Пример #1
static void get_obj_settings(
/* set brush and pen based on fill type, for normal objects (polys, pies)  */

    int                 fill_type,
    HPEN                *pen,
    HBRUSH              *brush
) {

    switch( fill_type ) {

    case FILL_BORDER:           // border only: interior not touched (pen)
        *pen = _wpi_createpen( Set_pen_style, 1, Set_color );
        *brush = _wpi_createnullbrush();
        Old_pen = _wpi_selectpen( Win_dc, *pen );
        Old_brush = _wpi_selectbrush( Win_dc, *brush );

    case FILL_INTERIOR:         // interior only: border not touched (brush)
        /* Windows has a nasty bug. NULL_PEN generates a 'non-written'
           border. 'Width' = 0 doesn't help either. With NULL_PEN,
           behaviour depends on the primitive: rectangles goof, polygons
           are OK. Anyway, gist is that we gotta live with it! */
        //*pen = CreatePen( PS_SOLID, 0, _wpi_getrgb( 0, 0, 0 ) );
        *pen = _wpi_createnullpen();
        *brush = cgr_make_brush( Set_color, Set_fill_style );
        Old_pen = _wpi_selectpen( Win_dc, *pen );
        Old_brush = _wpi_selectbrush( Win_dc, *brush );

    case FILL_BORDER_CLEAR:             // border WITH interior erased to bkgd (pen)
        *pen = _wpi_createpen( Set_pen_style, 1, Set_color );
        *brush = cgr_make_brush( GetBkColor( Win_dc ), FILL_SOLID );
        Old_pen = _wpi_selectpen( Win_dc, *pen );
        Old_brush = _wpi_selectbrush( Win_dc, *brush );

    case FILL_BORDER_FILL:              // border and interior (pen & brush)
        *pen = _wpi_createpen( Set_pen_style, 1, Set_color );
        *brush = cgr_make_brush( Set_color, Set_fill_style );
        Old_pen = _wpi_selectpen( Win_dc, *pen );
        Old_brush = _wpi_selectbrush( Win_dc, *brush );
Пример #2
 * initPRES - initialize our presentation space for drawing text
static bool initPRES( statwnd *sw, WPI_PRES pres )
    if( sw->sectionDataFont == NULL ) {
        return( false );
#ifdef __NT__
    oldFont = _wpi_selectfont( pres, systemDataFont );
    oldFont = _wpi_selectfont( pres, sw->sectionDataFont );
    oldBrush = _wpi_selectbrush( pres, brushButtonFace );
    oldBkColor = _wpi_getbackcolour( pres );
    _wpi_setbackcolour( pres, colorButtonFace );
#ifdef __OS2_PM__
    GpiSetBackMix( pres, BM_OVERPAINT );
    oldTextColor = GetTextColor( pres );
    SetTextColor( pres, colorTextFace );
    return( true );

} /* initPRES */
Пример #3
 * drawBorder - draw the border for the view window
static void drawBorder( img_node *node )
    WPI_PRES    presborder;
    HPEN        hgraypen;
    HPEN        hwhitepen;
    HPEN        hblackpen;
    HPEN        holdpen;
    WPI_RECT    rcclient;
    HBRUSH      hnewbrush;
    HBRUSH      holdbrush;
    HBRUSH      nullbrush;
    int         width;
    int         height;
#ifndef __NT__
    WPI_POINT   pt;
    int         top;
    int         bottom;

    presborder = _wpi_getpres( node->viewhwnd );
#if defined( __NT__ )
    hwhitepen = _wpi_createpen( PS_SOLID, 0, GetSysColor( COLOR_BTNHIGHLIGHT ) );
    hblackpen = _wpi_createpen( PS_SOLID, 0, GetSysColor( COLOR_BTNTEXT ) );
    hwhitepen = _wpi_createpen( PS_SOLID, 0, CLR_WHITE );
    hblackpen = _wpi_createpen( PS_SOLID, 0, CLR_BLACK );

