Пример #1
size_t OSC_Base::_Send(osc_message* message) {
  if (message && message->header.path) {
    _tx(message->header.path, message->header.length);
    return message->header.length;
  return 0;
Пример #2
void GLView::OnKeyPress (int virtKey, int repeatCount) {

    VARIANTARG params[1];

    ::VariantInit (params + 0);
    params[0].vt = VT_INT;
    params[0].intVal = virtKey;

    // invoke script method for the event
    m_pScriptHostDriver->GetScriptHost()->InvokeScriptMethod ( 
Пример #3
void GLView::OnKeyUp (int virtKey) {
    // #TODO: enable this

    VARIANTARG params[1];

    ::VariantInit (params + 0);
    params[0].vt = VT_INT;
    params[0].intVal = virtKey;

    // invoke script method for the event
    m_pScriptHostDriver->GetScriptHost()->InvokeScriptMethod ( 
Пример #4
void GLView::OnMouseMove (int shift, int button, int x, int y) {
    PostMouseEvent (_tx("gls_mouseMove"), button, x, y);
Пример #5
size_t OSC_Base::_Send(const char *path, const char *typestring, va_list ap) {
  const char *typestring_beginning = typestring;
  char *buffer; 
  data_holder_type data_holder;
  uint32_t i;
  int position = 0;
  uint8_t *src, *dst;
  uint32_t total_length;
  va_list ap_size;

  for (i = 0; i < MAX_PATH_LENGTH && path[i]; i++);
  total_length = (i+4)&(~3);
  for (i = 0; i < MAX_TYPESTRING_LENGTH && typestring[i]; i++);
  total_length += (i+4)&(~3);

  // find the size of all the data members (and count the length of the typestring)
  va_copy(ap_size, ap); // we need to use va_args twice
  for (i = 0; i < MAX_TYPESTRING_LENGTH && typestring[i]; i++) {
    // get the first character out of the way
    switch (typestring[i]) {
    case 'c': // TYPE_CHARACTER; 
    case 'i': // TYPE_INTEGER;
    case 'm': // TYPE_MIDI;
    case 'r': // TYPE_RGB;
      total_length+=4; data_holder.value_uint32 = va_arg(ap_size, uint32_t); break;
    case 'f': // TYPE_FLOAT;
      total_length+=4; data_holder.value_float  = (float)va_arg(ap_size, double); break; 

    case 'd': // TYPE_DOUBLE;
    case 'h': // TYPE_LONG;
    case 't': // TYPE_TIMETAG;
      total_length+=8; data_holder.value_sint64 = va_arg(ap_size, sint64_t); break;

    case 's':
      data_holder.value_string = va_arg(ap_size, char*);
      data_holder.length = strlen(data_holder.value_string);
      total_length += (data_holder.length+3)&(~3);
      break; // TYPE_STRING;
    case 'b': // TYPE_BLOB
    case 'B':
      data_holder.length       = va_arg(ap_size, uint32_t);
      data_holder.value_blob   = va_arg(ap_size, uint8_t*);
      total_length += 4 + (data_holder.length+3)&(~3);
      break; // TYPE_BLOB with the advanced length field

  //total_length += (i+3)&(~3);

  buffer = (char*)local_tx_malloc(total_length);
  if (!buffer) return 0;
  memset(buffer, 0x00, total_length);
  memset(&data_holder, 0x00, sizeof(data_holder_type));

  // name
  for (; position < total_length &&       *path != 0x00; position++) buffer[position] = *path++;
  buffer[position++] = 0x00;
  for (; (position & 0x03) != 0x00; position++) buffer[position] = 0x00;

  // typestring
  for (; position < total_length && *typestring != 0x00; position++) buffer[position] = *typestring++;
  buffer[position++] = 0x00;
  for (; (position & 0x03) != 0x00; position++) buffer[position] = 0x00;

  // now onto the data
  typestring = typestring_beginning;

  for (;position < total_length && *typestring != 0x00; typestring++) {
    // get the first character out of the way
    switch (*typestring) {
    case 'c': data_holder.value_uint32 = va_arg(ap, uint32_t);      break; // TYPE_CHARACTER; 
    case 'i': data_holder.value_sint32 = va_arg(ap, int);           break; // TYPE_INTEGER;
    case 'd': data_holder.value_double = va_arg(ap, double);        break; // TYPE_DOUBLE;
    case 'f': data_holder.value_float  = (float)va_arg(ap, double); break; // TYPE_FLOAT;
    case 'm': data_holder.value_uint32 = va_arg(ap, uint32_t);      break; // TYPE_MIDI;
    case 'r': data_holder.value_uint32 = va_arg(ap, uint32_t);      break; // TYPE_COLOR;

