Пример #1
int main(void){
    float f1 = -15.5, f2 = 20.0, f3 = -5.0;
    int i1 = -716;
    float result;
    result = absoluteValue(f1);
    printf("result = %.2f\n", result);
    printf("f1 = %.2f\n", result);
    result = absoluteValue(f2) + absoluteValue(f3);
    printf("result = %.2f\n", result);
    result = absoluteValue((float) i1);
    printf("result = %.2f\n", result);
    result = absoluteValue(i1);
    printf("result = %.2f\n", result);
    return 0;
Пример #2
void distanceDataForNode(FocusDirection direction, const FocusCandidate& current, FocusCandidate& candidate)
    if (areElementsOnSameLine(current, candidate)) {
        if ((direction == FocusDirectionUp && current.rect.y() > candidate.rect.y()) || (direction == FocusDirectionDown && candidate.rect.y() > current.rect.y())) {
            candidate.distance = 0;
            candidate.alignment = Full;

    LayoutRect nodeRect = candidate.rect;
    LayoutRect currentRect = current.rect;
    deflateIfOverlapped(currentRect, nodeRect);

    if (!isRectInDirection(direction, currentRect, nodeRect))

    LayoutPoint exitPoint;
    LayoutPoint entryPoint;
    LayoutUnit sameAxisDistance = 0;
    LayoutUnit otherAxisDistance = 0;
    entryAndExitPointsForDirection(direction, currentRect, nodeRect, exitPoint, entryPoint);

    switch (direction) {
    case FocusDirectionLeft:
        sameAxisDistance = exitPoint.x() - entryPoint.x();
        otherAxisDistance = absoluteValue(exitPoint.y() - entryPoint.y());
    case FocusDirectionUp:
        sameAxisDistance = exitPoint.y() - entryPoint.y();
        otherAxisDistance = absoluteValue(exitPoint.x() - entryPoint.x());
    case FocusDirectionRight:
        sameAxisDistance = entryPoint.x() - exitPoint.x();
        otherAxisDistance = absoluteValue(entryPoint.y() - exitPoint.y());
    case FocusDirectionDown:
        sameAxisDistance = entryPoint.y() - exitPoint.y();
        otherAxisDistance = absoluteValue(entryPoint.x() - exitPoint.x());

    float x = (entryPoint.x() - exitPoint.x()) * (entryPoint.x() - exitPoint.x());
    float y = (entryPoint.y() - exitPoint.y()) * (entryPoint.y() - exitPoint.y());

    float euclidianDistance = sqrt(x + y);

    // Loosely based on http://www.w3.org/TR/WICD/#focus-handling
    // df = dotDist + dx + dy + 2 * (xdisplacement + ydisplacement) - sqrt(Overlap)

    float distance = euclidianDistance + sameAxisDistance + 2 * otherAxisDistance;
    candidate.distance = roundf(distance);
    LayoutSize viewSize = candidate.visibleNode->document().page()->mainFrame().view()->visibleContentRect().size();
    candidate.alignment = alignmentForRects(direction, currentRect, nodeRect, viewSize);
Пример #3
void checkArray(int n, int oneZero[], int start[], int *dif, int resultArray1[], int resultArray2[]){
	int difference = 0,
		*interim1 = calloc(n,sizeof(int)),
		*interim2 = calloc(n,sizeof(int));
	int i = 0,
		j = 0,
		k = 0;
	for (i = 0, j = 0, k = 0; i<n; i++){	//splits array in two according to oneZero
		if(oneZero[i] == 1){
			interim1[j] = start[i];
		else if (oneZero[i] == 0)
			interim2[k] = start[i];

	//assigns difference of two arrays and makes it absolute value
	difference = sumArray(n,interim1) - sumArray(n,interim2);
	difference = absoluteValue(difference);

	if (difference < *dif){	//checks new difference with old one
		*dif = difference;	//if smaller assigns smaller value
		copyArray(n,resultArray1,interim1);		//and new arrays
Пример #4
// FIXME: This should take a RenderBoxModelObject&.
bool RenderLineBoxList::rangeIntersectsRect(RenderBoxModelObject* renderer, LayoutUnit logicalTop, LayoutUnit logicalBottom, const LayoutRect& rect, const LayoutPoint& offset) const
    LayoutUnit physicalStart = logicalTop;
    LayoutUnit physicalEnd = logicalBottom;
    if (renderer->view().frameView().hasFlippedBlockRenderers()) {
        RenderBox* block;
        if (is<RenderBox>(*renderer))
            block = downcast<RenderBox>(renderer);
            block = renderer->containingBlock();
        physicalStart = block->flipForWritingMode(logicalTop);
        physicalEnd = block->flipForWritingMode(logicalBottom);

