Пример #1
int lwGetPoints( picoMemStream_t *fp, int cksize, lwPointList *point )
   float *f;
   int np, i, j;

   if ( cksize == 1 ) return 1;

   /* extend the point array to hold the new points */

   np = cksize / 12;
   point->offset = point->count;
   point->count += np;
   if ( !_pico_realloc( (void *) &point->pt, (point->count - np) * sizeof( lwPoint ), point->count * sizeof( lwPoint )) )
      return 0;
   memset( &point->pt[ point->offset ], 0, np * sizeof( lwPoint ));

   /* read the whole chunk */

   f = ( float * ) getbytes( fp, cksize );
   if ( !f ) return 0;
   revbytes( f, 4, np * 3 );

   /* assign position values */

   for ( i = 0, j = 0; i < np; i++, j += 3 ) {
      point->pt[ i ].pos[ 0 ] = f[ j ];
      point->pt[ i ].pos[ 1 ] = f[ j + 1 ];
      point->pt[ i ].pos[ 2 ] = f[ j + 2 ];

   _pico_free( f );
   return 1;
Пример #2
 * @brief adjusts a models's memory allocations to handle the requested sizes.
 * will always grow, never shrink
int PicoAdjustModel (picoModel_t *model, int numShaders, int numSurfaces)
	/* dummy check */
	if (model == NULL)
		return 0;

	/* bare minimums */
	/* sea: null surface/shader fix (1s=>0s) */
	if (numShaders < 0)
		numShaders = 0;
	if (numSurfaces < 0)
		numSurfaces = 0;

	/* additional shaders? */
	while (numShaders > model->maxShaders) {
		model->maxShaders += PICO_GROW_SHADERS;
		if (!_pico_realloc((void *) &model->shader, model->numShaders * sizeof(*model->shader), model->maxShaders
				* sizeof(*model->shader)))
			return 0;

	/* set shader count to higher */
	if (numShaders > model->numShaders)
		model->numShaders = numShaders;

	/* additional surfaces? */
	while (numSurfaces > model->maxSurfaces) {
		model->maxSurfaces += PICO_GROW_SURFACES;
		if (!_pico_realloc((void *) &model->surface, model->numSurfaces * sizeof(*model->surface), model->maxSurfaces
				* sizeof(*model->surface)))
			return 0;

	/* set shader count to higher */
	if (numSurfaces > model->numSurfaces)
		model->numSurfaces = numSurfaces;

	/* return ok */
	return 1;
Пример #3
int lwGetTags( picoMemStream_t *fp, int cksize, lwTagList *tlist ){
	char *buf, *bp;
	int i, len, ntags;

	if ( cksize == 0 ) {
		return 1;

	/* read the whole chunk */

	set_flen( 0 );
	buf = getbytes( fp, cksize );
	if ( !buf ) {
		return 0;

	/* count the strings */

	ntags = 0;
	bp = buf;
	while ( bp < buf + cksize ) {
		len = strlen( bp ) + 1;
		len += len & 1;
		bp += len;

	/* expand the string array to hold the new tags */

	tlist->offset = tlist->count;
	tlist->count += ntags;
	if ( !_pico_realloc( (void *) &tlist->tag, ( tlist->count - ntags ) * sizeof( char * ), tlist->count * sizeof( char * ) ) ) {
		goto Fail;
	memset( &tlist->tag[ tlist->offset ], 0, ntags * sizeof( char * ) );

	/* copy the new tags to the tag array */

	bp = buf;
	for ( i = 0; i < ntags; i++ )
		tlist->tag[ i + tlist->offset ] = sgetS0( &bp );

	_pico_free( buf );
	return 1;

	if ( buf ) {
		_pico_free( buf );
	return 0;
Пример #4
int lwAllocPolygons( lwPolygonList *plist, int npols, int nverts )
   int i;

   plist->offset = plist->count;
   plist->count += npols;
   if ( !_pico_realloc( (void *) &plist->pol, (plist->count - npols) * sizeof( lwPolygon ), plist->count * sizeof( lwPolygon )) )
      return 0;
   memset( plist->pol + plist->offset, 0, npols * sizeof( lwPolygon ));

   plist->voffset = plist->vcount;
   plist->vcount += nverts;
   if ( !_pico_realloc( (void *) &plist->pol[ 0 ].v, (plist->vcount - nverts) * sizeof( lwPolVert ), plist->vcount * sizeof( lwPolVert )) )
      return 0;
   memset( plist->pol[ 0 ].v + plist->voffset, 0, nverts * sizeof( lwPolVert ));

   /* fix up the old vertex pointers */

   for ( i = 1; i < plist->offset; i++ )
      plist->pol[ i ].v = plist->pol[ i - 1 ].v + plist->pol[ i - 1 ].nverts;

   return 1;
Пример #5
 * @brief This pretty piece of 'alloc ahead' code dynamically
 * allocates - and reallocates as soon as required -
 * my vertex data array in even steps.
static TObjVertexData *SizeObjVertexData (TObjVertexData *vertexData, int reqEntries, int *entries, int *allocated)
	int newAllocated;

	/* sanity checks */
	if (reqEntries < 1)
		return NULL;
	if (entries == NULL || allocated == NULL)
		return NULL; /* must have */

	/* no need to grow yet */
	if (vertexData && (reqEntries < *allocated)) {
		*entries = reqEntries;
		return vertexData;
	/* given vertex data ptr not allocated yet */
	if (vertexData == NULL) {
		/* how many entries to allocate */
		newAllocated = (reqEntries > SIZE_OBJ_STEP) ? reqEntries : SIZE_OBJ_STEP;