    GetClientRect( node->viewhwnd, &rcclient );
    width = _wpi_getwidthrect( rcclient );
    height = _wpi_getheightrect( rcclient );

    if( node->imgtype != BITMAP_IMG ) {
#if defined( __NT__ )
        hgraypen = _wpi_createpen( PS_SOLID, 0, GetSysColor( COLOR_BTNSHADOW ) );
        hgraypen = _wpi_createpen( PS_SOLID, 0, CLR_DARKGRAY );
        holdpen = _wpi_selectobject( presborder, hgraypen );

#if defined( __NT__ )
        hnewbrush = _wpi_createsolidbrush( GetSysColor( COLOR_BTNFACE ) );
        hnewbrush = _wpi_createsolidbrush( CLR_PALEGRAY );
        holdbrush = _wpi_selectobject( presborder, hnewbrush );

        top = 0;
        bottom = height;
        top = _wpi_cvth_y( top, height );
        bottom = _wpi_cvth_y( bottom, height );
        _wpi_rectangle( presborder, 0, top, width, bottom );

         * Draw black border and selected background color in the view window.
        _wpi_selectobject( presborder, hblackpen );
        _wpi_selectobject( presborder, holdbrush );
        _wpi_deleteobject( hnewbrush );
        hnewbrush = _wpi_createsolidbrush( bkgroundColor );
        _wpi_selectobject( presborder, hnewbrush );

        top = BORDER_WIDTH - 1;
        bottom = height - BORDER_WIDTH + 1;
        top = _wpi_cvth_y( top, height );
        bottom = _wpi_cvth_y( bottom, height );
#ifndef __NT__
         * Draw the border relative to the size of the object being displayed,
         * not the window containing it.
        _wpi_rectangle( presborder, BORDER_WIDTH - 1, top,
                        node->width + BORDER_WIDTH + 1, top + node->height + 2 );
        _wpi_selectobject( presborder, holdbrush );
        _wpi_selectobject( presborder, holdpen );
        _wpi_deleteobject( hnewbrush );
    } else {
#ifdef __OS2_PM__
        // I can't seem to get the thick pen to work so I'm using this
        // method.
        hgraypen = _wpi_createpen( PS_SOLID, 0, CLR_PALEGRAY );
        holdpen = _wpi_selectobject( presborder, hgraypen );
        hnewbrush = _wpi_createsolidbrush( CLR_PALEGRAY );
        holdbrush = _wpi_selectobject( presborder, hnewbrush );

        _wpi_rectangle( presborder, 0, 0, width + 1, BORDER_WIDTH + 1 );
        _wpi_rectangle( presborder, 0, 0, BORDER_WIDTH + 1, height + 1 );
        _wpi_rectangle( presborder, 0, height - BORDER_WIDTH, width + 1, height + 1 );
        _wpi_rectangle( presborder, width - BORDER_WIDTH, 0, width + 1, height + 1 );

        _wpi_selectobject( presborder, holdbrush );
        _wpi_deleteobject( hnewbrush );
        _wpi_selectobject( presborder, holdpen );
        _wpi_deleteobject( hgraypen );
#if defined( __NT__ )
        hgraypen = _wpi_createpen( PS_INSIDEFRAME, BORDER_WIDTH,
                                   GetSysColor( COLOR_BTNFACE ) );
        hgraypen = _wpi_createpen( PS_INSIDEFRAME, BORDER_WIDTH, CLR_PALEGRAY );
        holdpen = _wpi_selectobject( presborder, hgraypen );
        nullbrush = _wpi_createnullbrush();
        holdbrush = _wpi_selectbrush( presborder, nullbrush );

