/* ---------------- aa_strct_clssfcn_read ---------------------
 * Given a pointer to a filename, read in the data.
 * This is an interface function, visible to the outside world.
struct aa_strct_clssfcn *
aa_strct_clssfcn_read (const char *fname, const float abs_error)
    struct aa_clssfcn * aa_class;
    struct aa_strct_clssfcn * clssfcn;

    clssfcn = E_MALLOC (sizeof (struct aa_strct_clssfcn));
    clssfcn->log_pp = NULL;
    clssfcn->strct = NULL;
    /* Read the structure information */

    if ((clssfcn->strct = get_clssfcn (fname, abs_error)) == NULL) {
        return NULL;
    } /* TODO: allow also for sequence only classifications */

    /* Read the residue information */
    clssfcn->n_att = clssfcn->strct->dim/2;
    aa_class = ac_read (fname);
    if (aa_class) {
        clssfcn->n_att = aa_class->n_att;
        clssfcn->log_pp = (float ***)d3_array (aa_class->n_class,
                                               aa_class->n_att, MIN_AA,
                                               sizeof (float));
        memcpy (clssfcn->log_pp[0][0], aa_class->log_pp[0][0],
                aa_class->n_class * clssfcn->n_att *
                MIN_AA * sizeof (float));
        aa_clssfcn_destroy (aa_class);
    return clssfcn;
Пример #2
/// Receive command from MBA and send to child through pipe 'lpvThreadParam'.
/// \param lpvThreadParam    child input pipe
static DWORD WINAPI get_and_send_input_thread(LPVOID lpvThreadParam)
    CHAR cInBuf[SZ_MAX_CMD];            // input buffer, write to child
    DWORD nBytesRead, 
    HANDLE hPipeWrite = (HANDLE)lpvThreadParam;

    /// Get input from our console and send it to child through the pipe.
    /// Two conditions to break the inifinite loop
    ///      1. The child process is terminated, causing broken pipe
    ///      2. The main thread detects child process termination and close the DUPLICATED socket,
    ///         causing the recv failed with return <= 0
    while( TRUE ) {
        nBytesRead = ac_read( cInBuf, SZ_MAX_CMD );
        if( nBytesRead > 0 ) {

            if( !WriteFile(hPipeWrite, cInBuf, strlen(cInBuf), &nBytesWrote, NULL) ) {
                if (GetLastError() == ERROR_NO_DATA) 
                    break;  // Pipe was closed (normal exit path).
                    write_agent_log("get_and_send_input_thread - WriteFile", TRUE);
    return 0;
Пример #3
/// Receive MSG_REC_SUCCESS or MSG_REC_FAIL from agent client
/// Return True if receive MSG_REC_SUCCESS, and False if other cases 
static bool recv_ecm_msg( void )
    CHAR errorbuf[sizeof(MSG_REC_SUCCESS)];
    DWORDLONG nBytesRead;
    nBytesRead = ac_read( errorbuf, sizeof(MSG_REC_SUCCESS) );
    if ( nBytesRead != sizeof(MSG_REC_SUCCESS) || strncmp(errorbuf, MSG_REC_SUCCESS, sizeof(MSG_REC_SUCCESS)) != 0  )
        return FALSE;
	return TRUE;
Пример #4
/* ---------------- main      ---------------------------------
main (int argc, char *argv[])
    struct aa_clssfcn *aa_clssfcn;
    if (argc !=2)
    if ( (aa_clssfcn = ac_read (argv[1])) == NULL)
        return (EXIT_FAILURE);
    spielen (aa_clssfcn);
    aa_clssfcn_destroy (aa_clssfcn);
    return (EXIT_SUCCESS);
Пример #5
void server_mainloop( SOCKET server_socket ) 
    SOCKET sClientSocket;
    int iResult,                        // system information with error message
        iSendResult,                    // system information with error message after send function
    MBA_AGENT_RETURN command_result;
    CHAR sLogMessage[SZ_MAX_LOG];
    CHAR sRecvbuf[SZ_MAX_CMD << 1];          // receive buffer from client
    CHAR sCommand_line[SZ_MAX_CMD << 1];     // fully command line
                                             // we allocate two times more space for the string manipulation
    // Accept connections
    while( true ) {
        g_sClientSocket = server_socket;

        sprintf_s(sLogMessage, SZ_MAX_LOG, "[SYSTEM] Start to get commands...\r\n\r\n");
        write_agent_log(sLogMessage, FALSE);
        slen = sizeof(clientaddr);

