Players[Player_num].lock_indicator_start_x;

			accumulated_x_pixels -= int_portion;

		if (fl_abs(accumulated_y_pixels) > 1.0f) {
			modf(accumulated_y_pixels, &int_portion);

			Players[Player_num].lock_indicator_y -= (int)int_portion;

			if ( fl_abs(Players[Player_num].lock_indicator_y - Players[Player_num].lock_indicator_start_y) < fl_abs(int_portion) )
				Players[Player_num].lock_indicator_y = Players[Player_num].lock_indicator_start_y;

			accumulated_y_pixels -= int_portion;

		if ( (Players[Player_num].lock_indicator_x == Players[Player_num].lock_indicator_start_x) && (Players[Player_num].lock_indicator_y == Players[Player_num].lock_indicator_start_y) ) {
			Players[Player_num].lock_indicator_visible = 0;
Пример #23
     static HRGN hRgnClip ;
     static int  cxClient, cyClient ;
     double      fAngle, fRadius ;
     HCURSOR     hCursor ;
     HDC         hdc ;
     HRGN        hRgnTemp[6] ; // HRGN just like RECT is a self-defined area.
     int         i ;
     switch (iMsg)
     // The task of WM_SIZE case is used to create a self-defined region as valid client area. 
     case WM_SIZE:
          cxClient = LOWORD (lParam) ;
          cyClient = HIWORD (lParam) ;

          hCursor = SetCursor (LoadCursor (NULL, IDC_WAIT)) ;
          ShowCursor (TRUE) ;
          if (hRgnClip)
               DeleteObject (hRgnClip) ; // delete old region before create a new one.
          // The apis below are used to create RGN just like RECT
          // other apis including CreateRoundRectRgn & CreatePolygonRgn etc..
          // These apis will create region and be ready to be selected, after that the valid client area
          // will be changed to the region created instead of tranditional rect area.
          hRgnTemp[0] = CreateEllipticRgn (0, cyClient / 3,
                                           cxClient / 2, 2 * cyClient / 3) ;
          hRgnTemp[1] = CreateEllipticRgn (cxClient / 2, cyClient / 3,
                                           cxClient, 2 * cyClient / 3) ;
          hRgnTemp[2] = CreateEllipticRgn (cxClient / 3, 0,
                                           2 * cxClient / 3, cyClient / 2) ;
          hRgnTemp[3] = CreateEllipticRgn (cxClient / 3, cyClient / 2,
                                           2 * cxClient / 3, cyClient) ;
          hRgnTemp[4] = CreateRectRgn (0, 0, 1, 1) ;
          hRgnTemp[5] = CreateRectRgn (0, 0, 1, 1) ;
          hRgnClip    = CreateRectRgn (0, 0, 1, 1) ;

          // combie region from the second and the third regions to the first region with the fourth style.
          // and the first region should be initialized with a small region.
          // RGN_AND: inter sect
          // RGN_OR: srcRgn1 || srcRgn2
          // RGN_XOR: !RGN_AND
          // RGN_DIFF: the part belong to srcRgn1 but not belong to srcRgn2
          // RGN_COPY: srcRgn1 and ignore srcRgn2 totally.
          CombineRgn (hRgnTemp[4], hRgnTemp[0], hRgnTemp[1], RGN_OR) ;
          CombineRgn (hRgnTemp[5], hRgnTemp[2], hRgnTemp[3], RGN_OR) ;
          CombineRgn (hRgnClip,    hRgnTemp[4], hRgnTemp[5], RGN_XOR) ;
          for (i = 0 ; i < 6 ; i++)
               DeleteObject (hRgnTemp[i]) ;
          SetCursor (hCursor) ;
          ShowCursor (FALSE) ;
          return 0 ;
     case WM_PAINT:
          hdc = BeginPaint (hwnd, &ps) ;
          // draw on region api
          // FillRgn, FrameRgn, InvertRgn, PaintRgn like FillRect, FrameRect ... etc.
          HBRUSH hBrush = CreateSolidBrush(RGB(255, 0, 0));
          FillRgn(hdc, hRgnClip, hBrush);
          // set the center position as the origin.
          SetViewportOrgEx (hdc, cxClient / 2, cyClient / 2, NULL) ;
          // select self-defined region as valid client area.
          // so the painting will only happen in self-defined region.
          SelectClipRgn (hdc, hRgnClip) ; // equals to SelectObject(hdc, hRgnClip);
          // Use InvalidateRgn and ValidRgn instead of InvalidRect and ValidRect.
          fRadius = _hypot (cxClient / 2.0, cyClient / 2.0) ;
          for (fAngle = 0.0 ; fAngle < TWO_PI ; fAngle += TWO_PI / 360)
               MoveToEx (hdc, 0, 0, NULL) ;
               LineTo (hdc, (int) ( fRadius * cos (fAngle) + 0.5),
                            (int) (-fRadius * sin (fAngle) + 0.5)) ;
          EndPaint (hwnd, &ps) ;
          return 0 ;

     case WM_DESTROY:
          DeleteObject (hRgnClip) ; // destroy region
          PostQuitMessage (0) ;
          return 0 ;
     return DefWindowProc (hwnd, iMsg, wParam, lParam) ;
Пример #24
void radar_plot_object_std( object *objp )	
	vec3d	pos, tempv;
	float		dist, rscale, zdist, max_radar_dist;
	int		xpos, ypos;
	vec3d	*world_pos = &objp->pos;	
	float		awacs_level;