    LayoutUnit physicalExtent = absoluteValue(physicalEnd - physicalStart);
    physicalStart = std::min(physicalStart, physicalEnd);
    if (renderer->style().isHorizontalWritingMode()) {
        physicalStart += offset.y();
        if (physicalStart >= rect.maxY() || physicalStart + physicalExtent <= rect.y())
            return false;
    } else {
        physicalStart += offset.x();
        if (physicalStart >= rect.maxX() || physicalStart + physicalExtent <= rect.x())
            return false;
    return true;
Пример #5
**	Fill the tab with malus for each direction which is less than 10 cases from an ennemy
void	Legend::getEnnemiesDirections(int directions[4], bool const checkIfSameLine) const
  size_t	i = 0;
  int		distanceX;
  int		distanceY;
  int		bonusHits = 0;
  size_t const	x = _character->getX();
  size_t const	y = _character->getY();

  while (i < 4)
      directions[i] = 0;
      i += 1;
  i = 0;
  while (i < _ennemies.size())
      distanceX = x - _ennemies[i]->getX();
      distanceY = y - _ennemies[i]->getY();
      if (distanceX || distanceY)
	  if (checkIfSameLine && (!distanceX || !distanceY))
	    bonusHits += DISTANCE_ENNEMY_MAX;
	  if (absoluteValue(distanceX) + absoluteValue(distanceY) < DISTANCE_ENNEMY_MAX)
	      if (distanceX > 0 && DISTANCE_ENNEMY_MAX - distanceX > directions[LEFT])
		directions[LEFT] = DISTANCE_ENNEMY_MAX - distanceX;
	      if (distanceX < 0 && DISTANCE_ENNEMY_MAX + distanceX > directions[RIGHT])
		directions[RIGHT] = DISTANCE_ENNEMY_MAX + distanceX;
	      if (distanceY > 0 && DISTANCE_ENNEMY_MAX - distanceY > directions[UP])
		directions[UP] = DISTANCE_ENNEMY_MAX - distanceY;
	      if (distanceY < 0 && DISTANCE_ENNEMY_MAX + distanceY > directions[DOWN])
		directions[DOWN] = DISTANCE_ENNEMY_MAX + distanceY;
      i += 1;
  i = 0;
  if (!checkIfSameLine)
    while (i < 4)
	if (directions[i])
	  directions[i] += MALUS_NEAR_ENNEMY;
	i += 1;
  directions[0] += bonusHits;
Пример #6
float squareRoot (float x)
	const float epsilon = .00001;
	float guess = 1.0;
	while ( absoluteValue (guess * guess - x) >= epsilon )
	guess = ( x / guess + guess ) / 2.0;
	return guess;
void motorX(double xAccel)
    if(absoluteValue(xAccel) < ACCEL_SENSITIVITY_BUFFER)
    //zeroing out hover speed when quad copter is stable
    else if((int)xAccel == 0)
        //xChange_i = 0;
        if(x_hover_adjust > 0)
        else if(x_hover_adjust < 0)
    else if(xAccel > 0)
    else if (xAccel < 0)
    //Hover speed adjust
    //Determines different motor power distrubution. Some motors are weaker than others.
    if(x_hover_adjust > motorxy_hoveradjust_thresh)
        motorSpeedHover[0]+= motorxy_hover_increment;
        motorSpeedHover[1]-= motorxy_hover_increment;
        //digitalWrite(ledpin, HIGH);  // turn ON the LED
        x_hover_adjust = 0;
    }else if(x_hover_adjust < (-motorxy_hoveradjust_thresh))
        motorSpeedHover[0]-= motorxy_hover_increment;
        motorSpeedHover[1]+= motorxy_hover_increment;
        //digitalWrite(ledpin, HIGH);  // turn ON the LED
        x_hover_adjust = 0;

    xChange_i += xAccel;  //increase integral portion
    //xChange_i = xChange_d+xAccel;

