Пример #1
int getEstimatedAltitude(void)
    static uint32_t previousT;
    uint32_t currentT = micros();
    uint32_t dTime;
    int32_t error;
    int32_t baroVel;
    int32_t vel_tmp;
    int32_t BaroAlt_tmp;
    int32_t setVel;
    float dt;
    float vel_acc;
    float accZ_tmp;
    static float accZ_old = 0.0f;
    static float vel = 0.0f;
    static float accAlt = 0.0f;
    static int32_t lastBaroAlt;
    static int32_t baroGroundAltitude = 0;
    static int32_t baroGroundPressure = 0;
    int16_t tiltAngle = max(abs(angle[ROLL]), abs(angle[PITCH]));

    dTime = currentT - previousT;
    if (dTime < UPDATE_INTERVAL)
        return 0;
    previousT = currentT;

    if (calibratingB > 0) {
        baroGroundPressure -= baroGroundPressure / 8;
        baroGroundPressure += baroPressureSum / (cfg.baro_tab_size - 1);
        baroGroundAltitude = (1.0f - powf((baroGroundPressure / 8) / 101325.0f, 0.190295f)) * 4433000.0f;

        vel = 0;
        accAlt = 0;

    // calculates height from ground via baro readings
    // see: https://github.com/diydrones/ardupilot/blob/master/libraries/AP_Baro/AP_Baro.cpp#L140
    BaroAlt_tmp = lrintf((1.0f - powf((float)(baroPressureSum / (cfg.baro_tab_size - 1)) / 101325.0f, 0.190295f)) * 4433000.0f); // in cm
    BaroAlt_tmp -= baroGroundAltitude;
    BaroAlt = lrintf((float)BaroAlt * cfg.baro_noise_lpf + (float)BaroAlt_tmp * (1.0f - cfg.baro_noise_lpf)); // additional LPF to reduce baro noise

    // calculate sonar altitude only if the sonar is facing downwards(<25deg)
    if (tiltAngle > 250)
        sonarAlt = -1;
        sonarAlt = sonarAlt * (900.0f - tiltAngle) / 900.0f;

    // do sonarAlt and baroAlt fusion
    if (sonarAlt > 0 && sonarAlt < 200) {
        baroAlt_offset = BaroAlt - sonarAlt;
        BaroAlt = sonarAlt;
    } else {
        BaroAlt -= baroAlt_offset;
        if (sonarAlt > 0) {
            sonarTransition = (300 - sonarAlt) / 100.0f;
            BaroAlt = sonarAlt * sonarTransition + BaroAlt * (1.0f - sonarTransition);

    dt = accTimeSum * 1e-6f; // delta acc reading time in seconds

    // Integrator - velocity, cm/sec
    accZ_tmp = (float)accSum[2] / (float)accSumCount;
    vel_acc = accZ_tmp * accVelScale * (float)accTimeSum;

    // Integrator - Altitude in cm
    accAlt += (vel_acc * 0.5f) * dt + vel * dt;                                         // integrate velocity to get distance (x= a/2 * t^2)
    accAlt = accAlt * cfg.baro_cf_alt + (float)BaroAlt * (1.0f - cfg.baro_cf_alt); 		// complementary filter for Altitude estimation (baro & acc)

    // when the sonar is in his best range
    if (sonarAlt > 0 && sonarAlt < 200)
        EstAlt = BaroAlt;
        EstAlt = accAlt;

    vel += vel_acc;

#if 0
    debug[0] = accSum[2] / accSumCount; // acceleration
    debug[1] = vel;                     // velocity
    debug[2] = accAlt;                  // height


    baroVel = (BaroAlt - lastBaroAlt) * 1000000.0f / dTime;
    lastBaroAlt = BaroAlt;

    baroVel = constrain(baroVel, -300, 300);    // constrain baro velocity +/- 300cm/s
    baroVel = applyDeadband(baroVel, 10);       // to reduce noise near zero

    // apply Complimentary Filter to keep the calculated velocity based on baro velocity (i.e. near real velocity).
    // By using CF it's possible to correct the drift of integrated accZ (velocity) without loosing the phase, i.e without delay
    vel = vel * cfg.baro_cf_vel + baroVel * (1 - cfg.baro_cf_vel);
    vel_tmp = lrintf(vel);

