Пример #1
   draw a frame, interpolating between 2 "key frames"
   @param pcnt percentage of interpolation
void EWCDisplay::_drawFrame(int pcnt)
  int nextv;
  unsigned char h;
  unsigned char s;
  unsigned char v;

  //each row interpolates with the one before it
  for (unsigned char y = M_HEIGHT - 1; y > 0; y--) {
    for (unsigned char x = 0; x < M_WIDTH; x++) {
      h = _hueMask[y][x];
      s = 255;
      nextv =
        (((100.0 - pcnt) * _matrix[x][y]
          + _pcnt * _matrix[x][y - 1]) / 100.0)
        - _valueMask[y][x];
      v = (unsigned char)_max(0, nextv);
      _setPixel(x, y, RgbColor(HsbColor(h, s, v)));

  //first row interpolates with the "next" line
  for (unsigned char x = 0; x < M_WIDTH; x++) {
    h = _hueMask[0][x];
    s = 255;
    v = (unsigned char)(((100.0 - _pcnt) * _matrix[x][0] + _pcnt * _line[x]) / 100.0);

    _setPixel(x, 0, RgbColor(HsbColor(h, s, v)));
Пример #2
void Renderer::_computeSections()
    QSize imageSize = _image.size();
    Ray ray;

    ray.type = Ray::Primary;
    while (1) {
        if (_renderingTasks.isEmpty()) {
            return ;
        QRect task = _renderingTasks.takeFirst();
        for (int x = 0; x < task.width(); ++x) {
            for (int y = 0; y < task.height(); ++y) {

                Color pixel = Color::BLACK;
                int resolution = config->antialiasingResolution();
                float subSize = 1.0f / resolution;
                Config::AntialiasingType type = config->antialiasingType();

                for (float x1 = 0.0f; x1 < 1.0f; x1 += subSize) {
                    for (float y1 = 0.0f; y1 < 1.0f; y1 += subSize) {
                        float vx = 0;
                        float vy = 0;

                        if (type == Config::Random) {
                            vx = float(qrand()) / RAND_MAX;
                            vy = float(qrand()) / RAND_MAX;
                        } else if (type == Config::Uniform) {
                            vx = x1 + subSize / 2.0f;
                            vy = y1 + subSize / 2.0f;
                        } else if (type == Config::Jittered) {
                            vx = x1 + subSize * float(qrand()) / RAND_MAX;
                            vy = y1 + subSize * float(qrand()) / RAND_MAX;
                        } else if (type == Config::Shirley) {
                            float vx1 = x1 + subSize * float(qrand()) / RAND_MAX;
                            float vy1 = y1 + subSize * float(qrand()) / RAND_MAX;
                            vx = (vx1 < 0.5) ? (-0.5f + qSqrt(2.0f * vx1)) : (1.5f - qSqrt(2.0f - 2.0f * vx1));
                            vy = (vy1 < 0.5) ? (-0.5f + qSqrt(2.0f * vy1)) : (1.5f - qSqrt(2.0f - 2.0f * vy1));
                        vx = (vx + x + task.left()) / imageSize.width();
                        vy = (vy + y + task.top()) / imageSize.height();

                        Intersection hit;

                        _camera->ray(vx, -vy, ray);
                        ray.time = float(qrand()) / RAND_MAX;
                        _integrator->compute(ray, hit);
                        pixel.AddScaled(hit.shade, 1.0f / (resolution * resolution));
                _setPixel(x + task.left(), y + task.top(), pixel);
Пример #3
   Den Bildschirm-Puffer auf die LED-Matrix schreiben.