    //Calculating derivative Current acc-last
    double xDiff = xAccel - xChange_d;
    xChange_d = xAccel;   //remember this accel value for next iteration

    double propTemp = kp*xAccel;
    double intTemp = ki* xChange_i;
    double dervTemp = kd*xDiff;
    double totalAdjustment = (propTemp+intTemp+dervTemp);

    double offset = 0;//(motorSpeedHover[0]-motorSpeedHover[1])/2;
    //At the end of every control/stabalize loop motorSpeedCorrection is set to motorSpeedHover. This way when control is called. motorspeedcorrection is changed and then stabalize makes necessary adjustments prior to turning copter.
    motorSpeedCorrection[0] = motorSpeedCorrection[0] + (totalAdjustment + offset);
    motorSpeedCorrection[1] = motorSpeedCorrection[1] - (totalAdjustment + offset);
Пример #8
float squareRoot(float x, float epsilon)
    float guess = 1.0;

    while (absoluteValue(guess * guess - x) >= epsilon)
        guess = (x / guess + guess) / 2.0;

    return guess;
void motorY(double yAccel)
    if(absoluteValue(yAccel) < ACCEL_SENSITIVITY_BUFFER)
    //zeroing out hover speed when quad copter is stable
    else if((int)yAccel == 0)
        //yChange_i = 0;
        if(y_hover_adjust > 0)
        else if(y_hover_adjust<0)
    else if(yAccel>0)
    else if (yAccel<0)
    //Hover speed adjust
    if(y_hover_adjust > motorxy_hoveradjust_thresh)
        motorSpeedHover[2]+= motorxy_hover_increment;
        motorSpeedHover[3]-= motorxy_hover_increment;
        //digitalWrite(ledpin, HIGH);  // turn ON the LED
        y_hover_adjust = 0;
    }else if(y_hover_adjust < (-motorxy_hoveradjust_thresh))
        motorSpeedHover[2]-= motorxy_hover_increment;
        motorSpeedHover[3]+= motorxy_hover_increment;
        //digitalWrite(ledpin, LOW);  // turn ON the LED
        y_hover_adjust = 0;

    yChange_i += yAccel;  //increase integral portion
    //yChange_i = yChange_d + yAccel;
    //Calculating derivative Current acc-last
    double yDiff = yAccel - yChange_d;
    yChange_d = yAccel;   //remember this accel value for next iteration

    double propTemp = kp*yAccel;
    double intTemp = ki* yChange_i;
    double dervTemp = kd*yDiff;
    double totalAdjustment = (propTemp+intTemp+dervTemp);

    //Determines different motor power distrubution. Some motors are weaker than others.
    double offset = 0;//(motorSpeedHover[2]-motorSpeedHover[3])/2;

    motorSpeedCorrection[2] = motorSpeedCorrection[2] + (totalAdjustment + offset);
    motorSpeedCorrection[3] = motorSpeedCorrection[3] - (totalAdjustment + offset);
Пример #10
double squareRoot (double x)
	const double	epsilon	= .00001;
	double			guess	= 1.0;

	while ( absoluteValue (guess * guess - x) >= epsilon )
		guess = ( x / guess + guess ) / 2.0;

	return guess;
Пример #11
float squareRoot (float n)
    float guess = 1.0;
    float epsilon = .0001;

    while ( absoluteValue ((guess * guess / n) - 1) > epsilon )
        guess = (guess + n / guess) / 2.0;

    return guess;
Пример #12
float squareRoot (float x)
    const float epsilon = .00001;
    float guess = 1.0;
    while ( absoluteValue (guess * guess - x) >= epsilon ) {
        guess = ( x / guess + guess ) / 2.0;
        printf("Guess = %f \n", guess);
    return guess;
Пример #13
 float SquareRoot(float x)
    float guess = 1.0;
    const float epsilon = .00001;
 	while (absoluteValue(guess * guess - x) >= epsilon)
 		guess = (x / guess + guess) / 2.0;
	return guess;
Пример #14
double squareRoot(double x) {
    static const double epsilon = 0.000001;
    double guess = 1.0;
    static int count = 1;

