static void SetFileListAndSizeControls(HWND hwndDlg, FileDlgData *dat) { int fileCount = 0, dirCount = 0, i; __int64 totalSize = 0; struct _stati64 statbuf; TCHAR str[64]; for (i = 0; dat->files[i]; i++) { if (_tstati64(dat->files[i], &statbuf) == 0) { if (statbuf.st_mode & _S_IFDIR) dirCount++; else fileCount++; totalSize += statbuf.st_size; } } GetSensiblyFormattedSize(totalSize, str, _countof(str), 0, 1, NULL); SetDlgItemText(hwndDlg, IDC_TOTALSIZE, str); if (i > 1) { TCHAR szFormat[32]; if (fileCount && dirCount) { mir_sntprintf(szFormat, _T("%s, %s"), TranslateTS(fileCount == 1 ? _T("%d file") : _T("%d files")), TranslateTS(dirCount == 1 ? _T("%d directory") : _T("%d directories"))); mir_sntprintf(str, szFormat, fileCount, dirCount); } else if (fileCount) { mir_tstrcpy(szFormat, TranslateT("%d files")); mir_sntprintf(str, szFormat, fileCount); } else { mir_tstrcpy(szFormat, TranslateT("%d directories")); mir_sntprintf(str, szFormat, dirCount); } SetDlgItemText(hwndDlg, IDC_FILE, str); } else SetDlgItemText(hwndDlg, IDC_FILE, dat->files[0]); EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDOK), fileCount || dirCount); }
int __cdecl CAimProto::FileResume(HANDLE hTransfer, int* action, const PROTOCHAR** szFilename) { file_transfer *ft = (file_transfer*)hTransfer; if (!ft_list.find_by_ft(ft)) return 0; switch (*action) { case FILERESUME_RESUME: { struct _stati64 statbuf; _tstati64(ft->pfts.tszCurrentFile, &statbuf); ft->pfts.currentFileProgress = statbuf.st_size; } break; case FILERESUME_RENAME: mir_free(ft->pfts.tszCurrentFile); ft->pfts.tszCurrentFile = mir_tstrdup(*szFilename); break; case FILERESUME_OVERWRITE: ft->pfts.currentFileProgress = 0; break; case FILERESUME_SKIP: mir_free(ft->pfts.tszCurrentFile); ft->pfts.tszCurrentFile = NULL; break; default: aim_file_ad(hServerConn, seqno, ft->sn, ft->icbm_cookie, true, ft->max_ver); break; } SetEvent(ft->hResumeEvent); return 0; }
bool setup_next_file_send(file_transfer *ft) { TCHAR *file; struct _stati64 statbuf; for (;;) { file = ft->pfts.ptszFiles[ft->cf]; if (file == NULL) return false; if (_tstati64(file, &statbuf) == 0 && (statbuf.st_mode & _S_IFDIR) == 0) break; ++ft->cf; } ft->pfts.tszCurrentFile = file; ft->pfts.currentFileSize = statbuf.st_size; ft->pfts.currentFileTime = statbuf.st_mtime; ft->pfts.currentFileProgress = 0; char* fnamea; T2Utf fname(file); if (ft->pfts.totalFiles > 1 && ft->file[0]) { size_t dlen = mir_strlen(ft->file); if (strncmp(fname, ft->file, dlen) == 0 && fname[dlen] == '\\') { fnamea = &fname[dlen + 1]; for (char *p = fnamea; *p; ++p) if (*p == '\\') *p = 1; } else fnamea = get_fname(fname); } else fnamea = get_fname(fname); send_init_oft2(ft, fnamea); return true; }
/* =========================================================================== * Function do_seekable() * return PK-type error code */ int UnzOpr::do_seekable(int lastchance) { /* static int no_ecrec = FALSE; SKM: moved to globals.h */ ulg sig; struct stati64 stt64; int maybe_exe = false; int too_weird_to_continue = false; int error = 0, error_in_archive; if (Verbose < 0) Notify(ITRACE, _T("starting do_seekable")); /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Open the zipfile for