Пример #1
/* Checks the hash against the cookie table. If it matches, returns NULL,
 * else returns "". If error, returns error string. */
static const char *_checktag (struct subdbinfo *info,
                              unsigned long num,	/* message number */
                              unsigned long listno,	/* bottom of range => slave */
                              const char *action,
                              const char *seed,
                              const char *hash)		/* cookie */
    sqlite3_stmt *stmt;
    int res;

    /* SELECT msgnum FROM table_cookie WHERE msgnum=num and cookie='hash' */
    /* succeeds only is everything correct. 'hash' is quoted since it is  */
    /*  potentially hostile. */
    if (listno) {			/* only for slaves */
        if (!stralloc_copys(&line,"SELECT listno FROM ")) die_nomem();
        if (!stralloc_cats(&line,info->base_table)) die_nomem();
        if (!stralloc_cats(&line,"_mlog WHERE listno=")) die_nomem();
        if (!stralloc_catb(&line,strnum,fmt_ulong(strnum,listno)))
        if (!stralloc_cats(&line," AND msgnum=")) die_nomem();
        if (!stralloc_catb(&line,strnum,fmt_ulong(strnum,num))) die_nomem();
        if (!stralloc_cats(&line," AND done > 3")) die_nomem();
        if (!stralloc_0(&line)) die_nomem();

        if ((stmt = _sqlquery(info, &line)) == NULL)
            return sqlite3_errmsg((sqlite3*)info->conn);			/* query */
        res = sqlite3_step(stmt);
        sqlite3_finalize(stmt);			/* free res */
        if (res == SQLITE_ROW)
            return "";					/*already done */
        else if (res != SQLITE_DONE)
            return sqlite3_errmsg((sqlite3*)info->conn);

    if (!stralloc_copys(&line,"SELECT msgnum FROM ")) die_nomem();
    if (!stralloc_cats(&line,info->base_table)) die_nomem();
    if (!stralloc_cats(&line,"_cookie WHERE msgnum=")) die_nomem();
    if (!stralloc_catb(&line,strnum,fmt_ulong(strnum,num))) die_nomem();
    if (!stralloc_cats(&line," and cookie='")) die_nomem();
    if (!stralloc_catb(&line,strnum,fmt_str(strnum,hash))) die_nomem();
    if (!stralloc_cats(&line,"'")) die_nomem();
    if (!stralloc_0(&line)) die_nomem();

    if ((stmt = _sqlquery(info, &line)) == NULL)	/* select */
        return sqlite3_errmsg((sqlite3*)info->conn);
    res = sqlite3_step(stmt);
    sqlite3_finalize(stmt);			/* free res */
    if (res == SQLITE_DONE)
        return "";					/* eof => query ok, but null result*/
    else if (res != SQLITE_ROW)
        return sqlite3_errmsg((sqlite3*)info->conn);	/* some error occurred */
    return (char *)0;				/* success! cookie matches */
Пример #2
static const char *remove_table(struct subdbinfo *info,
                                const char *suffix1,
                                const char *suffix2)
    sqlite3_stmt *stmt;
    int res;

    if (table_exists(info,suffix1,suffix2) == 0)
        return 0;

    if (!stralloc_copys(&line,"DROP TABLE ")) die_nomem();
    if (!stralloc_cats(&line,info->base_table)) die_nomem();
    if (!stralloc_cats(&line,suffix1)) die_nomem();
    if (!stralloc_cats(&line,suffix2)) die_nomem();
    if (!stralloc_0(&line)) die_nomem();

    if ((stmt = _sqlquery(info, &line)) == NULL)
        return sqlite3_errmsg((sqlite3*)info->conn);

    res = sqlite3_step(stmt);

    if (res != SQLITE_DONE)
        return sqlite3_errmsg((sqlite3*)info->conn);
    return 0;
Пример #3
/* Searches the subscriber log and outputs via subwrite(s,len) any entry
 * that matches search. A '_' is search is a wildcard. Any other
 * non-alphanum/'.' char is replaced by a '_'. */
static void _searchlog(struct subdbinfo *info,
                       const char *table,
                       char *search,		/* search string */
                       int subwrite())		/* output fxn */
    sqlite3_stmt *stmt;
    int res;
    datetime_sec when;
    struct datetime dt;
    char date[DATE822FMT];