        _wpi_rectangle( presborder, 0, 0, rcclient.right, rcclient.bottom );
        _wpi_getoldbrush( presborder, holdbrush );
        _wpi_selectobject( presborder, holdpen );
        _wpi_deleteobject( hgraypen );
        _wpi_deletenullbrush( nullbrush );

        nullbrush = _wpi_createnullbrush();
#if defined( __NT__ )
        hgraypen = _wpi_createpen( PS_SOLID, 0, GetSysColor( COLOR_BTNSHADOW ) );
        hgraypen = _wpi_createpen( PS_SOLID, 0, CLR_DARKGRAY );
        holdbrush = _wpi_selectbrush( presborder, nullbrush );
        holdpen = _wpi_selectobject( presborder, hgraypen );
        top = 0;
        bottom = height;
        top = _wpi_cvth_y( top, height );
        bottom = _wpi_cvth_y( bottom, height );
        _wpi_rectangle( presborder, 0, top, width, bottom );

        _wpi_selectobject( presborder, hblackpen );
        top = BORDER_WIDTH - 1;
        bottom = height - BORDER_WIDTH + 1;
        top = _wpi_cvth_y( top, height );
        bottom = _wpi_cvth_y( bottom, height );
#ifndef __NT__
         * Draw the border relative to the size of the object being displayed,
         * not the window containing it.
        _wpi_rectangle( presborder, BORDER_WIDTH - 1, top,
                        node->width + BORDER_WIDTH + 1, top + node->height + 2 );

        _wpi_selectobject( presborder, holdpen );
        _wpi_selectbrush( presborder, holdbrush );
        _wpi_deletenullbrush( nullbrush );

     * Give the view window the 3D effect.
#ifndef __NT__
    holdpen = _wpi_selectobject( presborder, hwhitepen );

    _wpi_setpoint( &pt, 0, height - 1 );
    _wpi_cvth_pt( &pt, height );
    _wpi_movetoex( presborder, &pt, NULL );

    _wpi_setpoint( &pt, 0, 0 );
    _wpi_cvth_pt( &pt, height );
    _wpi_lineto( presborder, &pt );
    pt.x = width;
    _wpi_lineto( presborder, &pt );

    _wpi_setpoint( &pt, width - BORDER_WIDTH + 1, BORDER_WIDTH - 2 );
    _wpi_cvth_pt( &pt, height );
    _wpi_movetoex( presborder, &pt, NULL );

    pt.y = height - BORDER_WIDTH + 1;
    _wpi_cvth_pt( &pt, height );
    _wpi_lineto( presborder, &pt );
    pt.x = BORDER_WIDTH - 2;
    _wpi_lineto( presborder, &pt );

    _wpi_selectobject( presborder, hgraypen );

    _wpi_setpoint( &pt, BORDER_WIDTH - 2, BORDER_WIDTH - 2 );
    _wpi_cvth_pt( &pt, height );
    _wpi_lineto( presborder, &pt );
    pt.x = width - BORDER_WIDTH + 1;
    _wpi_lineto( presborder, &pt );

    _wpi_selectobject( presborder, holdpen );
    _wpi_deleteobject( hgraypen );
    _wpi_deleteobject( hwhitepen );
    _wpi_deleteobject( hblackpen );
    _wpi_releasepres( node->viewhwnd, presborder );

} /* drawBorder */
Пример #4
void GUIDrawTextBitmapRGB( gui_window *wnd, const char *text,
                            size_t length, int height, gui_coord *pos,
                            WPI_COLOUR fore, WPI_COLOUR back, gui_ord extentx,
                            bool draw_extent, int bitmap )
    int         nDrawX, nDrawY;
    UINT        lenx;
    HBRUSH      brush;
    HBRUSH      old_brush;
    HPEN        pen;
    HPEN        old_pen;
    int         old_rop;
    size_t      num_chars;
    WPI_RECT    rect;
    gui_coord   indent;
    int         hscroll_pos;
    gui_coord   extent;
    WPI_COLOUR  colour;
    GUI_RECTDIM left, top, right, bottom;
    GUI_RECTDIM paint_left, paint_top, paint_right, paint_bottom;
    WPI_RECT    paint_rect;
    WPI_RECT    draw_rect;
    //draw_cache        dcache;