reading in BINARY mode to prevent CR/LF translation, * which would corrupt the bit streams. *--------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ if (_tstati64(fzipfn.c_str(), &stt64) || (error = S_ISDIR(stt64.st_mode)) != 0) return error ? IZ_DIR : PK_NOZIP; fziplen = stt64.st_size; if (stt64.st_mode & S_IEXEC) maybe_exe = true; /* might find unzip, not; etc. */ if (Verbose) // < 0) Notify(ITRACE, _T("opening zip file; fname=%s"), fzipfn.c_str()); fUnzInfile = NULL; AutoStream uzfile(&fUnzInfile); fUnzInfile = new ZFile(this, fzipfn, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL | FILE_FLAG_RANDOM_ACCESS); if (!uzfile.Stream()->IsOpen()) { if (Verbose < 0) Notify(ITRACE, _T("could not open: %s [%s]"), fzipfn.c_str(), SysMsg().c_str()); throw DZException(DZ_ERM_ERROR_CREATE); } if (Verbose < 0) Notify(ITRACE, _T("zip file %s opened OK"), fzipfn.c_str()); /* the stat() test above, but... */ // if (Verbose < 0) // Notify(ITRACE, "do_seekable, loc 3"); /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Find and process the end-of-central-directory header. UnZip need only * check last 65557 bytes of zipfile: comment may be up to 65535, end-of- * central-directory record is 18 bytes, and signature itself is 4 bytes; * add some to allow for appended garbage. *--------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ fcur_zipfile_bufstart = 0; finptr = finbuf; #ifdef TIMESTAMP if (!fqflag && !fT_flag) #else if (!fqflag) #endif Notify(0, _T("Archive: %s"), fzipfn.c_str()); if (Verbose < 0) Notify(ITRACE, _T("do_seekable, loc 4")); if ((((error_in_archive = find_ecrec(MIN(fziplen, 66000L))) != 0 || ((error_in_archive = uz_end_central()) != 0 && DZ_ERR (error_in_archive) != PK_WARN)))) { delete fUnzInfile; fUnzInfile = NULL; if (maybe_exe) Notify(0, _T("maybe an EXE file: %s"), fzipfn.c_str()); if (lastchance) return error_in_archive; else { fno_ecrec = true; /* assume we found wrong file: e.g., */ return PK_NOZIP; /* unzip instead of */ } } if (Verbose < 0) Notify(ITRACE, _T("do_seekable, loc 5")); if (fzflag > 0) { delete fUnzInfile; fUnzInfile = NULL; return error_in_archive; } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Test the end-of-central-directory info for incompatibilities (multi-disk * archives) or inconsistencies (missing or extra bytes in zipfile). *--------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #ifdef NO_MULTIPART error = (fecrec.number_this_disk == 1) && (fecrec.num_disk_start_cdir == 1); #else error = (fecrec.number_this_disk != 0); #endif #ifdef NO_MULTIPART /* concatenation of multiple parts works in some cases */ // else if (!error && fecrec.number_this_disk != 0) { DZError(DZ_ERM_ZIP_MULTI); error_in_archive = PK_FIND; too_weird_to_continue = true; } #endif if (Verbose < 0) Notify(ITRACE, _T("do_seekable, loc 6")); if (!too_weird_to_continue) { /* (relatively) normal zipfile: go for it */ if (error) { Notify(0, _T("maybe a pak bug in %s"), fzipfn.c_str()); error_in_archive = PK_WARN; } if ((fextra_bytes = freal_ecrec_offset - fexpect_ecrec_offset) < 0L) { Notify(0, _T("missing bytes in zipfile")); error_in_archive = PK_ERR; } else if (fextra_bytes > 0) { if ((fecrec.offset_start_central_directory == 0) && (fecrec.size_central_directory != 0)) { /* zip 1.5 -go bug */ Notify(0, _T("NULL central dir")); fecrec.offset_start_central_directory = fextra_bytes; fextra_bytes = 0; error_in_archive = PK_ERR; } else { Notify(0, _T("Warning: extra bytes at start of zipfile")); error_in_archive = PK_WARN; } } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- * Check for empty zipfile and exit now if so. *----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ if (Verbose < 0) Notify(ITRACE, _T("do_seekable, loc 7")); if (fexpect_ecrec_offset == 0L && fecrec.size_central_directory == 0) { Notify(0, _T("Empty zipfile")); delete fUnzInfile; fUnzInfile = NULL; return PK_ERR_NOWARN(error_in_archive) ? error_in_archive : PK_WARN; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- * Compensate for missing or extra bytes, and seek to where the start * of central directory should be. If header not found, uncompensate * and try again (necessary for at least some Atari archives created * with STZip, as well as archives created by J.H. Holm's ZIPSPLIT 1.1). *----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ zlseek(fecrec.offset_start_central_directory); #ifdef OLD_SEEK_TEST if (readbuf((char*) & sig, 4) == 0) { close(fzipfd); fzipfd = 0; /* RCV added 29-1-99 */ return PK_ERR; /* file may be locked, or possibly disk error(?) */ } if (strncmp(fsig, fcentral_hdr_sig, 4)) #else if ((readbuf((char*) & sig, 4) == 0) || sig != CentralFileHeaderSig) #endif { if (Verbose < 0) Notify(ITRACE, _T("central dir found")); fextra_bytes = 0; zlseek(fecrec.offset_start_central_directory); if ((readbuf((char*) & sig, 4) == 0) || sig != CentralFileHeaderSig) { DZError(DZ_ERM_NO_CENTRAL); delete fUnzInfile; fUnzInfile = NULL; return PK_BADERR; } Notify(0, _T("central dir too long")); error_in_archive = PK_ERR; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- * Seek to the start of the central directory one last time, since we * have just read the first entry's signature bytes; then list, extract * or test member files as instructed, and close the zipfile. *----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ if (Verbose < 0) Notify(ITRACE, _T("about to extract files (error = %d)"), error_in_archive); zlseek(fecrec.offset_start_central_directory); // GO DO EXTRACT OR TEST error = extract_or_test_files(); /* EXTRACT OR TEST 'EM */ if (Verbose < 0) Notify(ITRACE, _T("Done with extract/list files (error = %d)"), error); if (error > error_in_archive) /* don't overwrite stronger error */ error_in_archive = error; /* with (for example) a warning */ } /* end if (!too_weird_to_continue) */ delete fUnzInfile; fUnzInfile = NULL; return error_in_archive; }
int CJabberProto::FileSendParse(JABBER_SOCKET s, filetransfer *ft, char* buffer, int datalen) { char* p, *q, *t, *eob; char* str; int num; int currentFile; int fileId; int numRead; eob = buffer + datalen; p = buffer; num = 0; while (ft->state == FT_CONNECTING || ft->state == FT_INITIALIZING) { for (q = p; q + 1 < eob && (*q != '\r' || *(q + 1) != '\n'); q++); if (q + 1 >= eob) break; if ((str = (char*)mir_alloc(q - p + 1)) == NULL) { ft->state = FT_ERROR; break; } strncpy_s(str, q - p, p, _TRUNCATE); str[q - p] = '\0'; debugLogA("FT Got: %s", str); if (ft->state == FT_CONNECTING) { // looking for "GET filename.ext HTTP/1.1" if (!strncmp(str, "GET ", 4)) { for (t = str + 4; *t != '\0' && *t != ' '; t++); *t = '\0'; for (t = str + 4; *t != '\0' && *t == '/'; t++); ft->httpPath = mir_a2t(t); JabberHttpUrlDecode(ft->httpPath); ft->state = FT_INITIALIZING; debugLogA("Change to FT_INITIALIZING"); } } else { // FT_INITIALIZING if (str[0] == '\0') { struct _stati64 statbuf; mir_free(str); num += 2; currentFile = ft->std.currentFileNumber; TCHAR *t = _tcsrchr(ft->std.ptszFiles[currentFile], '\\'); if (t != NULL) t++; else t = ft->std.ptszFiles[currentFile]; if (ft->httpPath == NULL || mir_tstrcmp(ft->httpPath, t)) { if (ft->httpPath == NULL) debugLogA("Requested file name does not matched (httpPath == NULL)"); else debugLog(_T("Requested file name does not matched ('%s' vs. '%s')"), ft->httpPath, t); ft->state = FT_ERROR; break; } debugLog(_T("Sending [%s]"), ft->std.ptszFiles[currentFile]); _tstati64(ft->std.ptszFiles[currentFile], &statbuf); // file size in statbuf.st_size if ((fileId = _topen(ft->std.ptszFiles[currentFile], _O_BINARY | _O_RDONLY)) < 0) { debugLogA("File cannot be opened"); ft->state = FT_ERROR; mir_free(ft->httpPath); ft->httpPath = NULL; break; } char fileBuffer[2048]; int bytes = mir_snprintf(fileBuffer, _countof(fileBuffer), "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nContent-Length: %I64u\r\n\r\n", statbuf.st_size); WsSend(s, fileBuffer, bytes, MSG_DUMPASTEXT); ft->std.flags |= PFTS_SENDING; ft->std.currentFileProgress = 0; debugLogA("Sending file data..."); while ((numRead = _read(fileId, fileBuffer, 2048)) > 0) { if (Netlib_Send(s, fileBuffer, numRead, 0) != numRead) { ft->state = FT_ERROR; break; } ft->std.currentFileProgress += numRead; ft->std.totalProgress += numRead; ProtoBroadcastAck(ft->std.hContact, ACKTYPE_FILE, ACKRESULT_DATA, ft, (LPARAM)&ft->std); } _close(fileId); if (ft->state != FT_ERROR) ft->state = FT_DONE; debugLogA("Finishing this file..."); mir_free(ft->httpPath); ft->httpPath = NULL; break; } } mir_free(str); q += 2; num += (q-p); p = q; } return num; }
/* ** Get the size of the given file */ INT64 NCSFileSizeBytes(NCSTChar *pFilename) { #ifdef WIN32 #ifdef _WIN32_WCE DWORD dwLow; DWORD dwHigh; HANDLE hFile; if(hFile = CreateFile(pFilename, GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY, NULL)) { dwLow = GetFileSize(hFile, &dwHigh); if(dwLow == 0xffffffff && GetLastError() != NO_ERROR) { CloseHandle(hFile); return(-1); } else { CloseHandle(hFile); return((UINT64)dwLow | ((UINT64)dwHigh << 32)); } } else { return(-1); } #else /* _WIN32_WCE */ struct _stati64 statbuf; #ifdef NCS_BUILD_UNICODE #define _tstati64 _wstati64 #else #define _tstati64 _stati64 #endif if(_tstati64(pFilename, &statbuf) != 0) { DWORD dwLow; DWORD dwHigh; HANDLE hFile; #ifdef NCS_BUILD_UNICODE if(hFile = CreateFileW(pFilename, GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY, NULL)) { #else if(hFile = CreateFileA(pFilename, GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY, NULL)) { #endif dwLow = GetFileSize(hFile, &dwHigh); if(dwLow == 0xffffffff && GetLastError() != NO_ERROR) { CloseHandle(hFile); return(-1); } else { CloseHandle(hFile); return((UINT64)dwLow | ((UINT64)dwHigh << 32)); } } else { return(-1); } } return((INT64)statbuf.st_size); #undef _tstati64 #endif #elif defined POSIX #ifdef _LARGEFILE64_SOURCE struct stat64 statbuf; if (stat64(CHAR_STRING(pFilename), &statbuf) != 0) { return(-1); } return((INT64)statbuf.st_size); #else struct stat statbuf; if (stat(CHAR_STRING(pFilename), &statbuf) != 0) { return(-1); } return((INT64)statbuf.st_size); #endif #elif defined IRIX struct stat64 statbuf; if (stat(CHAR_STRING(pFilename), &statbuf) != 0) { return(-1); } return((INT64)statbuf.st_size); #elif defined PALM NCS_FILE_HANDLE hFile; if(NCSFileOpen(pFilename, NCS_FILE_READ, &hFile) == NCS_SUCCESS) { INT32 nFileSize = hFile->nDBSize; NCSFileClose(hFile); return((INT64)nFileSize); } return(-1); #else /* WIN32 */ #error NCSFileSizeBytes(); #endif /* WIN32 */ } /* ** Get the size of the given file */ INT64 NCSFreeDiskSpaceBytes(char *pDirName, INT64 *pTotal) { #ifdef WIN32 NCS_FUNCADDR pGetDiskFreeSpaceEx; //WINBASEAPI BOOL (WINAPI *pGetDiskFreeSpaceEx)(LPCSTR, PULARGE_INTEGER, PULARGE_INTEGER, PULARGE_INTEGER); char szPath[MAX_PATH]; strcpy(szPath, pDirName); if(szPath[0] == '\\' && szPath[strlen(szPath) - 1] != '\\') { // UNC dir must have trailing backslash strcat(szPath, "\\"); } pGetDiskFreeSpaceEx = (NCS_FUNCADDR)GetProcAddress( GetModuleHandle(NCS_T("kernel32.dll")), "GetDiskFreeSpaceExA"); if(pGetDiskFreeSpaceEx) { ULARGE_INTEGER i64FreeBytesToCaller; ULARGE_INTEGER i64TotalBytes; ULARGE_INTEGER i64FreeBytes; if(((BOOL (WINAPI *)(LPCSTR, PULARGE_INTEGER, PULARGE_INTEGER, PULARGE_INTEGER))pGetDiskFreeSpaceEx)(szPath, (PULARGE_INTEGER)&i64FreeBytesToCaller, (PULARGE_INTEGER)&i64TotalBytes, (PULARGE_INTEGER)&i64FreeBytes)) { if(pTotal) { *pTotal = (INT64)i64TotalBytes.QuadPart; } return((INT64)i64FreeBytesToCaller.QuadPart); } else { return(-1); } } else { #if !defined(_WIN32_WCE) DWORD dwSectPerClust; DWORD dwBytesPerSect; DWORD dwFreeClusters; DWORD dwTotalClusters; if(GetDiskFreeSpace(OS_STRING(szPath), &dwSectPerClust, &dwBytesPerSect, &dwFreeClusters, &dwTotalClusters)) { if(pTotal) { *pTotal = (INT64)dwBytesPerSect * (INT64)dwSectPerClust * (INT64)dwTotalClusters; } return((INT64)dwBytesPerSect * (INT64)dwSectPerClust * (INT64)dwFreeClusters); } else { return(-1); } #elif defined(_WIN32_WCE) ULARGE_INTEGER nFreeBytesToCaller; ULARGE_INTEGER nTotalBytes; ULARGE_INTEGER nTotalFreeBytes; if (GetDiskFreeSpaceEx(OS_STRING(szPath), &nFreeBytesToCaller, &nTotalBytes, &nTotalFreeBytes)) { if(pTotal) { *pTotal = (INT64) nFreeBytesToCaller.QuadPart; } return((INT64)nFreeBytesToCaller.QuadPart); } else { return (-1); } #endif } #else // WIN32 return(-1); #endif }
/* _UNICODE: read file (UTF-16 LE/BE, UTF-8, locale specific multibyte encoding) _MBCS: read file */ bool readFile(tstring *o_data, const tstringi &i_filename) { // get size of file #if 0 // bcc's _wstat cannot obtain file size struct _stat sbuf; if (_tstat(i_filename.c_str(), &sbuf) < 0 || sbuf.st_size == 0) return false; #else // so, we use _wstati64 for bcc struct stati64_t sbuf; if (_tstati64(i_filename.c_str(), &sbuf) < 0 || sbuf.st_size == 0) return false; // following check is