    while (absoluteValue(guess * guess - x) >= epsilon) {
        printf("%i: %f\n", guess, count++);
        guess = (x / guess + guess) / 2.0;

    return guess;
Пример #15
bool RenderLineBoxList::rangeIntersectsRect(RenderBoxModelObject* renderer, LayoutUnit logicalTop, LayoutUnit logicalBottom, const LayoutRect& rect, const LayoutPoint& offset) const
    LayoutUnit physicalStart = logicalTop;
    LayoutUnit physicalEnd = logicalBottom;
    LayoutUnit physicalExtent = absoluteValue(physicalEnd - physicalStart);
    physicalStart = std::min(physicalStart, physicalEnd);

    physicalStart += offset.y();
    if (physicalStart >= rect.maxY() || physicalStart + physicalExtent <= rect.y())
        return false;

    return true;
Пример #16
float squareRoot(float x)
	float s = 2;
	float result = (x/s + s)/2;

	while(absoluteValue(result-s) >= .001)
	{   //uses another function that returns the absolute value
		s = result;
		result = (x/s + s)/2;
		cout << result << endl;

	return result;
Пример #17
float squareRoot (float x) {
    const float episolon = .00001;
    float	    guess	= 1.0;
    float absoluteValue (float x);

    if ( x < 0) {
        printf ("Negative argument to squareRoot.\n");
        return -1.0;
    while ( absoluteValue ( guess * guess - x) >= episolon )
        guess = ( x / guess + guess ) / 2.0;
    return guess;
Пример #18
float squareRoot (float x)
  const float epsilon  = 0.00001;
  float guess = 1.0;

  if ( x < 0 )
    printf ("Negative argument to squareRoot\n");
    return -1.0;

  while ( absoluteValue ((guess * guess) / x - 1) >= epsilon )
    guess = ( x / guess + guess ) / 2.0;

  return guess;
float squareRoot (float x)
	const double epsilon = .000001;
	float guess = 1.0;
	float absoluteValue (float x);

	if ( x < 0 )
		printf ("Roots are imaginary\n");
		return -1.0;

	while ( absoluteValue ((guess * guess) / x - 1.0) >= epsilon ){
		guess = ( x / guess + guess ) / 2.0;

	return guess;
Пример #20
bool LineBoxList::rangeIntersectsRect(LineLayoutBoxModel layoutObject, LayoutUnit logicalTop, LayoutUnit logicalBottom, const CullRect& cullRect, const LayoutPoint& offset) const
    LineLayoutBox block;
    if (layoutObject.isBox())
        block = LineLayoutBox(layoutObject);
        block = layoutObject.containingBlock();
    LayoutUnit physicalStart = block.flipForWritingMode(logicalTop);
    LayoutUnit physicalEnd = block.flipForWritingMode(logicalBottom);
    LayoutUnit physicalExtent = absoluteValue(physicalEnd - physicalStart);
    physicalStart = std::min(physicalStart, physicalEnd);

    if (layoutObject.style()->isHorizontalWritingMode()) {
        physicalStart += offset.y();
        return cullRect.intersectsVerticalRange(physicalStart, physicalStart + physicalExtent);
    } else {
        physicalStart += offset.x();
        return cullRect.intersectsHorizontalRange(physicalStart, physicalStart + physicalExtent);
Пример #21
bool LineBoxList::rangeIntersectsRect(LayoutBoxModelObject* renderer, LayoutUnit logicalTop, LayoutUnit logicalBottom, const LayoutRect& rect, const LayoutPoint& offset) const
    LayoutBox* block;
    if (renderer->isBox())
        block = toLayoutBox(renderer);
        block = renderer->containingBlock();
    LayoutUnit physicalStart = block->flipForWritingMode(logicalTop);
    LayoutUnit physicalEnd = block->flipForWritingMode(logicalBottom);
    LayoutUnit physicalExtent = absoluteValue(physicalEnd - physicalStart);
    physicalStart = std::min(physicalStart, physicalEnd);

    if (renderer->style()->isHorizontalWritingMode()) {
        physicalStart += offset.y();
        if (physicalStart >= rect.maxY() || physicalStart + physicalExtent <= rect.y())
            return false;
    } else {
        physicalStart += offset.x();
        if (physicalStart >= rect.maxX() || physicalStart + physicalExtent <= rect.x())
            return false;

    return true;
Пример #22
double calculate(int numInputTokens, char **inputString){
	int i;
	double result = 0.0;
	char *s;
	struct DynArr *stack;
	double num;
	//set up the stack
	stack = createDynArr(20);