        // Receive until the peer shuts down the connection
        do {
            ZeroMemory(sRecvbuf, sizeof(sRecvbuf));
            iResult = ac_read( sRecvbuf, SZ_MAX_CMD );
            if (iResult > 0) {
                sprintf_s(sLogMessage, SZ_MAX_LOG, "Bytes received: 0x%08x, Received message: %s\r\n", iResult, sRecvbuf);
                write_agent_log(sLogMessage, FALSE);
                command_code = identify_command(sRecvbuf);
                if (command_code > 0) {
                    ZeroMemory(sCommand_line, sizeof(sCommand_line));
                    memcpy(sCommand_line, &sRecvbuf[5], SZ_MAX_CMD - 5);

                switch (command_code) {
                    case MBA_CMD_EXEC :
                        command_result = execute_cmd(sCommand_line);

                    case MBA_CMD_INVO :
                        command_result = invoke_cmd(sCommand_line);

                    case MBA_CMD_EXPO :
                        command_result = export_cmd(sCommand_line);

                    case MBA_CMD_IMPO :
                        command_result = import_cmd(sCommand_line);

                    case MBA_CMD_LOGF :
                        command_result = expolog_cmd();
                    case MBA_CMD_SYNC :
                        command_result = sync_cmd();

                    case MBA_CMD_UNKNOWN :
                        write_agent_log("main - [COMMAND ERROR] Unknown command", TRUE);
                        command_result = AGENT_RET_SUCCESS;    
                if ( command_result == AGENT_RET_SUCCESS ) {
                    // Echo the buffer back to the sender
                    iSendResult = ac_write( MSG_ACK_PREFIX, sizeof(MSG_ACK_PREFIX) );
                    if (iSendResult == SOCKET_ERROR) {
                        write_agent_log("main - Send to server_socket", TRUE);
                    iSendResult = ac_write( sRecvbuf, SZ_MAX_CMD );
                    if (iSendResult == SOCKET_ERROR) {
                        write_agent_log("main - Send to server_socket", TRUE);
                    iResult = 1;
                sprintf_s(sLogMessage, SZ_MAX_LOG, "Bytes sent: %d\r\n\r\n", iSendResult);
                write_agent_log(sLogMessage, FALSE);
            else if (GetLastError() == 0) {
                write_agent_log("Receive nothing from server_socket", FALSE);
            else {
                write_agent_log("Receive from server_socket", TRUE);
        } while (iResult > 0);
        // shutdown the connection since we're done
        iResult = shutdown(server_socket, SD_SEND);
        if (iResult != -1 && iResult == SOCKET_ERROR) {
            write_agent_log("Main - shutdown server_socket", TRUE);
        sprintf_s(sLogMessage, SZ_MAX_LOG, "[SYSTEM] Connection closing...\r\n");
        write_agent_log(sLogMessage, FALSE);  
Пример #6
/// Do 'import' instruction.
/// \param filepath         fully file path, after modify. The file receive from MBA saving in the path
/// \param sClientSocket    client socket, in order to receive file data
/// Return AGENT_RET_SUCCESS if succeed, or AGENT_RET_FAIL if fail
static MBA_AGENT_RETURN import_cmd(CHAR *filePath)
    HANDLE hFile;                   // handle the import file

    DWORDLONG nBytesRead;
    DWORDLONG nBytesWrite;

    DWORDLONG fileSize;
    DWORDLONG fileSizeStored = 0;