needed to cast sbuf.st_size to size_t safely // this cast occurs because of above workaround for bcc if (sbuf.st_size > UINT_MAX) return false; #endif // open FILE *fp = _tfopen(i_filename.c_str(), _T("rb")); if (!fp) return false; // read file Array<BYTE> buf(static_cast<size_t>(sbuf.st_size) + 1); if (fread(buf.get(), static_cast<size_t>(sbuf.st_size), 1, fp) != 1) { fclose(fp); return false; } buf.get()[sbuf.st_size] = 0; // mbstowcs() requires null // terminated string #ifdef _UNICODE // if (buf.get()[0] == 0xffU && buf.get()[1] == 0xfeU && sbuf.st_size % 2 == 0) // UTF-16 Little Endien { size_t size = static_cast<size_t>(sbuf.st_size) / 2; o_data->resize(size); BYTE *p = buf.get(); for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++ i) { wchar_t c = static_cast<wchar_t>(*p ++); c |= static_cast<wchar_t>(*p ++) << 8; (*o_data)[i] = c; } fclose(fp); return true; } // if (buf.get()[0] == 0xfeU && buf.get()[1] == 0xffU && sbuf.st_size % 2 == 0) // UTF-16 Big Endien { size_t size = static_cast<size_t>(sbuf.st_size) / 2; o_data->resize(size); BYTE *p = buf.get(); for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++ i) { wchar_t c = static_cast<wchar_t>(*p ++) << 8; c |= static_cast<wchar_t>(*p ++); (*o_data)[i] = c; } fclose(fp); return true; } // try multibyte charset size_t wsize = mbstowcs(NULL, reinterpret_cast<char *>(buf.get()), 0); if (wsize != size_t(-1)) { Array<wchar_t> wbuf(wsize); mbstowcs(wbuf.get(), reinterpret_cast<char *>(buf.get()), wsize); o_data->assign(wbuf.get(), wbuf.get() + wsize); fclose(fp); return true; } // try UTF-8 { Array<wchar_t> wbuf(static_cast<size_t>(sbuf.st_size)); BYTE *f = buf.get(); BYTE *end = buf.get() + sbuf.st_size; wchar_t *d = wbuf.get(); enum { STATE_1, STATE_2of2, STATE_2of3, STATE_3of3 } state = STATE_1; while (f != end) { switch (state) { case STATE_1: if (!(*f & 0x80)) // 0xxxxxxx: 00-7F *d++ = static_cast<wchar_t>(*f++); else if ((*f & 0xe0) == 0xc0) { // 110xxxxx 10xxxxxx: 0080-07FF *d = ((static_cast<wchar_t>(*f++) & 0x1f) << 6); state = STATE_2of2; } else if ((*f & 0xf0) == 0xe0) // 1110xxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx: // 0800 - FFFF { *d = ((static_cast<wchar_t>(*f++) & 0x0f) << 12); state = STATE_2of3; } else goto not_UTF_8; break; case STATE_2of2: case STATE_3of3: if ((*f & 0xc0) != 0x80) goto not_UTF_8; *d++ |= (static_cast<wchar_t>(*f++) & 0x3f); state = STATE_1; break; case STATE_2of3: if ((*f & 0xc0) != 0x80) goto not_UTF_8; *d |= ((static_cast<wchar_t>(*f++) & 0x3f) << 6); state = STATE_3of3; break; } } o_data->assign(wbuf.get(), d); fclose(fp); return true; not_UTF_8: ; } #endif // _UNICODE // assume ascii o_data->resize(static_cast<size_t>(sbuf.st_size)); for (off_t i = 0; i < sbuf.st_size; ++ i) (*o_data)[i] = buf.get()[i]; fclose(fp); return true; }