      // please note, these are work-arounds to an issue where va_arg requires 64-bit variables
      // to be located on 8-byte boundaries while the stack pushes 64bit variables without this requirement.
    case 'h': data_holder.value_sint64 = va_arg(ap, sint64_t); break;
    case 't': data_holder.value_sint64 = va_arg(ap, sint64_t); break;

    case 's': data_holder.value_string = va_arg(ap, char*);    break; // TYPE_STRING;
    case 'b': data_holder.length       = va_arg(ap, uint32_t);
              data_holder.value_blob   = va_arg(ap, uint8_t*); break; // TYPE_BLOB
    case 'B': data_holder.length       = va_arg(ap, uint32_t);
              data_holder.value_blob   = va_arg(ap, uint8_t*);
              data_holder.crc16        = 0;// TODO: crc16(0, data_holder.value_blob, (data_holder.shortlength << 2)); <<<<============================================== THIS NEEDS FIXING
              data_holder.marker       = 1; break; // TYPE_BLOB with the advanced length field
    case 'F': break; // TYPE_FALSE;
    case 'I': break; // TYPE_IMPULSE;
    case 'N': break; // TYPE_NONE;
    case 'T': break; // TYPE_TRUE;
    case ',': break;

    // now copy the data into place
    switch (*typestring) {
    case 'c': // TYPE_CHARACTER;
    case 'f': // TYPE_FLOAT;
    case 'i': // TYPE_INTEGER;
    case 'm': // TYPE_MIDI;
    case 'r': // TYPE_RGB;
      //*(uint32_t*)(&buffer[position]) = data_holder.value_uint32;
      *(uint8_t*)(&buffer[position++]) = data_holder.value_bytes[3];
      *(uint8_t*)(&buffer[position++]) = data_holder.value_bytes[2];
      *(uint8_t*)(&buffer[position++]) = data_holder.value_bytes[1];
      *(uint8_t*)(&buffer[position++]) = data_holder.value_bytes[0];
      //position += 4;

    case 'd': // TYPE_DOUBLE;
    case 'h': // TYPE_LONG;
    case 't': // TYPE_TIMETAG;
      *(uint8_t*)(&buffer[position++]) = data_holder.value_bytes[7];
      *(uint8_t*)(&buffer[position++]) = data_holder.value_bytes[6];
      *(uint8_t*)(&buffer[position++]) = data_holder.value_bytes[5];
      *(uint8_t*)(&buffer[position++]) = data_holder.value_bytes[4];
      *(uint8_t*)(&buffer[position++]) = data_holder.value_bytes[3];
      *(uint8_t*)(&buffer[position++]) = data_holder.value_bytes[2];
      *(uint8_t*)(&buffer[position++]) = data_holder.value_bytes[1];
      *(uint8_t*)(&buffer[position++]) = data_holder.value_bytes[0];
      //*(uint64_t*)(&buffer[position]) = data_holder.value_uint64;
      //position += 8;

    case 'b': // TYPE_BLOB;
      position += 4;
      src = (uint8_t*)data_holder.value_blob;
      dst = (uint8_t*)&buffer[position];
      for (i = 0; i < (data_holder.length+3)>>2; i++) {
        dst[0] = src[3];
        dst[1] = src[2];
        dst[2] = src[1];
        dst[3] = src[0];
        dst+=4; src+=4;
      position += (data_holder.length+3) & (~3);

    case 'B': // TYPE_BLOB;
      position += 4;
      src = (uint8_t*)data_holder.value_blob;
      dst = (uint8_t*)&buffer[position];
      for (i = 0; i < data_holder.shortlength; i++) {
        dst[0] = src[3];
        dst[1] = src[2];
        dst[2] = src[1];
        dst[3] = src[0];
        dst+=4; src+=4;
      position += (data_holder.length+3) & (~3);

    case 's': // TYPE_STRING;    
      data_holder.length = 0;
      for (;position < total_length && *data_holder.value_blob;) {
        buffer[position++] = *data_holder.value_blob++;
      buffer[position++] = 0x00;
      for (; position < total_length && (position & 0x03) != 0x00; position++) buffer[position] = 0x00;


  _tx(buffer, total_length);
  return total_length;