Пример #1
MTI::MTI(const char * dev_, 
	 OutputMode mode_, 
	 OutputFormat outputDisplay_, 
	 SyncOutMode syncOutMode_):
	device(dev_), mode(MTI_OPMODE_CALIBRATED), outputDisplay(MTI_OPFORMAT_EULER), outputSkipFactor(0), mtcomm(), connected(false),
	pte(10e-3, 6000, 0.0002), emptied_buffers(false)
	baudrate_enum = PBR_115K2;
	baudrate = 115200;
Пример #2
int app_init( void )
	char s[ 16 ];

	if ( ev3_search_tacho_plugged_in( L_MOTOR_PORT, L_MOTOR_EXT_PORT, motor + L, 0 )) {
		get_tacho_max_speed( motor[ L ], &max_speed );
		/* Reset the motor */
		set_tacho_command_inx( motor[ L ], TACHO_RESET );
	} else {
		printf( "LEFT motor (%s) is NOT found.\n", ev3_port_name( L_MOTOR_PORT, L_MOTOR_EXT_PORT, 0, s ));
		/* Inoperative without left motor */
		return ( 0 );
	if ( ev3_search_tacho_plugged_in( R_MOTOR_PORT, R_MOTOR_EXT_PORT, motor + R, 0 )) {
		/* Reset the motor */
		set_tacho_command_inx( motor[ R ], TACHO_RESET );
	} else {
		printf( "RIGHT motor (%s) is NOT found.\n", ev3_port_name( R_MOTOR_PORT, R_MOTOR_EXT_PORT, 0, s ));
		/* Inoperative without right motor */
		return ( 0 );
	command	= moving = MOVE_NONE;

	if ( ev3_search_sensor( LEGO_EV3_IR, &ir, 0 )) {
		_set_mode( MODE_REMOTE );
	} else {
		printf( "IR sensor is NOT found.\n" );
		/* Inoperative without IR sensor */
		return ( 0 );
	printf(	"IR remote control:\n"
	"RED UP & BLUE UP     - forward\n"
	"RED DOWN & BLUE DOWN - backward\n"
	"RED UP | BLUE DOWN   - left\n"
	"RED DOWN | BLUE UP   - right\n"
	"To switch between IR remote control and\n"
	"self-driving" );
	if ( ev3_search_sensor( LEGO_EV3_TOUCH, &touch, 0 )) {
		printf( " use the TOUCH sensor.\n" );
	} else {
		touch = DESC_LIMIT;
		printf( " press UP on the EV3 brick.\n" );
	printf( "Press BACK on the EV3 brick for EXIT...\n" );
	return ( 1 );
Пример #3
bool MTI::set_mode(OutputMode mode_)
	return (_set_mode(mode_) && _configure_device());