	// start at 1 to skip the name of the calculator calc
	for(i=1;i < numInputTokens;i++)
		s = inputString[i];

		// Hint: General algorithm:
		// (1) Check if the string s is in the list of operators.
		//   (1a) If it is, perform corresponding operations.
		//   (1b) Otherwise, check if s is a number.
		//     (1b - I) If s is not a number, produce an error.
		//     (1b - II) If s is a number, push it onto the stack

		if(strcmp(s, "+") == 0){
		else if(strcmp(s,"-") == 0){
		else if(strcmp(s, "/") == 0){
		else if(strcmp(s, "x") == 0){
        else if(strcmp(s,"^") == 0){
		else if(strcmp(s, "^2") == 0){
		else if(strcmp(s, "^3") == 0){
		else if(strcmp(s, "abs") == 0){
			printf("Absolute value\n");
		else if(strcmp(s, "sqrt") == 0){
			printf("Square root\n");
		else if(strcmp(s, "exp") == 0){
		else if(strcmp(s, "ln") == 0){
			printf("Natural Log\n");
		else if(strcmp(s, "log") == 0){

    // FIXME: You need to develop the code here (when s is not an operator)
    // Remember to deal with special values ("pi" and "e")
    //check if not a number
            if (isNumber(s, &num) == 0){
                if (strcmp(s, "pi") == 0){
                    num = 3.14159265;
                else if (strcmp(s, "e") == 0){
                    num = 2.7182818;
                else{	//wrong
                    printf("%s is not valid (number or operator) \n", s);
            pushDynArr(stack, num);
    }	//end for
/* FIXME: You will write this part of the function (2 steps below)
* (1) Check if everything looks OK and produce an error if needed.
* (2) Store the final value in result and print it out.
    if (sizeDynArr(stack) != 1) {
        printf("Incorrect count of numbers is detected! Calculations CANNOT be preformed. ");
        return 0;
    else {
        result = topDynArr(stack);
    return result;
Пример #23
void solveIK(const AwPoint &startJointPos,
			 const AwPoint &midJointPos,
			 const AwPoint &effectorPos,
			 const AwPoint &handlePos,
			 const AwVector &poleVector,
			 double twistValue,
			 AwQuaternion &qStart,
			 AwQuaternion &qMid)
// This is method that actually computes the IK solution.
	// vector from startJoint to midJoint
	AwVector vector1 = midJointPos - startJointPos;
	// vector from midJoint to effector
	AwVector vector2 = effectorPos - midJointPos;
	// vector from startJoint to handle
	AwVector vectorH = handlePos - startJointPos;
	// vector from startJoint to effector
	AwVector vectorE = effectorPos - startJointPos;
	// lengths of those vectors
	double length1 = vector1.length();
	double length2 = vector2.length();
	double lengthH = vectorH.length();
	// component of the vector1 orthogonal to the vectorE
	AwVector vectorO =
		vector1 - vectorE*((vector1*vectorE)/(vectorE*vectorE));

	// calculate q12 which solves for the midJoint rotation
	// angle between vector1 and vector2
	double vectorAngle12 = vector1.angle(vector2);
	// vector orthogonal to vector1 and 2
	AwVector vectorCross12 = vector1^vector2;
	double lengthHsquared = lengthH*lengthH;
	// angle for arm extension 
	double cos_theta = 
		(lengthHsquared - length1*length1 - length2*length2)
	if (cos_theta > 1) 
		cos_theta = 1;
	else if (cos_theta < -1) 
		cos_theta = -1;
	double theta = acos(cos_theta);
	// quaternion for arm extension
	AwQuaternion q12(theta - vectorAngle12, vectorCross12);
	// calculate qEH which solves for effector rotating onto the handle
	// vector2 with quaternion q12 applied
	vector2 = vector2.rotateBy(q12);
	// vectorE with quaternion q12 applied
	vectorE = vector1 + vector2;
	// quaternion for rotating the effector onto the handle
	AwQuaternion qEH(vectorE, vectorH);