    DWORD recvRound;
    DWORD ptrSetFile;
    CHAR sLogMessage[SZ_MAX_LOG];
    // Get total file size messege from client
    nBytesRead = ac_read( (CHAR*)&fileSize, sizeof(fileSize) );
    if ( nBytesRead != sizeof(fileSize) ) {
        write_agent_log("import_cmd - Receive - can't receive fileszie", TRUE);
        return AGENT_RET_FAIL;
    sprintf_s(sLogMessage, SZ_MAX_LOG, "filePath:[%s]\r\n", filePath);
    write_agent_log(sLogMessage, FALSE);
    sprintf_s(sLogMessage, SZ_MAX_LOG, "Total file size : %ld bytes\r\n", fileSize);
    write_agent_log(sLogMessage, FALSE);

    hFile = CreateFile(
            filePath,                                           // name of the Write
            GENERIC_WRITE,                                      // open for writing
            0,                                                  // do not share
            NULL,                                               // default security
            CREATE_ALWAYS,                                      // create new file only
            FILE_FLAG_WRITE_THROUGH | FILE_FLAG_NO_BUFFERING,   // non-buffering I/O
            NULL );                                             // no attr. template

    if ( hFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) {
        write_agent_log("import_cmd - CreateFile - can't open file", TRUE);
        send_ecm_msg( FALSE );
        return AGENT_RET_FAIL;
    send_ecm_msg( TRUE );
    // caculate how many rounds to receive the file content;
    recvRound = fileSize / SZ_MAX_FILECHUNK;

    // start to fetch & store the QEMU file
    while (recvRound) {

        // --------Check client can read file successfully-------- //
        if ( !recv_ecm_msg() ) {
            write_agent_log("import_cmd - client open file fail", TRUE);
			return AGENT_RET_FAIL;
        // Receive file contents
        nBytesRead = ac_read( fBuf, SZ_MAX_FILECHUNK );
        if( nBytesRead != SZ_MAX_FILECHUNK ) {
            write_agent_log("import_cmd - recv", TRUE);
            return AGENT_RET_FAIL;

        // Write file contents
        if( WriteFile( hFile, fBuf, nBytesRead, (LPDWORD)&nBytesWrite, NULL ) == FALSE ) {
            write_agent_log("import_cmd - WriteFile", TRUE);
            send_ecm_msg( FALSE );
            return AGENT_RET_FAIL;
        send_ecm_msg( TRUE );

        sprintf_s(sLogMessage, SZ_MAX_LOG, "read %ld bytes, fwrite %ld bytes\r\n", nBytesRead, nBytesWrite);
        write_agent_log(sLogMessage, FALSE);

        fileSizeStored += nBytesWrite;


    // perform the last round of file write in times of sector size (for non-buffering write)
    nBytesRead = fileSize % SZ_MAX_FILECHUNK;
    if( nBytesRead ) {
        // --------Check client can read file successfully-------- //
        if ( !recv_ecm_msg() ) {
            write_agent_log("import_cmd - client read file fail", TRUE);
			return AGENT_RET_FAIL;
        ZeroMemory( fBuf, SZ_MAX_FILECHUNK );
        if( nBytesRead != ac_read( fBuf, nBytesRead ) ) {
            write_agent_log("import_cmd - recv", TRUE);
            return AGENT_RET_FAIL;
        //nBytesRead = recv( g_sClientSocket, fBuf, nBytesRead, 0 );
        // Write file contents
        if( WriteFile(hFile, fBuf, SZ_MAX_FILECHUNK, (LPDWORD)&nBytesWrite, NULL) == FALSE ) {
            write_agent_log("import_cmd - WriteFile", TRUE);
            send_ecm_msg( FALSE );
            return AGENT_RET_FAIL;
        send_ecm_msg( TRUE );

        fileSizeStored += nBytesRead;

        // close & re-open file to set the true end of file
        // as we try to minimize the cache activity
        CloseHandle( hFile );
        hFile = CreateFile( filePath, GENERIC_WRITE, 0, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, NULL );
        // Set file pointer 
        ptrSetFile = SetFilePointer( hFile, fileSizeStored, NULL, FILE_BEGIN );
        if ( ptrSetFile ==  INVALID_SET_FILE_POINTER ) {
            write_agent_log("expolog_cmd - GetFileSizeEx", TRUE);
            send_ecm_msg( FALSE );
            return AGENT_RET_FAIL;
        send_ecm_msg( TRUE );
        SetEndOfFile( hFile );
    sprintf_s(sLogMessage, SZ_MAX_LOG, "Total stored size : %ld bytes\r\n", fileSizeStored);
    write_agent_log(sLogMessage, FALSE);

