Пример #1
quant_h263_inter(int16_t *  coeff,
				   int16_t *  data,
				   const uint32_t quant,
				   uint16_t *  mpeg_quant_matrices,
				   const int16_t mult)
	//const uint16_t mult = (uint16_t)multipliers[quant];
	const uint16_t quant_m_2 = quant << 1;
	const uint16_t quant_d_2 = quant >> 1;
	uint32_t sum = 0;
	uint32_t i;

    _nassert((int)(coeff)%8 == 0);
    _nassert((int)(data)%8 == 0);
	for (i = 0; i < 64; i++)
        int16_t abs_acLevel = abs(data[i])-quant_d_2;
        abs_acLevel = (abs_acLevel)< quant_m_2 ? 0  : (int16_t)((abs_acLevel * mult) >> SCALEBITS);
        sum += abs_acLevel;
        coeff[i] = data[i]>=0 ? abs_acLevel : -abs_acLevel;

Пример #2
float DSPF_sp_dotprod(const float * x, const float * y, const int nx)
    int i;
    float sum = 0;

    _nassert(nx > 0);
    _nassert(nx % 8 == 0);
    _nassert((int)x % 8 == 0);
    _nassert((int)y % 8 == 0);
    for(i = 0; i < nx; i++)    
      sum += x[i]*y[i];
    return (sum);
Пример #3
void twiddles(Param size, Param n, int* ix, Cplx16* in, Cplx16* out){
	printf("Execute twiddles size %d n %d *ix %d\n", size, n, *ix);
	int r = (*ix)*n;

	typedef unsigned long 		complex_16;
	typedef unsigned long long 	complex_16_2;
	typedef unsigned long long 	complex_32;
	typedef int32x4_t 			complex_32_2;

	complex_16_2 const* restrict pl_in  = (complex_16_2*) in;
	complex_16_2 const* restrict pl_w = (complex_16_2*) (twi64k+r*size);
	complex_16_2 * restrict pl_out = (complex_16_2*) out;

	/* Specify aligned input/output/twi for optimizations */
	_nassert((int) pl_in  % 8 == 0); 	// input  is 64-bit aligned
	_nassert((int) pl_out % 8 == 0); 	// output is 64-bit aligned
	_nassert((int) pl_w   % 8 == 0); 	// twiddles is 64-bit aligned

	#pragma MUST_ITERATE(8,,8)
	for(int i=0; i<n*size/2; i++)
		*(pl_out++) = _dcmpyr1(*(pl_in++), *(pl_w++));

//	int c;
//	int r = (*ix)*n;
//	for(int i=0; i<n; i++){
//		for(c=0; c<size; c++){
//			short real0 = (((long)(in[c].real))*twi64k[r*c].real)>>16;
//			short real1 = (((long)(in[c].imag))*twi64k[r*c].imag)>>16;
//			short imag0 = (((long)(in[c].imag))*twi64k[r*c].real)>>16;
//			short imag1 = (((long)(in[c].real))*twi64k[r*c].imag)>>16;
//			out[c].real = real0 - real1;
//			out[c].imag = imag0 + imag1;
//		}
//		in  += size;
//		out += size;
//		r++;
//	}
Пример #4
/*	quantize intra-block
quant_h263_intra(int16_t *  coeff,
				   int16_t *  data,
				   const uint32_t quant,
				   const uint32_t scaler_lum,
				   const uint32_t scaler_chr,
				   const int16_t mult
	int i;

    _nassert((int)(coeff)%8 == 0);
    _nassert((int)(data)%8 == 0);

	// coeff[0] = DIV_DIV(data[0], (int32_t) dcscalar);
	for (i = 0; i < 64*6; i++) 
		coeff[i] = (int16_t)((data[i] * mult) >> SCALEBITS)+((data[i]>=0) ? 0 : 1);
Пример #5
short DSP_maxval (
    const short *x,     /* x[nx] = input vector    */
    int nx              /* nx = number of elements */
    int  i;

    const long long *xll;

    double x0123, x4567;
    int max01, max23, max45, max67;

    /* Set all 8 intermediate max values to most negative */
    /* Each 32bit var contains two shorts */
    max01 = 0x80008000;
    max23 = 0x80008000;
    max45 = 0x80008000;
    max67 = 0x80008000;

    /* Convert the short pointer to a 64bit long long pointer */
    xll = (const long long *)x;

    /* In each loop iteration we will load 8 short values from the array. */
    /* On the C64x+ we can do 4 max2 operations in one cycle. This will   */
    /* give us 8 results, that we keep seperated. Outside the loop we'll  */
    /* find the max out of these 8 intermediate values.                   */

    _nassert((int)(xll) % 8 == 0);
    #pragma MUST_ITERATE(1,,1);
    for (i = 0; i < nx; i += 8) {
        x0123 = _amemd8((void *)xll++);     /* Use LDDW to load 4 shorts  */
        x4567 = _amemd8((void *)xll++);     /* Use LDDW to load 4 shorts  */

        max01 = _max2(max01, _lo(x0123));
        max23 = _max2(max23, _hi(x0123));
        max45 = _max2(max45, _lo(x4567));
        max67 = _max2(max67, _hi(x4567));

    max01 = _max2(max01, max23);  /* Calculate 2 maximums of max01 and max23 */
    max45 = _max2(max45, max67);  /* Calculate 2 maximums of max45 and max67 */

    max01 = _max2(max01, max45);  /* Get the 2 max values of the remaining 4 */

    max45 = _rotl(max01, 16);     /* Swap lower and higher 16 bit */

    /* Find the final maximum value (will be in higher and lower part) */
    max01 = _max2(max01, max45);

    /* max01 is a 32-bit value with the result in the upper and lower 16 bit */
    /* Use an AND operation to only return the lower 16 bit to the caller.   */
    return (max01 & 0xFFFF);
Пример #6
dequant_h263_inter(int16_t *  data,
					 int16_t *  coeff,
					 const uint32_t quant,
					 uint16_t *  mpeg_quant_matrices)
	const uint16_t quant_m_2 = quant << 1;
	const uint16_t quant_add = (quant & 1 ? quant : quant - 1);
	int i;

    _nassert((int)(coeff)%8 == 0);
    _nassert((int)(data)%8 == 0);

	for (i = 0; i < 64; i++) 
        int32_t acLevel = coeff[i];        
        acLevel = (acLevel == 0) ? 0 : (acLevel<0)? (acLevel * quant_m_2 - quant_add) : (acLevel * quant_m_2 + quant_add);
        data[i] = CLIP(acLevel,-2048, 2047);