// MsnFileResume - renames a file int __cdecl CMsnProto::FileResume(HANDLE hTransfer, int* action, const TCHAR** szFilename) { filetransfer* ft = (filetransfer*)hTransfer; if (ft->tType == SERVER_HTTP) { switch (*action) { case FILERESUME_SKIP: ft->close(); ft->bCanceled = true; break; case FILERESUME_RENAME: replaceStrT(ft->std.tszCurrentFile, *szFilename); break; case FILERESUME_OVERWRITE: ft->std.currentFileProgress = 0; break; case FILERESUME_RESUME: { struct _stati64 statbuf; _tstati64(ft->std.tszCurrentFile, &statbuf); ft->std.currentFileProgress = statbuf.st_size; } break; } SetEvent(ft->hResumeEvt); } #ifdef OBSOLETE else { if (!msnLoggedIn || !p2p_sessionRegistered(ft)) return 1; switch (*action) { case FILERESUME_SKIP: if (ft->p2p_appID != 0) p2p_sendStatus(ft, 603); else msnftp_sendAcceptReject(ft, false); break; case FILERESUME_RENAME: replaceStrT(ft->std.tszCurrentFile, *szFilename); default: bool fcrt = ft->create() != -1; if (ft->p2p_appID != 0) { if (fcrt) p2p_sendFeedStart(ft); p2p_sendStatus(ft, fcrt ? 200 : 603); } else msnftp_sendAcceptReject(ft, fcrt); ProtoBroadcastAck(ft->std.hContact, ACKTYPE_FILE, ACKRESULT_INITIALISING, ft, 0); break; } } #endif return 0; }
int ZipFunc::replaceOrig(const DZStrW &d, const DZStrW& s) { struct stati64 t; // results of stat() int copy = 0; int d_exists; d_exists = _tstati64(d, &t) == 0; if (d_exists) { // respect existing soft and hard links! if (t.st_nlink > 1) copy = 1; else { if (_tunlink(d)) return DZ_ERM_ERROR_CREATE; // Can't erase zip file--give up Sleep(5); } } if (!copy) { // Just move s on top of d if (_trename(s, d))// !MoveFile(s, d)) { if (Verbose < 0) Notify(IERROR, _T(" replace failed %s (%s)"), s, errno); copy = 1; // failed ? if (errno != ENOTSAM) return DZ_ERM_ERROR_CREATE; } } if (copy) { HANDLE f, g; // source and destination files int r; // temporary variable diag(_T("in replace - open for read")); if ((f = CreateFile(s, GENERIC_READ, 0, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL | FILE_FLAG_SEQUENTIAL_SCAN, NULL)) <= 0) { diag(_T("in replace - bad open for Read")); Notify(0, _T(" replace: can't open %s [%s]"), s, SysMsg()); return DZ_ERM_TEMP_FAILED; } diag(_T("in replace - fopen for write")); if ((g = CreateFile(d, GENERIC_WRITE, 0, NULL, CREATE_NEW, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL | FILE_FLAG_SEQUENTIAL_SCAN, NULL)) <= 0) { Close_Handle(&f); diag(_T("in replace - bad open for Write")); return DZ_ERM_ERROR_CREATE; } r = filecopy(f, g); Close_Handle(&f); if (!Close_Handle(&g) || r != DZ_ERR_GOOD) { DeleteFile(d); return r ? (DZ_ERR(r) == DZ_ERR_TEMP_FAILED ? DZ_ERR_ERROR_WRITE : r) : DZ_ERM_ERROR_WRITE; } DeleteFile(s); } return DZ_ERR_GOOD; }
HANDLE __cdecl CAimProto::SendFile(MCONTACT hContact, const PROTOCHAR* szDescription, PROTOCHAR** ppszFiles) { if (state != 1) return 0; if (hContact && szDescription && ppszFiles) { DBVARIANT dbv; if (!getString(hContact, AIM_KEY_SN, &dbv)) { file_transfer *ft = new file_transfer(hContact, dbv.pszVal, NULL); bool isDir = false; int count = 0; while (ppszFiles[count] != NULL) { struct _stati64 statbuf; if (_tstati64(ppszFiles[count++], &statbuf) == 0) { if (statbuf.st_mode & _S_IFDIR) { if (ft->pfts.totalFiles == 0) isDir = true; } else { ft->pfts.totalBytes += statbuf.st_size; ++ft->pfts.totalFiles; } } } if (ft->pfts.totalFiles == 0) { delete ft; return NULL; } ft->pfts.flags |= PFTS_SENDING; ft->pfts.ptszFiles = ppszFiles; ft->file = ft->pfts.totalFiles == 1 || isDir ? mir_utf8encodeT(ppszFiles[0]) : (char*)mir_calloc(1); ft->sending = true; ft->message = szDescription[0] ? mir_utf8encodeT(szDescription) : NULL; ft->me_force_proxy = getByte(AIM_KEY_FP, 0) != 0; ft->requester = true; ft_list.insert(ft); if (ft->me_force_proxy) { debugLogA("We are forcing a proxy file transfer."); ForkThread(&CAimProto::accept_file_thread, ft); } else { ft->listen(this); aim_send_file(hServerConn, seqno, detected_ip, ft->local_port, false, ft); } db_free(&dbv); return ft; } } return NULL; }