	// calculate qNP which solves for the rotate plane
	// vector1 with quaternion qEH applied
	vector1 = vector1.rotateBy(qEH);
	if (vector1.isParallel(vectorH))
		// singular case, use orthogonal component instead
		vector1 = vectorO.rotateBy(qEH);
	// quaternion for rotate plane
	AwQuaternion qNP;
	if (!poleVector.isParallel(vectorH) && (lengthHsquared != 0)) {
		// component of vector1 orthogonal to vectorH
		AwVector vectorN = 
			vector1 - vectorH*((vector1*vectorH)/lengthHsquared);
		// component of pole vector orthogonal to vectorH
		AwVector vectorP = 
			poleVector - vectorH*((poleVector*vectorH)/lengthHsquared);
		double dotNP = (vectorN*vectorP)/(vectorN.length()*vectorP.length());
		if (absoluteValue(dotNP + 1.0) < kEpsilon) {
			// singular case, rotate halfway around vectorH
			AwQuaternion qNP1(kPi, vectorH);
			qNP = qNP1;
		else {
			AwQuaternion qNP2(vectorN, vectorP);
			qNP = qNP2;

	// calculate qTwist which adds the twist
	AwQuaternion qTwist(twistValue, vectorH);

	// quaternion for the mid joint
	qMid = q12;	
	// concatenate the quaternions for the start joint
	qStart = qEH*qNP*qTwist;
Пример #24
void ik2Bsolver::solveIK(const MPoint &startJointPos,
                         const MPoint &midJointPos,
                         const MPoint &effectorPos,
                         const MPoint &handlePos,
                         const MVector &poleVector,
                         double twistValue,
                         MQuaternion &qStart,
                         MQuaternion &qMid,
                         const double & softDistance,
						 const double & restLength1,
						 const double & restLength2,
						 double & stretching)
// This is method that actually computes the IK solution.
        // vector from startJoint to midJoint
        MVector vector1 = midJointPos - startJointPos; vector1 = vector1.normal() * restLength1;
        // vector from midJoint to effector
        MVector vector2 = effectorPos - midJointPos; vector2 = vector2.normal() * restLength2;
        // vector from startJoint to handle
        MVector vectorH = handlePos - startJointPos;
        // vector from startJoint to effector
        MVector vectorE = effectorPos - startJointPos;
        // lengths of those vectors
        const double length1 = restLength1;
        const double length2 = restLength2;
        const double lengthH = vectorH.length();
        // component of the vector1 orthogonal to the vectorE
        const MVector vectorO =
                vector1 - vectorE*((vector1*vectorE)/(vectorE*vectorE));
        // calculate q12 which solves for the midJoint rotation
        // angle between vector1 and vector2
        const double vectorAngle12 = vector1.angle(vector2);
        // vector orthogonal to vector1 and 2
        const MVector vectorCross12 = vector1^vector2;
        const double lengthHsquared = lengthH * lengthH;
		double weight = 0.0;
		double slowLH = lengthH;// / (1.0 + (6.8 - softDistance) / (restLength1 + restLength2));
		const double da = restLength1 + restLength2 - softDistance;

		if(slowLH > da) {
		    float s = (slowLH - da) / softDistance;
		    if(s> 1.f) s= 1.f;
		    Vector3F pt = m_herm.interpolate(s);
		    // MGlobal::displayInfo(MString("herm ")+ pt.y);
// approading l1+l2 slower 
			weight = 1.0 - exp(-(slowLH - da) / softDistance * 6.98);
			weight = pt.y * weight + (1.f - pt.y) * s;
			slowLH = da + softDistance * weight;

			// MGlobal::displayInfo(MString("wei ")+weight);

//           1
//        /    \
//  l1  /        \ l2
//    /            \	     ---l1---1 ---l2---
//  0 ------ l ------ 2     0 ------ l ------- 2
// angle for arm extension		
		double cos_theta = (slowLH * slowLH - length1*length1 - length2*length2) / (2*length1*length2);
		if (cos_theta > 1) 
                cos_theta = 1;
        else if (cos_theta < -1) 
                cos_theta = -1;
        const double theta = acos(cos_theta);