   @param onChange: TRUE, wenn es Aenderungen in dem Bildschirm-Puffer gab,
                    FALSE, wenn es ein Refresh-Aufruf war.
void LedDriverDotStar::writeScreenBufferToMatrix(word matrix[16], boolean onChange, eColors a_color) {
  boolean updateWheelColor = false;

  if (((settings.getColor() == color_rgb_continuous) || (a_color == color_rgb_continuous)) && _transitionCompleted) {
    if ((millis() - _lastColorUpdate) > 300) {
      updateWheelColor = true;
      _lastColorUpdate = millis();

  if (!_transitionCompleted && (_transitionCounter > 0)) {
    _transitionCounter = 0;

  if (onChange || _dirty || _demoTransition || updateWheelColor || (((_transitionCounter == 0) || (Settings::TRANSITION_MODE_FADE == settings.getTransitionMode())) && !_transitionCompleted)) {
    uint32_t color = 0;
    uint32_t colorNew = 0;
    uint32_t colorOld = 0;
    uint32_t colorOverlay1 = 0;
    uint32_t colorOverlay2 = 0;
    byte brightnessOld = 0;
    byte brightnessNew = 0;

    _dirty = false;

    if (mode != STD_MODE_NORMAL) {
      _transitionCompleted = true;
      _demoTransition = false;


    if (onChange || _demoTransition) {
      if (((helperSeconds == 0) || _demoTransition) && (mode == STD_MODE_NORMAL) && _transitionCompleted && !evtActive) {
        switch (settings.getTransitionMode()) {
          case Settings::TRANSITION_MODE_FADE:
            for (byte i = 0; i < 11; i++) {
              _matrixOld[i] = _matrixNew[i];
              if (_demoTransition) {
                _matrixNew[i] = 0;
              else {
                _matrixNew[i] = matrix[i];
              _matrixOverlay[i] = 0;
            _transitionCompleted = false;
            _transitionCounter = FADINGCOUNTERLOAD;
          case Settings::TRANSITION_MODE_MATRIX:
          case Settings::TRANSITION_MODE_SLIDE:
            if (((rtc.getMinutes() % 5) == 0) || _demoTransition) {
              for (byte i = 0; i < 11; i++) {
                _matrixOld[i] = 0;
                _matrixOverlay[i] = 0;
              _transitionCompleted = false;
          case Settings::TRANSITION_MODE_NORMAL:
            if (_demoTransition) {
              for (byte i = 0; i < 11; i++) {
                _matrixNew[i] = 0;
              _transitionCompleted = false;
              _transitionCounter = NORMALCOUNTERLOAD;
      if (_transitionCompleted) {
        for (byte i = 0; i < 11; i++) {
          _matrixOld[i] = 0;
          _matrixNew[i] = matrix[i];
          _matrixOverlay[i] = 0;

    _demoTransition = false;

    if ((_transitionCounter == 0) && !_transitionCompleted) {
      switch (settings.getTransitionMode()) {
        case Settings::TRANSITION_MODE_MATRIX:
          _transitionCounter = MATRIXCOUNTERLOAD;
          _transitionCompleted = Transitions::nextMatrixStep(_matrixOld, _matrixNew, _matrixOverlay, matrix);
        case Settings::TRANSITION_MODE_SLIDE:
          _transitionCounter = SLIDINGCOUNTERLOAD;
          _transitionCompleted = Transitions::nextSlideStep(_matrixNew, matrix);
        case Settings::TRANSITION_MODE_NORMAL:
          _transitionCompleted = true;


    if ((Settings::TRANSITION_MODE_FADE == settings.getTransitionMode()) && !_transitionCompleted) {
      brightnessOld = map(_transitionCounter, 0, FADINGCOUNTERLOAD, 0, _brightnessInPercent);
      brightnessNew = map(_transitionCounter, FADINGCOUNTERLOAD, 0 , 0 , _brightnessInPercent);
      if (_transitionCounter == 0) {
        _transitionCompleted = true;
    else {
      brightnessNew = _brightnessInPercent;