    if( ( wnd->hdc == NULLHANDLE ) || ( wnd->ps == NULL ) ||
        ( ( text == NULL ) && ( bitmap == 0 ) ) ||
        ( ( bitmap != 0 ) && ( height == 0 ) ) ) {
    old_rop = 0;
    old_brush = (HBRUSH)NULL;
    brush = (HBRUSH)NULL;
    old_pen = (HPEN)NULL;
    pen = (HPEN)NULL;
    GUIGetMetrics( wnd );
    if( !bitmap ) {
        height = AVGYCHAR(GUItm);
    rect = wnd->hwnd_client;
    _wpi_getrectvalues( rect, &left, &top, &right, &bottom);
    _wpi_getpaintrect( wnd->ps, &paint_rect );
    _wpi_getwrectvalues( paint_rect, &paint_left, &paint_top, &paint_right,
                         &paint_bottom );
    top = paint_top / height * height;
    bottom = ( paint_bottom + height - 1) / height * height;

    if( GUI_DO_HSCROLL( wnd ) ) {
        hscroll_pos = GUIGetScrollPos( wnd, SB_HORZ );
    } else {
        hscroll_pos = 0;

    if( bitmap == 0 ) {
        num_chars = strlen( text );
        if( num_chars > length ) {
            num_chars = length;

    indent.x = pos->x;
    indent.y = pos->y;
    GUIScaleToScreenR( &indent );
    nDrawY = indent.y;
    if( GUI_DO_VSCROLL( wnd ) ) {
        nDrawY -= GUIGetScrollPos( wnd, SB_VERT );
    nDrawX = left;
    nDrawX += ( indent.x - hscroll_pos );

    if( bitmap > 0 ) {
        lenx = length ;
    } else {
        lenx = GUIGetTextExtentX( wnd, text, num_chars );

    if( draw_extent ) {
        /* blanks out some portion of rest of the line */
        if( extentx != GUI_NO_COLUMN ) {
            extent.x = extentx;
            GUIScaleToScreen( &extent );
            right = nDrawX + extent.x;
    } else {
        right = nDrawX + lenx;
    nDrawY = _wpi_cvth_y_size( nDrawY, _wpi_getheightrect(wnd->hwnd_client), height );

    _wpi_setrectvalues( &draw_rect, nDrawX, nDrawY, right, nDrawY+height );
    if( GUIIsRectInUpdateRect( wnd, &draw_rect ) ) {
        colour = _wpi_getnearestcolor( wnd->hdc, back );
        brush = _wpi_createsolidbrush( colour );
        pen = _wpi_createpen( PS_SOLID, 1, colour );
        if( pen == NULLHANDLE ) {
            GUIError(LIT( Pen_Failed ));
        old_brush = _wpi_selectbrush( wnd->hdc, brush );
        old_pen = _wpi_selectpen( wnd->hdc, pen );
#ifdef __OS2_PM__
        _wpi_rectangle( wnd->hdc, nDrawX, nDrawY+1, right, nDrawY + height - 1 );
        _wpi_rectangle( wnd->hdc, nDrawX, nDrawY, right, nDrawY + height);

        /* if visible even with scrolling */
        if( nDrawX < ( paint_right + hscroll_pos ) ) {
            if( bitmap > 0 ) {
                GUIDrawBitmap( bitmap, wnd->hdc, nDrawX, nDrawY, colour);
            } else {
#ifdef __OS2_PM__
                nDrawY += _wpi_metricdescent( GUItm );
                old_rop = _wpi_setrop2( wnd->hdc, R2_COPYPEN );
                SetText( wnd, fore, back );
                _wpi_textout( wnd->hdc, nDrawX, nDrawY, text, num_chars );
        /* restore old resources */
        if( old_rop != 0 ) {
            _wpi_setrop2( wnd->hdc, old_rop );
        if( old_brush != (HBRUSH)NULL ) {
            _wpi_getoldbrush( wnd->hdc, old_brush );
        if( brush != (HBRUSH)NULL ) {
            _wpi_deletebrush( brush );
        if( old_pen != (HPEN)NULL ) {
            _wpi_getoldpen( wnd->hdc, old_pen );
        if( pen != (HPEN)NULL ) {
            _wpi_deletepen( pen );