    /* SELECT (*) FROM list_slog WHERE fromline LIKE '%search%' OR address   */
    /* LIKE '%search%' ORDER BY tai; */
    /* The '*' is formatted to look like the output of the non-mysql version */
    /* This requires reading the entire table, since search fields are not   */
    /* indexed, but this is a rare query and time is not of the essence.     */

    if (!stralloc_copys(&line,"SELECT tai, edir||etype||' '||address||' '||fromline"
                        " FROM ")) die_nomem();
    if (!stralloc_cat_table(&line,info,table)) die_nomem();
    if (!stralloc_cats(&line,"_slog")) die_nomem();
    if (*search) {	/* We can afford to wait for LIKE '%xx%' */
        if (!stralloc_cats(&line," WHERE fromline LIKE '%")) die_nomem();
        if (!stralloc_cats(&line,search)) die_nomem();
        if (!stralloc_cats(&line,"%' OR address LIKE '%")) die_nomem();
        if (!stralloc_cats(&line,search)) die_nomem();
        if (!stralloc_cats(&line,"%'")) die_nomem();
    }	/* ordering by tai which is an index */
    if (!stralloc_cats(&line," ORDER by tai")) die_nomem();
    if (!stralloc_0(&line)) die_nomem();

    if ((stmt = _sqlquery(info, &line)) == NULL)

    while ((res = sqlite3_step(stmt)) != SQLITE_DONE) {
        if (res != SQLITE_ROW)

        (void)scan_ulong((const char*)sqlite3_column_text(stmt,0),&when);
        if (!stralloc_copyb(&line,date,date822fmt(date,&dt)-1)) die_nomem();
        if (!stralloc_cats(&line,": ")) die_nomem();
        if (!stralloc_catb(&line,strnum,fmt_ulong(strnum,when))) die_nomem();
        if (!stralloc_cats(&line," ")) die_nomem();
        if (!stralloc_catb(&line,
                           (const char*)sqlite3_column_text(stmt,1),
        if (subwrite(line.s,line.len) == -1) die_write();

Пример #4
static int _issub(struct subdbinfo *info,
                  const char *table,
                  const char *userhost,
                  stralloc *recorded)
    sqlite3_stmt *stmt;
    unsigned int j;
    int res;

    /* SELECT address FROM list WHERE address = 'userhost' AND hash */
    /* BETWEEN 0 AND 52. Without the hash restriction, we'd make it */
    /* even easier to defeat. Just faking sender to the list name would*/
    /* work. Since sender checks for posts are bogus anyway, I don't */
    /* know if it's worth the cost of the "WHERE ...". */

    if (!stralloc_copys(&addr,userhost)) die_nomem();
    j = byte_rchr(addr.s,addr.len,'@');
    if (j == addr.len) return 0;
    case_lowerb(addr.s + j + 1,addr.len - j - 1);

    if (!stralloc_copys(&line,"SELECT address FROM ")) die_nomem();
    if (!stralloc_cat_table(&line,info,table)) die_nomem();
    if (!stralloc_cats(&line," WHERE address LIKE '")) die_nomem();
    if (!stralloc_cat(&line,&addr)) die_nomem();
    if (!stralloc_cats(&line,"'")) die_nomem();
    if (!stralloc_0(&line)) die_nomem();

    if ((stmt = _sqlquery(info, &line)) == NULL)	/* select */

    /* No data returned in QUERY */
    res = sqlite3_step(stmt);
    if (res != SQLITE_ROW)
        if (res != SQLITE_DONE)

        return 0;

    if (recorded)
        if (!stralloc_copyb(recorded, (const char*)sqlite3_column_text(stmt, 0), sqlite3_column_bytes(stmt, 0)))
        if (!stralloc_0(recorded)) die_nomem();

    return 1;
Пример #5
/* This routine inserts the cookie into table_cookie. We log arrival of
 * the message (done=0). */
static void _tagmsg(struct subdbinfo *info,
                    unsigned long msgnum,	/* number of this message */
                    const char *hashout,	/* previously calculated hash */
                    unsigned long bodysize,
                    unsigned long chunk)
    sqlite3_stmt *stmt;
    const char *ret;
    int res;