/** * @brief Shows file/folder selection dialog. * * We need this custom function so we can select files and folders with the * same dialog. * - If existing filename is selected return it * - If filename in (CFileDialog) editbox and current folder doesn't form * a valid path to file, return current folder. * @param [in] parent Handle to parent window. Can be a NULL, but then * CMainFrame is used which can cause modality problems. * @param [out] path Selected folder/filename * @param [in] initialPath Initial file or folder shown/selected. * @return TRUE if user choosed a file/folder, FALSE if user canceled dialog. */ BOOL SelectFileOrFolder(HWND parent, CString& path, LPCTSTR initialPath /*=NULL*/) { String title = theApp.LoadString(IDS_OPEN_TITLE); // This will tell common file dialog what to show // and also this will hold its return value CString sSelectedFile; // check if specified path is a file if (initialPath && initialPath[0]) { // If initial path info includes a file // we put the bare filename into sSelectedFile // so the common file dialog will start up with that file selected if (paths_DoesPathExist(initialPath) == IS_EXISTING_FILE) { String temp; SplitFilename(initialPath, 0, &temp, 0); sSelectedFile = temp.c_str(); } } if (parent == NULL) parent = AfxGetMainWnd()->GetSafeHwnd(); int filterid = IDS_ALLFILES; if (!filterid) filterid = IDS_ALLFILES; String filters = theApp.LoadString(filterid); // Convert extension mask from MFC style separators ('|') // to Win32 style separators ('\0') LPTSTR filtersStr = &*filters.begin(); ConvertFilter(filtersStr); String dirSelTag = theApp.LoadString(IDS_DIRSEL_TAG); // Set initial filename to folder selection tag dirSelTag += _T("."); // Treat it as filename sSelectedFile = dirSelTag.c_str(); // What is assignment above good for? OPENFILENAME_NT4 ofn; memset(&ofn, 0, sizeof(ofn)); ofn.lStructSize = sizeof(ofn); ofn.hwndOwner = parent; ofn.lpstrFilter = filtersStr; ofn.lpstrCustomFilter = NULL; ofn.nFilterIndex = 1; ofn.lpstrFile = sSelectedFile.GetBuffer(MAX_PATH); ofn.nMaxFile = MAX_PATH; ofn.lpstrInitialDir = initialPath; ofn.lpstrTitle = title.c_str(); ofn.lpstrFileTitle = NULL; ofn.Flags = OFN_HIDEREADONLY | OFN_PATHMUSTEXIST | OFN_NOTESTFILECREATE; BOOL bRetVal = GetOpenFileName((OPENFILENAME *)&ofn); // common file dialog populated sSelectedFile variable's buffer sSelectedFile.ReleaseBuffer(); SetCurrentDirectory(env_GetWindowsDirectory().c_str()); // Free handle held by GetOpenFileName if (bRetVal) { path = sSelectedFile; struct _stati64 statBuffer; int nRetVal = _tstati64(path, &statBuffer); if (nRetVal == -1) { // We have a valid folder name, but propably garbage as a filename. // Return folder name String folder = GetPathOnly(sSelectedFile); path.Format(_T("%s\\"), folder.c_str()); } } return bRetVal; }