    // set vario
    vario = applyDeadband(vel_tmp, 5);

    if (tiltAngle < 800) { // only calculate pid if the copters thrust is facing downwards(<80deg)
        // Altitude P-Controller
        error = constrain(AltHold - EstAlt, -500, 500);
        error = applyDeadband(error, 10);       // remove small P parametr to reduce noise near zero position
        setVel = constrain((cfg.P8[PIDALT] * error / 128), -300, +300); // limit velocity to +/- 3 m/s

        // Velocity PID-Controller
        // P
        error = setVel - vel_tmp;
        BaroPID = constrain((cfg.P8[PIDVEL] * error / 32), -300, +300);

        // I
        errorAltitudeI += (cfg.I8[PIDVEL] * error) / 8;
        errorAltitudeI = constrain(errorAltitudeI, -(1024 * 200), (1024 * 200));
        BaroPID += errorAltitudeI / 1024;     // I in range +/-200

        // D
        BaroPID -= constrain(cfg.D8[PIDVEL] * (accZ_tmp + accZ_old) / 64, -150, 150);

    } else {
        BaroPID = 0;

    accZ_old = accZ_tmp;

    return 1;
Пример #2
void calculateEstimatedAltitude(uint32_t currentTime)
    static uint32_t previousTime;
    uint32_t dTime;
    int32_t baroVel;
    float dt;
    float vel_acc;
    int32_t vel_tmp;
    float accZ_tmp;
    static float accZ_old = 0.0f;
    static float vel = 0.0f;
    static float accAlt = 0.0f;
    static int32_t lastBaroAlt;

    static int32_t baroAlt_offset = 0;
    float sonarTransition;

#ifdef SONAR
    int16_t tiltAngle;

    dTime = currentTime - previousTime;

    previousTime = currentTime;

#ifdef BARO
    if (!isBaroCalibrationComplete()) {
        vel = 0;
        accAlt = 0;

    BaroAlt = baroCalculateAltitude();
    BaroAlt = 0;

#ifdef SONAR
    tiltAngle = calculateTiltAngle(&inclination);
    sonarAlt = sonarCalculateAltitude(sonarAlt, tiltAngle);

    if (sonarAlt > 0 && sonarAlt < 200) {
        baroAlt_offset = BaroAlt - sonarAlt;
        BaroAlt = sonarAlt;
    } else {
        BaroAlt -= baroAlt_offset;
        if (sonarAlt > 0) {
            sonarTransition = (300 - sonarAlt) / 100.0f;
            BaroAlt = sonarAlt * sonarTransition + BaroAlt * (1.0f - sonarTransition);

    dt = accTimeSum * 1e-6f; // delta acc reading time in seconds

    // Integrator - velocity, cm/sec
    accZ_tmp = (float)accSum[2] / (float)accSumCount;
    vel_acc = accZ_tmp * accVelScale * (float)accTimeSum;

    // Integrator - Altitude in cm
    accAlt += (vel_acc * 0.5f) * dt + vel * dt;                                                                 // integrate velocity to get distance (x= a/2 * t^2)
    accAlt = accAlt * barometerConfig->baro_cf_alt + (float)BaroAlt * (1.0f - barometerConfig->baro_cf_alt);    // complementary filter for altitude estimation (baro & acc)
    vel += vel_acc;

#if 0
    debug[1] = accSum[2] / accSumCount; // acceleration
    debug[2] = vel;                     // velocity
    debug[3] = accAlt;                  // height


#ifdef BARO
    if (!isBaroCalibrationComplete()) {

    if (sonarAlt > 0 && sonarAlt < 200) {
        // the sonar has the best range
        EstAlt = BaroAlt;
    } else {
        EstAlt = accAlt;

    baroVel = (BaroAlt - lastBaroAlt) * 1000000.0f / dTime;
    lastBaroAlt = BaroAlt;

    baroVel = constrain(baroVel, -1500, 1500);  // constrain baro velocity +/- 1500cm/s
    baroVel = applyDeadband(baroVel, 10);       // to reduce noise near zero

    // apply Complimentary Filter to keep the calculated velocity based on baro velocity (i.e. near real velocity).
    // By using CF it's possible to correct the drift of integrated accZ (velocity) without loosing the phase, i.e without delay
    vel = vel * barometerConfig->baro_cf_vel + baroVel * (1.0f - barometerConfig->baro_cf_vel);
    vel_tmp = lrintf(vel);

    // set vario
    vario = applyDeadband(vel_tmp, 5);

    altHoldThrottleAdjustment = calculateAltHoldThrottleAdjustment(vel_tmp, accZ_tmp, accZ_old);

    accZ_old = accZ_tmp;