    if (chunk >= 53L) chunk = 0L;	/* sanity */

    /* INSERT INTO table_cookie (msgnum,cookie) VALUES (num,cookie) */
    /* (we may have tried message before, but failed to complete, so */
    /* ER_DUP_ENTRY is ok) */
    if (!stralloc_copys(&line,"INSERT INTO ")) die_nomem();
    if (!stralloc_cats(&line,info->base_table)) die_nomem();
    if (!stralloc_cats(&line,"_cookie (msgnum,tai,cookie,bodysize,chunk) VALUES ("))
    if (!stralloc_catb(&line,strnum,fmt_ulong(strnum,msgnum))) die_nomem();
    if (!stralloc_cats(&line,",")) die_nomem();
    if (!stralloc_catb(&line,strnum,fmt_ulong(strnum,now()))) die_nomem();
    if (!stralloc_cats(&line,",'")) die_nomem();
    if (!stralloc_catb(&line,hashout,COOKIE)) die_nomem();
    if (!stralloc_cats(&line,"',")) die_nomem();
    if (!stralloc_catb(&line,strnum,fmt_ulong(strnum,bodysize)))
    if (!stralloc_cats(&line,",")) die_nomem();
    if (!stralloc_catb(&line,strnum,fmt_ulong(strnum,chunk))) die_nomem();
    if (!stralloc_cats(&line,")")) die_nomem();
    if (!stralloc_0(&line)) die_nomem();

    if ((stmt = _sqlquery(info, &line)) == NULL)

    res = sqlite3_step(stmt);

    if (res != SQLITE_DONE)
        if (res != SQLITE_CONSTRAINT)		/* ignore dups */
            strerr_die2x(111,FATAL,sqlite3_errmsg((sqlite3*)info->conn));	/* cookie query */

    if (! (ret = logmsg(msgnum,0L,0L,1))) return;	/* log done=1*/
    if (*ret) strerr_die2x(111,FATAL,ret);
Пример #6
/* Creates an entry for message num and the list listno and code "done".
 * Returns NULL on success, and the error string on error. */
static const char *_logmsg(struct subdbinfo *info,
                           unsigned long num,
                           unsigned long listno,
                           unsigned long subs,
                           int done)
    sqlite3_stmt *stmt;
    int res;

    if (!stralloc_copys(&logline,"INSERT INTO ")) die_nomem();
    if (!stralloc_cats(&logline,info->base_table)) die_nomem();
    if (!stralloc_cats(&logline,"_mlog (msgnum,listno,tai,subs,done) VALUES ("))
    if (!stralloc_catb(&logline,strnum,fmt_ulong(strnum,num))) die_nomem();
    if (!stralloc_cats(&logline,",")) die_nomem();
    if (!stralloc_catb(&logline,strnum,fmt_ulong(strnum,listno)))
    if (!stralloc_cats(&line,",")) die_nomem();
    if (!stralloc_catb(&line,strnum,fmt_ulong(strnum,now()))) die_nomem();
    if (!stralloc_cats(&line,",'")) die_nomem();
    if (!stralloc_catb(&logline,strnum,fmt_ulong(strnum,subs))) die_nomem();
    if (!stralloc_cats(&logline,",")) die_nomem();
    if (done < 0) {
        done = - done;
        if (!stralloc_append(&logline,"-")) die_nomem();
    if (!stralloc_catb(&logline,strnum,fmt_uint(strnum,done))) die_nomem();
    if (!stralloc_append(&logline,")")) die_nomem();
    if (!stralloc_0(&logline)) die_nomem();

    if ((stmt = _sqlquery(info, &logline)) == NULL)	/* log query */
        return sqlite3_errmsg((sqlite3*)info->conn);

    res = sqlite3_step(stmt);

    if (res != SQLITE_DONE)
        if (res != SQLITE_CONSTRAINT)		/* ignore dups */
            return sqlite3_errmsg((sqlite3*)info->conn);

    return 0;
Пример #7
const char *sql_create_table(struct subdbinfo *info,
			     const char *definition)
  sqlite3_stmt *stmt;
  int res;


  if ((stmt = _sqlquery(info, &line)) == NULL)
	  return sqlite3_errmsg((sqlite3*)info->conn);

  res = sqlite3_step(stmt);

  if (res != SQLITE_DONE)
	  return sqlite3_errmsg((sqlite3*)info->conn);
  return 0;
Пример #8
const char *sql_drop_table(struct subdbinfo *info,
			   const char *name)
  sqlite3_stmt *stmt;
  int res;

  stralloc_copys(&line,"DROP TABLE ");

  if ((stmt = _sqlquery(info, &line)) == NULL)
	  return sqlite3_errmsg((sqlite3*)info->conn);

  res = sqlite3_step(stmt);

  if (res != SQLITE_DONE)
	  return sqlite3_errmsg((sqlite3*)info->conn);
  return 0;
Пример #9
/* Outputs all addresses in the table through subwrite. subwrite must be
 * a function returning >=0 on success, -1 on error, and taking
 * arguments (char* string, unsigned int length). It will be called once
 * per address and should take care of newline or whatever needed for
 * the output form. */
static unsigned long _putsubs(struct subdbinfo *info,
                              const char *table,
                              unsigned long hash_lo,
                              unsigned long hash_hi,
                              int subwrite())		/* write function. */
    unsigned long no = 0L;
    sqlite3_stmt *stmt;
    int res;
    int length;
    const char *row;