    if ((a_color != color_none) && (a_color <= color_single_max))
      colorNew = _strip->Color(_brightnessScaleColor(brightnessNew, pgm_read_byte_near(&defaultColors[a_color].red)), _brightnessScaleColor(brightnessNew, pgm_read_byte_near(&defaultColors[a_color].blue)), _brightnessScaleColor(brightnessNew, pgm_read_byte_near(&defaultColors[a_color].green)));
    else if ((settings.getColor() == color_rgb_continuous) || (a_color == color_rgb_continuous) ) {
      if (updateWheelColor) {
        if (_wheelPos >= 254) {
          _wheelPos = 0;
        else {
          _wheelPos += 2;
      color = _wheel(_brightnessInPercent, _wheelPos);
      colorNew = _wheel(brightnessNew, _wheelPos);
      colorOld = _wheel(brightnessOld, _wheelPos);
    else {
      color = _strip->Color(_brightnessScaleColor(_brightnessInPercent, defaultColors[settings.getColor()].red), _brightnessScaleColor(_brightnessInPercent, defaultColors[settings.getColor()].blue), _brightnessScaleColor(_brightnessInPercent, defaultColors[settings.getColor()].green));
      colorNew = _strip->Color(_brightnessScaleColor(brightnessNew, defaultColors[settings.getColor()].red), _brightnessScaleColor(brightnessNew, defaultColors[settings.getColor()].blue), _brightnessScaleColor(brightnessNew, defaultColors[settings.getColor()].green));
      colorOld = _strip->Color(_brightnessScaleColor(brightnessOld, defaultColors[settings.getColor()].red), _brightnessScaleColor(brightnessOld, defaultColors[settings.getColor()].blue), _brightnessScaleColor(brightnessOld, defaultColors[settings.getColor()].green));

    if ( (settings.getTransitionMode() == Settings::TRANSITION_MODE_MATRIX) && !_transitionCompleted ) {
      colorOverlay1 = _strip->Color(_brightnessScaleColor(_brightnessInPercent, 0), _brightnessScaleColor(_brightnessInPercent, 0), _brightnessScaleColor(_brightnessInPercent, 255));
      colorOverlay2 = _strip->Color(_brightnessScaleColor(_brightnessInPercent, 0), _brightnessScaleColor(_brightnessInPercent, 0), _brightnessScaleColor(_brightnessInPercent, 255 * 0.5));
      colorOld = _strip->Color(_brightnessScaleColor(_brightnessInPercent, 0), _brightnessScaleColor(_brightnessInPercent, 0), _brightnessScaleColor(_brightnessInPercent, 255 * 0.1));

       WRITE OUT

    for (byte y = 0; y < 10; y++) {
      for (byte x = 5; x < 16; x++) {
        word t = 1 << x;
        if ((settings.getTransitionMode() == Settings::TRANSITION_MODE_FADE) && ((_matrixOld[y] & t) == t) && ((_matrixNew[y] & t) == t) ) {
          _setPixel(15 - x, y, color);
        else {
          if ((_matrixOverlay[y] & t) == t) {
            _setPixel(15 - x, y, colorOverlay1);
          else if ((_matrixOverlay[y + 1] & t) == t) {
            _setPixel(15 - x, y, colorOverlay2);
          else if ((_matrixOld[y] & t) == t) {
            _setPixel(15 - x, y, colorOld);
          else if ((_matrixNew[y] & t) == t) {
            _setPixel(15 - x, y, colorNew);

    // wir muessen die Eck-LEDs und die Alarm-LED umsetzen...
    byte cornerLedCount[] = {1, 0, 3, 2, 4};
    for ( byte i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
      if ((settings.getTransitionMode() == Settings::TRANSITION_MODE_FADE) && ((_matrixOld[cornerLedCount[i]] & _matrixNew[cornerLedCount[i]] & 0b0000000000011111) > 0) ) {
        _setPixel(110 + i, color);
      else {
        if (((_matrixOld[cornerLedCount[i]] & 0b0000000000011111) > 0) ) {
          _setPixel(110 + i, colorOld);
        else if (((_matrixNew[cornerLedCount[i]] & 0b0000000000011111) > 0) ) {
          _setPixel(110 + i, colorNew);
Пример #4
   Einen X/Y-koordinierten Pixel in der Matrix setzen.
void LedDriverDotStar::_setPixel(byte x, byte y, uint32_t c) {
  _setPixel(x + (y * 11), c);