		/* throw out an extended debug message */
		printf("SizeObjVertexData: allocate (%d entries)\n",
		/* first time allocation */
		vertexData = (TObjVertexData *) _pico_alloc(sizeof(TObjVertexData) * newAllocated);

		/* allocation failed */
		if (vertexData == NULL)
			return NULL;

		/* allocation succeeded */
		*allocated = newAllocated;
		*entries = reqEntries;
		return vertexData;
	/* given vertex data ptr needs to be resized */
	if (reqEntries == *allocated) {
		newAllocated = (*allocated + SIZE_OBJ_STEP);

		/* throw out an extended debug message */
		printf("SizeObjVertexData: reallocate (%d entries)\n",
		/* try to reallocate */
		vertexData = (TObjVertexData *) _pico_realloc((void *) &vertexData, sizeof(TObjVertexData) * (*allocated),
				sizeof(TObjVertexData) * (newAllocated));

		/* reallocation failed */
		if (vertexData == NULL)
			return NULL;

		/* reallocation succeeded */
		*allocated = newAllocated;
		*entries = reqEntries;
		return vertexData;
	/* we're b0rked when we reach this */
	return NULL;
Пример #6
 * @brief adjusts a surface's memory allocations to handle the requested sizes.
 * will always grow, never shrink
int PicoAdjustSurface (picoSurface_t *surface, int numVertexes, int numSTArrays, int numColorArrays, int numIndexes,
		int numFaceNormals)
	int i;

	/* dummy check */
	if (surface == NULL)
		return 0;

	/* bare minimums */
	if (numVertexes < 1)
		numVertexes = 1;
	if (numSTArrays < 1)
		numSTArrays = 1;
	if (numColorArrays < 1)
		numColorArrays = 1;
	if (numIndexes < 1)
		numIndexes = 1;

	/* additional vertexes? */
	while (numVertexes > surface->maxVertexes) { /* fix */
		surface->maxVertexes += PICO_GROW_VERTEXES;
		if (!_pico_realloc((void *) &surface->xyz, surface->numVertexes * sizeof(*surface->xyz), surface->maxVertexes
				* sizeof(*surface->xyz)))
			return 0;
		if (!_pico_realloc((void *) &surface->normal, surface->numVertexes * sizeof(*surface->normal),
				surface->maxVertexes * sizeof(*surface->normal)))
			return 0;
		if (!_pico_realloc((void *) &surface->smoothingGroup, surface->numVertexes * sizeof(*surface->smoothingGroup),
				surface->maxVertexes * sizeof(*surface->smoothingGroup)))
			return 0;
		for (i = 0; i < surface->numSTArrays; i++)
			if (!_pico_realloc((void*) &surface->st[i], surface->numVertexes * sizeof(*surface->st[i]),
					surface->maxVertexes * sizeof(*surface->st[i])))
				return 0;
		for (i = 0; i < surface->numColorArrays; i++)
			if (!_pico_realloc((void*) &surface->color[i], surface->numVertexes * sizeof(*surface->color[i]),
					surface->maxVertexes * sizeof(*surface->color[i])))
				return 0;

	/* set vertex count to higher */
	if (numVertexes > surface->numVertexes)
		surface->numVertexes = numVertexes;

	/* additional st arrays? */
	while (numSTArrays > surface->maxSTArrays) { /* fix */
		surface->maxSTArrays += PICO_GROW_ARRAYS;
		if (!_pico_realloc((void*) &surface->st, surface->numSTArrays * sizeof(*surface->st), surface->maxSTArrays
				* sizeof(*surface->st)))
			return 0;
		while (surface->numSTArrays < numSTArrays) {
			surface->st[surface->numSTArrays] = _pico_alloc(surface->maxVertexes * sizeof(*surface->st[0]));
			memset(surface->st[surface->numSTArrays], 0, surface->maxVertexes * sizeof(*surface->st[0]));

	/* additional color arrays? */
	while (numColorArrays > surface->maxColorArrays) { /* fix */
		surface->maxColorArrays += PICO_GROW_ARRAYS;
		if (!_pico_realloc((void*) &surface->color, surface->numColorArrays * sizeof(*surface->color),
				surface->maxColorArrays * sizeof(*surface->color)))
			return 0;
		while (surface->numColorArrays < numColorArrays) {
			surface->color[surface->numColorArrays] = _pico_alloc(surface->maxVertexes * sizeof(*surface->color[0]));
			memset(surface->color[surface->numColorArrays], 0, surface->maxVertexes * sizeof(*surface->color[0]));

	/* additional indexes? */
	while (numIndexes > surface->maxIndexes) { /* fix */
		surface->maxIndexes += PICO_GROW_INDEXES;
		if (!_pico_realloc((void*) &surface->index, surface->numIndexes * sizeof(*surface->index), surface->maxIndexes
				* sizeof(*surface->index)))
			return 0;

	/* set index count to higher */
	if (numIndexes > surface->numIndexes)
		surface->numIndexes = numIndexes;

	/* additional face normals? */
	while (numFaceNormals > surface->maxFaceNormals) { /* fix */
		surface->maxFaceNormals += PICO_GROW_FACES;
		if (!_pico_realloc((void *) &surface->faceNormal, surface->numFaceNormals * sizeof(*surface->faceNormal),
				surface->maxFaceNormals * sizeof(*surface->faceNormal)))
			return 0;

	/* set face normal count to higher */
	if (numFaceNormals > surface->numFaceNormals)
		surface->numFaceNormals = numFaceNormals;

	/* return ok */
	return 1;