    /* main query */
    if (!stralloc_copys(&line,"SELECT address FROM "))
    if (!stralloc_cat_table(&line,info,table)) die_nomem();
    if (!stralloc_cats(&line," WHERE hash BETWEEN ")) die_nomem();
    if (!stralloc_catb(&line,strnum,fmt_ulong(strnum,hash_lo)))
    if (!stralloc_cats(&line," AND ")) die_nomem();
    if (!stralloc_catb(&line,strnum,fmt_ulong(strnum,hash_hi)))
    if (!stralloc_0(&line)) die_nomem();

    if ((stmt = _sqlquery(info, &line)) == NULL)

    no = 0;
    while ((res = sqlite3_step(stmt)) != SQLITE_DONE) {
        if (res != SQLITE_ROW)
        /* this is safe even if someone messes with the address field def */
        length = sqlite3_column_bytes(stmt, 0);
        row = (const char*)sqlite3_column_text(stmt, 0);
        if (subwrite(row,length) == -1) die_write();
        no++;					/* count for list-list fxn */

    return no;
Пример #10
int sql_table_exists(struct subdbinfo *info,
		     const char *name)
  sqlite3_stmt *stmt;
  int res;

  stralloc_copys(&line,"SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE name='");

  if ((stmt = _sqlquery(info, &line)) == NULL)
	  return -1;
  res = sqlite3_step(stmt);
  if (res == SQLITE_ROW)
	  return 1;
  else if (res != SQLITE_DONE)
	  return -1;
  return 0;
Пример #11
static int table_exists(struct subdbinfo *info,
                        const char *suffix1,
                        const char *suffix2)
    sqlite3_stmt *stmt;
    int res;

    if (!stralloc_copys(&line,"SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE name='")) return -1;
    if (!stralloc_cats(&line,info->base_table)) return -1;
    if (!stralloc_cats(&line,suffix1)) return -1;
    if (!stralloc_cats(&line,suffix2)) return -1;
    if (!stralloc_cats(&line,"'")) return -1;
    if (!stralloc_0(&line)) return -1;

    if ((stmt = _sqlquery(info, &line)) == NULL)
        return -1;
    res = sqlite3_step(stmt);
    if (res == SQLITE_ROW)
        return 1;
    else if (res != SQLITE_DONE)
        return -1;
    return 0;
Пример #12
/* Add (flagadd=1) or remove (flagadd=0) userhost from the subscriber
 * database table. Comment is e.g. the subscriber from line or name. It
 * is added to the log. Event is the action type, e.g. "probe",
 * "manual", etc. The direction (sub/unsub) is inferred from
 * flagadd. Returns 1 on success, 0 on failure. If forcehash is >=0 it
 * is used in place of the calculated hash. This makes it possible to
 * add addresses with a hash that does not exist. forcehash has to be
 * 0..99.  For unsubscribes, the address is only removed if forcehash
 * matches the actual hash. This way, ezmlm-manage can be prevented from
 * touching certain addresses that can only be removed by
 * ezmlm-unsub. Usually, this would be used for sublist addresses (to
 * avoid removal) and sublist aliases (to prevent users from subscribing
 * them (although the cookie mechanism would prevent the resulting
 * duplicate message from being distributed. */
static int _subscribe(struct subdbinfo *info,
                      const char *table,
                      const char *userhost,
                      int flagadd,
                      const char *comment,
                      const char *event,
                      int forcehash)
    sqlite3_stmt *stmt;
    char *cpat;
    char szhash[3] = "00";
    int res;

    unsigned int j;
    unsigned char ch;

    domain.len = 0;			/* clear domain */
    /* lowercase and check address */
    if (!stralloc_copys(&addr,userhost)) die_nomem();
    if (addr.len > 255)			/* this is 401 in std ezmlm. 255 */
        /* should be plenty! */
    j = byte_rchr(addr.s,addr.len,'@');
    if (j == addr.len)
    cpat = addr.s + j;
    case_lowerb(cpat + 1,addr.len - j - 1);
    if (!stralloc_copy(&quoted, &addr)) die_nomem();
    /* stored unescaped, so it should be ok if quoted.len is >255, as */
    /* long as addr.len is not */

