Пример #1
 * \brief Creates the lightweight log at the specified location.
 * Each entry in the log is the same size and contains a sequence number, a timestamp,
 * and a seven-element array of application-defined data.
 * \n Use _lwlog_calculate_size() to determine amount of memory needed to create
 * log with requested number of entries.
 * \param[in] log_number Log number to create ( 1 through 15; 0 is reserved for
 * kernel log).
 * \param[in] max_size   Maximum number of entries in the log.
 * \param[in] flags      LOG_OVERWRITE (when the log is full, write new entries
 * over oldest ones), NULL (when the log is full, do not write entries; the default
 * behavior).
 * \param[in] where      Where to create the lightweight log.
 * \return MQX_OK
 * \return LOG_EXISTS (Lightweight log with log number log_number exists.)
 * \return LOG_INVALID (Log_number is out of range.)
 * \return LOG_INVALID_SIZE (Max_size is 0.)
 * \return MQX_INVALID_POINTER (Where is NULL.)
 * \return MQX_INVALID_COMPONENT_BASE (Data for the lightweight log component is
 * not valid.)
 * \return MQX_OUT_OF_MEMORY (MQX is out of memory.)
 * \return MQX_CANNOT_CALL_FUNCTION_FROM_ISR (Function cannot be called from an ISR.)
 * \warning Creates the lightweight log component if it was not created.
 * \see _lwlog_create
 * \see _lwlog_create_component
 * \see _klog_create
 * \see _klog_create_at
_mqx_uint _lwlog_create_at
    _mqx_uint log_number,
    _mqx_uint max_size,
    _mqx_uint flags,
    void     *where
{ /* Body */
    _mqx_uint               result;

    if (max_size == 0)
        return (LOG_INVALID_SIZE);
    } /* Endif */

    if (where == NULL)
        return (MQX_INVALID_POINTER);
    } /* Endif */

    result = _lwlog_create_internal(log_number, max_size, flags, log_header_ptr);
    if (result == MQX_OK)
        log_header_ptr->TYPE = LWLOG_STATIC;
    } /* Endif */

    return (result);

} /* Endbody */
Пример #2
 * \brief Creates the lightweight log.
 * Each entry in the log is the same size and contains a sequence number, a timestamp,
 * and a seven-element array of application-defined data.
 * \param[in] log_number Log number to create ( 1 through 15; 0 is reserved for
 * kernel log).
 * \param[in] max_size   Maximum number of entries in the log.
 * \param[in] flags      LOG_OVERWRITE (when the log is full, write new entries
 * over oldest ones), NULL (when the log is full, do not write entries; the default
 * behavior).
 * \return MQX_OK
 * \return LOG_EXISTS (Lightweight log with log number log_number exists.)
 * \return LOG_INVALID (Log_number is out of range.)
 * \return LOG_INVALID_SIZE (Max_size is 0.)
 * \return MQX_INVALID_COMPONENT_BASE (Data for the lightweight log component is
 * not valid.)
 * \return MQX_OUT_OF_MEMORY (MQX is out of memory.)
 * \return MQX_CANNOT_CALL_FUNCTION_FROM_ISR (Function cannot be called from an ISR.)
 * \warning Creates the lightweight log component if it was not created.
 * \see _lwlog_create_at
 * \see _lwlog_create_component
 * \see _klog_create
 * \see _klog_create_at
_mqx_uint _lwlog_create
    _mqx_uint log_number,
    _mqx_uint max_size,
    _mqx_uint flags
{ /* Body */
    LWLOG_HEADER_STRUCT_PTR log_header_ptr;
    _mqx_uint               result;

    if (max_size == 0)
        return LOG_INVALID_SIZE;
    } /* Endif */

    log_header_ptr = _mem_alloc_system_zero((_mem_size) sizeof(LWLOG_HEADER_STRUCT) + (_mem_size) (max_size - 1)
                    * (_mem_size) sizeof(LWLOG_ENTRY_STRUCT));
    if (log_header_ptr == NULL)
        return (MQX_OUT_OF_MEMORY);
    } /* Endif */
    _mem_set_type(log_header_ptr, MEM_TYPE_LWLOG);

    result = _lwlog_create_internal(log_number, max_size, flags, log_header_ptr);
    if (result == MQX_OK)
        log_header_ptr->TYPE = LWLOG_DYNAMIC;
    } /* Endif */

    return (result);

} /* Endbody */
Пример #3
_mqx_uint _lwlog_create_at

      /* [IN] the log number to be used */
      _mqx_uint log_number, 

      /* [IN] the maximum number of entries */
      _mqx_uint max_size,

      /* [IN] flags about the properties of the log */
      _mqx_uint flags,

      /* [IN] where the log should be created */
      pointer   where

{ /* Body */
   _mqx_uint                result;

   if (max_size == 0) {
   } /* Endif */

   if (where == NULL) {
   } /* Endif */

   result = _lwlog_create_internal(log_number, max_size, flags, log_header_ptr);
   if (result == MQX_OK) {
      log_header_ptr->TYPE = LWLOG_STATIC;
   } /* Endif */


} /* Endbody */