	// don't process anything here.  Somehow, a jumpnode object caused this function
	// to get entered on server side.
	if( Game_mode & GM_STANDALONE_SERVER ){

	// multiplayer clients ingame joining should skip this function

	// get team-wide awacs level for the object if not ship
	int ship_is_visible = 0;
	if (objp->type == OBJ_SHIP) {
		if (Player_ship != NULL) {
			if (ship_is_visible_by_team(objp, Player_ship)) {
				ship_is_visible = 1;

	// only check awacs level if ship is not visible by team
	awacs_level = 1.5f;
	if (Player_ship != NULL && !ship_is_visible) {
		awacs_level = awacs_get_level(objp, Player_ship);

	// if the awacs level is unviewable - bail
	if(awacs_level < 0.0f && !See_all){

	// Apply object type filters	
	switch (objp->type)
		case OBJ_SHIP:
			// Place to cull ships, such as NavBuoys		
			// don't plot hidden jump nodes
			if ( objp->jnp->is_hidden() )

			// filter jump nodes here if required

		case OBJ_WEAPON:
			// if not a bomb, return
			if ( !(Weapon_info[Weapons[objp->instance].weapon_info_index].wi_flags & WIF_BOMB) )

			// if we don't attack the bomb, return
			if ( !iff_x_attacks_y(Player_ship->team, obj_team(objp)) )

			// if a local ssm is in subspace, return
			if (Weapons[objp->instance].lssm_stage == 3)


		// if any other kind of object, don't show it on radar

	// JAS -- new way of getting the rotated point that doesn't require this to be
	// in a g3_start_frame/end_frame block.
	vm_vec_sub(&tempv, world_pos, &Player_obj->pos);
	vm_vec_rotate(&pos, &tempv, &Player_obj->orient);

	// Apply range filter
	dist = vm_vec_dist(world_pos, &Player_obj->pos);
	max_radar_dist = Radar_ranges[HUD_config.rp_dist];
	if (dist > max_radar_dist) {

	if (dist < pos.xyz.z) {
		rscale = 0.0f;
	} else {
		rscale = (float) acos(pos.xyz.z / dist) / 3.14159f;		//2.0f;	 

	zdist = fl_sqrt((pos.xyz.x * pos.xyz.x) + (pos.xyz.y * pos.xyz.y));

	float new_x_dist, clipped_x_dist;
	float new_y_dist, clipped_y_dist;

	if (zdist < 0.01f)
		new_x_dist = 0.0f;
		new_y_dist = 0.0f;
		new_x_dist = (pos.xyz.x / zdist) * rscale * radx;
		new_y_dist = (pos.xyz.y / zdist) * rscale * rady;

		// force new_x_dist and new_y_dist to be inside the radar

		float hypotenuse;
		float max_radius;

		hypotenuse = (float) _hypot(new_x_dist, new_y_dist);
		max_radius = i2fl(Current_radar_global->Radar_radius[gr_screen.res][0] - 5);

		if (hypotenuse >= max_radius)
			clipped_x_dist = max_radius * (new_x_dist / hypotenuse);
			clipped_y_dist = max_radius * (new_y_dist / hypotenuse);
			new_x_dist = clipped_x_dist;
			new_y_dist = clipped_y_dist;

	xpos = fl2i(Current_radar_global->Radar_center[gr_screen.res][0] + new_x_dist);
	ypos = fl2i(Current_radar_global->Radar_center[gr_screen.res][1] - new_y_dist);

	// determine the range within which the radar blip is bright
	if (timestamp_elapsed(Radar_calc_bright_dist_timer))
		Radar_calc_bright_dist_timer = timestamp(1000);
		Radar_bright_range = player_farthest_weapon_range();
		if (Radar_bright_range <= 0)
			Radar_bright_range = 1500.0f;

	blip *b;
	int blip_bright = 0;
	int blip_type = 0;

	if (N_blips >= MAX_BLIPS)
		// out of blips, don't plot
		//Gahhh, this is bloody annoying -WMC

	b = &Blips[N_blips];
	b->flags = 0;

	// bright if within range
	blip_bright = (dist <= Radar_bright_range);

	// flag the blip as a current target if it is
	if (OBJ_INDEX(objp) == Player_ai->target_objnum)
		b->flags |= BLIP_CURRENT_TARGET;
		blip_bright = 1;

	radar_stuff_blip_info_std(objp, blip_bright, &b->blip_color, &blip_type);

	if (blip_bright)
		list_append(&Blip_bright_list[blip_type], b);
		list_append(&Blip_dim_list[blip_type], b);

	b->x = xpos;
	b->y = ypos;

	// see if blip should be drawn distorted
	if (objp->type == OBJ_SHIP)
		// ships specifically hidden from sensors
		if (Ships[objp->instance].flags & SF_HIDDEN_FROM_SENSORS)
			b->flags |= BLIP_DRAW_DISTORTED;

		// determine if its AWACS distorted
		if (awacs_level < 1.0f)
			b->flags |= BLIP_DRAW_DISTORTED;

	// don't distort the sensor blips if the player has primitive sensors and the nebula effect
	// is not active
	if (Player_ship->flags2 & SF2_PRIMITIVE_SENSORS)
		if (!(The_mission.flags & MISSION_FLAG_FULLNEB))
			b->flags &= ~BLIP_DRAW_DISTORTED;