    if (forcehash < 0) {
        if (!stralloc_copy(&lcaddr,&addr)) die_nomem();
        case_lowerb(lcaddr.s,j);		/* make all-lc version of address */
        ch = subhashsa(&lcaddr);
    } else
        ch = (forcehash % 100);

    szhash[0] = '0' + ch / 10;		/* hash for sublist split */
    szhash[1] = '0' + (ch % 10);

    if (flagadd) {
        if (!stralloc_copys(&line,"SELECT address FROM ")) die_nomem();
        if (!stralloc_cat_table(&line,info,table)) die_nomem();
        if (!stralloc_cats(&line," WHERE address LIKE '")) die_nomem();
        if (!stralloc_cat(&line,&quoted)) die_nomem();	/* addr */
        if (!stralloc_cats(&line,"'")) die_nomem();
        if (!stralloc_0(&line)) die_nomem();

        if ((stmt = _sqlquery(info, &line)) == NULL)

        res = sqlite3_step(stmt);

        if (res == SQLITE_ROW)
            return 0;						/* there */
        else if (res != SQLITE_DONE)
        } else {							/* not there */
            if (!stralloc_copys(&line,"INSERT INTO ")) die_nomem();
            if (!stralloc_cat_table(&line,info,table)) die_nomem();
            if (!stralloc_cats(&line," (address,hash) VALUES ('"))
            if (!stralloc_cat(&line,&quoted)) die_nomem();	/* addr */
            if (!stralloc_cats(&line,"',")) die_nomem();
            if (!stralloc_cats(&line,szhash)) die_nomem();	/* hash */
            if (!stralloc_cats(&line,")")) die_nomem();
            if (!stralloc_0(&line)) die_nomem();

            if ((stmt = _sqlquery(info, &line)) == NULL)

            if (sqlite3_step(stmt) != SQLITE_DONE)

    } else {							/* unsub */
        if (!stralloc_copys(&line,"DELETE FROM ")) die_nomem();
        if (!stralloc_cat_table(&line,info,table)) die_nomem();
        if (!stralloc_cats(&line," WHERE address LIKE '")) die_nomem();
        if (!stralloc_cat(&line,&quoted)) die_nomem();	/* addr */
        if (forcehash >= 0) {
            if (!stralloc_cats(&line,"' AND hash=")) die_nomem();
            if (!stralloc_cats(&line,szhash)) die_nomem();
        } else {
            if (!stralloc_cats(&line,"' AND hash BETWEEN 0 AND 52"))

        if (!stralloc_0(&line)) die_nomem();

        if ((stmt = _sqlquery(info, &line)) == NULL)

        if (sqlite3_step(stmt) != SQLITE_DONE)


        if (sqlite3_changes((sqlite3*)info->conn) == 0)
            return 0;				/* address wasn't there*/

    /* log to subscriber log */
    /* INSERT INTO t_slog (address,edir,etype,fromline) */
    /* VALUES('address',{'+'|'-'},'etype','[comment]') */

    if (!stralloc_copys(&logline,"INSERT INTO ")) die_nomem();
    if (!stralloc_cat_table(&logline,info,table)) die_nomem();
    if (!stralloc_cats(&logline,
                       "_slog (tai,address,edir,etype,fromline) VALUES ("))
    if (!stralloc_catb(&logline,strnum,fmt_ulong(strnum,now()))) die_nomem();
    if (!stralloc_cats(&logline,",'")) die_nomem();
    if (!stralloc_cat(&logline,&quoted)) die_nomem();
    if (flagadd) {						/* edir */
        if (!stralloc_cats(&logline,"','+','")) die_nomem();
    } else {
        if (!stralloc_cats(&logline,"','-','")) die_nomem();
    if (*(event + 1))	/* ezmlm-0.53 uses '' for ezmlm-manage's work */
        if (!stralloc_catb(&logline,event+1,1)) die_nomem();	/* etype */
    if (!stralloc_cats(&logline,"','")) die_nomem();
    if (comment && *comment) {
        j = str_len(comment);
        if (!stralloc_copys(&quoted, comment)) die_nomem();	/* from */
        if (!stralloc_cat(&logline,&quoted)) die_nomem();
    if (!stralloc_cats(&logline,"')")) die_nomem();
    if (!stralloc_0(&logline)) die_nomem();

    if ((stmt = _sqlquery(info, &logline)) != NULL)
        sqlite3_step(stmt);			/* log (ignore errors) */

    if (!stralloc_0(&addr))
        ;				/* ignore errors */
    logaddr(table,event,addr.s,comment);	/* also log to old log */
    return 1;					/* desired effect */