        // quaternion for arm extension
        MQuaternion q12(theta - vectorAngle12, vectorCross12);
        // calculate qEH which solves for effector rotating onto the handle
        // vector2 with quaternion q12 applied
        vector2 = vector2.rotateBy(q12);
        // vectorE with quaternion q12 applied
        vectorE = vector1 + vector2;
        // quaternion for rotating the effector onto the handle
        MQuaternion qEH(vectorE, vectorH);
		if(lengthH > vectorE.length()) {
			// MGlobal::displayInfo(MString("vle ")+(lengthH-vectorE.length()));
			stretching = (lengthH-vectorE.length()) * weight;
        // calculate qNP which solves for the rotate plane
        // vector1 with quaternion qEH applied
        vector1 = vector1.rotateBy(qEH);
        if (vector1.isParallel(vectorH))
                // singular case, use orthogonal component instead
                vector1 = vectorO.rotateBy(qEH);
        // quaternion for rotate plane
        MQuaternion qNP;
        if (!poleVector.isParallel(vectorH) && (lengthHsquared != 0)) {
                // component of vector1 orthogonal to vectorH
                MVector vectorN = 
                        vector1 - vectorH*((vector1*vectorH)/lengthHsquared);
                // component of pole vector orthogonal to vectorH
                MVector vectorP = 
                        poleVector - vectorH*((poleVector*vectorH)/lengthHsquared);
                double dotNP = (vectorN*vectorP)/(vectorN.length()*vectorP.length());
                if (absoluteValue(dotNP + 1.0) < kEpsilon) {
                        // singular case, rotate halfway around vectorH
                        MQuaternion qNP1(kPi, vectorH);
                        qNP = qNP1;
                else {
                        MQuaternion qNP2(vectorN, vectorP);
                        qNP = qNP2;

        // calculate qTwist which adds the twist
        MQuaternion qTwist(twistValue, vectorH);
		// quaternion for the mid joint
        qMid = q12;     
        // concatenate the quaternions for the start joint
        qStart = qEH*qNP*qTwist;
Пример #25
double calculate(int numInputTokens, char **inputString)
	int i;
	double result = 0.0;
	char *s;
	struct DynArr *stack;

	//for keeping track of # of operands and operators
	int numOfOperands = 0;
	int numOfOperators = 0;
	int check = 0;

	//set up the stack
	stack = createDynArr(20);

	// start at 1 to skip the name of the calculator calc
	for(i=1;i < numInputTokens;i++) 
		s = inputString[i];

		if(strcmp(s, "+") == 0) {
			numOfOperators++;		//increase for binary operators
		else if(strcmp(s,"-") == 0) {
		else if(strcmp(s, "/") == 0) {
		else if(strcmp(s, "x") == 0) {
		else if(strcmp(s, "^") == 0) {
			numOfOperators = numOfOperators;	//for unary operators don't increase
		else if(strcmp(s, "^2") == 0) {
			numOfOperators = numOfOperators;
		else if(strcmp(s, "^3") == 0) {
			numOfOperators = numOfOperators;
		else if(strcmp(s, "abs") == 0) {
			numOfOperators = numOfOperators;
		else if(strcmp(s, "sqrt") == 0) {
			numOfOperators = numOfOperators;
		else if(strcmp(s, "exp") == 0) {
			numOfOperators = numOfOperators;
		else if(strcmp(s, "ln") == 0) {
			numOfOperators = numOfOperators;
		else if(strcmp(s, "log") == 0) {
			numOfOperators = numOfOperators;
			//check if its a number (or pi or e)
			if(isNumber(s, &result)) {
				numOfOperands++;			//increase count of operands
				pushDynArr(stack, result); //if it is push onto stack
			else {
			printf("You entered bad characters, exiting!\n"); //else print error message
	}	//end for 

	//check for correct balance of operands and operators
	//must be one more operand than operators in sequence
	check = numOfOperands - numOfOperators; //this must be equal to 1 for valid input
	if (check > 1) {
		printf("Illegal Input, too many operands or too few operators, exiting\n");
	else if (check < 1) {
		printf("Illegal Input, too few operands or too many operators, exiting\n");

	//if passed check store final result and return
	result = topDynArr(stack);
	return result;