void AxesLib::goToRads(float rx, float ry){
	float degsH = (360.0 - _rad2deg(rx));
	if(degsH >= 360.0)
		degsH = degsH - 360.0;
	_moveTo((float) degsH*_pgrad_x, (float) _rad2deg(ry)*_pgrad_y);
Пример #2
Файл: spa.c Проект: hoo2/toolbox
static double _rts_sun_altitude(double latitude, double delta_prime, double h_prime)
   double latitude_rad    = _deg2rad(latitude);
   double delta_prime_rad = _deg2rad(delta_prime);

   return _rad2deg (asin (sin(latitude_rad)*sin(delta_prime_rad) +
Пример #3
Файл: spa.c Проект: hoo2/toolbox
static double _top_azimuth_angle_astro(double h_prime, double latitude, double delta_prime)
   double h_prime_rad = _deg2rad(h_prime);
   double lat_rad     = _deg2rad(latitude);

   return _wrap (_rad2deg (atan2(sin(h_prime_rad),
                                 cos(h_prime_rad)*sin(lat_rad) - tan(_deg2rad(delta_prime))*cos(lat_rad))), 0, 360);
Пример #4
Файл: spa.c Проект: hoo2/toolbox
static double _top_elevation_angle (double latitude, double delta_prime, double h_prime)
   double lat_rad         = _deg2rad (latitude);
   double delta_prime_rad = _deg2rad (delta_prime);

   return _rad2deg (asin(sin(lat_rad)*sin(delta_prime_rad) +
                         cos(lat_rad)*cos(delta_prime_rad) * cos(_deg2rad(h_prime))));
Пример #5
Файл: spa.c Проект: hoo2/toolbox
 * \brief
 *    Calculate geocentric declination
 * \return  [deg]
static double _geo_declination(double beta, double epsilon, double lamda)
   double beta_rad    = _deg2rad (beta);
   double epsilon_rad = _deg2rad (epsilon);

   return _rad2deg (asin (sin(beta_rad)*cos(epsilon_rad) +
Пример #6
Файл: spa.c Проект: hoo2/toolbox
static double _incidence_angle (spa_output_t so, spa_location_t sl)
   double zenith_rad = _deg2rad (so.zenith);
   double slope_rad  = _deg2rad (sl.slope);

   return _rad2deg(acos(cos(zenith_rad)*cos(slope_rad)  +
                        sin(slope_rad )*sin(zenith_rad) *
                           cos(_deg2rad(so.azimuth_astro - sl.azm_rotation))));
Пример #7
Файл: spa.c Проект: hoo2/toolbox
 * \brief
 *    Calculate topocentric declination and right ascension parallax at once
 * \return  [dec]
static void _delta_alpha_prime(spa_location_t sl, double xi, double h, double delta, double *delta_alpha, double *delta_prime)
   double delta_alpha_rad;
   double lat_rad   = _deg2rad (sl.latitude);
   double xi_rad    = _deg2rad (xi);
   double h_rad     = _deg2rad (h);
   double delta_rad = _deg2rad (delta);
   double u = atan(0.99664719 * tan(lat_rad));
   double y = 0.99664719 * sin(u) + sl.elevation*sin(lat_rad)/6378140.0;
   double x =              cos(u) + sl.elevation*cos(lat_rad)/6378140.0;

   delta_alpha_rad =      atan2(                - x*sin(xi_rad) *sin(h_rad),
                                 cos(delta_rad) - x*sin(xi_rad) *cos(h_rad));

   *delta_prime = _rad2deg (atan2((sin(delta_rad) - y*sin(xi_rad))*cos(delta_alpha_rad),
                                   cos(delta_rad) - x*sin(xi_rad) *cos(h_rad)));

   *delta_alpha = _rad2deg (delta_alpha_rad);
Пример #8
Файл: spa.c Проект: hoo2/toolbox
 * \brief
 *    Calculate geocentric right ascension
 * \return  [deg]
static double _geo_right_ascension(double lamda, double epsilon, double beta)
   double lamda_rad   = _deg2rad (lamda);
   double epsilon_rad = _deg2rad (epsilon);

   return _wrap (_rad2deg (
                    atan2( sin (lamda_rad)*cos (epsilon_rad) - tan (_deg2rad (beta))*sin (epsilon_rad),
                           cos (lamda_rad))),
                 0, 360);
Пример #9
Файл: spa.c Проект: hoo2/toolbox
 * \brief
 *    Calculate Earth's heliocentric latitude
 * \return [deg]
static double _earth_hel_latitude (double jme)
   double sum[B_COUNT];
   int i;

   for (i = 0; i < B_COUNT; i++)
      sum[i] = _periodic_term_sum (B_TERMS[i], b_subcount[i], jme);

   return _rad2deg (_earth_values (sum, B_COUNT, jme));
Пример #10
Файл: spa.c Проект: hoo2/toolbox
 * \brief
 *    Calculate Earth's Heliocentric longitude
 * \return [deg]
static double _earth_hel_longitude (double jme)
   double sum[L_COUNT];
   int i;

   for (i = 0; i < L_COUNT; i++)
      sum[i] = _periodic_term_sum (L_TERMS[i], l_subcount[i], jme);

   return _wrap (_rad2deg (_earth_values (sum, L_COUNT, jme)), 0, 360);
Пример #11
Файл: spa.c Проект: hoo2/toolbox
static double _rts_hour_angle_at_rise_set (double latitude, double delta_zero, double h0_prime)
   double h0             = -99999;
   double latitude_rad   = _deg2rad (latitude);
   double delta_zero_rad = _deg2rad (delta_zero);
   double argument       = (sin(_deg2rad(h0_prime)) - sin(latitude_rad)*sin(delta_zero_rad)) /

   if (fabs(argument) <= 1) h0 = _wrap (_rad2deg(acos(argument)), 0, 180);

   return h0;
Пример #12
 * Calculate the distance between two geodetic location in miles.
double shgeo_dist(shgeo_t *f_geo, shgeo_t *t_geo)
  static const shnum_t mile_mod = 90.9;
  shnum_t theta, dist;
  shnum_t lat1, lat2;
  shnum_t lon1, lon2;

  shgeo_loc(f_geo, &lat1, &lon1, NULL);
  shgeo_loc(t_geo, &lat2, &lon2, NULL);

  theta = lon1 - lon2;
  dist = (sinl(_deg2rad(lat1)) * sinl(_deg2rad(lat2))) + 
    (cosl(_deg2rad(lat1)) * cosl(_deg2rad(lat2)) * cosl(_deg2rad(theta)));
  dist = acosl(dist);
  dist = _rad2deg(dist);
  dist = dist * mile_mod;

  return ((double)dist);
Пример #13
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
	int boardN = 0;
	int ret = 0;
	int rhoSize = 256;
	int thetaSize = 180;
	YARPImageOf<YarpPixelMono> hough_img;
	char c;

	printf("\n[eyeCalib] Setting up the sensor..");
	ret = _grabber.initialize(boardN, _sizeX, _sizeY);
	if (ret == YARP_FAIL)
		printf("[eyeCalib] ERROR in _grabber.initialize(). Quitting.\n");
		exit (1);


	printf("\n[eyeCalib] Allocating images and filter (%d x %d)...", _sizeX, _sizeY);
	for (int i=0; i<N_IMAGES; i++)
		_imgBuffer[i].Resize (_sizeX, _sizeY);
	_susanImg.Resize (_sizeX, _sizeY);
	_susanFlt.resize(_sizeX, _sizeY);
	printf("\n[eyeCalib] Allocating Hough Filter (theta %d, rho %d)..", thetaSize, rhoSize);
	_houghFlt.resize(thetaSize, rhoSize);
	char fileName[255];
	FILE *outFile = NULL;
	double orientation;
	double posVector[4];
	double vel;
	printf("\n[eyeCalib] Do you want to save results to file ? [Y/n] ");
	c = getch();
	if (c != 'n')
		printf("\n[eyeCalib] File name ? ");
		scanf("%s", fileName);
		printf("[eyeCalib] Append data (Y/n)?");
		c = getch();
		if (c == 'n')
			outFile = fopen(fileName,"w");
			fprintf(outFile, "velocity;J0;J1;J2;J3;orientation\n");
			outFile = fopen(fileName,"a");

		if (!outFile)
			printf("[eyeCalib] ERROR opening the file %s. Saving aboorted.\n", fileName);
	printf("\n[eyeCalib] Interactive calibration or Load data form file? [I/l] ");
	c = getch();
	if ( c == 'l')
		printf("\n[eyeCalib] File to load? ");
		scanf("%s", fileName);
		FILE *dataFile = NULL;
		dataFile = fopen(fileName,"r");
		if (dataFile == NULL)
			printf("[eyeCalib] ERROR opening the file %s. Quitting.\n", fileName);
			if (outFile != NULL)
		bool ret = false;
		while (readLine(dataFile, &vel, posVector) == true)
			printf("\n[eyeCalib] Moving [%.2lf %.2lf %.2lf %.2lf * %.2lf]..", posVector[0], posVector[1], posVector[2], posVector[3], vel);
			printf("\n[eyeCalib] Hit any key when Position has been reached..");
			c = getch();
			orientation = calibrate();
			printf("\n[eyeCalib] Main orientation is %.3frad (%.3fdeg) - variance %.2f", orientation, _rad2deg(orientation));
			if (outFile != NULL)
				fprintf(outFile, "%lf;%lf;%lf;%lf;%lf;%lf\n", vel, posVector[0], posVector[1], posVector[2], posVector[3], orientation);
			printf("\n[eyeCalib] Avaible Joints:\n\t0 - Left Pan\n\t1 - Left Tilt\n\t2 - Right Pan\n\t3 - Left Tilt");
			printf("\n[EyeCalib] Move to? [J0;J1;J2;J3] ");
			scanf("%lf;%lf;%lf;%lf", &(posVector[0]), &(posVector[1]), &(posVector[2]), &(posVector[3]));
			printf("\n[eyeCalib] Move with velocity? ");
			scanf("%lf", &vel);
			printf("\n[eyeCalib] Moving [%.2lf %.2lf %.2lf %.2lf * %.2lf]..", posVector[0], posVector[1], posVector[2], posVector[3], vel);
			printf("\n[eyeCalib] Hit any key when Position has been reached..");
			moveHead(vel, posVector);
			c = getch();
			orientation = calibrate();
			printf("\n[eyeCalib] Main orientation is %.3frad (%.3fdeg) - variance %.2f", orientation, _rad2deg(orientation));
			if (outFile != NULL)
				fprintf(outFile, "%lf;%lf;%lf;%lf;%lf;%lf\n", vel, posVector[0], posVector[1], posVector[2], posVector[3], orientation);
			printf("\n[eyeCalib] Another loop ? [Y/n] ");
			c = getch();
		} while (c != 'n');

	if (outFile != NULL)

	printf("\n[eyeCalib] Bye.\n");

	return 0;